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bmin11 wrote:

Lybydose wrote:

Anonymous Mafia (Everyone plays using a dummy account so you don't know who anyone is. Also allows for extra creative roles that would otherwise be impossible. I'm not sure if I can pull this off)
This sounds awsome. I would probably get discovered on D1 because of my ESLness I bet lol

maybe I pretend I am bad English so no one find out :)

Lybydose wrote:

Anonymous Mafia (Everyone plays using a dummy account so you don't know who anyone is. Also allows for extra creative roles that would otherwise be impossible. I'm not sure if I can pull this off)

I really liked this idea, also DotA Mafia would be cool too lol.

Lybydose wrote:

Anonymous Mafia (Everyone plays using a dummy account so you don't know who anyone is. Also allows for extra creative roles that would otherwise be impossible. I'm not sure if I can pull this off)
This would be the best thing ever.

Though can I get some more information about these dummy accounts.
I think dummy account works better on a different forum. 1) We're not allowed to multiaccount on osu! 2) Your IP gets scanned to find out what country you're from, and working around all these registering red tape makes life a dumb thing.
With a really dedicated host, you could PM your posts to that host and they then post those posts in the thread.

Unfortunately, I doubt any of the people hosting are THAT dedicated. (Since you'd have to be able to check the forums often, keep track of the aliases, and recieve many PMs.
Topic Starter
The way it would work is, I would create all the accounts myself and give each player temporary access. It would allow for "controlled" multi-accounts since I would know exactly who has access to each one and know who's to blame if an account does anything other than post in the mafia game. Normal users can't find posters' IP addresses, but Rolled could (so you'd have to trust him not to cheat). Also every account should appear with a USA flag if I register them.

The issues would be:

1. Lots of additional overhead for me
2. People who forgot to log in before posting in the thread, or log out before posting in a different thread.
3. Asking peppy to see if he is ok with it

The main advantage isn't actually the anonymity, it's the fact that I can add in unusual and unique roles that would normally be impossible or impractical.

And yeah I also thought of LadySuburu's idea, but that would be a whole lot of work (and would need 1 or more co-hosts to help and cover time zones). The game would also have to be slower in general (longer days) to account for non-instant forum posts.
i wrote my first post and will probably write an 18 player role setup this weekend for TWEWY mafia, so yeah, you dont have to put me at the end anymore.
I'm still interested in hosting that 5p Lyncher game. I could run it now-ish alongside the three big games, given its small size, if that would be ok with everyone?
For the anonymous Mafia: Couldn't peppy just limit posting restrictions for those alts to just the Mafia subboard (or even the single thread if that's possible) and revoke all rights to chat/submit scores ingame or download maps etc so that even accidental misuse is just impossible?If posting restrictions on specific threads are possible, he could even block everyone else from posting there so nobody could accidentally post while in their actual account.
Just a thought I had, dunno how applicable it is~
i doubt peppy gives enough of a shit to do that.

would be a good idea otherwise though, as the accounts could be reused with new passwords and shit.
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@Luna: I wouldn't try that because the idea is to give peppy absolutely zero additional work.
alternatively we could make ival do it, or you can ask peppy if you can have admin, but i doubt such a reason is worthy.

foulcoon wrote:

i wrote my first post and will probably write an 18 player role setup this weekend for TWEWY mafia, so yeah, you dont have to put me at the end anymore.
Roleplay? ^_____^
i dont know considering i havent played the game in forever. writing kynch scenes and shit will probably be hard enough.

then again i think i remember enough to go all out, depending on how gay you want me to make it.
gay it upppp

foulcoon wrote:

alternatively we could make ival do it, or you can ask peppy if you can have admin, but i doubt such a reason is worthy.
I'm not risking my should-probably-be-defunct admin powers on some gay ass theme game.
sooo can I start my minigame tonight

0_o wrote:

sooo can I start my minigame tonight
If it's 5 players and nightless you can start it anytime. It'd be over in a snap. (Imo anyway.)
Not nightless, but ok. Writing up now.
Re: Dummy Accounts
That would be a nice attempt though.
Roles like Disguiser and Ventriloquist would have been awesome.
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after 5 player lyncher I'm going to host a 5 player dethy
After 5-player dethy, I'm going to host a 5-player game too.

Setup: Open
Size: 5 players
Deadline: 3 RL days per Day. 1 RL Day per Night.
Start Date: Will start after 5-P Dethy.

