
Shimotsuki Haruka - Omoi no Concerto

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2018年2月10日 at 21:59:46

Artist: Shimotsuki Haruka
Title: Omoi no Concerto
Tags: Team Entertainment Inc Craftscape MANYO
BPM: 105
Filesize: 9200kb
Play Time: 05:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. Gensou (3.14 stars, 1115 notes)
Download: Shimotsuki Haruka - Omoi no Concerto
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1- This is lacking a pause in my opinion. This would be a good time to do one 04:49:496 -

2- The effects volume is way too low.

3- 01:32:214 - This slowdown of bpm doesn't fit very well and makes the sliders too tiny.


00:30:500 (1,2) - ds
00:42:214 (2,3,4) - 2 3的乐器音挺重的 3就不要叠在4上面了吧 然后这附近的ds好像和前后都不一样
00:52:071 (4,5) - 听起来和00:51:500 (2,3) - 不一样,就不要放的一样了吧,不如把4放到00:51:643 (3) - 下面
01:01:928 - 觉得应该click
01:01:928 - 我觉得应该加个note,这里跟音乐可能比纯跟鼓舒服些
01:30:214 - 01:30:643 - 要漏吗,用两个短滑条会不会好一些
02:18:928 (6,7) - 改成滑条?7感觉在6那么重的音后面就不要click了
03:03:357 (8,9,1) - 弄个斜向上的小间距吧,这里开堆叠的话不太舒服
03:08:785 - 觉得应该click
03:40:071 - 空了总感觉缺点什么
Topic Starter

Linck5 wrote:

1- This is lacking a pause in my opinion. This would be a good time to do one 04:49:496 -

2- The effects volume is way too low.

3- 01:32:214 - This slowdown of bpm doesn't fit very well and makes the sliders too tiny.

I have not set hitsounds x.x
Topic Starter

papapa213 wrote:

00:30:500 (1,2) - ds 可以吧
00:42:214 (2,3,4) - 2 3的乐器音挺重的 3就不要叠在4上面了吧 然后这附近的ds好像和前后都不一样 改了
00:52:071 (4,5) - 听起来和00:51:500 (2,3) - 不一样,就不要放的一样了吧,不如把4放到00:51:643 (3) - 下面 这里我觉得叠也是可以得
01:01:928 - 觉得应该click 故意的
01:01:928 - 我觉得应该加个note,这里跟音乐可能比纯跟鼓舒服些
01:30:214 - 01:30:643 - 要漏吗,用两个短滑条会不会好一些 要漏
02:18:928 (6,7) - 改成滑条?7感觉在6那么重的音后面就不要click了 7是重vocal
03:03:357 (8,9,1) - 弄个斜向上的小间距吧,这里开堆叠的话不太舒服
03:08:785 - 觉得应该click 和上面是一样的
03:40:071 - 空了总感觉缺点什么 还好吧
thx for mod!
来给Gust五边形之神摸图啦 霜月的歌真是好听啊

先看一下AIMOD 歌曲的码率太高了 光MP3就13.7MB 得考虑换一个MP3
00:10:500 - 这一段你是跟的鼓没错 但这个地方有一个很重的 貌似是笛音? 原谅我对乐器一点也不了解 总之我觉得这里clickable要好一些 可以考虑把这里和00:10:643 (3,4) - 改成一个折返滑条
00:22:357 (4) - 这个BPM下这种多次折返我感觉着实不太好读 现在很少见 不过我记得你好像比较喜欢老图风格的 如果这个就是你喜欢的风格那我也不说什么 不过我还是比较建议不要用这样的 后面的一些多次折返也是 就不一一说了
00:29:500 - 这里考虑加个圈变成三连? 有乐器声的 毕竟00:29:643 (4) - 这里也没vocal 并不会干扰vocal
04:45:071 (3,4) - 这两个有很重的钢琴音 是不是和后面那些鼓区分一下比较好?emm没太想好怎样区分比较合适 但总觉得和后面相同不太合适呢

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Dored wrote:

来给Gust五边形之神摸图啦 霜月的歌真是好听啊

先看一下AIMOD 歌曲的码率太高了 光MP3就13.7MB 得考虑换一个MP3 嗯,会换的
00:10:500 - 这一段你是跟的鼓没错 但这个地方有一个很重的 貌似是笛音? 原谅我对乐器一点也不了解 总之我觉得这里clickable要好一些 可以考虑把这里和00:10:643 (3,4) - 改成一个折返滑条 我会考虑一下,但先保留
00:22:357 (4) - 这个BPM下这种多次折返我感觉着实不太好读 现在很少见 不过我记得你好像比较喜欢老图风格的 如果这个就是你喜欢的风格那我也不说什么 不过我还是比较建议不要用这样的 后面的一些多次折返也是 就不一一说了 同上
00:29:500 - 这里考虑加个圈变成三连? 有乐器声的 毕竟00:29:643 (4) - 这里也没vocal 并不会干扰vocal 这里跟的是比较重的音,所以没有下三连
04:45:071 (3,4) - 这两个有很重的钢琴音 是不是和后面那些鼓区分一下比较好?emm没太想好怎样区分比较合适 但总觉得和后面相同不太合适呢 其实区分度不大,就先这样吧

Good luck~

BG就没有更大的么 1024 x 768真心有点糊

00:05:071 - 这里有个小1/6音吧? 建议00:04:785 (3) - 拉成3/4
00:06:500 (1) - 加drum finish
00:08:785 (3) - 这不反向
01:10:500 (4,5,6) - 突然超模跳 56换一下?
01:32:214 - 难道不是这里kiai才开始(

这曲子太好听了 进副歌之后就没看图(
然后就 听完了(((((
赶紧飞了它 谢谢
Topic Starter

Ametrin wrote:


BG就没有更大的么 1024 x 768真心有点糊 waifu2x
堆叠有必要开到7么…… 随便调的

00:05:071 - 这里有个小1/6音吧? 建议00:04:785 (3) - 拉成3/4
00:06:500 (1) - 加drum finish
00:08:785 (3) - 这不反向 ?
01:10:500 (4,5,6) - 突然超模跳 56换一下? 改小了一点
01:32:214 - 难道不是这里kiai才开始( 这里太舒缓了,不适合作为大段kiai,前面段才适合

