
Ito Kanako - Glass no Kutsu

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017年5月4日 at 0:50:52

Artist: Ito Kanako
Title: Glass no Kutsu
Source: 沙耶の唄
Tags: Saya no Uta Song of Saya Shoes of the Glass garasu
BPM: 154
Filesize: 8972kb
Play Time: 05:11
Difficulties Available:
  1. Saya (4.18 stars, 837 notes)
Download: Ito Kanako - Glass no Kutsu
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Song of Saya
btw are you meme'ing me for those "<3<3 have sex, senpai noticed me etc etc"
Topic Starter
im memeing

U had to say other line dummie :(
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via discord


  1. from 00:00:971 - to 00:16:166 - 、初っ端から飛ばしすぎ、tbh。Kiai優先でもっと抑えた方が良いかと。
    00:11:686 (5,6,7) - とか 00:14:803 (4,5,6) - とか
  2. 01:01:751 (1,2,3) - 二等辺三角形に。01:00:972 (1,2,3) - を踏まえて。
  3. 01:17:554 (1,2,3,4,5) - vs 01:18:512 (6,7,1) - 、シンバル等の音を踏まえて後者の方が強くあるべきだと思うのですがどうでしょう?
  4. first, second Kiaiについて。 diff全体を通してKiaiごとに段々盛り上げたいという意思は強く感じるのですが、KiaiはKiaiとして、もっと強調されるべきかと。要するにもっと大胆なジャンプが欲しい。
  5. 01:49:090 (2,3,4,2) - stackのアレでほんのちょっとぶつかってるので調整。
  6. 02:08:555 (3) - 自分ならdrumに忠実にdeleteして前後の配置を変えます。
  7. 03:19:285 (2,3,1,2) - めっちゃ好きなんだけど飛ばしすぎな印象。これならばfirst,second Kiaiの段階でもう少しバランスを取るか、こちらをnerfするかかなと。
  8. 03:21:603 (3) - このシンバルを目立たせてあげたい。一例としては、03:21:798 (4) - のdeleteにより03:21:603 (3,5) - を1/1stackにしてしまい、(2)からのdistanceをもう少し取るという手。
  9. 04:31:344 (3,4,5) - この三角形配置を04:30:954 - からスタートさせて、04:32:123 - から別のパターンに切り替える。これによりシンバルの強調・小節の境目のアピールができ、プレイしてて安心感が生まれます。
  10. 04:40:695 (1,2,3,4) - 同系反復なのは理解しつつの提案。03:19:285 (2,3,1,2) - と類似したパターンが出てきていないので、ここが良いポイントなのではないかと。理由は04:40:695 (1,3) - に存在する強いfinish音。
  1. sampleset:drum additions:soft
    00:16:556 - 00:27:855 - 00:28:049 - 00:29:023 - 00:38:374 - 00:41:491 - 00:44:608 -
    01:04:478 - 01:04:673 -
  2. 00:37:595 (1) - add whistle? 急に3拍目のhitsoundがなくなったのでそれなりに違和感。曲を忠実に再現しようという気持ちはわかりますが……。
  3. 01:15:777 (1) - add clap
  4. 03:00:970 - remove clap
  5. 03:19:477 (3) - add clap. 曲のfollowとついでにジャンプの強調
  6. 03:56:540 - ~ 03:57:709 - 順に、
    clap / clap, clap, clap / clap, clap, drum-clap / drum-clap, drum-finish, drum-finish
  7. 04:34:850 (2) - stack配置に合わせてadd whistleはいかが
以上です! 基本的に好きなデザインをしているので、序盤やKiaiの緩急を見直せばすごく自分好みになると思います。
good luck o/~
Topic Starter

thzz wrote:

