
Tatsuya Kato - DETERMINATION [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, April 14, 2017 at 13:45:44

Artist: Tatsuya Kato
Source: Love Live! Sunshine!!
Tags: love live! sunshine!!, eps 9, sailing to the sunshine, 加藤達也, determination, kanan, mari, FadillSan
BPM: 90
Filesize: 3781kb
Play Time: 02:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Friendship - 4Key (2.53 stars, 619 notes)
  2. Kanan - 4Key (1.31 stars, 328 notes)
  3. Mari - 4Key (1.52 stars, 349 notes)
Download: Tatsuya Kato - DETERMINATION
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Need mod! :D

Can it be ranked ? :"v

About Song
It's a BGM from anime Love Live! Sunshine!!
Eps 9 KanaMari's scene

Artist : 加藤達也 (Tatsuya Kato)
Album : TVアニメ「ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!」オリジナルサウンドトラック「Sailing to the Sunshine」[Disc 2]

Audio file is converted from here.
hey mod form my queue

00:43:555 (43555|0,43555|2,43555|3) - delete a note you mapped this sound a double in this section
00:54:888 (54888|3,54888|1) - delete a note
01:36:887 (96887|3) - add a note
01:43:887 (103887|2) - ghost note

01:29:554 (89554|0,89554|1) - consider adding a note since you mapped the other sounds with triples and it's the same sound
01:43:887 (103887|2) - ghost note
01:48:970 (108970|2) - move this to 01:48:998 (108998|2) -
01:49:137 (109137|3) - move this to 01:49:109 (109109|3) -

no kds if it didn't help

good luck with your map
Topic Starter

Cokiiplay wrote:

hey mod form my queue

00:43:555 (43555|0,43555|2,43555|3) - delete a note you mapped this sound a double in this section
00:54:888 (54888|3,54888|1) - delete a note
01:36:887 (96887|3) - add a note
01:43:887 (103887|2) - ghost note

01:29:554 (89554|0,89554|1) - consider adding a note since you mapped the other sounds with triples and it's the same sound
01:43:887 (103887|2) - ghost note
01:48:970 (108970|2) - move this to 01:48:998 (108998|2) -
01:49:137 (109137|3) - move this to 01:49:109 (109109|3) -

no kds if it didn't help

good luck with your map
That's helpful :D Thanks :D
Hello, I'm from the noobest modding q ever true
Let's start
OD for Kanan is too high. Maybe put it in 6 or 6.5
HP for Mari is too low. Maybe 6 or 7.
00:39:555 (39555|1) - Move this to 2
00:40:555 (40555|2) - Move this to 1
00:52:888 (52888|1) - Move this to 0
01:44:553 (104553|1) - Maybe move to 0
00:11:888 (11888|3,12222|3) - Don't do 1/2 jack here. It is hard for noob
00:13:222 (13222|1,13555|1) - ^
00:16:222 (16222|0,16555|0) - ^
00:49:555 (49555|0,49888|0) - ^
And all the other 1/2 Jack (Except the one in kiai mode)
00:55:555 (55555|2) - Add 1 note in 1
01:20:887 (80887|1,80887|3) - Move all the notes to the left 1
01:20:887 (80887|1,80887|3) - Make this a double and change it's placement
01:31:554 (91554|0,91554|1,91554|3) - Make this a double
Decent map ;)
GL with ranking :)
Topic Starter

[B A D] wrote:

