
Toby Fox - Song that Might Play when You Fight Sans

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, October 23, 2017 at 9:36:21 PM

Artist: Toby Fox
Title: Song that Might Play when You Fight Sans
BPM: 120
Filesize: 2257kb
Play Time: 01:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Extra (5.51 stars, 294 notes)
  2. Hard (3.05 stars, 172 notes)
  3. Insane (4.57 stars, 213 notes)
  4. Normal (1.92 stars, 70 notes)
Download: Toby Fox - Song that Might Play when You Fight Sans
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Please help out with mods.
Hitsounds in progress.

From a new-ish mapper so don't expect too much. ALTHOUGH if you mod my map I will probably do a m4m for you, just find me in modding queues.

10-20: Remapped the entire thing. Boom.
Hi from my queue

first i want to tell you that you've multiplied the bpm by 2 .. yeah bpm is 120 check on internet it causes crazy slider velocity and placing objects every 1/4 tick ohh fix this

00:00:096 (1) - too long 00:02:596 (1) is visible while spinning maybe you place slider instead of end of spinner and remove spinner
00:06:596 (2,1) - make better blanket
00:07:471 (2,3,1) - place these better pls overlaps too much
00:10:346 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1) - you are ignoring lot of beats and music parts right here
00:22:346 (1) - move more to the left
00:26:096 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1) - same as before
00:40:096 (2) - weird shape + overlaps with previous one
00:46:096 (1) - too long 00:49:596 (1) is visible while spinning

crazy slider velocity caused by high bpm + i think you are following song incorrectly why? because you are literally placing object every 1/4 tick (120bpm)
00:03:096 (1,2) - crazy distance changing

rest of diffs are above 4 and since you've doubled BPM its too confusing for me
also dont spam with kudosu
Topic Starter

PeterEU wrote:

Hi from my queue

first i want to tell you that you've multiplied the bpm by 2 .. yeah bpm is 120 check on internet it causes crazy slider velocity and placing objects every 1/4 tick ohh fix this If I changed the BPM I would have to remap all my difficulties... also it doesn't cause crazy SV since I can change it whenever I want to.

00:00:096 (1) - too long 00:02:596 (1) is visible while spinning maybe you place slider instead of end of spinner and remove spinner ended up shortening spinner and adding a slider at the previous end of the spinner.
00:06:596 (2,1) - make better blanket fixed
00:07:471 (2,3,1) - place these better pls overlaps too much just changed the slider to repeat and removed the overlap.
00:10:346 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1) - you are ignoring lot of beats and music parts right here Will change if someone else points it out; it's a normal so I don't want to overcomplicate it.
00:22:346 (1) - move more to the left Fixed but the DS is off so I might revert it if someone points it out.
00:26:096 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1) - same as beforeSame comment.
00:40:096 (2) - weird shape + overlaps with previous one Shape is fine, but I flipped the slider so it doesn't overlap.
00:46:096 (1) - too long 00:49:596 (1) is visible while spinning Shortened

crazy slider velocity caused by high bpm + i think you are following song incorrectly why? because you are literally placing object every 1/4 tick (120bpm)
00:03:096 (1,2) - crazy distance changing

In the process of remapping that and a couple other diffs so it will be changed.

rest of diffs are above 4 and since you've doubled BPM its too confusing for me
also dont spam with kudosu Only way I can get SP.

Thank you for the mod :)
sp is useless

just like me
Topic Starter

Crypthesis wrote:

sp is useless

just like me

Lol, just helps promote my map towards the top.

Almost ready for pending section, just need to add hitsounds which I might get someone else to do.
Rem is my waifu
Heya, I'm from your queue:

At 00:26:096 on all your difficulties, you change the volume way too low imo, increase it a bit or add some hitsounds for more feedback - it's a bit jarring when they disappear halfway through haha.
Also, this: I think you should remap to 120BPM - your '1/2 beats' are just 1/4 beats which makes your Insane/Advanced/Normal difficulties harder than they're technically allowed to be but again, I'm not an expert, I'll leave it to a more experienced person to say how it 'should' be...

Note that, as this is your lowest difficulty in this spread, you should probably change some of the things I talk about to make it easier - or alternatively, make an Easy!
00:03:096 (3,4,5) - Try not to have overlapping slider heads and tails (unless they are 1/2 beat separated due to DS according to the ranking criteria), it's quite confusing for new players. You might want to increase DS (it can be up to 1.3x as that's still allowed for a normal :] )
00:26:096 (1,1) - I think you should copy and paste the first slider and just rotate it - it'll neaten it up....that being said, I'm not sure those are easily readable for new players but I'm not one to make that distinction, I would change them to more simple shapes personally but eh.
00:34:096 (1,2) - For the sake of consistency, make the second slider act in the same way with the reverses, no need to change it tbh.

Overall, the main thing is just overlap of objects - increase your DS and you're good to go though.