via discord


  1. from 00:00:971 - to 00:16:166 - 、初っ端から飛ばしすぎ、tbh。Kiai優先でもっと抑えた方が良いかと。
    00:11:686 (5,6,7) - とか 00:14:803 (4,5,6) - とか 00:11:881 (6) - ここだけ変えました SVを変更しない方が譜面と曲が合うと判断したのでSVは変更していません。他に音取り、配置は特に問題無いと思うのでひとまずこのままで。
  2. 01:01:751 (1,2,3) - 二等辺三角形に。01:00:972 (1,2,3) - を踏まえて。多分変更できました
  3. 01:17:554 (1,2,3,4,5) - vs 01:18:512 (6,7,1) - 、シンバル等の音を踏まえて後者の方が強くあるべきだと思うのですがどうでしょう?今のマッピングメタですとそうなるんでしょうけど、それによって配置を犠牲にしたら元も子も無いというのが自分の意見です。なにはともあれ、01:18:704 (7) - もジャンプさせました。
  4. first, second Kiaiについて。 diff全体を通してKiaiごとに段々盛り上げたいという意思は強く感じるのですが、KiaiはKiaiとして、もっと強調されるべきかと。要するにもっと大胆なジャンプが欲しい。ちょっと何回かテストプレイして調整してみます!
  5. 01:49:090 (2,3,4,2) - stackのアレでほんのちょっとぶつかってるので調整。ok
  6. 02:08:555 (3) - 自分ならdrumに忠実にdeleteして前後の配置を変えます。今のままがプレイしてて面白いのでこのままで行きます、overmapなのは理解した上で。
  7. 03:19:285 (2,3,1,2) - めっちゃ好きなんだけど飛ばしすぎな印象。これならばfirst,second Kiaiの段階でもう少しバランスを取るか、こちらをnerfするかかなと。first kiaiは普通に配置して、second kiaiはAIM面、third kiaiはリズム(連打)面で偏らせる構成にしようと思いこうなりました。もしかしたらここはちょっと簡単にするかもしれません。
  8. 03:21:603 (3) - このシンバルを目立たせてあげたい。一例としては、03:21:798 (4) - のdeleteにより03:21:603 (3,5) - を1/1stackにしてしまい、(2)からのdistanceをもう少し取るという手。中々良いアイディアだとは思いますが、ここで1/1で一度ストップさせてしまうと03:26:674 (1,2,3) - までの流れが変わってしまい、自分の思うような構図では無くなってしまうのでキープさせていただきます。
  9. 04:31:344 (3,4,5) - この三角形配置を04:30:954 - からスタートさせて、04:32:123 - から別のパターンに切り替える。これによりシンバルの強調・小節の境目のアピールができ、プレイしてて安心感が生まれます。少し違うコンセプトの配置に変えてみました!
  10. 04:40:695 (1,2,3,4) - 同系反復なのは理解しつつの提案。03:19:285 (2,3,1,2) - と類似したパターンが出てきていないので、ここが良いポイントなのではないかと。理由は04:40:695 (1,3) - に存在する強いfinish音。このままがいいです、というのもあえて一つの譜面で同じ配置を何度も、意識的に置くのは好きじゃないので。finish音も、配置こそ同じですが流れの勢いで強調するには十分かと思われます。
  1. sampleset:drum additions:soft
    00:16:556 - 00:27:855 - 00:28:049 - 00:29:023 - 00:38:374 - 00:41:491 - 00:44:608 -
    01:04:478 - 01:04:673 -
    finishがすでに付いている箇所のdrum sampleですが、そもそも裏の音が違うのと、それをfinishで差別化したかったので今のままにします。その他諸々は変えました!つけるかどうか迷っていたので助かりました。
  2. 00:37:595 (1) - add whistle? 急に3拍目のhitsoundがなくなったのでそれなりに違和感。曲を忠実に再現しようという気持ちはわかりますが……。 曲に合わせるにしてもwhistle付けるべきでしたね、忘れてました ;
  3. 01:15:777 (1) - add clap
  4. 03:00:970 - remove clap
  5. 03:19:477 (3) - add clap. 曲のfollowとついでにジャンプの強調
  6. 03:56:540 - ~ 03:57:709 - 順に、
    clap / clap, clap, clap / clap, clap, drum-clap / drum-clap, drum-finish, drum-finish
  7. 04:34:850 (2) - stack配置に合わせてadd whistleはいかが 忘れてました
以上です! 基本的に好きなデザインをしているので、序盤やKiaiの緩急を見直せばすごく自分好みになると思います。
good luck o/~
書いてない部分は直してます~modありがとうございました ^0^
mod as req
01:59:439 - the volume here is different cause the red line is 70 but the green line is 10
blanket like is a problem,
if you tend to blanket it , we can just make it better like
if you NC like this 00:34:478 (1,2,1,2) - , plz keep it when it is 00:37:595 (1,2,3,4) -
01:31:168 (4) - stack here may be a bad feedback while playing so advice to move it at (264,336)
01:39:934 (6,1) - it is unrankable if a repeat of slider was hidden by other notes
the structure of jump and NC ought to be more clearly for understanding imo.....deeply recommend to have a look at Kencho's MAP, he is pro at structure
GL :)
From Queue

That timing and sliderslide

Major Issue
Major Suggestion
Minor Suggestion


thzz wrote:

something like [Blossom] (yep a cliché one) would be at least better as a diff name than [Hard] as a marathon diff maybe

Ignore this for you've had a re-timing

  1. I would recommend using 4/4 in (almost) every single time signature cuz the song itself is 4/4 (tho having floating tempo)
  2. 02:07:802 (2,3,4) - the snap is slightly off
  3. 03:54:731 - +uninherited section (correcting time signature) with same bpm and using 4/4.
  4. 04:02:548 - ^
  5. 04:05:620 - ^
  6. 04:07:183 - ^

