
Skin sound

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Hi osu! community,

I'm actually developping my own skin and I have a problem with the failsound file.
Indeed, when I use my skin with a modified failsound file, when I fail, the modified failsound file is playing, but default failsound is playing too.
In short, even if I have modified my failsound file, the default failsound is still playing (both are playing).
How can I fix that?

Axary, Skinning Newbie
can you provide the fail sound you used?
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Having a blank pause-loop.wav file in your skin folder added? I guess that'll do it
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Skin folder doesn't content any pause-loop file, .wav or .mp3
yeah add a sound file named like that with no sound and press ctrl+shift+alt+s.
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How do I create a new file with no extension? (win10)
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Not working, sorry
1. Show file extenstions
2. make a new text document called "failsound.txt"
3. Change .txt to .wav and place it to the skin folder

Just like everyone's favorite broken mixtape break sound, it's called combobreak. Most of the mixed skins don't provide it, therefore it uses the one that are used in the Default skin. Same goes for pause loop
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2 options :
-Maybe I haven't understand what you've just said.
-Maybe you didn't understand what I've said.

I already have my Failsound file and my skin isn't a mix skin. My combobreak sound is good too. The problem is that when I die on a map, my custom failsound is playing, but there's still the default sound. I checked other skins which have custom failsounds, there's not this problem.
I still assume it's because of the default pause-loop sound which plays in fail screen even tho you're using a fail sound file. Are you sure you added a file named "pause-loop" which has no sound at all? That would replace the default annoying one you're hearing by an one without any sounds. Download this sound file, name it "pause-loop" and put it into your skin folder, after that you press ctrl+shift+alt+s.
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"this sound file" isn't a download link, it's a link which allow me to listen the audio from Chrome. Anyway, I created an audioless audio file (.wav) which I renamed pause-loop and placed it in skin folder : didn't change anything
can you upload your skin somewhere please.

Axary wrote:

"this sound file" isn't a download link, it's a link which allow me to listen the audio from Chrome.
Right click the hyperlink and press "save linked content as.." to download it
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