
Catch the Beat World Cup (Finals - China wins!)

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Sent a PM to CriticalDex yesterday for potential matchtime. Still waiting for an answer.
May be he will answer or not...... Theirs interest no too big in this tournament-.-
Artificial Children
I think that week u need a break/skip, has no muchs game to do now and a preview of playlist will be good too :P
Why we are waiting still for their response????? it is so unfair with every other teams.

TaylorXIII wrote:

Why we are waiting still for their response????? it is so unfair with every other teams.
Lol, calm down and take it easy... Quarter-finals are gonna begin next week.
What are you waiting for?

China vs Chile is skipped.
CriticalDex has not been responding my PM finalising our matchtime for 38 hours. I suggested that we play at Saturday 10pm GMT+9.
Any, uh, tournament officials wanna intervene on this? CriticalDex has STILL not answered...
If none of the other team had appeared, they get -3 points, and the other team get 3 points, as usual :3

Go Neo, time to put the final classification \o/
Chile vs China...orz
iirc Chile and China don't need a match if they don't want one. Just update the scoreboards already gosh, it's been a week D:
Artificial Children
The left match is not chile vs china, is old school vs cfc >: and that "make difference" in that group but is clear that old school don't wanna a match so i think that is a free 3 points for cfc
Old School vs CFC may still happen sometime this Thursday or Friday...CriticalDex got in touch with me this Sunday and we are talking
Final Rankings:




Topic Starter

added maps, rankings and some rules

matches and some more rules will be added tomorrow

NeoRainier wrote:

I <3 your scoreboards organization.
Oh shit, we're the only team that half legitimately won all 4 matches. Suma-chan I don't wanna die in the first round >_<

....But in any case, the thread title says break, so we have no matches this week either right? Because my birthday is on Sunday. And I have loads of shit to do in school this week.
Just wanna say gratz to the remaining team and best of luck to all of you
==a Deif's uber team didn't qualify @.@"
wtf? WE dissapeared? what. You could have pm'd us you fool? The fuck is that kind of decision?
Please don't put impossible to fc maps ... is annoying.
At least i don't have to suffer anymore

eldnl wrote:

Please don't put impossible to fc maps ... is annoying.

Emaal wrote:

wtf? WE dissapeared? what. You could have pm'd us you fool? The fuck is that kind of decision?
seriously, worst held "world" "cup". man... wow. Btw, I'm from Old School, in case you're wondering.
Good point since some groups have different players from different countries

Deif wrote:

eldnl wrote:

Please don't put impossible to fc maps ... is annoying.
I say about nichijou song lol

eldnl wrote:

I say about nichijou song lol
Derp, my bad ^^'

EDIT: Weezy's tourney, Round 3: Romantic Children... dat pixel jump. /me runs

Deif wrote:

eldnl wrote:

I say about nichijou song lol
Derp, my bad ^^'

EDIT: Weezy's tourney, Round 3: Romantic Children... dat pixel jump. /me runs
Can't see that map in any round :T

eldnl wrote:

Can't see that map in any round :T

Deif wrote:

eldnl wrote:

Can't see that map in any round :T
weezy's tournament xD
But is not the same tournament :T
Artificial Children
But the nichijou map is the best of this round >:

Artificial Children wrote:

But the nichijou map is the best of this round >:
That map sucks :T

eldnl wrote:

Artificial Children wrote:

But the nichijou map is the best of this round >:
That map sucks :T
you suck -_-

and just score better then you opponents and you guys win (kinda self explanatory)

Weezy wrote:

eldnl wrote:

That map sucks :T
you suck -_-

and just score better then you opponents and you guys win (kinda self explanatory)
owww sorry weezy xD but I think that map plays very bad on ctb.
He offended, would be my guess, since it's his map

-Newbie- wrote:

He offended, would be my guess, since it's his map
not offened really one guys opinion :/
its just im here u know -__-
Weezy's the best for being here, we should all cherish his presence~

Kitsunemimi wrote:

Weezy's the best for being here, we should all cherish his presence~
Flatterers everywhere :3

Kitsunemimi wrote:

Oh shit, we're the only team that half legitimately won all 4 matches. Suma-chan I don't wanna die in the first round >_<.
Hey. >:I. We half legitimately won our 4 matches too. ;_;.

