
Hatsune Miku - Kyokou no Tsukiyo

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-w- / ~
:o 用錯帳號了..照樣給星星 ;)
star 8-)

irc log if needed:
21:14 <Lan wings> : 你好O.O
21:14 <loveFantasy> : 你好
21:14 <Lan wings> : 请问有空么?
21:15 <loveFantasy> : 請問什麼事?
21:15 <Lan wings> : 我求MOD的O.O
21:15 <loveFantasy> : 我不收mod了說o.o
21:15 <Lan wings> : 哦
21:15 <Lan wings> : 那可以求test么
21:15 <loveFantasy> : link
21:16 *Lan wings is listening to (Hatsune Miku - Kyokou no Tsukiyo)[]
21:16 <loveFantasy> : 哪個diff?
21:16 <Lan wings> : 谢谢
21:16 <Lan wings> : hard
21:16 *loveFantasy is playing (Hatsune Miku - Kyokou no Tsukiyo)[] [Hard]
21:18 <loveFantasy> : osu現在很智障 所以我沒辦法更新
21:18 <loveFantasy> : 整個重下好了
21:18 <Lan wings> : 你以前下过么?
21:18 <loveFantasy> : 我玩過了
21:18 <Lan wings> : O.O
21:18 <loveFantasy> : 和菲姐討論SB的時候他link的
21:18 <Lan wings> : 果然还是菲姐的名气大啊魂淡T.T
21:19 <loveFantasy> : 我比較想問的是你whistle是用什麼想法下的
21:19 <loveFantasy> : clap是2/4白線所以聽起來沒什麼
21:19 <loveFantasy> : 但是有些地方whistle有"斷掉"的感覺
21:20 <Lan wings> : hitsound是我朋友帮我做好后 我慢慢听着修改的O.O
21:21 <loveFantasy> : 我是覺得whistle有改進的空間啦..
21:21 <Lan wings> :  哦 
21:21 <loveFantasy> : 另外 從頭到尾靜音了slidertick 超可惜的
21:21 <loveFantasy> : 你有好多1.5拍slider可以用tick做音效
21:21 <Lan wings> : 1.5拍slider?
21:22 <loveFantasy> : 像01:15:443 (3) -
21:23 <loveFantasy> : 另外你的sliderwhistle 是用來做vocal拖長音的感覺嗎
21:23 <Lan wings> : 那应该怎么做?
21:24 <loveFantasy> : 呃 你要先選一個音效命名成soft-slidertick
21:24 <loveFantasy> : 然後在想加tick音效的點插SC1綠線 tick過後再插回SC2綠線
21:24 <Lan wings> : 哦
21:25 <loveFantasy> : 我不知道sliderwhistle是你或者你朋友加的..
21:25 <loveFantasy> : 01:05:443 (1) - 像這個是有加的 他拉起來的音效和其他slider不一樣
21:26 <loveFantasy> : 因為我看到很多拖音的地方你加了sliderwhistle 但是有些拖音卻沒加
21:26 <loveFantasy> : 像01:35:443 (3) -
21:26 <loveFantasy> : 或者02:20:110 (7) -
21:27 <Lan wings> : 我记得我没加过O.O
21:27 <loveFantasy> : 哦那大概是你朋友加的吧...
21:27 <loveFantasy> : 這樣我會有點難幫你 因為有些音效是別人下的
21:27 <Lan wings> : 那是要sliderwhistle好还是不要好?
21:28 <loveFantasy> : 我個人偏好沒有 因為這歌很安靜
21:28 <Lan wings> : 嗯
21:28 <loveFantasy> : 但是重點在於要統一較好
21:28 <loveFantasy> : 如果要加sliderwhistle來表達vocal在拖音
21:28 <loveFantasy> : 所有拖音就都得加
21:28 <Lan wings> : 哦
21:29 <Lan wings> : 怎么隐藏sliderwhistle
21:29 <Lan wings> : 弄个soft sliderwhistle?
21:29 <loveFantasy> : 點那個slider 去掉whistle就好了
21:29 <loveFantasy> : 頭尾的點要whistle的話 先點那個slider 再點頭尾(會變紅) 再下whistle
21:29 <loveFantasy> : 這樣就不會影響到slider
21:30 <loveFantasy> : 你那朋友還在的話 我建議你和他討論一下
