
ClariS - Sayonara Memories [Taiko]

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Sylphi wrote:

모딩큐에서 왔습니다. 일단 모딩 늦은점에 대해서는 정말 죄송합니다. 모딩 해주시는 것만으로도 감사드립니다~!

  1. 초반 BPM이 여러번 바뀌는 부분에서의 거의 대부분의 타이밍이 정확하질 않습니다. 실제로 느린 속도로 들어보시면 첫번째 타이밍부터 노트가 보컬 혹은 피아노 소리보다도 더 빠르게 나오고 있고, 후반으로 가면 갈수록 그 차이가 조금씩 더 커지는 느낌이 강합니다 (추가로 00:11:783 (20,21) - 이런건 노트가 음악보다도 늦게 나옵니다). 어디서 가져온 타이밍인지는 잘 모르겠지만, 일부 타이밍은 재측정 할필요가 있어보입니다. 타이밍은 보컬에 맞춰서 설정해놨고 타이밍 전문이라는 분들한테 물어보고 가장 맞다고 생각하는걸로 해놓은건데 혹시라도 잘못되었다면 수정하도록 하겠습니다.(나중에 비엔분들이 알아서 체크해주겠죠..)
  2. 05:29:795 - 사실상 이부분은 음이 상당히 적은 부분이라 키아이로 두기에는 적절하진 않은것 같아요. 여기서 한번 끊었다가 05:38:795 - 같은 부분에서 다시 시작해주는건 어떤가요? 대략 저정도의 키아이 공백이면 랭크 자체에 문제가 되진 않을겁니다. 의견 반영해서 키아이 수정했습니다~!
  1. 00:03:920 (5,6) - 저한테는 5번과 6번이 비슷하게 들리기도 합니다만 (혹은 5번이 좀더 높게 들림), 이부분은 듣는사람의 취향에 따라 좀 달라질수도 있겠네요. 플레이 할때 신경쓰일 정도로 문제가 되거나 그런건 아니지만, 혹시 다음에도 비슷한 내용으로 여러번 모딩이 온다면 생각해보시는것도 좋을것 같네요. 저는 일단 보컬의 변화에 맞춰서 dkd로 해놨는데 뭔가 애매한거 같기도 해서.. 의견 더 들어오면 수정해보도록 하겠습니다.
  2. 00:08:076 (12) - 확실한거는 이전 노트가 위치한 부분과 보컬음의 높이에 차이가 있다는 겁니다. 높아지는 부분을 표현하기 위해서 k으로 바꿔주는게 더 좋을것 같아요. 수정했습니다.
  3. 00:09:733 (16) - 위와 비슷합니다. 수정했습니다.
  4. 00:18:732 (29) - 00:21:732 (42) - 사실상 이 노트가 위치한 곳에 멜로디는 바로 다음에 오는 노트랑 같은 멜로디를 가지고 있습니다. 맵을 만드는 입장에서는 현상황을 유지하는게 보기엔 더 좋을수도 있겠지만, 플레이 하는 입장에서는 확실하게 높은 피치로 들리는 부분인데 왜 d을 두었을까 하고 의문을 만들수도 있을것 같긴 합니다. 전과 다음 노트의 음 높이 변화 표현을 위해 kdk로 했었는데 확실히 이 노트들은 k가 어울리는 것 같습니다. 따라서 k로 수정하고 뒤쪽을 d로 수정하는 방식으로 변경했습니다.
  5. 00:22:295 (44,45,46,47) - 이전에 비슷한 음에서는 kddk을 쓰다가 갑자기 ddkd이 나오기에는 좀 갑작스러운 감이 있긴 하네요. 사실 제 생각에는 다른 kddk부분을 ddkd으로 바꿔주는게 멜로디 자체를 따랐을때는 더 맞는다고 보긴 합니다. 앞의 부분 수정하면서 최종적으로 kdkd로 바꿨습니다.
  6. 00:33:826 (4) - 이건 극히 개인적인 생각입니다만, 확실하게 뒤쪽에 들리는 드럼소리는 희미하게나마 들리긴 하지만 음 자체가 약한지라 이부분을 끊어서 확실하게 들리는 바로 다음부분부터 긴 연타를 이어주는게 좀더 나은 표현이 되지 않을까 싶네요. 수정했습니다.
  7. 00:41:607 - 사실 이전에 있던 00:38:045 부분 때문에 이부분이 칠게 없어서 어색해지긴 합니다. 확실히 바로 다음부터 패턴이 조금 더 길어지니 끊어주는것도 나쁘진 않겠지만, 개인적으로는 끊어줘야 할 부분이 적절하지는 않았던것 같습니다. 전반적인 멜로디를 따라서 매핑을 하다보니 이곳에 휴식포인트가 생겼습니다. 말씀하신 것처럼 뒤쪽부분의 긴패턴을 대비하기위한 휴식도 포함되어있어서.. 더 좋은 방안 있으면 수정하도록 하겠습니다.