AroundTheManhole wrote:

Kitsunemimi wrote:

Oh shit, we're the only team that half legitimately won all 4 matches. Suma-chan I don't wanna die in the first round >_<.
Hey. >:I. We half legitimately won our 4 matches too. ;_;.
ya but we're Canadian :3
I would still love a great explanation for my team, and why they were ditched without contacting us before doing so.

Emaal wrote:

I would still love a great explanation for my team, and why they were ditched without contacting us before doing so.
I contacted your captain 200 times, he was very kind to not provide me with a definite time you could play, or a confirmation when I presented him a specific time.
Artificial Children

KRZY wrote:

Emaal wrote:

I would still love a great explanation for my team, and why they were ditched without contacting us before doing so.
I contacted your captain 200 times, he was very kind to not provide me with a definite time you could play, or a confirmation when I presented him a specific time.
And we wait more the one week and nobody shows up .-.
Yuki Hana-Chan
First post on this... orz? o-o
Anyways, I'm guessing there's no finalized date for the elimination round, is there? o-o

Artificial Children wrote:

And we wait more the one week and nobody shows up .-.
We're still waiting for that? The thread name already changed, and their score has been deducted.

Kitsunemimi wrote:

Artificial Children wrote:

And we wait more the one week and nobody shows up .-.
We're still waiting for that? The thread name already changed, and their score has been deducted.
Nah we aren't

KRZY wrote:

Emaal wrote:

I would still love a great explanation for my team, and why they were ditched without contacting us before doing so.
I contacted your captain 200 times, he was very kind to not provide me with a definite time you could play, or a confirmation when I presented him a specific time.
I had gotten no information on whatsoever.

Emaal wrote:

I had gotten no information on whatsoever.
Captains are supposed to be communicative people who set match times and contact the other teammates, so that they know when they have to play.

It's not other ppl's fault that you weren't correctly informed, IMO.

Nevertheless, the 1st post of this topic has been weekly updated, with all the time matches, songs,... So everybody was informed properly.
Topic Starter
so not much time right now so i'll just write here the upcoming matches (more information will hopefully come tomorrow)
1. Group A vs 2. Group C
1. Group B vs 2. Group D
1. Group C vs 2. Group A
1. Group D vs 2. Group B
So uh who tops group 4

Chile or China?

KRZY wrote:

So uh who tops group 4

Chile or China?
I guess its whatever whats placed in the chart.
Artificial Children
Team Nub vs Viciados em Crack Sunday 14:00 GMT-5; 17:00 GMT-2

25/12 in xmas? D: really really? :(
Lol i'd like seeing my relative faces while saying: "Hey, i've got to go home for a match on my pc, warm food when i'm back and i'll eat with you"

I probably won't be on on any weekend till 7-8 Jan...
How did you expect teams can play this weekend? If I were them, I won't play for sure lol

Let's delay all the matches till January 7-8 orz...
I cant play at saturday ... its christmas day and me with my parents will be celebrating all day .... so i wont be able to play .... sorry ....
I can't play at the time listed.
The matches will be postponed, of course... but Zapo has to make it official :p
Yeah give the players a break lol matches during the end of the year are not a good idea
Artificial Children
Zapo change in the first post for 7~8 jan \o/
So merry xmas and happy new year for everyone :)
Topic Starter
*cough* i'm the christmas troll* cough*
merry x-max to everyone :D
Baka Zapo~ Just tell that the matches are on January 7-8th.

Btw, Merry Christmas to everyone :3
Merry Christmas everyone~~
Yay Christmas is over \:D/

It would be very intense fight..

Good luck~

Note : Dark_Diego is now afk...
Still Christmas over here~ Meri Kuri <3

CLSW wrote:

Yay Christmas is over \:D/

It would be very intense fight..