Hello, I'm from the noobest modding q ever true
Let's start
OD for Kanan is too high. Maybe put it in 6 or 6.5
HP for Mari is too low. Maybe 6 or 7.
00:39:555 (39555|1) - Move this to 2
00:40:555 (40555|2) - Move this to 1
00:52:888 (52888|1) - Move this to 0
01:44:553 (104553|1) - Maybe move to 0
00:11:888 (11888|3,12222|3) - Don't do 1/2 jack here. It is hard for noob
00:13:222 (13222|1,13555|1) - ^
00:16:222 (16222|0,16555|0) - ^
00:49:555 (49555|0,49888|0) - ^
And all the other 1/2 Jack (Except the one in kiai mode)
00:55:555 (55555|2) - Add 1 note in 1
01:20:887 (80887|1,80887|3) - Move all the notes to the left 1
01:20:887 (80887|1,80887|3) - Make this a double and change it's placement
01:31:554 (91554|0,91554|1,91554|3) - Make this a double
Decent map ;)
GL with ranking :)
Make a many changes, Thank you :D
Hey there! From the mod queue. :)

A difficult one to map harder difficulties for, but a perfect map to hitsound with. I know that Julie and Kawawa have done a few like that, so check out their maps if you're interested in trying something like that.

This point would be a little long to mark individually on both difficulties, but you could map with pitch relevancy, meaning that higher notes (for example) would go on the right side of the field and lower notes on the left, to reflect that of a piano.
  1. I'd put each uninherited timing point 10ms earlier (well done on getting them all though.)
  2. More a concern than anything. The two difficulties are remarkably close together in star rating, though, judging by the map, it's extremely difficult to make one harder or easier. Seriously, make them different. This image is last section of both diffs. They're the same!
  3. You may also want to edit the difficulty names to reflect which one is harder. (i.e something like Kanan [EZ] and Mari [NM] would do.)
  4. A few OD/HP change suggestions, because HP 5 is too low, and a map without LNs should have a higher OD than 6.
Kanan: OD 7 HP 7
Mari: OD 7.5 HP 7
  1. Obligatory hitsounding reminder... it is a requirement that a map is hitsounded somewhat.
  2. Metadata looks ok to me. :) (Going to ignore the don't use breaktime spiel because there honestly is silence)


If you wanted to make this difficulty easier, the only way I can see this being possible is by completely avoiding using triples. Although not quite properly emphasising the music, which I don't really like, there needs to be some differentiation between the difficulties.

Alternatively, you could also not map on red ticks in many places, and that will definitely make SR drop dramatically.
  1. 00:53:555 (53555|0,53888|0) - Avoid the minijack and move the second note into a different column
  2. 01:29:554 (89554|0,89554|1) - Ctrl + H?
  3. 01:48:998 (108998|2,109109|3) - Snap to the 1/8s like in the other diff
  4. 01:59:553 (119553|1,119553|0,119553|2,119553|3) - Think quad may be a little overkill

I'm going to assume this map completely focuses on using as many LNs as possible, so some suggestions will revolve around that idea.
  1. 00:00:222 (222|2,1222|3,1888|3,2888|3) - I'd swap the notes in these two columns for pitch relevancy on the LNs.
  2. 00:04:222 (4222|2,4888|1,5222|2) - Move for to col 1, second to 2 and third to one? (Avoid minijack on last note)
I think you get the idea. Try to avoid repeating notes in columns at this difficulty if you can, because there's quite a few. I'll stop mentioning them now.
  1. 00:45:555 (45555|0) - Why not have a 4-beat LN?
  2. 00:51:221 (51221|1,51221|2) - There's only one note in the audio here. Reduce to a single?
  3. 01:06:221 (66221|1) - 4-beat LN?
  4. 01:10:221 (70221|3) - LN to next note?
  5. 01:12:887 (72887|0) - ^
  6. 01:23:221 (83221|2,85887|1) - Not a fan of these short LNs, since they can be awkward to play. Consider just replacing with a note for each case.
  7. 01:23:554 (83554|3) - LN to next note?
  8. 01:26:221 (86221|2) - ^
  9. 01:48:887 (108887|0) - Short LN, replace with note?
  10. 01:49:887 (109887|1) - This should be a double imo
  11. 01:56:887 (116887|1) - LN to 01:59:553 and remove 01:59:553 (119553|1) as a result?
Topic Starter

Asherz007 wrote:

Hey there! From the mod queue. :)

A difficult one to map harder difficulties for, but a perfect map to hitsound with. I know that Julie and Kawawa have done a few like that, so check out their maps if you're interested in trying something like that.

