
Hatsune Miku - Nisoku Hokou (Short Ver.)

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can you add all of MMzz's suggestions for my taiko? Thanks =w=
Topic Starter
Yeah sure~

Edit:........On second though, I have no idea how to read this >_<

Taiko Mod:

00:19:494 (111) - remove k
00:20:994 - add a d here, 5 1/2 notes in a row is boreing.
00:24:993 (133) - move this to 00:24:827
00:27:827 (148) - k
00:30:326 (158) - move to 00:30:160
00:32:826 (173) - d
00:48:658 (26) - d
00:51:324 (48) - ^
00:55:823 (83) - k
00:56:490 (87) - ^
01:02:823 (113) - ^
01:04:156 (117) - ^
01:07:822 (134,135) - reverse these
01:10:322 (145) - d
01:48:068 - add d
01:57:984 (26) - d
02:00:650 (48) - ^
02:05:149 (83) - k
02:05:816 (87) - k
Make sure the volume for the notes is consistant. 65% on Normal throughout should be fine.

Maybe you should do it. But I don't know if that's too much to ask.

Byakugan249 wrote:

Winber1's Insane:
00:35:829 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - how about making all this a star pattern? it would make a nice challenge for players. hmm, it's logical, but i kinda want to first go in a circle first. just personal preference i guess. here are the 1st few notes as a reference.
01:25:163 (1) - how about making a curved slider to form a blanket around (5) again, personal preference and opinion. i just like how the line sliders are on opposite sides of combo 5.
01:47:163 (4,5) - i was expecting this to align to (1,2). IMO it looks nicer and should be like this This was a ctrl+H and ctrl+V of the other side ._.
@R a r e: i removed the clap

Thanks for the mods :3

Download: Hatsune Miku - Nisoku Hokou (nekonomitsu) [Winber1's Insane].osu

That makes 9+ star priority. :D
Topic Starter

00:00:829 (1) - add whistle
00:07:496 (1) - ^
00:38:829 (2) - ^
01:26:830 (4) - NC
01:30:829 (1) - remove NC
02:01:496 (3) - add clap

00:00:830 (1) - add whistle
00:05:496 (3) - remove whistle
00:22:163 (1) - add finish
00:48:829 (1) - ^
00:55:163 (1) - tune down the volume
01:07:496 (1) - add finish
01:07:496 (1,2,3) - remove clap
01:18:163 (1) - add clap
01:48:163 (1) - tune down the volume

00:35:496 (4) - add finish
00:38:163 (1) - ^
00:40:163 (1) - tune down the volume
00:45:496 (2) - add finish
01:42:163 (1) - like
01:47:829 (1) - tune down the volume

00:40:830 (1) - x:290 y:284

Topic Starter

Beren wrote:


00:00:829 (1) - add whistle
00:07:496 (1) - ^
00:38:829 (2) - ^
01:26:830 (4) - NC
01:30:829 (1) - remove NC
02:01:496 (3) - add clap

00:00:830 (1) - add whistle
00:05:496 (3) - remove whistle
00:22:163 (1) - add finish
00:48:829 (1) - ^
00:55:163 (1) - tune down the volume
01:07:496 (1) - add finish
01:07:496 (1,2,3) - remove clap
01:18:163 (1) - add clap
01:48:163 (1) - tune down the volume

00:35:496 (4) - add finish
00:38:163 (1) - ^
00:40:163 (1) - tune down the volume
00:45:496 (2) - add finish
01:42:163 (1) - like
01:47:829 (1) - tune down the volume

00:40:830 (1) - x:290 y:284

Thank you for the mod
Barney Stinson
From queue, sorry for delay

Generals: Cut mp3 file if u're not going to map it for song's total lenght. Also, I don't think is a good thing copy-paste whoole sections of timing


00:13:163 (2) - add clap
00:15:829 (2) - ^
00:16:163 (4) - remove it
00:16:829 (1) - Add clap
00:18:496 (2) - ^
00:18:663 (3) - Remove it
00:29:829 (6) - Remove this note, feels better
00:39:829 - ^
00:54:829 (6) - make symmetrical with (3)

00:06:829 (5) - remove it


That's all. Such a good map!
Topic Starter

Barney Stinson wrote:

From queue, sorry for delay

Generals: Cut mp3 file if u're not going to map it for song's total lenght. Also, I don't think is a good thing copy-paste whoole sections of timing


00:13:163 (2) - add clap
00:15:829 (2) - ^
00:16:163 (4) - remove it
00:16:829 (1) - Add clap
00:18:496 (2) - ^
00:18:663 (3) - Remove it
00:29:829 (6) - Remove this note, feels better
00:39:829 - ^
00:54:829 (6) - make symmetrical with (3)

00:06:829 (5) - remove it


That's all. Such a good map!
You're so nice ;w;

Also, I don't really know how to cut the MP3 size :/
I'd appreciate some help please :3
  1. HP Drain -1

  2. OD -1

  3. 00:40:163 - I suggest you replace this spinner with a circle. Then start your spinner at 00:40:829.

