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walaowey wrote:

transcendental wrote:

OK, sorry to ruin - but I think the top diff of this could use some major improvement before moving into ranked.

Overall many of the stream and slider shapes seem rushed and sloppy, and could be improved by even a few seconds of work. In addition, many of the patterns seem to be hastily constructed, with shapes and patterns that should match up instead being different. Concepts are thrown about and used once or twice, then discarded, making the map feel haphazard and poorly structured. Even the concepts that are used throughout the map are used inconsistently, making it hard to recognize their reuse.

00:06:300 (1) - this slider shape is awkward, uneven, and could easily be improved. i actually use this type of sliders for every spacing stream part except in the middle of kiai, bcoz in kiai that rhythm is more smooth. but if you think its awkward, maybe u can provide suggestion? doesn't really matter how you do it, just be more consistent with it since you use so many different things; self-intersecting sliders like this one, sliders going back onto the stream at 01:11:100 (1) , the exact same slider shape but not going back on to the stream this time at 02:41:100 (1) , literal plain curved sliders at 01:20:700 (1) , and then this random slider at 03:46:800 (9) that is placed after a completely normal non-accelerating stream, it's just all over the place.

00:11:400 (1) - this could be moved a little bit up and to the right to be evenly spaced between the head and tail of 00:11:100 (1) it looks fine tho, and its not even overlapping xd . Also, why is this NC'd? bcoz downbeat i mean you obviously recognized that the musical phrase starts before the downbeat since 00:11:100 (1) is nc'd, nc 'ing this just "because downbeat" is completely unnecessary

00:21:300 (5,6,7,8,9) - this could be evenly spaced with 00:20:700 (1) and 00:21:000 (3) its a pattern here, i overlap (1,3) and space (5.
to echo the pattern at 00:05:100 (1,2,1,2,1) right but what i'm saying is that in a lot of other cases you overlap all three, why switch back and forth randomly

00:29:700 (1,2,1,2,1) - same here both of this is different rhythm to me >< then why is it the same pattern

00:28:500 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - this could blanket 00:28:200 (1,2,3,4) better. Also, why is this an accelerating stream? Almost all accelerating streams in this section are linked to ascending/descending pitches, except for this one; what warrants the exception? the blanket is fine tbh, and the beat is going stronger imo. fine tbh yeah ok, one side of the blanket is literally double the spacing of the other side

00:34:200 (3,4,5,6,7) - Why is this spacing so much smaller than 00:31:800 (3,4,5,6,7) even though it's the same notes simply played in reverse? the rhythm for both of them is different tbh, the reverse spacing is to show the difference. while 00:31:800 (3,4,5,6,7) - and 00:36:600 (3,4,5,6,7) - have the same spacing bcoz they got the same rhythm uh the rhythm is literally exactly the same they're both 1/4s played on the same instrument just one is ascending and one is descending

00:36:600 (3,4,5,6,7) - this is noticeably smaller spaced than 00:31:800 (3,4,5,6,7) , and is incredibly obvious in gameplay since 00:32:025 (6,7) do not overlap but 00:36:825 (6,7) do. Increasing spacing to match the other stream would be nice. its actually in the DS range tho , 1.5x, check both of them, they're there the point isn't that they're both "about 1.5", which would be okay. the point is that 00:32:025 (6,7) don't overlap visually, but 00:36:825 (6,7) do even though they're the same musically, 00:54:000 (4,5,6,7,1) this and 02:24:000 (5,6,7,8,1) are spaced completely differently even though they're the same musically, 00:49:425 (8,1) - doesn't overlap but 02:19:425 (8,1) does even though they're the same musically (plus the second one happens to use the same slider as 01:11:025 (8,1) even though they're completely different musically), etc. Players don't really see "1.5x spacing", they see "last note overlaps" or "last note doesn't", and that varies seemingly randomly throughout the map.

00:48:300 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - This is not a strong enough sound to warrant such a streamjump; the kick rhythm is the same one that is playing throughout this entire section, and there is no strong sound in the arpeggio you're mapping this stream to. for consistency, since i mapped other part with a 4 by 4 jump streams link with 8 streams why force 'consistency' here when the music isn't consistent at all, and you ignore consistency in pretty much the rest of the map?

