
Ask the person below you anything

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Not really a fish person.

Do you edit Wikipedia?
Jason X

Have you ever translated something for a website/game/forum post?
Don't think so.

Do you edit english wikipedia?


opinion on


OwO or UwU?

do you listen to R&B?

Farfocele wrote:

OT: There is no question to answer, but I will ask one.
yeah idk why i forgot to ask a question lel :cry:

Yeah they banger and nostalgic af

Do u atleast like me 🥺
we're mutuals so yea ur cool

least favorite game?
chess. /s

What's your favorite Wikipedia article?
Wimpy Cursed
Python code

How do you feel about your current play count when compared with your time and rank?
It varies, I mean I do say my playcount is not much but I still improved, especially with the taiko. :3
What makes you enjoy being in Forum Games?

Personally, it's one way to take a break from all of the osu! stuff - including OT, and just goof around enjoy games that are readily made in here. It is also the forum I started being active in osu!forum.
Same question to other players.

Farfocele wrote:


interactivity with other users

ykw i'm lazy asl rn. sq
the avatar based games.

Do you listen to hip-hop?
i used to when i was younger. not anymore though

do you listen to videogame soundtracks? and if you do, can you tell me from which game?

What do you know about me?
you live in Poland
you play tetris
you type
you like tuyu
you like blahaj
you active in fg

why are you like this?
Just because.

What led to your pfp being like this?
Idk myself. I just screeshotted something on discord and leave it there and I thought nothing of it. I kinda don't want to put anime pfp, at least for this time though

Do you like spicy food?
absolutely it's one of the few ways i can feel real


Jason X
Bacause maybe.


Are you sure?

For real? No carp?
No i lied :cry:

do you like waffles
Jason X
Yea I like waffles!

Do you like pancakes?
never tried.

Do you like pizza?
farf how have you never tried pancakes
try them pleaseeeee

ot: i'm american ofc i like pizza

do you like chicken?
[TCD] Dzar03
yep, I have fried chicken once a week

do you like rice
how are you today?

how was ur school experience rn
Jason X
I've graduated 2015, so... can't really remeber how it was :?

Any plans for the weekend?
Ehhh i guess jog and try to make myself attractive
You forgor to ask a question.

What do you think about architects?
yeah its interesting n stuff

do u feel well today
i'm ok


do you like french toast?
i like garlic bread, so close enough

what internet personality(ies) do you consider to be "cringe", regardless of circumstance?
colloquially? i guess internet personalities that are just not very mindful of what they cultivate and don't particularly care about consequence whenever it's at someone's expense, and readily harm or obstruct or rhetorically poison the well for others who do care. it's a bit vague to answer with, but i genuinely don't know how else to answer other than "internet personalities that exploit/hurt/mock/misrepresent/minimize other people"


what's your relationship with music? what kinds of music do you like, and if you're comfortably sharing at length, what specifically do you like about them? i'd be immensely interested to hear thorough answers if possible, this is a topic i tend to be super invested in, but if you genuinely don't have much to say about it then that's ok too :>
Good, Many techno genres, and some other things.

Favorite Linux distro?
none, not enough knowledge or experience to distinguish what makes them interesting.


BluePyTheWDeer_ wrote:

Favorite Linux distro?
None. There are no good answers, only bad answers in this space IMO.

Why not Linux?
from how it sounds, linux may be a bit obscure and would have limited use-cases due to it not really being supported or supplied to people unless in a very specific context where training through it might be more intuitive in some kind of in-group culture. other than that, i guess it looks like it'd be harder for the average layperson to learn enough in order to readily/willingly work with it. i don't really know much else yet


Achromalia wrote:

what's your relationship with music? what kinds of music do you like, and if you're comfortably sharing at length, what specifically do you like about them? i'd be immensely interested to hear thorough answers if possible, this is a topic i tend to be super invested in, but if you genuinely don't have much to say about it then that's ok too :>
my relationship with music is good! i like rock/punk/emo, country and theatre/other/silly music the most
the reason i like those specifically is bc of the melody to it! i dont have much to say abt em but yknow

do you enjoy playing games? if so, what genre of games specifically?
Yes, mostly rhythm, or Minecraft.