  4. 01:54:496 (1,2,3,1) - Try to make nice curve circles pattern in this part. Try this: Click

  1. 00:19:496 (5) - New combo should be on this part. Remove new combo at 00:19:829 (1).

  2. 00:40:163 - I suggest you replace this spinner with a circle. Then start your spinner at 00:40:829.

  3. 00:55:163 - I suggest you replace this spinner with a circle. Then start your spinner at 00:55:496.

  4. You are also missing a note here 01:48:163 & 01:48:496. So shorten your slider and make it start at 01:48:829.

  1. Please remove the 2nd break at 01:38:163.

  2. 00:40:163 - I suggest you replace this spinner with a circle. Then start your spinner at 00:40:829.

  3. 00:52:496 (1,2) The spacing is not consistent with the other parts. Try to make this two notes closer.

  4. You are missing a note here 01:48:163 & 01:48:496. So shorten your slider and make it start at 01:48:829.

  1. 00:17:494 (2,3,4,5) - Try to make the spacing consistent on this notes.

  2. 00:26:160 (All sliders in this combo) - This overlaps kind of bother me. Try to put them on some places.

  3. 01:46:484 (6) - Please move this closer to the next note. Make sure the spacing is consistent.
@Beren: I don't want to stack that note. I guess just personal preference. Ilike it like that.

@Phillipines: All spacing is intentional. I made this map with extreme care to the spacing that I wanted, since this was the map that I wanted to play around with spacing a little more than i usually do. Pretty much every aesthetic issue (including spacing) are intentional. Also those overlaps are another personal opinion type of thing. They look nice to me, buy maybe not to you :/

Thanks for mod tho guys! :3
Uh... hi.

Time to mod now.

*Usual note: Gold ones are a must-do. Yes, I'm playing with my avatar. Everything in red are things that look awkward to me (subjective suggestions; you can follow my lead here or not); everything else are rants and minor suggestions to make things look cooler.

  1. 160kbps .mp3? Wow, pretty unique :P Well, it's rankable though. And if you don't want to map this song until the end, just cut it so that the size of the .osz will be smaller.
  2. The .mp3's filename has "Two Breaths Walking" being the title of the song, so why use "Nisoku Hokou" here?
  3. There's a video inside the song folder, and yet it didn't appear when I modded this. Don't know if this is just me or what...
  1. 02:06:163 (1) - End this spinner at 02:08:163?
  2. 02:08:829 (1) - Begin this at 02:08:496?
  1. 00:16:496 (5) - Clap?
  2. 00:19:829 (1,2) - ^, and for the slider, only add it to the end.
  3. 00:21:163 (4) - ^
  4. 00:21:829 (6) - ^
  5. 01:42:163 (1) - ^, at the end.
  6. 01:43:829 (3) - ^
  7. 02:06:163 (1) - Same as Easy
  8. 02:08:829 (1) - ^
  1. 02:06:163 (1) - Same as Easy
  2. 02:08:829 (1) - ^
>Winber1's Insane
  1. I don't know why the mapper writes his own name with a capital letter there while the guy knows that his (CMIIW) name is all-lowercase. Whatever, don't really care :P
  2. 01:12:830 (1) - Remove NC?
  3. 01:13:163 (2) - NC? (Only do this if you're doing the above one.)
Okay. That's it. Mapset was pretty good.

Good luck on the way 8-)
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ nekonomitsu ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Remove audio with video.
  2. You are forgot add video in mapset.
  3. If you not mapping to end point,need cut this song.

[Winber1's Insane]

  1. Resnap all Notes or Change 180 BPM?
  2. 00:18:663 (2) - Try move to here X:464 Y:168.


  1. AR+1 much better with play.
  2. 00:56:829 - Unsnaped KIAI time end line.
  3. 01:22:163 (5) - Add new combo.
  4. 01:27:496 (4) - Try move to center.
  5. 01:38:329 - Remove too short break time.


  1. HP-1


  1. 02:08:829 (1) - Remove finish.

That's all ~

Good luck ~
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

[*]The .mp3's filename has "Two Breaths Walking" being the title of the song, so why use "Nisoku Hokou" here?
It's the Japanese name of the song..just look at banvi's map it has the same title,and it's ranked.
I resnapped the notes and that's it. I don't think the new combos suggestion makes that much sense, and that slider is in a good place imo.
and for anyone who ever asks me why i capitalize the first letter, it's just what i do. can't really explain why. It looks weird to me if i don't capitalize it, yet i hate it if my username is capitalized. let's just say i'm weird and leave it at that.

