
Atlantica Online - Sikyon

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I got rid of the english voices. Oh god they annoy me to no end.





anyways how to use those enchant stones (weapon/armor)
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2 of the same level item and an enchant stone. Spirit Armor + Spirit Armor + Armor Enchant Stone = Spirit Armor +1 (or +2/+3 in very rare instances)

The amount of stones required goes up with each level of equipment, though. Combining +1's requires 2 stones, combining +2's requires 3 stones, etc.
yeah i kinda figured that out just now, so what servers you guys at
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What are the reqs to be able to send whispers? I assume its at a certain level like most MMOs do to stop spam. Also, my name is Narcillis on both.

Download: Dark PHOENiX - The Magic Library BARUWA (Aakiha) [o_O].osu
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God it's going to take so much work getting my +7 Spirit Sword back. Lvl 15 atm.
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Saturos wrote:

There isn't a level req. ;x
so when are you able to wisper :(
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lukewarmholiday wrote:

Saturos wrote:

There isn't a level req. ;x
so when are you able to wisper :(
The moment you login.

Reikin managed to whisper me the moment he got on, so can you! <3

James wrote:

whats the "safe upgrade" for weapon/armor?
so that i would know when i will start being an upgrade whore
There's no chance of failing with upgrades. Max is +10, which requires 1024 +0's, since upgrading is exponential.

James wrote:

do we need a crafter or something? does the crafter needs to be high level too?
Nah. And crafting skill is just based on how much you've crafted. You can theoretically max all crafting skills at level 1.

James wrote:

Delete/replace the sound clips, I guess.

James wrote:

what about those skills? do i need to buy em all? 10k ea
Skills are a good thing to have. ;x

Commodity boxes also give you skill books, so open them~
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oh no chance of failing in upgrades? cool~

i already removed the voices but the battle voices are still there----
what about enhancements? higher the upgrade higher chance of failing? and what does it add when enchancing is successful?
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okay. i guess im going to enchant my weapon once i got a backup weapon...

where to get those asura stuffs?
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Found a relavent thread to the enhancement question. ... =5&start=1

Asura equips come from the boss Asura in the Angkor Wat dungeon place thingy. Or you could just buy Asura boxes on the market, though they are probably overpriced like hell right now.
hmmm okay~

/me tries enchancing with a +5 bow

edit:nvm no ones selling

lukewarmholiday wrote:

Also, my name is Narcillis Narcilis on both.
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No wonder I could never catch you online yesterday, even though you managed to get quite a bit of leveling done.

okay so i tried "enchanting" in rome. same banana. you get +1 upgrade using enhanced stones. but without sacrificial item. +5 bow turned to +6. it should be doubled :(

and i just realized how fun is that league thingy in the colessium. i got 5-0 but i joined up late so it ended at 5 rounds =(
letter G FTW~
I have a question before i play, what is this stamina system? I've read in the forum that some people quit because it ruined the game? Atlantica looks fun to play btw.
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The stamina system is really a non-factor, and something they use to encourage partying. Basically, you have 100 stamina, and once you use all of you, your experience/item rates are dropped dramatically. This resets once per day at 6:00am server time.

You lose 1 stamina per battle you enter. If you're in a party of two, you regain 1 stamina every two battles. If in a party of 3, you regain 2 stamina every 3 battles. You can also recover 3 stamina for every win in the Free League (organized PVP).

Unless you play extremely hardcore, or farm for 5-6 hours straight, you will not run out of stamina. Even while solo. A group of 3 makes it a near impossible task. I've played 4 different mains to level 40+, and have yet to run out of stamina while doing so solo.

Saturos wrote:

The stamina system is really a non-factor, and something they use to encourage partying. Basically, you have 100 stamina, and once you use all of you, your experience/item rates are dropped dramatically. This resets once per day at 6:00am server time.

You lose 1 stamina per battle you enter. If you're in a party of two, you regain 1 stamina every two battles. If in a party of 3, you regain 2 stamina every 3 battles. You can also recover 3 stamina for every win in the Free League (organized PVP).

Unless you play extremely hardcore, or farm for 5-6 hours straight, you will not run out of stamina. Even while solo. A group of 3 makes it a near impossible task. I've played 4 different mains to level 40+, and have yet to run out of stamina while doing so solo.

Basically it encourages you to do things that make leveling twice as easy, like partying.

i ran out of stamina once :)
Back in CB1/2 no stamina meant no more EXP. So everyone would make parties to leech off the other guys stamina.
Downloading now, looks pretty fun :)
Apparently my download is faster than many others? o_O;;
It's at ~570 KB/sec now, it started at ~800 KB/sec... T_T

mattyu007 wrote:

Downloading now, looks pretty fun :)
Apparently my download is faster than many others? o_O;;
It's at ~570 KB/sec now, it started at ~800 KB/sec... T_T
Psshhh yes you are downloading it faster. 90kb/s over here and it took about a total of 4 hours to dl the client. :(

Okay just played Atlantica, battle system is fun, and an admin gave me some items but im too low level too use it:9.
And my name is Nakao in the game.
spam satty with whispers like I've been doing gaiz
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how to get autocraft? im stucked in this quest use autocraft (0/10000)
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Look in your inventory. It's given to you like sit was in the noob zone. And 'z' is the hotkey for it.
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James wrote:

1. how to change to those other class? (exorcist, beastmaster, etc...)
They're quested, just like the Viking and Monk. Beast Trainer quest line starts at 44, Witch at 51, Exorcist at 57, etc etc.

James wrote:

2. are they any good?
Depends on what you want out of your mercs, but generally speaking, yes.