  8. 00:42:357 (5,6,7) - 사실 멜로디를 생각하면 kdk쪽이 더 맞다고는 봅니다만, 지금 상태로도 괜찮은것 같아서 일단 조심스럽게 제안을 해봅니다. 확실히 kdk도 괜찮아보이는데 개인적으로 dkd가 연타들과 플레이하는데, 흐름이 더 자연스러운 것 같아서 놔두도록 하겠습니다.
  9. 00:48:170 (47) - 굳이 패턴을 위해 k을 만들어 줄 필요까진 없다고 봅니다. 음 자체가 높아지는 변화가 바로 이곳에 있는것도 아니고, d을 쓴다고 패턴이 플레이에 영향을 주는 부분도 아니라 보기에 준비단계(?) 느낌으로 변경해주는것도 좋을것 같네요. 수정했습니다.
  10. 01:00:170 (5,6,7,8) - 이것도 비슷한 느낌입니다. 사실 음 높이의 변화가 확실하게 체감이 되는 부분은 첫번째 노트보다는 01:00:357 (6) 부분이기에 차라리 d kkd을 쓰는것도 괜찮을거라 생각합니다. 수정했습니다.
  11. 01:01:295 (12,13,14,15,16,17,18) - 사실 처음에 나오는 비슷한 부분과 비교하면 일관성에 좀 안맞긴 합니다. 이게 뭔소리인가 하면, 이전보다는 확실히 멜로디라던가 좀더 풍부한 느낌(?)이 들기에 노트 밀도를 늘린것까지는 좋은데 이전과는 끊는부분에 차이가 있어서 살짝 어색해집니다. 차라리 패턴이 좀 길어지기는 하지만 01:02:232 - 부분까지 노트를 채웠다면 좀더 플레이 느낌은 나아지지 않았을까 싶네요. 01:02:232 에 d를 추가했습니다~!
  12. 01:09:170 (57) - 이 파트부분은 사실상 흰틱쪽에 있는 특정 음에는 k을 쓴것같은 느낌이던데 (01:06:920 (44) - 같은 부분들로 유추), 혹시 빼먹은게 아닌가 싶네요. 수정했습니다.
  13. 01:19:295 (25) - 이부분 지우고 보컬부분 강조해주는것도 괜찮을것 같네요. 수정했습니다. 추가로 01:20:982도 제거했습니다.
  14. 01:26:795 - 뭐에 맞췄는지 인식하기가 좀 힘드네요. 아무생각 없이 플레이할때의 흐름은 나쁘지 않긴 한데, 보컬쪽을 따졌을 경우에는 01:27:357 (65) - 01:27:920 (69,70) - 같은 부분에서 안맞는 느낌이 들고, 드럼을 따져봤을때는 01:26:795 (61) - 01:27:545 (66,67,68) - 같은 부분이 조금씩 안맞습니다. 그래서 패턴 개선이 좀 필요할것 같은데, 한번 고민해보시고 바꿔보시는게 좋겠네요. 제 스타일이 보컬이나 반주 어느 한쪽만 따르는 것이 아니라 한 패턴안에서도 보컬이랑 반주 믹싱하는 걸 좋아해서 이 부분은 전체적인 패턴은 보컬의 높낮이 변이를 표현하면서 중간에 반주를 따르는 부분도 있어서 그럴겁니다. 좀 더 고민해보고 더 나은 방법있으면 수정하도록 하겠습니다.
  15. 01:30:357 (84) - 보컬이나 멜로디를 따지자면 이건 k이 더 나을겁니다. 수정했습니다.
  16. 01:31:295 (87,88,89,90,91,92) - 마찬가지로, k k ddk d쪽이 좀더 잘 어울릴거라 봅니다. 이유는 바로 아래에서 설명하겠습니다. 수정했습니다.
  17. 01:32:420 (93) - 바로 이전 노트보다는 이걸 k으로 하는게 높아지는 음을 강조하기에는 더 좋다고 합니다. 바꾼다고 해도 바로 다음 노트랑 음 높이가 그렇게 차이가 나는것도 아니라 사실상 전체적인 느낌을 부수거나 그러진 않을겁니다. 수정했습니다.
  18. 01:46:857 (41,42,43,44,45) - 01:58:857 (41,42,43,44) - 멜로디를 들어보자니 노트 색을 반대로 매핑한 느낌이 강합니다. 패턴 만들겠다는 취지로는 나쁘지 않겠지만, 좀 신경쓰이긴 하네요. 각 부분의 k에 버스트사운드가 있어서 d로 넣으면 어색한 느낌이 들어서 보컬이랑 멜로디 믹스 스타일로 매핑해봤습니다. 개인적으로 보컬이 올라갔다가 내려가는 느낌이 들어서 ddk d k 로 하면 보컬 변화와 버스트 사운드 모두 표현할 수 있다고 생각합니다.