If you change the BPM to 180 i will be glad to resnap my notes again for you.

Download: Hatsune Miku - Nisoku Hokou (nekonomitsu) [Winber1's Insane].osu
Topic Starter

winber1 wrote:

I resnapped the notes and that's it. I don't think the new combos suggestion makes that much sense, and that slider is in a good place imo.
and for anyone who ever asks me why i capitalize the first letter, it's just what i do. can't really explain why. It looks weird to me if i don't capitalize it, yet i hate it if my username is capitalized. let's just say i'm weird and leave it at that.

If you change the BPM to 180 i will be glad to resnap my notes again for you.
I thought it already was 180 o3o

Maybe it's just me..or the forum
I'll try to look at it again

edit: Nevermind
Modding Request~

00:24:830 (1) - Maybe align the two endpoints together? I think it'd look better.
00:24:830 (TP) - I think move this back to the beginning of the spinner
01:14:163 (4) - New Combo
01:16:163 (1) - Old Combo (only if you do ^)

00:18:496 (2,3,4,1,2) - Maybe arrange them nicer
00:29:496 (5) - Doesn't match the line that's made from (1,2,3,4)
00:38:829 (3) - Make them on the same line as (2)


Can't mod that.

Winber1's Insane:
00:29:493 (3) - Move it up a bit to match the line created by (1,2)
Creepy sliders, but great map overall.
Hey neko! :3
Request from our queue.

woof~ :3

00:01:830 (2,3) - Is there a reason why these aren't distance snapped while similar ones right after it are?
00:36:496 - I think there should be a note here. <Placement suggestion, don't use if you have a better idea or don't agree with it. :D

00:35:163 (5) - Replace with 1/1 slider?
00:40:829 (1) - Maybe shorten this to the previous blue tick, and start another spinner from where this used to end? And end the 2nd one on 00:44:829.
00:55:496 (1) - End where kiai ends?
01:13:829 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - That's an awful lot of notes in a row.. can something be done? :/
01:37:496 (7) - Replace with 1/1 slider?
01:43:829 (3) - 1/4 slider?
01:48:829 (1) - Same as the spinner suggestion above.

00:13:329 (6) - I don't think this fits very well. Use same length as 5 and start on the white?
01:17:330 (3) - 1/1 slider and remove 4?
02:01:163 (2,3,4) - ctrl + r 3 and 4?
Nice hard.

00:29:993 (1,2) - Very confusing... reduce spacing please.. (x2.56) orz
Really confusing insane.. but not bad at all. :)
Topic Starter

Mythol wrote:

Hey neko! :3
Request from our queue.

woof~ :3

00:01:830 (2,3) - Is there a reason why these aren't distance snapped while similar ones right after it are?
00:36:496 - I think there should be a note here. <Placement suggestion, don't use if you have a better idea or don't agree with it. :D

00:35:163 (5) - Replace with 1/1 slider?
00:40:829 (1) - Maybe shorten this to the previous blue tick, and start another spinner from where this used to end? And end the 2nd one on 00:44:829.
00:55:496 (1) - End where kiai ends?
01:13:829 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - That's an awful lot of notes in a row.. can something be done? :/
01:37:496 (7) - Replace with 1/1 slider?
01:43:829 (3) - 1/4 slider?
01:48:829 (1) - Same as the spinner suggestion above.

00:13:329 (6) - I don't think this fits very well. Use same length as 5 and start on the white?
01:17:330 (3) - 1/1 slider and remove 4?
02:01:163 (2,3,4) - ctrl + r 3 and 4?
Nice hard.

00:29:993 (1,2) - Very confusing... reduce spacing please.. (x2.56) orz
Really confusing insane.. but not bad at all. :)
Thanks Mythol! :3

edit: Oh right, I changed winber's and Backfire's BPMs, so you can re-snap the notes If you don't mind.
Sorry. I keep forgetting to update >_>

i'll try to not be as lazy next time lol.

i actually saw these mods a while ago, but i was like... i'll do them tomorrow, then I kept doing that, and then I forgot about these mods all together.

fixed both suggestions

Download: Hatsune Miku - Nisoku Hokou (nekonomitsu) [Winber1's Insane].osu
Topic Starter
Thanks :3

Edit: Oh winber. That's called procrastinating ^^
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ignore this post
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Mitsuneko wrote:


Okay mod~

To start off: As i already said in the modding queue: ISNT THIS TWO BREATHS WALKING? O_O WAI ISNT THAT IN THE TAGS? O_O
Next: wai no vid? T.T
Next: Shouldn't this be Nisoku Hokou (Short Ver.) ?