21:30 <Lan wings> : 嗯
21:30 <loveFantasy> : 因為他有可能是因為sliderslide和slidertick都靜音了 所以有些地方不想完全安靜
21:30 <loveFantasy> : slidertick音效上 你可以試試這裡
21:30 <loveFantasy> : 02:57:443 (2,3,4,5,6) -
21:31 <loveFantasy> : 你在所有tick的紅線上都放一個 Soft default 100% 綠線
21:31 <loveFantasy> : 所有tick後面的藍線放回SC2 40% 綠線
21:31 <loveFantasy> : 聽聽看兩種有何不同 應該就懂我的意思
21:33 <Lan wings> : 02:57:490 (2,3,4,5,6) -
21:33 <Lan wings> : 这里放么
21:33 <loveFantasy> : 奇怪 你是不是改了什麼
21:34 <loveFantasy> : 看看 AIMod, note都跑了
21:34 <Lan wings> : ?
21:35 <loveFantasy> : 沒事 等我reDL一下
21:35 <loveFantasy> : 我猜換了mp3..
21:35 <Lan wings> : 是换了
21:37 <loveFantasy> : 我重下了 還是怪怪的
21:38 <loveFantasy> :
21:38 <Lan wings> : 应该是要ctrl+a 然后全体向后调一格
21:38 <loveFantasy> : 嗯沒錯
21:38 <loveFantasy> : 2:57:823
21:39 <loveFantasy> : 2:58:490
21:39 <loveFantasy> : 2:59:156
21:39 <loveFantasy> : 2:59:823
21:39 <loveFantasy> : 下S 100%
21:39 <loveFantasy> : 這四條後面的藍線 下回SC2 40%
21:39 <loveFantasy> : 聽聽看
21:40 <Lan wings> : 这里下了
21:41 <Lan wings> : 只是不知道还有什么地方要向这里这样下
21:41 <loveFantasy> : 不 我只是给你說明tick音效能這樣使用
21:41 <Lan wings> : 哦
21:41 <loveFantasy> : 你要用的話
21:41 <loveFantasy> : 要開SC1 sliderslide 靜音
21:41 <loveFantasy> : 複製你想用的音效成SC1 slidertick
21:42 <loveFantasy> : 這樣slider捲的聲音才不會跑出來 又有tick音效
21:42 <loveFantasy> : 你甚至可以拿你文件夾底下的 SC2 finish 當slidertick
21:42 <loveFantasy> : 音量用15%~20%左右
21:42 <Lan wings> : 噢噢
21:42 <loveFantasy> : 會有很好聽的效果
21:43 <Lan wings> : 02:57:823
21:44 <Lan wings> : 然后这里default改为sc1?
21:44 <loveFantasy> : 嗯
21:44 <Lan wings> : 那个静音是游戏里可以调还是弄个没声音的wav
21:45 <loveFantasy> : 你複製你文件夾的soft-sliderslide2
21:45 <loveFantasy> : 命名為soft-sliderslide
21:45 <loveFantasy> : SC1的就會被靜音了
21:45 <Lan wings> : 哦
21:45 <Lan wings> : 我还以为游戏里可以弄静音来着
21:45 <loveFantasy> : 是可以 但是會同時靜音掉slidertick
21:45 <Lan wings> : 0%?
21:45 <loveFantasy> : 最低5%
21:46 <loveFantasy> : 已經幾乎聽不到
21:48 <Lan wings> : sc1 的slidertick用20都听不到了
21:48 <loveFantasy> : 你誤會了
21:48 <loveFantasy> : 去複製soft-hitfinish2
21:48 <loveFantasy> : 命名soft-slidertick
21:48 <Lan wings> : 我复制了
21:48 <loveFantasy> : 保存 退出editor 重新進來
21:48 <Lan wings> : tick用finish音
21:48 <Lan wings> : 退了
21:48 <Lan wings> : 听起来好怪
21:49 <loveFantasy> : 我聽的非常清楚阿 怎麼會聽不到
21:49 <Lan wings> : 比刚才音量100%没调低更怪``
21:49 <loveFantasy> : 你比較喜歡100% S的話
21:49 <Lan wings> : 不是
21:49 <Lan wings> : 是原来100%s
21:50 <Lan wings> : 然后换了sc1``音量还没调回来的时候
21:51 <loveFantasy> : 用finish音的話 音量20我聽起來沒問題啊