00:02:096 (1) - The first note should be here, not here: 00:02:346 (1) - especially as it is a strong sound (idk music but I think it's called the down beat???).
00:29:096 (4) - Something like this: would fir the music better imo.
00:35:096 (3,4,5,6) - (3) is at x:420 not x:421
00:37:096 (3,4,5,6,1) - Likewise, try to make the slider flow with the circles, currently it's out of line.

00:09:096 (1,2) - HOLY EARRAPE - turn that down lmao
00:09:846 (3) - Make this slider fully horizontal or make it point to the next object, it looks kinda messy otherwise.
00:46:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Overmapped so much, I don't see why there's a stream here - it's just a held note in the song so a slider or spinner would be more appropriate.
00:54:096 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same here

sans. is too hard so I can't say much but I saw the stream at the end again so I disagree with that again obviously.

Good luck! I hope this helps!
00:04:846 (8,9,1) - this spacing look random. maybe just make it even
00:05:471 (1) - remove nc here
00:09:096 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - the difference in volume level of hitsounds here doesn't make sense. The song doesn't really get quieter but the hitsounds volume gets cut in half?
00:25:346 (3,4) - im not sure why you ignore the 1/4s here and in many other places in the map
00:34:471 (2,1,2,3,4,1) - every pattern like this in this section uses a different idea. that contradicts the music, since the music is repetitive here. For example this 00:35:971 (4,1) - should have the same spacing as 00:34:971 (4,1) -. 00:37:596 (3,4) - these should follow the same pattern as the rest, because currently they look out of place
00:49:471 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - is this really where you wanna put the diff spike? imo the first 25seconds are much more intense than this part

00:09:846 (3) - again i think this hitsound volume is an issue
00:14:846 (3,4) - these shouldn't be stacked, since previous patterns weren't stacked
00:16:346 (5,6) - again it's odd to ignore the 1/4s, just wondering your reasoning behind that?
00:19:846 (4,5,7) - when frequently using similar sliders like this it's best to copy and paste, otherwise they look very untidy. just copy and paste slider 4 then rotate and flip until it's in the position you want it to be
00:40:221 (2,3) - the spacing is larger between these than the other stacks like 00:41:096 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:39:096 (1,2,3,4) -
00:50:096 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - why NC spam, also the music gets more intense after every note so i think gradually increasing spacing here, instead of constant stacks would match the music better

why not start with a spinner like other diffs?
00:19:471 (2,3,4) - this blanket could be improve a lot, currently does not look pretty
00:26:596 (3) - such a strong sound on slider end isn't the best choice here
00:28:346 (1) - 1/1 slider isn't good choice here because you usually use 1/2 beats like 00:30:346 (1,2,3) -
00:32:346 (1) - same here
00:50:096 (1,2,3,4) - this will confuse and frustrate beginner player

good luck !
M4M From your queue ~

I dislike the fact that the entire map is so "anti-flow", or whatever other words I could use to describe it. Stuff like, say 00:02:846 (2,3,1) - or 00:04:846 (8,9,1) - while it is rankable is just not enjoyable to play at all, and I feel like you could've mapped this in a much more fluent way instead of keeping everything so damn modular. But this is just my opinion, so feel free to dismiss it.