  1. 00:02:140 (2,3,4) - apparent blanket issue
  2. 00:34:088 (8) - it is kinda difficult to explain the flow break here and put it to somewhere like (19, 271) would be better imo
  3. 00:52:400 (5) - not that sure that you were forgetting nc
  4. 01:00:192 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 1) since you were not following vocal (like you've done before) and a increasing distance jump would be a little bit weird for being overemphasized 2) seems that there is no elements that becoming stronger in the music
  5. 01:08:374 (2,3) - when they representing same element in the music a back and forth jump would be little bit unfit
  6. 01:17:554 (1,2,3) - I would recommend not overlapping 1 and 2/3, for 1) They do not have exactly same time gap, while that tiny difference is extremely hard to distinguish from player perspective 2) You've already had 01:16:418 (2,3,4) which have same gap between 1-2 and 2-3 and 3) They have different hitsound also invalid in new version
  7. 02:08:764 - instead nc-ing at 02:09:738 (1) it would be a better location to do so imo
  8. 02:28:828 (1,2,3) - flow
  9. 02:57:075 (3,4) - ds inconsistent with 02:55:517 (1,2) (also failed to see any reason to do so from my perspective)
  10. 03:53:554 (8,9) - I guess since you are following the guitar it would be better to overlap these; while 03:53:957 (1,2) should not be overlapped and should using slider (consistent with 03:54:344 (3,4,5,6,7))
  11. 04:36:794 (1,2) - these circles breaks the rhythm pattern that you've established in this section
  12. 04:47:807 (1) - the length of this spinner seems reasonable in no circumstance. recommending following that guitar via very low sv.
+star good luck on this :)
00:12:855 (9) - 00:41:881 (1,3) - 01:23:959 (7) - 03:01:361 (1) - 03:28:634 (5) - 04:25:516 (5) - aren't bezier

Topic Starter
Thank you for pointing out the main problems. Ready for Bubble now : )
yo hope my mod helps you out, gl with the map

00:30:582 (1,2) - random concept introduced and never used again, 00:39:933 (1,2,3) - this measure would use the same concept in my mind.

01:00:192 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - i dont agree that this is optimal, for example youre supposedly doing this to highlight the vocals but 01:01:751 (1,2,3) - these are different and even though they are represented well with circles it shouldnt use the exact same concept when the song changes
01:06:231 (1,2) - i havent really paid attention to your nc logic but these should definitely be swapped
01:16:410 - pretty sure this is 1/8, which could just be mapped with something like

01:54:738 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - doesn't make much sense to be represented with relatively equal spaced 1/2s besides the jump on 01:55:322 (1) - a weak sound? also dont get the ncs either.
02:08:569 (3) - delete this
02:21:816 (2,1,2,1,2) - i get your following vocals here but 02:22:790 (1) - should really be a slider as the 1/2s arent supported imo

02:38:959 (4) - this sound should probably be undermapped
02:39:153 (1,1) - would do better as 1/2 sliders, theres also a 02:39:835 - triple here if you still want a denser rhythm thats more supported imo.

01:30:192 (1,2,1,2) - 03:13:049 (3,4) - should use the same rhythm
Topic Starter

kanor wrote:

mod as req
01:59:439 - the volume here is different cause the red line is 70 but the green line is 10 oops, fixed with new timings!
blanket like is a problem, I never meant to do blanket things so nothing is wrong.
if you tend to blanket it , we can just make it better like
if you NC like this 00:34:478 (1,2,1,2) - , plz keep it when it is 00:37:595 (1,2,3,4) - a square doesn't need 2-2 new combos.
01:31:168 (4) - stack here may be a bad feedback while playing so advice to move it at (264,336) that sounds nice but I prefer mine :c
01:39:934 (6,1) - it is unrankable if a repeat of slider was hidden by other notes no... even in old ranking rules reverse points must not covered by 300, not hit-object. plus the rule isn't available anymore iirc
the structure of jump and NC ought to be more clearly for understanding imo.....deeply recommend to have a look at Kencho's MAP, he is pro at structure lol no thanks
GL :)

Curisu wrote:

From Queue

That timing and sliderslide

Major Issue
Major Suggestion
Minor Suggestion


thzz wrote:

something like [Blossom] (yep a cliché one) would be at least better as a diff name than [Hard] as a marathon diff maybe I know right, just wait for me to finish the game first! (I've only done one ending atm) and I want something which is the first latter is S because the OST of Saya no Uta only contains the songs that the title starts at S. which means this song in translation is Shoes of Glass.

  1. I would recommend using 4/4 in (almost) every single time signature cuz the song itself is 4/4 (tho having floating tempo)
  2. 02:07:802 (2,3,4) - the snap is slightly off
  3. 03:54:731 - +uninherited section (correcting time signature) with same bpm and using 4/4.
  4. 04:02:548 - ^
  5. 04:05:620 - ^
  6. 04:07:183 - ^
I got new timings by Bonsai so let's see!

