
Hardcore Newbie Mafia. (Mafia Win!)

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Mashley wrote:

Yes, clearly there's no reason for a cop/doc to claim now, they haven't even done anything yet :\

animask, FOS on you. Rolefishing right off the bat is pretty scummy.

I'll leave it up to the reader to guess the several scenarios in which animask would rolefish.

Either way, that was a stupid move, animask.
Sleep Powder
I'm the actual newbie here. Whats FoS?

LadySuburu wrote:

FoS / HoS.

Finger of Suspicion: I think you're kinda scummy.

Hand of Suspicion: I'm just about to vote you.
Not a nice thing to be pointed at
Just to weigh in on this, you aren't really defending yourself well bmin and while you seem to want to contribute in on this you end keep saying it's your first game and just end it like that while looking suspicious.

I have my FoS on you now...
My intentions were...
1. There's nothing to gain from figureing out cop/doc on the first day. Should have mentioned they have done nothing as well, but Mashley pointed out for me.
2. Mafia would now know who's cop/doc and IF there is a roleblocker, they'll just end up becoming nothing but a towny (Pieguy's case was exactly like this). If there aren't any roleblocker, well I think you guys can figure out the outcomes anyway.

and telling that I'm a newbie was because of your comment

DeathxShinigami wrote:

I have a feeling bmin's newbie like attitude might just hide his real intentions...
That sounded like if you were FoSing me and my answer was "I am a noob if I looked like a noob. If this gave you a bad impression, please understand my lack of experience and don't put me on the dead list because of it". I guess I might have overreacted on that and it did make me look bad ;_;

Will you forgive me DxS...?
Sleep Powder
I love messing with you guys~

animask wrote:

I love messing with you guys~
What just so I can make you squirm as well mafia scum?

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Just to weigh in on this, you aren't really defending yourself well bmin
Defense against what? I didn't see him being attacked, and I didn't see him being defensive.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

and while you seem to want to contribute in on this you end keep saying it's your first game and just end it like that while looking suspicious.
He ended a post like this only once. He doesn't "keep saying it's [his] first game".

DeathxShinigami wrote:

I have my FoS on you now...
And mine on you, in addition to animask.
So that's how it shall be then~

Day 1 almost always has a lynch with no scummy like evidence however. If anything Ph0x you just saw my bluff and I congratulate you. But you are making the wrong assumption to have FoS on me...but we'll just wait and see...

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Day 1 almost always has a lynch with no scummy like evidence however.
I'm not sure what you mean. Can you explain this?

DeathxShinigami wrote:

If anything Ph0x you just saw my bluff and I congratulate you. But you are making the wrong assumption to have FoS on me...but we'll just wait and see...
From what I saw, your "bluff" was adding confusion and misinformation to the conversation. That's a scummy thing to do, hence my FoS.
rust45 was lynched day 1 in the previous game hosted by NoHItter. He was town. Yet it was his usage of words that haunted him in the end that got him lynched. Like me, he was one of the first to create a statement so he could get responses back like you did for mine.

With nothing for me to lead on at the end of the first day out of three. I guess we will have to wait and see what other players do in the next hours.
First of, since RVS is basically harmful now as you can only vote once, let's start of with RQS instead.


1) What is your preferred/ favorite role and why?
2) Would you lynch lurkers?
3) In lynching people, do you use your gut mostly, or do you analyze the situation?
4) Do you believe in the usage of meta? (Basically using other games as a reference)

My Answers
1) I prefer roles with interactions with other players outside of the thread - don't care about the faction. Masons, scum, etc.
2) Lurking is a null tell. Mods should replace them. Unless they say that they would prefer to lurk on purpose, and give nothing helpful to town. Doing that is anti-town, and thus a FoS from me.
3) I would use my gut to point to the right direction, and analysis to prove it, but sometimes I can't avoid using more of gut than analysis.
4) No. Meta may be helpful for players with consistent play-styles, but people can change play-styles anytime, therefore I think meta is unreliable.

Now about what has happened so far:
FoS: animask for role-fishing this early in the game. You do not want the cop/doctor to out themselves the first day. Only scum would want power roles (cop/doctor) to out themselves, so they can target them for a kill. Oh and for the "I love messing with you guys" quote.

Minor FoS: DxS too. First of all you tunneled bmin with no evidence at all. Then you go around claiming that you were "Bluffing".

Incidentally, can we have less fluff (not related to the game at all) posts? They're really distracting.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

rust45 was lynched day 1 in the previous game hosted by NoHItter. He was town. Yet it was his usage of words that haunted him in the end that got him lynched. Like me, he was one of the first to create a statement so he could get responses back like you did for mine.
I wouldn't use myself as a reference. I kinda sucked it up in that game.

But anyway, rolefishing is certainly suspicious even if you're new. People should know that auxs need to be protective.
FoS on animask for now. Got my eye on DxS as well as he seems to be talking a lot. But he could just be a vocal townie.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

rust45 was lynched day 1 in the previous game hosted by NoHItter. He was town. Yet it was his usage of words that haunted him in the end that got him lynched. Like me, he was one of the first to create a statement so he could get responses back like you did for mine.
Link to that thread, please? I am interested.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

With nothing for me to lead on at the end of the first day out of three. I guess we will have to wait and see what other players do in the next hours.
You making this statement is suspicious. You're stating the obvious, but in a weird way, and in a way which deters attention from yourself.

NoHItter wrote:

1) What is your preferred/ favorite role and why?
Vanilla Townie, because I have little pressure to hide myself and tons of pressure to find scum. =D

NoHItter wrote:

2) Would you lynch lurkers?
Not at all. Lurking is an important aspect of Mafia, I believe. It's a play style, so let players choose to lurk if they wish.

NoHItter wrote:

3) In lynching people, do you use your gut mostly, or do you analyze the situation?
I pick up clues and build a case about them base on my gut feeling of those clues. Basically, various details creates a tunnel vision for me, and I find excuses to make that tunnel work. ;P

NoHItter wrote:

4) Do you believe in the usage of meta? (Basically using other games as a reference)
I'm fine with using it to bring parallels to games without concerning characters (like DxS did above), but I find it somewhat sketchy if someone defends themselves or attacks another using character meta of themselves or some other player ("this player acted the same way in this other game, and they were scum!").

NoHItter wrote:

FoS: animask for role-fishing this early in the game. You do not want the cop/doctor to out themselves the first day. Only scum would want power roles (cop/doctor) to out themselves, so they can target them for a kill. Oh and for the "I love messing with you guys" quote.
A doctor may want to find out who the cop is to protect them. That's quite a stretch for day one though.
Hooray, a questionnaire...

1) What is your preferred/ favorite role and why?
Anything that can kill... killing is fun :>

2) Would you lynch lurkers?
Not immediately, but I would question them.

3) In lynching people, do you use your gut mostly, or do you analyze the situation?
Well I guess I try to analyse but I'm a crappy player so it often ends up gut-based

4) Do you believe in the usage of meta? (Basically using other games as a reference)
I don't use it, but I'm fine if people do.
1) What is your preferred/ favorite role and why? I haven't been many different roles but any that can have an ability besides being a random townie.
2) Would you lynch lurkers? Probably not. Someone who is a bit more outspoken however usually winds up being voted upon by me though.
3) In lynching people, do you use your gut mostly, or do you analyze the situation? Usually analyze but most of the time I've been wrong when it comes to the end so I use a mix of both.
4) Do you believe in the usage of meta? (Basically using other games as a reference) Helps build character upon later games but usually it's not that important.
Sleep Powder

1) What is your preferred/ favorite role and why?
I don't really know how any of the roles work yet.

