
wa. - Alruna

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Topic Starter
Do not overuse kiai time (the general guideline is one toggle per minute of playtime). Kiai is meant to accent chorus sections, so don't use it just for fountains unless you're doing this extremely rarely. You can toggle kiai off and back on halfway through the chorus if it fits, but using it constantly every few beats/measures is just ridiculous and can distract players .
add tags 'creation records'
make a reverse slider

01:32:648 (1) - close to spinner
[Pastel's Hard]
00:41:778 (1) - don't stack
00:07:865 (3) - nc for 1.0x slider velocity
00:18:300 (8) - nc
01:56:452 (1) - up 2grid

good luck ~ :D
Topic Starter
Hi, Rein0527. Mod request from my queue.

I might be wrong, but title must be "Alruna -innocent garden-" If you don't know how to change it viewtopic.php?f=56&t=24443

[ERT's Beginner]
Too many useless timing sections. It's not necessarily, but if you don't lazy, fix it.
00:40:148 (4) - Finish on reverse.
00:50:583 (3) - ^
00:51:235 (1) - Finish and clap? Or just finish.
01:41:778 (2) - Finish on the beginning of slider?

Seems perfect, but, again, there are many useless timing sections. It's not necessarily, but if you don't lazy, fix it.

[Pastel's Hard]
00:41:778 (1,2) - Why anti-jump?
01:07:865 (1) - Maybe this pattern: And claps on (2) and (4). That sounds more rhythmically.

[inaba's taiko]
00:22:867 - unsnapped note.
02:06:235 (1) - Big Don.
02:06:398 (1) - Big Kat.

00:46:670 (3) - Why anti-jump?
01:04:278 (1) - ^
01:49:278 (3) - ^

01:01:343 (8) - NC

That's all. Pretty solid map and good song.
GL and bye.
Topic Starter

well,my mp3 is BMS version

Rein0527 wrote:

well,my mp3 is BMS version
Ok, I'm glad that I was wrong.

IN GENERAL: wooooo Where's the music track lead in? It will start way too fast then, go to Song Setup, Then Audio, Then Lead in (Seconds) And put at least 1 second in there

I know those Kiai Times gives a nice effect but for Another and Hyper its really annoying x.x

ERT's Easy
00:30:365 Instead of putting this on circle 3, why not somewhere else?
00:32:322 No new combo needed
00:53:028 Put somewhere else so Slider 1 wont overlap Slider 2
01:03:952 No new combo needed

00:46:017 Don't Stack this >w<
01:48:626 Hmm,, this whole part is copied and pasted and then mirrored, so don't stack this o_o

Pastel's hard
00:03:300 Bigger distance spacing
00:05:909 Bigger distance between this and the last slider
00:11:126 ^

01:43:735 Don't Stack this >w<
01:49:278 Don't overlap :o
01:55:311 Don't Stack...

00:34:115 New combo here or else it would get way too long
01:01:343 ^
01:32:648 to 01:34:604 Ugh, now you're just waiting to make a miss >w< Put them closer together while reversing them all
No change but thank you :)
Alright let's see what I can find.

Why is there no lead in? I suggest that you set the lead in to 2000 so that players would get ready.

ERT's Beginner:
00:05:909 (4) - make this a normal hitsound to keep consistency.
00:30:365 (5) - move this away from (3) because the hitburst is still covering this note which makes it hard for beginners to find.
01:02:648 (1) - i think it sounds nice if you can add a finish at the end.
01:16:996 (2) - i really like this slider, i really do, but it's touching the hp bar which might make beginners nervous. try to move it down a bit so that doesn't happen.
01:22:213 (4) - can you make this repeat once? i think beginners might let go after the second repeat.
01:31:343 (2) - can you flip it like this because i was expecting this to go around a circle.
01:36:561 (4,1) - i don't like the overlapping here. (1)'s end is being covered by (4) which makes it hard for beginners to know where the slider end is. I suggest that you flip (1) like this so that it'd be fully visible and easier for beginners.
01:39:170 (2,1) - if you follow the suggestion above move it like this as it forms a blanket sort of.

instead of normal, how about changing the name to standard since "beginner,hyper and another" is on this mapset?
00:01:344 (1) - maybe add a finish at the beginning so that it can go in sync with the cymbals?
00:11:778 (1) - ^
00:31:996 (4,5) - i think this will be hard for some players because they might not hit the repeat slider in time. they'll hit (4) but not the repeat slider as the hitburst covers it. suggest that you move (5) to where (4) is and add another repeat to make it less confusing. or make (5) a 1/1 slider with no repeats to make it easier.
00:46:017 (1) - hmm space this out because some players might hit this too early.
01:20:583 (2,1) - either move (2) somewhere else or flip the slider for (1) because this looks a bit hard for players.
01:35:257 (1) - move this somewhere else because the hitburst is covering this slider which makes it hard for players to spot.
01:48:625 (1) - same as 00:46:017
01:50:419 (4,5,6) - replace this for a 1/2 repeat slider to make it easier?

