
Various Artists - Jack Dumps [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, 26 December 2021 at 1:51:26 am

Artist: Various Artists
Title: Jack Dumps
Tags: [-Seiryuu-] BMS SHIKI Angelic Layer MuryokuP 無力P Powerless Existence Soleily Frost Crystal dj TAKA feat. AiMEE True Blue 星の器~STAR OF ANDROMEDA anodromeda sun3 ZUN Hoshi no Utsuwa サクラヨゾラ Xceon feat. Mayumi Morinaga Sakurayozora supercell feat. gazelle melt 3M mix nagi メルト sakuzyo AXION 削除 佐藤-SATOH- ダークサンバランド Dark Samba Master -SATOH- Dark Sambaland Lime
BPM: 145
Filesize: 41056kb
Play Time: 02:19
Difficulties Available:
  1. Dark Samba Master -SATOH- - Dark Sambaland - 4Key (5.82 stars, 2265 notes)
  2. dj TAKA feat. AiMEE - True Blue [No LN] - 4Key (5.39 stars, 3513 notes)
  3. dj TAKA feat. AiMEE - True Blue - 4Key (5.39 stars, 3495 notes)
  4. Marathon - Delete After Download - 4Key (0 stars, 0 notes)
  5. MuryokuP - Existence - 4Key (4.97 stars, 2169 notes)
  6. sakuzyo - AXION - 4Key (5.62 stars, 1708 notes)
  7. SHIKI - Angelic Layer - 4Key (4.83 stars, 2322 notes)
  8. Soleily - Frost Crystal - 4Key (5.19 stars, 3254 notes)
  9. sun3 - Hoshi no Utsuwa ~ STAR OF ANDROMEDA - 4Key (5.41 stars, 2098 notes)
  10. supercell feat. Gazelle - Melt 3M Mix(NSV) - 4Key (5.52 stars, 2819 notes)
  11. supercell feat. Gazelle - Melt 3M Mix - 4Key (5.52 stars, 2819 notes)
  12. Xceon feat. Mayumi Morinaga - Sakurayozora - 4Key (5.5 stars, 2318 notes)
Download: Various Artists - Jack Dumps
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Reuploaded because osu! didn't allow me to update the old file.

Difficulty of Each Chart
-Existence [1]
-Angelic Layer[2]
-Frost Crystal[2]
-True Blue[3]
-Star of Andromeda[3]
-Dark Sambaland[3]
-Melt (Nagi ver.) [4]
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