Also this map is barely hit-sounded, I found a lot of places with stand-out sounds from the song that wasn't hit-sounded, like for example 00:05:096 (1) - or 00:03:471 (3) - and at best I saw you switched between sample sets only, so you should probably do some hit-sounding work if you want this ranked.
  1. 00:02:096 - Since this is such a dominant sound, the spinner should end on 00:01:846 - or 00:01:971 - so that 00:02:096 - can be emphasized.
  2. 00:05:846 (3,4) - These are the same sound as 00:05:096 (1,1) - so to keep consistency, 3,4 should be a 1/2 slider.
    Same goes for this one 00:09:846 (3,4) - ^^
  3. 00:03:971 (5,6) - To avoid these large time gaps that feel iffy to play at best, you should map the passive rhythm or at least use a slider on 00:03:971 (5) - . Same goes for places like 00:05:971 (4,5) - or 00:07:971 (7,8) -
  4. I absolutely detest how low the volume goes all of a sudden, it feels like you're going from too high (60%) to barely inaudible (30%), which sure, it could've been fine if it was a gradual decrease in volume, but I would suggest not only that but also increase it to 40% for this section so that it doesn't feel like you're tapping on thin air.
    00:17:096 - Same here, it goes from nothing to way too high volume instead of a gradual increase.
  5. 00:16:471 (2,4) - Stack these, although I do see that you used a similar concept on 00:12:596 (3) - so I guess this is optional.
  6. 00:15:096 (1,4) - 4 Should blanket 1 here, not only would that look better but also play nicer since I think the distance between 00:14:971 (4,1) - are already a bit overkill for this slow section.
  7. 00:17:846 (2) - Stopping the cursor here feels kind of iffy, but that's just my opinion so ignore if you so wish.
  8. 00:21:096 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - and 00:25:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This breaks consistency entirely from what you've established so far into the song with the repeated use of these patterns 00:05:096 (1,2,1,2,3,4) -
  9. 00:22:346 (1,2) - The time gap here seems weird because you're using the same spacing as all the other objects ( 00:22:846 (2,3) - )
  10. This 00:25:971 - is the first time you're using hit-sounding as far as I could tell and I'm pretty disappointed, not only does it loose all of its emphasis when it's on a slider end but also there is no sound from the song itself on 00:25:971 - that's so important to emphasise, having the hit-sounding instead be on 00:26:096 - fits alot better.
  11. There's a repeated dominant sound on 00:34:346 - that continues every two white ticks that are not emphasized at all in this entire section. Trust me I'm well aware you're mapping to a different instrument but you *are* allowed to switch/mix instruments to capture all the important sounds as long as you distinguish the sounds from one another, like for example, moving 00:34:846 (3) - further away to give it emphasis and/or making the slider ends 00:34:346 - a clickable sound.
  12. 00:41:596 (1,1) - 1 Slider should blanket 1 circle
  13. 00:46:346 - Once again, try emphasizing the dominant sounds, because this is a stream you can for example split the stream into sections forcing the player to jump on each white tick noise.
    Sidenote: In my opinion, the stream is unwarranted overmapping, but this is my opinion.
  14. 00:51:096 (3) - This should be moved to x:96 y:184 so that the player can continue the movement with the cursor that you established 00:50:346 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - here, also 00:51:096 (3) - blankets 00:50:846 (1) - if you move it to those coordinates which makes it pretty neat.
Overall I see the same issues as I already pointed out in your "Sans" difficulty. Barely any hit-sounding and the hit-sounding that is there makes little sense, the design of the map is pretty modular instead of fluid like I also pointed out, and also it's got the consistency issues I talked about. But I'll repeat myself anyway because I want this to be a thorough mod.
  1. 00:00:096 - This spinner starts about 1/4 earlier than "Sans" diff.
  2. 00:02:096 - Once again this spinner should not end on a sound so dominant, this sound should be clickable
  3. 00:05:096 (1,2) - This flows pretty badly, as the cursor wants to continue more towards the left after 1, not to mention the way they are angled.
  4. 00:09:096 - Whoa, what is with these drastic hit-sounding changes, really.
  5. 00:09:721 - >:-(((((( 00:17:096 - >:-(((((((((((((((((((((((((
  6. 00:10:971 (3,3) - Stack these.
  7. 00:17:096 (1,2,3) - They don't lead into each other at all, the movement is so counter-intuitive and because of the SV and the repeat you have to follow the bodies with the cursor otherwise it's 100 points, same goes for 00:05:096 (1,2) - that I already pointed out and all other repeat sliders with this length.
  8. 00:28:471 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Overlaps galore. You need to explore more of the playfield because this feels incredibly cramped.
  9. 00:33:846 (3) - Whistles sound horrible here. Also once again with the hit-sounding on a slider end instead of a clickable object.
  10. 00:34:346 (1,2,3,4) - Same sound as the rest in the coming section but the pattern gets more and more changed, I really dislike this inconsistency.
    Sidenote, also for this section just like with the previous one you make no effort to really emphasize the stand-out sounds.
  11. 00:47:262 (3,4,5) - ew the curve
  12. 00:52:346 (3,5) - Stack these.
  13. 00:56:096 (1) - WHAT? Why is this spinner not on the same sound as the last difficulty, and on top of that, WHY is it on a sound that makes less sense? The winding-up sound that starts on 00:58:096 - is absolutely perfect for a spinner, and I actually wanted to tell you that on the "Sans" difficulty until I saw this.

Actually way better in terms of gameplay and fluidity than the other two diffs so far, hitsounding remains an issue as well as the drastic volume changes.
  1. 00:00:096 - WHY IS YOUR PLACEMENT OF SPINNERS SO FUCKING INCONSISTENT I DON'T GET IT?! plz tell me you just accidentally forgot it
  2. 00:13:471 (5,6) - The time gap between these are pretty hard to read, especially for an Advanced diff, you should put more effort into distinguishing these so the time gap is obvious for this one and others like this one.
  3. 00:26:971 - Missed a sound. Even if it's an "Advanced" you do frequently use 1/2 gaps so capturing said sound is okay.
    Sidenote: Reason I don't point these out on 00:25:221 - is because I know you wanted to put extra emphasis on 00:25:096 - which I find okay.
  4. 00:29:096 (4) - Even more missed sounds.
  5. 00:35:096 (3,4,5,6) - Eeww, this is annoying to read for me can't imagine what it's like for someone playing an advanced, not only is the time gaps between notes misrepresented but because you force yourself to this pattern you miss the opportunity to emphasise some of the sounds on the white ticks like 00:35:346 - for example.
    Also! 00:34:096 (1,2) - is the same sound as 00:35:096 (3,4,5,6) - yet they are ENTIRELY different, which hurts overall consistency by miles, the only difference is a very VERY slight decrease in the tone which does NOT warrant the drastic change in the pattern used.
    This goes for that same entire section ^^ even if it's a repeatedly used element doesn't mean it's good.
  6. 00:42:346 (1,2) - Speaking of hard to read timegaps
  7. 00:46:096 (1) - 00:54:096 (1) - >:-(((((((((( awdkawkdlafiesfkfsfeo
  8. 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - :-((((((((((((((((
  9. 00:58:096 - ;_________; ;________; ;________; I cry