2) Would you lynch lurkers?
Only if some crazy thing with chances and process of elimination comes up.

3) In lynching people, do you use your gut mostly, or do you analyze the situation?
Analyze, but since its never really certain I'd have to use my "gut" too.

4) Do you believe in the usage of meta? (Basically using other games as a reference)
Sounds like something I could use if I've played other games.

Analyzing Myself this feels funnier than you think

Why I would want to scope out for aux roles...

[*] Mafia role. Looking for a good kill on the first turn.
[*] Looking to see which set of roles we have in general.
[*] I could be the Doctor looking for the Cop to protect.
[*] I could be the Cop trying to lure myself while thinking the Doctor will try to protect me.
[*] I could be a townie trying to see if there really is another Doctor/Cop.
[*] I could be trying to seem like a Mafia to protect myself from the real Mafia.
[*] I could be a townie trying to use myself as bait so some aux role can be protected.
[*] I could be the Cop trying to lure in some suspects with my critical first move.
[*] I could be the Mafia-Roleblocker trying to find out who they are and trying to make them think I'm a townie/Doctor/Cop.

Some of these can be flipped for either side.

animask wrote:

[*] Looking to see which set of roles we have in general.
[*] I could be a townie trying to see if there really is another Doctor/Cop.
[*] I could be a townie trying to use myself as bait so some aux role can be protected.
These are illogical reasons.

animask wrote:

[*] I could be the Cop trying to lure in some suspects with my critical first move.
And with the 50% chance that the Mafia has a roleblocker, you're taking a huge risk.

DxS, you didn't respond to my inquiry.
iMuffin, what do you think about animask's actions?

Ph0X wrote:

DxS, you didn't respond to my inquiry.

Anyways here
1) What is your preferred/ favorite role and why?
Cop. I like how it's role confirms the innocent and guilty
2) Would you lynch lurkers?
Nope. I think they are lurking because of their position (cop/doc). It's likely to be a mafia, but I want to wait for the cop to find them first.
3) In lynching people, do you use your gut mostly, or do you analyze the situation?
I...... don't know yet. Right now, I want to be analytic. I've seen townies being lynched due to their (bad) comments
4) Do you believe in the usage of meta? (Basically using other games as a reference)
I share the same opinion with Ph0X

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Ph0X wrote:

DxS, you didn't respond to my inquiry.

Anyways here

DeathxShinigami wrote:

rust45 was lynched day 1 in the previous game hosted by NoHItter. He was town. Yet it was his usage of words that haunted him in the end that got him lynched.
Okay. I disagree, but I can see how you (and other players of that game) came to that conclusion.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Like me, he was one of the first to create a statement so he could get responses back like you did for mine.
I don't understand. How were you the first? How was rust45 the first? And what does being first matter? How can you compare yourself to rust45? I don't see any similarities.
Sleep Powder
Learn from your mistakes from last time.

Don't lynch me on the first turn.

lol I need exp in mafia
I meant one of the first to dive into the game... <o<

But yeah this hardcore newbie mafia sure is making the atmosphere here hectic...
Siggggghhh I really want to vote animask... not sure if that's because he's genuinely suspicious or just really annoying.

animask wrote:

Learn from your mistakes from last time.

Don't lynch me on the first turn.

lol I need exp in mafia
Do you really like making yourself look more suspicious?

DeathxShinigami wrote:

I meant one of the first to dive into the game... <o<
Now it's "one of"? And who cares?

DeathxShinigami wrote:

But yeah this hardcore newbie mafia sure is making the atmosphere here hectic...
How so? This seems like a normal game to me so far (minus RVS). Maybe it's because I'm making you sweat. ;P
Fair enough, nothing more to say about my incident then.
May be out for a few days; moving California, USA. Hopefully I can hop on by the weekend.
1) What is your preferred/ favorite role and why?
Haven't played enough mafia to really form an opinion, but I like to have some sort of an ability.

2) Would you lynch lurkers?
Only if they don't respond to questions asked.

3) In lynching people, do you use your gut mostly, or do you analyze the situation?
I kinda suck, but I try to analyze, but go mainly with gut.

4) Do you believe in the usage of meta? (Basically using other games as a reference)
I don't care really, as long as it not used a crutch for an argument.

Ph0X wrote:

animask wrote:

[*] Looking to see which set of roles we have in general.
[*] I could be a townie trying to see if there really is another Doctor/Cop.
[*] I could be a townie trying to use myself as bait so some aux role can be protected.
These are illogical reasons.
I completely agree
Sorry for being inactive.

1) What is your preferred/ favorite role and why?
I find it difficult to blend in when I'm Mafia.
Also to convince others when I'm a Power Role.

2) Would you lynch lurkers?
Maybe, but based from my experiences, the ones who lurk are, most of the time, Power Roles.
Otherwise, they're Mafia or Townie.

3) In lynching people, do you use your gut mostly, or do you analyze the situation?
Mostly on my guts, but I try to understand the situation too, since that's important.

4) Do you believe in the usage of meta? (Basically using other games as a reference)
It protected me in the previous Mafia Game (by NoHItter)
It also ended up me being lynched (as Mafia)
So it's pretty useful.
sorry i'm posting so late, been kinda busy anyway first things first.

1) What is your preferred/ favorite role and why?
my favorite role would have to be a doctor because i like the feeling i get when a night kill is unsuccessful because of me.
2) Would you lynch lurkers?
if they had no good reasons to lurk? then yes.
3) In lynching people, do you use your gut mostly, or do you analyze the situation?
I'll go with my gut on the first day usually but after that i really start paying attention to what everyone is posting.
4) Do you believe in the usage of meta? (Basically using other games as a reference)
I believe it can be used but it is to be used with discretion because some people act differently in every game

and also FoS on Animask for day 1 role fishing and a minor FoS on NoHitter and DxS NoHitter because of the questionnaire seems just a bit suspicious(even though i answered it lol) and DxS because he seems to be saying alot of confusing nonsense sometimes.
RQS (a.k.a. the "questionnaire") helps start discussion. Especially since we shouldn't RVS. No changing of votes FTL.
The deadline around 30 hours from now (which is very near). I think we need to tally the votes soon.
As opposed to just chucking the votes and not being able to change them, I suggest we tell first who we want lynched. (Sort of a pseudo-voting)

Although DxS and animask has been kind of suspicious as I've said before. A particular comment for Mashley has been pinging me more.

Mashley wrote:

Siggggghhh I really want to vote animask... not sure if that's because he's genuinely suspicious or just really annoying.
What Mashley said IMO, seems like a preemptive notion to jump on a possible animask bandwagon later. I find this suspicious as townies shouldn't even think of focusing their mind on a single target. Not to mention my gut has jumped on this too.

Therefore, I would like to have Mashley lynched.
Well we've got to lynch someone, and animasks language to me at least seemed more than a little odd. That statement was more of a badly worded FOS than anything.
Sleep Powder
Pseudo-voting, eh?

I have been suspicious of DxS and Ph0x since they both posted their ideas of my motives.

So its possible that I will be voting for one of the two.

Also, I just realized that posting anything for information gets people suspicious here.
Then again, I don't think lurking is very fun. What to do?
Sorry animask, your defense isn't cutting it anymore. While you run in circles since you wanted to bring in roleclaiming in day 1 you still have yet to evade your own suspicions as well.