Night Start
2 - One-Shot Bulletproof Townies (Notified if they are hit.)
1 - Doctor (Protects people except themselves.)
1 - Mafia Goon (Can only NK)
1 - Serial Killer (Can only NK)
5 player games are terrible
I already said I wanted to host a 12 Player Lover. D:

Setup: 4 Mafia Lovers and 4 x 2 Town Lovers
Size: 12
Start Date: Whenever Doc puts it up.
Information: It has been shown to have a 50/50 chance of winning either side. So I don't have to worry about balance.
We (LunaticMara & FisHie) like to start up a mafia game called "Paska Mafia".

Setup: Closed
Size: 12-24
Start Date: When a slot is free
Information: A mafia game where you will rage. Badly.
i'll probabbly get the worse role ever in that game since fishie probabbly hates me badly lmao.
It's all business.

Well for me at least.
I love everyone.
1. For lyby's anon mafia, can't we just do it in a quicktopic with specific numbered accounts?
2. Oh wow lover's mafia actually exists? I was just thinking of it yesterday.

Salvage wrote:

i'll probabbly get the worse role ever in that game since fishie probabbly hates me badly lmao.
We'll randomize everything, of course.
oh man

somebody should totally host a pokemon PyP game
That's a fucking awful idea.

Ivalset wrote:

That's a fucking awful idea.
I respectfully disagree.
I was thinking that my 5-p game could be expanded into a 7-p game for more balance.

NoHItter wrote:

I was thinking that my 5-p game could be expanded into a 7-p game for more interest.
I have an idea for a 9-player game, and I really want to host it.

I might make it into an 11-player game if there is enough interest, though.

EDIT: I've finalized the setup, but it's 8~10 instead of 9~11. Now I just need interest~
So what happened to this?
Waiting for one of the games to finish I guess.
make it fast guys i wanna play
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Impatient, are ya?

Well, then again, I am dead, but I'm not complaining.
Maybe you should avoid getting killed next time you play

Like don't target a killme role ^_^
lol .. you bastard :p.

and yes i'm pretty impatient, i love this game D:
Swiftwolf Yellowtail

Wojjan wrote:

Maybe you should avoid getting killed next time you play

Like don't target a killme role ^_^
Actually, my mistake isn't targeting a "killme" role. It's more along the lines of claiming D2.
That was directed to Salvage, not you.
He killed Wojjan who was a Self-Watching Restless Spirit lol
But he deserved it for picking Cultafia, wtf :x
haha .. yea i had nice townie roles and got cultafia >.<.

i thought you were new into the game also luna, lookin forward to play moar games with u, liked your analyzing stuff on the minigames :3.


Just a reminder guys:

Forum Rules wrote:

Do NOT discuss games which are currently in progress anywhere except that game's thread.
Hey Lyby, do you think you can update the queue?

Also, anyone else planning a set-up for the mini-game queue?
If not then, I have another idea for a set-up :)
Topic Starter
updated everything

also, I'm thinking "mini games" could be any game with 9 or less players, with the main queue being 10+. thoughts?

Lybydose wrote:

also, I'm thinking "mini games" could be any game with 9 or less players, with the main queue being 10+. thoughts?
I think 7 may be a better limit, as C9 setups can require the same amount of time & thought investment as the bigger games. Minigames should be kept small enough for people who are already in a couple games, or who are too busy to take part in a standard game, to follow.
I agree that 7 should be maximum.
I might hold off hosting mine until another month because of exams.

Whoever wants to go ahead of me, can do so.
Wait, shouldn't the next game start now that bulletproof mafia has ended? o.o//
probably should be my game but its not ready, i've just been super busy with... everything.
Bulletproof Mafia was part of the mini queue.
So we need a mini game, which no one has yet.
If you all approve, I can start a new Mini game.
i hope to have my game ready by the time one of the PyP games ends

NoHItter wrote:

If you all approve, I can start a new Mini game.
I'd take the lack of response as a "sure".
Sure then.
Posted it now.
So we only have one game going on now.

I take it we're reserving a slot for Wojjan's 11/11/11 game? We could do a second minigame that ends right before that to fill in the cracks.
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foulcoon said his game might be ready
its totally not, sorry guys i've just been ridiculously busy
we need someone to host another normal mafia game now
So, next up is either Lilac or start power mafia

(or I can go if neither one is ready)
Go for it, pieguy, there's currently 2 slots open for normal games.

