
How to adjustment color " inputoverlay-key " ?

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I'm asking about " inputoverlay-key " there depends on their skin.ini

You can't change the color of the key. If your key is white, it will colored by default (yellow; keyboard, pink; mouse). You are only able to change the color of the font.
if you want to change text font color on inputoverlay key?
- open the skin.ini and add "InputOverlayText: x,x,x" under the [Colours] section
- change "x" with number between 0 - 255 ( RGB colors), which is getting closer to the number 0 may become darker, and if approaching the 255 number, the more light
- first "x" value is Red colour
- second "x" value is Green colour
- third "x" value is Blue colour

example :
if you want to change input font color to be a red, you can type like this

InputOverlayText: 255,0,0

(first value is red if you type number reach value 255, also to other values such as the value for the color green or blue)

but, if you want to change to yellow colour, you can type like this in skin.ini

InputOverlayText: 255,255,0

(just change the green value (middle number) from 0 to 255, or in other words, the combined value of 255 between red to green in color RGB will produce yellow)
if you want to change colour inputoverlay-key
color overlay on Osu! seems to have been set, Yellow for input using a keyboard, dang red / purple for input using the mouse, so it can not be replaced through skin.ini, but there is a trick to change it by changing the color element inputoverlay-Key.png the skin folder you use

- First, use photoshop, gimp or the other to change the color inputoverlay-key.png
- Change the basic color inputoverlay-key.png, for example from white to blue
- Then save edits the inputoverlay-key.png

then at Osu!, there will be a combination of blue with yellow on the inputoverlay-key, so it will produce the green color of the input overlay. or in other words, you only need to replace the color of inputoverlay-key.png to be combined with the default overlay colors to produce other colors.
I hope it will help '-')b
He play stable fallback, i see old fps counter. You can't change colours for stable fallback. Switch to stable latest and you can change colours with skin.ini
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