
ClariS - border -TV MIX-

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Ok ok , farei um mod razoavel aki
Expert Yotsugi
00:13:188 (3,4) - Essas duas notas n tem relação nenhuma com o pattern anterior e n formam um pattern com essa aki 00:12:851 (2) -
e tb n faz referencia a nenhuma pattern que venha apos ela fazendo-a parecer aleatoria , sugiro q faça uma mudança (Minha opinião , apesar de q ainda sim n teria nenhuma conexão com as proximas notas , faria um pouco mais de sentido e deixaria mais polido visualmente )
00:14:874 (5) - apenas mova um pouco essa nota para q esse 1,47x vire 1,5 ou 1,49 x para manter perfeita simetria (Não q seja necessario mas eu acho q é bom notar esse tipo de coisa)
00:19:256 (1) - tente deixar essa nota em paralelo com essas 00:19:593 (2,3,4) - (tente deixar todas paralelas pois o 3 n esta perfeitamente em paralelo com o 2)
00:21:109 (11,1,2) - o flow disso ta meio meeh , seria melhor realocar as notas e fazer um angulo agudo aproveitando q a proxima nota vai demorar um tempo para aparecer
00:23:638 (2,3,4,5,6) - pq n deleta isso e subistitiu por uma estrela perfeita criada pelo comando ctrl shift D?
00:25:997 (1,3) - esse blanket ta errado , cheque pra ver se tem mais como este
Tente tomar mais cuidado com a angulação dos sliders , utilzar o comando de copiar e colar com outros junto é uma boa ideia pra manter certa simetria
00:31:728 (3) - msm coisa de antes mas como eu disse , é mais um problema meu mas aconselho mudar , nesse caso basta modificar um pouco o pattern , n e mta complicação
00:32:233 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - o flow disso ta uma ó , uma porra
00:32:065 (1,2,3,4) - alem do angulo entre o 1 2 3 e o 2 3 4 estarem diferentes seria melhor q vc fizesse angulos agudos , ou seja , jumps
é um movimento muito mais suave pro player e vc poderia fazer mais uma estrela juntando essas 5 00:32:065 (1,2,3,4,1) -
e sobre essas 00:33:413 (1,2) - eu ja falei algo antes , tente olhar as outras caso vc tenha feito mais
00:38:975 (6,7) - o angulo disso tb ta meio meh , tente n fazer esse tipo de angulo a n ser q seja totalmente proposital devido a algum momento em especifico do mapa pois nesse tipo de mapa vc tem um monte de outras opões :V
00:40:829 (1,2,3,4,5) - só apontando mais um lugar onde e melhor usar o comando la pra fz estrela , tente utilizar esse comando qnd for fazer patterns geometricas
01:00:295 - aki tb devia ter uma nota fazendo com q esse 01:00:211 (3) - n fosse um jump e sim parte da stream tb
Bom , tente dar uma olhada no mapa e ver se oq eu falei pode ser aplicado em outras partes (e pode :V )
Ja começo meio...
00:11:672 (2) - Vc poderia dar ctrl h e e fazer um blanket com a slidertail e o 00:11:166 (1) - (isso provavelmente mudaria mta coisa pois vc teria q alterar algumas otras partes do futuro)
00:15:885 (3,4) - podia fz blanket tb ne (tem outros pra vc fz isso)
00:16:559 (1,2) - esse é o unico caso q irei citar mas tem mtos otros
tente usar simetria nos sliders , angulos iguais , formatos iguais ou semelhantes
00:19:256 (1,2) - Só um exemplo de onde vc poderia usar o copiar colar e rotacionar
00:20:604 (1,2) - Ok , mas como isso é um insane vc n precisa se privar de streams (n to falando pra tirar mas vc pode se libertar mais qnt a streams em insane , vc podia fz uma stream seguida de um buzz slider para preparar o jogador sobre streams futuras )
00:32:402 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - Cuidado com o flow , n irei mais repetir aki
00:34:087 (1,2,3) - Eu lembro disso , vc poderia mudar um pouco o angulo do 3 pra fazer um circulo perfeito +- assim
Claro q vc teria q realocar para uma posição melhor
00:43:863 (3,4,5,6) - Esse square aki ta meio meh tb , o 3 tem uma distancia mto grande do 4 em comparação ao resto , algo q dessa vez aconselho mudar pois nos otros era 3 - 4 de diferença mas aki é 16 - 17
01:00:042 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Isso ficou muito bom tho
01:15:969 (2) - essa nota n tem som NENHUM e na vdd 01:16:053 (3,4,5) - essas 3 eram pra formar uma stream de 5 notas , vc ta escutando a musica ou ta copiando e colando pq essa porra repete d+? :V
01:16:475 (6) - isso tb n tem som btw
01:22:627 (1,2,3) - o flow n e mto bom mas o pattern em si e baum dimais entao n tem problema em casos como esse
Ta , esses casos q eu citei servem pra MUITA COISA entao acho q , infelizmente ,seria mais facil dar remapp se tentando evitar os erros dessa
Nas outras diffs n tem nda entao né
Os mapas em si tao bons mas estao mal polidos e cheio de problemas , nda q seja muito complicado se consertar pois e um TV size
Espero ter ajudado :3
Topic Starter
Eu refiz o mapa insane, corrigindo o máximo de erros que você apontou.
O mapa expert eu ainda está em andamento e será diferente do que eu fiz ali acima.
Obrigado pela ajuda :D tmj
Seto Kousuke
irc mod dos brother
2017-09-22 17:53 TheBenderGamer: seto vc está livre pra dar uma olhada num mapa meu rapidinho?
2017-09-22 17:53 Seto Kousuke: hmmm
2017-09-22 17:53 Seto Kousuke: 15 minutos
2017-09-22 17:53 Seto Kousuke: manda
2017-09-22 17:53 TheBenderGamer: ok
2017-09-22 17:54 TheBenderGamer: ACTION is playing [ ClariS - border -TV MIX- [Insane]] +Hidden +HardRock
2017-09-22 17:54 TheBenderGamer: ve a insane ai :v
2017-09-22 17:58 Seto Kousuke: por que você mapeia?
2017-09-22 17:59 TheBenderGamer: q pergunta estranha mas pq estou gostando mt
2017-09-22 17:59 TheBenderGamer: talvez
2017-09-22 17:59 Seto Kousuke: bacana, mas não era bem essa a resposta, vou perguntar diferente
2017-09-22 17:59 Seto Kousuke: para o que tu mapeia?
2017-09-22 17:59 Seto Kousuke: pra PP, pela música, pela diversão
2017-09-22 17:59 Seto Kousuke: tu quer ser só mais um mapper
2017-09-22 17:59 Seto Kousuke: ou ser alguém que se destaca
2017-09-22 17:59 TheBenderGamer: pela musica e pela diversão
2017-09-22 18:00 Seto Kousuke: bom então vamos lá
2017-09-22 18:00 Seto Kousuke: seu mapa me incomoda por ser muito vazio
2017-09-22 18:00 Seto Kousuke: eu não entendi qual era seu propósito com essa insane
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: é como se fosse só umonte de nota na tela com uma música no fundo
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: por exemplo
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: 00:17:908 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) -
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: isso aqui tu não tá seguindo vocal
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: tu tá seguindo a intensidade da transição focando no instrumental
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: até ai ok
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: tá feia a pattern, poderia ser melhorada, mas ta ok
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: no entanto
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: 00:23:132 (4,1,2,3,4) -
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: aqui acontece um breakdown na música
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: mas tu não tá seguindo instrumental
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: e o vocal tá sendo seguido de forma bem ''meh''
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: o grande problema com isso
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: é que tu deu a entender que tu tava seguindo ''a música como um todo''
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: mas ai tu fez esse pecado aqui
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: 00:23:301 (1,2,3) -
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: aqui tem um enorme momentum de ritmo
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: é uma pegada muuito feeling e importante do breakdown
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: mas tu mapeou como sliders 1/2 genéricos entediantes
2017-09-22 18:03 Seto Kousuke: a estrutura inteira do mapa não encaixou no ritmo que tu escolheu
2017-09-22 18:03 Seto Kousuke: e em minha honesta opinião
2017-09-22 18:03 Seto Kousuke: seguir vocal com sliders 1/2 vazios e genéricos como esses em breakdown ou qualquer outro momento importante da música
2017-09-22 18:03 Seto Kousuke: é a coisa mais triste e decepcionante que eu vejo num mapa, tanto como ''mapper'' e como ''jogador''
2017-09-22 18:04 Seto Kousuke: pq fica muito sem graça, é como se tu não tivesse dado a devida importância pra música como um todo
2017-09-22 18:04 Seto Kousuke: (não veja isso como um ataque pessoal, é um feedback de mapper/player)
2017-09-22 18:04 Seto Kousuke: entende?
2017-09-22 18:04 TheBenderGamer: saquei
2017-09-22 18:04 TheBenderGamer: entendi
2017-09-22 18:04 TheBenderGamer: q pessoal oq
2017-09-22 18:04 TheBenderGamer: to começando agr cara kkkkk
2017-09-22 18:04 TheBenderGamer: a mapear
2017-09-22 18:04 Seto Kousuke: é que eu falo de forma direita e as vezes as pessoas entendem mal
2017-09-22 18:04 TheBenderGamer: tenho q levar na cara oq acham msm pra aprender
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: 00:28:694 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - novamente, representação muito shitty da música
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: a bateria fazendo uma transição toda forte e importante
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: e tu me faz 2 sliders 1/2
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: onde o som forte ainda cai na tail
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: o final de um slider é um som fraco
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: tu não pode botar som importante nela assim
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: fica muito merda
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: fica muito boring de jogar
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: e a distancia do 4->5 precisa ser maior
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: porque é uma intensidade
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: a musica fica forte lá
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: musica aumenta a intensidade = aumente o DS
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: 00:35:099 (4,1,2) - evita fazer isso
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: observa como o movimento é super aberto
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: tá quase 180°
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: evita qualquer tipo de movimento próximo de 180°
2017-09-22 18:07 Seto Kousuke: pra isso funcionar tem que ser muito bem construido e em momentos específicos
2017-09-22 18:07 Seto Kousuke: 00:36:447 (6,1) - precisa de mais DS, olha o tick branco grande ali no 1
2017-09-22 18:07 Seto Kousuke: e além disso é um som forte
2017-09-22 18:07 Seto Kousuke: e de preferencia não bota assim em linha reta
2017-09-22 18:07 Seto Kousuke: evite linhas retas, angulos 180° etc
2017-09-22 18:08 TheBenderGamer: blz
2017-09-22 18:08 Seto Kousuke: 00:37:795 (4,1) - DS ruim, ficou feio visualmente e no gameplay
2017-09-22 18:08 Seto Kousuke: precisaria aumentar um pouco
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: me distrai no wpp
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: foi mal, voltei
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: 00:46:728 (2,3,4,5,6,1) -
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: olha só
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: a pattern ficou bonitinha
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: mas observa o seguinte
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: 00:47:402 (6,1) -
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: ta vendo o movimento que o jogador vai fazer do 6->1 ?
2017-09-22 18:13 TheBenderGamer: isso foi nojo msm
2017-09-22 18:14 TheBenderGamer: agr q to vendo eu percebi
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: é praticamente a mesma direção do00:47:571 (1) -
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: e isso ficou muito merda
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: dá um treco na mira bem bosta
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: AEOEAHEAOUHEAUO
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: como isso é a última nota da sessão de jumps
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: e ainda é o tick branco grande (a.k.a. transição
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: tu poderia ter feito isso aqui
2017-09-22 18:15 Seto Kousuke:
2017-09-22 18:15 Seto Kousuke: ta meio feio e torto
2017-09-22 18:15 Seto Kousuke: mas é um exemplo
2017-09-22 18:15 Seto Kousuke: uma aumentada no DS pra enfatizar a transição, fica bacana
2017-09-22 18:15 Seto Kousuke: e ainda num movimento confortável
2017-09-22 18:16 Seto Kousuke: 00:51:615 (1) - de novo, mas aqui o movimento foi ok
2017-09-22 18:16 Seto Kousuke: mas nesse teu estilo e estrutura, fica 10x melhor aumentando um pouco o DS
2017-09-22 18:16 Seto Kousuke: por exemplo
2017-09-22 18:16 Seto Kousuke:
2017-09-22 18:16 Seto Kousuke: tá torto, mas é um bom exemplo
2017-09-22 18:16 Seto Kousuke: precisa realçar essa transição
2017-09-22 18:17 Seto Kousuke: e assim tu faz o movimento ficar mais amigável
2017-09-22 18:17 Seto Kousuke: e não preso e dolorido como tava
2017-09-22 18:17 Seto Kousuke: 00:57:683 (4,5,6) - olha o que eu falei sobre movimentos retilineos, 180°
2017-09-22 18:17 Seto Kousuke: 00:59:031 (5,6,1) - e o que eu falei sobre ângulos muito abertos
2017-09-22 18:18 Seto Kousuke: cansei, os erros vão ficar se repetindo do inicio ao fim
2017-09-22 18:18 Seto Kousuke: mas não tá ''horrível'' não
2017-09-22 18:18 Seto Kousuke: ta indo num caminho bom
2017-09-22 18:19 TheBenderGamer: vlw isso irá me ajudar mt :)
2017-09-22 18:19 Seto Kousuke: c:
2017-09-22 18:19 Seto Kousuke: btw, vo postar o irc mod lá na thread
2017-09-22 18:19 Seto Kousuke: pra farmar uns cu doce
Topic Starter