This point would be a little long to mark individually on both difficulties, but you could map with pitch relevancy, meaning that higher notes (for example) would go on the right side of the field and lower notes on the left, to reflect that of a piano.
  1. I'd put each uninherited timing point 10ms earlier (well done on getting them all though.)
  2. More a concern than anything. The two difficulties are remarkably close together in star rating, though, judging by the map, it's extremely difficult to make one harder or easier. Seriously, make them different. This image is last section of both diffs. They're the same!
  3. You may also want to edit the difficulty names to reflect which one is harder. (i.e something like Kanan [EZ] and Mari [NM] would do.)
  4. A few OD/HP change suggestions, because HP 5 is too low, and a map without LNs should have a higher OD than 6.
Kanan: OD 7 HP 7
Mari: OD 7.5 HP 7
  1. Obligatory hitsounding reminder... it is a requirement that a map is hitsounded somewhat.
  2. Metadata looks ok to me. :) (Going to ignore the don't use breaktime spiel because there honestly is silence)


If you wanted to make this difficulty easier, the only way I can see this being possible is by completely avoiding using triples. Although not quite properly emphasising the music, which I don't really like, there needs to be some differentiation between the difficulties.

Alternatively, you could also not map on red ticks in many places, and that will definitely make SR drop dramatically.
  1. 00:53:555 (53555|0,53888|0) - Avoid the minijack and move the second note into a different column
  2. 01:29:554 (89554|0,89554|1) - Ctrl + H?
  3. 01:48:998 (108998|2,109109|3) - Snap to the 1/8s like in the other diff
  4. 01:59:553 (119553|1,119553|0,119553|2,119553|3) - Think quad may be a little overkill

I'm going to assume this map completely focuses on using as many LNs as possible, so some suggestions will revolve around that idea.
  1. 00:00:222 (222|2,1222|3,1888|3,2888|3) - I'd swap the notes in these two columns for pitch relevancy on the LNs.
  2. 00:04:222 (4222|2,4888|1,5222|2) - Move for to col 1, second to 2 and third to one? (Avoid minijack on last note)
I think you get the idea. Try to avoid repeating notes in columns at this difficulty if you can, because there's quite a few. I'll stop mentioning them now.
  1. 00:45:555 (45555|0) - Why not have a 4-beat LN?
  2. 00:51:221 (51221|1,51221|2) - There's only one note in the audio here. Reduce to a single?
  3. 01:06:221 (66221|1) - 4-beat LN?
  4. 01:10:221 (70221|3) - LN to next note?
  5. 01:12:887 (72887|0) - ^
  6. 01:23:221 (83221|2,85887|1) - Not a fan of these short LNs, since they can be awkward to play. Consider just replacing with a note for each case.
  7. 01:23:554 (83554|3) - LN to next note?
  8. 01:26:221 (86221|2) - ^
  9. 01:48:887 (108887|0) - Short LN, replace with note?
  10. 01:49:887 (109887|1) - This should be a double imo
  11. 01:56:887 (116887|1) - LN to 01:59:553 and remove 01:59:553 (119553|1) as a result?
It's very helpful :D I make Kanan diff easier :D
Thank you :D
00:04:888 (4888|0) - move to 4
00:09:555 (9555|0) - move to 3
00:21:222 - 00:26:888 - add SV0.9
00:26:888 (26888|3) - double
00:41:555 (41555|3) - move to 1
01:32:887 (92887|2) - plz delete, because this sound not same 01:31:554 (91554|0,91554|1,91554|3) -
01:37:553 (97553|2,97553|1) - move to (2,4)
01:42:887 (102887|0,102887|2) - soft sound
01:59:553 (119553|2) - move to 1
Good luck! :)
Topic Starter