这曲子太好听了 进副歌之后就没看图(
然后就 听完了(((((
赶紧飞了它 谢谢

02:08:928 (1) - 转盘可以在02:11:071 - 这里结束,后面加一个break,然后在02:15:643 (1) - 补上第一个note。感觉能舒服点。当然如果决定不要break的话,我也建议转盘在02:15:071 - 结束比较好。
02:21:357 (7) - 个人觉得不适合摆两次折返,因为02:22:214 - 的人声很明显,因此建议前面改成1次折返然后在02:22:214 - 变成单独一个note,位置放在02:23:928 (1,2) - 的重叠处应该就ok。
03:40:071 - 漏了个鼓点
04:03:071 (1) - 听着实在是别扭,改成和后面04:03:643 (2,3) - 那组一样不是挺好的嘛
04:29:357 - 漏了个挺明显的音,不过因为这个音和前后相比有些特殊,因此不妨试试把04:29:214 (5) - 改成滑条。04:29:785 - 同理
04:34:071 - 听前面感觉是在跟鼓点,那么这里却漏了什么鬼
04:48:785 - 这个绿线是摆偏了吗(虽然好像关系不大)
04:50:928 - 这个note可以补上,同时满足人声和背景音。PS:其实我觉得这几秒直接break更好
05:06:357 (6) - 时间轴上往前移1/4,然后改成滑条,我记得前面有的地方也是这么下节奏的
05:38:928 (8) - 推荐改下位置,放到7号滑条尾旁边。
05:43:643 (1) - 起始时间放到05:44:214 - 比较合适

还有几个地方听着怪怪的但是感觉好像又没啥问题的,比如00:54:357 - ,还有许多两次1/4折返滑条的地方,这里就顺便提一下吧,总觉得可以改下节奏。
Topic Starter

DalouBot wrote:


02:08:928 (1) - 转盘可以在02:11:071 - 这里结束,后面加一个break,然后在02:15:643 (1) - 补上第一个note。感觉能舒服点。当然如果决定不要break的话,我也建议转盘在02:15:071 - 结束比较好。 nice
02:21:357 (7) - 个人觉得不适合摆两次折返,因为02:22:214 - 的人声很明显,因此建议前面改成1次折返然后在02:22:214 - 变成单独一个note,位置放在02:23:928 (1,2) - 的重叠处应该就ok。 我倒是觉得放两次折返很合适,因为那个吉他声重复了两次
03:40:071 - 漏了个鼓点 这个是故意漏的
04:03:071 (1) - 听着实在是别扭,改成和后面04:03:643 (2,3) - 那组一样不是挺好的嘛 这里是vocal和乐器一半跟的,我觉得海星
04:29:357 - 漏了个挺明显的音,不过因为这个音和前后相比有些特殊,因此不妨试试把04:29:214 (5) - 改成滑条。04:29:785 - 同理 这里重点要突出钢琴音,所以保留
04:34:071 - 听前面感觉是在跟鼓点,那么这里却漏了什么鬼 改了
04:48:785 - 这个绿线是摆偏了吗(虽然好像关系不大)改了
04:50:928 - 这个note可以补上,同时满足人声和背景音。PS:其实我觉得这几秒直接break更好 重点突出vocal吧,空的这里没有比较重的vocal
05:06:357 (6) - 时间轴上往前移1/4,然后改成滑条,我记得前面有的地方也是这么下节奏的 ok
05:38:928 (8) - 推荐改下位置,放到7号滑条尾旁边。ok
05:43:643 (1) - 起始时间放到05:44:214 - 比较合适 改到了中间的红线

还有几个地方听着怪怪的但是感觉好像又没啥问题的,比如00:54:357 - ,还有许多两次1/4折返滑条的地方,这里就顺便提一下吧,总觉得可以改下节奏。 我再感谢!看看

  1. 00:04:785 (3) - 在00:05:071 - 有鼓和小提琴啊,怎么就一个3/4滑条
  2. 00:09:785 (8) - 没什么明显的鼓音,我觉得不要也可以,或者把00:09:643 (7) - 换成个1/4滑条也挺好的
  3. 00:19:071 (1) - 滑条whistle是故意加的还是手滑加的,觉得有点突兀在这个缓和段里
  4. 00:22:785 - 我觉得这里应该clickable,有个很明显的吉他声
  5. 00:44:928 - 怎么能漏掉!!!!!
  6. 00:54:785 (3,1) - 听起来像是1/6
  7. 01:05:643 (4) - 滑条whistle
  8. 01:37:928 (7,8,9) - 间距相同?
  9. 01:44:500 (2,3) - 按照前面的规律这里应该加大间距
  10. 02:17:643 (5,1,2) - ^^
  11. 02:41:928 (4,5) - 和02:40:785 (1,2) - 差不多容易误读,建议缩小间距
  12. 03:45:214 (2,3) - 03:46:214 (7,8) - ^^
  13. 04:53:357 (1,2,3,4,5) - .......这里间距为啥都是一样的
  14. 05:35:071 (4) - 滑条whistle x n
  15. 05:43:928 (1) - 最后转盘这段有变速,应该也要测出红线变速来
Topic Starter

Yugu wrote:


  1. 00:04:785 (3) - 在00:05:071 - 有鼓和小提琴啊,怎么就一个3/4滑条 改了
  2. 00:09:785 (8) - 没什么明显的鼓音,我觉得不要也可以,或者把00:09:643 (7) - 换成个1/4滑条也挺好的 删掉了8
  3. 00:19:071 (1) - 滑条whistle是故意加的还是手滑加的,觉得有点突兀在这个缓和段里 还是有一个明显的音的
  4. 00:22:785 - 我觉得这里应该clickable,有个很明显的吉他声
  5. 00:44:928 - 怎么能漏掉!!!!! 对!.jpg
  6. 00:54:785 (3,1) - 听起来像是1/6 好像真的是
  7. 01:05:643 (4) - 滑条whistle
  8. 01:37:928 (7,8,9) - 间距相同? 好玩
  9. 01:44:500 (2,3) - 按照前面的规律这里应该加大间距 01:43:643 (1) - 这里已经加大间距了所以
  10. 02:17:643 (5,1,2) - ^^ 这里改了
  11. 02:41:928 (4,5) - 和02:40:785 (1,2) - 差不多容易误读,建议缩小间距 前面的改了个nc,不容易误读了。后面的不难读
  12. 03:45:214 (2,3) - 03:46:214 (7,8) - ^^ 也不难读
  13. 04:53:357 (1,2,3,4,5) - .......这里间距为啥都是一样的 好玩
  14. 05:35:071 (4) - 滑条whistle x n 尾有钢琴音
  15. 05:43:928 (1) - 最后转盘这段有变速,应该也要测出红线变速来 不会啊,先保留了
Shohei Ohtani
oh no it is a gust!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hat is MISSING!!!!