01:23:100 (1,2) - this is seemingly meant to echo the repeated pattern at 01:21:000 (1,1) but is shaped differently apparent reason the vocal and rhythm is clearly different there imo then why use the same pattern

01:48:300 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - the change in spacing on this stream is rather excessive; almost double that of any other stream in the map. In addition, the previous four streamjumps all increased in stream spacing, but this one gets smaller first before getting bigger again, making it a little awkward to play and weird to look at. also the curve could be evened out but thats not a huge deal i'm making this as the highest point of the map. it is being emphasized the most here with the stream in the end is mapped to constant beat. the smaller spacing is for building up the streams consistently so uh here you say this is the 'highest point of the map' but later on you say the last kiai is the strongest so which one actually is it?

The rest of the map is pretty much the same; stream spacing seems to vary randomly with no apparent rhyme or reason, you didn't reply to this one also, why is 02:24:000 (5,6,7,8,1) - randomly so much smaller, why is 03:21:825 (8,1) - randomly massive, why is 03:30:750 (3,4,1) - the only instance of this pattern with a corner on the NC, etc

NC arrangements are similarly random (why is 03:09:300 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - the only 1/3 stream combo'd in 3's, for example), got another 1 lol, [/color'> so the point here is that some of them are combo'd like this, some are combo'd in 6 like 02:33:000 (2,3,4,5,6) (yes this is combo'd in 6, if it was combo'd in 3s 02:33:600 (4) would be a NC), and some aren't combo'd at all like 01:07:800 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1)

bezier slidershapes seem hastily constructed, irregular, and do not match the clean blanketing/overlapping aesthetic of the rest of the map (03:23:100 (1) - this is so out of place in a section full of inberlocking blanketed perfect circlular sliders). the slidershapes is fine lol, i mapped it like that for all Ma Za Re part, and besides this is the last kiai, the strongest,
harsher pattern and slidershape goes well.
but it doesn't lol, you have the whole section mapped with perfect circular sliders and then this one random weird one. same at 00:33:600 (1) - where you have one weird slider in the middle of a section mapped literally with just circles and straight lines, same at 02:31:200 (1) - where you have a bunch of interlocking blankets plus this one random weird slider, 03:46:800 (9) - this which is just completely out of place, etc

Even a small amount of work could improve this map by a massive amount, I think. It plays relatively well, and the concept is interesting - but the execution in some regards is haphazard, which really casts a shadow over the rest of the map.
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
You don't force the mapper in your subjective opinion. I don't think that the problems you proposed are really a problem that can hurt rankings.
You don't understand exactly what aesthetics is. If you look at the post you countered, you really don't understand what mapper intends and why shape is made like this. Also, you don't know in detail what is used in the difficulty level. If you really understand the mapper's intent and are able to judge it in its entirety, then it should be something that can help the mapper by making a relative suggestion rather than a personal opinion.
"Objective suggestion" also include personal thoughts IMO, modding starts with subjective thinking beacuase no one defined what objective modding is and of course, No one can define that.

If someone ask why, because there is no criteria in the mapping. here are some criteria like mp3 kbps, metadata or blah blah, it's just settings, not "mapping" at all.
other things(distance, flow, rhythm selection, placement and many more) don't have any criteria, right? It's pretty simple.

So, modder gave his :subjective opinion: to mapper. After receiving feedback, the mapper :responded to the post: and He :once again emphasized: his opinion by writing a post. what's wrong with this? I don't really think he is forcing the mapper. transcendental can do logical explanations and this should be respected.

I mean, we just have to share more honest opinions with each other.
(whatever it is)

Please don't be angry, this is one of my honest opinions.

I know my english sucks
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
하기야.. 외적으로 스레드 포스트만 보면 일방적으로 제가 화내면서 개인적인 문제를 가지고 강요하지말라는 뉘앙스로 보일텐데... 모딩한 사람과 난이도를 만든 매퍼 그리고 쾃 븡 등등 여러가지 대화를 많이 하고서 저 글을 쓴겁니다.

walaowey가 거부표시를 했고 그것에 대한 수정 그리고 피드백을 더이상 받고 싶지 않다고 저한테 인겜으로 까지 얘기를 했습니다. 포스트엔 드라마 혹은 작은 트러블이 큰 일로 번질까봐 쓰지 않았을 뿐이구요. 또한 walao가 굉장히 불쾌한 기분이 드는 모딩이라고 얘기까지 했습니다.

