Hiya, I'm bored and decided to start another queue, so submit your songs here and the type of modding you want (A M4M or NM)
Some rules and other stuff:
1. I will do anime songs, however I'm not the biggest fan of most of them so I might not if I strongly dislike the song.
2. No songs over 6 minutes.
3. I will only be doing 2 at a time (kinda busy lately), NO MORE THAN THAT.
4. Modding may take me a while if I'm very busy.
Other than that, all songs of any length are allowed
Now bombard me with requests uwu
If doing M4M, my map can be found here: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/711423/#osu/1503917
Some rules and other stuff:
1. I will do anime songs, however I'm not the biggest fan of most of them so I might not if I strongly dislike the song.
2. No songs over 6 minutes.
3. I will only be doing 2 at a time (kinda busy lately), NO MORE THAN THAT.
4. Modding may take me a while if I'm very busy.
Other than that, all songs of any length are allowed
Now bombard me with requests uwu
If doing M4M, my map can be found here: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/711423/#osu/1503917