I hope that i didn't accidentally say some weird chinese slang because it wouldn't be the first time it's happened.

just wanted to casually talk about a watch I got and apparently I insulted someones mom idk

01:06:357 (6,7,8) - meh i've been okay with jumps in this but this might be a little excessive.
01:15:643 (6) - Considering how this map naturally flows, having a stack here just makes it feel REALLY weird.
01:20:785 (1) - might be a little big idk
01:23:643 (2) - This might work better if you space it so it's equidistant from (1) and (3)
02:21:357 (7) - you could do way more here.
02:23:071 (4) - a
03:19:643 (1) - you really should avoid using sliders with more than 1 repeat unless there's an explicit purpose in the map ( For instance: the repeats go with the repetition of a key word in the kiai)
05:43:928 (1) - add a whistle on the end of this, it'll give it a little nicer ending sound rather than just a random "psh"

Overall while I'm not really into the mapping style (I'm still stuck in 2013), it's a pretty solid map, could just make sure that you're being mindful with your jumps 100% of the time, and keeping your ideas consistent (aka. not making different patterns look too similar, otherwise it's hard to read)
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

oh no it is a gust!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hat is MISSING!!!! hahahahaha

I hope that i didn't accidentally say some weird chinese slang because it wouldn't be the first time it's happened.

just wanted to casually talk about a watch I got and apparently I insulted someones mom idk

01:06:357 (6,7,8) - meh i've been okay with jumps in this but this might be a little excessive. maybe you said right, I decrease the ds
01:15:643 (6) - Considering how this map naturally flows, having a stack here just makes it feel REALLY weird. I think no problem?
01:20:785 (1) - might be a little big idk what's mean ?_?
01:23:643 (2) - This might work better if you space it so it's equidistant from (1) and (3) ok
02:21:357 (7) - you could do way more here. I think here is no problem
02:23:071 (4) - a It's fun hahaha
03:19:643 (1) - you really should avoid using sliders with more than 1 repeat unless there's an explicit purpose in the map ( For instance: the repeats go with the repetition of a key word in the kiai) hmm, maybe you said right, But I rather to using this slider when I hear the music in here, so I keep it
05:43:928 (1) - add a whistle on the end of this, it'll give it a little nicer ending sound rather than just a random "psh" oh, I forgot it

Overall while I'm not really into the mapping style (I'm still stuck in 2013), it's a pretty solid map, could just make sure that you're being mindful with your jumps 100% of the time, and keeping your ideas consistent (aka. not making different patterns look too similar, otherwise it's hard to read)
I also stuck in 2013 maybe more earlier haha, I just using some pattern that common using in now
thanks CDFA!!
Imouto koko
from mod req
rip less and less modding v1 beatmaps
  1. 00:42:214 (2,3,4) - 要突出重音的话拉开00:41:928 (1,2) - 的间距感觉要比整体拉开00:42:214 (2,3,4) - 的间距要来的前后更有整体性一点,至少前后近半张图里没有无overlap的连续单点,只有这里出现有点突兀。
  2. 00:54:500 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - 01:31:500 (2,3) - 就读图来讲这样偏长的连续单点往往会因为读图惯性而通过读间距来确认节奏,如果不介意读图更清楚一些的话可以拉开00:54:785 (3,1) - 01:31:357 (1,2) - 之间的距离(差不多不叠就可以了)。
  3. 02:21:357 (7) - 三折二分略微影响体验……建议折返箭头下面藏个+4px +4px的note。
  4. 02:18:214 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 02:22:785 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 前面对后面的提示反而起了误导作用,考虑后面的换个形状?比如02:22:785 (2,4) - 这两个overlap接起来,这个看你。
  5. 02:33:357 (6,7,8,1) - 感觉没有节奏支撑这个奇怪的形状,顺着摆好看一点。
  6. 02:36:785 (2,3) - 02:46:500 (3) - 如果前后都改成滑条后overlap 1/4来配合节奏,这里就不该overlap 1/2。
  7. 03:19:643 (1) - ^
  8. 05:40:500 (3,4) - ^

00:29:357 (3,4) - 考虑一下ctrl+g一下?这个我感觉向上更能体现出那个音, 还有就是,更顺你下一串单点>>当然如果是你的个人习惯那就无视这一条

00:54:785 (3) - 这个好像没处理好,会出现误判情况, 00:55:071 (1) - 把折返延长到这里吧
01:01:357 (5,6,7) - 这里的节奏推荐感觉这里一样>> 01:15:071 (5,6,7) - 感觉有点怪
02:04:214 (1) - 这里貌似有点太远了唔
04:19:785 (4,5) - 节奏怪怪的, 04:19:785 (4) - 缩成1/4的条会好一点
04:27:643 (7,8) - 这里的处理我觉得没有这里的好 04:41:643 (7,8) - 重叠感觉更能强调
04:50:785 (3) - 这里改成一个1/4的条效果更好, 单个一个有点奇怪
04:57:357 () - 塞满塞爆
05:44:024 (1) - 这里起转盘 05:48:405 (1) - 这里结束! 试试!试试!


总的来说,特别喜欢break之后那一段卧槽我是不是异于常人? 因为我特别不擅长enh>>,所以对于形状啊摆放啊我就不敢多bb了,只敢说说那些节奏和判断。

I wonder if I can still modV1 lol.