DustMoon wrote:

00:04:888 (4888|0) - move to 4
00:09:555 (9555|0) - move to 3
00:21:222 - 00:26:888 - add SV0.9
00:26:888 (26888|3) - double
00:41:555 (41555|3) - move to 1
01:32:887 (92887|2) - plz delete, because this sound not same 01:31:554 (91554|0,91554|1,91554|3) -
01:37:553 (97553|2,97553|1) - move to (2,4)
01:42:887 (102887|0,102887|2) - soft sound
01:59:553 (119553|2) - move to 1
Good luck! :)
Thank you :D

Added new diff ! [Friendship]
Another Lie
Udah tau tempat gw tutup pas lu request, gitu masih request -_-
00:08:222 (8222|1) - pindah ke col 3, ngikut suara 00:05:555 (5555|0,5555|2,5555|3) -
01:49:109 (109109|3) - suara asli notenya bukan disitu, tapi disini 01:49:095 - 1/16 snap
gw ga berharap lebih dari map 4k, piano lebih enak 7k buat perbedaan nya
(From queue request)
Ok there is a lot of thing to say on this map and this mod.
First don't be afraid of the huge Kanan mod, its just because i wanted to show you how to put some hitsounds (necessary if you want to make this ranked). Then both Kanan and Mari difficulties are not perfect but in a good way. But i think you should review seriously the Friendship difficulty.

I like the song anyway so I really enjoyed doing this mod and I hope it will help you :)

Legend is 0|1|2|3


The timings are good but you should move the one at 00:58:221 to 00:55:555 since the 4/4 really restarts here

Except that there are enough difficulties to be ranked so lets mod :)

Maps should use hitsound but since the song is a solo piano you can go with real few hitsounds at the key point, i'll show you in the mods where.
For all the hitsounds you should keep with the same volume and the soft set, we will mostly play with the whistle sound (in the soft set it sounds like a cute christmas bell and maybe some finish) - So dont be afraid is the modding is quite long ahah :p


00:00:222 (222|2) - Add a whistle here

00:02:555 (2555|1) - At 2

00:02:888 (2888|3) - Whistle
00:05:555 (5555|3) - Whistle

00:07:555 (7555|0) - At 3, you're always finish those part with a right to left pattern so lets do a left to right this time

00:08:222 (8222|3) - Whistle~

00:08:555 (8555|1,8888|2,9222|3) - CTRL+H this and 00:09:555 (9555|0) - at 3

00:10:888 (10888|2) - Whistle (i think you're starting to get where to put them xD)
00:13:555 (13555|3) - Whistle
00:16:222 (16222|3) - Whistle :3

00:18:222 (18222|0) - At 3, careful i think you have a tendency to make your patterns mostly on the left side

00:18:888 (18888|3) - Whistle owo)b

00:24:555 (24555|2) - At 1 so you have that one row jump as you did before

00:26:888 (26888|3) - Id make it an LN until 00:29:555

00:30:888 (30888|1) - Maybe an LN until the next notes

00:31:555 (31555|2) - At first i thought of a finish here, by the cymbals is too aggressive for this music, either you can find a more soft cymbals ore go for a whistle for now

00:38:888 (38888|2) - Same remark as 00:30:888

00:39:555 (39555|1) - Whistle

00:48:888 (48888|2) - Same as 00:30:888

00:49:555 (49555|3) - Whistle
00:53:555 (53555|2) - Whistle

00:56:221 (56221|1) - At 2 to contrast we all the previous stairs

01:00:887 (60887|1) - Whistle
01:03:554 (63554|2) - Whistle again~

01:09:554 (69554|2) - Same as 00:30:888 Would expect an LN

01:20:221 (80221|2) - Yeah again LN, in fact there is no LN in your map and thats too bad

01:28:887 (88887|2,89554|3,90221|2) - Whistles

01:32:887 (92887|3) - Again a finish would be better but to aggressive so whistle before having something better i guess