Seto Kousuke wrote:

irc mod dos brother
2017-09-22 17:53 TheBenderGamer: seto vc está livre pra dar uma olhada num mapa meu rapidinho?
2017-09-22 17:53 Seto Kousuke: hmmm
2017-09-22 17:53 Seto Kousuke: 15 minutos
2017-09-22 17:53 Seto Kousuke: manda
2017-09-22 17:53 TheBenderGamer: ok
2017-09-22 17:54 TheBenderGamer: ACTION is playing [ ClariS - border -TV MIX- [Insane]] +Hidden +HardRock
2017-09-22 17:54 TheBenderGamer: ve a insane ai :v
2017-09-22 17:58 Seto Kousuke: por que você mapeia?
2017-09-22 17:59 TheBenderGamer: q pergunta estranha mas pq estou gostando mt
2017-09-22 17:59 TheBenderGamer: talvez
2017-09-22 17:59 Seto Kousuke: bacana, mas não era bem essa a resposta, vou perguntar diferente
2017-09-22 17:59 Seto Kousuke: para o que tu mapeia?
2017-09-22 17:59 Seto Kousuke: pra PP, pela música, pela diversão
2017-09-22 17:59 Seto Kousuke: tu quer ser só mais um mapper
2017-09-22 17:59 Seto Kousuke: ou ser alguém que se destaca
2017-09-22 17:59 TheBenderGamer: pela musica e pela diversão
2017-09-22 18:00 Seto Kousuke: bom então vamos lá
2017-09-22 18:00 Seto Kousuke: seu mapa me incomoda por ser muito vazio
2017-09-22 18:00 Seto Kousuke: eu não entendi qual era seu propósito com essa insane
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: é como se fosse só umonte de nota na tela com uma música no fundo
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: por exemplo
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: 00:17:908 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) -
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: isso aqui tu não tá seguindo vocal
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: tu tá seguindo a intensidade da transição focando no instrumental
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: até ai ok
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: tá feia a pattern, poderia ser melhorada, mas ta ok
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: no entanto
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: 00:23:132 (4,1,2,3,4) -
2017-09-22 18:01 Seto Kousuke: aqui acontece um breakdown na música
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: mas tu não tá seguindo instrumental
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: e o vocal tá sendo seguido de forma bem ''meh''
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: o grande problema com isso
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: é que tu deu a entender que tu tava seguindo ''a música como um todo''
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: mas ai tu fez esse pecado aqui
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: 00:23:301 (1,2,3) -
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: aqui tem um enorme momentum de ritmo
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: é uma pegada muuito feeling e importante do breakdown
2017-09-22 18:02 Seto Kousuke: mas tu mapeou como sliders 1/2 genéricos entediantes
2017-09-22 18:03 Seto Kousuke: a estrutura inteira do mapa não encaixou no ritmo que tu escolheu
2017-09-22 18:03 Seto Kousuke: e em minha honesta opinião
2017-09-22 18:03 Seto Kousuke: seguir vocal com sliders 1/2 vazios e genéricos como esses em breakdown ou qualquer outro momento importante da música
2017-09-22 18:03 Seto Kousuke: é a coisa mais triste e decepcionante que eu vejo num mapa, tanto como ''mapper'' e como ''jogador''
2017-09-22 18:04 Seto Kousuke: pq fica muito sem graça, é como se tu não tivesse dado a devida importância pra música como um todo
2017-09-22 18:04 Seto Kousuke: (não veja isso como um ataque pessoal, é um feedback de mapper/player)
2017-09-22 18:04 Seto Kousuke: entende?
2017-09-22 18:04 TheBenderGamer: saquei
2017-09-22 18:04 TheBenderGamer: entendi
2017-09-22 18:04 TheBenderGamer: q pessoal oq
2017-09-22 18:04 TheBenderGamer: to começando agr cara kkkkk
2017-09-22 18:04 TheBenderGamer: a mapear
2017-09-22 18:04 Seto Kousuke: é que eu falo de forma direita e as vezes as pessoas entendem mal
2017-09-22 18:04 TheBenderGamer: tenho q levar na cara oq acham msm pra aprender
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: 00:28:694 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - novamente, representação muito shitty da música
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: a bateria fazendo uma transição toda forte e importante
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: e tu me faz 2 sliders 1/2
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: onde o som forte ainda cai na tail
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: o final de um slider é um som fraco
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: tu não pode botar som importante nela assim
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: fica muito merda
2017-09-22 18:05 Seto Kousuke: fica muito boring de jogar
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: e a distancia do 4->5 precisa ser maior
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: porque é uma intensidade
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: a musica fica forte lá
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: musica aumenta a intensidade = aumente o DS
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: 00:35:099 (4,1,2) - evita fazer isso
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: observa como o movimento é super aberto
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: tá quase 180°
2017-09-22 18:06 Seto Kousuke: evita qualquer tipo de movimento próximo de 180°
2017-09-22 18:07 Seto Kousuke: pra isso funcionar tem que ser muito bem construido e em momentos específicos
2017-09-22 18:07 Seto Kousuke: 00:36:447 (6,1) - precisa de mais DS, olha o tick branco grande ali no 1
2017-09-22 18:07 Seto Kousuke: e além disso é um som forte
2017-09-22 18:07 Seto Kousuke: e de preferencia não bota assim em linha reta
2017-09-22 18:07 Seto Kousuke: evite linhas retas, angulos 180° etc
2017-09-22 18:08 TheBenderGamer: blz
2017-09-22 18:08 Seto Kousuke: 00:37:795 (4,1) - DS ruim, ficou feio visualmente e no gameplay
2017-09-22 18:08 Seto Kousuke: precisaria aumentar um pouco
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: me distrai no wpp
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: foi mal, voltei
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: 00:46:728 (2,3,4,5,6,1) -
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: olha só
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: a pattern ficou bonitinha
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: mas observa o seguinte
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: 00:47:402 (6,1) -
2017-09-22 18:13 Seto Kousuke: ta vendo o movimento que o jogador vai fazer do 6->1 ?
2017-09-22 18:13 TheBenderGamer: isso foi nojo msm
2017-09-22 18:14 TheBenderGamer: agr q to vendo eu percebi
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: é praticamente a mesma direção do00:47:571 (1) -
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: e isso ficou muito merda
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: dá um treco na mira bem bosta
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: AEOEAHEAOUHEAUO
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: como isso é a última nota da sessão de jumps
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: e ainda é o tick branco grande (a.k.a. transição
2017-09-22 18:14 Seto Kousuke: tu poderia ter feito isso aqui
2017-09-22 18:15 Seto Kousuke:
2017-09-22 18:15 Seto Kousuke: ta meio feio e torto
2017-09-22 18:15 Seto Kousuke: mas é um exemplo
2017-09-22 18:15 Seto Kousuke: uma aumentada no DS pra enfatizar a transição, fica bacana
2017-09-22 18:15 Seto Kousuke: e ainda num movimento confortável
2017-09-22 18:16 Seto Kousuke: 00:51:615 (1) - de novo, mas aqui o movimento foi ok
2017-09-22 18:16 Seto Kousuke: mas nesse teu estilo e estrutura, fica 10x melhor aumentando um pouco o DS
2017-09-22 18:16 Seto Kousuke: por exemplo
2017-09-22 18:16 Seto Kousuke:
2017-09-22 18:16 Seto Kousuke: tá torto, mas é um bom exemplo
2017-09-22 18:16 Seto Kousuke: precisa realçar essa transição
2017-09-22 18:17 Seto Kousuke: e assim tu faz o movimento ficar mais amigável
2017-09-22 18:17 Seto Kousuke: e não preso e dolorido como tava
2017-09-22 18:17 Seto Kousuke: 00:57:683 (4,5,6) - olha o que eu falei sobre movimentos retilineos, 180°
2017-09-22 18:17 Seto Kousuke: 00:59:031 (5,6,1) - e o que eu falei sobre ângulos muito abertos
2017-09-22 18:18 Seto Kousuke: cansei, os erros vão ficar se repetindo do inicio ao fim
2017-09-22 18:18 Seto Kousuke: mas não tá ''horrível'' não
2017-09-22 18:18 Seto Kousuke: ta indo num caminho bom
2017-09-22 18:19 TheBenderGamer: vlw isso irá me ajudar mt :)
2017-09-22 18:19 Seto Kousuke: c:
2017-09-22 18:19 Seto Kousuke: btw, vo postar o irc mod lá na thread
2017-09-22 18:19 Seto Kousuke: pra farmar uns cu doce
Insane Yotsugi
00:01:054 (3) - imo this should be a 1/1 slider.
00:19:256 (1,2) - these two could be a reverses to capture the sounds in the middle. Furthermore, I dont really like the
shape of these sliders. This might be better
00:20:941 (5) - not sure why this is a double reverse
00:21:953 (1) - use a reverse to capture the sound on the red tick.
00:39:481 (1) - this slider entry angle is very awkward to play. People are going to slider break
00:46:222 (1) - This wave slider looks odd this would work better
00:54:986 (3) - spacing here is very low
00:59:368 (7,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - I think this stream could look a lot better if you waved it
01:10:492 (1) - awkward slider entry angle again. Also you've used this shape quite a lot in your map. Try to spice it up with different shapes
Overall I really like this map. Its simple, cute and the song is actually really nice
Collab Insane
00:04:256 (3) - first thing that stands out is this slider. Honestly I think it looks ugly, try something like
Honestly your free to change it as you want but keep it symmetrical or in your starting red anchor is slanted to the right
00:05:773 (1,2,3,4) - not sure why these are jumps. Its quite a calm part of the song, maybe linear circles would work here.
00:08:469 (1) - This would look better for a wave slider
00:09:818 (1) - Also bending straight sliders this much tends to look bad. Just ease the bend a little pls
00:11:672 (3) - reverses? 00:13:357 (4) - 00:15:042 (4) - 00:19:256 (4) - 00:20:436 (3) -
00:28:526 (4) - why does this end on a strong sound. Using circles here and 00:28:863 (5) - would be cool and it would lead well into kiai.
00:30:042 (7) - slider aesthetics
00:35:436 (1) - ^^
00:37:964 (1,2,3) - keeping visual spacing the same (gaps between all the notes) would look better here
Stuff like 00:39:481 (1,2,3) -
same here 00:44:031 (2,3,4) -
00:44:874 (1) - this slider enters in an awkward way again lol
00:47:571 (1) - This wave slider needs more waviness! same here 00:51:615 (1) - 01:07:795 (1) - 01:17:233 (1) -
00:52:795 (1) - why does this slider start on the 1/2 before the vocals. Remember the most important sound should be mapped actively by clicking on it
Using a circle 00:52:795 (1) - and starting the slider on 00:52:879 - would be better
Honestly I hate this shape 01:11:840 (1) - It ruins such a cute map
01:27:851 (4) - bend this a little to the right.
I like this diff, its cute but you need to be more aware of visual spacing and slider aesthetics.
00:13:863 (1,2) 00:35:436 (1) - 00:39:481 (1) - - these wave sliders! They hurt me on a very deep inside level. I've already explained what a good wave slider looks like ^^ so have a look :)
00:30:548 (2) - this feels undermapped
00:31:222 (1) - you can start this on the downbeat and make it a 1/2 slider. Then use a circle where this starts.
00:36:784 (1) - holy, ngl these sliders ruin the whole map. Keep it cute and simple with 3 point sliders. If your going to use red anchors save them for special sounds, not just a strong vocal
01:07:121 (3,4) 01:08:469 (3) - - I would avoid using diagonal straight sliders like this
Yeah this diff looks good otherwise. Just fix some aesthetical things.
00:14:537 (5) - extend this to 00:14:862 - ? and 00:13:863 (4) -
00:16:559 (1) - reverse?
00:18:919 (4,3) - stack these!
00:23:132 - the vocal starts here
00:23:301 (4) - also the red tick on this slider has a strong sound
add a circle here 00:26:840 (4) -
imo this section should have more 1/2 00:28:020 (2,3) -
Your kiai seems all good to me! :) Just work on the rhythm at the start
00:13:863 (1,2) - make these 1/1 sliders
00:16:559 (1) - you could make this a 3 1/1 sliders to cover all the vocals
same here 00:19:256 (1) -
00:39:481 (1) - this feels undermapped. I know its an easy but maybe use more circles and shorter sliders. :/
01:08:806 (4,1) - blanket problems :) You can disable ds for such a small aesthetical improvement
Yeah it looks pretty good again. Just work on a few rhythm choices.