  19. 01:52:295 (1,2,3,4,5) - 02:04:295 (1,1,2,3,4) - 개인적으로는 피니쉬 너무 남용하는듯한 느낌이 강하다고 생각합니다. K부분의 피니쉬만 빼도 충분히 괜찮아질꺼라고 보긴 합니다. 수정했습니다.
  20. 02:11:420 (26,27,28) - 개인적으로는 이런 부분은 마지막부분에라도 1/6 사용해주는것도 느낌 자체는 괜찮을것 같아요. 개인적으로는 음악에 완벽하게 1/3이나 1/6음이 있는 경우가 아니면 선호하는 편이 아니라서 무난한 1/4패턴으로 남겨두겠습니다. :3
  21. 02:19:013 (63) - 자세히 들어보시면 63번부터 높은음으로 시작하는걸 알수 있습니다. k로 수정했습니다.
  22. 02:24:545 (31,32,33,34,35) - 여기도 이부분만 반대 색으로 매핑된듯 싶네요. 실제로 보시면 마지막 부분에서 굳이 kdk을 써서 다시 원래 느낌으로 바꾸려는 느낌이 들기도 하니... 이부분 개인적으로 다시 수정했습니다.
  23. 02:32:232 (74,75) - 음 자체가 내려갔다가 다시 올라가고 있으니 부분이 kd보다는 dk이 더 나을거라 봅니다. 피아노 음이 올라갔다 내려가는 부분이고 보컬 변화가 올라갔다 내려오는 것처럼 느껴져서 ddd k d로 두었습니다.
  24. 02:48:732 (2,3,4) - 굳이 이부분만 dkk으로 두는 이유가 있는건가요? 여러번 들어보긴 했는데 딱히 큰 변화가 보이는건 아닌것 같아서... dkk로 바꾸고 뒤쪽을 kdk로 바꿔서 멜로디에 좀 더 맞도록 바꿨습니다.
  25. 03:28:295 (1,2,3,4,5) - 03:40:295 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:52:295와 동일 수정했습니다.
  26. 04:11:795 ~ 04:17:420 - 사실 이부분은 어느 음에 맞춰서 매핑했는지 인식하기가 정말 힘드네요. 처음에는 들리는 멜로디쪽을 따라갔나 싶다가도, 확실하게 강하게 들리는 멜로디인 04:13:295 (96) - 04:14:045 (99) - 같은 부분은 무시한다거나, 느낌 자체가 비슷해서 비슷한 패턴이 나올수밖에 없는 04:15:170 (103,104,105) - 04:15:920 (106,107,108) - 04:16:670 (1,2,3) - 가 전혀 다른 형태를 띈다거나, 제가 단순히 스타일을 인지를 확실하게 못해서 그런걸수도 있겠지만 혹시 딱히 의미가 없다면 다시 한번 생각해주시면 좋을것 같습니다. 좀 더 멜로디에 맞춰서 다시 수정해봤습니다.
  27. 04:39:357 (4,5) - 전체적으로 음 자체가 적은 부분이라 서서히 노트밀도를 올려나가는게 느낌상 좋을수가 있어요. 여기서는 굳이 보컬쪽을 다 따르기 보다는 강하게 들리는 음이 위치한 부분부터 채워나가는게 좋을것 같습니다. 그런 이유로 이부분 노트를 지워보는건 어떤가요? 이부분은 전체적으로 보컬이 아니라 피아노음을 따라 매핑한 것이라서... 일단 그대로 두도록 하겠습니다.
  28. 04:45:357 (11,12) - 자세히 들어보시면 11번보다는 12번이 더 높은음입니다. 스왑했습니다~!
  29. 04:49:857 (29,30,31,32) - kkd k, 설명은 생략합니다. 수정했습니다.
  30. 05:10:295 (1,2,3,4,5) - 마찬가지로 위에서 설명을 했기에 생략하겠습니다. 수정했습니다.
  31. 05:17:045 (24) - 플레이 할때 느낌상으로는 k이 좀더 나은것 같네요. 앞의 (23)이랑 같은 드럼소리라 일단은 d로 두도록 하겠습니다.
  32. 05:47:045 (17,18,19,20,21,22,23) - 사실상 제일 앞쪽에 비슷한 부분에서는 kkddk으로 시작했었기에 일관성 문제도 있고, 그리고 전체적인 음 자체가 저거하곤 좀 안맞습니다. 그렇게 복합적인게 섞여서 플레이 흐름을 좀 끊기도 하니, 그냥 무난하게 kkddkdk쓰는게 좋을수도 있습니다. 수정했습니다.
맵 자체는 조금씩 아쉬운점이 있지만 플레이하는데는 괜찮았다고 봅니다. 모딩을 좀 더 받으면 충분히 랭크도 되실것 같으니 행운을 빌어봅니다.