Remove source. Omoi no Concerto is the name of the album and hasn't appeared in any media to date. Albums aren't used as a source.
Tags: "Team Entertainment Inc Craftscape MANYO"

BG is currently in 4:3 and the majority of the picture is white. Converted this to 16:9 by adding white borders on the side.

Your current hitsound has around a 10ms delay which is above the 5ms delay max. I've cut this down for you. It seems like you used the same hitsound twice, so be sure to change both of them.


The slow sections of the map have 1/4 jumps that look like normal 1/2 spacings. There are quite a few instances where this can get confusing to play imo. If possible it'd be great if there was more distance on the 1/2 spacings so they can be visually told apart from one another. (Try using 1.7-1.8 DS for 1/2 instead of 1.4)
  1. 00:04:785 (3,4,1) - 00:07:357 (4,5,1) - Very similar sounds. Use the same spacing?
  2. 00:24:500 - Strong vocal here. Map this?
  3. 00:43:785 (7) - 00:39:214 - and 00:41:500 - didn't map this. Delete this circle also? Not a very good place to jump anyways
  4. 01:01:785 (6) - Use two circles like 03:00:643 (6,7) - for emphasis on the vocal at 01:01:928 - or move this slider 1/4 forward.
  5. 01:06:357 (6) - Delete? Drums aren't as strong here compared to the notes before and after it.
  6. 01:23:928 (3,4) - Like CDFA said, this needs to be spaced more. (1.35 DS)
  7. 01:36:214 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - The spacing here is pretty confusing. A lot of spacing in general for this section has 1/4 and 1/2 gaps the same distance apart, and adding on the off beat jumps at 01:37:214 (4,5) - doesn't help.
  8. 01:44:785 (3) - shorten by 1/4 to match the vocals? The sound here isn't held this long.
  9. 01:51:643 (4) - Remove reverse and add a circle at 01:52:214 - ? The vocals here should be played actively.
  10. 02:22:785 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Because of 02:18:214 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - This is extremely confusing. The player will be expecting a 1/2 gap here when there isn't one. Maybe rework into a different design or don't use a jump.
  11. 02:30:214 (2,3) - Jump from (1) is a little too big imo for this part. Try moving 02:30:214 (2,3) - a little closer to (1)
  12. 02:37:214 (3) - Stack on 02:37:357 (4) - like 02:41:785 (3,4) - ?
  13. 02:41:785 (3,4,1) - Since the vocals are somewhat unexpected, consider moving (3,4) to x108 y52.
  14. 02:49:785 (9) - Delete? no sound here.
  15. 02:54:500 - to 03:31:071 - very nice :D
  16. 03:38:785 (3,4) - Jump from (3,4) is too big. You follow vocals heavily here, so a drum jump isn't recommended.
  17. 04:07:785 (1) - End this at 04:09:357 - and add a 1/2 slider at 04:09:928 - so you start playing at the start of the measure rather than a beat into it.
  18. 05:11:500 (7,1) - & 05:16:071 (7,1) - are you sure you want these huge jumps in here? They'd work as slider ends since you can leave them early, but from a circle it's actually a crazy jump.
The slow sections can be confusing at times because of the DS choices and how the 1/4 and 1/2 look the same. There are some brutal circle to circle/slider start jumps that are too crazy for my tastes. Regardless though, nice song choice and I did enjoy playing the map. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Imouto koko wrote:

from mod req
rip less and less modding v1 beatmaps
  1. 00:42:214 (2,3,4) - 要突出重音的话拉开00:41:928 (1,2) - 的间距感觉要比整体拉开00:42:214 (2,3,4) - 的间距要来的前后更有整体性一点,至少前后近半张图里没有无overlap的连续单点,只有这里出现有点突兀。好哇
  2. 00:54:500 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - 01:31:500 (2,3) - 就读图来讲这样偏长的连续单点往往会因为读图惯性而通过读间距来确认节奏,如果不介意读图更清楚一些的话可以拉开00:54:785 (3,1) - 01:31:357 (1,2) - 之间的距离(差不多不叠就可以了)。这里我先保留一下,因为前面已经有了间距的拉开所以这里就……
  3. 02:21:357 (7) - 三折二分略微影响体验……建议折返箭头下面藏个+4px +4px的note。My style(?,我很喜欢这里的二次折返
  4. 02:18:214 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 02:22:785 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 前面对后面的提示反而起了误导作用,考虑后面的换个形状?比如02:22:785 (2,4) - 这两个overlap接起来,这个看你。不是很好玩吗
  5. 02:33:357 (6,7,8,1) - 感觉没有节奏支撑这个奇怪的形状,顺着摆好看一点。02:32:785 (4,5,6,7) -
  6. 02:36:785 (2,3) - 02:46:500 (3) - 如果前后都改成滑条后overlap 1/4来配合节奏,这里就不该overlap 1/2。
  7. 03:19:643 (1) - ^
  8. 05:40:500 (3,4) - ^

Topic Starter

-Kyouka- wrote:

00:29:357 (3,4) - 考虑一下ctrl+g一下?这个我感觉向上更能体现出那个音, 还有就是,更顺你下一串单点>>当然如果是你的个人习惯那就无视这一条 这个随意吧

00:54:785 (3) - 这个好像没处理好,会出现误判情况, 00:55:071 (1) - 把折返延长到这里吧 先保留看看
01:01:357 (5,6,7) - 这里的节奏推荐感觉这里一样>> 01:15:071 (5,6,7) - 感觉有点怪 我感觉还是挺好玩的
02:04:214 (1) - 这里貌似有点太远了唔 还可以吧
04:19:785 (4,5) - 节奏怪怪的, 04:19:785 (4) - 缩成1/4的条会好一点 蓝线有鼓音
04:27:643 (7,8) - 这里的处理我觉得没有这里的好 04:41:643 (7,8) - 重叠感觉更能强调 还好吧
04:50:785 (3) - 这里改成一个1/4的条效果更好, 单个一个有点奇怪 跟的vocal
04:57:357 () - 塞满塞爆 就不就不
05:44:024 (1) - 这里起转盘 05:48:405 (1) - 这里结束! 试试!试试!结尾改啦,这里BPM好像有变,但我不会测


总的来说,特别喜欢break之后那一段卧槽我是不是异于常人? 因为我特别不擅长enh>>,所以对于形状啊摆放啊我就不敢多bb了,只敢说说那些节奏和判断。

Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:

I wonder if I can still modV1 lol.