01:36:887 (96887|3,97553|3) - Merge those 2 in one LN

01:37:553 (97553|1) - This on LN until the next notes

01:38:220 (98220|3) - Whistle

Here is i think how you should do the part at 01:32:887 (92887|3)

01:43:553 (103553|0) - Whistle

01:45:553 (105553|3,105553|1) - Put one LN until next note + whistle

01:48:998 (108998|2,109109|3) - Those two are too late, you should put them on 1/8 like this :

01:59:553 (119553|3) - Whistle

02:03:553 (123553|1) - This has to be an LN until 02:03:553 (123553|1) i think, the break is way too long for a mania map

All the basics are here but you can still improve this difficulty, the kiai is interesting but you should add LN sometimes


For this difficulty and the next one I'll let you figure out how to place the hitsounds, i think you get a rough idea of how to do it witht he easy difficulty

00:08:222 (8222|3) - At 0

00:14:888 (14888|3) - Why keeping the LN on 0 and 3 ? I would have expected this one on 2 (but i know it means remapping lot of stuff)

00:16:222 (16222|0,17555|3,18888|0,20222|3) - Same comment, I think you should try adding some variations in those LN and not just sticking to 0 and 3

At 00:54:888 I would go for the following pattern for 2 reasons : First it avoids some not wanted jacks and then as you may know on a piano keys from the left to right are low to high pitch and so this follow the piano too so why not

01:15:554 (75554|0) - I was surprised there were no LN here since you inssisted on the LN before, but its ok you can leave like that or add LN as you feel

01:44:887 - Just a small variation i suggest :

01:59:887 (119887|0) - I would put it at 1 'cause jack after LN are fun (i think) but that means remapping the following stair

02:03:553 (123553|1) - You can make it more longer

This time you used plenty of LNs ahahaha, ok the kiai is really great, but there are some pattern at the beginning i must say i dont really like but since its going with the song its alright. Good job overall owo)b


00:26:888 - All before that, I dont think this is a relevant way to map it with only jacks. I know you're trying to add some difficulties but it seems like a bit overmapping here. My suggestions would be to insert to single LN inspired by the Mari difficulty and avoid double on red beat.

From 00:49:555 to 00:58:221 - Same you are loosing the actual piano melody by just inserting jack one after another, you can try the emphasize the melody by inserting LN. Typically going for something like this : (at 00:50:221)

01:32:887 - Another trip on the jack train~

01:36:887 (96887|2,96887|3,96887|0,97220|2,97220|1,97553|1,97553|0,98220|3,98220|1,98220|2) - YES THIS IS GOOD

01:48:887 (108887|1,108887|0,108998|2,109109|3) - You know you made me laught a bit with this, I mean you timed it perfectly on Mari (normal) diff, but with wrong 1/6 on Kanan (easy) and this diff ahah. So please refer to the Kana difficulty to fix it.

Ok I'll stop the mod here, i think this difficulty needs a lot of work. All those jacks are just non sense try being more imaginative with LN and single notes. I know its hard to make a 2*+ on this song but full jack is not a solution. I'm not saying you should give up all the map, start with what you have an try removing some part, emphaze the melody with LN or single note etc Sometime it just needs some variation to make a repetitive pattern fun to play
Topic Starter

Another Lie wrote:

Udah tau tempat gw tutup pas lu request, gitu masih request -_-
00:08:222 (8222|1) - pindah ke col 3, ngikut suara 00:05:555 (5555|0,5555|2,5555|3) -
01:49:109 (109109|3) - suara asli notenya bukan disitu, tapi disini 01:49:095 - 1/16 snap
gw ga berharap lebih dari map 4k, piano lebih enak 7k buat perbedaan nya
Eh iyakah ? sorry gwa gak tau :"v
Thanks yak modnya :"v

Moku_Hazushi wrote:

(From queue request)
Ok there is a lot of thing to say on this map and this mod.
First don't be afraid of the huge Kanan mod, its just because i wanted to show you how to put some hitsounds (necessary if you want to make this ranked). Then both Kanan and Mari difficulties are not perfect but in a good way. But i think you should review seriously the Friendship difficulty.