엄청나게 자세한 모딩 감사합니다~! 정말 많은 도움이 되었습니다..!! 부족한 맵 열심히 수정하도록 하겠습니다. :)


PatZar wrote:

00:17:365 - adding single d is cool i think, ignore the vocal is a bit somewhat for me. fixed.
01:06:732 (42) - k here, for better sequence, and you were set k here too 01:03:732 (25) - . okay.
01:40:857 - i know what are you following to, but add d here is more cool for me. fixed.
02:07:295 - i dont have idea what are you mapped at this point, you mapped a blank sound here, and ignored the 100% output sound like 01:40:857 - , i suggest you to delete this. that part follow bell-sound, but I think many people want to change this.. so changed to follow tick-sound. owo
02:08:607 - add this as d for better sequences with 1/3. fixed.
03:42:732 (5,6) - ctrl+g, the sound is lower at 03:42:920 (6) - , the vocal is the first. fixed.
03:59:795 (22) - D for cymbal stress, ik there is none of cymbal sound, just my opinion with better sounding. fixed.
04:34:295 (1) - the stream is getting harder and harder if i want to say.., but its good i think, dunno in other opinion. Thank you for your opinion. maybe I can adjust this stream if someone suggest better idea. :D
05:53:127 (7) - k? since it's white long tick here, it will suit with the current pattern tho. instead changed (5) , (7) to k. I hope it's better.

that's all, the diff is good,
good luck~

Thank you for modding~! :)
It's really helpful for me.
via m4m. Sorry for the delay.

[ about]
  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is big don note
  4. K is big kat note
[ General]

  • BG size 1024*768? Rankble size.but,If you prefer HD BG,you can change BG.
[ Oni]

  • 00:34:201 - & 00:34:388 - You can remove this notes.I think calm short pattern is good.

    01:32:232 - add d.I think this space is little strange.d-d-k is good flow imo.

    01:38:795 - kkddk? I think kdkdk d kdkdk playing is not try kkddk.

    02:11:232 (26,27) - change to k? This sound is piano I prefer k.

    02:39:920 - change to d? vocal is low? & If you prefer easy pattern,change please.

    02:45:076 (153,154) - swap? k ddk d k*2 so for various

    04:22:576 - You can add d.but,This suggestion is option.I think follow the more sound.

    05:50:607 - change to k? for emphasized to next Finish.
Oh...Very fun map :) +2 Star. Good luck
Topic Starter

Charlotte wrote:

via m4m. Sorry for the delay.

[ about]
  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is big don note
  4. K is big kat note
[ General]

  • BG size 1024*768? Rankble size.but,If you prefer HD BG,you can change BG. I hope better quality BG, but I can't find that orz..
[ Oni]

  • 00:34:201 - & 00:34:388 - You can remove this notes.I think calm short pattern is good. okay~ :3

    01:32:232 - add d.I think this space is little strange.d-d-k is good flow imo. add d there~

    01:38:795 - kkddk? I think kdkdk d kdkdk playing is not try kkddk. fixed.

    02:11:232 (26,27) - change to k? This sound is piano I prefer k. fixed.

    02:39:920 - change to d? vocal is low? & If you prefer easy pattern,change please. fixed.

    02:45:076 (153,154) - swap? k ddk d k*2 so for various I think this 2 parts are same, but I can change that. so now k dkd d k pattern. :3

    04:22:576 - You can add d.but,This suggestion is option.I think follow the more sound. fixed.

    05:50:607 - change to k? for emphasized to next Finish. fixed.
Oh...Very fun map :) +2 Star. Good luck
Thank you for your great modding & stars. Charlotte san~! :3
1 star -w-)/
Topic Starter

xtrem3x wrote:

1 star -w-)/
Thank you~! =w=
02:03:826 (15,16) - I tend to switch these two notes to give the vocals with kat the impact.

02:07:107 (7) - I whole-heartely suggest to remove that note. 02:06:920 (6) - has such a good impact for the song but gets down a bit due the next note. Additionally I'd also remove 02:07:482 (8,9,10) - too, the break fits very well to the atmosphere of the song.

