
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 8:51:13 AM

Artist: Queen
Title: Bohemian Rhapsody
Tags: freddie mercury a night at the opera
BPM: 72.23
Filesize: 5776kb
Play Time: 05:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.79 stars, 359 notes)
  2. Hard (4.02 stars, 630 notes)
  3. Normal (3.27 stars, 513 notes)
Download: Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
THIS MAP HAS a time of 5:46 and a max score on [hard] of around 12 million.
if that means it can't be ranked, then i'm submitting this map for approval.
maybe i could whittle the max score down to about 11 million.

-volume of mp3 increased toward the end
-volume of mp3 increased in various places
-overall volume of mp3 increased as much as possible
-spinner added at end of [insane]
-background image added
-[easy] and [normal] difficulties added
-major timing overhaul
-consolidated the timing sections awp suggested (except where they were needed for sample changes)
-additional timing tweak (x2)
-put sliders over fluid vocals as per awp's suggestion
-finish hitsounds added
-picked some classier colors
-fixed some spacing
-decided that the color scheme sucked ass and changed it
-fixed the endings of two sliders on [easy]
-mystery update #1
-changed [insane] to [hard]
-set preview points
-kingcobra52's suggestions (except hitsounds)
-some snapping problems, i guess
Holy crap!

This map is really ... good! Like, actually good! Hopefully you can balance out the difficulty a little bit, since this has some parts that are much, much harder than most of the map.

I'd suggest raising the volume of the mp3 (using a tool like Audacity) and ending the map with a spinner (over the very last "any way the wind blows," ending the spinner with the final gong). Also, add some kind of background image, at the very least.

There are some spacing issues and I have no idea if the timing is right or not, but it's a fun map, so hurry up and do the other difficulties, so it can be modded for real. :)
This is really impressively mapped. Just needs some timing tweaks which one of our advanced timers will have to do :X

Also, I really think you could increase the overall volume of that mp3 significantly and it'd be all the better for it. That is a song that is intended to be played loudly, and if the loud parts seem too loud, then you're doing it right :D
That was just awesome. I agree, could be a little bit louder. It's an epic fun map. :D
Very good. The only issues I see are timing and the large inconsistency in difficulty on insane mode. It look like you have a few too many offsets. With some better timing I would bet quite a few of those can be removed. Good luck with that. I still have a don't stop me now map sitting here unfinished because that kind of queen timing evil. Also, I love the way the sliders move to the pitch of the song. The ending does this really well. Brilliant. If you had to play any map in osu with some really nice headphones or surround sound, this would be the one.
I've timed a parody of this song, so I should be able to go over the timing of the actual song <3

okay wow 77 timing sections I'm just gonna post the chipping I did in the middle for what I got:

70.60 ... 49285
70.60 ... 96794
70.70 ... 115572
70.60 ... 142770

and up to 68.80 at 173358 is as far as I've gone. I don't have the energy to barrel through the rest of it yet.

As for the maps themselves, they look intelligible though mistimed, and we'll work on that.
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you're killin mah sample changes
That's why I never add sample changes until last
Okay okay okay

These maps are fun, and I think your creativity should be commended. You've done a really good job of turning the song into a beatmap, rather than simply making a beatmap that is in time with the song. Sounds silly, but there's a difference. Some of the timing is off, some of it's awkward, but you might be able to fix it up without actually touching the timing sections.

I found some things sounding off, mostly with slider tails and mainly on Easy. First example on Easy would be 00:21:85 (5) - I can't hear what the tail is ending on. It'll be very hard to pick apart the general idea without compiling a list and I'm actually too lazy busy to do that right now, but one piece of advice I can give with respect to your time-placement of notes is:

Let the lyrics influence the placement. Do not let the lyrics dictate the placement.

While it's normally the case that lyrics are stressed on specific beats, this song is an example of one where the vocals often throw the BPM out the window and just flow their own way. Many of the vocals don't even HAVE a stressed note and mapping to them is both difficult and awkward. Same goes for playing along certain lyrics. When I hit a phrase that has been sung too fluidly or awkward to map, I'll either slider/spinner that little segment (depending on length and mood - usually a slider) or make up a pattern that detaches from the vocals. The problem with mapping awkward/fluid vocals that are indistinct is that not only is it hard for the mapper to get right, it's almost impossible for the player to.

One way to test out how awkward or natural your map sounds is to start playing the song on auto play and then shut your monitor off and try to tap along. Since it's your map, you'll know most of the placements, but some of them will likely catch you off guard.

But! You've done a great job with this map so far, and this song's more or less the final boss of beatmapping.
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Anyone out there who's a fan of this map, feel free to link some pictures that you think would be good, especially if they're suited well for a particular section. Like if there's a good pic for the hard rock section, or one for the opera section, that'd be sweet.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (ogicu8abruok) [Easy].osu
love this map.
Yeah, 'tis really fun. Too bad it's here in the graveyard. :(
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Bug ogicu8abruok to do it.
Starring for persuasion.
I am amazed anyone would even try to map this... the timing is so inconstant.

Star for a job well done - especially considering the above.

