
positive MAD-crew - Lapistoria no yakusoku

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My Angel RangE
모딩 왔어요~

00:06:535 (4) - 끝부분 블랭킷이 안됬어영
00:17:502 (1) - 빨간틱을 00:18:793 (3) - 의 블랭킷에 맞게 조절 하면 어떨까요? 보기좋을꺼같아영, 하얀틱추가도 해주시고..(?)
00:22:664 (1) - 블랭킷.
00:27:180 (4) - ^

widescreen support 스토리 보드 안쓰시면 꺼주세욧

00:04:599 (1,2,3) - DS 미세차이 나요

그외는..제가 몸상태 좋아지고 다시 해드릴께영
죄송합니당 ㅇㅅㅇ..;;
Topic Starter

My Angel RangE wrote:

모딩 왔어요~

00:06:535 (4) - 끝부분 블랭킷이 안됬어영 - fixed
00:17:502 (1) - 빨간틱을 00:18:793 (3) - 의 블랭킷에 맞게 조절 하면 어떨까요? 보기좋을꺼같아영, 하얀틱추가도 해주시고..(?) - fixed 너무 미세한거라 잘됐는지 몰겟네요ㅋㅋㅋ
00:22:664 (1) - 블랭킷. - fixed
00:27:180 (4) - ^ - fixed

widescreen support 스토리 보드 안쓰시면 꺼주세욧 - fixed

00:04:599 (1,2,3) - DS 미세차이 나요 - 엥 괜찮은거 같은데요..?

그외는..제가 몸상태 좋아지고 다시 해드릴께영
죄송합니당 ㅇㅅㅇ..;; - 갠차나영 히히히 모딩 감사합니다<3
00:30:406 (1,2) - 2번에 커브넣어서 1 블랭킷 하는건 어떨까욤
01:12:986 (3) - hp바에 조금 가깝게 붙어있다고 생각하는데 아래로 내려 조금 떨어뜨려보는건 어떨까욤
01:22:018 (1,2,1,2) - 이지 에서 이런 박자 갭은 별로 추천드리고 싶지 않네요.. 저로서는 다른 방안이 생각나지 않지만 그래도 위험할수도 있겠구나 하는 생각이 들었습니다

00:12:825 (2,3) - 2에 커브를 넣어 3을 블랭킷 하는건 어떨까욤
00:25:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 앞과 뒷리듬에 비해 순전히 1/1리듬만 사용되 상당히 이질감을 느꼈습니다. 앞부분과 비슷하게 1/2박자를 넣는게 좋을거같네욤
01:25:459 (3) - 뉴콤은 필요 없을거 같습니다
01:37:502 (1,1) - 오버랩 피해주세요

00:57:180 (3,1) - 저라면 오버랩을 피해 블랭킷으로 바꿀거 같네요.
01:12:986 (1,2) - 이건 상당히 리딩미스의 요소가 있다고 생각합니다. 오버랩을 피하는게 어떨까요?

00:04:277 (2) - 이게 정말 1/8을 써가면서 표현해야할 박자인지 의문이 드네요 저는 1/8로 표현하기보다는 강조되는 1/4박자들로만 꾸릴거 같습니다.
01:37:421 (4,1) - 1에있는 강한 박자를 표현하려는 것은 알겠지만 하이퍼라는 난이도에서 나올 패턴은 아니라고 생각합니다.

00:02:986 (3,1) - 왜 갑자기 안티점프가 사용되었는지 모르겠습니다 00:02:664 (2,3) - 이것도 똑같은 박자인데 넓은 DS를 사용하셨는데 말이죠
00:04:277 (2) - 하이퍼에 언급
00:14:599 (5) - NC?
00:27:825 (1,2) - 오버랩 피해주세요
00:34:277 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - DS가 제멋대로인거 같은데 통일시켜 주세요

00:09:600 (4,1) - 여기에서 1을 강조시켰던 것 처럼 00:11:051 (1) - 같은 박자인 얘도 ds를 늘려 강조시키는게 어떨까요?

맵 좋네요. GL!
Topic Starter
닉네임에 괄호가 있어서 여기다 쓸수가 없잖아!?

[C u r i] wrote:

00:30:406 (1,2) - 2번에 커브넣어서 1 블랭킷 하는건 어떨까욤 - 원래는 00:32:986 (1) - 와 같기때문에 수정안하려했는데 오히려 다르게 두는게 더 나은것 같네요! fixed
01:12:986 (3) - hp바에 조금 가깝게 붙어있다고 생각하는데 아래로 내려 조금 떨어뜨려보는건 어떨까욤 - fixed
01:22:018 (1,2,1,2) - 이지 에서 이런 박자 갭은 별로 추천드리고 싶지 않네요.. 저로서는 다른 방안이 생각나지 않지만 그래도 위험할수도 있겠구나 하는 생각이 들었습니다 - 음 여기... 저도 최선으로 표현한게 이정도라서 지금은 바뀌진 않지만 keep in mind 하고 있겠습니다!