James wrote:

3. do i need to have another level20 merc for those?
Not quite sure what you're asking, but they start at level 1, and require different crystals to upgrade. I forget which is for what, but they say what class they're for in the discriptions, so if you look them up on the market, you'll see them.

Now then, guild name. Thinking about naming it Tatakae. It's osu!/OTO/EBA related and when translated means "Fight", and it doesn't sound too offensive. Any objections?
I like Tatakae. I think alot of us will be PvPing, so it fits.
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And Tatakae it is. Leave your IGN here or catch me online for an invite.
Well I wont be on today since my dads OCD caused me to be grounded for no reason again(first time in over a year actually). I'll hopefully be on wendsday.
Looks pretty awesome. I'll try it out tomorrow!
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Hahaha, the master plan to wean everyone onto Atlantica is working!
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Needs to work faster. The guild is rather lonely atm. D:

Editted the OP to be more useful now.
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My IGN is: Suppi
I'm still learning the basics of the game and all that right now. :)
So far I like it.
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Everyone except Reikin has disappeared completely it seems. Damn MMO ADD.
I burned out of atlantica so bad. CB 1 and 2 were too much
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Ahahaha, they were doing battles with GM's after the maintenance tonight, and I managed to grab the first match with them. Steamrolled his ass 9-0.

Heavenly Horse was my reward for doing so.

the level 30 gm versus any level thing?
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Level 50. There's a level 30 GM that does 0-50 and plays 7 Merc, and there's a level 50 GM that does 50-100 9 merc. ;x
breaking news: i got 56 phoenix crystals by just doing prophet quest. awesome.
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Bastard. D:

I should be 70 by Thursday/Friday, so we'll see how my luck goes on crystals~
those wizards drop those like commodity boxes, with item info of course. which i dont have :D
cant play. reason(s):
1. motherboard is dying, one of the RAM slots is acting weird already. even the processor slot too.
2. crappy ram (half of what i usually have) porting to a town loads ages. im getting pissed like that.
3. no fleshbot, studying hard like an angel~

i'll try to fix the motherboard by the end of the week, by then you guys are all 90+
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i just started atlanticaaaaaaa
i got to lvl 21 lolz, i chose to be a spearman!
i ran out of stamina so im not playing right now orz > <
my name is Sousei of course! free stuff plzzzzzzzsssz. i have no idea what im doing in the game and the boss's own me
theres this guy in our nation named "Orz". i thought it was you.

edit: estimated time to reach 20k players? 30k players?

no seriously my mobo is acting weird now, i cant even play other mmo's too much lag. (pc lag)
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Is there a point where the game stops being an RPG and starts being an MMO or am I just wasting my time running around doing errands for fake azns?
I don't think so. Unless you consider PvP to be unlike an RPG.

When did they wipe characters? I was going to play again but don't feel like it now that my person is gone :(
open beta i think
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They wiped on the closed beta -> open beta transition. If you honestly weren't expecting that, don't played closed betas.

Finally started playing some more(playing with lowest settings possible). My characters are between lvl 14-17 and if anyone wants some itmes just whisper me, got a lot of high recovery food items from this random person :).oh and my names Nakao in the game
I wasn't expecting it because of what other people had been saying/the website itself said. It wouldn't be the first time a game didn't wipe.

I started over and I'm level 13 :/
wtf they nerfed bow damage again... D:
now what am i going to do in pvp

James wrote:

wtf they nerfed bow damage again... D:
now what am i going to do in pvp
Do what I do on my enh shammy on WoW. roll over and die.
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You don't even play WoW, stop the constant bitching.

And yeah, the only reason to have an archer is for silence.

neo@lex wrote:

Is there a point where the game stops being an RPG and starts being an MMO
but MMOs are all about pointless repetitive tasks performed in a community instead of by yourself (occasionally performed by yourself)

awp wrote:

neo@lex wrote:

Is there a point where the game stops being an RPG and starts being an MMO
but MMOs are all about pointless repetitive tasks performed in a community instead of by yourself (occasionally performed by yourself)
I guess I don't like MMOs then.
Fuck it.
/me goes to get killed by the epic fire fairy thing again.

Saturos wrote:

You don't even play WoW, stop the constant bitching.

I do. unless your one of the sunwell or gtfo or 2000+ or gtfo. type of people.

Nice to see not much has changed though. shaman is still blind straight dps now with the option of breaking your dps chain(I mean BREAKING your dps) to do some utility work. WotLK is reportedly easier than BC. and game balance is a mess.(cant be angry at this since its expected).

I thought I told you I stopped atlantica for WoW and every other game I'm trying to play.(TF2, Disgaea DS, osu, FE: RD)
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I don't remember that. But whatever, keep your bitches to yourself. Karsh plays WoW still, and claims that Shaman are better now than they were before, anyhow. They're just not as beefed up as Rogues/Paladins/Warriors right now, but above average overall.
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Wha.... I should've seen this thread earlier. O.O

I've created a character on Mycenae. Well.... my character is still at lv.32 though. I guess I should switch, then.
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Kandine is bringing her lappy to school so still no play for me..
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Owner of another Heavenly Horse for 7 days. Beat the level 87 dev.

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Double post gooo~

I seem to be a dev favorite. I've now won 3 dev battles in a row to keep refreshing my 7day horse. I'll have had a heavenly horse for close to a month after this one's time is up that I got today.
[deleted user]
realy funny game but... when i play it sometimes the screen turns blue whit a lot of text and i have to turn the computor of... any ideas why?
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Memory leakage, probably.

That, or your graphic card is overheating.
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For Reikin.

why the heck are you so poor
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It's in the bank. I rather not lose 10% of 100+ million everytime I die, which has been quite frequent, lately. D:
Played it for 30 minutes, turn based MMORPG, cool.
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Necro post go!

kAO voice set.
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