
ave;new feat. Sakura Saori - Mugendai LOVERS (Short Ver.) [O

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「冷徹冷静しかして×××」のOP曲なのでtagに"opening""visual novel"を追加


"(Short Ver.)"は場合によってはUnrank要素となり得るかもしれません
元の曲に(Short Ver.)と言った記述があればUnrank要素とはなりませんが、個人的に調べた限りではこの(Short Ver.)に関しての記述の必要性はないように思えました


00:05:655 (3) - 個人的にですが、スライダーの形からこの直後の00:06:537 (4) - への入りがやや急なように思えました
イメージ的にはこんな感じで節の位置を下の方に持ってきて、00:05:302 (2,3,4) で滑らかな曲線を描いた配置の方が好みです

00:06:890 (1,2) - (2)の位置がやや中途半端で、見た時にあまり綺麗には思えませんでした

00:22:419 (3) - さすがにこのスライダーは酷く作りが雑なように思えました

01:30:184 (1,2) - ここで綺麗な曲線を描けていないように思えます

01:33:008 (1,2) - 主に(2)がこの譜面の流れに少し違和感を生じさせているように感じました

01:50:125 (1) - このスピナーの音量変更の仕方とヒットサウンドが悪いです

[i_k's Taiko]



00:03:537 (6) - ここでNC?
00:15:007 (1,2) 比較で見るとここではNCを付けておくのが譜面の統一性面で見た時によりよくなるように思えます

00:12:537 (1,2) - この配置がスライダーの下に中途半端置かれ、私には汚く思えました
00:11:302 (1) の終点とスタック、もしくは被らないような位置に変更をしてみてはどうでしょうか

00:19:772 (1,2) - このスライダーの道が互いに部分的に被る配置が私には優れた配置とは思えません
00:16:949 (1,2) と似たような配置にしてみてはどうでしょう

00:23:302 (3) - ここの2回ターンがやや浮いてしまうように感じました

00:37:596 (1,2) - 00:31:949 (1,2)と違いここでスタックさせているのが私は好きではありません
NCを挟んでいる配置なので直後の00:38:125 (1) のことを考えても2つのカラーが重なり本当に見た目が悪いです

00:52:243 (3) - 00:50:831 (2) との角度が完璧ではないスライダーのように思えます
赤い節を1grid (Tiny)だけ右に移動させてみてください

01:38:655 (3) - ここでNC
00:15:007 (1,2) と合わせるべきです


00:24:713 (4,5) - この配置が個人的に好きではありません
・00:24:537 (3) からのジャンプで勢いがついているのに比較的近い配置

00:31:596 (7) - このスライダーは汚いです

00:40:066 (4,5) - このスライダーエンド同士が中途半端被る配置が気になりました

00:42:890 (4) - 00:31:596 (7)と同じ


(Short Ver.)に関しての記述を一旦保留に
I'm so sorry for late. :cry:
Topic Starter
thx mod!
You should fix some sliders (like 00:33:890 (2) - ) to create better slider forms. It's just a suggestion. I don't like the rhythm of your notes...
00:01:419 (1) - It should be better if it starts 1/2 before
00:48:008 (3) - Move it one square to right, it looks more adherent
Particular style :o Same wrote to Melophobia's diff, You should fix some sliders (like 00:33:360 (4) - ) to create better slider forms
00:22:419 (1) - You should make it better
00:54:184 (4) - You should make it better
It looks really cool *-* I like it!
00:06:890 (1) - This is not stacked with 00:06:184 (2) - ends... volountary antistack?
00:48:007 (1,2,3,4) - A square should be better (personally i hate them but it's to make it visually better)
01:05:655 (5) - You should distance it normally from 01:05:478 (4) -

Good luck!!
Hi:3 d=(^o^)=b phoonさん

I like infinity diff
●o.o safe ?
●tagの"nove" → "novel" ?

●00:35:302 (1) - 始点のwhistleをfinishに変更?
●00:54:713 (1) - 始点のfinishはいらないと思います
●00:57:184 (3) - もう少し曲げた方が綺麗です
●00:59:302 (1) - 少しstar rateがあがってしまいますが、spinnerではなくnote,sliderを配置した方がいいと思います。
●01:10:243 (2,1,2,3,4) - 一番最低難易度なので、noteが連続で5つ続くのは難しいと思います!いくつかをsliderに変更?