Pastel's Hard:
00:44:387 (4) - ooh i don't like the look of this slider. can you make it smoother?
01:11:126 (4) - ^
01:32:648 (4) - to make this fun, replace this for 1/4 sliders with 2 repeats.

00:18:300 (8) - make this a NC because the instrumental starts all over again.
00:20:909 (5) - ^
00:24:985 (2) - I don't like the overlapping here at all, so stack this at the end of (6) so that it'd be easy to see and it plays nicely during gameplay.
00:30:203 (2) - ^
00:53:028 (8) - a NC here because it's following the drums.

00:44:061 (7) - how about removing the repeat, add a circle at the big white tick and make it a NC because it's following the violin?
00:53:028 (8) - same as Hyper.
01:01:343 (8) - a NC here because the volume of the bass raises compared to the rest.
01:36:561 (6) - same as above but it's the violin.
01:55:637 (8) - same as 00:53:208

This is the best I can do. GL :D
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ Rein0527 ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Setting a AudioLeadIn : 1000 ~ 2000 pls.


  1. 00:33:952 (5,6,7,8,9) - Try like this rhythm,sound much better.
  2. 01:36:561 (5,6,7,8,9) - ^

[Pastel's Hard]

  1. 00:31:996 (5,6) - Try like this rhythm,sound much better.
  2. 01:12:430 - Add a 1/1 slider,have vocal drum to here.


  1. 01:30:040 (2,3) - Using same spacing.

[ERT's Beginner]

  1. 01:19:604 (3) - Maybe Add new combo.
  2. 01:27:430 (3) - ^

That's all ~

Good luck ~

Kawayi Rika wrote:

[ERT's Beginner]

01:19:604 (3) - Maybe Add new combo.
01:27:430 (3) - ^
No, Because It can read :)

Thank you
Topic Starter
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
From 【All requests posted here will be modded】 queue


fine offest 1338
命名方式..beginner,normal,hard,hyper,another 槽点太多了

ERT's Beginner

降低break前的音量 有点喧宾夺主了已经
00:06:887 (2) - 这种clap声音太大了 造成了粘滞感 不适合放在这里
00:41:778 (3) - 中间点不要放kiai 这样你3个kiai连起来就像一个反而没有效果
01:19:604 (1) - 可以NC
01:39:170 (2) - 变成N-clap用意何在
关于slidertick 如果有XAT发现你slidertick异常音量低估计也会提几句


01:07:539 (2) - 诸如这种弧线
01:44:875 (2) - 同上建议

Pastel's Hard

有些地方间距不够好 如00:05:909 (4,5,1) -
00:13:246 (5) - 别放在折返点还是 放结尾吧
00:16:180 (2) - 折返+尾部clap
00:33:952 (3) - 这种slider不要做
01:44:876 (2) - 同上
00:22:213 (1) - 这里开始音效基本没了 这里才是放强音效的地方 至少强度要与之前齐平
01:13:083 (1,2,3,4) - no-no, 间距问题
01:19:523 (6) - 头不要clap
01:22:050 (1) - 头+折返clap


00:04:278 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - 做成多边形 不要椭圆形
01:05:257 (8,9) - 形状
01:32:648 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - 这种背景音不够强 节奏容易乱 所以不是很推荐做这种jump
我实话实说 你的功力还打不到把做这种图做好 这个another我个人看来不够好 主要问题就是中圈导致的排版混乱和你的音效不够干净


00:41:941 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - hyper放这么小的间距没问题吗
01:44:061 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - copy&paste

另外还是01:44:876 (2) 这里的kiai问题


LKs wrote:

ERT's Beginner

降低break前的音量 有点喧宾夺主了已经
00:06:887 (2) - 这种clap声音太大了 造成了粘滞感 不适合放在这里
00:41:778 (3) - 中间点不要放kiai 这样你3个kiai连起来就像一个反而没有效果

01:19:604 (1) - 可以NC 不用了,反正1,2,3個就是一組圖案
01:39:170 (2) - 变成N-clap用意何在
关于slidertick 如果有XAT发现你slidertick异常音量低估计也会提几句
其餘的不清楚,因為綠線是直接烤背another的 :)


To Rein0527 :