Remove source. Omoi no Concerto is the name of the album and hasn't appeared in any media to date. Albums aren't used as a source.
Tags: "Team Entertainment Inc Craftscape MANYO" ok

BG is currently in 4:3 and the majority of the picture is white. Converted this to 16:9 by adding white borders on the side. ok!

Your current hitsound has around a 10ms delay which is above the 5ms delay max. I've cut this down for you. It seems like you used the same hitsound twice, so be sure to change both of them. fixed


The slow sections of the map have 1/4 jumps that look like normal 1/2 spacings. There are quite a few instances where this can get confusing to play imo. If possible it'd be great if there was more distance on the 1/2 spacings so they can be visually told apart from one another. (Try using 1.7-1.8 DS for 1/2 instead of 1.4) You said right, I changed 1/2 spacing to 1.8x
  1. 00:04:785 (3,4,1) - 00:07:357 (4,5,1) - Very similar sounds. Use the same spacing?
  2. 00:24:500 - Strong vocal here. Map this? ok!
  3. 00:43:785 (7) - 00:39:214 - and 00:41:500 - didn't map this. Delete this circle also? Not a very good place to jump anyways here vocal i is strong
  4. 01:01:785 (6) - Use two circles like 03:00:643 (6,7) - for emphasis on the vocal at 01:01:928 - or move this slider 1/4 forward. I thnij here is fun~
  5. 01:06:357 (6) - Delete? Drums aren't as strong here compared to the notes before and after it. I using dense object to emphasize 01:07:071 (1,2,3,1) - here is porosity
  6. 01:23:928 (3,4) - Like CDFA said, this needs to be spaced more. (1.35 DS) ok~
  7. 01:36:214 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - The spacing here is pretty confusing. A lot of spacing in general for this section has 1/4 and 1/2 gaps the same distance apart, and adding on the off beat jumps at 01:37:214 (4,5) - doesn't help. maybe change NC to 01:36:785 (1) - can solve this problem
  8. 01:44:785 (3) - shorten by 1/4 to match the vocals? The sound here isn't held this long. ok
  9. 01:51:643 (4) - Remove reverse and add a circle at 01:52:214 - ? The vocals here should be played actively.I want to keep this that iI think here is much fun for reading, and set a NC in 02:23:071 (1) -
  10. 02:22:785 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Because of 02:18:214 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - This is extremely confusing. The player will be expecting a 1/2 gap here when there isn't one. Maybe rework into a different design or don't use a jump.
  11. 02:30:214 (2,3) - Jump from (1) is a little too big imo for this part. Try moving 02:30:214 (2,3) - a little closer to (1) change ds to 2.8 like 02:28:214 (4,5) -
  12. 02:37:214 (3) - Stack on 02:37:357 (4) - like 02:41:785 (3,4) - ? okay
  13. 02:41:785 (3,4,1) - Since the vocals are somewhat unexpected, consider moving (3, 4) to x108 y52. move to x97 y55
  14. 02:49:785 (9) - Delete? no sound here.ok
  15. 02:54:500 - to 03:31:071 - very nice :D :D
  16. 03:38:785 (3,4) - Jump from (3,4) is too big. You follow vocals heavily here, so a drum jump isn't recommended. fixed
  17. 04:07:785 (1) - End this at 04:09:357 - and add a 1/2 slider at 04:09:928 - so you start playing at the start of the measure rather than a beat into it. and I should add two circle in 04:09:643 (1,2) -
  18. 05:11:500 (7,1) - & 05:16:071 (7,1) - are you sure you want these huge jumps in here? They'd work as slider ends since you can leave them early, but from a circle it's actually a crazy jump. yea, you said right, I changed there
The slow sections can be confusing at times because of the DS choices and how the 1/4 and 1/2 look the same. There are some brutal circle to circle/slider start jumps that are too crazy for my tastes. Regardless though, nice song choice and I did enjoy playing the map. Good luck!
thanks lanturn! Your's mod is sooo detail and helpful!!
Hello ~ From my queue

This is a short mod as I don't really have much too talk about and mostly just suggestions

  • Gensou
  1. 00:43:785 (7,8,9,1) - Maybe move this more towards the left and slightly down like maybe something like X:139 Y: 20 to flow slightly better around (kind of minor here)
  2. 01:34:214 (5) - Tbh I think note is a bit too close from 01:33:357 (4) - and after doing a 1/4 jump - It would be pretty helpful and make things slightly easier to read if ya raise it up a bit here
    ^ 01:43:357 (5) - same reason as above (I didn't point all of them out but I figure only a few is need to be pointed out)
  3. 01:35:643 (3) - if ya listen carefully there is beat on the blue ticks which ya didn't ignore at 01:53:928 (3,4,5) - which are both basically emphasizing the same thing in the song and also didn't really see why they are both mapped differently (one seems to following the vocals mainly while the other isn't)
    Maybe be consistent and change the 1st time be more similar to the 2nd time or make the 2nd time more similar to the 1st time?
  4. ^ 01:58:214 (2,3,4,5) - vs 01:39:928 (2,3,4,5) - Basically the same reasoning as above and why they are mapped differently in a way
    the 1st time seems to better emphasis everything whilst the 2nd time - being stronger - is slightly underwhelming considering ya kind of undermapped here a bit so I suggest making the 2nd time more similar to the 1st time kind of like above reasoning
  5. 02:30:214 (2,3) - Bring this down a bit too help the flow down here just a bit (Minor)
  6. 04:57:071 (5) - Maybe give this slightly more spacing - don't think it that confusing when gameplay but it is close to the spacing right here 04:55:357 (3,4) - despite having a gap right here 04:56:785 -
  7. 05:03:500 (2) - why not a full kiai around this section and have it end around here 05:03:500 (2) - ? I think it be a nice touch since this is the last time for the vocals and all and it kind of strong compare to the similar sections with the vocals like this since ya can tell the song put extra emphasis towards it