●00:02:125 (2) - ctrl+g? jumpを消してしまいますが、流れはこちらの方がいいと思います
●00:03:537 - 70%は大きすぎると思います。50~60がおすすめです
●00:05:655 (1) - prev:1.1ではなくprev:1.2くらいの方が間隔が開いて綺麗です。
●00:14:125 (1) - 始点にwhistle or finishを追加。寂しいです>_<
●00:15:007 - 10~20%音量を下げた方がいいと思います
●00:19:772 (6) - 前後のパターンと統一してnew comboを追加。
●00:25:949 (2) - 数字が小さくなってしまいますが。スライダーの速度が変わっているのでわかりやすくnew comboを追加
●00:29:302 (1) - この後のnew comboのパターンでは追加されていないので、削除。また、反対側に曲げてみてはどうでしょうか?
●00:29:655 (1) - ここの"えがおの~"の歌詞の"お"が強いので複数の折り返しではなく、2つのスライダーに分けた方がいいと思います。
●01:00:713 - noteを追加。spinnerの終わりが白線なのでタイミングがとりやすいと思います。
●01:00:890 (1,2,3) - 音とりの提案です
●01:13:066 (3) - 始点のfinishを削除。すこし煩いです。
●01:19:772 (2) - 前の01:16:419 (1,2) - clapがなっているところと統一して、new comboを追加。
●01:21:360 (1) - 始点と終点のclapはあって無い気がします。clap→whistleがいいです!
●01:26:831 (5) - ^ここはwhistleがあるので、削除だけで
●01:50:125 (1) - Normal diffのように、だんだん下げて最後は最初の音量と同じにした方がいいと思います。

●00:00:008 - 最初のkiai time の前なので、50~60%に下げる?
●00:00:890 (1) - whistleを追加
●00:14:655 (4,5) - 1/8にしてみませんか?
●00:17:302 (6) - ここはジャンプさせた方がいいと思います。
●00:28:596 (2,3) - 音とりの提案です
●00:32:478 (1) - (2)とあわせて曲げてみませんか?
●00:33:184 (3,4,5,6) - spacingが統一されていなく、綺麗では無いので、図形の配置か、ジャンプをいれてみてはどうでしょうか
●00:39:184 (4) - prev:2.50となっていますが、(1,2)が1.10を使用しているので倍の2.20を使用することで綺麗になると思います
●01:02:125 (1) - 始点にfinishを追加
●01:23:655 (1) - ここのspinnerは曲にfollowしてないと思います。startを01:25:949 - ここからにするか、削除したほうがいいと思います
●01:28:949 (5) - 前のkiai time と統一して、new comboを追加。00:05:655 (1) -
●01:40:596 (6) - ここもジャンプ?
●01:44:302 (2) - ここからnew combo?き~みとっ00:21:007 (1) -
●01:50:125 (1) - hard diffと同じです。


Hello there

* Your diff name makes players are confuse for which one is easier or harder diff. Consider to make your diff name into difficulty name (e.g. "flatps' Hard", "Melow's Easy")

* You might want to make kiai consistent through all diff

[Melody Phobiac]
00:04:243 (1) - While the default spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might hidden for players. Do the colorhax by doing this
01:28:596 (2) - Move 2 grid up? (nazi)

00:02:125 (2) - Remove whistle at sliderbody, it's useless
00:25:949 (1) - Why new combo?

00:07:772 (3) - Reverse this slider (Ctrl+G) for better flow?
00:08:478 (5) - ^
00:24:007 (1,2) - If you do this, players will confuse of which one is head slider or tail slider. Consider to unstack together
00:31:596 (7) - Spacing error?
01:27:537 (1) - While the default spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might hidden for players. Do the colorhax by doing this

Once you done, you should chat me in-game
Thanks for mod Leo, But I'm so sorry that I decided to remap my diff once because it's quite old and I couldn't stand it getting bubbled/ranked as it was.
I've already done with remapping, It's surely much better now so I hope you don't mind about it. :(

  1. fine
[Melo's Normal]
  1. 00:09:713 (1,3) - (3)のnoteにヒットバーストが被るのが私は良いとは思いませんでした
  2. 00:16:243 (2) - (1,2)で見たとの配置のズレと、ひたすら上に行く方向性が私は良いと思いません
  3. 00:45:184 (1) - remove NC?
  4. 01:45:713 (1,3) - NCの入れ替え?
    もしこれが01:44:302 (1,2)を強調したNCにしているのであれば01:46:949 (3) にも足すほうが良いと思います
Melo's Normal
  1. 00:16:243 (2) - 終点つり上がってる感じがするので少しさげる?(曲げてもいいかもです)
  2. 00:39:537 (3) - 折り返しのfinishが大きく浮いてるように聴こえたので、whistleでもいいと思いました
  3. 00:42:360 (3) - こちらはボーカルにアクセントがあるのでfinishのままで
  4. 00:45:184 (1) - 00:39:537 (3) - と同じ、それとnewcombo削除?
  5. 00:48:008 (3) - 00:42:360 (3) - と同じでfinishのままで
  6. 01:00:890 (4) - 他にも赤線から置いてる場所はありますが、ここは特に読みづらく感じたので01:00:713からスライダー初めてみては
  7. 01:23:655 (1) - ここにスピナーを置くことに違和感を感じたので、こんな音取りはどうですか?配置は適当なので気にしないでください
  8. 01:38:655 (1) - 特にこだわりが無ければ01:37:419 (3) - の終点とx座標を揃えると01:37:419 (3,4,1) - の流れが綺麗に見えると思います
頑張ってください 8-)

jamxx wrote:

