
[Archived] [web] Pictures on Userpages not always loading

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I also noticed that, happens only in Chrome to me. Let me try to clear my cache and you too, please.
Happens to me as well in chrome. However, scrolling down and up the page seems to reload the image, thus making it visible.
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when loading page, the userpage content is aparently loaded in dynamically via ... ?u=6661094

img tag there looks like
<img class="lazy-load" src="" data-src="" alt="Image"/><div class="pack-msg">

I have a feeling that that "lazy-load" thing doesnt really work well when the content its in is also dynamically loaded or something....

EDIT: can confirm now that if I open up a incognito window and open up the page it consistently doesnt load the image, but if I manually tun the javascript function "applyAfterLoad()" the image apears. When looking at source that function does the lazy-load resolving

That thing is normally called in the body onload handler. Which is too soon, since the userpage-content hasnt been properly loaded in yet by that time. I asume that next time it works since it will fetch stuff from cache and thus is faster and thus it is on time to be included by the body onload handler
I think I've seen a duplicate thread, I just can't find it. This happens to me as well; Chrome on mac.
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