  • General
  1. Unused files: 58354774-146d-43af-87b4-dd80c477e5d1_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale_tta_1.png
  2. 00:00:786 - Has 2 different hitsound volumes at the same time(ones is 15% and the other 30%)
  3. 02:36:314 - unsnapped inherited line
  4. Disable Countdown
  5. Maybe raise the OD to at least 6 or 6.5 - Right now I think OD 5 is a tad too low and this is an app so it shouldn't be a problem raising it

Nice map and GL :)
Topic Starter

Hailie wrote:

Hello ~ From my queue

This is a short mod as I don't really have much too talk about and mostly just suggestions

  • Gensou
  1. 00:43:785 (7,8,9,1) - Maybe move this more towards the left and slightly down like maybe something like X:139 Y: 20 to flow slightly better around (kind of minor here) I want to keep this
  2. 01:34:214 (5) - Tbh I think note is a bit too close from 01:33:357 (4) - and after doing a 1/4 jump - It would be pretty helpful and make things slightly easier to read if ya raise it up a bit here 1.8x ds is good, but I decrease 5-1 ds
    ^ 01:43:357 (5) - same reason as above (I didn't point all of them out but I figure only a few is need to be pointed out) ^
  3. 01:35:643 (3) - if ya listen carefully there is beat on the blue ticks which ya didn't ignore at 01:53:928 (3,4,5) - which are both basically emphasizing the same thing in the song and also didn't really see why they are both mapped differently (one seems to following the vocals mainly while the other isn't)
    Maybe be consistent and change the 1st time be more similar to the 2nd time or make the 2nd time more similar to the 1st time? yea, first is mainly following the vocal
  4. ^ 01:58:214 (2,3,4,5) - vs 01:39:928 (2,3,4,5) - Basically the same reasoning as above and why they are mapped differently in a way
    the 1st time seems to better emphasis everything whilst the 2nd time - being stronger - is slightly underwhelming considering ya kind of undermapped here a bit so I suggest making the 2nd time more similar to the 1st time kind of like above reasoning fixed
  5. 02:30:214 (2,3) - Bring this down a bit too help the flow down here just a bit (Minor) I think here is good
  6. 04:57:071 (5) - Maybe give this slightly more spacing - don't think it that confusing when gameplay but it is close to the spacing right here 04:55:357 (3,4) - despite having a gap right here 04:56:785 - add a NC in 04:55:643 (1) -
  7. 05:03:500 (2) - why not a full kiai around this section and have it end around here 05:03:500 (2) - ? I think it be a nice touch since this is the last time for the vocals and all and it kind of strong compare to the similar sections with the vocals like this since ya can tell the song put extra emphasis towards it hmm, I don't understand this :(

  • General
  1. Unused files: 58354774-146d-43af-87b4-dd80c477e5d1_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale_tta_1.png fixed
  2. 00:00:786 - Has 2 different hitsound volumes at the same time(ones is 15% and the other 30%) fixed
  3. 02:36:314 - unsnapped inherited line fixed
  4. Disable Countdown fixed
  5. Maybe raise the OD to at least 6 or 6.5 - Right now I think OD 5 is a tad too low and this is an app so it shouldn't be a problem raising it 5 is great

Nice map and GL :)
thanks! helpful mod!
Lily Bread


00:12:643 (2) - 好像节奏不太对?仅供参考: (总之感觉图里的3应该能点)

00:20:785 (5,6,7,8) - 第一感觉是这一段连打多了点(相对后面一段和kiai而言),这一段音乐是比较安静的,放那么多连打不是特别合适..可以试试多用点1/4折返滑条

01:32:214 - 诶?kiai是不是放错地方了?为什么到副歌反而降低SV了...虽然这样也是另外一种的带感,不过感觉这样的话应该把小跳的DS拉的稍微夸张一点

02:50:785 (3) - 好像塞太满了,用圈怎么样

03:08:928 - 感觉少了个圈?

Topic Starter

Lily Bread wrote:


原来改了个名,差点没认出来...(那个摸自己后脑勺的表情) 对!.jpg

00:12:643 (2) - 好像节奏不太对?仅供参考: (总之感觉图里的3应该能点) 感觉还好啦

00:20:785 (5,6,7,8) - 第一感觉是这一段连打多了点(相对后面一段和kiai而言),这一段音乐是比较安静的,放那么多连打不是特别合适..可以试试多用点1/4折返滑条 全曲的连打都蛮多的,不如说105的连打其实没有什么连打的感觉(

01:32:214 - 诶?kiai是不是放错地方了?为什么到副歌反而降低SV了...虽然这样也是另外一种的带感,不过感觉这样的话应该把小跳的DS拉的稍微夸张一点 kiai放到了前面轻快的地方,这里不太适合kiai,然后其实这段是有意加大了很多重音的ds

02:50:785 (3) - 好像塞太满了,用圈怎么样 vocal音还是挺明显的

03:08:928 - 感觉少了个圈?这里音不明显啦

MeAqua tete
Hello~from quin(我丢人了)
  1. 00:33:643 (8) -最好1/2折 返比两次折返要好
  2. 00:46:500 (1,2) -blanket
  3. 01:05:643 (4,5,6) -同样1/4离得这么近最好一样间距吧
  4. 01:17:643 (6) -遮挡不ok 像这个01:19:928 (6) -放在滑条尾就海星
    像这个 滑条头接单点 就很难读
  5. 01:29:928 (1,1,1) -不是正三角形!@锋鸽
    其实很好移 你第二个又没和谁重叠 所以直接移第二个就行了
  6. 01:54:928 (7) -这个ds过分了 而且这样也不好打啊
  7. 03:28:785 (1,1,1) -请正三角
  8. 03:34:071 (2) -真的没音呀…放个折返似乎意义不大
  9. 04:04:071 (3,4) -不好读也不好打
  10. 04:19:785 (4,5,6,7,8) -不是正五边形差评(划掉)
emmmmmm...就这么多了 我先溜了qwq(逃)