Melo's Normal
  1. 01:00:890 (4) - 他にも赤線から置いてる場所はありますが、ここは特に読みづらく感じたので01:00:713からスライダー初めてみては 音的にも、次のスライダーを考慮すると配置的にも現状のままのほうが優れてると思ったのでno change desu
  2. 01:38:655 (1) - 特にこだわりが無ければ01:37:419 (3) - の終点とx座標を揃えると01:37:419 (3,4,1) - の流れが綺麗に見えると思います 個人的な流れ感だと少しずらした方が好きなのでこのままにしておきます
Fixed everything else, Thanks :)
Colin Hou
  1. isn't there should be '!!!' after the source?
  2. video quality is a bit poor, i can convert for you (if you can puush the raw).
  3. here is a blank sliderslide you may need:
  1. 01:12:007 (5) - NC.
  2. 01:37:772 (3,4,5) - spacing changes here are too sudden imo, try make (5) a little farther from (4)?
[i_k's Taiko]
  1. 00:01:243 (1,2) - don't make any sense here.
  2. 00:18:537 (2) - how you place k is quite different since here, compared with the 2 entire repeat. but sounds better than you did before, highly suggest rearrange the 2 parts before.
a random mod, huehue
Melonpan asked me to mod normal only since it's a remap

I personally think AR 5 fits better. I't also very common on Normal difficulties (even as the easiest difficulty)
00:09:713 (1,3) - the overlapping looks kinda weird. Mind doing something similar to this? 00:18:184 (1,3) - less weird but still kinda odd imo 00:29:655 (1) - Finish on start. You can hear it in the music
00:36:713 (3) - finish on start maybe? it's a very strong beat after all
00:49:419 (1) - finish on start? New stanza
00:52:243 (1) - finish on start
00:59:302 (3,4) - weird rhythm kinda imo. kinda feels weird that there's nothing here 01:00:713 -
01:48:713 (5) - soft finish on start & normal finish on end

Nice flow~

Hope this helps :3
Good luck!

Saten wrote:

Melonpan asked me to mod normal only since it's a remap Just noticed it me what melonpan means lol

I personally think AR 5 fits better. I't also very common on Normal difficulties (even as the easiest difficulty) ok
00:09:713 (1,3) - the overlapping looks kinda weird. Mind doing something similar to this? Fixed in the previous mod~
00:18:184 (1,3) - less weird but still kinda odd imo hmm it's fine to me00:29:655 (1) - Finish on start. You can hear it in the music
00:36:713 (3) - finish on start maybe? it's a very strong beat after all
00:49:419 (1) - finish on start? New stanza
00:52:243 (1) - finish on start all finishes added
00:59:302 (3,4) - weird rhythm kinda imo. kinda feels weird that there's nothing here 01:00:713 - didn't see any weirdness. Also 3/2 is more suitable for this pattern~
01:48:713 (5) - soft finish on start & normal finish on end doesn't fit well imo

Nice flow~

Hope this helps :3
Good luck!
Thanks so much!
Topic Starter

Insane = 00:03:537 (1) - Add new combo for this object, since this note is after spinner

Colin Hou
shouldn't there be '!!' after the current source? why my post just got ignored without any replay o_o

from the official site:

Leorda wrote:


Insane = 00:03:537 (1) - Add new combo for this object, since this note is after spinner

One, that's not at all necessary.
Two, wait for mapper to reply to Colin Hou's mod.
Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. isn't there should be '!!!' after the source?
  2. video quality is a bit poor, i can convert for you (if you can puush the raw).
  3. here is a blank sliderslide you may need:
Sorry Colin...
The item of General was overlooked :o
''!!'' was added to source.
raw video ->
add sliderslide.wav

