
Return the support stars when a request with it gets denied [duplicate]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Or are support stars not recyclable?
If I remember correctly this was discussed before and in the end it was decided that stars should not be returned to the user when a request is denied.

The main reasoning for this was at least 90% of requests that are posted and denied everyday that people use their stars on are duplicates of ideas that already exist. If people are not able to search correctly then the punishment for them is losing their priority stars for other things. Almost all of the other denied requests are either bad ideas or ideas that are simple not possible and should not be star'ed in the first place.

Not going to deny this yet as I don't remember the final say on it but I think it basically comes down to that
Not to derail but what's going on with the ability to get more support stars?

I think I remember reading somewhere that you get 1-2 every month and yet I've gotten zero since it's implemented? :/

Zetta wrote:

I think I remember reading somewhere that you get 1-2 every month and yet I've gotten zero since it's implemented? :/
AFAIR peppy said stars will be given in irregular periods.

Galkan92 wrote:

Zetta wrote:

I think I remember reading somewhere that you get 1-2 every month and yet I've gotten zero since it's implemented? :/
AFAIR peppy said stars will be given in irregular periods.
Oh really? I was wondering why I didn't have any more stars...
Also, on the subject of stars... I think it would be nice if we got some stars for ranking maps. Just saying.
I'm sure someone will want this. Of course it may still be denied. Oh the irony.
I made a request to transfer stars from a duplicate to the original. imo, that should be enough
Think twice before throwing them :P
I'm just going to deny this. Support the transferable stars thread if you want this.
so why is this a duplicate?
I think he meant deny as a duplicate
I removed the invalid, so people wouldn't get confused and accidentally deny the other suggestion because this was denied.
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