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gg inverness

128 x 128:

80 x 80:
height userpage suatu user bergantung sama ukuran avatar, tag yg dia punya (Elite Mapper, Chat Moderator dsb) sama badge yg dia dapet (OWC winner dll), lebih jelasnya langsung aja ke tkp

userpage tanpa avatar: a
userpage plus tag: b c
userpage plus badge: d

klo soal userpagenya adam itu karena kebetulan nama dia panjang plus dipisah spasi jadi otomatis textwrap, kea e
oh sip dah paham


Kyon97 wrote: kenapa ya?
Faishal Akbar
mau tanya bentar

pesen osu!tablet kena bea masuk gak kira kira? '-'
JMC marry me

Faishal Akbar wrote:

mau tanya bentar

pesen osu!tablet kena bea masuk gak kira kira? '-'
tanya sama yuzuru coba

puxtu wrote:

JMC marry me
w0w s0 daring...

puxtu wrote:

JMC marry me
sini sama om....

inverness wrote:

height userpage suatu user bergantung sama ukuran avatar, tag yg dia punya (Elite Mapper, Chat Moderator dsb) sama badge yg dia dapet (OWC winner dll), lebih jelasnya langsung aja ke tkp

userpage tanpa avatar: a
userpage plus tag: b c
userpage plus badge: d

klo soal userpagenya adam itu karena kebetulan nama dia panjang plus dipisah spasi jadi otomatis textwrap, kea e
Wow thanks.. Berati kalo ganti nama jadi lebih panjang terus 2huruf berati ngaruh dong ke userpej.

JMC wrote:

puxtu wrote:

JMC marry me
sini sama om....
btw gw jg om om....
Mike Ace
Gan Mau Nanya Donk
Ane Kan Make Skin Ane : Mix$kin FINAL ( Liat Di Userpage Ane )
Trus Pas Selesai Main Di Taiko Mode Langsung Blackscreen...
Di Alt+F4 Kgk Bisa , Right Click > Close Juga Kgk Bisa :( :(
Need Help Please :(


Mike Ace wrote:

Gan Mau Nanya Donk
Ane Kan Make Skin Ane : Mix$kin FINAL ( Liat Di Userpage Ane )
Trus Pas Selesai Main Di Taiko Mode Langsung Blackscreen...
Di Alt+F4 Kgk Bisa , Right Click > Close Juga Kgk Bisa :( :(
Need Help Please :(

gw udah coba main Taiko pake skin lu, tapi lancar2 aja kok

Mike Ace wrote:

Gan Mau Nanya Donk
Ane Kan Make Skin Ane : Mix$kin FINAL ( Liat Di Userpage Ane )
Trus Pas Selesai Main Di Taiko Mode Langsung Blackscreen...
Di Alt+F4 Kgk Bisa , Right Click > Close Juga Kgk Bisa :( :(
Need Help Please :(

orz biasa aja, gak kenapa2 aku nyoba nya `3`

raheta_adi wrote:

mungkin nanti kamu bisa mengerti kenapa jika kamu sudah submit map dan susah dapat mod.

El SolarBeam wrote:

inb4 kebanyakan mapper lebih butuh SPnya daripada saran moddernya
ga gitu juga sih. iya, SP itu penting tapi bukan berarti saran modder diabaikan. bukan itu maksudku. mungkin ini bisa memperjelas....

inverness wrote:

Opinions about kudosu
Regardless the quality of the mod, it is always obligated to give each mod a kudosu. Kudosu is a sign of gratitude, expression of thankfulness for having our beatmaps modded. Kudosu is a "thanks-for-your-help" so no matter how bad or how good a mod is, a kudosu should be given.

Though, it is a general understanding that better mods are more worthful of a kudosu. Things are going to go wrong when someone mods a map reluctantly, carelessly, and badly just because he wants a kudosu. This is an example of how worthless the kudosu if it is given to this kind of mod. It is not the fault of the mapper, but it is the fault of the modder. One should mod because he wants to help pointing out things on a map that should be fixed or should be done better, one should mod because he care about the quality about a map. Not one should mod just because he wants to beg for thanks or kudosu.
with this senpai always notice you :p
iseng tes
sejenis aplikasi biar mutual paksa gitu? wkwk

JMC wrote:

with this senpai always notice you :p
iseng tes
lol dafuq
nyari temen di internet aja maksa :'(
ikutan om joko juga ah wkwkwk

JMC wrote:

with this senpai always notice you :p
iseng tes
wkwk keren nih
Mike Ace

satriobp wrote:

Mike Ace wrote:

Gan Mau Nanya Donk
Ane Kan Make Skin Ane : Mix$kin FINAL ( Liat Di Userpage Ane )
Trus Pas Selesai Main Di Taiko Mode Langsung Blackscreen...
Di Alt+F4 Kgk Bisa , Right Click > Close Juga Kgk Bisa :( :(
Need Help Please :(

gw udah coba main Taiko pake skin lu, tapi lancar2 aja kok
Kok Bisa Ya ? :/ Ane Pas Mainin Kgk Bisa
jujur menurut ane yang honorable mentions dari segi coloring justru lebih bagus dari yang public vote
best coloring > natsukoOwO
best concept > Mocochia
tetapi mantap Indonesia bisa dapet PERTAMAX..!!!