00:00:830 - Volume 50% maybe? :3
00:22:163 - To 00:32:496 - Hmm,,, You used the whole time Clap,,, Maybe make more variety? :3
00:24:829 - Did you wanted to make the slider look like this? :3
00:28:163 - No New Combo needed :3
01:06:829 - To 01:55:163 - Same as at 00:22:163 -
01:34:829 - No new combo? :3

00:00:830 - Volume 50% maybe again? :3
00:01:829 - I don't think this needs NC
00:03:163 - ^
00:08:496 - ^
00:19:829 - Put this circle 1 grid to the right (and if you did that replace the other things after the circle too)
00:28:829 - Maybe this? :3
00:46:163 - No new combo needed :3
01:55:496 - ^

00:00:830 - Volume 50%~
00:07:163 - Moar DS Between this and the last slider
00:28:496 - Curved slider :3
00:52:163 - Circle 1 grid down :3
01:07:496 - No new combo needed

winber1's Insane
00:06:163 - No newcombo needed since this is shortly after the last slider
00:17:496 - Euh, make the DS correct
00:40:829 - STack this underneath the last slider's end :3
01:28:829 - Fix DS

I wanted to ask if I could make a guest diff insane but there's already one T.T

Wow ! I like DECO*27's song !
and I like your map too ˊ• ᵜ •ˋ) ~ ♪

00:23:829 (3) - remove clap (head slide)
00:29:163 (2) - remove clap (reverse)
00:32:496 (3) - remove clap
01:07:829 (2) - remove clap
01:08:496 (4) - remove clap
01:13:163 (2) - remove clap
01:14:496 (4) - remove clap (reverse)
01:15:163 , 01:15:829 (5) - remove clap (head slide)
01:19:829 (3) - remove clap (reverse)
01:24:496 (1) - remove clap (tail slide)
01:27:163 (1) - remove clap (reverse)

00:16:163 (4) - remove clap
00:16:829 (1) - remove clap and add finish (head slide)
00:34:163 (1) - remove finish
01:39:496(1) - add finish (head slide)
01:48:829 (spin) - too long spin - first spin finish at 01:50:163 and spin again at 01:50:413

00:45:163 (2) - add finish (head slide)
00:45:829 (3) - add finish
01:12:829 (1) - add finish (head slide)
01:34:163 (6) - add finish
01:48:829 (spin) - too long spin - first spin finish at 01:50:163 and spin again at 01:50:413

[Backfire's Taiko Oni]
Sorry but I can't mod Taiko ;w;

[Winber1's Insane]
00:32:663 (1) - remove new combo
01:29:829 (1) - remove new combo
01:31:829 (1) - remove new combo
01:48:829 (1) - remove new combo
02:06:329 (spin) - too long spin - first spin finish at 02:08:496 and spin again at 02:08:829

Good lucky ˊ• ᵜ •ˋ) ~
Topic Starter
Yeah, this map used to have a video. I deleted it for some reason.
I'll get around to adding it again sometime.
Hello~ Request from my queue.




00:38:829 (3): NC
00:40:163 (1): Remove NC.
01:24:163 (2,3,4,5,6): Try this?, if you do it fix the spacing with the next slider.


00:03:163 (1): It will be nice if the previous slider doesn't touch this, try to move this note, or stack it like this.
00:45:163 (2): NC
01:06:829 (1): This note doesn't fit imo, remove it.
01:38:163 to 01:39:496: It feels a little empty, try this there?

Winber1's Insane:

00:06:163 (1): Remove NC.
00:13:829 (3,4): I don't like where these notes are, try to stack them with the previous slider.
00:23:996 (6): ^
00:40:829 (1): ^
01:11:329 (4): Remove Whistle, and add Clap, like you did at 01:08:663.
01:11:413 (5): Add Whistle, like you did at 01:08:746.
01:19:496 (1,2,3): What about this?

That's all for me. Good luck~ :D
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mods :3
00:15:996 (9) - Move to 00:16:163 and end slider at 00:16:496. Then add a circle at 00:15:996.
00:45:991 - Useless timing point, delete
00:56:996 - ^
02:02:829 (3,4,5) - Inconsistent spacing
02:03:829 (2) - Add timing point with 80% volume for final spinner... unless you wanted to silence the entire spinner then nvm.

I think you should follow winber's kiai ending for the final chorus, it fits better. If you're making this change, do so for your other diffs too.