21:51 <loveFantasy> : 100當然會聽起來超怪了
21:51 <Lan wings> : 好像小声了点
21:51 <Lan wings> : 你看看25或者30可不可以?
21:52 <loveFantasy> : 我個人是認為25有點太顯眼了..不過音效感覺很個人
21:52 <loveFantasy> : 你比較喜歡25的話也是沒問題的
21:53 <Lan wings> : 那就20好了``
21:53 <Lan wings> : 现在20好像听着也可以
21:54 <Lan wings> : 03:08:490 (4) -
21:54 <Lan wings> : 后面同样节奏的要不要弄成这里那样
21:54 <loveFantasy> : 和你解釋一下
21:54 <loveFantasy> : 這裡這樣用是因為結尾都在藍線
21:54 <Lan wings> : 哦
21:54 <loveFantasy> : 而人耳一般習慣白紅白紅白紅白紅
21:54 <loveFantasy> : 所以
21:54 <loveFantasy> : 01:18:823 (2,3,4,5) -
21:54 <loveFantasy> : 這裡也可以依樣
21:55 <loveFantasy> : 其他地方就不必了
21:55 <loveFantasy> : 如果這裡要下的話
21:55 <loveFantasy> : 01:20:823 (5) - 起頭的finish可以拿掉 避免太多回音混在一起
21:55 <Lan wings> : 哦``我明白了
22:04 <Lan wings> : 00:38:823 (3) -
22:05 <loveFantasy> : 可下
22:08 <Lan wings> : 01:05:490 (1) -
22:08 <Lan wings> : 这里中间的tick呢
22:08 <Lan wings> : 也是用sc1的么
22:08 <loveFantasy> : 這種我覺得不必
22:08 <Lan wings> : O.O
22:08 <Lan wings> : 你之前说的啊
22:09 <loveFantasy> : 這種slider不一樣啊
22:09 <loveFantasy> : 第一他是1拍的 首尾都在白線上
22:09 <Lan wings> : "你有好多1.5拍slider可以用tick做音效"
22:09 <loveFantasy> : 這個不是1.5拍的啊...
22:09 <Lan wings> : 01:15:490 (3) -
22:09 <Lan wings> : 这个是你给的
22:09 <loveFantasy> : 這個也不是啊..
22:10 <loveFantasy> : 我之前给你的時候還沒reDL
22:10 <Lan wings> : 我问你1.5拍slider是什么?
22:10 <Lan wings> : 然后你说
22:10 <Lan wings> : 像
22:10 <Lan wings> : ...
22:10 <Lan wings> : 对哦
22:10 <loveFantasy> : 01:14:156 (2) - 這個是1.5拍
22:11 <Lan wings> : 哦哦
22:11 <loveFantasy> : 第二個點可以加 但第一個點不用加
22:11 <Lan wings> : 中间两个tick
22:11 <Lan wings> : 01:15:490 (3) -
22:11 <Lan wings> : 这里的finish要不要去掉
22:11 <loveFantasy> : 不必
22:14 <Lan wings> : 于是整首歌就一个1.5拍slider
22:14 <loveFantasy> : 啊 我其實把0.75拍的也歸類進去了
22:14 <loveFantasy> : 就像你改的02:57:489 (2,3,4,5,6) - 那種
22:15 <Lan wings> : 哦``一个长一个短
22:15 <loveFantasy> : 其實就是x__xx__xx這種音效一般不如x_xxx_xxx音效這個概念
22:17 <Lan wings> : 求教whistle应该怎么下好
22:19 <loveFantasy> : 這個三言兩語真的講不完
22:19 <loveFantasy> : 一樣是統一性問題 我舉個例子
22:19 <loveFantasy> : 00:36:322 (7) - 這裡下成 whistle-whistle-x
22:19 <loveFantasy> : 結果到了00:37:155 (9,10) - 一片安靜
22:19 <loveFantasy> : 若是我 (9)的第二點就下whistle, (10)也下whistle
22:20 <loveFantasy> : 要不(7)就別下成那樣 讓人耳習慣了有whistle節奏 結果後面突然沒了
22:20 <loveFantasy> : 諸如此類
22:23 <loveFantasy> : 我得忙一下了 改天有空再回你問題
22:24 <Lan wings> : 哦
22:24 <Lan wings> : 谢谢你了啊
22:24 <loveFantasy> : 不會
22:24 <Lan wings> : 你回下贴吧``我给你哥kudosu
star ;)
Nice and relaxing map