  1. 00:02:140 (2,3,4) - apparent blanket issue fixed if I understand it correctly lol
  2. 00:34:088 (8) - it is kinda difficult to explain the flow break here and put it to somewhere like (19, 271) would be better imo I prefer how it flows into the jump :'(
  3. 00:52:400 (5) - not that sure that you were forgetting nc I didn't put a new combo after two 1/1s or more came!
  4. 01:00:192 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 1) since you were not following vocal (like you've done before) and a increasing distance jump would be a little bit weird for being overemphasized 2) seems that there is no elements that becoming stronger in the music hehe this is kinda for fun, well let's see what people think here!
  5. 01:08:374 (2,3) - when they representing same element in the music a back and forth jump would be little bit unfit ya you're right
  6. 01:17:554 (1,2,3) - I would recommend not overlapping 1 and 2/3, for 1) They do not have exactly same time gap, while that tiny difference is extremely hard to distinguish from player perspective 2) You've already had 01:16:418 (2,3,4) which have same gap between 1-2 and 2-3 and 3) They have different hitsound well timing issue is solved and I prefer stacked triplet here as I can't think of anything else for the pattern here.
  7. 02:08:764 - instead nc-ing at 02:09:738 (1) it would be a better location to do so imo I don't want to ruin the square plus I don't always feel like ncs on stacked objects.
  8. 02:28:828 (1,2,3) - flow circular flow is indeed better though I like my flow better ;-;
  9. 02:57:075 (3,4) - ds inconsistent with 02:55:517 (1,2) (also failed to see any reason to do so from my perspective) because 02:58:244 (4) - has different sounds in music? while I forgot to put a soft finish here lol
  10. 03:53:554 (8,9) - I guess since you are following the guitar it would be better to overlap these; while 03:53:957 (1,2) should not be overlapped and should using slider (consistent with 03:54:344 (3,4,5,6,7)) to be honest the consistency doesn't really matter here as my pattern somehow would get weird. made them stacked though~
  11. 04:36:794 (1,2) - these circles breaks the rhythm pattern that you've established in this section ehh why
  12. 04:47:807 (1) - the length of this spinner seems reasonable in no circumstance. recommending following that guitar via very low sv. at least kyubey approved this happy30 spinner! well I was thinking of mapping the section but it would play boring as the music is very relaxing -w-
good luck on this :)

ikorza wrote:

yo hope my mod helps you out, gl with the map

00:30:582 (1,2) - random concept introduced and never used again, 00:39:933 (1,2,3) - this measure would use the same concept in my mind. I don't wanna use only particular patterns in the whole map

01:00:192 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - i dont agree that this is optimal, for example youre supposedly doing this to highlight the vocals but 01:01:751 (1,2,3) - these are different and even though they are represented well with circles it shouldnt use the exact same concept when the song changes it's fun having a different pattern in playing plus it still follows the guitar and drums, I don't really find it a problem.
01:06:231 (1,2) - i havent really paid attention to your nc logic but these should definitely be swapped well I don't mind to change it
01:16:410 - pretty sure this is 1/8, which could just be mapped with something like I'd like to go as is, as the triplet in 1/4 still fits to the sound in music no need to make it dull.

01:54:738 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - doesn't make much sense to be represented with relatively equal spaced 1/2s besides the jump on 01:55:322 (1) - a weak sound? also dont get the ncs either. kinda ran out of patterns here :/ plays not really considerable problem tho
02:08:569 (3) - delete this no. I overmapped it because it makes playing much better.
02:21:816 (2,1,2,1,2) - i get your following vocals here but 02:22:790 (1) - should really be a slider as the 1/2s arent supported imo in play-wise it's fine as is

02:38:959 (4) - this sound should probably be undermapped not really
02:39:153 (1,1) - would do better as 1/2 sliders, theres also a 02:39:835 - triple here if you still want a denser rhythm thats more supported imo. I can't agree with this ;-; and I don't really get how it's denser, the sound is too weak to put another circle..

01:30:192 (1,2,1,2) - 03:13:049 (3,4) - should use the same rhythm why?

Thanks for the mods guys!!