Sorry for being kindof a dick in my mod, I hope you know I mean nothing by it lol it's just the way I always write mods and stuff.
Topic Starter


Hitsounds are NOT DONE yet, hence the only reason why this map is in "WIP" section.
SO please don't mod for hitsounds. If it's earrape you can change the sounds yourself just for the sake of listening, BUT I will be fixing the volume and adding hitsounds/green ticks starting today.
Topic Starter

Rem is my waifu wrote:

Heya, I'm from your queue:

At 00:26:096 on all your difficulties, you change the volume way too low imo, increase it a bit or add some hitsounds for more feedback - it's a bit jarring when they disappear halfway through haha. Still working on all hitsounds so it's not good XD.
Also, this: I think you should remap to 120BPM - your '1/2 beats' are just 1/4 beats which makes your Insane/Advanced/Normal difficulties harder than they're technically allowed to be but again, I'm not an expert, I'll leave it to a more experienced person to say how it 'should' be... fixed.

Note that, as this is your lowest difficulty in this spread, you should probably change some of the things I talk about to make it easier - or alternatively, make an Easy! Will probably make an easy diff because of the following mods. Normal will go above 2 stars.
00:03:096 (3,4,5) - Try not to have overlapping slider heads and tails (unless they are 1/2 beat separated due to DS according to the ranking criteria), it's quite confusing for new players. You might want to increase DS (it can be up to 1.3x as that's still allowed for a normal :] ) Hesitant on doing this since it increases the difficulty. Played it and it looks good, nothing is super obstructed.
00:26:096 (1,1) - I think you should copy and paste the first slider and just rotate it - it'll neaten it up....that being said, I'm not sure those are easily readable for new players but I'm not one to make that distinction, I would change them to more simple shapes personally but eh. shapes are simpler now (only one curve instead of 2) and I tidied up a bit differently.
00:34:096 (1,2) - For the sake of consistency, make the second slider act in the same way with the reverses, no need to change it tbh. fixed.

Overall, the main thing is just overlap of objects - increase your DS and you're good to go though.

00:02:096 (1) - The first note should be here, not here: 00:02:346 (1) - especially as it is a strong sound (idk music but I think it's called the down beat???).
00:29:096 (4) - Something like this: would fir the music better imo.
00:35:096 (3,4,5,6) - (3) is at x:420 not x:421 Can't find an x:420 or x:421 anywhere in your selection.
00:37:096 (3,4,5,6,1) - Likewise, try to make the slider flow with the circles, currently it's out of line. yep just touched it up a bit.

00:09:096 (1,2) - HOLY EARRAPE - turn that down lmao haha turned down volume, but not done with hitsounds yet. I want the map to flow well and the notes to be rank-worthy before I start doing hitsounds and move into pending.
00:09:846 (3) - Make this slider fully horizontal or make it point to the next object, it looks kinda messy otherwise.
00:46:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Overmapped so much, I don't see why there's a stream here - it's just a held note in the song so a slider or spinner would be more appropriate. Will change if a BN says to but in the background there's a vibrato noise that can be mapped to a stream.
00:54:096 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same here

sans. is too hard so I can't say much but I saw the stream at the end again so I disagree with that again obviously. Really don't think it's too hard. Maybe the map doesn't flow well but 5.5 stars is fine. However the stream is going to 1/3 notes instead of 1/4 notes because 1/3 matches the vibrato noise.