Just suggestions
00:52:490 - Remove Spinner for break
02:20:441/02:26:823 - Break time
03:26:823 - Remove Spinner for break

00:31:990 - Remove Slider 3 and Circle 1 //Add Break
03:27:156 - Remove Spinner for break

Hard map is hard :D
:D :D :D


p.s 论坛限制的最小字数到底是多少涅0.0
Tian tian_old
好歌啊 我喜欢wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:P

>< 8-) 字数为什么老是不够><
miao~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~zi shu bu ding ya...............字数补丁2。,。,啦啦啦啦啦
Topic Starter
Lan wings

oWingz wrote:

Nice and relaxing map

Just suggestions
00:52:490 - Remove Spinner for break
02:20:441/02:26:823 - Break time
03:26:823 - Remove Spinner for break

00:31:990 - Remove Slider 3 and Circle 1 //Add Break
03:27:156 - Remove Spinner for break

Hard map is hard :D
just asked a few ppl for test play,and seems there's no need to add break here,thank you anyway
Megurine Luka
看见V+图就想mod >///<
Nice Skin&BG..



00:20:157 [5] 拉的对称一点会比较好&move down
00:32:157 [6] 太直..拉弯点
00:36:491 [3] ^
00:20:157 [5] move down..almost touch the life bar
00:44:824 [3] 拉条有点崩
00:48:824 [1] move down..
01:14:157 [3] 太直
02:06:823 [1] ^
02:19:490 [1] move up
03:52:824 [1,2] move down
03:54:824 [5] 拉条崩,最好拉的和前一个对称的样子
04:15:156 [1] 一样的问题..下clap太难受了Q.Q

00:42:490 [10] spacing
01:07:157 [3,4] 01:16:490 [4,5,6] spacing可以适当拉大点
01:23:823 [1] move down
02:08:490 [4,6] 拉条略崩
02:18:157 [4,5,6] 同第三条
02:29:823 [5] move down
03:09:823 [6,7,8]
03:13:823 [2,3,4,5] 同第三条
03:43:156 [5,8] new combo
03:51:157 [6] move up

anyway, star☆
Topic Starter
Lan wings

Download: soft-hitclap2.rar
Topic Starter
Lan wings

Megurine Luka wrote:

看见V+图就想mod >///<
Nice Skin&BG..



00:20:157 [5] 拉的对称一点会比较好&move down
00:32:157 [6] 太直..拉弯点
00:36:491 [3] ^
00:20:157 [5] move down..almost touch the life bar
00:44:824 [3] 拉条有点崩
00:48:824 [1] move down..
01:14:157 [3] 太直
02:06:823 [1] ^
02:19:490 [1] move up
03:52:824 [1,2] move down
03:54:824 [5] 拉条崩,最好拉的和前一个对称的样子这样?
04:15:156 [1] 一样的问题..下clap太难受了Q.Q去掉了