[Winber1's Insane]
00:00:830 - Delete inherited timing point and change uninherited timing point to S:C1 audio sample
00:46:163 - Unsnapped kiai
00:56:829 - ^
01:38:163 - Something like this might play better I think I generally don't like weird pauses.
01:55:496 - Unsnapped kiai
02:06:163 - ^

I feel you're restricting your mapping abilities by focusing on mapping to the vocals too much.

[Backfire's Taiko Oni]
02:06:163 (1,1) - Not sure if you intended to silence these spinners, but place the silencing timing point at the beginning of the spinner.

You have a lot of unnecessary timing points. Deleting the useless ones reduces file size by 0.5kb :o

Same unsnapped kiai problem as Winber1's insane diff.

sorry, i'm a bit lazy so i don't wanna mod normal and easy... skimmed through it and i didn't see any glaring problems
did not fix any combos or asthetic issues (including spacing. all are intentional and I like them like that actually. )

fixed some hitsounds, kiai time, and changed one part. sorry for taking so long.

oh and i see you changed ur name :3, mistuneko :D

Download: Hatsune Miku - Nisoku Hokou (Short Ver) (Mitsuneko) [Winber1's Insane].osu
From my Modding Queue ♫
sorry for the long delay.

Isn't it : Hatsune Miku - Nisoku Hokou (Short Ver.) ? ;D

00:36:496 (2 & 1) : Why not like this?
01:08:163 : Maybe you can delete this circle, it sounds better. For an easy, orz.

00:18:663 : Circle here please, since you did it for 00:13:329 & 00:15:996 .
00:21:329 : Same as ^
00:23:329 : The slider, can you, start the slider at 00:23:163 and finish it at 00:23:496 ?
00:24:496 (5) : This circle is kinda useless.
00:38:829 : NC, please.
00:54:829 (6 & 7) : Maybe you can replace it by a slider?
01:34:829 : NC.
01:43:829 : Yes, I know this slider fits the Vocals. But can you finish it at : 01:44:163 ?

[End of the Mod.]
Hello ~

-Okay, I don’t see any video file in your folder, so you should open all the osu files and remove the following from the [Event] section: Video,-800,"Two Breaths Walking - Hatsune MikuüuEnglish Subüv_(360p).flv"
-Also add “Vocaloid” in the Tags


Only thing
01:55:496 (1) – you forgot to put whistle on the beginning of this slider

00:26:163 (3) – remove finish, it doesn’t fit
00:26:829 (6) – ^

[Winber1’s Insane]
02:06:329 (1) – so long, maybe split this to 2 spinners just like other diffs too ?

GL :3
Topic Starter
Thanks for the random mod~

Hello :)


00:45:996 - unless green line
00:46:163 (1) - Remove whistle
02:11:496 - unless green line


02:11:496 - unless green line


00:43:496 (1) -
01:26:163 (1) - End at 01:26:496
02:11:496 - unless green line

[Winber1's Insane]

00:46:158 - Green Line is not aligned
01:55:483 - ^

[Backfire's Taiko Oni]

It's not taiko mod.

Unless green line:

Green Line is not aligned

That all
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod
From .:Let those mod those maps:.

Delete .osb files and full submit if you aren't using a storyboard or the same storyboard across all difficulties.
If you would like, you can delete all your bookmarks to decrease the size of your .osz file by a little since you won't be needing them by the time this gets put on the server.
You might want to consider cutting the mp3 to a fadeout, seeing how the end is just cut anyway. This will further decrease the size of your .osz file, lessening the load on the server.

00:24:830 (1) - Seems to me you wanted this to be symmetrical. Here's a slider that keeps the shape and is a bit more symmetrical:
00:36:830 (1) - Same with this one; I kept the shape but made it more symmetrical:
01:24:830 (2) - Placing this at x:80 y:128 might be better spacing.
02:06:163 (1) - The spinner should be extended to 02:08:829, and 02:08:829 (1) - can start at 02:08:996 or 02:09:163 in return: this would follow the vocals closer since you you want the spinner to end when Miku sings "ta". {apply this to all diffs}

00:28:496 (2) - This looks to be sticking a bit close to (1). Try x:176 y:40.
00:29:496 (5) - This looks too close to (4). Try x:336 y:160.
00:38:829 (3) - New combo here might be better. If you do this, remove new combo from 00:40:163 (1).
01:20:496 (4) - Positioning at x:32 y:204 might be better for spacing.
01:25:163 (5) - Try x:256 y:260 for a more regulated spacing. It's important in these kinds of section since you have many 1/1 notes at a regular spacing in a row.
01:54:496 (1) - I think you can map this section without having copy and pasted from the last chorus. The map is only just over two minutes long, so having copy and pasted a whole chorus is very noticeable. But it's up to you.

