
I cried when this happened

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y u so violent
My friend punched a computer screen once. Took out half the screen. He was less sad about it, though. How did yours break?
There's straps on the wiimote for a reason.
I thought that was a monitor, there's a keyboard under it
Still applies.
Maybe he was playing the wii emulator and has bluetooth on his computer ehhh?

and also
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laptop was in my bag. was at school at night, running for the bus and slipped on a patch of ice i didn't see, fell backwards onto my laptop ;_;

funny thing, it would cost $400 to repair, looked online and found a replacement screen for $80
Slightly related amd funny:

I've probably broken 2-3 monitors due to rage. Fun fun fun.
I used to be a display like you. then i took an arrow to the screen

Weezy wrote:

laptop was in my bag. was at school at night, running for the bus and slipped on a patch of ice i didn't see, fell backwards onto my laptop ;_;
poor weezy :[
Look at the bright side
Imagine all the infinite possibilities for a creative wallpaper

Kotik wrote:

y u so violent
Good thing you're not still a regular player in our CtB tourney.
ok i guess you tried to kill a forum member. spill the beans, who was it?

Quaraezha wrote:

Look at the bright side
Imagine all the infinite possibilities for a creative wallpaper
I can't wait to see those
Duck tape is the way to go.
duck tape

Hey Weezy, wat yo resolution
Almost every laptop out there is 1366x768
Topic Starter

Kitsunemimi wrote:

Almost every laptop out there is 1366x768

Zelmarked wrote:

Slightly related amd funny
this is more fitting:

Quaraezha wrote:

Look at the bright side
Imagine all the infinite possibilities for a creative wallpaper
oh btw have you tried rebooting it?

JInxyjem wrote:

My friend punched a computer screen once. Took out half the screen. was less sad about it, though. How did yours break?
Took me 8 days to find this by chance bro.

I was indeed sad about it. Because it wasn't my computer, it was my aunt's, and I had to fork out 1k to replace it. It was my scholarship money. /melancholy

Let this be your lesson folks.
Oh you found this

Couldn't tell you were sad from your posts about it that time. Ouch.
Could not stay sad forever, the time I posted it, it already came back from repair (to no avail apparently). $_$
Edit: Getting rid of this.

Zelmarked wrote:

Edit: The thread was about OP wanting to know if he should leave his clan because they were diverting from BF to CoD. While I don't like BF3's gameplay, CoD is an outdated, console ported piece of ca-ca. Still would recommend BF3.
Topic Starter

eccentricite wrote:

I was indeed sad about it. Because it wasn't my computer, it was my aunt's, and I had to fork out 1k to replace it. It was my scholarship money. /melancholy

Let this be your lesson folks.
1k????!!!!!! Really? I only paid $80........

and laptop is fixed :D (Was fixed a week ago)
Lol nice.....
Grats Weezy. Actually the laptop was beyond repair, so I had to buy a laptop of higher quality for my aunt, that explains the high cost.

Wojjan wrote:

Stop with the incessant need to respond to my posts.

Zelmarked wrote:

Wojjan wrote:

Stop with the incessant need to respond to my posts.
Stop with the incessant need to talk about BF or COD when it's not even relevant other than one broken screen

JInxyjem wrote:

Zelmarked wrote:

Stop with the incessant need to respond to my posts.
Stop with the incessant need to talk about BF or COD when it's not even relevant other than one broken screen
That's not true. Also since this site is a niche, I'm afraid that many here are of the "anti mainstream". Which is a bias.
Or best summed up by the guy with the avatar "Your opinion is too mainstream".

I wanted to give context to the thread. Figured since the posts were legible, one might read and ask. Then I continued because I thought someone might ask more. One thing leading to another, in other words.

Zelmarked wrote:

That's not true. Also since this site is a niche, I'm afraid that many here are of the "anti mainstream". Which is a bias.
Or best summed up by the guy with the avatar "Your opinion is too mainstream".

I wanted to give context to the thread. Figured since the posts were legible, one might read and ask. Then I continued because I thought someone might ask more. One thing leading to another, in other words.
Listen I don't know where you come from or what your story is much beyond that one forum grab and a terribly resized signature, but half your posts I've seen are all referrent to BF3 in some way, mostly to call the game bad but at the same time promote it to others? That one thread was semi-legit because Rena at least responded to your posts, and since threads generally go off course I had no problem with that.

But this time you went a bit too far in your advocating of a series. This thread is about what happened to computer screens, not BF3. I get annoyed when people start talking about random bullshit with the exact purpose of derailing a thread which was otherwise fine. It's not giving context to the thread, you're dragging away from the thread to start your own. The way you phrased it it seemed like you actually took that screenshot with the specific intent of paperclipping your fps opinion onto it.