00:42:490 [10] spacing
01:07:157 [3,4] 01:16:490 [4,5,6] spacing可以适当拉大点
01:23:823 [1] move down
02:08:490 [4,6] 拉条略崩
02:18:157 [4,5,6] 同第三条
02:29:823 [5] move down
03:09:823 [6,7,8]
03:13:823 [2,3,4,5] 同第三条感觉没以前好看了..
03:43:156 [5,8] new combo
03:51:157 [6] move up

anyway, star☆
star :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Megurine Luka

Lan wings wrote:


有两个osb文件 删掉其中明显是歌曲改名之前的那个


[02:08:156] slider形状不好
[03:13:490] 这两个slider形状都要重塑
[03:24:823] 这个复制(ctrl+c)之前的slider6粘贴(ctrl+v)到这里 再弄一个垂直翻折效果(ctrl+j)
[04:07:490] 形状
主要是一些slider的形状不够圆滑 另外s-whistle这个音效不太适合这首歌




[02:53:490] 诸如此类的slider形状要注意

先扔个星....最近好没状态 看的好累...
到时候再补 :o
Topic Starter
Lan wings

LKs wrote:


有两个osb文件 删掉其中明显是歌曲改名之前的那个


[02:08:156] slider形状不好OK
[03:13:490] 这两个slider形状都要重塑OK
[03:24:823] 这个复制(ctrl+c)之前的slider6粘贴(ctrl+v)到这里 再弄一个垂直翻折效果(ctrl+j)你确定?``那样slider开始方向就反了..
[04:07:490] 形状OK
主要是一些slider的形状不够圆滑 另外s-whistle这个音效不太适合这首歌求找一个whistle的音效




[02:53:490] 诸如此类的slider形状要注意OK

As per your request.

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. "of" is rather generic as a tag (it might make this map come up when seaching something completely unrelated), so I think it's better to remove it.
  2. I don't think sherrie__fay is needed as tag either since they didn't make a diff ?
  3. Remove the unnecessary transparency (on the sides) on the default-comma and default-dot pictures. As of now they exceed the maximum allowed size for skin elements.
  4. Remove the unnecessary transparency on scorebar-colour.png, which is bigger than the maximum allowed.
  5. For the elements you skin out, use a 1x1 transparent pixel. With your current pictures, osu! draws the transparent pictures anyway, which is a waste of resources.
  6. Crop the spinner background to 1023x692 cutting the bottom. The current resolution makes the background look bad in-game:
  7. There are two osb files. Delete the useless one.
  8. Your mp3 bitrate is below 128 kbps. It'd be better to find a new one.
  1. What's the point of using tick rate 2 if you silence the ticks ? Use tick rate 1.
  2. I think you should make it a bit harder, for difficulty spread purposes. The gap between Easy and Normal is quite big.
  1. The preview point is different from the other diffs'. They must be all the exact same.
  2. I don't really like the slowdowns, because they were quite unexpected and might throw off new players.
  3. 00:15:156 (7,8,1) - Due to stacking, this stack looks rather bad in-game. Unstack ?
  4. 03:47:490 (1,2,3) - Same.
  • Seems fine.

Here's a new mp3 (found by Hinacle, lowered bitrate by me, cut by Jarby). It's louder than your mp3, so you'll have to make all timing sections use louder volume. The new offset is 1980 (that's +490ms). Remember to resnap all notes and timing sections.
Topic Starter
Lan wings

Odaril wrote:

As per your request.