00:01:829 (1) - Remove the new combo here.
00:03:829 (6) - New combo here.
00:05:329 (1) - Remove the new combo here.
00:06:163 (4) - New combo here. {these four changes make the combos more natural; as of right now it feels awkward for 00:06:163 (4) so the former three changes were needed}
If you applied the above, then: 00:07:163 (1) - RNC and 00:08:829 (5) - NC
00:13:996 (1) - The new combo should be placed on 00:14:163 (2) - instead.
00:23:496 (4) - The Finish isn't very fitting; consider taking it out.
00:43:496 (1) - This crumpled slider doesn't fit very well with the music. Instead of having something like this to manipulate slider velocity, consider simply changing the 'slower parts' of the song to x0.75-x0.8 sv via F6. It appears you don't have any slider velocity changes at all, so this may actually be better since this is a Hard diff.
01:54:496 (1) - I'm going to mention the same thing about the copy and pasting. You didn't copy and paste in the Easy diff, so you can definitely think of something for the Normal and Hard.

[Winber1's Insane]
This diff was very awkward to play due to all the unevenness in the spacing. AR9 might play better, but would require more testing.
00:23:996 (6) - Even if you're going to do this, at least make sure (5,6,7) share a close enough spacing. Right now spacing differs by 0.06x, and is quite visible. Try this, and do something about the second part of the slider:
00:33:496 (1) - At this point, maybe x0.5 sv is too much of a decrease, since the player isn't given very much notice at 00:40:830 (1) and the note density is considerably high there.
01:19:496 (1,2,3,4) - You may want to keep these antijumps of sorts the same spacing as you did before at 00:28:829 (1,2,3).
01:56:829 (1) - Then the same thing about the copy ans paste.

[Backfire's Taiko Oni]
Since this is Oni diff, consider raising HP and/or OD above default. 6 may work nicely; I was SSing without much difficulty at 5.
Consider raising overall volume; there were parts where I couldn't hear much of the Taiko at all.

Good luck :3
It seems you never downloaded the update i had last page lol.

well... anyways, here you go. sorry for being so late;_;

fixed a few things, but not much. Changed a pattern a bit. I think the slider velocities work well, so nothing changed there.

Download: Hatsune Miku - Nisoku Hokou (Short Ver.) (Mitsuneko) [Winber1's Insane].osu
Topic Starter
lol sorry orz
I kind of forgot myself..Thanks.
Megurine Luka

Unrankable if in red and bold
Consider if in bold only
Suggested if in normal font

del .osb since you don't have a storyboard


01:34:163 (6) - hmmm, try

01:48:163 (1) - + whistle
02:06:163 (1,1) - hmmm, don't really suggest two continuous spinners together.


00:13:163 (2,3,4) - I suggest you change them into a reversible slider. These are a little bit difficult for Normal players
00:15:829 (2,3,4) - ^
00:18:496 (2,3,4) - ^
00:21:163 (5,6,7) - ^, not going to pick those :)
00:50:163 (3) - add whistle on 00:50:829 and change the whistle on the slider end into a finish
01:48:829 (1) - +whistle
02:00:163 (3) - add whistle
02:02:163 (3) - add whistle
02:02:829 (4) - del whistle

whistle in kiai is too random and that sounds bad :<


Consider your whistle in kiai time, Now they don't fit the song at all. You can put whistle on every 13 white line or 24 white line or even 134..It doesn't matter how you compose them but they need to follow some kind of pattern. Now they are too random and sounds really bad.

00:29:663 (2) - add whistle on both the beginning and end of the slider
01:23:496 (1) - ^ beginning only


Nothing really to poke at :<

Very nice :3
Topic Starter
Thanks Luka. I didn't really think the kiai times were that bad until now >_>
coming here from my mod queue
let see..

Remove the osb file from the song folder and then full submit, since the mapset doesn't have any SB at all.
Use the beat divisor 4 for the easy diff too? To make it more consistent with the others diff since they have only 2 BD except easy diff.
Imo the green color on the combos doesn't really suit well with the background themes at all, since the bg are consist of red and kinda dark color, i'm suggest that you using some light-eyecatching colors for the combos like yellow, red, etc.
this's the code for the color choice that i prefer
Combo1 : 192,192,192
Combo2 : 255,255,0
Combo3 : 255,128,0
Combo4 : 238,19,19
use the red and gray one would be better too i guess for it :)
Also you have some unused part from 02:11:829 till end, and it was quite long imo, to reduce the useless filesize on your song folder, why not cutting some of that unused part?

seems fine, just
00:38:829 (2) - make this straight up? since the similar straight slider is also on a straight position like 00:50:829 (3) or 02:00:163 (2)