Sounds REALLY fishy especially on the last part of day 1. HM...
Alright, after thinking this through a bit more I think it's time to vote animask. The things he's said just seem so not-town-like, I'm sure someone can explain this better. It just seems a lot of people are waiting for someone to vote, and I guess I'm somewhat 'breaking the ice'.
Sleep Powder
Vote: Mashley

Siding with the townies too easily.

You must be mafia.

I'm prepared for a bandwagon vote on myself.

If so, I'm roleclaiming.

animask wrote:

I'm prepared for a bandwagon vote on myself.

If so, I'm roleclaiming.
I'm still holding my HoS (Hand of Suspicionon) on animask, because claiming to be a cop/doc would make...

animask wrote:

First, are there any Cops or Doctors here?
this comment look more then nonesense. The impression I'm getting from this looks like a last struggle of a mafia.

Any thoughts on this, everyone?
Oh and about Mashley, I can see where NoHitter is going. However, animask does look suspicious from his comments and his latest one as well. Also, it more or less just looked like a mild (light? lack of vocabulary orz) post of opinion rather then trying to convince us to vote animask right away. I respect your thought, just not the right timing I guess
Wow animask really? Role claiming to save yourself yet you ask everyone to claim cop or doctor at the start of the game?

I'm amazed it's coming to this but I'm holding my vote til the end of Day 1.
Screw this, Day 1 is ending soon.

Without a further adeiu...

Vote: animask

NoHItter wrote:

Although DxS and animask has been kind of suspicious as I've said before. A particular comment for Mashley has been pinging me more.

Mashley wrote:

Siggggghhh I really want to vote animask... not sure if that's because he's genuinely suspicious or just really annoying.
What Mashley said IMO, seems like a preemptive notion to jump on a possible animask bandwagon later. I find this suspicious as townies shouldn't even think of focusing their mind on a single target. Not to mention my gut has jumped on this too.
I can see how you can come to that conclusion, NoHItter. However, I think Mashley's indecision was due to getting mixed messages about animask, not his unwillingness to vote (or a plan to bandwagon later and use that post as reasoning, as you suggest). Not to say you're wrong, of course; I just interpreted Mashley's post differently when I first read it.

DxS, thoughts on this?

animask wrote:

I have been suspicious of DxS and Ph0x since they both posted their ideas of my motives.

So its possible that I will be voting for one of the two.
Can you explain what "posted their ideas of my motives" means? I'm having a hard time understanding that English.

animask wrote:

Also, I just realized that posting anything for information gets people suspicious here.
Then again, I don't think lurking is very fun. What to do?
You play. You may look suspicious for having asked for a claim or two right off the bat. However, that shouldn't stop you from playing the game and doing your best to fulfill your role's duties. TL;DR move on.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

While you run in circles since you wanted to bring in roleclaiming in day 1 you still have yet to evade your own suspicions as well.
I can't understand this statement at all. Can you rephrase it?

animask wrote:

Vote: Mashley

Siding with the townies too easily.

You must be mafia.
(Formatting removed from quote.)

Who exactly are the townies? How do you know he's not a townie being influenced by the mafia? How does "siding with the townies" turn into "must be mafia"?

animask wrote:

I'm prepared for a bandwagon vote on myself.

If so, I'm roleclaiming.
Think for a minute. What would that accomplish? (Trying to help you out here, as you're clearly a newbie player.)

bmin11 wrote:

I'm still holding my HoS (Hand of Suspicionon) on animask, because claiming to be a cop/doc would make...

animask wrote:

First, are there any Cops or Doctors here?
this comment look more then nonesense.
Review animask's (mostly complete) list of scenarios.

iMuffin, you did not yet respond to my question directed at you earlier. You stated a FoS, but do you have anything else to add (especially given his most recent posts)?

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Wow animask really? Role claiming to save yourself yet you ask everyone to claim cop or doctor at the start of the game?
It seems to me you're just looking for an easy and popular vote/bandwagon.

Also, I just realized days are but three days. Seems quite short; I can imagine that being really painful later on. Mod, can you extend Day 1 24 hours? Otherwise, I think players will be very pressured to vote, which IMO will turn out badly at this point. If not, that's completely fine and acceptable.
I also agree with Ph0X with day extention. We need more people to share their thoughts before we vote :<
I rushed cause Day 1 was going to end during my morning when I probably won't be up in time to check everything and make my vote then.

@Ph0x if we get an extension I'll elaborate more.

@Lady Would like an extension as well.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

@Ph0x if we get an extension I'll elaborate more.
Why not now? If we kill you tonight I won't be able to get one.

Ph0X wrote:

DeathxShinigami wrote:

@Ph0x if we get an extension I'll elaborate more.
Why not now? If we kill you tonight I won't be able to get one.
Jeez...not giving me any wiggle room eh? ;p

Well, what I mean about animask is his generic behavior, he went on before he voted for mashley that'll he roleclaim his role if it comes down to him being lynched. Doesn't that just seem fishy?

Also, Mashley just responded the questions the way he responded them and animask is using that to tie into why he's voting for mashley. Just seems evasive to me but who knows.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Well, what I mean about animask is his generic behavior, he went on before he voted for mashley that'll he roleclaim his role if it comes down to him being lynched. Doesn't that just seem fishy?
Yes; I already commented on that. It seems to support more animask being a newb townie not knowing how to play than he being a wreckless mafia member.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Also, Mashley just responded the questions the way he responded them and animask is using that to tie into why he's voting for mashley. Just seems evasive to me but who knows.
I'm really having a hard time understand what you write, DxS... What you just said was pretty tautological.
Topic Starter
Day 1 has been extended |48| hours, and the rules for day lengths has been appended.

Due to the change in length of days, all votes have been reset.

This won't happen again, mainly because I'm only doing this so I can change my day length rules for future games right now.
I can sleep in peace!

@Ph0x In the morning I swear, it's just my sloppy typing style.

LadySuburu wrote:

Day 1 has been extended |48| hours, and the rules for day lengths has been appended.

Due to the change in length of days, all votes have been reset.

This won't happen again, mainly because I'm only doing this so I can change my day length rules for future games right now.
Cool; thanks!
Mod: Can you please prod, iMuffin, Quaraezha, and rust?

animask wrote:

Also, I just realized that posting anything for information gets people suspicious here.
Then again, I don't think lurking is very fun. What to do?
Posting information does not make people suspicious of you. In fact, if you contribute lots of information, voice your opinions, etc. chances are, majority of people will see you as pro-town.

Town want as much information as possible to lead into a lynch as lynching is the town's only weapon for killing scum in a newbie game like this, and you want to be as sure as possible that the one you are lynching is scum. That's why information is good, and why town should share info.

Of course, there's a difference between information that would help the town and information that would worsen the town's standing (e.g. Public knowledge of who power roles are at the start of the game).

animask wrote:

I'm prepared for a bandwagon vote on myself.

If so, I'm roleclaiming.
@ bmin11:
That was what animask said. What gave you the idea that he was claiming power role?

Ph0x wrote:

Why not now? If we kill you tonight I won't be able to get one.
I would suggest refraining from making "joke" comments like this. It only confuses town.
(It looks like as if you are mafia and will kill DxS >.>)

I don't think
animask is Mafia because it is true that he's new to this game.
He may be acting strange, maybe because that's how he thought he could contribute to the community
or that's how he usually is.
Although it is possible that animask is also a power role and finds it difficult to blend in.
(He can still be Mafia though)

Not too sure who to vote yet but I think
bmin11 and Mashley are mafias
bmin11 because of the posts regarding roleclaims and whatever.
Mashley because his way of posting somehow ressembles from the previous game and he was Mafia.