It is genuinely getting annoying, to more people than just me, JInxy proved, and if your response is to talk about it more, and to top it off call bleeding witness that an entire forum of people's tastes is biased because they don't like the game you like with only evidence failboat's avatar which is obviously making fun of hipsters and, again, in no way related to the topic you want to talk about, then I suggest you go back to the EA forums and talk about EA games on there. It's more fitting in context, which you seem to covet so much, and you'll have a better audience than on here, since you hate this place anyway.
As a refreshing side note: it's far more polite to tell people about your experiences after they ask for it, and I think this is the first time I ever called you out on your rudeness.
I thought I would never see the day when Wojjan makes a wall of text.
I makes lots of walls of text

111111 was walls of text the game
Well that was mafia and requires walls of texts.
At any rate, you make wonderful walls of texts. I love you wojjan.
I make them walls of texts sometimes
then people completely ignore them but I'm still happy because I wrote stuff
I had talked trash about it. Had I left the post unexplained, you would have said "but I thought you said it sucked. herr herr."(Because you like to harp on anything about my posts) That sums up your multiple freaking paragraphs. "Half my posts". That might be how many you respond to. Exaggerations aren't so funny anymore? That sig was never mine. I stole it from another guy. That reminds me of how you asserted I made the graphic only to try and belittle me on my PS skills. I didn't make it...period.

No I didn't take that picture with that intent. Did you read the post? Guy asked me to post a picture. The resolution of my image is easy to make out the text. That was my intent. The finger point was me helping the monitor connect with the other sections of the screen. Technical stuff etc.

JInxy's point is based on the same evidence yours is. That I post a lot about BF. I don't. If you build an argument on a lie, then you aren't going to get anywhere.

"Entire". How many words are you going to put in my posts? Compulsive deceiver? You have responded to at least 3 of my posts. All negative. I ignored it. But it's annoying. What harm are my posts REALLY doing? Provided you know the context of why I posted what I did?

Wojjan wrote:

"well not every post I make is about BF3"
Once again this is putting words in my mouth.

Wojjan wrote:

and "you did call me out before but I didn't care enough" then you know you've hit a low ground.
Apparently I have to just let you reply to any post of mine you feel like. With no consequences.
I would make a post about how you so persistently reply to every single post that's directed at you and unrelated to the topic of the thread, but that would just provoke you to reply to my post instead. Oh wait, I'm making a post about it right now. What's the point of it... I'm not too sure. But as long as I'm here, I might as well go ahead and say that no matter how harmless you think your posts are, they're really fucking annoying. Nobody cares about what was on your screen in those pictures, nor do they care about what you have to say about why you posted about such a thing. Like, seriously, for both threads I've seen you appear in so far, you've somehow managed to turn it into total bitchfest loaded with walls of text. I'm only making it worse right now, but that's simply because I want you to just shut up and quit fucking it up more. Every time I see you post about how you're always right, and everyone else is wrong seriously pisses me off. Just stop posting already.

Zelmarked wrote:

I had talked trash about it. Had I left the post unexplained, you would have said "but I thought you said it sucked. herr herr."(Because you like to harp on anything about my posts) That sums up your multiple freaking paragraphs. "Half my posts". That might be how many you respond to. Exaggerations aren't so funny anymore? That sig was never mine. I stole it from another guy. That reminds me of how you asserted I made the graphic only to try and belittle me on my PS skills. I didn't make it...period.

No I didn't take that picture with that intent. Did you read the post? Guy asked me to post a picture. The resolution of my image is easy to make out the text. That was my intent. The finger point was me helping the monitor connect with the other sections of the screen. Technical stuff etc.

JInxy's point is based on the same evidence yours is. That I post a lot about BF. I don't. If you build an argument on a lie, then you aren't going to get anywhere.

"Entire". How many words are you going to put in my posts? Compulsive deceiver? You have responded to at least 3 of my posts. All negative. I ignored it. But it's annoying. What harm are my posts REALLY doing? Provided you know the context of why I posted what I did?
Once you fall to the point where the only arguments you can make are "well not every post I make is about BF3" and "you did call me out before but I didn't care enough" then you know you've hit a low ground.

Please don't reply anymore.
I did this to my screen once, BSOD'd in BF2 ages ago, threw my mouse at the screen and thought
Okay, the thread got derailed way off. In any case, if OP already got her/his screen fixed, doesn't this mean that the topic at hand (In this time being) has ended? You know, trying to prevent some flames and all. Sparks between forumers is not a good way to go. Just saying you know.

Back on topic, 80 bucks, man, that price is literally impossible in my country. To repair a screen around here comes to bout 200 bucks, but I guess that makes sense since it's multiplied by 3 in my country.(Somewhere around that at least)

hoihoisoi wrote:

Okay, the thread got derailed way off. In any case, if OP already got her/his screen fixed, doesn't this mean that the topic at hand (In this time being) has ended? You know, trying to prevent some flames and all. Sparks between forumers is not a good way to go. Just saying you know.

Back on topic, 80 bucks, man, that price is literally impossible in my country. To repair a screen around here comes to bout 200 bucks, but I guess that makes sense since it's multiplied by 3 in my country.(Somewhere around that at least)
Buy the proper screen and install yourself, will work out 3x cheaper!
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