Overall, I like the set, gl on getting it ranked! :)
Topic Starter

b00 wrote:

Insane Yotsugi
00:01:054 (3) - imo this should be a 1/1 slider. This part is similar to this one 00:07:627 (3) - that's why I can not change
00:19:256 (1,2) - these two could be a reverses to capture the sounds in the middle. Furthermore, I dont really like the
shape of these sliders. This might be better these two sliders were to strengthen the voice and the beat to something greater, like the flow that comes soon after and I liked the sliders I made :D
00:20:941 (5) - not sure why this is a double reverse because I did not want to do a very long stream
00:21:953 (1) - use a reverse to capture the sound on the red tick. Fixed
00:39:481 (1) - this slider entry angle is very awkward to play. People are going to slider break Fixed
00:46:222 (1) - This wave slider looks odd this would work better ok
00:54:986 (3) - spacing here is very low The beat is slow so i decrease the spacing
00:59:368 (7,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - I think this stream could look a lot better if you waved it I do not think it's cool, so I'll rethink about it. ;)
01:10:492 (1) - awkward slider entry angle again. Also you've used this shape quite a lot in your map. Try to spice it up with different shapes
Overall I really like this map. Its simple, cute and the song is actually really nice fixed
Collab Insane
00:04:256 (3) - first thing that stands out is this slider. Honestly I think it looks ugly, try something like
Honestly your free to change it as you want but keep it symmetrical or in your starting red anchor is slanted to the right I'll leave it as it is for now.
00:05:773 (1,2,3,4) - not sure why these are jumps. Its quite a calm part of the song, maybe linear circles would work here. Fixed
00:08:469 (1) - This would look better for a wave slider Ok
00:09:818 (1) - Also bending straight sliders this much tends to look bad. Just ease the bend a little pls Fixed
00:11:672 (3) - reverses? 00:13:357 (4) - 00:15:042 (4) - 00:19:256 (4) - 00:20:436 (3) - the last three were to reinforce the voice
00:28:526 (4) - why does this end on a strong sound. Using circles here and 00:28:863 (5) - would be cool and it would lead well into kiai.I'll think about it
00:30:042 (7) - slider aesthetics ok
00:35:436 (1) - ^^
00:37:964 (1,2,3) - keeping visual spacing the same (gaps between all the notes) would look better here Fixed
Stuff like 00:39:481 (1,2,3) -
same here 00:44:031 (2,3,4) - I'll think about it
00:44:874 (1) - this slider enters in an awkward way again lol I do not think :)
00:47:571 (1) - This wave slider needs more waviness! same here 00:51:615 (1) - 01:07:795 (1) - 01:17:233 (1) - Ok
00:52:795 (1) - why does this slider start on the 1/2 before the vocals. Remember the most important sound should be mapped actively by clicking on it
Using a circle 00:52:795 (1) - and starting the slider on 00:52:879 - would be better Fixed
Honestly I hate this shape 01:11:840 (1) - It ruins such a cute map I realized that you do not like it
01:27:851 (4) - bend this a little to the right.fixed
I like this diff, its cute but you need to be more aware of visual spacing and slider aesthetics.
00:13:863 (1,2) 00:35:436 (1) - 00:39:481 (1) - - these wave sliders! They hurt me on a very deep inside level. I've already explained what a good wave slider looks like ^^ so have a look :) Fixed
00:30:548 (2) - this feels undermapped Ok fixed
00:31:222 (1) - you can start this on the downbeat and make it a 1/2 slider. Then use a circle where this starts. Well, it would be feasible, but I wanted to leave the impression of something more "tense" as the next flow
00:36:784 (1) - holy, ngl these sliders ruin the whole map. Keep it cute and simple with 3 point sliders. If your going to use red anchors save them for special sounds, not just a strong vocal Ok :)
01:07:121 (3,4) 01:08:469 (3) - - I would avoid using diagonal straight sliders like this I liked :?
Yeah this diff looks good otherwise. Just fix some aesthetical things.
00:14:537 (5) - extend this to 00:14:862 - ? and 00:13:863 (4) - I can not ignore this red tick
00:16:559 (1) - reverse? Ok
00:18:919 (4,3) - stack these! It would not look cool
00:23:132 - the vocal starts here Beat ^^
00:23:301 (4) - also the red tick on this slider has a strong sound
add a circle here 00:26:840 (4) - Fixed
imo this section should have more 1/2 00:28:020 (2,3) - I think not because the circle went to the beat and the sliders in both both the voice and the beat
Your kiai seems all good to me! :) Just work on the rhythm at the start
00:13:863 (1,2) - make these 1/1 slidersThe slider would be as much for vocal as for the beat and the circle was only for the beat
00:16:559 (1) - you could make this a 3 1/1 sliders to cover all the vocals
same here 00:19:256 (1) - I've been more to the beat, I'll think about it
00:39:481 (1) - this feels undermapped. I know its an easy but maybe use more circles and shorter sliders. :/ it would not get interesting
01:08:806 (4,1) - blanket problems :) You can disable ds for such a small aesthetical improvement Ok
Yeah it looks pretty good again. Just work on a few rhythm choices.

Overall, I like the set, gl on getting it ranked! :)
Thanks for the mod :) :D

  1. Quase todo mundo quer usar nome de diff personalizado hoje em dia, mas são bem poucos que conseguem criar alguma coisa que seja realmente interessante. Insane Yotsugi e Expert Yotsugi são péssimos nomes personalizados, e não vejo porque usar nas duas dificuldades, porque não usa logo em todas então? Se conseguir arrumar aquele problema do beatmap, deixa apenas "Insane", e a dificuldade máxima como alex's"Yotsugi", para pelo menos seguir o "padrão" usado hoje em dia.
  2. Easy Normal Hard. musicas curtas, normalmente são mapeadas igualmente em todas as dificuldades. eu sinceramente acho bem estranho não ter aquele começo mapeado. não duvido que isso seja visto como um problema para outras pessoas também, então recomendo pedir opiniões o mais rápido o possível.
  3. drum-hitwhistle não combinou muito com a musica na minha opinião, mas é questão de gosto, eu acho.

  1. 00:11:166 - até 00:20:604 - se queria usar esse soft-hitwhistle em todas as notas, incluindo slider ends e repeats, devia ter usado como soft-hitnormal. e poderia usar o whistle para dar alguma variação para seus hitsounds nessa intro.
  2. 00:11:166 (1,2,3) - é o verso par de 00:16:559 (1,2) - porém estão mapeados de forma totalmente diferente, e nem mesmo usam o mesmo ritmo.
  3. 00:13:863 (1,2,3) - o mesmo problema acima (par de 00:19:256 (1,2) - )
  4. 00:20:604 (2,1) - remova o finish do slider end e use em (1) use outra coisa no slider end ou não use nada.
  5. 00:52:290 (4,1) - faça um blanket melhor
  6. 01:14:537 (1) - ajuste o slider end para ter um blanket melhor com o slider anterior (3)
  7. 01:21:953 (4,1) - faça um blanket melhor

  1. 00:12:514 (4,5,6) - péssimo design. parece uma tentativa de simetria ou algo feito as pressas só pra ligar com o próximo combo.
  2. 00:27:009 - esse som deveria ser mapeado, é muito importante e também foi mapeado na parte equivalente 00:24:312 (6) -
  3. 00:30:717 (2,3) - faça esses circles formarem uma curva mais natural em conjunto com os sliders
  4. 01:18:245 (2,3) - ^


  1. 00:19:762 (2) - não use esse clap padrão para seguir... nem sei o que tentou seguir... talvez o vocal ou o som levemente diferente do tick vermelho... mas nenhum desses sons se mapeia com clap padrão.
  2. 00:20:604 (1) - ^

  1. 00:54:312 (1,2,3,4) - não fez bom uso do spacing, a intensidade do vocal pede jumps.
  2. 00:08:469 (1,1,1) - as distancias entre os sliders não fazem sentido, deveriam ser parecidas. na verdade na parte mais intensa você usou distancia menor, e na parte menos intensa uma distancia maior...
  3. 01:21:784 (2,3) - a distancia entre essas nota deveria ser maior do que 01:20:773 (5,1) - por ser uma parte mais intensa da musica.

