At least show enough decency to post something quality. Will try again another time, until then, ciao!
Post or link below the best avatar you know of,
Some rules!
-No NSFW avatars. (awwwww)
-No offensive, graphic, or otherwise distasteful avatars.
-If an avatar that has multiple users wins, the user profile who is posted earliest in the thread wins.
-No BM or unpleasant comments about others avatar, keep it civil.
-IMPORTANT: If you link another player's profile, and they also wish to enter themselves, their request to participate takes precedence over your entry of their avatar. (Exceptions may apply where the user who enters the competition made the avatar for someone else.) [That doesn't mean claim someone else's avatar for those of you
Some guidelines!
-Avatars that have osu memes or meme content in general tend to be funny when done well, and consequently, very popular.
-There three potential winners! Don't feel that your avatar has no chance if you see other good avatars!
-This is all about engaging the community and getting to meet new people that may share your interest in osu! as well as other content!
Pls enjoy game.-rrtyuii
Gl, hf! ^^