I like the song anyway so I really enjoyed doing this mod and I hope it will help you :)

Legend is 0|1|2|3


The timings are good but you should move the one at 00:58:221 to 00:55:555 since the 4/4 really restarts here

Except that there are enough difficulties to be ranked so lets mod :)

Maps should use hitsound but since the song is a solo piano you can go with real few hitsounds at the key point, i'll show you in the mods where.
For all the hitsounds you should keep with the same volume and the soft set, we will mostly play with the whistle sound (in the soft set it sounds like a cute christmas bell and maybe some finish) - So dont be afraid is the modding is quite long ahah :p


00:00:222 (222|2) - Add a whistle here

00:02:555 (2555|1) - At 2

00:02:888 (2888|3) - Whistle
00:05:555 (5555|3) - Whistle

00:07:555 (7555|0) - At 3, you're always finish those part with a right to left pattern so lets do a left to right this time

00:08:222 (8222|3) - Whistle~

00:08:555 (8555|1,8888|2,9222|3) - CTRL+H this and 00:09:555 (9555|0) - at 3

00:10:888 (10888|2) - Whistle (i think you're starting to get where to put them xD)
00:13:555 (13555|3) - Whistle
00:16:222 (16222|3) - Whistle :3

00:18:222 (18222|0) - At 3, careful i think you have a tendency to make your patterns mostly on the left side

00:18:888 (18888|3) - Whistle owo)b

00:24:555 (24555|2) - At 1 so you have that one row jump as you did before

00:26:888 (26888|3) - Id make it an LN until 00:29:555

00:30:888 (30888|1) - Maybe an LN until the next notes

00:31:555 (31555|2) - At first i thought of a finish here, by the cymbals is too aggressive for this music, either you can find a more soft cymbals ore go for a whistle for now

00:38:888 (38888|2) - Same remark as 00:30:888

00:39:555 (39555|1) - Whistle

00:48:888 (48888|2) - Same as 00:30:888

00:49:555 (49555|3) - Whistle
00:53:555 (53555|2) - Whistle

00:56:221 (56221|1) - At 2 to contrast we all the previous stairs

01:00:887 (60887|1) - Whistle
01:03:554 (63554|2) - Whistle again~

01:09:554 (69554|2) - Same as 00:30:888 Would expect an LN

01:20:221 (80221|2) - Yeah again LN, in fact there is no LN in your map and thats too bad

01:28:887 (88887|2,89554|3,90221|2) - Whistles

01:32:887 (92887|3) - Again a finish would be better but to aggressive so whistle before having something better i guess

01:36:887 (96887|3,97553|3) - Merge those 2 in one LN

01:37:553 (97553|1) - This on LN until the next notes

01:38:220 (98220|3) - Whistle

Here is i think how you should do the part at 01:32:887 (92887|3)

01:43:553 (103553|0) - Whistle

01:45:553 (105553|3,105553|1) - Put one LN until next note + whistle

01:48:998 (108998|2,109109|3) - Those two are too late, you should put them on 1/8 like this :

01:59:553 (119553|3) - Whistle

02:03:553 (123553|1) - This has to be an LN until 02:03:553 (123553|1) i think, the break is way too long for a mania map

All the basics are here but you can still improve this difficulty, the kiai is interesting but you should add LN sometimes


For this difficulty and the next one I'll let you figure out how to place the hitsounds, i think you get a rough idea of how to do it witht he easy difficulty

00:08:222 (8222|3) - At 0

00:14:888 (14888|3) - Why keeping the LN on 0 and 3 ? I would have expected this one on 2 (but i know it means remapping lot of stuff)