Circle Size 3 for this diff? since this is normal diff i think use CZ 3 would be better and more playable by the average player
Also DR-1, OD-1
no comments here, it's all good :D

00:18:663 (6) - remove this notes? instead of that, i'm suggest to move that notes into 00:18:829, it can form a quintuplet pattern between 00:18:829 (6,7,8,9,1) that way
00:51:996 (3,4) - move this down a bit? it looks so near from each other that way, make the shape into like this 00:53:496 (3,4,5)
01:27:496 (4) - make the Q slider bigger? seems so small i think
02:00:163 (4,5,6) - why suddenly the triplet spacing here are bigger than before, i think make it same as previous triplet pattern wouldn't be a bad idea :)

Winber1's Insane
00:32:163 (3) - kinda bad shape slider imo (the endpoint part), why not make it into like this one 00:30:163 (2)?
01:08:663 (4,5) - i think it was better for this part if you add a notes on it, so it would form a triplet which the last note would be a slider like 01:39:329 (4,5,1) pattern.
If you agree with it, then fix the pattern after that part, since it would be make the pattern a bit broken on that part after you adding the note on the 01:08:663 (4,5) part.
same goes for 01:11:330 (4,5) and 01:13:996 (4,5), it's just something is missing if that part isn't a triplet but a 2 notes imo ><
01:58:829 (3) - kinda bad shape, why not make it like 00:13:330 (2) but with more wider curve, i think it would be better that way :D

I think that's it, sorry if some of my word isn't really understandable ><
hope this can help, and good luck :D
Sorry for delay

Mod requested in my queue.


  1. Nothing to point


  1. 00:07:163 (1,2): This can be hard for beginners, change for this?
  1. 00:23:500 (2,3): ^
  1. 01:54:496 (1,2,3,1): ^ An example:


  1. 00:05:329 (5,6): Turn this into a one slider.
  1. 00:46:163 (1): Remove NC.


  1. Good


  1. Good

Sorry for poor mod, i'm not in good today...

Topic Starter
Thank you for your mods.
changed a small thing.

I think those slider shapes are fine. Kinda want to keep them :/
Secondly, for 01:08:663 (4,5), the vocals actually play 1/4 tick earlier than the main beat, and that's why I only have two notes instead of a triplet. Since I did it once, I find it more logical to do it the rest of the time, or else it would seem weird. So far no one has complained about how bad it plays, so I'm assuming it plays fine. It plays fine for me too.

Download: Hatsune Miku - Nisoku Hokou (Short Ver.) (Mitsuneko) [Winber1's Insane].osu
Hi Mitsuneko


  1. The mp3 ends suddenly at 02:37:858 (x)
  2. 02:16:829 (x) - 02:36:829 (x) - Map until the end only if you change your mp3

  1. 00:50:829 (3) - Add finish at the end, follow the rhythm of the song
  2. 01:12:829 (1) - Add finish
  3. 01:34:163 (6) - Add NC and remove it on the next note 01:34:829 (1) i think its better due that downbeat
  4. 02:00:163 (2) - Add Finish at the end to follow the rhythm of the song
  5. 02:06:163 (1) - I think its better to remove that finish to follow the end of her vocals

  1. 00:27:163 (4,5) - Change this notes for a 1/2 slider
  2. 00:33:163 (3) - 1 grid to the right
  3. 00:45:163 (1) - Add clap at the begin,reverse arrow and the end
  4. 01:12:829 (1) - Add finish at the begin to follow the rhythm of the song
  5. 01:18:163 (1) - Add finish for the same reason above
  6. 01:52:663 (x) - Down the volume whit this inherited section to 20 and remove whistle in the spinner
  7. 01:54:496 (1) - Add a Inherited section whit 80% volume if u do ^
  8. 02:00:829 (1) - Add finish at the begin to follow the rhythm

  1. 00:22:163 (1) - Add finish to follow the rhythm
  2. 00:30:829 (2) - Its a little bit confusing this slider while you're playing, remove 1 reverse arrow and add note here 00:31:329 (3)
  3. 00:45:163 (2,3,4) - Add finish in these three notes ? sounds good
  4. 00:51:496 (1) - Add finish
  5. 01:18:163 (1) - Add finish at the begin to follow the rhythm
  6. 01:54:496 (1) - Add finish ? sounds good
  7. 02:00:829 (1) - Add finish at the begin to follow the rhythm
Winber1's Insane

  1. Nice ^^
The mapset its ok, but you can add some finish, they really match whit this song

Good Luck !
Hi,mod request from my queue.