Good luck! I hope this helps!
Thank you!
If a GMT sees this they will be triggered lol
Try avoid posting multiple posts in your beatmaps thread and instead edit your old posts ^^
seems like i can't access your highest diff (sans. one) you have to rename it as there's a bug and it can be fixed by renaming it
Topic Starter

ByBy wrote:

seems like i can't access your highest diff (sans. one) you have to rename it as there's a bug and it can be fixed by renaming it
Yeah I do know what you're talking about. Permanently says "update to latest version" and when I do it resets to 0 stars and have to re-download the map.
I'll message you when I do it. I don't have access to my gaming computer only my phone, will fix in a few hours.
Topic Starter

Yusomi wrote:

00:04:846 (8,9,1) - this spacing look random. maybe just make it even changed the pattern with even DS
00:05:471 (1) - remove nc here fixed
00:09:096 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - the difference in volume level of hitsounds here doesn't make sense. The song doesn't really get quieter but the hitsounds volume gets cut in half?not finished with volume and hitsounds yet.
00:25:346 (3,4) - im not sure why you ignore the 1/4s here and in many other places in the map Understand what you're talking about,
but there isn't any 1/4 here.
However, added 1/4 sliders to account for the other 1/4 areas.
00:34:471 (2,1,2,3,4,1) - every pattern like this in this section uses a different idea. that contradicts the music, since the music is repetitive here. For example this 00:35:971 (4,1) - should have the same spacing as 00:34:971 (4,1) -. 00:37:596 (3,4) - these should follow the same pattern as the rest, because currently they look out of place Changed first half to 3 hexagons and one variation; second half is fine as it is but I changed the end of it.
00:49:471 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - is this really where you wanna put the diff spike? imo the first 25seconds are much more intense than this part changed it since you modded.

00:09:846 (3) - again i think this hitsound volume is an issue not done w/ hitsounds.
00:14:846 (3,4) - these shouldn't be stacked, since previous patterns weren't stacked
00:16:346 (5,6) - again it's odd to ignore the 1/4s, just wondering your reasoning behind that?
00:19:846 (4,5,7) - when frequently using similar sliders like this it's best to copy and paste, otherwise they look very untidy. just copy and paste slider 4 then rotate and flip until it's in the position you want it to be
00:40:221 (2,3) - the spacing is larger between these than the other stacks like 00:41:096 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:39:096 (1,2,3,4) -
00:50:096 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - why NC spam, also the music gets more intense after every note so i think gradually increasing spacing here, instead of constant stacks would match the music better
Changed most of these things before I saw your mod. Many issues are solved.

why not start with a spinner like other diffs? spinner was deleted by accident. fixed
00:19:471 (2,3,4) - this blanket could be improve a lot, currently does not look pretty curved (2) more and changed note stack to slider.
00:26:596 (3) - such a strong sound on slider end isn't the best choice here redid rhythm to make the map less boring and in the process changed this.
00:28:346 (1) - 1/1 slider isn't good choice here because you usually use 1/2 beats like 00:30:346 (1,2,3) - fixed.
00:32:346 (1) - same here fixed.
00:50:096 (1,2,3,4) - this will confuse and frustrate beginner player

good luck !

Swegmec wrote:

Yusomi wrote:

00:25:346 (3,4) - im not sure why you ignore the 1/4s here and in many other places in the map Understand what you're talking about,
but there isn't any 1/4 here.
However, added 1/4 sliders to account for the other 1/4 areas.
If you look at the timestamp rather than the object numbers, there are 1/4s there. the object numbers have been changed in a previous mod or something. These are the objects that were intended to be linked in my mod - 00:25:346 (2,1) - there is still very audible 1/4s here you can do something with ;)
Topic Starter

Yusomi wrote:

00:25:346 (3,4) - im not sure why you ignore the 1/4s here and in many other places in the map Understand what you're talking about,
but there isn't any 1/4 here.
However, added 1/4 sliders to account for the other 1/4 areas.

If you look at the timestamp rather than the object numbers, there are 1/4s there. the object numbers have been changed in a previous mod or something. These are the objects that were intended to be linked in my mod - 00:25:346 (2,1) - there is still very audible 1/4s here you can do something with ;)
Ok I'll replay the timestamp.
m4m return sorry for being late xd

-rename Advanced to Hard, advanced is usually between normal and hard, but u don't have a hard so this should be a regular spread

00:00:096 - move spinner to here, theres no music where the spinner starts
00:03:096 (1,2) - spacing way too large for this diff, since this is 120bpm 1/4 it should be treated as 240bpm 1/2 -> jumps are very bad in low diffs
00:04:471 (2,3,1) - spacing looks the same on both sides so it would be confusing, lower spacing of 3-1
00:05:221 (2,3) - could reduce spacing here
00:12:596 (3,4) - 00:13:471 (5,6) - spacing weirdly small, other places before this has larger spacing with smaller time gaps like here 00:14:596 (3,4)
00:25:471 (2,3,4,5) - 4 clicks in a row is kind of a lot, u can change more into slider
00:38:471 (2) - i think u should just keep the pacing with 1/1, delete this
00:40:471 (2) - ^
00:58:096 - this would be a perfect spot for a spinner but idk how u can do it with the last spinner ending here