Download: wa. - Alruna (Rein0527) [ERT's Beginner].osu
[From ax_pokl's modding queue]
good map~.
as you can find, a ranked map should have no more than 4 osu diffs..
00:03:789 (1) - add a red note?
00:16:425 (1) - blue?
00:38:028 (1) - blue?
very well, nth to change.
[P's Hard]
00:05:909 (4,5) - too far.
00:17:648 (2,3) - too far.
00:41:126 (3,1) - do not stack.
no more problem.
00:14:876 (4,7) - reverse
01:15:528 (5,6) - don't stack.
approach rate => 9?
HP rate => 5?
00:03:137 (3,4) - reverse?
00:22:213 (8,1) - add sth (a spinner or other?)
01:35:256 (6,1) - do not stack?
01:50:909 (1,2) - no nc / nc?
00:21:724 (4) - red line note?
00:31:996 (4,5) - hard to read, do not stack?
01:37:866 (1) - => circle?
[From ax_pokl's modding queue]
Hi there~~mod froem queue

  1. 建议用STR2吧,1显得有些空
  2. 00:34:115 (7,8,9,10,11) - 感觉用3连slider比5连听着要舒服
  3. 00:35:257 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这里听着节奏上有点奇怪,试试看把前面的00:34:931 (13) - 改成note,然后5连从00:35:093 - 起,之后00:35:583 - 补note?
  4. 01:13:735 (4,5,6) - 感觉这里间距可以拉大一些?
  5. 01:32:648 - 这段好漂亮!
  1. 00:37:213 - 这里考虑加个note?
  2. 00:39:333 - ^
  3. 01:32:648 (1) - 这里开始这段带跳的stream对于hard难度来说可能过难了,考虑降低一点难度吧……
  4. 01:35:583 (1) - 这个stack也拿开吧,要不几乎整个被前面的comboburst挡住了……

好图,star & GL :)
Topic Starter
Request from my mod queue ~

ERT's Beginner
驚見ERT大的Easy diff !!!!!

00:11:126 (4) - +Clap ? 前面竟然有了後面就應該 ... 恩

00:22:539 (2) - 往上一格(gird level4) 和(1)的尾對齊

01:07:865 (2) - 往下一格 (gird level4) 和(1)對齊 (手誤?@A@)

01:43:083 (1) - 這邊的clap意義為何 OAO ?! 刪掉吧

果然我還是最愛ERT大的簡單diff ~w~


Circle Size 改到Normal , 太小就不叫Normal了

00:14:387 ~ 00:19:278 - 這邊節奏改成這樣

其它都很棒 !!


01:15:365 (3,4,5,6) - 有點亂哦 ~ 希望(6)能像(3,4,5)這樣繼續往上排

01:19:605 (1) - 和(2)平行 (手誤?)

01:25:474 (1) - 用短滑條來代替變速吧 ... 沒什麼必要變速 ?

01:26:778 (1) - ^


00:19:930 (2) - 和(1)對齊吧 (後面也要改)

00:45:039 (11) - 往上兩格 (gird level4)

01:31:833 (8) - 這個角度不對吧 ? 必須像(6)那樣傾斜才行

差不多像這樣了 =w= , 若我的Mod都沒用到的話實在很抱歉 >< !
Star ~

ay6859 wrote:

ERT's Beginner
驚見ERT大的Easy diff !!!!! 近來到處接了一大堆EZ GD來做www

00:11:126 (4) - +Clap ? 前面竟然有了後面就應該 ... 恩 是的

00:22:539 (2) - 往上一格(gird level4) 和(1)的尾對齊 是的

01:07:865 (2) - 往下一格 (gird level4) 和(1)對齊 (手誤?@A@) 是的

01:43:083 (1) - 這邊的clap意義為何 OAO ?! 刪掉吧 是的

果然我還是最愛ERT大的簡單diff ~w~ 謝謝OWO


Download: wa. - Alruna (Rein0527) [ERT's Beginner].osu
Topic Starter
Please rename

Download: wa. - Alruna (Rein0527) [Hard].osu
Topic Starter
Yeah, it's ok.
Topic Starter
thanks you~
As requested, 2 bms song in a row I will mention the same thing as the one I just mod and it's that I can probably not mod Another well.

Also puush is not working so feel free to pm me if you don't understand something.


- Perhaps lower the volume of the mp3, I can barely hear the soft hitsounds.