  1. 00:04:256 (1) - faça simétrico de verdade ou mude para uma forma que não possa ser assimilada a simetria.
  2. 00:08:469 (1,2,1,2,) - os gaps entre as notas não são nada interessantes, devia fazer essa parte com sliders, seguindo os vocais prolongados etc.
  3. 00:30:042 (1,2,3,4) - o posicionamento do slider (4) não parece funcionar bem com os outros, levando em conta que nenhum deles vazem overlap.
  4. 00:58:188 (1) - o som no slider end é o mais importante nessa parte, e mesmo assim foi mapeado como um slider end?
  5. 01:21:278 (1,2,3,4) - não fez bom uso do spacing, a intensidade do vocal pede jumps.
  6. 01:27:851 (3) - faça simétrico de verdade ou mude para uma forma que não possa ser assimilada a simetria.

  1. use o video também
  2. o nível de dificuldade está bem desproporcional. algumas partes realmente são muito fáceis, até mesmo para uma dificuldade insane (e provavelmente hard) como 00:01:559 (1,2,3,4) -. esses gaps de 1/1 não servem para essa dificuldade, pois a intensidade da musica continua a mesma 00:40:829 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - e não faz sentido tentar seguir apenas um ritmo em extra se vai acabar reduzindo a densidade de notas a níveis tão baixos.
    00:57:514 (2,1) - 00:59:705 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,1) - são coisas assim que estão "inflando" o medidor de star.
  3. 01:21:278 (1,1,2,3,1,1) - não faz sentido mapear uma musica curta, com varias dificuldades, se no fim das contas acaba dependendo de copias exatas de notas usadas em partes anteriores 00:54:312 (1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,1) -
o beatmap tem potencial, mas vai precisar de mais polimento por conta própria e mais mods.
boa sorte

pimpG wrote:


  1. use o video também Isso fica por conta do bender
  2. o nível de dificuldade está bem desproporcional. algumas partes realmente são muito fáceis, até mesmo para uma dificuldade insane (e provavelmente hard) como 00:01:559 (1,2,3,4) -. esses gaps de 1/1 não servem para essa dificuldade, pois a intensidade da musica continua a mesma 00:40:829 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - e não faz sentido tentar seguir apenas um ritmo em extra se vai acabar reduzindo a densidade de notas a níveis tão baixos.
    00:57:514 (2,1) - 00:59:705 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,1) - são coisas assim que estão "inflando" o medidor de star. Na maioria das vezes esses gaps são estão ai devido ao fato de não existir nenhum som(vocal ou instrumental) , Concordo que esteja consideravelmente facil mas no momento em que mapeei eu tentei evitar ao maximo Overmap , irei colocar mais alguns msm q o vocal seja bem fraco.
    Eu tb n tava seguindo apenas um ritimo , eu tentei tirar o maximo possivel da musica sem adicionar nada q eu n escutasse dela
  3. 01:21:278 (1,1,2,3,1,1) - não faz sentido mapear uma musica curta, com varias dificuldades, se no fim das contas acaba dependendo de copias exatas de notas usadas em partes anteriores 00:54:312 (1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,1) -é o msm tipo de som portanto eu usei o msm pattern mas com algumas diferenças como , por exemplo , o primeiro slider que tem uma velocidade maior para poder terminar em um tick 1/2 em vez de 1/4 devido ao som presente ali ou até msm o formato desses sliders 01:22:290 (1) - 00:55:323 (1) - Que tem um formato semelhante , quase identico a primeira vista mas se for feita uma comparação eles são bem diferentes até
o beatmap tem potencial, mas vai precisar de mais polimento por conta própria e mais mods.
boa sorte
Obrigado pelo mod pimp <3
Edit: Apliquei umas mudanças adicionando notas até onde a mina para pra respirar (Algumas realmente n tinham som nenhum e eu mantive o espaço e outros msm sem som eu coloquei uma notinha mas nda d+)
Topic Starter

pimpG wrote:


  1. Quase todo mundo quer usar nome de diff personalizado hoje em dia, mas são bem poucos que conseguem criar alguma coisa que seja realmente interessante. Insane Yotsugi e Expert Yotsugi são péssimos nomes personalizados, e não vejo porque usar nas duas dificuldades, porque não usa logo em todas então? Se conseguir arrumar aquele problema do beatmap, deixa apenas "Insane", e a dificuldade máxima como alex's"Yotsugi", para pelo menos seguir o "padrão" usado hoje em dia. Ok
  2. Easy Normal Hard. musicas curtas, normalmente são mapeadas igualmente em todas as dificuldades. eu sinceramente acho bem estranho não ter aquele começo mapeado. não duvido que isso seja visto como um problema para outras pessoas também, então recomendo pedir opiniões o mais rápido o possível.
  3. drum-hitwhistle não combinou muito com a musica na minha opinião, mas é questão de gosto, eu acho.

  1. 00:11:166 - até 00:20:604 - se queria usar esse soft-hitwhistle em todas as notas, incluindo slider ends e repeats, devia ter usado como soft-hitnormal. e poderia usar o whistle para dar alguma variação para seus hitsounds nessa intro.
  2. 00:11:166 (1,2,3) - é o verso par de 00:16:559 (1,2) - porém estão mapeados de forma totalmente diferente, e nem mesmo usam o mesmo ritmo. Fixed
  3. 00:13:863 (1,2,3) - o mesmo problema acima (par de 00:19:256 (1,2) - ) Eu tentei uma variação nesse caso para a nota seguinte, quis dar a impressão que ''a intro acabou'' demonstrando na nota seguinte
  4. 00:20:604 (2,1) - remova o finish do slider end e use em (1) use outra coisa no slider end ou não use nada. Ok
  5. 00:52:290 (4,1) - faça um blanket melhor Fixed
  6. 01:14:537 (1) - ajuste o slider end para ter um blanket melhor com o slider anterior (3) Fixed
  7. 01:21:953 (4,1) - faça um blanket melhor Fixed


  1. 00:12:514 (4,5,6) - péssimo design. parece uma tentativa de simetria ou algo feito as pressas só pra ligar com o próximo combo. Melhorei (não se ficou bom)
  2. 00:27:009 - esse som deveria ser mapeado, é muito importante e também foi mapeado na parte equivalente 00:24:312 (6) - Adicionei
  3. 00:30:717 (2,3) - faça esses circles formarem uma curva mais natural em conjunto com os sliders Ok
  4. 01:18:245 (2,3) - ^ Ok


  1. 00:19:762 (2) - não use esse clap padrão para seguir... nem sei o que tentou seguir... talvez o vocal ou o som levemente diferente do tick vermelho... mas nenhum desses sons se mapeia com clap padrão. Removi
  2. 00:20:604 (1) - ^Removi e adicionei finish

  1. 00:54:312 (1,2,3,4) - não fez bom uso do spacing, a intensidade do vocal pede jumps. aumentei o DS do 00:54:312 (1) - esses sliders foi pra introduzir a intensidade do vocal já que eu diminui a velocidade dos sliders por isso deixei mais proximo, isso foi proposital mas irei pensar sobre essa ideia :P
  2. 00:08:469 (1,1,1) - as distancias entre os sliders não fazem sentido, deveriam ser parecidas. na verdade na parte mais intensa você usou distancia menor, e na parte menos intensa uma distancia maior... Mudei não sei dizer se ficou melhor
  3. 01:21:784 (2,3) - a distancia entre essas nota deveria ser maior do que 01:20:773 (5,1) - por ser uma parte mais intensa da musica. Aumentei o DS

  1. 00:04:256 (1) - faça simétrico de verdade ou mude para uma forma que não possa ser assimilada a simetria. Melhorei a simetria
  2. 00:08:469 (1,2,1,2,) - os gaps entre as notas não são nada interessantes, devia fazer essa parte com sliders, seguindo os vocais prolongados etc. Mudei
  3. 00:30:042 (1,2,3,4) - o posicionamento do slider (4) não parece funcionar bem com os outros, levando em conta que nenhum deles vazem overlap. Tirei mas tive que mudar as notas a seguir não sei se ficou bom
  4. 00:58:188 (1) - o som no slider end é o mais importante nessa parte, e mesmo assim foi mapeado como um slider end? Mudei
  5. 01:21:278 (1,2,3,4) - não fez bom uso do spacing, a intensidade do vocal pede jumps. Mesma coisa que a collab
  6. 01:27:851 (3) - faça simétrico de verdade ou mude para uma forma que não possa ser assimilada a simetria.Fiz outro slider

  1. use o video também Fixed

o beatmap tem potencial, mas vai precisar de mais polimento por conta própria e mais mods.
boa sorte

Obrigado pelo mod :3
00:19:256 (1,2,3) check distance
00:26:503 (3,1,2) ^
00:29:705 (4,1,2) ^
00:33:413 (5) I'm not really sure what there need is to do 1/2 slider, because newcomers will be a little difficult
00:34:087 (1,2) wth, why so far?
00:36:110 (3,3) fix stack
00:52:964 (1,1) fix stack
00:53:975 (2) move a bit left for better distance
01:00:042 (4,5,1) check distance
01:01:054 (1,1) can slightly fix stack
01:03:076 (3,1) it's far
01:05:099 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) check distance
01:25:997 (1,2) I think it's better to replace the first two slider on one big to the beginners, what be it was be easier to pass this moment
00:11:166 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) just check distance pls
00:25:323 (2,3) ^
00:17:065 (2) end slider move up for better flow? or copy slider 5 and paste on him place
00:42:177 (1,2) check distance
00:46:222 (4,5,6) ^
01:19:930 (1,2) slightly far
01:26:503 why be not add here circle when u miss sound? on x:96 y:320

other diffs look good as for me
Topic Starter

CucumberCuc wrote:

00:19:256 (1,2,3) check distance
00:26:503 (3,1,2) ^
00:29:705 (4,1,2) ^ All fixed
00:33:413 (5) I'm not really sure what there need is to do 1/2 slider, because newcomers will be a little difficult I think you will have no problems since the next note is a long reverse
00:34:087 (1,2) wth, why so far? I did not understand
00:36:110 (3,3) fix stack Fixed
00:52:964 (1,1) fix stack Fixed
00:53:975 (2) move a bit left for better distance Ok
01:00:042 (4,5,1) check distance Ok
01:01:054 (1,1) can slightly fix stack Fixed
01:03:076 (3,1) it's far Ok
01:05:099 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) check distance Fixed
01:25:997 (1,2) I think it's better to replace the first two slider on one big to the beginners, what be it was be easier to pass this moment I'll think about it
00:11:166 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) just check distance pls
00:25:323 (2,3) ^ All fixed
00:17:065 (2) end slider move up for better flow? or copy slider 5 and paste on him place Fixed
00:42:177 (1,2) check distance Ok
00:46:222 (4,5,6) ^ Fixed
01:19:930 (1,2) slightly far I do not think :P
01:26:503 why be not add here circle when u miss sound? on x:96 y:320 I can not, because if I put that note there I would have to add it here -01:25:829

other diffs look good as for me
Thanks for mod :D

Can you change your Diff's name without that Yotsugi ?
and for the Tag i think its okay if you remove the ending

Easy Yotsugi
-00:19:256 remove the curve maybe ?
-00:48:919 add whistle and finish
-01:22:627 fix blanket just a little bit :3

Other diff's are totally fine so .... GOOD LUCK !!!
Topic Starter

-Aerith- wrote:


Can you change your Diff's name without that Yotsugi ?Removed
and for the Tag i think its okay if you remove the ending Ok

Easy Yotsugi
-00:19:256 remove the curve maybe ? No, it's okay like this
-00:48:919 add whistle and finish Ok
-01:22:627 fix blanket just a little bit :3 Fixed

Other diff's are totally fine so .... GOOD LUCK !!!
Thanks for mod :D
Ayy from q.