00:00:096 - move spinner to here, theres no music where the spinner starts
00:09:846 (3) - SV change doesnt make sense, the pacing is still the same here. move SV change to here 00:10:346
00:15:221 (2,3) - blanket
00:16:596 (1,1,2) - overlap looks bad, move 2 down more
00:20:346 (5,6) - 6 is a weak note, try splitting 5 into 2 1/2 sliders instead to emphasize the same pitch on 00:20:346 and 00:20:596. or u could do this rhythm again 00:08:346 (1,2,3)
00:25:221 (2,3,2) - overlaps look messy
00:28:971 (4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - even for an insane this amount of circles consecutively is too much imo. at least turn this into a slider 00:29:471 (1,2)
00:46:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 00:54:096 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this stuff is overmapped, i get u wanna emphasize the held out thing but u should find another way to do it

00:09:721 - move SV change here 00:10:096
00:17:846 (2) - this should be in 1/8, not whatever u have right now
00:29:846 (4) - ^
00:46:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - overmapped
00:54:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - overmapped
00:58:096 (1) - u put the final spinner here so u could alter the other diffs to match this one more closely

good luck
Topic Starter

Maxylan wrote:

M4M From your queue ~

Just letting ya know I changed a LOT of the beatmap since you posted so I'm only going to reply to the mods that are still applicable.

I dislike the fact that the entire map is so "anti-flow", or whatever other words I could use to describe it. Stuff like, say 00:02:846 (2,3,1) - or 00:04:846 (8,9,1) - while it is rankable is just not enjoyable to play at all, and I feel like you could've mapped this in a much more fluent way instead of keeping everything so damn modular. But this is just my opinion, so feel free to dismiss it. Instead of repeating the same patterns every cycle I alternated between two differing patterns; trying to make map flow better all the time.

Also this map is barely hit-sounded, I found a lot of places with stand-out sounds from the song that wasn't hit-sounded, like for example 00:05:096 (1) - or 00:03:471 (3) - and at best I saw you switched between sample sets only, so you should probably do some hit-sounding work if you want this ranked.
Working on hitsounds. Someone else is helping me as well.
  1. 00:02:096 - Since this is such a dominant sound, the spinner should end on 00:01:846 - or 00:01:971 - so that 00:02:096 - can be emphasized.
  2. 00:05:846 (3,4) - These are the same sound as 00:05:096 (1,1) - so to keep consistency, 3,4 should be a 1/2 slider.
    Same goes for this one 00:09:846 (3,4) - ^^
  3. 00:03:971 (5,6) - To avoid these large time gaps that feel iffy to play at best, you should map the passive rhythm or at least use a slider on 00:03:971 (5) - . Same goes for places like 00:05:971 (4,5) - or 00:07:971 (7,8) - Gaps vary the map a lot, gives a unique feel to playing; ALSO most other people have said it's overmapping to place things here (but I do see your point of filling the gap). If it's unrankable I'll fix it.
  4. I absolutely detest how low the volume goes all of a sudden, it feels like you're going from too high (60%) to barely inaudible (30%), which sure, it could've been fine if it was a gradual decrease in volume, but I would suggest not only that but also increase it to 40% for this section so that it doesn't feel like you're tapping on thin air. For all volume/hitsound-related things: Working on them; the ones I put in are temporary.
    00:17:096 - Same here, it goes from nothing to way too high volume instead of a gradual increase.
  5. 00:16:471 (2,4) - Stack these, although I do see that you used a similar concept on 00:12:596 (3) - so I guess this is optional. fixed.
  6. 00:15:096 (1,4) - 4 Should blanket 1 here, not only would that look better but also play nicer since I think the distance between 00:14:971 (4,1) - are already a bit overkill for this slow section. fixed the DS.
  7. 00:17:846 (2) - Stopping the cursor here feels kind of iffy, but that's just my opinion so ignore if you so wish. Signals the transition into the chorus with a jarring pattern, so it will remain.
  8. 00:21:096 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - and 00:25:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This breaks consistency entirely from what you've established so far into the song with the repeated use of these patterns 00:05:096 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - I think it's okay because it's the second rendition of the chorus but if more people mention it I will change.
  9. 00:22:346 (1,2) - The time gap here seems weird because you're using the same spacing as all the other objects ( 00:22:846 (2,3) - ) stacked 1 and 2 to show the difference in timing.
  10. This 00:25:971 - is the first time you're using hit-sounding as far as I could tell and I'm pretty disappointed, not only does it loose all of its emphasis when it's on a slider end but also there is no sound from the song itself on 00:25:971 - that's so important to emphasise, having the hit-sounding instead be on 00:26:096 - fits alot better.
  11. There's a repeated dominant sound on 00:34:346 - that continues every two white ticks that are not emphasized at all in this entire section. Trust me I'm well aware you're mapping to a different instrument but you *are* allowed to switch/mix instruments to capture all the important sounds as long as you distinguish the sounds from one another, like for example, moving 00:34:846 (3) - further away to give it emphasis and/or making the slider ends 00:34:346 - a clickable sound. Fixed. The violin noise is now emphasized with a further jump and change in the pattern.
  12. 00:41:596 (1,1) - 1 Slider should blanket 1 circle
  13. 00:46:346 - Once again, try emphasizing the dominant sounds, because this is a stream you can for example split the stream into sections forcing the player to jump on each white tick noise.
    Sidenote: In my opinion, the stream is unwarranted overmapping, but this is my opinion. Yeah I'm going to replace with spinners.
  14. 00:51:096 (3) - This should be moved to x:96 y:184 so that the player can continue the movement with the cursor that you established 00:50:346 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - here, also 00:51:096 (3) - blankets 00:50:846 (1) - if you move it to those coordinates which makes it pretty neat. changing the stream anyway.
Overall I see the same issues as I already pointed out in your "Sans" difficulty. Barely any hit-sounding and the hit-sounding that is there makes little sense, the design of the map is pretty modular instead of fluid like I also pointed out, and also it's got the consistency issues I talked about. But I'll repeat myself anyway because I want this to be a thorough mod.
  1. 00:00:096 - This spinner starts about 1/4 earlier than "Sans" diff.
  2. 00:02:096 - Once again this spinner should not end on a sound so dominant, this sound should be clickable
  3. 00:05:096 (1,2) - This flows pretty badly, as the cursor wants to continue more towards the left after 1, not to mention the way they are angled.
  4. 00:09:096 - Whoa, what is with these drastic hit-sounding changes, really.
  5. 00:09:721 - >:-(((((( 00:17:096 - >:-(((((((((((((((((((((((((
  6. 00:10:971 (3,3) - Stack these.
  7. 00:17:096 (1,2,3) - They don't lead into each other at all, the movement is so counter-intuitive and because of the SV and the repeat you have to follow the bodies with the cursor otherwise it's 100 points, same goes for 00:05:096 (1,2) - that I already pointed out and all other repeat sliders with this length. Now they lead into each other, but I'm keeping the straight sliders so the player can tell when the SV is going to be higher. It differentiates 1.0x from 1.5x.
  8. 00:28:471 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Overlaps galore. You need to explore more of the playfield because this feels incredibly cramped.
  9. 00:33:846 (3) - Whistles sound horrible here. Also once again with the hit-sounding on a slider end instead of a clickable object.
  10. 00:34:346 (1,2,3,4) - Same sound as the rest in the coming section but the pattern gets more and more changed, I really dislike this inconsistency.
    Sidenote, also for this section just like with the previous one you make no effort to really emphasize the stand-out sounds.
  11. 00:47:262 (3,4,5) - ew the curve
  12. 00:52:346 (3,5) - Stack these.
  13. 00:56:096 (1) - WHAT? Why is this spinner not on the same sound as the last difficulty, and on top of that, WHY is it on a sound that makes less sense? The winding-up sound that starts on 00:58:096 - is absolutely perfect for a spinner, and I actually wanted to tell you that on the "Sans" difficulty until I saw this.