Hmm, strange hitsound at the begin for me, try this perhaps
00:05:909 (4) - Normal hitsound here
00:06:235 (1) - Remove the normal hitsound from the end
00:06:887 (2) - Remove clap from end
00:08:191 (4) - Remove clap from repeat
00:09:496 (2) - Remove clap from end
00:11:126 (4) - Remove clap from end
Basically change so that there's a normal hitsound every 4 white ticks and get rid of the claps, I don't understand why you decide to use normal hitsound clap here at all, I thought you change to normal hitsound so you could use the normal-hitnormal as clap without having to put a custom clap sound. Your choice through. Definitely recommend following 00:05:904 & 00:06:235 atleast.
00:36:561 (3) - Whistle at repeat sound perfect here.
00:52:213 (1,2) - Whistle at both slider begin
01:07:865 (2) - Finish with lower volume gives a nice effect.
01:13:083 (2) - ^
01:34:930 (2) - Don't think you should have clap here, think of these notes as lead up to the song or to make my point a bit more clear. Weird to have clap starting before the song begin right?
01:49:604 (4,6) - Whistle for the piano perhaps so on (4) and begin of (6).
01:54:822 (1,2) - Whistle at end of (1) and begin of (2).

Hmm can barely hear the whistle at all, if the whistle was more louder, I think some nice things could be done with the hitsound here and a nice custom hi hat sound for some parts and the hitsound will be perfect. Map look fine to me through, just think that if the whistle was louder and there was a nice custom hi hat sound, the hitsound would be a lot better.


00:22:213 (5) - Why not do a short slider as well like 00:21:724 (4)?
00:26:778 (3,1) - Whistle at end of (3) and remove from (1). Following piano seems better to me.
00:43:409 (1,2) - These two sliders could look better to me.
00:46:017 (1) - I think it's better to stack this with the previous note instead of spacing it out to represent that pause feel.
00:53:517 (1,2) - Change to slider so that you emphasize (3) much more?
01:46:017 (1,2) - Same as 00:43:409.
01:56:126 (1,2,3) - Same as 00:53:517.

Looks good to me.


- Consider raising hitsound volume to 90% - 100% as the mp3 is quite loud.

00:03:137 (6) - Sound better to me removing the whistle from end.
00:09:007 (4) - ^ remove whistle
00:41:778 (1,2,3) - Perhaps snap them to 1.0x snap. If this was Insane, I would suggest something along the line of anti jump, but since this is hard, I just ask to lower spacing a bit to give more accent to the note?
01:53:843 (1) - Place at x:504 y:104 for anti jump seem better then just stacking.

Nice map.


00:32:974 (1,2) - Ctrl+R then stack (2) on (6)? If this was Another, I won't complain about note stack after stream, but since this is just hyper, nicer if you don't stack a note at end of stream.
00:59:713 (5,6,7) - Place them in a similar way as 00:59:061 (2,3,4) ?
01:04:278 (1) - Same as 00:32:974, how about placing it at x:440 y:48.
01:19:767 (1) - Don't think you should have a jump here. Because of the music at 01:19:604, I was expecting a pause here and looking at the spacing, it look like there is a pause, but I was wrong and hit this note late. If you really want to keep this jump, please space out 01:19:523 (9,10) to higher distant snap.
01:24:333 (8) - Please snap this to 1.2x (place at x:88 y:320) , this part with current spacing feel really clustered (due to the stream), which doesn't give off a natural feel so making this part weird to hit. This really help. An example of why this is weird is say, if you map this and snap every single note to 0.5x distant snap, would probably be very weird to play, similar feeling here.
01:35:583 (1,2) - Same as 00:32:974.

Almost all BMS map I played have really nice Hypers :S


01:33:789 (4) - Ctrl+J, Ctrl+ H, Ctrl+R and put back in same spot. All sliders here points to the next slider and this is the only that doesn't.
01:38:844 (9) - I don't like this jump at all, you are using 0.8x distant snap for most of the map and then you increase the spacing by 250&, dont' think the music here really increase in intensity by 250% So perhaps make the jump 1.6x instead.
01:56:452 (1) - Stack on begin of 01:54:496 (3) instead? I prefer if you put the last circle in the center of the map, but just preference.

Hmm pretty nice map, I'll assume that the jumps are too hard for me and follow the music well.

Map looks good, I think hitsound can be nicer in Beginner and really consider lowering volume of mp3 since hitsound are barely audible.

Was quite lazy in this mod, and can't mod BMS song well so hopefully my mod wasn't useless.

Star and good luck!

lol I'm tired, wasn't suppose to star this map since you didn't follow rule 3 in my queue, oh well, be sure to read rules more carefully next time
Topic Starter

merchat7 wrote:

lol I'm tired, wasn't suppose to star this map since you didn't follow rule 3 in my queue, oh well, be sure to read rules more carefully next time
Sorry about that>_<,but thanks you

merchat7 wrote:


- Consider raising hitsound volume to 90% - 100% as the mp3 is quite loud.