02:39:826 (121) - the stream feels overdone for what the song gives. pattern-wise it's okay but I'd just cut out (121) and make kdk ddkkd instead.

03:39:826 (24,25) - same case like 02:03:826 (15,16) - .

04:37:295 - add a green line with 0.90x SV, change 04:35:701 - to 1.00x. 04:35:795 (1) - shouldn't be slower since it's part of the previous combo pattern.

05:49:951 (8) - stream pattern sounds much better if you'd change that note to d. More a personal suggestion, just give it a check.

05:54:987 - copy the red line of 05:53:127 - at this timestamp and use the "omit first barline" function. We have a silly barline bugging here.

05:55:215 (1) - We don't need to stick 05:55:095 (9,1) - so much, move the spinner to 05:55:336 - , adjust the end of the spinner then.

pretty song.
Topic Starter

Stefan wrote:

02:03:826 (15,16) - I tend to switch these two notes to give the vocals with kat the impact. okay~ I think change is better.

02:07:107 (7) - I whole-heartely suggest to remove that note. 02:06:920 (6) - has such a good impact for the song but gets down a bit due the next note. Additionally I'd also remove 02:07:482 (8,9,10) - too, the break fits very well to the atmosphere of the song. remove them all. remove them all. so make a huge break that part. :3

02:39:826 (121) - the stream feels overdone for what the song gives. pattern-wise it's okay but I'd just cut out (121) and make kdk ddkkd instead. I feel 02:39:826 has a weak sound. so maybe I can ignore that sound. remove that note.

03:39:826 (24,25) - same case like 02:03:826 (15,16) - . fixed.

04:37:295 - add a green line with 0.90x SV, change 04:35:701 - to 1.00x. 04:35:795 (1) - shouldn't be slower since it's part of the previous combo pattern.
remove overlapped timing and fixed. finally, 04:35:795 - 1.00x(end of kiai) & 04:37:295 - 0.90x.
05:49:951 (8) - stream pattern sounds much better if you'd change that note to d. More a personal suggestion, just give it a check. I agree that. (8) is almost same sound with (7). and (9) pitch is higher. so I should change (8) to d for better flow. fixed that.

05:54:987 - copy the red line of 05:53:127 - at this timestamp and use the "omit first barline" function. We have a silly barline bugging here. fixed.

05:55:215 (1) - We don't need to stick 05:55:095 (9,1) - so much, move the spinner to 05:55:336 - , adjust the end of the spinner then. fixed. spin move to 05:55:336 and adjust end of spinner.

pretty song.

Thank you so much~ Stefan~ :)
halo, bubble check.

00:06:926 - you must change this as bpm 160 to avoid this barlines
00:12:054 - add green timing 1.10x to avoid a little bundled approaching
00:10:167 - add here green timing 0.90x to make neat slow drop with notes

* 00:29:420 - high impact beat, wanna fill finish?
* 00:34:388 - at least put here don to keep layering the burst drum
* 00:41:795 - 00:42:357 - 00:43:295 - 00:44:420 - such as 1st point, would be good as intense emphasize
* 00:59:045 - how about dkkd 1/3 here? just too bad if you ignore these sounds since those sounds are noticeable
* 01:41:795 - why not finisher here? and 01:53:795 - here too
* 02:14:795 - 02:17:795 - 02:19:295 - 02:20:420 - about finishers just like 00:41:795 -from here
* 03:17:795 - 03:20:795 - 03:29:795 - something thats really need to intense with finishers, bcus its kiai.
* 04:11:701 - I think is not needed and you can 04:11:795 - finish it if you decided to delete 04:11:701 - this
* 04:20:795 - still related imo with 04:19:107 (1,2,3,4) - these finishers emphasize, wanna fill finish in 04:20:795 - here?
* 05:41:795 - 05:47:795 - about fill finishers
* 05:52:491 - add note

just something in general points that I still unsure, so call me back for rebubble.
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

halo, bubble check.

00:06:926 - you must change this as bpm 160 to avoid this barlines fixed.
00:12:054 - add green timing 1.10x to avoid a little bundled approaching okay~
00:10:167 - add here green timing 0.90x to make neat slow drop with notes add that.

