16:22 Jounzan: heeey sorry to bother, but would you mind to test my map?
16:22 Axarious: suresure
16:23 Jounzan:
https://osu.ppy.sh/s/60552316:23 Jounzan: also in case it's a lol i can give you a map we planned to use
16:23 Jounzan: in yaca mappool
16:23 Axarious: this map?
16:23 Jounzan: i was mapping it but found it too cancerous
16:23 Jounzan: no
16:23 Jounzan:
https://osu.ppy.sh/s/65777916:29 Jounzan: this is one i was talking about
16:29 Axarious: o
16:29 Axarious: that one's fun
16:29 Axarious: hehe
16:29 Jounzan: now it looks even harder
16:29 Jounzan: than it was before
16:29 Jounzan: lmao
16:30 Axarious: which one?
16:30 Axarious: i think they're both pretty hard LOL
16:33 Jounzan: the condemnation wings
16:33 Axarious: o
16:33 Jounzan: lol
16:33 Axarious: sliders are a little hard to read
16:33 Jounzan: yeah that was good decision to not add it to the mappol
16:33 Jounzan: lol
16:33 Axarious: haha
16:34 Jounzan: did you noted anything triggering on the first one?
16:34 Jounzan: i actually plan to rank it
16:35 Axarious: 00:11:123 -
16:35 Axarious: is there supposed to be a circle here?
16:35 Jounzan: the idea was mapping only most important bells
16:36 Jounzan: but well you are not the first calling for this
16:36 Jounzan: so idk
16:36 Jounzan: personally i like it how it is but since there is 4 people calling for circle alreaddy i probably have to add it lo
16:36 Axarious: lo
16:37 Axarious: also why tick rate 2 O:
16:37 Jounzan: because of hitsounding
16:37 Axarious: oic
16:37 Jounzan: i thought i'll add something
16:37 Jounzan: on tics
16:37 Jounzan: on the red ones
16:37 Jounzan: but in the end i just forgot to change it to 1
16:37 Jounzan: lol
16:38 Axarious: ohk
16:38 Axarious: since tick rate 2 is kinda hard to aim
16:38 Axarious: 01:20:310 (1,4) -
16:38 Axarious: i think this was weird to see
16:39 Jounzan: yeye i used 1
16:40 Axarious: 00:57:403 (1,2,3,4,5) -
16:40 Axarious: i guess this is a little unexpected since
16:40 Axarious: the previous 6 circles go 1-2-3
16:41 Axarious: and then this pattern goes back on itself
16:42 Jounzan: well it's like guitar goes different way here so i used it to emhasise it
16:42 Axarious: ic
16:42 Axarious: 04:27:286 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2) - ee
16:43 Axarious: scary
16:44 Jounzan: what if i'll move it to make movement linear from 04:27:054 (2) - for example like
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/894483716:44 Axarious: i think it's just the speed
16:44 Axarious: 260 bpm stream is hard with that spacing
16:44 Axarious: + two slider jumps at the end
16:45 Jounzan: okay i'll try to think something about this one
16:45 Jounzan: don't really like these jumps tho
16:46 Axarious: hm
16:46 Axarious: i think that's all
16:46 Axarious: major thing is just tick rate i think
16:46 Jounzan: can you post something on the thread
16:47 Jounzan: so i can kd
16:47 Axarious: oo oki