00:03:137 (6) - Sound better to me removing the whistle from end.
00:09:007 (4) - ^ remove whistle
00:41:778 (1,2,3) - Perhaps snap them to 1.0x snap. If this was Insane, I would suggest something along the line of anti jump, but since this is hard, I just ask to lower spacing a bit to give more accent to the note?
01:53:843 (1) - Place at x:504 y:104 for anti jump seem better then just stacking.

Nice map.
All fixed!! Great suggestion :) Thank you for modding~!!

Download: wa. - Alruna (Rein0527) [Pastel's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
Request from []Queue[/url]

Aoi's Mod

  1. 实际难度=5.489439477爆的略狠。。。
  2. 00:41:778 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 逐渐拉开间距的排列?
  3. 00:53:028 (8) - NC
  4. 01:01:670 (11) - ^
  5. 01:44:387 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 逐渐拉开间距的排列?
  6. 01:55:637 (8) - NC
    1. 完全打不动的程度。。。
  1. 00:16:180 (4,8) - clap|音效建议,加clap能烘托气氛
  2. 00:19:604 - 这里加一条绿线降低音量|音效建议,这里开始音乐开始有fadeout效果
  3. 00:25:474 (4) - NC
  4. 00:30:692 (4) - ^
  5. 00:32:974 (1,2) - 试试把这两个点位置反转?
  6. 00:33:626 (4) - 因为这里有大跳,加个NC吧
  7. 00:43:409 (3) - 开头finish
  8. 00:53:028 (8) - NC
  9. 01:20:583 (5) - ^
  10. 01:36:235 (4) - NC
  11. 01:55:637 (8) - NC
    1. 在我还以为能FC这个难度的时候。。。我被一串连打坑了
others' seems
Topic Starter
Hi, requested from queue~


- Inconsistent in audio leading, pls look here -

ERT's Beginner

00:40:311(4) - add finish here, sounds good


01:19:278 - add a circle here?

Pastel's Hard

this diff is good :3


0025:311 - I highly suggest that add circle here
00:30:528 - same reason as above


nice insane..

O_o, my mod seems short, so if its unhelpful, pls don't give kudosu..
Well, I'll take my leave...

Topic Starter

[ERT's Beginner]
00:40:800 (1) - remove clap? sounds weird to me
00:48:300 (1) - a normal clap at the end doesn't really fit, a soft clap is better
00:51:235 (1) - remove clap?
01:35:257 (3,4,1,2,1,2) - too lazy, why not make it like 00:32:322 ~ 00:42:757
01:43:083 (1) - finish at end?
01:48:300 (1) - change to a finish at the end rather than a clap
01:50:909 (1) - soft clap instead at the end?
01:53:843 (4) - make it a finish instead?

:arrow: Patterns can use more work, but they are fine.

01:13:409 (2) - use NC:2 at repeat?
01:23:843 (4) - use NC:2 at end?

[Pastel's Hard]
:!: PLEASE use Normal hitsound set somewhere as transitions! For example this 00:31:996 (1,2,3,1) and this 00:40:311 (4,1) would be perfect spots to use normal hitsound instead of soft. The whole diff is just too quiet and not dramatic enough with only soft hitsound! Take a look at other diffs for reference.
:arrow: AR + 1?

00:21:398 (2,3,5) - add whistles on these 3?
00:22:213 (1...) - starting from here i'd really recommend you to use claps instead of whistles (makes this section too quiet)
00:43:409 (3) - use finish at start?
01:03:952 (1...) - for this section i suggest you follow the drum in background and place clap accordingly
01:13:246 (x) - add a note?
01:25:311 (2) - i don't get it, why use whistle at start instead of finish which fits very well?
01:41:778 (1) - though not to the extent of being unrankable, but this slider "clump" just plays out bad IMO
01:42:920 (1) - ^

This diff needs more work on hitsounod. Follow the other diffs will do.

:!: PLEASE cut down the streams! The amount of streams present in this diff is not far from [Another], making this diff too hard. Making this diff a little bit easier will also help moving this diff from "after [Another]" to "before [Another]"

00:35:257 (9) - move this whistle to end of (8)?
00:44:550 (6) - remove whistle?
00:46:180 (2,3) - too close...
00:59:224 (3,4) - spacing too close
01:24:822 (13,1) - ^
01:25:311 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - i don't get the rhythm here, why not just follow the strong beat in background?
01:37:866 (9) - same things as in 00:35:257 (9)

Since you copy-paste the rest of the map, please make sure all mods applied before also get applied to the rest of map.