제3자나 다른사람이면 모를까 해당 난이도 매퍼 본인이 불쾌한 감정을 갖고있고 거부감을 가지며, 이 모딩에 있는 피드백에 대한 것들을 전부 거부를 표시하고 좋아하지 않다는 시점에서 지금 모딩한 애가 매퍼에게 "강요" 한다는 게 성립이 될 수 있어요.

그리고 모딩한 걸 잘 보시면 전부다 개인적인 뉴콤보, 약간의 슬라이더 모양 나지, 근거없는 플레이성 패턴 모양 피드백 등. 디퀄에 적용되지 않는 것들만 잔뜩 잡아놓고.. 이걸 고치면 맵 전체적으로 개선이 된다 이런식인데.. 겨우 저런 나지를 수정한다고 해서 전체적으로 맵 퀄리티가 향상된다고는 생각을 할 수가 없구요.

다시한번 말하지만 다른 모더가 제 맵에 피드백을 하는 것에 대해 수용하지 않고, 자존심 내세우는게 아니라.. 저와 난이도 만든 매퍼 본인 그리고 다른 모더들이 판단해도 디퀄이 필요없다고 판단을 하고있는 시점인데다가.. 아예 디퀄 스레드에 디퀄 시켜달라고 무슨 잡다한 이유싹다 붙여서 글써놓고.. 디스코드에서도 오코린 대답이랑, 난이도 만든 매퍼 본인의 대답 그리고 다른 모더들의 대답을 싹다 캡쳐해서 정리해가지고 이유를 말해주니깐 반박도 못하고 잠수 탔구요.

제가 화가나는건 "주관적인" 의견을 가지고 매퍼에게 피드백하면서 정말 중요한 요소들이 아닌, 단순히 슬라이더 모양 안이뻐, 패턴 모양 안이쁘네.. 이거 뉴콤 왜넣은거야? 등 쓰잘데기 없이 이런 나지 모딩을 가지고 디퀄 스레드에 포스팅 하고, 뻘소리하면서 디퀄을 요청하는 저 태도가 마음에 안드니까 화가난거구요

반론한 걸 보시면 아시겠지만, 매퍼가 슬라이더 모양 쓴 이유, 패턴에 대해 의도한 거 전혀 이해를 못하고있는거 같고, walao 가 리플단거에 대해 전혀 의도를 이해 못하고 되려 매퍼에게 물어보면서 해답을 찾고있고, 자기의 뚜렷한 의견이 아니라 매퍼에게 물어보면서 그 대답을 찾으려는 것 자체가 이상하다는 거에요. "이 맵을 디퀄시켜야 될거같은데? 이건 이렇고 저건 저렇고 이건 좀 위험하네 이건 하면 안돼는 것들이야" 라는 뚜렷한 의견이 하나도 없다구요. 님이 말한대로 모딩은 개인적인 의견이 안 들어갈 수가 없어요 자기가 가지고있는 생각을 매퍼에게 전달하면서 피드백을 주고 대화하면서 수정해나가는게 모딩이죠 그런데, 일반적으로 랭킹을 시도려고 받는 "일반적인 모딩" 과, 랭킹 순위 직전 가짜랭크 "퀄리파이드" 라는 것에 대해 모딩하는 것과는 전혀 다르다는 겁니다.

퀄리파이드에 들어간 시점에서 다른 일반 모더 혹은 븡 QAT들이 모딩을 할 때는 이 맵에 위험한 요소가 있고 절대로 있어서는 안되는 것들, 조금 오버된 것들, 언스냅, 메타데이터 등 정확한 문제를 제기하며, 이유를 설명하고 매퍼에게 전달 해주면서 디퀄이 이루어지는 건데, 이건 "나지" 말그대로 마이너 요소 즉, 모더의 주관적인 소망을 모딩에 덮어씌워서 매퍼에게 수정을 하라면서 디퀄을 시키겠다는 마인드인데, "디퀄" 이라는건 위에서도 말씀드렸지만, 위험한 요소들 언랭킹 크레티아에 쓰여져 있는 것들을 어겼을 때 매퍼의 의견없이 디퀄을 요청할 수 있는거지만 이런 슬라이더 모양 개선이나 패턴 모양 개선들은, 만든 매퍼와 대화를 통해서 디퀄을 시켜서 고칠건지, 안고칠건지를 판단하는 건데, 반복 말씀드리는 것이지만 이 난이도를 만든 매퍼가 원하지를 않고 개선의 여지가 없다고 판단하고 거부를 하는데, 이이상 모더가 의문을 가지고 매퍼가 거부한 것에 대해 리플을 달고 반론을 하면서 왜 안고쳐? 이건 정말 그럴까? 라는 뉘앙스가 과연 "강요"가 아닐 수 있을까요?