00:16:222 (16222|0,17555|3,18888|0,20222|3) - Same comment, I think you should try adding some variations in those LN and not just sticking to 0 and 3

At 00:54:888 I would go for the following pattern for 2 reasons : First it avoids some not wanted jacks and then as you may know on a piano keys from the left to right are low to high pitch and so this follow the piano too so why not

01:15:554 (75554|0) - I was surprised there were no LN here since you inssisted on the LN before, but its ok you can leave like that or add LN as you feel

01:44:887 - Just a small variation i suggest :

01:59:887 (119887|0) - I would put it at 1 'cause jack after LN are fun (i think) but that means remapping the following stair

02:03:553 (123553|1) - You can make it more longer

This time you used plenty of LNs ahahaha, ok the kiai is really great, but there are some pattern at the beginning i must say i dont really like but since its going with the song its alright. Good job overall owo)b


00:26:888 - All before that, I dont think this is a relevant way to map it with only jacks. I know you're trying to add some difficulties but it seems like a bit overmapping here. My suggestions would be to insert to single LN inspired by the Mari difficulty and avoid double on red beat.

From 00:49:555 to 00:58:221 - Same you are loosing the actual piano melody by just inserting jack one after another, you can try the emphasize the melody by inserting LN. Typically going for something like this : (at 00:50:221)

01:32:887 - Another trip on the jack train~

01:36:887 (96887|2,96887|3,96887|0,97220|2,97220|1,97553|1,97553|0,98220|3,98220|1,98220|2) - YES THIS IS GOOD

01:48:887 (108887|1,108887|0,108998|2,109109|3) - You know you made me laught a bit with this, I mean you timed it perfectly on Mari (normal) diff, but with wrong 1/6 on Kanan (easy) and this diff ahah. So please refer to the Kana difficulty to fix it.

Ok I'll stop the mod here, i think this difficulty needs a lot of work. All those jacks are just non sense try being more imaginative with LN and single notes. I know its hard to make a 2*+ on this song but full jack is not a solution. I'm not saying you should give up all the map, start with what you have an try removing some part, emphaze the melody with LN or single note etc Sometime it just needs some variation to make a repetitive pattern fun to play
Ahh thank you very much xD that's all are helpful, now I'm gonna try hard to fix Friendship diff xD
Hi! o/ Mod requested from queue

You can remove the tags "love live! Sunshine!!", "kanan", "mari", "FadillSan", "determination", and the artist name, since it would only be redundant.


  • 01:34:887 (94887|0,94887|3,95220|1,95220|2) - I would prefer for these doubles to be singles only. Pattern suggestion:, since you only did singles at 01:40:220 (100220|0,100553|1) , which has the same intensity.
    01:52:887 (112887|2) - I would prefer to remove this note.
    02:15:553 (135553|2) - remove
  • 00:11:888 (11888|3) - Kindly move to [2]
    00:13:222 (13222|1) - move to [3]
    00:14:555 (14555|2) - move to [2], and consequently move 00:14:888 (14888|1) to [4]
    00:19:888 (19888|2) - move to [1], and consequently move 00:20:222 (20222|0) to [4] and move 00:20:555 (20555|3) to [1]
    The reason I wanted you to move those notes is to avoid 1/2 stacks in a normal diff. You can introduce it in the last diff.
    00:31:555 (31555|2,31555|3,31555|0) - Frankly, im not a fan of having three simultaneous LNs in a normal diff, would prefer to remove one LN here.
    00:33:555 (33555|2,33555|1,33555|0) - ^. You can leave the three LNs at the last diff.
    00:35:555 (35555|3,35555|1,35555|0) - ^, basically, remove one LN at the three-LN sections.
    00:56:888 (56888|2,56888|3,56888|1) - should only be a double
    01:19:554 (79554|3,79554|2,79554|0) - should only be a double, since you did the same at 01:20:887 (80887|3,80887|0) which has the same sound intensity.
    01:35:553 (95553|0,95553|3,95553|2) - should only be a double.
    01:40:887 (100887|2,100887|0,100887|3) - ^
    02:15:553 (135553|3,135553|0,135553|2) - ^
  • Check AiMod:
    00:00:555 (555|1,555|0,888|2,888|0,1222|2,1222|1,1555|1,1555|0,1888|2,1888|0,2222|1,2222|0,2555|2,2555|0) - I think these notes should only be singles, should be the same for the next sections ahead. Only the big white lines should have triples.
    00:21:555 (21555|1,21555|3,21555|0,21888|2,21888|0,21888|1,22222|2,22222|3,22222|0,22555|1,22555|2,22555|0,22888|1,22888|0,22888|3,23222|1,23222|2,23222|3) - I think you should reduce the use of single notes in sections like this. The music does not even suggest for notes to be this shield-y. Pattern suggestion: this should also be applied to the sections ahead.
Okay I think that would be it for my mod. Hope it helped uwu. This mapset needs a lot of re-working imo because of the stacks and anchors, especially those sections I didn't mention at the last diff. Good luck!!
Topic Starter