Also a little hunch on
DxS and HItter.
I also think
Ph0x is townie.

That's all I can say for now, sorry for being less accurate and specific with my reasonings.
My current conclusions with less than 48 hours to go

While I still find animask suspicious with his threat of roleclaiming if he gets closed to being lynched it seems more of a tactical move rather than saving himself and that's why I think he is either town or has an aux role.

I still think everyone is also suspicious on Mashley mostly due to his latest responses and that he'd "kill people" But otherwise I don't have much on him yet.

Gotta admit bmin's getting better at the game and he seems more town due to the nature of his posts. Just saying.

Then there's myself somewhat trapped into giving out detailed yet hard to understand responses (Blame my typing) But I just really want to make Day 1 a bit more smoother than in previous games.

NoHItter with a questionnaire? A tiny bit suspicious but maybe he's pro-town.

Quaraezha's opinion is still a little shaky for me to follow since it's kind of the opposite of everyone else's opinion thus far but maybe he knows something that I don't.

Ph0x is still Ph0x I only have doubts if you really are strager or not ;P

That's all for now.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

I still think everyone is also suspicious on Mashley mostly due to his latest responses and that he'd "kill people" But otherwise I don't have much on him yet.
That's not a good reason to be suspicious of him, he was simply stating what kind of role he liked, I would not cast judgement on the others based on their answers to the questions.

I would give my opinion on all the players but I need to head to school though, but I'll be out early so I'll do it then.
Saying that you prefer a certain role over another is pointless in a game where everything is randomized.
You can't influence what role you get (unlike in PyP. In that case, saying you like a role that kills is like admitting you tried to send in a role who you think could kill)

Quaraezha wrote:

Mashley because his way of posting somehow ressembles from the previous game and he was Mafia.
That's weak, I always post like that.
Anyway animask's been pretty quiet since I voted for him. Seems to me he's trying to wait for suspicion to die down or something. Since we've got another 2 days now I'm going to see what he has to say before I vote again.

rust45 wrote:

DeathxShinigami wrote:

I still think everyone is also suspicious on Mashley mostly due to his latest responses and that he'd "kill people" But otherwise I don't have much on him yet.
That's not a good reason to be suspicious of him, he was simply stating what kind of role he liked, I would not cast judgement on the others based on their answers to the questions.

Good point rust. I like said I have no immediate thoughts on Mashley though (lol hi Mashley ^) Mostly have my FoS on animask though since he's being evasive with his posts but eh.

NoHitter wrote:

animask wrote:

I'm prepared for a bandwagon vote on myself.

If so, I'm roleclaiming.
@ bmin11:
That was what animask said. What gave you the idea that he was claiming power role?
From arguing to be innocent would be the same as claiming to be townie or their side. If he is being bandwagonned, he would need a stronger position to argue back. But from thinking back, after reading what you guys said, I realized it was only my assumption. Good thing I questioned you guys before making an hasty vote.

And again, he could be a bad townie who just made several bad comments. I'll loosen the tight on him for now since we got our 48 hours extention.

I would want to hear iMuffin's opinion as well. When is he coming back :<?

NoHItter wrote:

Mod: Can you please prod, iMuffin, Quaraezha, and rust?
I think only iMuffin isn't participating in this game (as I have asked for his opinion several times to no avail). The other players are doing fine. Also, you're not supposed to prod unless they have not posted within the past 48 hours.

NoHItter wrote:

Ph0x wrote:

Why not now? If we kill you tonight I won't be able to get one.
I would suggest refraining from making "joke" comments like this. It only confuses town.
(It looks like as if you are mafia and will kill DxS >.>)

Quaraezha wrote:

I don't think animask is Mafia because it is true that he's new to this game.
He may be acting strange, maybe because that's how he thought he could contribute to the community
or that's how he usually is.
animask is just strange.

Quaraezha wrote:

Although it is possible that animask is also a power role and finds it difficult to blend in.
(He can still be Mafia though)
I don't think that's the case. "HEY GUISE NE2 HAS SUPER POWAHZ?" doesn't look at all like an attempt to blend in. I have already concluded that animask was a newbie vanilla townie desperately trying to assist the town.

Quaraezha wrote:

bmin11 because of the posts regarding roleclaims and whatever.
Assuming you are referring to this post by bmin11: I can see where you're coming from, but at the same time, I think it's a reasonable assumption that a player who would roleclaim to save themselves from a lynch would roleclaim a pro-town power role. Besides, bmin11 clearly said "if this then that"; he didn't say "this, thus that". I don't think that's grounds for suspicion.

Quaraezha wrote:

Mashley because his way of posting somehow ressembles from the previous game and he was Mafia.
As Mashley already stated, this is a terrible argument. Have you seen a game in which he was town?

Quaraezha wrote:

I also think Ph0x is townie.
I am flattered. ;P But stay open-minded.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

While I still find animask suspicious with his threat of roleclaiming if he gets closed to being lynched it seems more of a tactical move rather than saving himself and that's why I think he is either town or has an aux role.
I see a bit of WIFOM in this (on animask's part), but whatever. Think what you want. =]

DeathxShinigami wrote:

I still think everyone is also suspicious on Mashley mostly due to his latest responses and that he'd "kill people" But otherwise I don't have much on him yet.
Putting words into people's mouths, eh?

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Gotta admit bmin's getting better at the game and he seems more town due to the nature of his posts. Just saying.
Now I'm more convinced you and bmin11 are Mafia. (Buddying, if you don't see it.)

DeathxShinigami wrote:

NoHItter with a questionnaire? A tiny bit suspicious but maybe he's pro-town.
About that: I think it was pretty much worthless, except that it forced some players to post. I guess it helped in engagement, which is important.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

Quaraezha's opinion is still a little shaky for me to follow since it's kind of the opposite of everyone else's opinion thus far but maybe he knows something that I don't.
From what I saw, they're mostly aligned with my opinions. And of course he knows something you don't: his own role. ;P

Mashley wrote:

Anyway animask's been pretty quiet since I voted for him. Seems to me he's trying to wait for suspicion to die down or something.
Uh... Last post was only 20 hours ago.

I have to go to work soon. I will post my opinions of each player as soon as I can.
Opinion Time!

Nothing out of the ordinary to me, hasn't really defended himself, but he seems fine to me.

His wording is often confusing, and his early attack at bmin just seemed odd and unjustified.

Who? He needs to be more active and respond to questions other than the questionnaire.

Seems fine in my book, has been talking rather smartly and doesn't seem suspicious, he handled DxS odd attack on him just fine.

Oh hi.

Has consistently said things that just plain sound odd and I still don't like the whole rolefishing thing.

The questionnaire was odd but doesn't raise suspicion. I don't understand why he asked for prods of Quarazha and I though.

Seems to be playing just as he was last game, he was mafia then, but I haven't played many games with him so I can't think of anything wrong.

Is he strager or not? Not like it matters, seems to be the best player here.
okay sorry guys I got home a little bit ago and just finished reading everything I promise I'll give more elaboration later but right now i feel absolutely due to irl reasons so i'll get back to you guys on this.
Re: Prodding

LadySuburu wrote:

17. If a player has not posted in 24 hours, I will prod them if requested to do so. That is, it's up to you to ask me to prod a certain player.
I have to leave soon. Will post opinions later.
If possible could we get an exact time on when Day 1 actually ends?