* 00:29:420 - high impact beat, wanna fill finish? okay~ add finish there.
* 00:34:388 - at least put here don to keep layering the burst drum add d and change pattern ddkdkkd. I think it's better for consistent kat rhythm.
* 00:41:795 - 00:42:357 - 00:43:295 - 00:44:420 - such as 1st point, would be good as intense emphasize add finisher them. plus, add 00:38:795 and 00:44:795 - finisher. for consistency with 02:14:795 and 05:47:795.
* 00:59:045 - how about dkkd 1/3 here? just too bad if you ignore these sounds since those sounds are noticeable changed that 1/3 rhythm. but changed kddk pattern. I think 00:59:045 and 00:59:420 pitch is high so make them kat.
* 01:41:795 - why not finisher here? and 01:53:795 - here too add finisher them~ :3
* 02:14:795 - 02:17:795 - 02:19:295 - 02:20:420 - about finishers just like 00:41:795 -from here add finisher them too~ and 02:20:795 add finisher too. for consistency with 05:47:795.
* 03:17:795 - 03:20:795 - 03:29:795 - something thats really need to intense with finishers, bcus its kiai. add finisher them.
* 04:11:701 - I think is not needed and you can 04:11:795 - finish it if you decided to delete 04:11:701 - this delete 04:11:701 and add finisher 04:11:795. so kkd K now.
* 04:20:795 - still related imo with 04:19:107 (1,2,3,4) - these finishers emphasize, wanna fill finish in 04:20:795 - here? okay. that's not bad. :D add finisher that.
* 05:41:795 - 05:47:795 - about fill finishers add finisher at 05:41:795, 05:44:795, 05:46:295, 05:47:795.
* 05:52:491 - add note add d there, and 05:51:741 - add d too. for express drum sound.

just something in general points that I still unsure, so call me back for rebubble.
Thank you for checking this map. Sir Surono~ :D
Okay, I have no idea how I've overseen this. If the map is rebubbled, let me know.
added more finishers kek and the barlines looks good for me, now sir stefan can recheck this again.

nice timing settings, idk but someone will post timing mod here.
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

added more finishers kek and the barlines looks good for me, now sir stefan can recheck this again.

nice timing settings, idk but someone will post timing mod here.

Stefan wrote:

Okay, I have no idea how I've overseen this. If the map is rebubbled, let me know.
Thank you Sir Surono & Stefan~ :3
waiting for rechecking now.
Hi, from my modding queue, and actually I come here because of the #mapfeed stuff in Discord lol. I am here for suggesting some timing issues:

! Some critical concepts of setting up red timing points imo:

They should be set on the instrumental parts, but not vocal because instruments will give a stronger and solider feelings to players in the case of presence of both vocal and instrument.

Secondly, vocal is usually delayed. Humans have errors but synthesizer does not. (You will see this concept in some of my suggestions below later on)

The following timing links may be a bit confused, but I hope you can understand the meaning there by comparing my new timings below, with your previous own settings.


> 00:00:920 - The BPM should be in half until 00:17:795 - , judged by the music strong beats there. (add back suitable green timing points there to prevent super low scrolling speed which will damage the gaming effect)

> 00:06:170 - there should be a BPM=76 here as I can see the pattern of tempo changes at 00:07:671 - (00:06:564 - so this one is fitter now imo, and no extra timing point is needed for 00:06:959 - )

! 00:08:924 (5) - this new timing is based on the instrument but not the vocal, just for example. Some timings are fine-tuned as well, but it's very time-consuming to list them one by one, so I will just pick the most impt points for mentioning.

! 00:11:972 - should be hitting on the early instrumental note rather than the delayed vocal.

> 05:51:546 - this red timing point seems useless as the drum kick at 05:51:921 - is identical to 05:51:358 - under BPM=160.

> 05:52:679 - / 05:53:127 - confusing bar lines here, fixed with my new timings though

All red timing points you needed below:

Please add suitable green timing points by yourself, I am tired X_X

Popped due to critical timing issues figured.
Topic Starter

Skylish wrote:

Hi, from my modding queue, and actually I come here because of the #mapfeed stuff in Discord lol. I am here for suggesting some timing issues:

! Some critical concepts of setting up red timing points imo:

They should be set on the instrumental parts, but not vocal because instruments will give a stronger and solider feelings to players in the case of presence of both vocal and instrument.

Secondly, vocal is usually delayed. Humans have errors but synthesizer does not. (You will see this concept in some of my suggestions below later on)

The following timing links may be a bit confused, but I hope you can understand the meaning there by comparing my new timings below, with your previous own settings.


> 00:00:920 - The BPM should be in half until 00:17:795 - , judged by the music strong beats there. (add back suitable green timing points there to prevent super low scrolling speed which will damage the gaming effect)

> 00:06:170 - there should be a BPM=76 here as I can see the pattern of tempo changes at 00:07:671 - (00:06:564 - so this one is fitter now imo, and no extra timing point is needed for 00:06:959 - )

! 00:08:924 (5) - this new timing is based on the instrument but not the vocal, just for example. Some timings are fine-tuned as well, but it's very time-consuming to list them one by one, so I will just pick the most impt points for mentioning.