Good luck~

Note : Dark_Diego is now afk...
I know, im trying to find a backup ...
Ohhh, according to the new set time, I most likely will not be able to make it.
Unless I get really really lucky, I really can't.
If the match time could be moved later in the afternoon, or on Sunday morning/afternoon, that would be great. Thanks.
Actually, me too, if our match could be moved to 13:00 or 14:00, that would be great. Thanks.
Artificial Children

Kitsunemimi wrote:

Actually, me too, if our match could be moved to 13:00 or 14:00, that would be great. Thanks.
Nevermind i see wrong, but already is in 14:00 pm in ur gmt
....I meant...
.... ;~;
I meant 15:00 or 16:00
Topic Starter
changed both~
Add MoodyRPG to the chilean team please !
The Hidden Ones vs half manual player team

Now we're waiting for Taiwan's Triple Crown.
CFC vs China 1:3

mp history

round 1: forgot..

round 2:

round 3:

round 4:
Nub vs Viciadosem Crack

Round 1 :
Round 2 :
Round 3 :
Match History :
Oh god those score differences ;_____; I'm sooo sorry AC, Kazuo; we were too.... rough ;___;

I-I hope you guys can still continue to be pro and improve ;______;
Topic Starter
sry about the delay...had english test today <.<

anyway everything should be updated now
Holy! xd
Good luck to the remaining teams :3

Nyan-Zapo wrote:

Team Nub vs China Saturday GMT-5 22:00 Sunday GMT+8 11:00
Oh fuck, okay, gg, we lost. Made it to the semi-finals, that's pretty good I guess.

Also, in related news, my life is so full of fuck and homework right now that I really don't think I can play at all this weekend. Won't be available until after next week, so I don't know if that'll work...

EDIT: Actually, I would really REALLY prefer if we delay the match for one week, and I'm pretty sure jonnypui is also going to have a lot of work to do this weekend. If it's possible, then that would be really great...
indeed i also have no time this weekend, so i agree to delay to next week :3
half manual player team vs Chile Sun GMT-3 11:00 GMT+8 22:00
Congratz to the taiwanese team :D
half manual player team vs Chile 4:2

Diego returned today = =
Team Nub vs China 3:4

mp history

round 1:

round 2:

round 3:

round 4:

round 5:

round 6:

round 7 forgot --
Lol I only have my score but I think it's enough :P
;________________; we could've done so much better
Good job everyone.

... SWITCHED-ON LOTUS was a disaster.
For the next CWC Senyo have to be alone in his team ;p

I hope you can enjoy as much as you can the Finals, guys. Good luck to all!
Part of me's wanting to ask for a rematch. I mean, Sumaki wasn't even there for more than half the thing, and when he was, he wasn't even home. And that's why we failed SWITCHED-ON LOTUS........ I mean like, that wasn't even supposed to happen.

I know it's our fault that he didn't show up on time (he misread the date), and China legitimately won, but I just feel that it wasn't fair ;_;

EDIT: Sumaki say he was forced to go out, and couldn't get home on time, so he played on a crap computer which goes down to 20 FPS (lol?). I know that there were quite a few other imbalanced matches out there, but... this is the semi-finals.. so I hope you understand how we feel.

EDIT2: oh heh, I just realized how immature and silly I sound. Don't mind me then, I can get quite stubborn with things when there are exams, or a lot of stress going on in my life.
If that's the point I feel the same, if diego had played the tournament with us, most likely we would have won, but taiwan won cleanly.
Me and Spectator feel same, yeah.


But this is semi-final, so I think it's not unnecessary to rematch.
can't be saying these kind of things after the match you know

You don't get a week of arranging time for nothing
Good luck to the teams in the finals ^__^

/me starts planning for 2vs2 tourney so no issues with holidays and exams...
Topic Starter
everything updated...dont forget the match for place 3~

you are allowed to bitch about the maps via PM~
7/9 maps are CTB-only. Enjoy the finals :3
I cannot play with the match time, I am probably busy for most of the day on Saturday.
I can either play on Sunday, depends what time. But I'll have to ask my team members, etc etc.
i'm afraid none of my members is available this saturday..
So we'll be happy if we can delay the match to next weekend -3-
sorry for inconvinient
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