(Though I might be too busy to participate myself)
I thought it was 2 normal games and 1 mini-game o.o
make a game somebody thx
Join Infector Mafia guys :)
Put me down to host a 9-player 2of4 setup.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
...A(n official) newbie mafia setup? That's new.
I figured we needed a more traditional game with all these crazy PyPs floating around :P
How many people do you think my setup should be? I don't have much set in stone yet other than the concept, so I can manage either way, but I'd prefer a setup of around 20-25 myself.

0_o wrote:

I figured we needed a more traditional game with all these crazy PyPs floating around :P
I agree on this. Setups are getting crazier every game (starting with SK with a hit list to Neighborizer + Cultafia D:)

bmin11 wrote:

0_o wrote:

I figured we needed a more traditional game with all these crazy PyPs floating around :P
I agree on this. Setups are getting crazier every game (starting with SK with a hit list to Neighborizer + Cultafia D:)
I'll /in to host soon, a medium game. 9-15 players.

Also, anything I do in my games is fair game to become normal for mafia games. In fact I usually test out things in most of my games in order to see if they should become part of the normal list.
Not another cultafia game...!

Ivalset wrote:

Not another cultafia game...!
Most likely it will be. Maybe.

Maybe cultafia AND mafia.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail what you're saying is, it could be a multiball? (Or w/e it's called)
So is Paska mafia or Lilac's mafia starting?

If not I'll start mine.
Topic Starter
foulcoon is still finalizing his setup, Wojjan needs to wait 11 days, next in line is Lilac and then LunaticMara. Are either of you ready? Alternatively, I can throw up a game because I was supposed to host a game in there but couldn't come up with a theme. The game I host would just be an "experimental" game with new roles etc. Otherwise I'll just go after pieguy.
I'm ready. And I guess Lilac is too.
My Mafia will start at around 28/11. No later, might be earlier depending on stuff.



just don't make days a week and nights 2 days

Swiftwolf Yellowtail
You think this is bad? Newbie mafia games on mafiascum last 3 weeks for the first day, and 2 days for the night.
agree with chris on everything.

just start one pleaseee :D.
I will make the thread soon.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail

Salvage wrote:

agree with chris on everything.
Sorry, even if you want to convince me, you're gonna have to do better than that.

Swiftwolf Yellowtail wrote:

You think this is bad? Newbie mafia games on mafiascum last 3 weeks for the first day, and 2 days for the night.
I started on mafiascum.

Notice how the games I host have deadlines of like 3 days?

LadySuburu wrote:

I'll /in to host soon, a medium game. 9-15 players.
/in to also host another medium game, based on Dungeon Defenders. (Co-host with Lilac. I think.)
Yeah, I'm writing it up now.

Heh-heh, second time co-hosting. ^_^;
Another game for Mini-Queue:

Lucid Dreamers
- Two Nightmares (Mafia), Five Dreamers (Town)
- Night Start!
- All sides can send ANY Night Action they want!

It's crazy. It's fun. (It has no some balancing whatsoever, but WHO CARES?.)
Sample Night Actions
Dreamer 1 <Gives Post Restriction> Dreamer 2.
Dreamer 2 <Jails> Dreamer 4.
Dreamer 3 <Commutes>.
Dreamer 4 <Frames> Nightmare 1.
Dreamer 5 <Drives> Dreamer 1 and Dreamer 2.
Nightmare 1 <Strongman Kills> Dreamer 3.
Nightmare 2 <Gains Doublevoting Ability>.
Your imagination is the limit!

Disclaimer: If your actions breaks the game too much, I'll tell you to change it. If you still insist then I modkill you.
Note: Actions may not target more than two people.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail it's kinda like PyP Normal Mafia?
You can send in a different action every Night.
No, that sounds a lot, lot worse.
I played it in another forum.
It's very fun IMO.
Swiftwolf Yellowtail
Of course Ival wouldn't approve of it. He apparently likes to hate on a lot of things.

...that made no sense.
Are you calling me a hater, Swiftwolf?
ival it's because you're black

hits, you have to draw a line somewhere. Whata prevents me from killing everyone in a night?

Wojjan wrote:

hits, you have to draw a line somewhere. Whata prevents me from killing everyone in a night?

NoHItter wrote:

Disclaimer: If your actions breaks the game too much, I'll tell you to change it. If you still insist then I modkill you.
Note: Actions may not target more than two people.
that is written too tiny I can't read it.

I'm delaying Lucid Dreamers until after Wojjan's game is done.
radical dreamers imo
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