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. "of" is rather generic as a tag (it might make this map come up when seaching something completely unrelated), so I think it's better to remove it.fixed
  2. I don't think sherrie__fay is needed as tag either since they didn't make a diff ?fixed
  3. Remove the unnecessary transparency (on the sides) on the default-comma and default-dot pictures. As of now they exceed the maximum allowed size for skin elements.fixed
  4. Remove the unnecessary transparency on scorebar-colour.png, which is bigger than the maximum allowed.fixed
  5. For the elements you skin out, use a 1x1 transparent pixel. With your current pictures, osu! draws the transparent pictures anyway, which is a waste of resources.fixed
  6. Crop the spinner background to 1023x692 cutting the bottom. The current resolution makes the background look bad in-game:
  7. There are two osb files. Delete the useless one.fixed
  8. Your mp3 bitrate is below 128 kbps. It'd be better to find a new one.fixed
  1. What's the point of using tick rate 2 if you silence the ticks ? Use tick rate 1.fixed
  2. I think you should make it a bit harder, for difficulty spread purposes. The gap between Easy and Normal is quite big.
    Easy diff always for noob, don't they? i find a frirnd who rank #180000+ to test this diff and he only got an A..if i increase the difficulty..i think noobs won't get a good result...
  1. The preview point is different from the other diffs'. They must be all the exact same.fixed
  2. I don't really like the slowdowns, because they were quite unexpected and might throw off new players.
    DS1.0 will make the slider looks a bit long and ugly,so i changed it to DS0.75.will it do?
  3. 00:15:156 (7,8,1) - Due to stacking, this stack looks rather bad in-game. Unstack ?fixed
  4. 03:47:490 (1,2,3) - Same.fixed
  • Seems fine.

Here's a new mp3 (found by Hinacle, lowered bitrate by me, cut by Jarby). It's louder than your mp3, so you'll have to make all timing sections use louder volume. The new offset is 1980 (that's +490ms). Remember to resnap all notes and timing sections.
thanks your mod._.
i like this map ,星了! :oops:
00:57:980 (1) - 補上new combo (silly bug)
02:47:314 (1) - ^
03:32:647 (1) - ^
00:30:647 (1) - 跟Easy一樣。

Nice map,挑不出什麼重大錯誤 :)
Topic Starter
Lan wings

kioukiou wrote:

00:57:980 (1) - 補上new combo (silly bug)fixed
02:47:314 (1) - ^fixed
03:32:647 (1) - ^fixed
00:30:647 (1) - 跟Easy一樣。fixed

Nice map,挑不出什麼重大錯誤 :)
My mod is too small, but if you give me something, I'll give you something back.

00:33:981 (2) - move it a little bit closer to circle. Hope you see what I mean
00:46:647 (5) - 1 grid left (lvl 4)
01:23:647 (8,2) - 1 grid down (lvl 4)
01:31:313 (4,6) - 1 grid down
01:32:313 (5) - 1 grid down. Don't forget to move 01:34:313 (7) - too
02:24:647 (4,5) -

03:27:646 (1,1) - merge these two into one
03:34:980 (7) - new combo?
03:50:313 (4,5) - 1 grid right (lvl 4)

I won't write that it's awesome map and I want to see it ranked. I just wanna tell you it's one of the most beautiful maps for me.
And I really like this song though I don't like 95% of Vocaloids' songs.
Topic Starter
Lan wings

TicClick wrote:

Please, don't give kudosu. My mod is too small for it.

00:33:981 (2) - move it a little bit closer to circle. Hope you see what I meanfixed
00:46:647 (5) - 1 grid left (lvl 4)fixed
01:23:647 (8,2) - 1 grid down (lvl 4)fixed
01:31:313 (4,6) - 1 grid downfixed
01:32:313 (5) - 1 grid down. Don't forget to move 01:34:313 (7) - toofixed
02:24:647 (4,5) -

03:27:646 (1,1) - merge these two into oneI'll think it over
03:34:980 (7) - new combo?fixed
03:50:313 (4,5) - 1 grid right (lvl 4)fixed

I won't write that it's awesome map and I want to see it ranked. I just wanna tell you it's one of the most beautiful maps for me.
And I really like this song though I don't like 95% of Vocaloids' songs.
Topic Starter
Lan wings

TicClick wrote:

Please, don't give kudosu. My mod is too small for it.