Favorite artist?
that depends on my mood, Igorrr if i want something explosive and experimental, Black Moth Super Rainbow if i'm in the mood for lo-fi folk stuff mixed with electronic stuff, Celer if i want pure ambient with no percussive distractions, The Future Sound of London if i want ambient techno and other calm electronics, Olivia Rodrigo if i want pop punk or pop ballads, Angèle if i want pure radio pop... et cetera. a lot of favourite artists here.

same q
birdy sighting!

also depends, and there are dozens of particular kinds of musicians i love for different reasons

ill have to edit this later when im on my pc instead of my phone so i can actually search thru everything, i have a horrible memory w these things so i dont have many names readily available

as for illustrators/animators, thats so so much harder to pick from and i have worse memory with that

i just dont have very clear favorites imo, so if any qualify then i have dozens of dozens, so im sorry for rn this is a super crappy initial answer but ill list it out when i can!!


same q
t+pazolite and xi for hardcore music.
TUYU and Ado for jpop
Newjeans for kpop
Chopin and Liszt for classical
ICDD and UNDEAD CORPORATION for metal (i dont know what types of metal), and etc

What games that you want to play, but you cant ?
(for me its arcaea, cuz i dont have a phone ;-;)
Jason X
I've been thinking about this question for 10 minutes. I do play the games I wanna play, considering they're mostly older games my PC doesn't have a problem with that.

reffty_gag wrote:

What games that you want to play, but you cant ?
(same question)
Any Mario game.

Best Window Manager?
Idk what is WM Means

Which Apocalypse You choose irl
i...? i have no idea how i would narrow that down. which kind of apocalypse would i prefer to suffer...?

idk, uh, the beautifully gloomy apocalypse i always go to in my daydreams as long as it means i can look like and be the character i made for that story because they are so me

i'm sorry, this isn't really a helpfully descriptive answer, let me try again

the holocene extinction of the 24th-25th century, with a little bit of everything. a savory entree of viral plague and disease, a main dish of international war and a side dish of variably harsh climates seasoned with one or two natural mass-ecological disasters that the human species will likely persist through. for some dessert, the global human population is maybe ~454 million (~4.2% of the peak population of ~11.2 billion during the midpoint of the 22nd century), and life will be fairly dire but sometimes strikingly intermittently peaceful


what ideal do you have for the world? what would you like to see change?
Less violence and more tolerance

Would you rather pursue a music career or be a philosopher?
pursue a music career (in game development), which just happens to be connected to personal projects of sociological exploration and examination, and experiential reflection/representation, all of which likely only accidentally mirror academically philosophical subjects of relevance

...or something like that

~ ✦✻✦ ~

Achromalia wrote:

what ideal do you have for the world? what would you like to see change?
Every men should be freed from repetitive, easily automatable work, to free up minds for the development of humanity. But first we should ban drugs everywhere as it destroys minds.

How would human colonize a new planet?
i don't know, that would likely be determined by sociological/philosophical sentiment toward colonization, the logistics of making that travel possible for however many people might volunteer, what resources people could feasibly utilize to sustain each other, as well as the conditions of travel and habitation of the planet itself...

i'm not particularly knowledgeable about terraforming :/

~ ✦✻✦ ~

Achromalia wrote:

what ideal do you have for the world? what would you like to see change?
Nothing! I want this world to perish and everything to vanish as if nothing ever existed 🤭

first, ban all religions altogether so we could get ever closer to living in true solidarity and camaraderie, that would be a good first step on cutting down on wars and hate towards any minority groups. have VERY strict gun laws and bring back the death sentence on a more frequent pace. also wouldn't let the richest 1% of the people be in charge of like 99% of the things that happen. we're slowly but surely driving this sphere towards an inevitable death, which isn't very fun. also we've taken a wrong turn with the evolution of technology with the AI bullshit uprising and, previously, the whole crypto scam bubble and NFTs and what not. we should aim for a frutiger eco world again, seriously this time, remove people like mark zuckerberg and (especially) elon musk and whoever is in charge of tiktok, not let them have too much influence on anything. make everything more nature-centric, without harming nature. i guess my views can be pretty radical, but at this point we need radical views in order to save this doomed place, especially when it comes to places like the US and russia.

same q
I want to see the world change. I say that as plainly as possible. We can’t let everything repeat anymore, we’re out of time.

Unless it’s like, 2008-2016 that shit was lit.

If you had a second chance at living your life up until today, what would you do differently?
not download osu

What would you do if you became Wirtual for a day.
Reverse card myself because idk who they are.

Best Pokemon?

phantump or banette

same q
i wish i had a clue.

Norway or Sweden?