@host: When you mean sunday what timezone and actual time do you mean Day 1 will end?

Sorry if I missed it earlier

unexpected RL plans got in the way so won't be able to post as much as i'd like to for tomorrow.
Topic Starter

DeathxShinigami wrote:

If possible could we get an exact time on when Day 1 actually ends?

@host: When you mean sunday what timezone and actual time do you mean Day 1 will end?

Sorry if I missed it earlier

unexpected RL plans got in the way so won't be able to post as much as i'd like to for tomorrow.

5 days from the "deadline is in 3 days" post. Forum time should be displayed in your own timezone.
@ Ph0x I'm understanding why you see animask as pro town but he's really an emotional player which makes it seem either a style base of playing like me or he's really new.

Any thoughts?
I think right now, I would prefer a lynch among either Mahsley or animask.

Suspicions List (as you go lower, you're less suspicious)
Mashley for that comment a while back that pinged me.
animask for role-fishing this early, and the readiness to claim.

DxS pinged me a little with his early attack on bmin over bmin acting like a newbie, and the "bluffing".

Quaraezha and rust45 are sort of neutral. they haven't really said anything to catch my eye.
iMuffin hasn't posted that much at all. Nothing in him.

bmin is participating and seems like town to me. Kind of like rust45, but my gut is telling me town.
Ph0x is also participating. I'm getting a townie read of him. (also are you really strager >.>)

Also since this is a newbie game, if you are about to get lynched, claim.
Fine, Coming clean since we have less than 24 hours to go

I bluffed cause I wanted to see if bmin was just messing around during day 1 when we first started. I was just trying to see if he would bandwagon but he hasn't yet and actually knows how to play the game. You can say I just got a little "over reactive" when I made that post against him earlier.
Vote animask as we're approaching the end of day 1 (again) and I have nothing else to go by. Same reason I voted for him previously, of course.
Sleep Powder
Saving my vote for late once I know who to vote for.

Not stating my current suspicions, but I will say that DxS and Ph0X aren't both included.
First, I think animask is a townie now (ya I might have gotten influenced by Ph0X but whatever). He's posts were short plotted and seem to hold some tension from being accused, not knowing what to do (haven't really defenced himself great nor convincing). This should not be the case if he had a partner to discuss with. If he was a mafia, he wouldn't have driven himself this far behind, unless his mafia fellow was being afk.

DxS? gotta say he does look suspicious. However, he finally told us what he was trying to 'bluff' out from me. His intention to figure if I'm going to bandwagon him is kind of confusing at my stage. However, I understood as a test on friendship. It would be reasonable to me since the friendship factor would play a role between us in this game. My answer is 'no'. This is my first game and I'm looking forward to it. I will do my best to play fair and promise not to be bias. Anyway, since I believe his intention, he got a rank down on my suspicion list (for now).

Right now, my attention is flowing to iMuffin. As I wrote on animask's paragraph; "unless his mafia fellow was being afk", and IF that's true, then I'm thinking of iMuffin as a most likely mafia around here next to animask. He could have intentionaly lurked during the game and as I answered on NoHitter's questionnaire; "I think they are lurking because of their position (cop/doc). It's likely to be a mafia, but I want to wait for the cop to find them first". I do mention about it could be a cop/doc, but I'm getting a hinch of a 'likely to be a mafia'. We could lynch animask or iMuffin to confirm this theory, but because I think animask could be the power role (he did mention about role claiming), I think it's much safer to lynch iMuffin if we are trying to figure out this animask - iMuffin alignment.

HoS on iMuffin and minor FoS on DxS and minorFoS on Mashley (only if animask - iMuffin alignment isn't ture)
By the way, does anyone knows how to check the forum time? I'm still not clear with the dead line orz
Topic Starter

bmin11 wrote:

By the way, does anyone knows how to check the forum time? I'm still not clear with the dead line orz
On your post that you just posted, read what time it says it is. For me, I get Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:10 pm (3 minutes ago) .

Once you look at what it says for you, figure out how far off it is. Then use that to correct whatever time it said on my post back then.

Also, head into Settings and fix your time so you can know always.
I'm sorry but the forum time is set to whatever GMT Timezone we set it.
For me, it says "Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:10 am (6 minutes ago)" and I use GMT + 8
Topic Starter

Quaraezha wrote:

I'm sorry but the forum time is set to whatever GMT Timezone we set it.
For me, it says "Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:10 am (6 minutes ago)" and I use GMT + 8
Like I said. So, exactally 5 days from the time I posted my post. Since it's set to your timezone, you should know exactally when the deadline is.
Oh, okay.
First, comments since my last post.

(Yeah, I totally stole your colour, Q. ;P)

NoHItter wrote:

Re: Prodding

LadySuburu wrote:

17. If a player has not posted in 24 hours, I will prod them if requested to do so. That is, it's up to you to ask me to prod a certain player.
I have to leave soon. Will post opinions later.
Wups; I was probably thinking of that PyP game.

DeathxShinigami wrote:

@ Ph0x I'm understanding why you see animask as pro town but he's really an emotional player which makes it seem either a style base of playing like me or he's really new.

Any thoughts?
Yes; see my analysis below.

NoHItter wrote:

I think right now, I would prefer a lynch among either Mahsley or animask.


Mashley for that comment a while back that pinged me.
Mashley, what do you think of NoHItter's suspicions of you, exactly? I know you defended yourself already, but what of NoHItter's persistence?

bmin11 wrote:

First, I think animask is a townie now (ya I might have gotten influenced by Ph0X but whatever).
Haha! Kinda funny; I already saw that (see analysis below).

bmin11 wrote:

If he was a mafia, he wouldn't have driven himself this far behind, unless his mafia fellow was being afk.
I didn't see that, and I agree with you. However, there are other ways a mafia can defend his buddy besides direct defense, including trying to vote for someone else or using extreme distancing to attract reverse attention (which gets really complicated and is hard to pull off ... but whatever).

bmin11 wrote:

This is my first game and I'm looking forward to it.
Really? You look like a pretty decent player.

Anyway, I re-read the thread. Here are my thoughts.

animask's famous rolefishing post. bmin's response paints him as a newbie, likely pro-town. DxS shows suspicion of bmin.

animask shows true newbiness, responding to bmin's post rather poorly.

DxS talks about bmin again. I already stated my comments on this post, so I won't repeat them here. So far, bmin's posts have been sound and well-formed; clearly not newbie behaviour. bmin's first post (the response to animask) now (in hindsight) looks more like assistance, rather than newbiness.

animask covers his mistake, claiming playfulness. animask may not have been using that as a cover, but it certainly appears that way, so that's what I believe.

DxS's response to my comments of his accusations against bmin attempts to sound sportsmanship-like, but comes across as defensive and an OMGUS post. The end of his next post has a similar tone; as I stated in response, "[DxS is] stating the obvious, but in a weird way, and in a way which deters attention from [himself]."

NoHItter posted his questionnaire, and I am still unsure what to make of it. For now I have been ignoring it. In hindsight, it may have been an attempt to get the attention off of DxS or another player. Possible implicit buddying; will keep that in mind in the future. (However, at the same time, he throws a minor FoS at DxS, so this argument against NoHItter isn't too strong. Maybe bmin?)

animask posts "Why I would want to scope out for aux roles..." Just realized: it doesn't sound like animask performed this analysis before posting the initial rolefishing post. At first, I conclude "animask was a newbie for not considering the consequences of his actions". However, there's the "intentionally not caring about the consequences" argument as well, painting him as a mafia member. This is cause for suspicion, but I am not sure what to believe out of this yet. Also, as I stated soon after, a few of these reasonings were "wrong", so either animask was trying to populate the list with good intentions (to defend himself) or he didn't realize how silly those suggestions were (supporting his newbiness).