! 00:11:972 - should be hitting on the early instrumental note rather than the delayed vocal.

> 05:51:546 - this red timing point seems useless as the drum kick at 05:51:921 - is identical to 05:51:358 - under BPM=160.

> 05:52:679 - / 05:53:127 - confusing bar lines here, fixed with my new timings though

All red timing points you needed below:

Please add suitable green timing points by yourself, I am tired X_X

Popped due to critical timing issues figured.
Thank you for checking timing and detailed explanation Skylish~! :)
apply your timing & adjust green timing point for better note flow.
Updated~ (I hope fixed correctly.. owo..)

edit : re-adjust green timing points. (make 00:07:673 ~ 00:11:972 and 05:51:358 ~ 05:55:094 getting slower for better flow.)
and updated.
waiting for rechecking again. :3
dem ty stylish, now me let sir stefan check this. he wanted checking tha barlines with omit might.
Continued mod, NO KDS

EDIT: Adding General column


> 'SPRING TRACKS -春のうた-' 'Haru no Uta' you can add them to the tag column, it's the album of the song.


> 00:13:972 - I forgot to mention that you need to add a red timing point to omit the barline here. When the BPM is too low (<100), barlines will appear in every two beats (normally barlines should appear in every four beats). This barline should be omitted in this case.


> 01:44:421 - Although there are some inconsistent kicks-matching notes, they are okay because of vocals behind. However, this note is outstanding because there's no vocal at the background, the drum kicks should be the HL point. A kat would fit better. (take 01:56:421 - as reference)

> 02:04:483 - it is different from 01:52:483 - , there's a vocal existing but without notes to state its difference. Maybe adding d would fit the vocal pitch much.

> 03:40:483 - / 05:10:483 - ^ same as above

> From 04:11:796 - to 04:17:796 - , the climax still continues from the last section's strong ending, but the density drops too drastically here. I am kinda confused you put Kiai. It is expected to have a higher density frankly speaking, unless you have very special mapping rationale behind, and I would like to know it if there is any.

> 05:06:171 - / 05:06:921 - / 05:07:671 - / 05:08:421 - umm.... where are those familiar polychrome triplets?

> 05:17:421 - / 05:18:171 - / .... This ddd K pattern is too dry when the vocal pitch is rising. If you want to create a good ladder effect, I would recommend adding some k along the repeated uses of triplets:

+ 05:17:421 - ddd, the initial start
+ 05:18:171 - / 05:18:921 - kdd, start building up some kats to show the high-pitch ladder on going
+ 05:19:671 - kkd
+ 05:20:421 - kkd, or even kkk to state the climax

Leave things to Stefan / Surono later, call me back when you are ready.
Topic Starter

Skylish wrote:

Continued mod, NO KDS

EDIT: Adding General column


> 'SPRING TRACKS -春のうた-' 'Haru no Uta' you can add them to the tag column, it's the album of the song. Thank you for nice information. add them in tag.


> 00:13:972 - I forgot to mention that you need to add a red timing point to omit the barline here. When the BPM is too low (<100), barlines will appear in every two beats (normally barlines should appear in every four beats). This barline should be omitted in this case. add new 'red-timing' in 00:13:972. (BPM :60, Checked 'Omit first bar line.') so barline is deleted at 00:13:972.


> 01:44:421 - Although there are some inconsistent kicks-matching notes, they are okay because of vocals behind. However, this note is outstanding because there's no vocal at the background, the drum kicks should be the HL point. A kat would fit better. (take 01:56:421 - as reference) I agree that. fixed to k that note.

> 02:04:483 - it is different from 01:52:483 - , there's a vocal existing but without notes to state its difference. Maybe adding d would fit the vocal pitch much. okay~ add d there. I think It's better for pattern diversity.

> 03:40:483 - / 05:10:483 - ^ same as above add d them too.

> From 04:11:796 - to 04:17:796 - , the climax still continues from the last section's strong ending, but the density drops too drastically here. I am kinda confused you put Kiai. It is expected to have a higher density frankly speaking, unless you have very special mapping rationale behind, and I would like to know it if there is any. tbh, at first I feel this accompaniment part is climax of this song(exactly, because of from 04:19:108 to 04:20:233 have stereo effect.) But, It's personal feeling. In fact, this part(from 04:11:796 to 04:17:796) is more fit to 'descent part.' before calm & rest part.(from 04:35:796 to start of next kiai.) So I decide to delete this kiai. Plus, I rechecked all kiai parts, and add new kiai part.(from 05:32:796 to 05:37:671.) I thought this excessive vocal(and lyrics) part should be a highlight of this song. so I think kiai is more clear than before. :3
> 05:06:171 - / 05:06:921 - / 05:07:671 - / 05:08:421 - umm.... where are those familiar polychrome triplets? fixed to polychrome pattern like other same parts.