What things That distracting you from drawing Except Art blocked
I don’t really draw

What music artist do you like
check this link for a detailed answer. for a short answer, check that same link but spend less time browsing the artists lol.

same q
Tuyu, TULUS, MafuMafu, Eve, hkmori, goreshit, My uncle❤❤, NewJeans, xi, yooh, t+pazolite, Camellia, THE
ORAL CIGGARETTE, Franz Liszt, Frederic Chopin, Laur, HYBS, etc.

Do you made music ? if yes send the link
i don't make music.

How fast do you type?
for the first 10 seconds, ~130 wpm (100% accuracy)
but it always returns to ~110 wpm (96% accuracy)

i remember i used to type at ~150? i dont really know how... thats so hard for me to reach right now :(

B0ii wrote:

why are you like this?
I just came back from yet another break from osu!.


Do you plan to get married someday?
yes, i'm engaged to my fiancée, we just need to stop studying and then get employed to ever have enough money for it. should be realistic in under 10 years, hopefully in 5 years.

same q
no plan :p i dont really know if i have any feelings toward that

...i mean i do wonder what it means to people, but im too far removed from...? having any attraction to people? i mean it may not necessarily be an attraction thing to people, so...? anyway its possible that its not a total absence of attraction, it may be that i just have been isolated so long and disengaged from what relationships (but more relevantly to me, friendships) supposedly are that it doesnt really matter. i havent known how to distinguish between the two for years, and i dont mind either scenario but i wish i understood more about myself and how i see everything

i know online friends who married almost immediately when becoming adults, which somehow was surprising/interesting when it could just be really mundane?

left behind? i think its more that i feel like i lose my friends afterward... maybe it would be that people dont have time to spare when trying to survive and trying to support a partner

idk, im exploring any thoughts i find but im not sure where to look

but if this magically grows personal/meaningful to me in 20 years, then it would be up to my future self to hope i know what to do to be good to whoever would be involved ^^ afaik im not really interested tho i just wanna dream and love humanity from afar


question: why are you the way you are? what do you think has been most personally influential to your characteristics? additionally, what impressions do you hear people have about you, both favorably and critically?
i'm pretty independent and simultaneously both childish and someone who had to mature early, probably because of how my parents are (father was an absent alcoholic, mother is a narcissist who never raised me properly). influential things have been having to raise myself, having to endure bullying, having to endure homelessness for 6 months because of my shit of a mother and surviving a few years of battle with alcoholism right after surviving homelessness. when people who i already know have introduced me to new people, i've heard that they think i don't like them, which is not my intention (well, at least usually) because i'm so shy and kinda blunt to be honest. but then when people get to know me, i've been described as trustworthy, loyal and loving. at least twice i've been told i have golden retriever energy, which is cute (and true).

same q
Probably getting into minecraft/osu! in the first place was a big part of who I am today - both of these things probably led a big butterfly effect.

same q.
Because I tend to have unreasonably strong negative feelings, a large part of who I am comes from how I respond to hurt, resentment, anger, etc...

Having to learn how to navigate all that has allowed me to become acutely aware of my internal world and has forced me to ask many important questions about myself.

What's been most personally influential to my characteristics is people. I tend to get stuck in my own head but, when I interact with people, I sometimes absorb their characteristics like a sponge. I think that's a big reason why I am the way I am.

During my teenage years, people have been very kind, patient and empathetic with me. So I try my best to do the same. However, a good chunk of toxic behaviours from when I was navigating past emotions remain. So I'm no saint and I'm still blindsided to certain things going on inside of me.

These are the expressions that multiple people have given to me. (The ones that stuck the most at least.)


  1. I hold myself to unreasonable standards
  2. I'm cruel to myself when I don't meet said standards.
  3. I fail to recognize or am quick to disregard my own efforts and achievements.
  4. I feel my emotions too strongly.
  5. I get angry too easily.
  6. I can be quick to lash out.

  1. I'm good at expressing and explaining how I feel.
  2. I'm doing better than I think I am.
I struggle to recall positive comments. But considering everything I've just explained, I guess that's not surprising.


Same q. I think is a very good question. Really gets you thinking.
um, Idk, i view myself lazy to draw cuz I always Play videogames, and also i had some Anger issues Cuz the Bullying i experienced is Elementary schools and Middle schools, i guess?

Do u Hate Wall of text?
no ^^ i actually greatly prefer when people explore their thoughts, i enjoy when people have something of substance to say

Achromalia wrote:

question: why are you the way you are? what do you think has been most personally influential to your characteristics? additionally, what impressions do you hear people have about you, both favorably and critically?
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