Actually way better in terms of gameplay and fluidity than the other two diffs so far, hitsounding remains an issue as well as the drastic volume changes.
  1. 00:00:096 - WHY IS YOUR PLACEMENT OF SPINNERS SO FUCKING INCONSISTENT I DON'T GET IT?! plz tell me you just accidentally forgot it I actually deleted it by accident. Put it back in.
  2. 00:13:471 (5,6) - The time gap between these are pretty hard to read, especially for an Advanced diff, you should put more effort into distinguishing these so the time gap is obvious for this one and others like this one.
  3. 00:26:971 - Missed a sound. Even if it's an "Advanced" you do frequently use 1/2 gaps so capturing said sound is okay.
    Sidenote: Reason I don't point these out on 00:25:221 - is because I know you wanted to put extra emphasis on 00:25:096 - which I find okay.
  4. 00:29:096 (4) - Even more missed sounds.
  5. 00:35:096 (3,4,5,6) - Eeww, this is annoying to read for me can't imagine what it's like for someone playing an advanced, not only is the time gaps between notes misrepresented but because you force yourself to this pattern you miss the opportunity to emphasise some of the sounds on the white ticks like 00:35:346 - for example.
    Also! 00:34:096 (1,2) - is the same sound as 00:35:096 (3,4,5,6) - yet they are ENTIRELY different, which hurts overall consistency by miles, the only difference is a very VERY slight decrease in the tone which does NOT warrant the drastic change in the pattern used.
    This goes for that same entire section ^^ even if it's a repeatedly used element doesn't mean it's good.
  6. 00:42:346 (1,2) - Speaking of hard to read timegaps
  7. 00:46:096 (1) - 00:54:096 (1) - >:-(((((((((( awdkawkdlafiesfkfsfeo
  8. 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - 00:56:096 (1) - :-((((((((((((((((
  9. 00:58:096 - ;_________; ;________; ;________; I cry

    Fixed everything here. Especially the spinners ;)

Sorry for being kindof a dick in my mod, I hope you know I mean nothing by it lol it's just the way I always write mods and stuff.
No worries. Thank you!