> 05:17:421 - / 05:18:171 - / .... This ddd K pattern is too dry when the vocal pitch is rising. If you want to create a good ladder effect, I would recommend adding some k along the repeated uses of triplets:

+ 05:17:421 - ddd, the initial start
+ 05:18:171 - / 05:18:921 - kdd, start building up some kats to show the high-pitch ladder on going
+ 05:19:671 - kkd
+ 05:20:421 - kkd, or even kkk to state the climax
Changed this pattern by reference your suggestion. now ddd K kdd K kdd K kkd K kkd K.

Leave things to Stefan / Surono later, call me back when you are ready.
Thank you again for your checking Skylish~ :3
Topic Starter

Skylish wrote:

Metadata source: ... L000001857

Re^2 Bubbled ~
Thank you~ :)

And I found better quality 1366 x 768 BG now. So I hope to change this next check. :3
Quick IRC Log about SV lines
18:13 Stefan: a
18:13 Stefan: hello there
18:13 Akemi_Homura: Halo~ Stefan~ o/
18:14 Stefan: Soo, we're almost there for qualification
18:14 Stefan: just let me see if I can find anything worth to change.
18:15 Akemi_Homura: hmm, I'm already send to you PM about change to new BG =3=
18:16 Stefan: Yeah, saw that.
18:16 Akemi_Homura: :3
18:16 Stefan: We'll do this with the current update since I've found things already.
18:17 Akemi_Homura: okay~ :) Thanks~
18:17 Stefan: 00:00:920 - It's okay that we have the correct BPM for the intro now, however I find it's really really slow and doesn't look natural, considering we have 160 BPM then.
18:17 Stefan: Put a green line of 1.80x here, or 2.00x if you want the previous SV
18:18 Stefan: Just let me know what you want to use here.
18:18 Stefan: So the next lines will be adjusted like that.
18:19 Akemi_Homura: hmm wait plez
18:20 Akemi_Homura: I put 1.8x then
18:21 Akemi_Homura: from start to 00:05:420 is maybe fast.
18:21 Akemi_Homura: from 00:06:170 ~ slow again.
18:23 Stefan: Yeah, I know.
18:23 Stefan: Let me see what else we need here.
18:26 Akemi_Homura: uhh timing is too hard. owo
18:27 Akemi_Homura: idk what to do.. lol
18:29 Stefan: Don't worry
18:29 Stefan: I will adjust it for you, just give me some more seconds. :DD
18:30 Akemi_Homura: sure~ I can wait at any time. :3
18:41 Stefan: Alright
18:41 Stefan: Do you know how to paste text in your .osu?
18:42 Akemi_Homura: hmm maybe I can that.
18:43 Stefan: just delete all lines between 00:06:170 - 00:17:349 -
18:43 Stefan: And paste this in your .osu file:
18:43 Stefan: In the [TimingPoints] section
18:44 Stefan: If you need help, let me know
18:45 Akemi_Homura: okay~ done. :3
18:45 Stefan: Okay, update it so I can also see the new BG
18:46 Akemi_Homura: okay~
18:47 Akemi_Homura: Updated~
18:49 Stefan: Looks good, just change 00:11:972 - to 1.75x
18:49 Stefan: because it looks too slow for now.
18:50 Akemi_Homura: alright.
18:51 Akemi_Homura: changed and update. owo

aaaand there we go
gratz!111 dem sir teacher m(_ _ )m
Topic Starter
Thank you~ Stefan & Surono~ :)
The structure is so clean with clear flow. I learn a new mapping concept from you, Akemi!

Well done, and gratz on your 3rd ranked Taiko mapset.
congratz xDDDDDDDD
more ClariS

Skylish wrote:

The structure is so clean with clear flow. I learn a new mapping concept from you, Akemi!
Long Live Life Akemi sensei <3
Congratz Akemi <3
yaay Gratz Akemi :3 you totally deserve it <3
Topic Starter
Thank you all~~ :3/
gratz Akemi san ~ :)
wow, so fast!
Topic Starter
Thank you~ yuzu san, PatZar~ :)
Hey! You should had let me know there were Timing changes needed :(
At least I wanted to read Skylish's posts on time, so I could learn and get better... you're the best
--Follow instruments instead of vocals, got it. It's a rhythm game v:
Suronuh you should have told me too pls

Anyways I'm happy you could do it!!
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