그리고 왠지 모르겠는데 이 맵에 조금 일이 일어나서 그런지 모르겠는데 여러가지 피드백 글쓰려고 오시는 분들이 오해할 까봐 혹시몰라서 오코린과 다른쾃한테도 여쭤봤어요. 지금 이 피드백에 대해 수정을 하거나, 받아들인다면 더 나아질 가능성이있느냐? 혹은 언랭요소가 포함되어있느냐?

오코린의 대답은 오히려 이 피드백을 받으면 이전 퀄리티보다 더 나빠질 수 있다는 대답이 나왔구요. 오히려 이걸 만든 매퍼 본인에게 물어보는 걸 추천했고 위에서 이미 말했다시피 매퍼는 이 피드백을 이미 거부하고있구요. 그렇다면 저 모딩에 대한 이야기는 여기서 끝이라는 겁니다 더이상 언급할 필요가 없고, 저 모딩에 대해 피드백을 받아들이거나, 이 이상 모더랑 대화를 할 필요가 없다는 뜻입니다.

현재 쾃들이나 븡들이 하는 대답은 비슷했어요. 그다지 큰문제는 아니고 미학에 관해서는 디퀄하는 것에 대해 포함되지 않고 오로지 이 난이도를 만든 매퍼 본인에게 달려있다 라고 하고있어요. 못믿으시겠으면 따로 피엠주시면 캡쳐해놓은거 그대로 보내드리구요.
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
fuk double post

이 맵에 난이도나 따로 피드백할게 있으면 제 난이도 한정, 저에게 개인적으로 피엠을 주세요. 여기다가 자꾸 스레드 깨워서 판 벌어지는거 하고싶지도 않구요.

그리고 뭐만하면 "예민하게 반응한다, 화를낸다, 또 저런다" 제가 영어 리딩력이 후져서 다소 오해가 생겨 트러블이 생길 수는 있지만, 의도적으로 싸움을 걸거나, 사람들에게 피해를 주는 언행이나 행동은 하지 않으니까.. 저와 그리고 관련된 사람들만 글을 써주세요. 이 사람 저사람 제 3자들이 와서 글쓰면 오히려 더 혼란해지고 복잡해져서 해결할 수 있는 것도 복잡하게 해결해야 되서 머리만 더 아파지니까요.. 부탁 좀 드릴게요 한국 매퍼 여러분.
Edit: goddamn im stupid, sorry for the inconvenience
nice song
Nao Tomori
definitely agree, will contact qat for dq and punishment. this kind of immoral beatmap stealing shouldn't be tolerated in the community!

Naotoshi wrote:

definitely agree, will contact qat for dq and punishment. this kind of immoral beatmap stealing shouldn't be tolerated in the community!
Wǒ xǐhuān dà gèzi
DeRandom Otaku

Naotoshi wrote:

definitely agree, will contact qat for dq and punishment. this kind of immoral beatmap stealing shouldn't be tolerated in the community!

Seasly wrote:

This maps last difficulty is copied from this map

most of the patterns here are really similiar to other ones, and also the hard part seems to be copied completely from this map.
i am dead

Naotoshi wrote:

definitely agree, will contact qat for dq and punishment. this kind of immoral beatmap stealing shouldn't be tolerated in the community!
spam like this is against the fourm rules
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Famous BNs are here ! what happen lol
01:15:000 (1,2) -
03:25:500 (1,2,1,2) - 7 and 8 arrows = it's very far

God dammit I was seriously ready to crack out that nuke icon, but it's just brought across from walao's own set...

Minor hilarity aside, we can cut the nonsense shitposting now and keep the thread on topic thanks

MaridiuS wrote:

Seasly wrote:

This maps last difficulty is copied from this map

most of the patterns here are really similiar to other ones, and also the hard part seems to be copied completely from this map.
i am dead
did this seriously happen? LOL
anyways, congrats on ranking the map
see? you shouldn't have been doubting yourself the whole time
i can't believe you almost dropped the mapset completely but it turned out to get ranked
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