JMC wrote:
jujur menurut ane yang honorable mentions dari segi coloring justru lebih bagus dari yang public vote
best coloring > natsukoOwO
best concept > Mocochia
tetapi mantap Indonesia bisa dapet PERTAMAX..!!!
mungkin farto iri (?)
ga tau juga,mungkin gambar jagoan dia ga juara...
ya ujung ujungnya tergantung pendapat pribadi masing masing sih :p
Rian Kiddie

JMC wrote:

with this senpai always notice you :p
iseng tes
itu aman? soalnya pake ngirim pass juga... :?

Rian Kiddie wrote:

JMC wrote:

with this senpai always notice you :p
iseng tes
itu aman? soalnya pake ngirim pass juga... :?
"use at your own risk"
iya itu passwordnya pake password di osu!
jadi bisa aman kalo developernya niatnya baik atau juga bisa disalahkgunakan kalo developernya nakal
ane ga jamin 100% aman

Rian Kiddie wrote:

JMC wrote:

with this senpai always notice you :p
iseng tes
itu aman? soalnya pake ngirim pass juga... :?

Kurang kenal sama developnya, kalau developnya udah lama disini..
Kayanya aman aman aja, mana mungkin ngambil akun orang.
Kalo developnya baru.. Patut dicurigai.
Tetap saja sih, kasih Username + Password = tetap ga aman (memang jebwizoscar ada bilang "don't want to submit your password? want to set up your own?" sih)...

pengen denger opini kalian tentang ini :D thankc,, (DONT POST it here lol)

ada yg bisa jelasin ini kenapa? :/

JMC wrote:
jujur menurut ane yang honorable mentions dari segi coloring justru lebih bagus dari yang public vote
best coloring > natsukoOwO
best concept > Mocochia
tetapi mantap Indonesia bisa dapet PERTAMAX..!!!
Best concept sih menurut gua biransei..

wdw natsukoOwO gak kepilih..
Tapi memang sih menurut gua itu sama sekali gaada hubungannya sama arround the world..

Tapi congrats indonesia!

puxtu wrote:


raheta_adi wrote:

SP itu penting tapi bukan berarti saran modder diabaikan.
^ Gue suka gaya lo! :)

inverness wrote:

Opinions about kudosu
Regardless the quality of the mod, it is always obligated to give each mod a kudosu. Kudosu is a sign of gratitude, expression of thankfulness for having our beatmaps modded. Kudosu is a "thanks-for-your-help" so no matter how bad or how good a mod is, a kudosu should be given.

Though, it is a general understanding that better mods are more worthful of a kudosu. Things are going to go wrong when someone mods a map reluctantly, carelessly, and badly just because he wants a kudosu. This is an example of how worthless the kudosu if it is given to this kind of mod. It is not the fault of the mapper, but it is the fault of the modder. One should mod because he wants to help pointing out things on a map that should be fixed or should be done better, one should mod because he care about the quality about a map. Not one should mod just because he wants to beg for thanks or kudosu.
^ Asyik! Penjelasannya bagus banget! :)
Ngomongin kudosu, beberapa hari yang lalu gue nge-mod salah satu mapset. Nge-mod cuma satu mod, doang. Dari awalnya, niatnya pengen dapet kudosu--karena waktu itu gue masih awal-awal nge-mod. Kemudian..., di-fix, sih, tapi nggak dikasih kudosu. :o
Jadi, intinya kalo mau nge-mod, ya, alasannya biar beatmap-nya makin lebih baik, bukan malah mencari kudosu. :v
So, if you want to mod, the reason is making beatmaps be better, not get more kudosu. :v
Udah lama gak ngabsen sini.

Btw, buat yang maen doto mungkin pada tertarik ikutan ginian.
osu monthly apa kabar pal
jangan buka luka lama det aawkawkawk

pacmanmania wrote:

osu monthly apa kabar pal
dewa, gabut setahun lebih
Urabe Mikoto
Nyesek det nyesek
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