一些1/8的旋律却用了1/4跟了鼓,说实话我个人感觉有点不是很爽,没了可以表现旋律的地方,像00:11:500 (7,8) - 00:36:071 (4,5) - 这些。嘛这些都是我的主观,只是说一下而已。


  1. 00:32:785 (6) - NC,很明显这里是个新段落
  2. 01:07:928 (3) - 这个滑条建议跟之前01:07:071 (1,2) - 这两个都是长滑条,统一一下比较好,而且不影响接后面的note
  3. 01:29:928 (1) - 从这个note开始节奏已经没这么强烈了,所以kiai应该在这里结束。
  4. 01:32:214 (1,2) - 太远了,我看了一下你后面的排列大多数都是ds比较近的,像 01:41:357 (1,2) - 01:50:500 (1,2) - etc. 所以这里最好也放近一点。
  5. 01:53:357 (2,3,4) - 只是提一下,顺便也是一个建议让你看看。这三个物件: 2->3 (1/2节奏) 和 01:54:500 (6,7,1) - 6->7 (1/4节奏) ,而且6 7 1的间距还更大,节奏间隙几乎一样,视觉上看可能会被误解。
  6. 02:17:643 (5) - 其实这个滑条混在里面很容易跟圈搞混。。建议换个pattern吧
  7. 02:21:357 (7) - 看了一下后面这样的节奏,折返全部只有三次,建议这个也只有三次,最好都统一一样的。
  8. 02:37:357 (4) - 箭头遮挡,unrankable。
  9. 03:02:785 (7) - 这折返四次的滑条太违和了,前面 01:03:643 (6,7,8,9,10) - 明明是一堆note这里却用了个滑条,还是那个问题,统一一下吧。
  10. 03:19:643 (1) - 前面节奏是这样的 01:20:785 (1,2,3) - same above,统一一下吧。
  11. 03:21:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 感觉这里的节奏下得太频繁了,最好03:23:071 (5) - 这个换成1/2滑条
good luck
Topic Starter

AngelSnow wrote:

Hello~from quin(我丢人了)
  1. 00:33:643 (8) -最好1/2折 返比两次折返要好 我觉得海星
  2. 00:46:500 (1,2) -blanket ?没问题啊
  3. 01:05:643 (4,5,6) -同样1/4离得这么近最好一样间距吧
  4. 01:17:643 (6) -遮挡不ok 像这个01:19:928 (6) -放在滑条尾就海星 我觉得ok
    像这个 滑条头接单点 就很难读
  5. 01:29:928 (1,1,1) -不是正三角形!@锋鸽 ok
    其实很好移 你第二个又没和谁重叠 所以直接移第二个就行了
  6. 01:54:928 (7) -这个ds过分了 而且这样也不好打啊 改啦
  7. 03:28:785 (1,1,1) -请正三角 ok
  8. 03:34:071 (2) -真的没音呀…放个折返似乎意义不大 ok
  9. 04:04:071 (3,4) -不好读也不好打 我觉得还行
  10. 04:19:785 (4,5,6,7,8) -不是正五边形差评(划掉)04:19:785 (4,5) - 这里不是1/2
emmmmmm...就这么多了 我先溜了qwq(逃)
Topic Starter

Suzuki_1112 wrote:



一些1/8的旋律却用了1/4跟了鼓,说实话我个人感觉有点不是很爽,没了可以表现旋律的地方,像00:11:500 (7,8) - 00:36:071 (4,5) - 这些。嘛这些都是我的主观,只是说一下而已。不太想用1/8


  1. 00:32:785 (6) - NC,很明显这里是个新段落
  2. 01:07:928 (3) - 这个滑条建议跟之前01:07:071 (1,2) - 这两个都是长滑条,统一一下比较好,而且不影响接后面的note vocal结束是在现在这个位置,所以不改了
  3. 01:29:928 (1) - 从这个note开始节奏已经没这么强烈了,所以kiai应该在这里结束。
  4. 01:32:214 (1,2) - 太远了,我看了一下你后面的排列大多数都是ds比较近的,像 01:41:357 (1,2) - 01:50:500 (1,2) - etc. 所以这里最好也放近一点 fixed
  5. 01:53:357 (2,3,4) - 只是提一下,顺便也是一个建议让你看看。这三个物件: 2->3 (1/2节奏) 和 01:54:500 (6,7,1) - 6->7 (1/4节奏) ,而且6 7 1的间距还更大,节奏间隙几乎一样,视觉上看可能会被误解。改了
  6. 02:17:643 (5) - 其实这个滑条混在里面很容易跟圈搞混。。建议换个pattern吧 我感觉还是挺明显的
  7. 02:21:357 (7) - 看了一下后面这样的节奏,折返全部只有三次,建议这个也只有三次,最好都统一一样的。不知道为什么觉得这里放四次折返特别合适,先保留一下
  8. 02:37:357 (4) - 箭头遮挡,unrankable。改了
  9. 03:02:785 (7) - 这折返四次的滑条太违和了,前面 01:03:643 (6,7,8,9,10) - 明明是一堆note这里却用了个滑条,还是那个问题,统一一下吧。这里改了
  10. 03:19:643 (1) - 前面节奏是这样的 01:20:785 (1,2,3) - same above,统一一下吧。 vocal是不一样的,先保留
  11. 03:21:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 感觉这里的节奏下得太频繁了,最好03:23:071 (5) - 这个换成1/2滑条 我觉得还行
good luck
Good stuff. thanks for getting a bit more feedback on this. With all the work that's been put on it, I feel confident we can push this forward after I do another check.

Will check when I can :)
soft-hitfinish.wav has a 10ms delay so this needs to be fixed. You can copy over soft-hitclap2.wav

Everything else seems fine from my end, so good to go when this is fixed.
Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:

soft-hitfinish.wav has a 10ms delay so this needs to be fixed. You can copy over soft-hitclap2.wav

Everything else seems fine from my end, so good to go when this is fixed.
fixed :)
Alright. I think it should be good to go now.