00:33:981 (2) - move it a little bit closer to circle. Hope you see what I mean
00:46:647 (5) - 1 grid left (lvl 4)
01:23:647 (8,2) - 1 grid down (lvl 4)
01:31:313 (4,6) - 1 grid down
01:32:313 (5) - 1 grid down. Don't forget to move 01:34:313 (7) - too
02:24:647 (4,5) -

03:27:646 (1,1) - merge these two into one
03:34:980 (7) - new combo?
03:50:313 (4,5) - 1 grid right (lvl 4)

I won't write that it's awesome map and I want to see it ranked. I just wanna tell you it's one of the most beautiful maps for me.
And I really like this song though I don't like 95% of Vocaloids' songs.
Download: Kagamine Rin - Shikkoku no Rinbu-Kyoku (Lan wings) [Insane1].osu
Here's my Mod; sorry it took so long

Blue = Suggestion Red = Fix this

Such a lovely Skin and SB~


Nothing to see here.


00:57:980 (3,4) - You should move 3 and 4 up a little like this
01:20:314 (4) - Move this out a little so it's not under (3); same with (5). It may look like this
02:31:314 (5) - Please space out like this You'll need to fix up (6) though

Nothing else that I can see here.


00:39:980 (4) - Don't place a sliderstart under another slider please.
02:29:313 (3) - Please move this out from under (2)
03:27:646 (1,1,1) - Two spinners is generally the upper limit when it comes to spinner combos. I suggest removing maybe the first one, mapping the extra space, then leaving the other two.

Pretty good, too.

All in all, this is a pretty awesome map. The SB and Skin complement it brilliantly. Fix these things up and I'd probably be looking to bubble this.
Topic Starter
Lan wings

Azure_Kyte wrote:

Here's my Mod; sorry it took so long

Blue = Suggestion Red = Fix this

Such a lovely Skin and SB~


Nothing to see here.


00:57:980 (3,4) - You should move 3 and 4 up a little like this
01:20:314 (4) - Move this out a little so it's not under (3); same with (5). It may look like this
02:31:314 (5) - Please space out like this You'll need to fix up (6) thoughfixed

Nothing else that I can see here.


00:39:980 (4) - Don't place a sliderstart under another slider please.fixed
02:29:313 (3) - Please move this out from under (2)fixed
03:27:646 (1,1,1) - Two spinners is generally the upper limit when it comes to spinner combos. I suggest removing maybe the first one, mapping the extra space, then leaving the other two.fixed

Pretty good, too.

All in all, this is a pretty awesome map. The SB and Skin complement it brilliantly. Fix these things up and I'd probably be looking to bubble this.
all fixed =v=
After Fixing a few minor things, I can see this being ranked fairly quickly.

Topic Starter
Lan wings

Azure_Kyte wrote:

After Fixing a few minor things, I can see this being ranked fairly quickly.

Some stuff
  1. files with name default-0, default-1 , etc - it's a numbers on your notes/sliders.
    But you have default-percent and default-x. This files are totally useless. Remove them.
  2. Also i downloaded useless Thumbs.db file in SB folder. It's a hidden system file, maybe you didn't see it. Remove it too, if you can.
  3. Set slidertick 2 in Easy for consistency
Fix it please and ask Azure for bubble repairing~
So, bubbled map is not need in stars :P
Good luck with ranking~
Topic Starter
Lan wings

Aleks719 wrote:

Some stuff
  1. files with name default-0, default-1 , etc - it's a numbers on your notes/sliders.
    But you have default-percent and default-x. This files are totally useless. Remove them.fixed
  2. Also i downloaded useless Thumbs.db file in SB folder. It's a hidden system file, maybe you didn't see it. Remove it too, if you can.O.O can't del
  3. Set slidertick 2 in Easy for consistency

Fix it please and ask Azure for bubble repairing~
So, bubbled map is not need in stars :P
Good luck with ranking~
thx your mod
/me fails

Not quite sure How I missed those. Sorry. And my message is too short.
How can I give a star to this map??? however if it is good for the map I would give ya a star if I could...
espacially the easy beatmap is very good
Raging Bull
You have to mod maps to and earn kudosu to star maps. This way priority will mean something.
with modding ya mean that I should comment it???

I have nothing really to comment except that this beatmap is (imo) made very well
and I think that the easy mode is perfect (I got S on 1st play)
Raging Bull
Modding as in like helping the mapper polish up some stuff. You could start off with suggestions like adding a certain hitsound to a certain note or checking for distance errors.
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