Pretty nice but I can't say much because it's too difficult for me to play XD


I personally would have use Normal hitsound more because Soft is too quiet for this song.
One thing: when you use Soft hitsounod, unless the beat is very apparent, players will have harder time following "your" rhythm because they cannot "hear" what they are hitting. 沒有音效的回饋,就不易跟上你下的節奏,除非節奏相當明顯或著完美的跟著音樂旋律。

[Pastel's Hard] work on hitsound more!

That's all, good luck!

All fixed :)

Download: wa. - Alruna (Rein0527) [ERT's Beginner].osu
Topic Starter

yongtw123 wrote:

嘛 因為我mod一大串打英文會快點w


yongtw123 wrote:

[Pastel's Hard]
:!: PLEASE use Normal hitsound set somewhere as transitions! For example this 00:31:996 (1,2,3,1) and this 00:40:311 (4,1) would be perfect spots to use normal hitsound instead of soft. The whole diff is just too quiet and not dramatic enough with only soft hitsound! Take a look at other diffs for reference.
:arrow: AR + 1?

00:21:398 (2,3,5) - add whistles on these 3?
00:22:213 (1...) - starting from here i'd really recommend you to use claps instead of whistles (makes this section too quiet)
00:43:409 (3) - use finish at start?
01:03:952 (1...) - for this section i suggest you follow the drum in background and place clap accordingly
01:13:246 (x) - add a note? Nope
01:25:311 (2) - i don't get it, why use whistle at start instead of finish which fits very well?
01:41:778 (1) - though not to the extent of being unrankable, but this slider "clump" just plays out bad IMO
01:42:920 (1) - ^

This diff needs more work on hitsounod. Follow the other diffs will do.
Almost fixed :3 Thank you for Modding!

Download: wa. - Alruna (Rein0527) [Pastel's Hard].osu

[ERT's Beginners]
00:46:017 (2) - Add finish at beginning slider?

01:35:257 (1) - The head slider is overlapped by spinner-osu and hitbursts. It makes hidden for beginners at gameplay

[Pastel's Hard]
00:41:126 (2,3,4) - Is this anti-jump pattern?
01:30:039 (1) - The head slider is touch the HP Bar (just a warning)
01:32:648 (1) - Meh, I'm boring with this short slider with too much repeating slider. Split these slider into two
01:47:485 (5) - The head slider is touch the HP Bar (just a warning)

00:59:061 (2,3) - If you do this, some players are confusing because they don't know which object that should be click first. I suggest you to unstack it
00:59:713 (4,5) - ^
01:30:039 (4) - Unsnapped tail slider

Good luck~
okay fixed

thx Leorda

Download: wa. - Alruna (Rein0527) [ERT's Beginner].osu
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

01:35:257 (1) - The head slider is overlapped by spinner-osu and hitbursts. It makes hidden for beginners at gameplay :arrow: no

00:59:061 (2,3) - If you do this, some players are confusing because they don't know which object that should be click first. I suggest you to unstack it :arrow: no
00:59:713 (4,5) - ^ :arrow: no
01:30:039 (4) - Unsnapped tail slider :arrow: Fix
Hi ^^

00:27:267 - remove this note
00:34:360 - ^
00:47:648 - add note
01:50:257 - ^

awwwwww sweeet diff *o*

Pastel's Hard
01:21:398 - this slider not beautiful <--- this look better
01:41:778 - i think what such slider unrankble better replace it

Approach Rate (-1)
01:07:539 - make this slider shorter to big white section and add note on 01:08:191
01:10:148 - ^

Good luck :3
h k s
Nice map, and didn't see anything wrong.
sorry... :(

Topic Starter

h k s wrote:

Nice map, and didn't see anything wrong.
sorry... :(

It's fine>_<,and thanks for star~
[ERT's Beginner]
HP 2 (Avoid to use same value with Normal)
It's a bit hard for esiest diff IMO. Anyway it's fine.


[Pastel's Hard]
  1. Add tag : Creation
  2. Set audio lead-in : 1000
00:35:631 - Delete this useless green line
00:27:267 (2,3,4) - What are wrong with these spacings?
00:33:952 (1,2) - Follow the melody correctly
00:51:561 (1,2,3) - Spacings
01:20:909 (4) - NC due to next spacing

Those spacing problems are hard to notice by intuition. You'd better fix them.