01:05:099 (3,4) - These two have slightly higher spacing than usual. (1.06x compared to usual 1.00x)

00:13:526 (6) - Move this up so that the last slider can flow into it better.
00:26:840 (4) - You can make it directly pointing to the next slider to make it easier for players to move there and to make it look slightly better.
00:56:672 (2,3) - There should be a circle between these two since you're following vocals.
01:15:885 (3) - Watch out here. Part of the slider body is offscreen.

Looks good

Collab Insane:
00:05:773 (1,2,3,4,5) - You can adjust this pattern so that they form a perfect pentagon and make the pattern look better. Same with 00:30:548 (1,2,3,4,5).
01:24:986 (6,1,2) - You could make (1) closer to (6) so that the pattern looks more symmetrical.

01:06:953 (2,3,4,5,6) - This pattern could be cleaned up a little (Same suggestion as collab insane)

Alex's Expert:
My only concern is that the intro can use slower SV since intro is just the vocal and guitar, which gives it a slow feel.
Topic Starter
[quote="Josh123uaJ"]Ayy from q.

01:05:099 (3,4) - These two have slightly higher spacing than usual. (1.06x compared to usual 1.00x) Fixed

00:13:526 (6) - Move this up so that the last slider can flow into it better. Ok
00:26:840 (4) - You can make it directly pointing to the next slider to make it easier for players to move there and to make it look slightly better. I changed as you said it looks like it even got better :D
00:56:672 (2,3) - There should be a circle between these two since you're following vocals. This part followed the beat that was the point where it came out on kiai
01:15:885 (3) - Watch out here. Part of the slider body is offscreen. The Aimod did not show this problem, I'll leave it for now

Looks good

Collab Insane:
00:05:773 (1,2,3,4,5) - You can adjust this pattern so that they form a perfect pentagon and make the pattern look better. Same with 00:30:548 (1,2,3,4,5). Different moments different shapes, I'll leave like this
01:24:986 (6,1,2) - You could make (1) closer to (6) so that the pattern looks more symmetrical. Ok

01:06:953 (2,3,4,5,6) - This pattern could be cleaned up a little (Same suggestion as collab insane) I think it's pretty clean, it's a little hard but nothing goes for an insane :D

Thanks for mod :D :)
olá ~


  1. Bem se o alex e o victor estão presentes no mapset então obrigatoriamente tem que te-los na tags resumindo, add victorfernando AlexTroIIPsy nas tags de todas as diff

  1. checa distance snap
  2. 00:15:211 (3) - bem acho que a forma do slider/angulação está bem desproporcional ou desfavorável se tirar em questão aos outros feitos, se pode mover o ponto vermelho para onde o tick branco está para melhorar o angulo conforme fiz nesse exemplo ao meu ver fica mais favorável e bonitinho.
  3. 00:27:346 (1) - bem, creio que da para curva-lo um pouco mais para aperfeiçoar o blanket com o 00:26:503 (3) -
  4. 00:38:806 (4,2) - e aqui um stack mais exato tambem se adequam bem oo
  5. 00:44:874 (1,2) - nao acha melhor alinha-los? Digo deixa-los na mesma direção o 2 ta um pouco abaixo do 1 aa
  6. 01:25:997 (2,3) - voce tens certeza da utilização desse ritmo 1/2 no final? Pois justamente nao se teve a utilização 1/2 até agora e desse modo pode meio que confundir o jogador novato com essa ds presente nessa divisao de batidas, eu no caso apenas substituiria os 1/2 por single beats 1/1 e introduziria esse ritmo no normal.
  1. 00:57:514 (4) - eu tenho quase certeza que nao precisa desse reverse slider terminado nesse ponto 00:58:188 - pois nao tem nada relacionado ao vocal ou instrumental nele, se pode aplicar essa forma ou remover só o reverse do slider para seguir o vocal
  2. 01:01:728 (2,3,4) - aqui é um overlap, move o 01:02:233 (3,4) - para a direita >> dessa forma
    só isso xd
  1. 00:21:953 (1,2,3) - aperfeiçoa o blanket em relação a cada um
  2. 00:35:941 (2,4) - stack suponho eu
  3. 01:20:604 (3,4,1) - A distancia entre essas notas estão bem irregular se comparar a sessão do kiai feita, move o 4 de modo que iguale a distancias entre cada nota presente
  4. 01:25:155 - suponho que aqui nao tenha nada audível tbm afinal começa 3 batidas fortes iniciando nesse ponto 01:24:649 - até esse 01:24:986 - se verificar pode confirmar, melhor substituir por 2 single notas 1/2 e adicionar finish nelas
por incrivel que pareça nada no light insane

Collab insane
  1. 00:04:256 (3) - Bem suponho que tenha feito isso para suportar o vocal, mas creio que nao seja muito adequado para uma diff insane porque de certo modo é bem desapreciado por outros justamente por que ignora o ritmo que o compõem (no caso a guittara), ao meu ver seria mais aceitavel um spinner no local.
  2. 00:05:773 (1,2,3,4,5) - aqui poderia igualar mais as distancias para aperfeiçoar a estrela
  3. 00:08:469 (1,1) - melhoraar os pontos dos sliders, estão bem desproporcionais
  4. 00:12:683 (1,2) - creio que nao precise dessa proximidade se a mesma foi utilizada para fazer uma pausa 00:10:492 (1,2) - certo?
  5. 00:21:447 (6) - bem, admito que esperaria um jump um pouco maior e uma localização mais estratégica, digo nao voltando para oonde está o stack um exemplo
  6. 00:35:436 (1,4) - blanket !!
  7. 01:00:042 (2,3) - nao acha melhor distancia-los da 01:00:717 (4,5,6,7) - , creio que ta uma melhor transição distanciados do que tão próximos
  1. 00:14:200 (3,4,5) - A distancia irregular oo
  2. 00:20:604 (1,2,3,4) - lol, esse monte de claps ficou muito estranho melhor remove-los
  3. 00:26:840 (4,5,6) - blanket com > 00:26:166 (2) -
  4. 00:42:683 (2,3,4,5,6) - bem se poderia aperfeiçoar esse jump dessa forma:
Alex Expert

  1. 00:15:885 (3) - pela sua lógica esse teria que começar de baixo pra cima (ctrl+g) conforme o anterior para seguir seu flow 00:15:211 (1) -
  2. 00:19:762 (1) - creio que nao precise desse nc
  3. 00:23:469 (2) - por incrivel que pareça nao ta blanketado perfeitamente nao lol
  4. 00:27:346 (1) - obviamente stack com 00:26:503 (3) -
  5. 00:58:020 (3) - se está dando um destaque ao sv, e tem jumps 1/2 é melhor aplicar nc nao acha?
é isso ~

Kalindraz wrote:

olá ~ Oi:3
Alex Expert

  1. 00:15:885 (3) - pela sua lógica esse teria que começar de baixo pra cima (ctrl+g) conforme o anterior para seguir seu flow 00:15:211 (1) - Na vdd , a logica desse pattern n ta como vc ta pensando eu acho
    n é um "cima baixo cima baixo" , essa pattern aki 00:15:211 (1,2,3,4) - foi feita seguindo o instrumental sendo q esse primeiro 00:15:211 (1) - Tem um som diferenciado(mais puxado pro agudo) em comparação a esses 3(mais puxados pro grave) 00:15:548 (2,3,4) - por isso os 3 tem o msm movimento
  2. 00:19:762 (1) - creio que nao precise desse ncOk (acho q ficaria mais fofo com ele mas se n precisa entao n vai muda nda :3 )
  3. 00:23:469 (2) - por incrivel que pareça nao ta blanketado perfeitamente nao lol Ok , tentei melhorar e acho q n ta perfeito ainda mas ta menos notavel
  4. 00:27:346 (1) - obviamente stack com 00:26:503 (3) - Show
  5. 00:58:020 (3) - se está dando um destaque ao sv, e tem jumps 1/2 é melhor aplicar nc nao acha?Meh , pq n?
é isso ~:3
Topic Starter

Kalindraz wrote:

olá ~


  1. Bem se o alex e o victor estão presentes no mapset então obrigatoriamente tem que te-los na tags resumindo, add victorfernando AlexTroIIPsy nas tags de todas as diff Adicionei

  1. checa distance snap Chequei tudo
  2. 00:15:211 (3) - bem acho que a forma do slider/angulação está bem desproporcional ou desfavorável se tirar em questão aos outros feitos, se pode mover o ponto vermelho para onde o tick branco está para melhorar o angulo conforme fiz nesse exemplo ao meu ver fica mais favorável e bonitinho. Sou horrivel em fazer slider, arrumei e melhorou :P
  3. 00:27:346 (1) - bem, creio que da para curva-lo um pouco mais para aperfeiçoar o blanket com o 00:26:503 (3) - OK
  4. 00:38:806 (4,2) - e aqui um stack mais exato tambem se adequam bem oo Fixed
  5. 00:44:874 (1,2) - nao acha melhor alinha-los? Digo deixa-los na mesma direção o 2 ta um pouco abaixo do 1 aa Deixei alinhados
  6. 01:25:997 (2,3) - voce tens certeza da utilização desse ritmo 1/2 no final? Pois justamente nao se teve a utilização 1/2 até agora e desse modo pode meio que confundir o jogador novato com essa ds presente nessa divisao de batidas, eu no caso apenas substituiria os 1/2 por single beats 1/1 e introduziria esse ritmo no normal. Fixed
  1. 00:57:514 (4) - eu tenho quase certeza que nao precisa desse reverse slider terminado nesse ponto 00:58:188 - pois nao tem nada relacionado ao vocal ou instrumental nele, se pode aplicar essa forma ou remover só o reverse do slider para seguir o vocal Mudei igual o seu me pareceu melhor e eu não sei porque deixei daquele jeito lul
  2. 01:01:728 (2,3,4) - aqui é um overlap, move o 01:02:233 (3,4) - para a direita >> dessa forma
    só isso xd Fixed
  1. 00:21:953 (1,2,3) - aperfeiçoa o blanket em relação a cada um Melhorei
  2. 00:35:941 (2,4) - stack suponho eu Fixed
  3. 01:20:604 (3,4,1) - A distancia entre essas notas estão bem irregular se comparar a sessão do kiai feita, move o 4 de modo que iguale a distancias entre cada nota presente Estava na distancia correta porém aumentei um pouco pra igualar a sessão do kiai que fiz
  4. 01:25:155 - suponho que aqui nao tenha nada audível tbm afinal começa 3 batidas fortes iniciando nesse ponto 01:24:649 - até esse 01:24:986 - se verificar pode confirmar, melhor substituir por 2 single notas 1/2 e adicionar finish nelas Eu fiz de um modo diferente do que você fez(eu acho) porém arrumei a concordância entre elas
por incrivel que pareça nada no light insane