00:03:894 (9) - can stack on 00:02:920 (7) - head and fix blanket also if u do space this little more 00:04:088 (1) -
00:10:517 (2,5) - stack
00:17:335 (4,5) - idk why these blankets look too unpolished
00:30:582 (1,2,3) - at least try smth like
00:50:257 (1,2,3) - try move things and create this shape for cleaner and more neat pattern
01:06:231 (8) - no reason to make such sharp move so move to somewhere x230 y320 no reason
01:25:517 (4,7) - the way these touch is no pretty ;w;
02:08:764 (4) - nc should be on downbeat
02:20:647 (2) - at least stack the tail with this tail 02:19:673 (6) - and maybe blanket 02:20:452 (1,2) -
03:00:322 - idont hear any drum beat here i think a slider from downbeat to 03:00:452 - will fit more this repeat seem over mapped
04:47:140 (2,4) - can control 2 these if u want break that circle flow for more emphasize the drum
04:47:821 (1) - holy o_o thats pretty long i dont think the outro needs a spinner at all xd
01:17:335 (7) - the nc should be here
01:22:010 (2) - ^ well just stayy consistent on downbeats i guess after each 2 downbeat nc

could use few polishing and its fine k gl bye.
o this hitsoudning is sex
Hello mr no kiai

  1. 01:04:868 (5) - NC?
  2. 01:15:777 - you can arrange your NCs like this to follow those breaks
  3. 03:39:153 - putting kiai fountain here could be cool
  4. 03:51:562 - don't really like that sudden switch to soft sampleset
  5. 04:11:880 (5) - NC?
  6. 04:19:672 (4) - ^
00:21 Delis: hey there
00:21 Len: hey
00:21 Len: play csgo?
00:21 Delis: ya
00:21 Len: ?????????
00:21 Delis: I can noscope you
00:22 Len: im deranking now
00:22 Delis: then play overwatch maybe
00:23 Len: btw
00:23 Len: is real
00:23 Len: whats up
00:23 Delis: hm
00:23 Delis: do you mod maps
00:24 Len: glass no kutsu
00:24 Len: ?
00:24 Delis: yes
00:25 Delis: brb I need to kill people on minecraft
00:25 Len: ftb mod pack
00:26 Len: is best
00:26 Delis: wtf is that
00:26 Delis: gonna google later too
00:26 Len: what do you play
00:26 Len: mod
00:26 Len: no mod?
00:26 Delis: ya with no mods
00:26 Len: i recommend you direworf20 or infinity revolution
00:26 Delis: i actually don't play minecraft now
00:27 Len: maji
00:27 Delis: true maji
00:28 Len: btw
00:28 Len: uta ga
00:28 Len: totemo shizuka desune
00:29 Delis: yes
00:29 Len: son
00:29 Len: tame
00:29 Len: sonotame
00:30 Len: ni
00:30 Delis: league of son
00:30 Len: mod shinikui desu
00:30 Delis: T o T
00:32 Len: shiakshi
00:33 Len: iken no ikutsu
00:33 Len: kurai wa
00:33 Len: daijoubuka
00:33 Len: mo shiranaiyo
00:33 Len: (?
00:33 Len: zz
00:33 Delis: what are you talking about rofl
00:33 *Len is editing [ Ito Kanako - Glass no Kutsu [Saya]]
00:34 Delis: o yea
00:34 Delis: what do you mean on "mo shiranaiyo" part
00:34 Len: idk
00:35 Len: zzzzzzz
00:35 Delis: lmao
00:35 Delis: great japanish
00:35 Len: 01:17:335 (7,1) -
00:35 Len: swap nc is better imo
00:35 Delis: wait
00:35 Delis: playing league of lego rn
00:35 Len: =w=
00:36 Len: kill namazun
00:36 Len: kill kshr
00:36 Delis: wtf
00:36 Delis: he has removed me lol
00:36 Len: kill zerua
00:36 Len: kill cilveryu
00:37 Len: 01:18:114 (5,6) -
00:37 Len: a bit confused
00:38 Len: i thought it was 1/2 gaps since you added 01:17:725 (3,4,5) - before
00:39 Len: 01:30:972 (3,4) - ....
00:40 Delis: I did nc thing because I really dislike how the circle looks like when it's stacked with circles
00:40 Delis: probably agreed with the second suggestion
00:40 Delis: maybe gonna stack them or a 1/2 slider on (4)
00:43 Len: 03:20:062 (1,2) -
00:43 Len: suddenly decrease the ds will make it awkward imo
00:46 Len: 03:44:608 (1,2,1,2) - i recommend that change to 2 of 1/2 slider
00:47 Len: 03:54:347 (3) - 2 note ?
00:49 Delis: sorry I'll take a look after finished this game ;-;
00:49 Len: enjoy
00:50 Len: then thats all!
00:52 Delis: "ENJOY"
00:52 Delis: :vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
00:54 Delis: 03:20:062 (1,2) - it's due to the drum changes, increased slight spacing >.>
00:55 Delis: o wait the game isn't ended yet
00:56 Len: /surrender
00:58 Delis: do you mind me changing only 03:44:997 (1,2) - to a 1/2 slider?
00:58 Delis: since 03:44:608 (1,2) - have no pitch changes on the guitar
00:59 Len: up to you!
01:01 Delis: 03:53:958 (1,2) - I'd kinda prefer this circles as is, I love how the sliders flow and play with the slider spamming after circles
01:03 Delis: now you should post the log lol
Topic Starter

Lilyanna wrote:




00:03:894 (9) - can stack on 00:02:920 (7) - head and fix blanket also if u do space this little more 00:04:088 (1) - flows worse :c
00:10:517 (2,5) - stack k
00:17:335 (4,5) - idk why these blankets look too unpolished I neither do
00:30:582 (1,2,3) - at least try smth like nope
00:50:257 (1,2,3) - try move things and create this shape for cleaner and more neat pattern no thank
01:06:231 (8) - no reason to make such sharp move so move to somewhere x230 y320 no reason mine plays completely better as it's usually fun more than nothing.
01:25:517 (4,7) - the way these touch is no pretty ;w; nobody cares in playing, the distance will be strange if I do
02:08:764 (4) - nc should be on downbeat nah, I prefer not having a nc on stacked object
02:20:647 (2) - at least stack the tail with this tail 02:19:673 (6) - and maybe blanket 02:20:452 (1,2) - why?
03:00:322 - idont hear any drum beat here i think a slider from downbeat to 03:00:452 - will fit more this repeat seem over mapped play it at 25% playrate
04:47:140 (2,4) - can control 2 these if u want break that circle flow for more emphasize the drum no, it ruins my pattern
04:47:821 (1) - holy o_o thats pretty long i dont think the outro needs a spinner at all xd it needs
01:17:335 (7) - the nc should be here same reason as newcombo thing
01:22:010 (2) - ^ well just stayy consistent on downbeats i guess after each 2 downbeat nc looks no good

could use few polishing and its fine k gl bye.

Seikatu wrote:

Hello mr no kiai

  1. 01:04:868 (5) - NC? re-arranged some ncs around
  2. 01:15:777 - you can arrange your NCs like this to follow those breaks ugh I dislike putting ncs on stacked circles x.x
  3. 03:39:153 - putting kiai fountain here could be cool indeed cool!
  4. 03:51:562 - don't really like that sudden switch to soft sampleset oh my bad, it happened when I added new timings
  5. 04:11:880 (5) - NC? ya
  6. 04:19:672 (4) - ^ not a fan of it, as I didn't map this pattern a lot in this map >.<
thanks for mods! @Len for an irc mod, and alacat, Curisu and Seikatu for your star!
┏○)) シツレイシマース

  1. 01:07:205 (3) - slideにsampleset Normalを追加しますか?
  2. 01:16:361 (2) - bgmはスネアが鳴っているのでclapのみにしてみませんか?
  3. 01:55:322 (1,2) - whistle?
  4. 02:07:205 (1) - S:C1 finish+clap もしくは sampleset Normal、Additions Soft+finishをお試しください。
沙耶のエメラルドグリーンから狂気のレッドとブルーへ変わるコンボカラーがとても素敵でした :D
Topic Starter
全部直しました!! 譜面一番最後のコンボカラー(四角のところ)も本編ぽくしてみたんだけどちょっと分かりづらいかな・・・orz

rate 1 for sword art online maps thanks
zong of saia best vn OTZ
would vomit more
Topic Starter
someobody rank this please
checked the map and did some irc with the mapper
very clean and standard map
bubbled #1

