
Introduction after 12 months of registeration

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Hello everyone, I'm Izamaki. You can call me -Nasakawa- or -Sakanoue-.

I live in Singapore and started osu last year.

I found this game from Cookiezi or Random searches.

I currently have no goal other than having fun

You can add me if you want.

I'm 16 and can rarely play this game since i have exams coming soon but idc about it

I'm a tablet or mouse user/ Idk?

That's everything about me so thanks for reading

Yes. I like anime
Sandy Hoey
Welcome to the forums! Good luck on your exams :)
There are people who joined years ago and still haven't posted here, so no worries lol. Welcome to the forums.
Yo waddup.
Sup welcome to the forums :D
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