I posted asking for iMuffin's thoughts; I still have yet to receive any response or acknowledgement from him.

animask makes a short-sighted comment in his defense. This post also shows behaviour of either a very newbie townie or a desperate mafia member. Either way, it's a suspicious comment (as I have already posted).

Mashley stated a "soft FoS" against animask. Personally, I don't find what Mashley said to be disturbing, but others were offset by it. The way I see it, Mashley was having a gut feeling against animask, but did not have the analytical evidence to back up a vote.

I commented on DxS's "hectic atmosphere" post by saying "Maybe it's because I'm making you sweat. ;P" It may have seemed like I was being playful, but it seemed clear to me that DxS was feeling pressured. DxS's response, backing out, supports this. However, I can certainly see someone who wasn't being pressured making the same move. Still, I don't think it was a very DxS-y thing to do.

Q pops in to answer the quiz, yet says nothing else. Detachment from the game: a classic mafia tell.

NoHItter suggests we all post suspicion lists. While suspicions lists aren't suspicious in general, asking for them (in my experience) is a scum tell. (I have, however, seen townies ask for it, but only late-game.) More suspicion points for NoHItter. In the same post, NoHItter votes for Mashley. His reasoning is very weak; I would expect a FoS at most. Being the first to vote makes NoHItter seem like they're genuinely scumhunting, but I'm not falling for it. Mashley defends the attacked post, confirming my thoughts of that post (see above). (A comment from bmin (as well as one by me) appears later on.)

More newbie posting by animask, and again, explained in the trailing posts.

Mashley votes for animask. From what I see, this is almost completely due to pressure, from NoHItter and from the clock (day was ending soon then), and not due to exhaustive reasoning. Sure, Mashley states vague suspicions ("[t]he things he's said just seem so not-town-like"), but not even attempting to elaborate supports my pressure argument. Of course, I am not denying the fact that Mashley could be a mafia member trying to land a popular vote. While that is a definite possibility, I find he pressure argument more believable at this point.

bmin asks for opinions of animask (of a specific pair of posts). This is very pro-town to me. Being analytical in his next post regarding Mashley also gives bmin a few town points.

DxS votes for animask. Him not doing this immediately leads me to believe he and Mashley are not buddies (as he didn't save Mashley from a vote) (but, of course, either of them may be).

LS extends Day 1 by 48 hours. Yippee!

NoHItter explains how2Mafia to animask. Good boy. Shows experience, but nothing else, sadly. (Really wanna figure out this guy...)

Q finally voices his opinions. I agree with his findings regarding animask (which you can see in my comments above). (I am still not entirely convinced, though.) He throws a FoS at Mashley, with reasoning which was quickly disputed and shot down. His FoS against bmin is also pretty weak, and seems to be just hopping onto what NoHItter asked of bmin rather than any analytical findings. From this post, and his general lack of engagement with the game, it seems Q doesn't seem to interested in the game. He looks like a good player, though, and it doesn't look like he's "just a lurker". This results in some suspicion from me.

DxS changes his opinion of animask. Nothing wrong with that; I do it all the time. He also realizes bmin isn't a newbie (which I quickly discovered myself), which is good. Other than that, his post doesn't provide too much information other than "now I don't find anyone suspicious".

bmin jumps on the "animask is prolly newb town" bandwagon. Progress, but also not helpful (like with DxS) to me.

rust posts his opinions of other players, which no suspicions whatsoever. =[

NoHItter posts his suspicions. Seems like NoHItter's opinions hasn't changed like those of most other players. I still don't like his reasoning. I also find it suspicious that he didn't find anything wrong with iMuffin's absenteeism.

DxS explains his "bluff" from earlier in the day. I don't completely believe him (it may be a cover-up), but based on what he has said and done in the past, his excuse seems reasonable.

bmin posts his iMuffin-animask mafia theory. It's pretty convincing; I am willing to try it. However, currently the idea doesn't align well with my suspicions.

Player comments (in alpha order)

Used to be my #1 suspicion. That has changed, however. I thought he was buddying with bmin (and I did not know about their meta relationship, whatever it is), and both are now is distancing (perhaps in realization?). If bmin or DxS turn up mafia, I am looking critically at the other. Still, no FoS at this point.

Seems pretty newb, though I am sure I've seen him play before. Doesn't really explain himself well. Seems to be voting for animask because it's an easy vote, which is suspicious. FoS.

Strong FoS. Insistant on animask and Mashley. Some suspicious activity in the name of aiding discussions, which has confused the town. Doesn't seem to be too analytical himself; wants others to do the dirty work for him so he can just use their opinions, I find.


Netbattler Q.

My opinion of him is hazy. I should probably do some more mining on this guy, as he has slightly hit my radar a few times. Minor FoS for now.

As I posted in my analysis, and as other players have come to conclude, I feel animask is pro-town, but very newbie. I want to keep him around because IMO it would suck if he died day 1 without a chance to really play the game.

Pretty cool guy; doesn't afraid of anything. Either a really good mafia or a decent townie. My money's on the latter.


Actually, I don't know. Let me look...

Oh look, I have only one comment about him. And it's pretty much useless. That trips my alarm! FoS! May have to look at him in isolation. Will do that in a follow-up post.

Suspicion list (tiered, alpha)

~ Suspicious ~



~ Not-so-suspicious ~




Ph0X wrote:

bmin11 wrote:

If he was a mafia, he wouldn't have driven himself this far behind, unless his mafia fellow was being afk.
I didn't see that, and I agree with you. However, there are other ways a mafia can defend his buddy besides direct defense, including trying to vote for someone else or using extreme distancing to attract reverse attention (which gets really complicated and is hard to pull off ... but whatever).
....... which you are doing for animask...? I'll keep it on my note for now. Thanks Ph0X :P

I know this would contradict to my "iMuffin - animask alignment and if not, Mashley is suspicious" theory lol not weighting this thought for now

Ph0X wrote:

Really? You look like a pretty decent player.
awww thanks. I once played a very heavy role based mafia (on online real time) before. Some roles would be able to track the mafia if he targets the victim successfully, some will have one free shot of killing, some will simply not get lynched lol. It was a fast-paced game (only a brief 10min), because mafia would be spotted quite easily >_>...;; but a mafia with only cop/doc/mafia is my first time. Maybe this is why I'm relying to "lets just wait until cop does something". I'm getting the hang of this game now (and yes, no lynch wasn't a good idea I realized orz)

Anyway, /me waits for NoHitter and iMuffin
Another note to Ph0X:
I want to hear more about your suspicion against NoHitter, because to me, it just feels like he's following his gut (quite hasty as well). I just want to hear more from you (or just summarized post) since you are holding the strongest suspicion against NoHitter.
Sleep Powder
My Newbie Player Comments

Mashley - I get the feeling he is trying to hide something. (Possible aux role or mafia.)
DxS - He seems to be the most (openly) suspicious about me.
imuffin - Lots of lurking. Nothing yet...
bmin11 - Pairing up me and iMuffin as mafia. There are 2 mafia members. I keep forgetting.
rust45 - Lurker #2.
animask - You caused a commotion from the start without actually needing to. Or did you?
NoHItter - Seems almost on par with Ph0X (Probably out of experience, but could be mafia pairing. Not expecting it though)
Quaraezha - I don't really know what to do with this guy.
Ph0x - Semi-right about my circular reasoning. Now I have no idea where to pinpoint you. You'll be useful, but that itself seems suspicious.

animask wrote:

bmin11 - Pairing up me and iMuffin as mafia. There are 2 mafia members(?)