thx Colin Hou!!
  1. It seems we interpret the song differently, but currently your Kiai Time is on during the preverse sections of the song. The chorus is actually between 01:02:125 - and 01:27:537 - , and it felt really strange to have a slow sv during that section. Please consider changing Kiai time to the highlighted section, and increase the slider velocity of this section for all diffs.
  2. Use these red lines to properly account for Nightcore mod:
    1. 00:00:008 - 170bpm
    2. 00:04:243 -
    3. 01:02:125 -
    4. 01:27:536 -
  1. A little undermapped even if following vocals. Here's a couple of suggestions:
    1. 01:24:008 (3,1,2) - First time using an irregular 3/4 rhythm. Consider something like this for this section: (white line 01:24:007 - )
    2. 01:30:184 (4) - Objects like this can use an optional finish, whether vocals or rhythm; it'd be great if there was some indication of when phrases start (this applies to the entire map, not this just object).
Topic Starter
edit : miss
Colin Hou

edit: fixed
Topic Starter
thx colin :)
Topic Starter

those wrote:

  1. It seems we interpret the song differently, but currently your Kiai Time is on during the preverse sections of the song. The chorus is actually between 01:02:125 - and 01:27:537 - , and it felt really strange to have a slow sv during that section. Please consider changing Kiai time to the highlighted section, and increase the slider velocity of this section for all diffs.
    Since I cant get conviction in your idea, I am no change about this item.
  2. Use these red lines to properly account for Nightcore mod: fixed
    1. 00:00:008 - 170bpm
    2. 00:04:243 -
    3. 01:02:125 -
    4. 01:27:536 -
  1. A little undermapped even if following vocals. Here's a couple of suggestions: fixed
    1. 01:24:008 (3,1,2) - First time using an irregular 3/4 rhythm. Consider something like this for this section: (white line 01:24:007 - )
    2. 01:30:184 (4) - Objects like this can use an optional finish, whether vocals or rhythm; it'd be great if there was some indication of when phrases start (this applies to the entire map, not this just object).
There are tons of unsnaped notes and sliders in every diff! Please run AIBat or AIMod and fix these up.

Just incase.

01:27:890 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:28:243 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:28:596 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:28:949 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:32:302 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
01:32:655 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
01:33:537 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:33:890 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:34:243 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:34:596 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:34:949 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
01:35:655 (8) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:36:537 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:37:243 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:37:596 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:37:949 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:38:655 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:39:537 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:39:890 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:40:243 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:40:596 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
01:41:302 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
01:43:596 (7) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:44:302 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:44:655 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:45:537 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
01:46:243 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:46:596 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:46:949 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:47:302 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:47:655 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:48:890 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:49:243 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).

01:27:890 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:28:243 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:28:596 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:28:949 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:30:890 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:32:302 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:33:008 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:33:537 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:33:890 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:34:243 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:34:596 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:37:949 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:38:302 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:38:655 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:39:537 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:39:890 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:40:243 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:42:008 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:43:596 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:44:302 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:46:243 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:47:302 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:48:008 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:48:890 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:49:243 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:49:596 (1) - Unsnapped circle.

01:28:596 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:28:949 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:32:655 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
01:33:890 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:34:596 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:36:008 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:38:302 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:38:655 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:39:537 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:39:890 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:40:243 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:43:949 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:44:302 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:46:596 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:46:949 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:48:008 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).

01:27:890 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:28:243 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:28:596 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:28:949 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:29:037 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:29:302 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:30:537 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:30:802 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:30:890 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:31:243 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:31:508 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:31:596 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:31:949 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:32:037 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:32:302 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:32:655 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:33:008 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:33:537 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:33:890 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:34:243 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:34:596 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:34:949 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:36:008 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:36:890 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:37:596 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:37:949 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:38:302 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:38:655 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:39:008 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:39:537 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:39:890 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:40:243 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:40:508 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:40:596 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:42:008 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:42:096 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:42:537 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:42:802 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:42:890 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:43:155 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:43:243 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:43:596 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:43:949 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:44:302 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:44:655 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:46:155 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:46:243 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:46:596 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:46:949 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:47:037 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:47:302 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:47:655 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:48:008 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:48:890 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:49:243 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:49:596 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:49:949 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:50:655 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:51:537 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:51:890 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:243 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:596 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:53:302 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:53:655 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:54:008 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:55:243 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:55:596 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:56:655 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:57:537 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:57:890 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:58:243 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:58:508 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:58:596 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:58:949 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:59:302 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:59:655 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
02:00:008 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
02:00:537 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
02:00:890 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
02:01:243 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
And please add kiai to the respective areas for the taiko difficulty.

Fix this up and I can rebubble.

EDIT: Rebubbled!
Topic Starter
thx MMzz :)
Colin Hou
oops my bad
Hard need improve but still fine.
Fast Gratz~~
1 year Oh my lol

Fumika wrote:

1 year Oh my lol
omedeto~~~~~ (ノ^^)ノ
congratz on first ranked :D
Topic Starter
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