For the next BN. Check out the slow parts of the song since they might be the most confusing, though I personally didn't have any issues with it after the distances were changed to be a little more consistent. For the most part, they carry the player well.

osu! needs more Shimotsuki Haruka!

Topic Starter
thank you lanturn <3
cute map for a cute mapper

- 02:19:071 (7) - deleting this might make this more interesting (blue tick triples are :weary:)
- 02:21:357 (7) - 02:21:928 - is pretty strong so i'd probably suggest splitting this into 2 1/2 sliders
- 02:42:643 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - maybe try to follow the whole vocal phrase here since switching to drums on 5,6 makes this play a little awkwardly. try this: ?
- 03:05:785 (5,1) - compared to your other streamjumps this one is way too big. this spacing is much more appropriate:
- 03:19:643 (1) - im not sure what this is really following, maybe try to split this into ?
- 03:22:785 (4,5) - making 4 a 1/1 slider would break up the monotonous 1/4 sliderspam here and make for more interesting gameplay i think. it also follows the more elongated vocal
- 03:27:643 (6) - could make 2 1/4 sliders since 03:27:928 - is also pretty strong?
- 04:04:071 (3,4) - i get that you're trying to emphasize the white tick but this seems a little unnecessary, simply doing something like would be a lot better imo (less sudden of a jump on a weaker sound)
- 04:05:785 (2,3,4,5) - there's a really strong 3/4 rhythm here that gets ignored by the stream, maybe try to map that out?
- 04:16:214 - definitely deserves to be clickable imo, remove the reverse from 04:15:928 (6) - and put a circle there maybe?
- 04:24:785 (5,6) - could make 2 1/4 sliders for 5 or extend 5 with one more reverse, since 04:25:357 - should have more contrast imo, and right now 04:25:214 - has all the contrast
- 04:38:500 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - there's some nice blue tick snares here you could probably emphasize with this stream? also 04:39:500 (12) - is overmapped
- 04:46:785 - 04:47:214 - have notes on them, and you weren't really against using doubles before so maybe add circles here? 05:41:642 - etc
- 04:48:214 (1) - this note is way late. 04:48:250 - should be a red line with 112 bpm and it should snap to 04:48:785 - nicely. put another red line there
- 05:03:500 (2,3) - space this further away since 05:02:500 (1,2) - was a 1/4 gap and it might be confused with that
- 05:05:928 (4,5,6) - maybe stack these since the drums have a stop at the end of them which the next stream carries into the next section
- 05:11:500 (7,1) - too big again :( 05:16:214 (1) - asdfasdf
- 05:31:357 (4,5) - same, remove reverse and add circle on white perhaps
- 05:40:500 (3) - should be 1/6

get these fixed and call lanturn back to rebubble (or if you want me to check first before that call me back)!
gust is cute, yes
Topic Starter

Shurelia wrote:

gust is cute, yes
"Give Kudos"
Topic Starter

Mir wrote:

cute map for a cute mapper

- 02:19:071 (7) - deleting this might make this more interesting (blue tick triples are :weary:) 02:19:071 (7) - hmmm, I think here's voice is heavy, so I want to keep this
- 02:21:357 (7) - 02:21:928 - is pretty strong so i'd probably suggest splitting this into 2 1/2 sliders okay ;;
- 02:42:643 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - maybe try to follow the whole vocal phrase here since switching to drums on 5,6 makes this play a little awkwardly. try this: ? okay~
- 03:05:785 (5,1) - compared to your other streamjumps this one is way too big. this spacing is much more appropriate: okay~
- 03:19:643 (1) - im not sure what this is really following, maybe try to split this into ? fixed
- 03:22:785 (4,5) - making 4 a 1/1 slider would break up the monotonous 1/4 sliderspam here and make for more interesting gameplay i think. it also follows the more elongated vocal hmmm, okay
- 03:27:643 (6) - could make 2 1/4 sliders since 03:27:928 - is also pretty strong? hmmm..I think strong sound is 03:28:214 (7,8,9,10,1) - here, very strong drum sound, so I want to keep this
- 04:04:071 (3,4) - i get that you're trying to emphasize the white tick but this seems a little unnecessary, simply doing something like would be a lot better imo (less sudden of a jump on a weaker sound) okay~
- 04:05:785 (2,3,4,5) - there's a really strong 3/4 rhythm here that gets ignored by the stream, maybe try to map that out? I have changed 2&3 to slider but i want to keep 04:06:357 - nothing, here is no sound i think~
- 04:16:214 - definitely deserves to be clickable imo, remove the reverse from 04:15:928 (6) - and put a circle there maybe? yes!
- 04:24:785 (5,6) - could make 2 1/4 sliders for 5 or extend 5 with one more reverse, since 04:25:357 - should have more contrast imo, and right now 04:25:214 - has all the contrast right! fixed~
- 04:38:500 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - there's some nice blue tick snares here you could probably emphasize with this stream? also 04:39:500 (12) - is overmapped changed 5,6 to slider and delete 12~
- 04:46:785 - 04:47:214 - have notes on them, and you weren't really against using doubles before so maybe add circles here? 05:41:642 - etc right!
- 04:48:214 (1) - this note is way late. 04:48:250 - should be a red line with 112 bpm and it should snap to 04:48:785 - nicely. put another red line there !! fixed!
- 05:03:500 (2,3) - space this further away since 05:02:500 (1,2) - was a 1/4 gap and it might be confused with that fixed~
- 05:05:928 (4,5,6) - maybe stack these since the drums have a stop at the end of them which the next stream carries into the next section fixed~
- 05:11:500 (7,1) - too big again :( 05:16:214 (1) - asdfasdf fixed~
- 05:31:357 (4,5) - same, remove reverse and add circle on white perhaps fixed~
- 05:40:500 (3) - should be 1/6 fixed~

get these fixed and call lanturn back to rebubble (or if you want me to check first before that call me back)!
Fixed a snapping point.

After the new timing point some notes were unsnapped, timing points were fixed as well since it involved kiai.

Alright, looks good to me!
gust神牛逼 飞图如喝水
Topic Starter
love you guys :D
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