01:29:958 - This timing point should be x1.20
00:27:430 (8) - NC
00:28:409 (1) - Remove NC
00:33:952 (5,6,7,8,9) - They do not follow synth nor bass.
00:46:180 (2,3,4) - Their spacing looks weird. Reversing 3 (Ctrl+R) would be better.
01:36:561 (5,6,7,8,9) - Same problem with 00:33:952 (5,6,7,8,9)
01:48:789 (2,3,4) - Copypasta

Sorry, I pass this diff. It's too overmapped.
I think those bunch of streams are based on hi-hats, but not all.

Good luck ;D

ykcarrot wrote:

[ERT's Beginner]
HP 2 (Avoid to use same value with Normal)
It's a bit hard for esiest diff IMO. Anyway it's fine. Okay I know~ It's make when I'm new mapper :P
Thank you for your mod :)

to Rein:
Topic Starter
Topic Starter

ykcarrot wrote:

Good luck ;D
Thanks for mod,fix a lot
Topic Starter

:idea: general

  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)
  1. 看起來應該是沒有了


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. 多餘的綠線:
(Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap each other could space them farther apart. Yep. It's just suggest and nazi. you can ignore this par)

(These are about your pattern.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:31:344 (1,1,2) - [nazi] 雖然很小 但是這個間距不是等距離的 試著把兩個之間的間距調齊了


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. 多餘的綠線:

(Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap each other could space them farther apart. yep. It's just suggest and nazi. you can ignore this par)
  1. 01:46:995 (2,1) -
(These are about your pattern.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:43:409 (1,2) - 這種類型的slider 其實並不好看 如果可以的話我會建議改成別的圖形 你看弧形內緣的地方 居然不是弧形 而是個銳角 所以我說這種圖型不是很好看
  2. 01:03:463 (2,3) - 把這個stack好吧 你看一下 這個確實有偏差 你可以用DSx0.0 然後關掉grid去check這個位置
  3. 01:46:017 (1,2) - 同00:43:409 (1,2) - 的問題~ 建議可以改成別的樣子

Pastel's Hard

  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. unused green line:
(Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap each other could space them farther apart. yep. It's just suggest and nazi. you can ignore this par)
  1. 00:04:278 (2,1) -
  2. 00:08:843 (3,2,3) -
(These are about your pattern.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:22:213 (1,2) - [arc issue] It's awkward slider arc because it's not coincidence arc to 00:22:213 (1) -
  2. 00:33:952 (1) - [arc issue] It's awkward slider for the inner edge. because for the inner edge. It's not the arc. It's the acute angle.
  3. 01:19:604 (1,1) - [suggest] you can stack it ~ It's looks a bit off .


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. 多餘的綠線:
(Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap each other could space them farther apart. yep. It's just suggest and nazi. you can ignore this par)
  1. 00:18:300 (1,3,4,5) -
(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)

(These are about your pattern.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:50:746 (12,3) - 讓這兩個slider的尾端都stack吧 作法一樣用DSx0.0去調整
  2. 01:32:648 (1,2,3,4,5) - 不平均的間距 還有這個弧度不是很好看~ e.g: 01:32:892 (4) - 你點這個後看右上角的黃字 那個就是間距了
  3. 01:33:952 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ 同樣問題


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. 多餘的綠線:
(Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap each other could space them farther apart. yep. It's just suggest and nazi. you can ignore this par)
  1. 00:49:115 (7,1) -
(These are about your pattern.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:09:007 (8,2) - [suggest] 把這兩個作成stack會比較好看?
  2. 00:09:170 (1,2) - [suggest] 何不把這兩個slider作成平行呢?
  3. 00:10:474 (1,2) - ^ 同樣建議
  4. 00:32:322 (4,5,6,7,8) - 這個stream的弧度並不是很好 你可以看到前方是彎的 但是到後面就直了 希望能改好些
  5. 00:44:876 (11,12,13) - 我不確定你是否要作成直線 如果說你要作成直線 那現在是歪的 試著把這個stream作成直線吧~
  6. 01:05:257 (8,9) - [arc issue] 我認為這個弧度並不是很好 因為整個slider的弧度並不是一致的 至少不要差太多了~
  7. 01:24:496 (6,7,8,9,10) - 同樣的 這個stream的弧度並不是很好 至少我看來是這樣的
  8. 01:47:485 (11,12,13) - [suggest] 是否作成直線然後與 01:47:159 (8,9,10) - 作成平行? 我認為這樣會比現在的來的好看些

inaba's taiko

  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)

    mapping (suggest)
    (These are about your pattern.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:48:055 - add note?
  2. 01:50:257 (1,2,3,4,5) - kdk d k?
  3. 02:04:604 - add note?