Collab insane
  1. 00:04:256 (3) - Bem suponho que tenha feito isso para suportar o vocal, mas creio que nao seja muito adequado para uma diff insane porque de certo modo é bem desapreciado por outros justamente por que ignora o ritmo que o compõem (no caso a guittara), ao meu ver seria mais aceitavel um spinner no local. Ok
  2. 00:05:773 (1,2,3,4,5) - aqui poderia igualar mais as distancias para aperfeiçoar a estrela Refiz a estrela
  3. 00:08:469 (1,1) - melhoraar os pontos dos sliders, estão bem desproporcionais Fixed
  4. 00:12:683 (1,2) - creio que nao precise dessa proximidade se a mesma foi utilizada para fazer uma pausa 00:10:492 (1,2) - certo? Aumentei um pouco a distancia para diferenciar um ao outro
  5. 00:21:447 (6) - bem, admito que esperaria um jump um pouco maior e uma localização mais estratégica, digo nao voltando para oonde está o stack um exemplo Mudei
  6. 00:35:436 (1,4) - blanket !! Fixed
  7. 01:00:042 (2,3) - nao acha melhor distancia-los da 01:00:717 (4,5,6,7) - , creio que ta uma melhor transição distanciados do que tão próximos Acredito que não pois eu teria que mudar algumas outras coisas (pelo modo que eu pensei em fazer) irei deixar assim e irei pensar sobre isso
  1. 00:14:200 (3,4,5) - A distancia irregular oo Fixed
  2. 00:20:604 (1,2,3,4) - lol, esse monte de claps ficou muito estranho melhor remove-los Ok
  3. 00:26:840 (4,5,6) - blanket com > 00:26:166 (2) - Não entendi
  4. 00:42:683 (2,3,4,5,6) - bem se poderia aperfeiçoar esse jump dessa forma: Arrumei

é isso ~
Obrigado KALINDRAZ :D <3
Topic Starter
Placehold for modding tmr!!

00:23:132 (2) - I'd say avoid touching HP bar for easy diff. Also the flow at 00:21:953 (1,2) - is kinda bad. You could try ctrl+J the slider instead
00:42:177 (1,2) - more aesthetics (blanket here
00:44:874 (1,2,3) - this can have more aesthetics as well
00:47:233 (4,2) - stack
00:48:919 (2,1) - 00:52:290 (4,1) - etc blanket issues through the map, not gonna mention all
00:57:346 - why do you ignore this beat
01:24:312 - same
Please make sure you check the blankets, they look very off

00:21:278 (4) - this is very intense so 2 circles will be better
00:29:874 - add a circle
00:40:492 (4,5,6) - use a perfect triangle here
01:04:424 (3,4,5,6) - These form a strange shape. It'd be a lot nicer if you can get the angles to all be the same across the shape
01:26:672 (3) - NC

00:21:953 (1,2,3) - the shape is very bad, try equal distance
00:31:391 - there is a downbeat here so it makes little sense to do a slider reverse rather than clickable object at this point
00:35:436 (1,3) - etc. aesthetics
There are still a lot of aesthetics issues, you should work on making the map looks visually better and thus more pleasant to play, not with a lot of weird blankets :>

Collab Insane
00:12:514 - clickable
00:26:587 (5) - seems unnecessary to have a triplet here
00:28:020 (1,2,3,4) - confusing spacing

00:11:166 (1,2,3) - 00:22:627 (3,1) - etc aesthetics/blanket
00:15:548 (3,8) - 01:08:132 (2,4) - stack
It is boring that you used same pattern of jumps in all parts like 00:42:683 (2,3,4,5,6) - 00:53:469 (2,3,4,5,6) - 01:10:997 (2,3,4,5,6) - 01:17:739 (2,3,4,5,6) - I feel the map can be polished more

Top diff
00:38:469 (2,3) - make a bigger spacing here, it is kiai
00:48:582 (1,1) - no need nc spam
00:54:312 (1,2) - separate more
01:21:278 (1,1) - inconsistent with previous pattern
I think you need more polish on patterns as well, some notes placement don't seem harmonic. Besides, there are quite a few 1/1 "gaps" in top diff which kinda break the map flow imo.

Need more work, good luck tho, happy 2018^^
Topic Starter

sahuang wrote:

Top diff
00:38:469 (2,3) - make a bigger spacing here, it is kiai Done
00:48:582 (1,1) - no need nc spamOk changed
00:54:312 (1,2) - separate more Done
01:21:278 (1,1) - inconsistent with previous patternFixed(Also changed the spacing according to what u said b4)
there are quite a few 1/1 "gaps" in top diff which kinda break the map flow imo. I tried to avoid overmapping cuz most of those gaps doesnt really have any sound

Need more work, good luck tho, happy 2018^^Happy 2018 4u2 owo
Topic Starter

sahuang wrote:

Placehold for modding tmr!!

00:23:132 (2) - I'd say avoid touching HP bar for easy diff. Also the flow at 00:21:953 (1,2) - is kinda bad. You could try ctrl+J the slider instead Fixed
00:42:177 (1,2) - more aesthetics (blanket here
00:44:874 (1,2,3) - this can have more aesthetics as well I tried to improve
00:47:233 (4,2) - stack Fixed
00:48:919 (2,1) - 00:52:290 (4,1) - etc blanket issues through the map, not gonna mention all
00:57:346 - why do you ignore this beat I also do not understand why, I added a circle
01:24:312 - same ^
Please make sure you check the blankets, they look very off
Fixed all blankets

00:21:278 (4) - this is very intense so 2 circles will be better Ok, fixed
00:29:874 - add a circle Sure
00:40:492 (4,5,6) - use a perfect triangle here Fixed
01:04:424 (3,4,5,6) - These form a strange shape. It'd be a lot nicer if you can get the angles to all be the same across the shape Fixed?
01:26:672 (3) - NC Ok

00:21:953 (1,2,3) - the shape is very bad, try equal distance I think it would not be interesting, in my opinion, is already good, but I increased the distance of Slider 3 a little
00:31:391 - there is a downbeat here so it makes little sense to do a slider reverse rather than clickable object at this point This is true, fixed
00:35:436 (1,3) - etc. aesthetics Fixed
There are still a lot of aesthetics issues, you should work on making the map looks visually better and thus more pleasant to play, not with a lot of weird blankets :>
I tried to improve all the blankets possible :v

00:11:166 (1,2,3) - 00:22:627 (3,1) - etc aesthetics/blanket Fixed
00:15:548 (3,8) - 01:08:132 (2,4) - stack Fixed
It is boring that you used same pattern of jumps in all parts like 00:42:683 (2,3,4,5,6) - 00:53:469 (2,3,4,5,6) - 01:10:997 (2,3,4,5,6) - 01:17:739 (2,3,4,5,6) - I feel the map can be polished more
I understand, I will diversify these jumps and I will polish more
Thanks for mod and a Happy 2018 :)

sahuang wrote:

Collab Insane
00:12:514 - clickable (ok)
00:26:587 (5) - seems unnecessary to have a triplet here (without triplet the sound is being uncofortable but i removed)
00:28:020 (1,2,3,4) - confusing spacing (changed but i think is more confusing xD)

  1. 00:00:380 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,1,1,2,3) - Sinceramente, deixe tudo na sample soft-default e siga o vocais com o whistle, eu não sei como sons de Kick estão se conectando aqui, se a musica fosse mais voltado pro genero de Metal até entenderia but é um rock J simples... se você colocar whistles seguindo os vocais vai da pra por em todo momento e fica melhor que assim

    01:25:998 (5,8) - Overlap mto desnecessario, ja que é sessões de jumps, poderia simplesmente aumentar o DS ai.

[ATP extra]

  1. 00:44:537 (3) - NC sem necessidade, retire ele. o mesmo vale em 01:11:504 (1) -
por hora só. Completo o mod futuramente
Hi~ from Very High Quality Mods Queue ™
  1. Disable Widescreen Support in all diffs.
  2. 00:15:211 - 00:15:548 - 00:15:885 - 00:16:222 - I don't understand why you stopped adding soft additions + whistle here, the sound you were following still continues.
  3. 00:44:537 - 00:58:694 - 00:59:368 - Finish
  4. 01:08:132 - Clap

  1. 00:13:863 (1,2,3) - Your other combos in this section have more objects and follow the same as this one, this feels very empty compared to the others.
  2. 00:20:604 (2) - You can replace this with a 1/1 slider in 00:20:604 - and a 1/2 slider in 00:21:278 - (like 00:32:739 (4,5) - )
  3. 00:32:739 (4) - Rip DS
  4. 01:26:672 (1) - Isn't really necessary this NC, since in your other combos your NCs were every 2 downbeats.
  5. Fix your blankets.

  1. 00:13:020 (5) - This object is off the screen
  2. 00:21:278 (4,5) - This plays a little weird, and you didn't do anything more similar throughout the diff, just replace this with a 1/2 slider.
  3. 00:23:301 (4) - I really don't feel that this slider is following something in the song, you can move this to 00:23:133 - to follow vocals and the clap in 00:23:470 -
  4. 01:15:885 (3) - Same as 00:13:020 (5) -
  5. 01:26:672 (1) - Same as Easy diff

  1. 00:20:604 (1) - The stream of 00:20:941 (2) - start here, I think you can replace this slider for a 1/4 slider like 00:20:941 (2) -
  2. 00:25:829 (5,1) - Swap NC like 00:23:132 (1) - (Here you put the NC in the beat behind the downbeat)
  3. 00:32:908 (3,4,5,1,2) - Mm... I think this is too hard for this difficult, more than anything for the jump after the slider.
  4. I think this diff need more work, some overlap looks so bad and plays a little weird tbh like 00:34:593 (2,4) -

Ok I stop here, I think some diffs needs more work
Topic Starter
I'll let it go to the cemetery, I'll resurrect it later this year and I'll respond correctly

thanks for mod
Topic Starter

Hazu- wrote:

Hi~ from Very High Quality Mods Queue ™
  1. Disable Widescreen Support in all diffs. Fixed
  2. 00:15:211 - 00:15:548 - 00:15:885 - 00:16:222 - I don't understand why you stopped adding soft additions + whistle here, the sound you were following still continues. Added
  3. 00:44:537 - 00:58:694 - 00:59:368 - Finish Added
  4. 01:08:132 - Clap

  1. 00:13:863 (1,2,3) - Your other combos in this section have more objects and follow the same as this one, this feels very empty compared to the others.
  2. 00:20:604 (2) - You can replace this with a 1/1 slider in 00:20:604 - and a 1/2 slider in 00:21:278 - (like 00:32:739 (4,5) - ) Ok
  3. 00:32:739 (4) - Rip DS Fixed
  4. 01:26:672 (1) - Isn't really necessary this NC, since in your other combos your NCs were every 2 downbeats. I wanted to emphasize the end
  5. Fix your blankets. Ok

  1. 00:13:020 (5) - This object is off the screen Fixed
  2. 00:21:278 (4,5) - This plays a little weird, and you didn't do anything more similar throughout the diff, just replace this with a 1/2 slider. Sure
  3. 00:23:301 (4) - I really don't feel that this slider is following something in the song, you can move this to 00:23:133 - to follow vocals and the clap in 00:23:470 - Ok
  4. 01:15:885 (3) - Same as 00:13:020 (5) - has an important vocal while the other has no
  5. 01:26:672 (1) - Same as Easy diff

  1. 00:20:604 (1) - The stream of 00:20:941 (2) - start here, I think you can replace this slider for a 1/4 slider like 00:20:941 (2) - Ok
  2. 00:25:829 (5,1) - Swap NC like 00:23:132 (1) - (Here you put the NC in the beat behind the downbeat) Fixed
  3. 00:32:908 (3,4,5,1,2) - Mm... I think this is too hard for this difficult, more than anything for the jump after the slider. I didn't find it difficult
  4. I think this diff need more work, some overlap looks so bad and plays a little weird tbh like 00:34:593 (2,4) -

Ok I stop here, I think some diffs needs more work
thanks for mod
Ryuusei Aika
:) Hello!
From my modding queue.