Yahuri's Mod

Yahuri wrote:

m4m return sorry for being late xd

-rename Advanced to Hard, advanced is usually between normal and hard, but u don't have a hard so this should be a regular spread done

00:00:096 - move spinner to here, theres no music where the spinner starts Yup. Anything having to do with spinners has been fixed so if you see no reply look here :)
00:03:096 (1,2) - spacing way too large for this diff, since this is 120bpm 1/4 it should be treated as 240bpm 1/2 -> jumps are very bad in low diffs removed the repeat and added a bridge circle instead.
00:04:471 (2,3,1) - spacing looks the same on both sides so it would be confusing, lower spacing of 3-1
00:05:221 (2,3) - could reduce spacing here fixed
00:12:596 (3,4) - 00:13:471 (5,6) - spacing weirdly small, other places before this has larger spacing with smaller time gaps like here 00:14:596 (3,4) It's 0.7x where most other parts are 1x; not that drastic of a change. Think it's okay for now but if others say things I'll change it.
00:25:471 (2,3,4,5) - 4 clicks in a row is kind of a lot, u can change more into slider fixed
00:38:471 (2) - i think u should just keep the pacing with 1/1, delete this fixed
00:40:471 (2) - ^
00:58:096 - this would be a perfect spot for a spinner but idk how u can do it with the last spinner ending here

00:00:096 - move spinner to here, theres no music where the spinner starts
00:09:846 (3) - SV change doesnt make sense, the pacing is still the same here. move SV change to here 00:10:346 fixed
00:15:221 (2,3) - blanket tweaked slightly but I don't see a blanketing issue. The end of (3) isn't supposed to blanket.
00:16:596 (1,1,2) - overlap looks bad, move 2 down more fixed
00:20:346 (5,6) - 6 is a weak note, try splitting 5 into 2 1/2 sliders instead to emphasize the same pitch on 00:20:346 and 00:20:596. or u could do this rhythm again 00:08:346 (1,2,3)
00:25:221 (2,3,2) - overlaps look messy
00:28:971 (4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - even for an insane this amount of circles consecutively is too much imo. at least turn this into a slider 00:29:471 (1,2)
00:46:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 00:54:096 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this stuff is overmapped, i get u wanna emphasize the held out thing but u should find another way to do it
fixed everything else in one way or another.

Changed this entirely since you modded and everything is fixed.
00:09:721 - move SV change here 00:10:096
00:17:846 (2) - this should be in 1/8, not whatever u have right now
00:29:846 (4) - ^
00:46:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - overmapped
00:54:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - overmapped
00:58:096 (1) - u put the final spinner here so u could alter the other diffs to match this one more closely

good luck
Thank you!

Swegmec wrote:

Will get to other diffs tomorrow; I need to do my homework :P
Thank you :)
Bu..but... My M4M :(
from my m4m Q

  1. 00:00:012 (1) - I think it should be 00:00:096 - here.
  2. 00:03:096 (4) - You have to fix this multiple reverse slider as Ranking Criteria said. And also this has 2 reverse and 00:03:721 (5) - it has 1. It's too unkind to noobs

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Avoid 1/2 sliders with multiple reverses. New players are unable to read additional reverses because they are visible for such a short amount of time.
  3. 00:03:721 (5,1,2) - , 00:07:471 (4,1,2) - You should keep Time-distance equality. Normal diff is recommended to use same distance snap. ofc it also mentioned in Ranking Criteria

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Time-distance equality should be used. Variations are acceptable if they are clearly different from spacing used for different rhythms. When hit objects are more than 1 beat apart and have relatively high spacing on the playfield, time-distance equality does not need to be as precise.
  4. 00:07:096 (1,2,3,4) - It seems too hard, you didn't use 1/2 circle stream at 00:02:971 (3,4) - here.
  5. There is no more thing I should mention until you fixed every unrankable issues i said.
  1. 00:02:346 (1) - Delete NC? i think it doesn't need nc
  2. 00:09:096 (1,2,3) - Beats are weird, How about use same beat as 00:05:096 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this part
  3. 00:15:096 (1) - del NC? you didn't put nc at 00:11:346 (4) - here or 00:13:346 (4) - here.
  4. 00:16:346 (5,1) - NC swap? it breaks your nc cycle
  1. 00:09:846 (3) - This sv decreasing is pretty weird. i think it should start at 00:10:346 (1) - here.
  2. 00:25:846 (4) - it should be 1/2 slider bcuz you skipped every white tick sound like 00:20:096 - here or 00:22:096 - here
  3. 00:25:721 (3,4) - , 00:29:346 (3,1) - stack? it isn't fun to me. maybe you can keep the flow.
Sorry for delay, GL :)
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