This is not a map that belongs in the graveyard!
Great map ^ ^ It's pretty much timed perfectly and should be ranked!
this was playing on my playlist when osu! booted up today lol
Get someone to time it a little better. Other than that...
[Hard] has over 10m max score
No preview point set on all diffs
Why are there so many red lines? is the timing like that? Oo

That's about all i could find
For approved map?!? Too long...
Why changing BPM just with a slight difference?
Preview point?

[hard] (please mod it refer to AImod.)
0:44:120 (5) spacing
0:49:709 (3) spacing
2:31:056 (4) spacing
2:44:441 (x) add a note here?
3:06:862 (1) spacing
3:09:122 (11) right 1 grid
3:53:902 (5) left some grids for symmetrical patterns
4:27:117 (3) spacing

Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

For approved map?!? Too long...

Sakura301 wrote:

[Hard] has over 10m max score
if this is a problem, then it's okay with me if it doesn't get ranked and it just gets approved.

Sakura301 wrote:

Why are there so many red lines? is the timing like that? Oo

wmfchris wrote:

Why changing BPM just with a slight difference?
because the bpm of this song frequently changes just with slight differences. it was an enormous task to time this song, but i'm always open to ANY suggestions that ANYONE can make that will improve the timing.
I have to say you did a fantastic job at this map and I hope you will see this ranked :D.

On my playthrough I didn't really notice timing problems so I'd leave it like this for now unless a timingguru (awp, cyclone, lybydose is pretty good too) comes up with something better.
-I really think you can do more with the hitsound volumes, but what you have now is fine I guess (if anything specific, try using soft hitsounds during the soft parts of the opera section and alternating when it goes from loud to soft)

-Same with the hitsounds themselves. All I hear is the occasional finishes.

-The slider tick sounds off in places. I'd enable custom overrides and put a blank normal-slidertick.wav (and soft-slidertick.wav if you use soft hitsounds) in your song folder and full submit. The song sounds better without hearing the slider tick, imo.


01:09:631 (4) - New combo here instead of 01:12:182.
01:31:780 (3) - Doesn't sound right. Put it on the red or white tick.
02:21:035 (9) - New combo? 11 is a bit high for an easy.
02:44:679 (1) - Remove this.


04:01:915 (10) - New combo?


04:01:915 (10) - See normal

Other than that, just the timing needs fixing, but I'll leave that to the experts. Starred.
Topic Starter

kingcobra52 wrote:

01:31:780 (3) - Doesn't sound right. Put it on the red or white tick.
i have no idea what you mean... it's on a red tick already, isn't it?
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.



  • • Delete the osb file, then "Full submission"
    • "Timing --> Resnap all notes"
    • Sometimes spacing is wrong; keep "Distance Snap" active and recheck it (also, "View --> Grid level --> 3 (Most precise)" )

    • Add some tags

  • • 03:23:468 (1) - Move this circle here 03:23:586 (white tick)
    • 03:26:501 (4) - Move this circle here 03:26:413 (red tick)
    • 03:54:788 (7) - Move this circle here 03:54:696 (white tick)
    • 04:20:141 (1) - End this spinner here 04:21:339 (yellow tick)

  • • 01:23:490 (2) - End this slider here 01:24:977 (white tick)

More people need to map the good stuff like this.
Updated Mod's Info:
Mine are all suggestions. You're free to follow or not this mod :3
If I found a beat who must be added, i'll write it.
Remember to check spacing after all modfies :3

MP3 is too weak. Find a louder one.
Add a tag, like the Album name.

This is a good map, but try to do better sliders: they're a bit ugly :P

since this map is well timed and mapped, i didn't find anything :D star
Yes another Queen :)

- So the persistent osb file is still there, delete it then do another full submit, hope it'll gone
- Remove the count down on all diff. Song setup > Storyboarding > enable count down
- The biggest problem you have to be careful in a song with many timing is object's snapping, check AImod cause there are some unsnapped on every diff. Re-snap them all

There's only 2 spacing problem just like AImod said, but I don't think it's a big problem
Decrease circle size by 1 ?
05:46:388 (1) - add finish
Combo mod
00:21:853 (5) - NC (new combo)
00:29:040 (5) - ^
00:35:696 (3) - ^
01:18:604 (6) - ^
01:33:480 (4) - ^
01:41:892 (4) - ^
03:01:305 (8) - ^
The list can go very long so I stop here :o
basically I make a pattern of 1 combo set for 1 stanza, because this is the easiest diff try making the combo shorter

The different slider slide speed is nice, like it ^.^b
Decrease the circle size by 1 ?
05:46:388 (1) - add finish
Combo mod
same thing, but try making it longer than the combo in easy diff. Maybe use 1 combo set for 2 stanza

Decrease circle size by 2?
Increase the OD & HP drain by 2 ticks?
At first I think this almost the same with normal but then the pace change, kinda caught off guard, I broke my combo :o
05:46:412 (1) - add finish
Combo mod
same thing, but try to make it longer than the combo in easy diff....Oh boy I keep repeating my self :o

The major thing you have to be careful is object snapping, that's the major unrankable issue
That's all I can help
fuck never mind
I enjoyed the map. and the way the notes went with the song.

Not really helpful info from me, but I'll give it a ☆
Well your timing is quite close, and it is well mapped too
but because i have the sheet music for this i will give you both BPM's for the slow and faster parts
Slow: 72
Fast: 144
Use these values to manually edit the BPM without having to tap it out.
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