Words in red means that is an unrankable issue (= violate the "Rules" in Ranking Critiria General / Ranking Critiria in osu!) that you MUST fix.

Words in bold black means that is an issue that I highly recommand you (= either violate the "Guidelines" in Ranking Criteria General / Ranking Criteria in osu!, or I believe this issue will influence a lot of the experience of playing) to fix.

Words in black means that is an personal issue and have no big influence on your map in my eyes.

The mark "^" means "here is the same question with whose at above".


  1. For diffs which have spinners in the end: maybe let the spinner to start at 01:27:009 - to represent better the song (As the division of kiai and end part is a vocal sound at 01:27:009 - )?


  1. 00:21:615 - Before this part, the NC setting is a little bit random. For me, we'd prefer to keep a consistency on NC in order to give Easy players a better playing experience. So if you have no specific reasons for why you arrange NCs like that, I suggest you to just put NC on every two long white line, just as what you have done in the rest of the song.
  2. 00:48:919 (2) - This object is off-screen, which is unrankable. You can try to adjust a little its shape to avoid that.
  3. Solid work with variations enter objects and patterns!


  1. 00:24:649 (1,2,3,4) - Subjective, but it would be better if you arrange the rhythm of this part just like 00:21:953 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - because not only for a better consistency, but your current rhythm choice miss a vocal sound at 00:25:155 - , which is a little pity for me.
  2. 00:48:076 (2) - This object is off-screen, which is unrankable. Here is my suggestion based on changing the pattern and the position of 00:46:896 (5,6,1,2,3) - :
    - 01:15:885 (3) - ^, but this time is much easier to solve that: you just need to adjust the position of 01:14:537 (1,2,3) - to make them much more higher in the mapping space.
  3. Good work, just feel that mapping space is not fully used...... but still not bad!


  1. 00:20:604 (1,2,3) - Even players can hold on to pass those reverse sliders, I still think it would be better if you give them a rotation in order to let them flow better (means:
  2. Generally I think this diff have no issues on playability; but it seems there have many detailed problems, and for me the most serious one is the inconsistency. I see you used many equilateral triangles to create your pattern, that's a good idea; however, many such triangles are visually not equilateral and give us a feeling that all those triangles are created manually = feels random and messy, not quite logical.
    Some examples:
    (1) 00:11:503 (2,3,4) - This one is obviously not an equilateral triangle based pattern, we can be easily told that once we roughly look at it. So that means "you don't want to create an equilateral triangle" here, which is acceptable and for me, just keep current pattern is good;
    (2) 00:13:020 (2,3,4) - / 00:15:211 (1,2,3,4) - : Those two are literally equilateral triangle based patterns (though I saw there still have some errors, but I think for the majority, they'll not notice that when they play that or give it a rough look, so it's still ok;
    (3) 00:21:953 (1,2,3) - / 00:24:649 (1,2,3) - : However, the situation for those patterns is a little embarrassing. On one hand, when we roughly look that, we can see that there are clearly a visual ds difference; on the other hand, we still feel that your original purpose here is to make an equilateral triangle based pattern. So those pattern will confuse us, give us a feeling of "random".
    What I want to suggest:
    (1) use ctrl+shift+d or copy-paste-rotate to create some groups of equilateral triangles.
    (2) give all your triangle-based pattern a check (especially where you do want to use equilateral triangle based pattern, and adjust them by stacking them with the equilateral triangles you have created before.
    (3) then adjust other details since the position of objects have been moved (like, for 00:21:953 (1,2,3) - , after your adjust, you may need to recheck if the blanket enter them is still good or not).
    I have given a look to some previous mods by skilled modders, and I saw that they said "your diff needs more works / you need to make them look visually better". For me, I guess what they mean is not that your map is so bad on every aspect that you must to remap all of them, but is you need to pay much more attention on such kind of details. Always remember: when you want to do something, do it perfectly.

Collab Insane

  1. 00:05:773 (1,2,3,4,5) - This pattern feels a little overdone. We are still in the quite part of the song, such pentagon notes are a little too much intense. For me, just use the same rhythm with 00:00:380 (1,2,3) - should be better (can also represent the repeat of the vocal, too).
  2. 00:11:166 - 00:21:447 - NC setting of this part is a little bit confused. Can you explain a little bit why you don't choose to put them sometimes on red lines and sometimes on white lines and in a quite random way? For me, just put them on each long white line shoule be better.
  3. 00:29:537 (3,4) - Maybe ctrl+g them to make them flow better? Because currently 00:28:863 (2,1,2,3) - is like draw a triangle -> move your cursor into the triangle, which is a little hard imo.
  4. 00:49:930 (1) - It's a good idea to slow down the sv here to represent the fancy "silence" part, but 0.9x is not quite differ from 1.0x so players may cannot catch that. Just change the sv here from 0.9 to 0.8 would make it much more better.[
  5. Same, this diff also have problems on consistency as I mentioned in Hard diff. Try to fix them in the same way I mentioned in Hard diff too. (like, 00:00:380 (1,2,3) - can be made as equilateral based pattern / 00:05:773 (1,2,3,4,5) - can be adjusted into a regular pentagon / 00:11:166 (1,2,3) - can be aligned with a perfectly equaled distance enter objects = 00:11:503 (2) - should be put at 260|192 instead of 264|192, by using stack and scale techniques / 00:17:065 (1,2,3,1) - can be made as square based pattern, etc.)


  1. 00:04:256 (1) - Maybe extend this spinner, make it end at 00:05:436 - ? Can represent the vocal better imo.
  2. 00:08:469 (1,1,1) - It would be better if you silence all those three sliders' ends, as there are literally no vocal so it feels weird to hear the drum-hitnormal sound here.
  3. 00:48:751 (6) - This object is off-screen. You can put it at 254|365 or something.
  4. Same, this diff also have problems on consistency as I mentioned in Hard diff. Try to fix them in the same way I mentioned in Hard diff too. Check all your polygon based patterns, and if you want a regular polygon here -- then use the method I mentioned in Hard diff to make them look perfectly regular.

ATP's Extra

  1. 00:35:941 - I think it would be better if you can avoid such kind of blank by changing 00:35:436 (1) - into two 1/2 sliders. Because as you use large jump patterns in transition part = more silence then kiai part (means 00:30:717 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - ), if you don't use a much more dense or
    That point apply to every red line on which there is nothing in both two kiai parts except 00:50:099 - / 01:17:065 - , which are in a instant silence part.
  2. 00:54:312 (1,2) - I saw that someone mentioned that, but personally I think you haven't separated them enough, because here the vocal gets really intense, so they deserve a larger space. Also I think we don't need to use 3/4 here, just 1/2 should be good because vocals decrease their tune on red lines (means 00:54:481 - / 00:54:818 - ). Here is one of my solution: (If you still want 3/4, then do something like 00:54:312 (1,2,3) - in highest diff should be good: use three instead of two 3/4 sliders can represent those long vocal sounds better.)
    - 01:21:278 (1,1) - ^ + I think we don't need to change sv here (or if you want to do that, then make 00:54:312 (1,2) - also a sv change pattern as well). My solution for those two sliders:
  3. Generally not a bad one, but need to pay attention to general rhythm choices and some details (like not to make your pattern too crowded).


  1. 00:04:256 (1) - Same issue as I mentioned in Expert diff and same suggestion.
  2. 00:31:222 (9,10,1) - Incident? Just make them a normal triple (like 00:30:885 (6,7,8) - ) should be good, as I think there have nothing needs to arrange a triple like that.
  3. This one looks have less inconsistency issues as random parts and regular parts (means jumps like 00:37:458 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and 3/4 rhythms like 00:34:087 (1,2) - , using the same ds, etc.) are well separated and haven't appear randomly, alternatively and frequently. However, if you want much more consistency, then just do like what I have mentioned in Hard diff.

Sum up: Actually this map plays good, and looks really clean. The major issue is:

(1) Hard/Collab Insane/Expert have serious inconsistency problems, which can easily make people lose their favor of this map.
(2) ATP's Extra have some rhythm choice problems.
(3) Yotsugi can be improved as well (about consistency), depends on how much effort you want to put into it.

By fixing this issues, I think this map's aesthetic can be largely improved, and as you already have nice flow and clean look, it will become more adorable to players and mappers.
So if you want to rank this, please read what I mentioned in Hard diff really, really carefully and apply them on diffs which has serious consistency issues. Maps like this are easy to make, what you need is just consistency, flow and a clean look (maybe also a little logic and something fresh), now we have already two of them, so we are really close to the ranked section now.
If you have any concerns about my modding, don't hesitate to contact me in way you like!

Don't give up, keep working, good luck, and have fun!
Topic Starter

Ryuusei Aika wrote:

:) Hello!
From my modding queue.


Words in red means that is an unrankable issue (= violate the "Rules" in Ranking Critiria General / Ranking Critiria in osu!) that you MUST fix.

Words in bold black means that is an issue that I highly recommand you (= either violate the "Guidelines" in Ranking Criteria General / Ranking Criteria in osu!, or I believe this issue will influence a lot of the experience of playing) to fix.

Words in black means that is an personal issue and have no big influence on your map in my eyes.

The mark "^" means "here is the same question with whose at above".


  1. For diffs which have spinners in the end: maybe let the spinner to start at 01:27:009 - to represent better the song (As the division of kiai and end part is a vocal sound at 01:27:009 - )? Okay


  1. 00:21:615 - Before this part, the NC setting is a little bit random. For me, we'd prefer to keep a consistency on NC in order to give Easy players a better playing experience. So if you have no specific reasons for why you arrange NCs like that, I suggest you to just put NC on every two long white line, just as what you have done in the rest of the song. Fixed
  2. 00:48:919 (2) - This object is off-screen, which is unrankable. You can try to adjust a little its shape to avoid that. Fixed
  3. Solid work with variations enter objects and patterns!