LadySuburu wrote:

It consists of one of the following combinations of roles:
• 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 1 Cop, 1 Doctor, 5 Vanilla Townies.
• 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 7 Vanilla Townies.
• 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Cop, 6 Vanilla Townies.
• 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Doctor, 6 Vanilla Townies.
there should be only two mafias according to this list unless LadySuburu is playing with us (and I am not amused in that case)
I'm not sure if animask is acting out this one. He may be trying to act as if "huh? was there two mafias?" and to convince us he's not a mafia (mafia should know there are two mafias if I didn't count the number wrong). I'm not going to judge this yet, since this will also be confirmed if we lynch iMuffin.

And again, if LadySuburu is playing with us, this post will not even have a penny on it's value

Ph0X wrote:

Actually, I don't know. Let me look...

Oh look, I have only one comment about him. And it's pretty much useless. That trips my alarm! FoS! May have to look at him in isolation. Will do that in a follow-up post.
I honestly don't think I've been too quiet in this game (certainly not as much as other games) but I suppose I can't blame you for being suspicious of me for not giving too many opinions, I would probably do the same thing.

Anyway, I'm going to look over my previous opinion list, and revise some of the opinions and post who I find suspicious. That post will be coming soon.
Such long post guys, how do you do than :o
Something like 15 hours to go, and I admit I'm starting to regret my vote on animask - the general consensus is right now that he's a confused townie and I can certainly see where that's coming from. Still, I would suggest that people start to get their votes in right now if they intend to vote.
The next 6 hours is all I got. I'm waiting for opinions from you guys :<
Old Opinions in Italics.

Nothing out of the ordinary to me, hasn't really defended himself, but he seems fine to me.
His vote on animask did seem a tad preemptive, but he now says he regrets it after seeing people talking about animask possibly being a confused townie, since he's doesn't seem to be sticking to his guns on who to lynch, that's a plus for me.

His wording is often confusing, and his early attack at bmin just seemed odd and unjustified.
I don't really buy his claim on bluffing when he attacked bmin, doesn't sit right with me.

Who? He needs to be more active and respond to questions other than the questionnaire.
Still can't really form and opinion about you, and lurking is aux or scum tell.

Seems fine in my book, has been talking rather smartly and doesn't seem suspicious, he handled DxS odd attack on him just fine.
Still is playing rather well and is making a great analysis of the situation.

Oh hi.

Has consistently said things that just plain sound odd and I still don't like the whole rolefishing thing.
After bmin and Ph0x talked about him being a confused townie, it makes sense, and even if he turns out to be scum, we should let him experience more as it's his first game and the night kill might lead to him if he is scum.

The questionnaire was odd but doesn't raise suspicion. I don't understand why he asked for prods of Quarazha and I though.
He doesn't seem to be doing much at all to add the conversation, seems to be distancing himself now. But my gut says he's pro town so I'm thinking his distancing may be aux, still a possibility of scum though.

Seems to be playing just as he was last game, he was mafia then, but I haven't played many games with him so I can't think of anything wrong.
Still can't think of anything good for him, but he does seem relatively active so that's good.

Is he strager or not? Not like it matters, seems to be the best player here.

Last post showed him being very analytical, and I found myself agreeing with some of the things he said. I think town.

Might be scum:
DxS Gut doesn't feel right with bluffing.
iMuffin Lurking and I can't formulate a good opinion.

Might not be scum:
Everyone else

I actually have a question for Ph0x now though. Why was I put on your "Suspicious" list for on "useless" comment that you have on me. Yet iMuffin is "Not-so-suspicious" even though he's barely been commenting?
Topic Starter

bmin11 wrote:

there should be only two mafias according to this list unless LadySuburu is playing with us (and I am not amused in that case)
There are two mafia members.
Hey guys, got back from my RL trip.

Last few hours huh...Sorry but I don't have any new opinions to go on for voting.

imuffin has becomed a wildcard possible mafia player in my book however. (Only due to activity though)

Gonna read up on the thread and may post possible last minute opinions otherwise not much to lead on.

bmin11 wrote:

Ph0X wrote:

[...] However, there are other ways a mafia can defend his buddy besides direct defense, including trying to vote for someone else or using extreme distancing to attract reverse attention (which gets really complicated and is hard to pull off ... but whatever).
....... which you are doing for animask...? I'll keep it on my note for now. Thanks Ph0X :P
Damn! You've figured me out!

bmin11 wrote:

Another note to Ph0X:
I want to hear more about your suspicion against NoHitter, because to me, it just feels like he's following his gut (quite hasty as well). I just want to hear more from you (or just summarized post) since you are holding the strongest suspicion against NoHitter.
Yeah, I was gonna read him ISO, in addition to rust. Comments are below.

bmin11 wrote:

I'm not sure if animask is acting out this one. He may be trying to act as if "huh? was there two mafias?" and to convince us he's not a mafia (mafia should know there are two mafias if I didn't count the number wrong). I'm not going to judge this yet, since this will also be confirmed if we lynch iMuffin.
Remember: it was just a theory that iMuffin and animask are both mafia.

I wouldn't look much into animask's comment about the mafia count. It's WIFOM at this point.

Mashley wrote:

Such long post guys, how do you do than :o
I assume you meant "that"? And, it's called re-reading the thread from day 1's beginning and posting your thoughts as you read. ;P

rust45 wrote:

I actually have a question for Ph0x now though. Why was I put on your "Suspicious" list for on "useless" comment that you have on me. Yet iMuffin is "Not-so-suspicious" even though he's barely been commenting?
Not remembering what you have done ≠ remembering you have done nothing. Also, posting "useless" comments (they weren't really useless; I just didn't gain anything from them) ≠ not posting at all. Separate can of worms.

Anyway, making a vote is still kind of hard for me. I will review my analysis and hopefully make a vote. Until then, here are ISO's of rust and NoHItter.

rust ISO

rust responds to DxS's mention of meta. He then voices his suspicions of animask and DxS.

rust answers NoHItter's questionnaire. He then says he agrees with me on a minor detail.

rust points out a flaw in DxS's logic, then says he'll post his opinions of each player later.

rust posts the aforementioned opinions. As I said in my re-read analysis, I gained nothing from this post (besides opinions of rust).

rust responds to my analysis, saying he doesn't feel he has been quiet. He then states he will revise his opinion list.

rust's revised opinion list. Much more useful than before. I don't like his opinion of himself, though; rather fishy.

It strikes me as odd that rust seems to blindly have agreed to everything I (and I guess bmin) have said about animask, including the point of keeping him around. Keeping him around was more of a meta sympathy (because "I" know animask) than a gaming tactic. (A note: so far, I think animask has been helpful to the discussion overall, which is a big plus.)

The comments rust has made make me less annoyed by him, but they don't really bring anything brand new to the table (just slight modifications of existing opinions).

NoHItter ISO

NoHItter posts his questionnaire, shoots an FoS at animask for rolefishing (with elaboration), and shoots a minor FoS at DxS for tunneling then claiming to bluff. Nothing ticked off my radar here.