23:18 Delis: heelo
23:18 Delis: do you like oldschool mapping
23:18 Rizia: like?
23:19 Delis: maps in 2012, or even older
23:19 Rizia: i like that
23:20 Rizia: most of
23:20 Delis: o
23:20 Delis: can you give a testplay on my map then
23:23 Rizia: k
23:23 *Delis is listening to [ Ito Kanako - Glass no Kutsu]
23:25 Delis: this should be some kind of ancient mapping except the dirty pp jumps
23:32 Rizia: that spin
23:32 Rizia: lol
23:32 Delis: haha it's like thanks happy30
23:32 Rizia: haha
23:33 Rizia: btw very standard map
23:34 Delis: ~w~
23:36 Rizia: 03:25:127 (1,2,3,4) - i have question about this why it suddenly turn into low spacing when i was playing
23:38 Delis: I wanted to put this pattern in the map and here it is
23:38 Delis: should I go map a jump instead?
23:38 Rizia: o
23:38 Rizia: its up to you
23:38 Rizia: im just interested
23:39 Rizia: lol
23:39 Rizia: its play good
23:39 Delis: :p adjusted the spacing slightly
23:41 Rizia: k
23:44 Rizia: also 00:37:205 (6) - , i was confused about the stacking xd
23:44 Delis: oh ya
23:44 Delis: gonna unstack then
23:44 Rizia: k
23:45 Rizia: overall the map is perfect for me
23:45 Rizia: i can push it forward if you want!
23:45 Delis: O
23:45 Delis: thank you lol
23:46 Delis: yea why not!
23:47 Rizia: update
23:48 Delis: waaait me may I ask you some points that could be improved
23:48 Delis: such as 00:34:478 (1,2,1,2) -
23:48 Delis: this jump feels weird when I spected you
23:49 Delis: o_O I'm kinda running out of idea
23:49 Rizia: 00:34:868 (1,2,1) - yea it feel a bit weird
23:49 Rizia: on aiming
23:51 Delis: hmm mine on the screenshot works much better
23:52 Delis: and one more thing, 04:27:464 (1) - two circles or a slider which is better?
23:52 Rizia:
23:52 Delis: I actually prefer circles here but the sound at the blue tick is kinda weak :v
23:53 Delis: oh that is the same jump I used there previously lol
23:53 Rizia: i moved a bit
23:53 Rizia: lol
23:53 Delis: I mean, I was using the same pattern before and changed to current one
23:54 Delis: :p
23:54 Rizia: oh
23:54 Rizia: 04:27:464 (1) - slider would be better
23:54 Delis: and I was like hm this is kinda off from my mapping style :thinking:
23:54 Delis: alright
23:55 Rizia: lol
23:55 Delis: updated!
23:56 Delis: I'd choose mine on 00:34:478 (1,2,1,2) -, changed everything else you pointed out
23:56 Rizia: its good
23:56 Delis: :D
23:56 Rizia: k
23:57 Rizia: wait a min, just started a LoL game
23:57 Delis: lool
23:57 Delis: what do you main :D
23:59 Rizia: ad & sup
00:00 Rizia: lol
01:06 Rizia: everything ok?
01:07 Delis: yass
01:07 Rizia: kk
Pro mapper
Topic Starter
thanks famous mappers
made some changes, bubbled #2
2017-04-08 12:59 Garden: 01:00:972 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - mm suddenly undermap?
2017-04-08 13:00 Delis: umm ikr, wanted to do something different so the map will be obvious with the slight music change at 01:03:309 -
2017-04-08 13:00 Delis: well I don't really mind to change xD
2017-04-08 13:02 Delis: like adding circles on the red ticks?
2017-04-08 13:02 Garden: well i dont really mind to keep, just wondering since it feels a bit inconsistent to me
2017-04-08 13:02 Garden: yup
2017-04-08 13:02 Delis: okok gonna map squares :P
2017-04-08 13:02 Garden: 01:01:556 - just this one cuz it sounds quite obvious
2017-04-08 13:03 Garden: 01:02:335 - sounds more optional it makes sense with transition in vocal imo
2017-04-08 13:04 Garden: 01:54:738 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - maybe use same spacing conecpt as 04:46:166 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) -
2017-04-08 13:04 Garden: gradually smaller spacing
2017-04-08 13:05 Garden: in each triangle pattern
2017-04-08 13:06 Garden: 01:53:959 - sounds werid to me it isnt clickable :\
2017-04-08 13:06 Garden: what about just two circleas
2017-04-08 13:07 Garden: like would be a nice reading trick from 1/1 to 1/2 rhythms imo
2017-04-08 13:08 Delis: k finally finished re-placing the first point lol, let me read all of them
2017-04-08 13:08 Garden: okk
2017-04-08 13:10 Delis: good point on 01:54:738 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) -, immediately changed :p
2017-04-08 13:12 Delis: 01:53:179 (1) - I don't really want to map more intense because I still think it's nice to have a break for fingers for the most intense pattern I assume in the part
2017-04-08 13:14 Delis: o wait let me give a try 4 1/1 circles
2017-04-08 13:14 Garden: mainly 1/1 tappings tho.. and 1/1 circle doesn't hurt from my side
2017-04-08 13:15 Garden: 01:53:179 (1) - holds vocal and 01:53:959 - 01:54:348 - sounds more like a single word
2017-04-08 13:15 Delis: haha sorry it's like I wrote the reply before reading all you wrote there
2017-04-08 13:15 Delis: done with 4 circles here
2017-04-08 13:15 Garden: o
2017-04-08 13:16 Garden: 03:53:958 (1,2,3) - stacks don't work well with guitar here imo
2017-04-08 13:16 Garden: what about place 03:54:153 (2) - at 03:55:127 (5) - tail
2017-04-08 13:19 Delis: I want 03:53:958 (1,2) - as it is, for me this currently fits nice
2017-04-08 13:19 Delis: I think unstacking 03:54:347 (3) - could work
2017-04-08 13:20 Garden: hm it's ok to me
2017-04-08 13:21 Delis: yay
2017-04-08 13:21 Garden: 04:27:464 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - rhythm so unintuitive loll
2017-04-08 13:21 Garden: 04:28:049 (1,2,3,4) - i read it as 1/6 on the first try
2017-04-08 13:21 Garden: cuz its 4 notes u know
2017-04-08 13:22 Garden: and spacing looks different from 04:27:756 (2,3) -
2017-04-08 13:22 Garden: so i tap 200+ bpm here haha
2017-04-08 13:24 Delis: lol i somehow suddenly wanted to change the pattern and this is what I got: :thinking:
2017-04-08 13:24 Delis: ah
2017-04-08 13:24 Delis: 300+ bpm on dt then :D
2017-04-08 13:24 Delis: how do i solve it btw
2017-04-08 13:25 Garden: o lets come back to 03:53:568 (8,9,1,2) - first
2017-04-08 13:26 Garden: 03:53:568 (8,9) - i think it's better to keep the stack on this one
2017-04-08 13:26 Garden: 03:53:958 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - sounds different from it
2017-04-08 13:26 Delis: mm kay
2017-04-08 13:27 Garden: just make 03:53:958 (1,2) - different in some way and its k to me
2017-04-08 13:27 Delis: like i want 03:53:958 (1,2) - in lower distance and im kinda running out of patterns lolol
2017-04-08 13:30 Delis: z z
2017-04-08 13:30 Delis: the mapping field is so narrow
2017-04-08 13:31 Garden: lol
2017-04-08 13:31 Garden: that looks ok to me
2017-04-08 13:32 Delis: kk
2017-04-08 13:34 Garden: 04:27:464 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - if u wanna follow the strong notes exactly i cant help much either
2017-04-08 13:35 Garden: 04:28:049 (1,2,3,4) - maybe same spacing as 04:27:756 (3,4) - would help a bit
2017-04-08 13:35 Garden: cuz it really looks like 1/6!
2017-04-08 13:36 Delis: which would you rather like smaller distance or larger
2017-04-08 13:37 Delis: haha sorry I really like even streams xd
2017-04-08 13:38 Delis: hm larger spacing works better for me
2017-04-08 13:38 Garden: ye just similar to 04:27:756 (2,3) -
2017-04-08 13:39 Delis: kk
2017-04-08 13:39 Garden: 04:44:217 (4) - hey u dealt with vocal here differently from 01:34:088 (5,1) -
2017-04-08 13:40 Garden: xdd
2017-04-08 13:40 Delis: maaan
2017-04-08 13:41 Delis: ignorethis because i love inconsistent rhythm aka variety of rhythm
2017-04-08 13:42 Garden: o k
2017-04-08 13:42 Garden: update then
2017-04-08 13:43 Delis: u pp dated!
2017-04-08 13:46 Delis: o
2017-04-08 13:46 Delis: my
2017-04-08 13:46 Delis: wait
2017-04-08 13:46 Delis: a sec
2017-04-08 13:47 Garden: wut
2017-04-08 13:47 Delis: 01:56:296 (3) - this is fucking unstacked lol
2017-04-08 13:47 Delis: I don't care much but people would
2017-04-08 13:47 Delis: let me update only this fix
2017-04-08 13:47 Garden: i don't care either lol
2017-04-08 13:48 Delis: xDd
2017-04-08 13:49 Delis: should be fine now
Topic Starter