[Winber1's Insane]
01:20:329 - add note
01:36:163 (3) - NC

01:18:163 (1) - slider start point add finish
01:45:329 (5) - NC

01:12:829 (1) - slider start point add finish
01:18:163 (1) - add finish


that's all.
so nice map
good luck~
Shohei Ohtani
Have your mp3 fade out. Right now it just randomly cuts and it sounds silly.
Claps on 2 and 4~. Look at how insane diff hitsounds his diff and try to mimic that :>.

00:26:829 (3) - this overlap totally isn't moe at all
00:27:496 (1) - ^
01:39:496 (1) - I can totally see what you're trying to make but I'm not the biggest fan of it :>

02:05:829 (2) - Not a fan of this anti-jump.

00:36:830 (2) - Space this out a bit so they don't overlap. It's fine to turn off distance spacing to do this as long as it's not a gigantic jump
01:26:496 (1) - I don't like how this overlaps ;~;.

01:36:163 (3) - Not moe!. Probably have the slider go more downward like this.

sorry nothing changed.

@Jupiter: those don't really make sense sorry :(

@CDFA: just saying it isn't moe doesn't really make me feel that something is wrong with those shapes :< They seem fine to me, so i will keep them sorry. Personal opinions.
Taikomod from my queue, sorry for late mod x__x'

Add Taikobg!
Do not use custom hitsounds!
You have unused timingsections! please remove!
Do not mute spinners at 02:06:163 - and 02:08:829 - ! either remove or keep them at same vol.-level
Why do you use normal hitsounds in the first strophe but soft in second? go soft or normal in both.

00:42:830 (221) - kat?
00:44:830 (1) - remove, it breaks the silence supposed to be at that moment, also the big's afterwards feel much heavier that way :)
00:56:830 (88) - not sure if this is intentionally, but it gets the soft hitsound from the timingsection, think normal bigkat would sound better
01:06:996 (127,128,129,130,131,132) - maybe change to ddk kkd? feels better IMO
01:54:163 (1) - remove, same reason as above :3

Nice Taiko, good luck on your way to ranked. :)
Mod Infos:

You should fix this.
You must fix this.


  • Open all .osu files and change... (you can add other colours if you want to, for example a darker red)
    Combo1 : 177,124,109
    Combo2 : 201,54,54


  • 00:36:830 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:38:829 (2) - Add "New Combo".
    00:40:829 (1) - End this spinner at 00:43:163 (white tick). Start a new spinner at 00:43:496 (white tick) and end it at 00:44:829 (white tick). Delete 00:45:163 (1) and add a circle at 00:45:496 (white tick).
    01:26:830 (1) - Delete this slider. Add a circle here. Move 01:28:163 (5) at 01:27:496 (white tick) and add a repetition.
    01:32:829 (5,1) - Delete (1) and add a repetition.
    01:38:829 (x) - Add a circle.
    01:41:496 (x) - ^
    01:48:163 (1) - Start this spinner at 01:50:163 (white tick) and end it at 01:52:496 (white tick). Start a new spinner at 01:52:829 (white tick) and end it at 01:54:163 (white tick). Delete 01:54:496 (1) and 01:55:163 (3). Start a slider at 01:48:163 (white tick), end it at 01:48:829 (white tick) and add a repetition.
    02:06:163 (1) - End this spinner at 02:08:163 (white tick). Start a new spinner at 02:08:829 (white tick) and end it at 02:11:496 (white tick).


  • 00:43:996 (x) - Start a slider here and end it at 00:43:996 (white tick). Add a circle at 00:44:829 (white tick).
    01:06:829 (x) - Add a circle.
    01:07:163 (x) - ^
    01:38:829 (x) - ^
    01:48:829 (1) - Start this spinner at 01:50:163 (white tick). Start a slider at 01:53:163 (white tick), end it at 01:53:496 (white tick) and add 2 repetitions. Start a slider at 01:48:829 (white tick) and end it at 01:49:496 (white tick).
    02:06:163 (1,1) - End the first spinner at 02:08:163 (white tick) and start the second spinner at 02:08:829 (white tick).


  • 00:03:163 (7) - Add "New Combo".
    00:03:829 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:08:496 (6) - Add "New Combo".
    00:08:829 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:09:829 (1) - ^
    01:48:829 (1) - Start this spinner at 01:50:496 (white tick). Add a slider at 01:48:829 (white tick), end it at 01:49:496 (white tick) and add a repetition.
    02:06:163 (1,1) - End the first spinner at 02:08:163 (white tick) and start the second spinner at 02:08:829 (white tick).

[Winber1's Insane]

  • 01:06:829 (x) - Add a circle here. Start a slider at 01:06:996 (red tick), end it at 01:07:079 (blue tick) and add a repetition.
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