  1. 00:24:649 (1,2,3,4) - Subjective, but it would be better if you arrange the rhythm of this part just like 00:21:953 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - because not only for a better consistency, but your current rhythm choice miss a vocal sound at 00:25:155 - , which is a little pity for me. I added a circle
  2. 00:48:076 (2) - This object is off-screen, which is unrankable. Here is my suggestion based on changing the pattern and the position of 00:46:896 (5,6,1,2,3) - : Fixed
    - 01:15:885 (3) - ^, but this time is much easier to solve that: you just need to adjust the position of 01:14:537 (1,2,3) - to make them much more higher in the mapping space.
  3. Good work, just feel that mapping space is not fully used...... but still not bad!


  1. 00:20:604 (1,2,3) - Even players can hold on to pass those reverse sliders, I still think it would be better if you give them a rotation in order to let them flow better (means: Ok
  2. Generally I think this diff have no issues on playability; but it seems there have many detailed problems, and for me the most serious one is the inconsistency. I see you used many equilateral triangles to create your pattern, that's a good idea; however, many such triangles are visually not equilateral and give us a feeling that all those triangles are created manually = feels random and messy, not quite logical.
    Some examples:
    (1) 00:11:503 (2,3,4) - This one is obviously not an equilateral triangle based pattern, we can be easily told that once we roughly look at it. So that means "you don't want to create an equilateral triangle" here, which is acceptable and for me, just keep current pattern is good;
    (2) 00:13:020 (2,3,4) - / 00:15:211 (1,2,3,4) - : Those two are literally equilateral triangle based patterns (though I saw there still have some errors, but I think for the majority, they'll not notice that when they play that or give it a rough look, so it's still ok;
    (3) 00:21:953 (1,2,3) - / 00:24:649 (1,2,3) - : However, the situation for those patterns is a little embarrassing. On one hand, when we roughly look that, we can see that there are clearly a visual ds difference; on the other hand, we still feel that your original purpose here is to make an equilateral triangle based pattern. So those pattern will confuse us, give us a feeling of "random".
    What I want to suggest:
    (1) use ctrl+shift+d or copy-paste-rotate to create some groups of equilateral triangles.
    (2) give all your triangle-based pattern a check (especially where you do want to use equilateral triangle based pattern, and adjust them by stacking them with the equilateral triangles you have created before.
    (3) then adjust other details since the position of objects have been moved (like, for 00:21:953 (1,2,3) - , after your adjust, you may need to recheck if the blanket enter them is still good or not).
    I have given a look to some previous mods by skilled modders, and I saw that they said "your diff needs more works / you need to make them look visually better". For me, I guess what they mean is not that your map is so bad on every aspect that you must to remap all of them, but is you need to pay much more attention on such kind of details. Always remember: when you want to do something, do it perfectly. Okay, I fixed everything

Collab Insane

  1. 00:05:773 (1,2,3,4,5) - This pattern feels a little overdone. We are still in the quite part of the song, such pentagon notes are a little too much intense. For me, just use the same rhythm with 00:00:380 (1,2,3) - should be better (can also represent the repeat of the vocal, too). Ok
  2. 00:11:166 - 00:21:447 - NC setting of this part is a little bit confused. Can you explain a little bit why you don't choose to put them sometimes on red lines and sometimes on white lines and in a quite random way? For me, just put them on each long white line shoule be better. Really inconsistent, fixed
  3. 00:29:537 (3,4) - Maybe ctrl+g them to make them flow better? Because currently 00:28:863 (2,1,2,3) - is like draw a triangle -> move your cursor into the triangle, which is a little hard imo. Ok
  4. 00:49:930 (1) - It's a good idea to slow down the sv here to represent the fancy "silence" part, but 0.9x is not quite differ from 1.0x so players may cannot catch that. Just change the sv here from 0.9 to 0.8 would make it much more better.[b]Sure
  5. Same, this diff also have problems on consistency as I mentioned in Hard diff. Try to fix them in the same way I mentioned in Hard diff too. (like, 00:00:380 (1,2,3) - can be made as equilateral based pattern / 00:05:773 (1,2,3,4,5) - can be adjusted into a regular pentagon / 00:11:166 (1,2,3) - can be aligned with a perfectly equaled distance enter objects = 00:11:503 (2) - should be put at 260|192 instead of 264|192, by using stack and scale techniques / 00:17:065 (1,2,3,1) - can be made as square based pattern, etc.)Ok, fixed


  1. 00:04:256 (1) - Maybe extend this spinner, make it end at 00:05:436 - ? Can represent the vocal better imo. Sure
  2. 00:08:469 (1,1,1) - It would be better if you silence all those three sliders' ends, as there are literally no vocal so it feels weird to hear the drum-hitnormal sound here. Done, fixed
  3. 00:48:751 (6) - This object is off-screen. You can put it at 254|365 or something. I put it somewhere else, fixed
  4. Same, this diff also have problems on consistency as I mentioned in Hard diff. Try to fix them in the same way I mentioned in Hard diff too. Check all your polygon based patterns, and if you want a regular polygon here -- then use the method I mentioned in Hard diff to make them look perfectly regular.


  1. 00:04:256 (1) - Same issue as I mentioned in Expert diff and same suggestion. Ok
  2. 00:31:222 (9,10,1) - Incident? Just make them a normal triple (like 00:30:885 (6,7,8) - ) should be good, as I think there have nothing needs to arrange a triple like that. Oops, fixed
  3. This one looks have less inconsistency issues as random parts and regular parts (means jumps like 00:37:458 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and 3/4 rhythms like 00:34:087 (1,2) - , using the same ds, etc.) are well separated and haven't appear randomly, alternatively and frequently. However, if you want much more consistency, then just do like what I have mentioned in Hard diff. Ok

Sum up: Actually this map plays good, and looks really clean. The major issue is:

(1) Hard/Collab Insane/Expert have serious inconsistency problems, which can easily make people lose their favor of this map.
(2) ATP's Extra have some rhythm choice problems.
(3) Yotsugi can be improved as well (about consistency), depends on how much effort you want to put into it.

By fixing this issues, I think this map's aesthetic can be largely improved, and as you already have nice flow and clean look, it will become more adorable to players and mappers.
So if you want to rank this, please read what I mentioned in Hard diff really, really carefully and apply them on diffs which has serious consistency issues. Maps like this are easy to make, what you need is just consistency, flow and a clean look (maybe also a little logic and something fresh), now we have already two of them, so we are really close to the ranked section now.
If you have any concerns about my modding, don't hesitate to contact me in way you like!

Don't give up, keep working, good luck, and have fun!
Over time I will see if there are more problems, and I will correct it but I have resolved most of it

Thanks for mod :D

Ryuusei Aika wrote:

ATP's Extra

  1. 00:35:941 - I think it would be better if you can avoid such kind of blank by changing 00:35:436 (1) - into two 1/2 sliders. Because as you use large jump patterns in transition part = more silence then kiai part (means 00:30:717 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - ), if you don't use a much more dense or
    That point apply to every red line on which there is nothing in both two kiai parts except 00:50:099 - / 01:17:065 - , which are in a instant silence part.
  2. 00:54:312 (1,2) - I saw that someone mentioned that, but personally I think you haven't separated them enough, because here the vocal gets really intense, so they deserve a larger space. Also I think we don't need to use 3/4 here, just 1/2 should be good because vocals decrease their tune on red lines (means 00:54:481 - / 00:54:818 - ). Here is one of my solution: (If you still want 3/4, then do something like 00:54:312 (1,2,3) - in highest diff should be good: use three instead of two 3/4 sliders can represent those long vocal sounds better.)
    - 01:21:278 (1,1) - ^ + I think we don't need to change sv here (or if you want to do that, then make 00:54:312 (1,2) - also a sv change pattern as well). My solution for those two sliders:
  3. Generally not a bad oneThanks, but need to pay attention to general rhythm choicesI tried to follow the song without overmapping :c and some details (like not to make your pattern too crowded)Sorry , idk how to make a good use of the editing space :c.

[b]ATP's Extra have some rhythm choice problems.
Pls whenever u gonna post something LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG , put it in a box pls :3
(And the mapper didnt put the answer for ur mod in a box too :o )

The blanks exist cuz there are literally no sounds there (00:35:604 - 00:35:941 - ) (i had to overmap some of them even tho i didnt want to)
I'd like to avoid overmap as much as possible , i cant just spam 1/2 on the kiai if there arent many 1/2 parts(Not my fault if the song is more instrumental in the beggin)
00:54:312 (1,2) - The reason why this one doesnt have SV change is because that here 01:21:447 - there is a sound that doesnt happen on the previous pattern so i changed the SV
And i'll keep them 1/4 sliders , the vocals in those parts end in the 1/4 (Besides those 01:22:290 (1) - 00:55:323 (1) - but they're not following the vocal only
i'll keep things the way they are now (few reasons but im kinda lazy rn , sorry :c )
mod v1 owo
form q

00:08:469 (1,1,1) - i dont think spamming nc here is neccessary because there is no particular like sv changes or anything that need to be nc here , 00:08:469 (1) - one nc probably enough
00:56:672 (4) - why dont move this slider a bit left and down , like x-316 y-180 so that it will equally distance between 00:56:335 (3,1) - and it look more neat and nice

[ATP's Extra]
00:15:548 (2,3,4) - not a fan of this movement especially when 00:15:885 (3) - this slider is a bit down than the two sliders before and after , 00:15:885 (3) - if you ctrl+g this slider it will be more good of a flow and good movement overall and also it looks more consistent with 00:15:211 (1) -
00:27:346 (1,2) - i'd stack this two
00:31:391 (1,2) - why this this jump suddenly low distance , even tho this two circle have more strong sound on it than the rest of the jump owo
00:38:806 (3,4,5,6) - yo this is not nice , make them straight properly and equally put the in equally like this

aesthetic must be good owo
00:54:649 (2) - move this slider bit left , x-332 y-208
00:55:323 (5) - remove nc , why nc? same here 01:22:290 (1) - , there no particular affect like sv change or whatever to be needed nc
01:00:464 (10) - nc here to show player the stream distance is increase
01:21:278 (1) - why is this slider is 1/2 and sv it increasing a lot but before that 00:54:312 (1) - it's 3/4 slider , this is really inconsistent patern if i do say so myself , sv is unnecessary cuz the intensity of the song is just the same as before , i'd make them same patern as before with sv 1.0 , and also move the 01:21:616 (1) - a bit left

00:06:953 (5) - miss nc here , you did nc here 00:01:559 (1) -
00:08:469 (1,1,1) - these nc same reason as the top diff
01:00:717 (1,2) - this can be distance more further for better emphasize but i hmm xD
01:14:537 (1) - can be better slider lol

[collab insane]
00:06:953 (4) - nc here
00:11:503 (2,1) - i'd stack this properly
00:21:447 (4) - this note can more distance for better emphaisize
01:07:458 (4) - i'd make this curve slider like 01:07:121 (3) - with rotation , look more consistent that way

00:17:402 (4,5) - i dont like this choice if rhythm , ctrl+g this would be much good of a rhythm because ouf the "haaa" ji ma , arragement is up to you xD
01:04:256 (2,5,3) - stack them properly pls

that's all owo
goodluck <3
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