rain of irc bubbles

to anyone who would like to qualify this: I have a few of minor pattern changes so let me update them before!
only some minor things:
01:15:777 (1,2,3,4) - looks a bit broken ingame with autostacking :/
01:30:972 (3,4) - feels a bit out of place cause you never use such antijumps for similar things, I think you could just stack it
02:08:569 - feels really unfitting to have a note here, on nothing when surounding things are such strong beats, sliderend or empty would be nice. or at least at some drum hitsound to make it feel more fitting (though other stuff is preferred)
03:16:946 (5) - only curved non-bezier slider in the whole map 👀
also looks a bit off with the others, seems like it should be copy paste of 03:16:166 (3) - ?

nice map, love what you did with the normal sliderslides

do the other things you wanted and poke me for qualify
Topic Starter
01:30:972 (3,4) - I really love how it plays with the drums in music, not stacking them gives me a lot better feeling here. As you said this doesn't really look like my pattern due to this actually is experimental if I could use the pattern with my patterning and it actually did fit here.
02:08:569 - I know your feel, though I think this still is great in playing wise or I'm a retard. Added a drum finish here, should be a lot better now!

done what I didn't mention in this post, thanks a lot!
Wonderful map ♥ That last spinner is brutal though...
Dude please, I die at spinner zzzzzzzz i can't spin 450+ xD
At least u could decrease HP or short spinner, right now it's really awkward to play this spinner properly >:(

anyways, grats!
more love for saya yay
I spent a whole night play the game …… then sleep in class
why so pro
I was playing until the end, and at the end I failed at the spinner because of life drain, and i was spinning about 300, died from full hp, please fix this

Edit: I think the spinner is way too long, just make it short and no one dies
Topic Starter
Thanks friends ^_^
The main problem I have with this beatmap is the last spinner, I physically cannot spin as much as needed, with mouse or tablet, even with full meter...
Kudos ~
wha super :O nice map and .... saya <3
How is last spinner approved?
At least warn users
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