NoHItter states the entent of his questionnaire, suggests we all "pseudo-vote", then votes (?) for Mashley based on (IMO) just gut feeling. The latter, of course, I didn't like; awful scummy vote.

NoHItter asks for a prod of three players (two of which have been 'active enough' and didn't need to be prodded IMO), teaches animask how to play, questions bmin, then complains I am not being serious enough. Pretty much zilch on any radar I have seen (except the "boring" radar), as I explained before.

NoHItter shots down DxS's argument against Mashley. Just shows that he knows how to play the game.

NoHItter corrects me on game rules, then says he'll post his thoughts later.

NoHItter posts his suspicion list. He continues to have a FoS for Mashley, unswayed by counterarguments to his argument by several other players. He also has a FoS on animask, not believing he is a "confused townie" as the current public opinion seems to be. (Funny that he has tunnel vision for Mashley almost, yet complained about DxS having tunnel vision (which I myself did not see) for bmin.)

I find it fishy that NoHItter equates "participating" with "being townish". NoHItter: don't make that mistake. ;P Mafia can be a big part of the discussion as well. (See Echo and SFG of older Mafia games.)

In this post, NoHItter also tells people who are about to be lynched to claim. Not sure what to make of that.
Weighing in.

Everyone seems to be all over the place with suspicions still so gonna tier mine at the moment...

NoHItter (Chatty much?)
Mashley (Why no suspicion list like everyone else?)
rust45 (Could be mafia but you were town last game....Confusing)
Player Q (At least you're acting slightly better than last game since you aren't bandwagoning immediately)
imuffin (Seriously be more active)
animask (Pro town? but your playing style is just a little odd to me)
bmin11 (Huge posts for suspicions and fluid answers along with that. Really surprised how well you're playing so not on my suspicions per se)
Ph0x (Intelligence is needed for Day 1 and I like how you're acting like a double host for the game. So low on my suspicions as well)

Didn't include myself since I have gotten no responses yet.
Sleep Powder
Adding Ph0X to my not voting for list. (for now)
Along with the lurkers.

bmin11, rust45, Mashley and DxS are who I might vote for.

bmin11 seems to focus a lot on mafia accusations as if trying to evade accusations. Trying to avoid being accused himself/herself.(?)

rust45 has a hidden agenda, but will be minority on my list.

Mashely seems to be following majority opinions for some reason. He is trying to fit in too well.

DxS has been suspicious at first, but he also seems to be trying to accuse rather than give information. (I should recheck his posts.)
Sleep Powder
Vote: Mashley (again)

Unlike Mashley, I added some reasoning.
In no particular order.... this is what people FoSed so far....

Mashley: Voted on animask but not on FoS anymore
DxS: Mashley and iMuffin
iMuffin: none. Please contribute you lazy :<
bmin11: iMuffin, NoHitter (added), DxS, Mashley (very dependable)
rust45: DxS, iMuffin
animask: bmin11, rust45, Mashley, DxS
NoHitter: Mashley, animask
Q: bmin11, Mashley, DxS, NoHitter
Ph0X: NoHitter, rust45

Some FoSs are old, so please tell me if there's any change on your suspicion list

bmin11 wrote:

Ph0X: NoHitter, rust45
This was correct, but animask brings up a good point about Mashley I didn't fully see before now. I'll add him to my FoS list (at the top). If anyone wants, I can elaborate.

Reversing your list, here is a list of players paired with those with an FoS on them:

Mashley: animask, bmin, DxS, NoHItter, Ph0X, Q

NoHItter: bmin, Ph0X, Q
iMuffin: bmin, DxS, rust
DxS: bmin, Q, rust

animask: Mashley, NoHItter
bmin: animask, Q
rust: animask, Ph0X

Q: (none)
Ph0X: (none)

It's clear that Mashley has the most fingers pointed at him. That's enough to convince me he'll likely be the lynch.

Vote: Mashley
Woah, reverse FoS list? and bmin collaborating all of the FoS's together?

I'm in shock but...I guess if this is all we have to go on...

Vote: Mashley

Also, gonna go to bed soon so I might not be here when the lynch occurs.
Regarding the "questionnaire":
It's RQS or Random Questioning Stage. Basically it's a way of starting off discussion.

Ph0x wrote:

NoHItter states the entent of his questionnaire, suggests we all "pseudo-vote", then votes (?) for Mashley based on (IMO) just gut feeling. The latter, of course, I didn't like; awful scummy vote.
That was why at that moment, I pseudo-voted. Your gut isn't supposed to be a huge basis for a permanent vote. (Basically what I did was like a pressure vote except since we can't change votes...)

Ph0x wrote:

NoHItter posts his suspicion list. He continues to have a FoS for Mashley, unswayed by counterarguments to his argument by several other players. He also has a FoS on animask, not believing he is a "confused townie" as the current public opinion seems to be. (Funny that he has tunnel vision for Mashley almost, yet complained about DxS having tunnel vision (which I myself did not see) for bmin.)
Mashley's explanation for his suspicious post, didn't cut it. Doing something suspicious then saying, "Opps. I didn't mean that. It was supposed to be something like this." is not quite a valid excuse. If he EBWOP'd (edit by way of post) and made the correction right after he posted, that would be more acceptable.

Ph0x wrote:

I find it fishy that NoHItter equates "participating" with "being townish". NoHItter: don't make that mistake. ;P Mafia can be a big part of the discussion as well. (See Echo and SFG of older Mafia games.)
[Possible WIFOM ahead] Yes I admit that mafia can be a part of the discussion, but from my experience, mafia tend to be less active to attarct less attention. Maybe I'm wrong with activeness as a town tell though.

Ph0x wrote:

In this post, NoHItter also tells people who are about to be lynched to claim. Not sure what to make of that.
Isn't that standard operating procedure for the lynchee? Well it is for MafiaScum.

animask wrote:

Mashely seems to be following majority opinions for some reason. He is trying to fit in too well.
Wow. Now I know why my gut has been telling me about Mashley from the start. You're right. He has been trying to "fit in". No wonder I felt it odd.

And with that, Vote: Mashley
Ahh crap. I forgot that since the votes are permanent, claiming when you are about to get lynched is useless.
Next day I suggest we really go through with a pseudo-voting system before actually voting to give leeway for any changes in suspicions.
I stated "dependable" because of my theory I posted before

I do get an impression of 'fitting in', but it's still a bit vague for me to vote on him. He maybe just not thinking critically (same goes to Q. animask earned my respect from his last post against Mashley). It also raises an suspicion whenever the person objects to the popular opinion and he may just wanted to avoid useless suspicion on him.

Even though, it's probably late and it could be a dangerous move, but I'm going to vote animask just to balance it for the second thought. This voting against Mashley is moving too fast (4 votes already). I still demand full contribution from other people on this matter + I would want to hear what Mashley has to say on this as well (he's not on at the moment :<)

Vote counts would be
animask: Mashley, bmin11
Mashley: animask, Ph0X, DxS, NoHitter
By the way, it's based on my gut, which are the same as you guys >_>
Where's our host with updated vote counts?

Why are you the host bmin?

Anyways, looks like a Mashley or animask decision now. Just hope that it won't be a 4/4 split with imuffin still MIA. Looks like the worst situation since deadline is coming up soon.
My internet dead line is coming... within 6 minutes ;_;
I hope everything will turn out good *cross finger*. Wish us luck!
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