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改 藍色的是需要討論的問題 黑色就只是建議
hi there :)

ERT's Beginner:

00:48:300 (1) - given the rest of the map a clap on the start seems a bit out of place, perhaps remove it?
01:35:257 (1) - add NC?
01:35:257 (1) ~ 01:43:083 - I think maybe you could make some more interesting rhythms and patterns in this part, perhaps consider changing it? if you think it's fine, just keep it :)


00:34:278 (3,4) - switch the whistle on these notes?
00:47:159 (3) - maybe try it like this?
01:36:887 (3,4) - 00:34:278 (3, 4)
01:49:768 (3) - same as 00:47:159 (3)

Pastel's Hard:

00:11:126 (1) - remove NC
00:11:778 (5) - add NC
00:23:191 (2) - (nazi) move 3rd slider point down 4 grids?
00:23:843 ~ 00:30:039 - IMO, using soft hitsoudns only in this part might sound better :? also, the spacing in this part is really strange, so perhaps go through it and make sure the spacing is consistent?
00:39:170 (1) - too close to (2)
00:44:387 (1,2,3) - too close, perhaps space them out a bit?
00:46:343 (2) - too close to (1)
00:53:843 (1) - extend to 00:56:126 ?
01:04:604 (2) - too close to (1)
01:10:800 (1,2,1) - too close
01:14:387 (1) - too close to (6)
01:18:300 (1) - too close to (3)
01:20:257 (2) - too close to (1)
01:20:909 (1) - too close to (3)
01:27:430 (1) - maybe stack this under (3) like before?
01:28:735 (1) - too close to (3)? also, stack this also?
01:34:930 (4) - remove a repeat? then, move (1) a little further away?
01:38:191 - move this kiai toggle to 01:35:257 to be consistent with other diffs o.o
01:53:843 (1) - too close to (5)


00:14:387 ~ 00:15:691 - this speedup seems kind of random, since the song doesn't really speed up, so perhaps use x1.0? IMO, it seems the pattern would play fine that way :?
00:27:430 (1) - whistle on start
00:46:670 (3) - IMO it's too close to (2), perhaps move it farther away?
00:55:474 ~ 00:56:778 - same as 00:14:387
01:49:278 (3) - same as 00:46:670 (3)


-this diff has lower spacing than Hyper, which is odd since it's supposed to be harder o.o perhaps increase the spacing a bit?

00:01:344 ~ 00:02:648 - spacing here is lower than the rest of the map, perhaps increase it?
00:58:735 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - IMO increased spacing here doesn't really fit since the song sounds the same, perhaps reduce it?
01:01:343 (8) - add NC?
01:25:800 (1) - maybe unstack this? since the later sliders aren't stacked, I think unstacking it would make it easier to follow :?

inaba's taiko: change to "inaba's Taiko"?

neat map :P
Topic Starter

  1. title.png换成jpg的话会节约一点空间
  2. 话说在map list里面hyper显示比another还后面, 或许需要再creator's word里说明下anoter才是最难的?

  1. 00:08:191 (4) - 这个slider的路径完全被前面的hitburst挡完了, 玩的时候读不出来是slider, 这个有必要改一下位置
  2. 00:13:409 (2) - ^, 这个没有这么严重, 但是也比较影响判断
  3. 01:15:690 (6) - 这个本身没什么问题, 只是在这个AR9的难度里, 这么stack感觉略坑, 很容易miss掉
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:


  1. title.png换成jpg的话会节约一点空间->其實這圖JPG還略大PNG lol
  2. 话说在map list里面hyper显示比another还后面, 或许需要再creator's word里说明下anoter才是最难的?->基本上都會懂Another是最難的難度吧:)

[*]00:08:191 (4) - 这个slider的路径完全被前面的hitburst挡完了, 玩的时候读不出来是slider, 这个有必要改一下位置 ->fix
[*]00:13:409 (2) - ^, 这个没有这么严重, 但是也比较影响判断->fix
[*]01:15:690 (6) - 这个本身没什么问题, 只是在这个AR9的难度里, 这么stack感觉略坑, 很容易miss掉->no fix
Topic Starter
thanks you~
Hmm.... this map has waited long enough in pending. Came by to recheck the map and it's looking good so far so i'll give it a rank.
恭喜 ~ :)
S o r d a
omedeto rein chan
Gratz Rein~ !
Topic Starter
thanks all >_<
Gratz Rein-chan :3
(ノ^^)ノ☆彡 Congratulations!!
Topic Starter
みんな ありがとう *゚+.(っ´∀`)っ゚+.゚
恭喜rank ><
good =w=
Topic Starter
5/10 because of 1:32 to 1:35 from another diff, which is possibly the worse bad mapped 3 seconds i've ever seen . Else 10/10. Gratz.
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