JztCallMeRon wrote:

Hi! o/ Mod requested from queue

You can remove the tags "love live! Sunshine!!", "kanan", "mari", "FadillSan", "determination", and the artist name, since it would only be redundant.


  • 01:34:887 (94887|0,94887|3,95220|1,95220|2) - I would prefer for these doubles to be singles only. Pattern suggestion:, since you only did singles at 01:40:220 (100220|0,100553|1) , which has the same intensity.
    01:52:887 (112887|2) - I would prefer to remove this note.
    02:15:553 (135553|2) - remove
  • 00:11:888 (11888|3) - Kindly move to [2]
    00:13:222 (13222|1) - move to [3]
    00:14:555 (14555|2) - move to [2], and consequently move 00:14:888 (14888|1) to [4]
    00:19:888 (19888|2) - move to [1], and consequently move 00:20:222 (20222|0) to [4] and move 00:20:555 (20555|3) to [1]
    The reason I wanted you to move those notes is to avoid 1/2 stacks in a normal diff. You can introduce it in the last diff.
    00:31:555 (31555|2,31555|3,31555|0) - Frankly, im not a fan of having three simultaneous LNs in a normal diff, would prefer to remove one LN here.
    00:33:555 (33555|2,33555|1,33555|0) - ^. You can leave the three LNs at the last diff.
    00:35:555 (35555|3,35555|1,35555|0) - ^, basically, remove one LN at the three-LN sections.
    00:56:888 (56888|2,56888|3,56888|1) - should only be a double
    01:19:554 (79554|3,79554|2,79554|0) - should only be a double, since you did the same at 01:20:887 (80887|3,80887|0) which has the same sound intensity.
    01:35:553 (95553|0,95553|3,95553|2) - should only be a double.
    01:40:887 (100887|2,100887|0,100887|3) - ^
    02:15:553 (135553|3,135553|0,135553|2) - ^
  • Check AiMod:
    00:00:555 (555|1,555|0,888|2,888|0,1222|2,1222|1,1555|1,1555|0,1888|2,1888|0,2222|1,2222|0,2555|2,2555|0) - I think these notes should only be singles, should be the same for the next sections ahead. Only the big white lines should have triples.
    00:21:555 (21555|1,21555|3,21555|0,21888|2,21888|0,21888|1,22222|2,22222|3,22222|0,22555|1,22555|2,22555|0,22888|1,22888|0,22888|3,23222|1,23222|2,23222|3) - I think you should reduce the use of single notes in sections like this. The music does not even suggest for notes to be this shield-y. Pattern suggestion: this should also be applied to the sections ahead.
Okay I think that would be it for my mod. Hope it helped uwu. This mapset needs a lot of re-working imo because of the stacks and anchors, especially those sections I didn't mention at the last diff. Good luck!!
Aww Thanks for your mod uwu.
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