00:12:825 (2,3) - 2에 커브를 넣어 3을 블랭킷 하는건 어떨까욤 - 지금의 직각흐름이 마음에 들기 때문에 그대로 두겠습니다
00:25:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 앞과 뒷리듬에 비해 순전히 1/1리듬만 사용되 상당히 이질감을 느꼈습니다. 앞부분과 비슷하게 1/2박자를 넣는게 좋을거같네욤 - 음.. 여기서 드럼을 찾아서 1/2을 끼워넣으면 보컬만 강조한 패턴이 사라지는 것 같아서 지금 리듬을 유지하는게 나을거라 생각해요. 상위난이도들도 전부 보컬만 강조한 식이구요ㅋㅋㅋ
01:25:459 (3) - 뉴콤은 필요 없을거 같습니다 - fixed
01:37:502 (1,1) - 오버랩 피해주세요 - 사실 요 삼각형 슬라이더 패턴에서는 00:22:341 (6,3) - 이거랑 비슷하게 일부러 오버랩을 둔거라 지금은 그대로 두겠습니다. 하지만 여기에 관해 컴플레인이 계속 들어온다면 둘 다 나중에 바꿀지도

00:57:180 (3,1) - 저라면 오버랩을 피해 블랭킷으로 바꿀거 같네요. - 음 저는 지금 소절이 바뀌면서 슬라이더 방향이 반시계에서 시계로 바뀌는게 괜찮다고 생각해서 블랭킷은 안하겠습니다.
01:12:986 (1,2) - 이건 상당히 리딩미스의 요소가 있다고 생각합니다. 오버랩을 피하는게 어떨까요? - 음 이게 저번에도 모딩이 왔었는데 크게 오버랩을 고집할 이유는 없는 것 같아서 fixed (왠지 ds 고치라는 모딩이 들어올 것 같지만 슬라헤드가 가까이 붙어있으니 패스)

00:04:277 (2) - 이게 정말 1/8을 써가면서 표현해야할 박자인지 의문이 드네요 저는 1/8로 표현하기보다는 강조되는 1/4박자들로만 꾸릴거 같습니다. - fixed 하지만 저는 이게 상당히 크게 들린다고 생각하기 때문에 ex에서는 그대로 두겠습니다.
01:37:421 (4,1) - 1에있는 강한 박자를 표현하려는 것은 알겠지만 하이퍼라는 난이도에서 나올 패턴은 아니라고 생각합니다. - fixed, 그 외에도 키아이부분 약간 조정

00:02:986 (3,1) - 왜 갑자기 안티점프가 사용되었는지 모르겠습니다 00:02:664 (2,3) - 이것도 똑같은 박자인데 넓은 DS를 사용하셨는데 말이죠 - fixed 저도 그이유를 모르겠습니다
00:04:277 (2) - 하이퍼에 언급
00:14:599 (5) - NC? - 사실 원래 뉴콤이었던걸 제거한건데 흠.. 좀더 고려해보겠습니다
00:27:825 (1,2) - 오버랩 피해주세요 - 여러가지로 오버랩이 안되게 바꿔봤는데 오히려 더 별로인듯해서 일단 그대로 두겠습니다. 이거에 관해 컴플레인이 계속 들어온다면 고칠거 같긴한데 크게 문제가 안되면 그냥 둘 것 같네요 아마...?
00:34:277 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - DS가 제멋대로인거 같은데 통일시켜 주세요 - fixed

00:09:600 (4,1) - 여기에서 1을 강조시켰던 것 처럼 00:11:051 (1) - 같은 박자인 얘도 ds를 늘려 강조시키는게 어떨까요?

맵 좋네요. GL!

큐리님 모딩 감사합니다! 쌩유베리마취!

음, 뻘건색으로 이유를 길게 써놓으니 보기 좀 그렇네요. 색을 바꿀까... :thinking:
00:08:470 (1,5) - 이런 형태의 안 예쁜 오버랩 피해주세요. 전체적으로 많이 보이는데.
00:13:470 (8) - 일단00:13:551 - 여기도 강한 비트가 있잖아요, 그런데 슬라이더 꼬리로만 처리하기에는 조금 아쉬운 감이 있습니다.
00:17:502 (1,2,3) - 00:20:083 (1,2,3) - 일단 시각적으로 DS가 비슷해 보이기 때문에 플레이어들이 리딩이 조금 헷갈릴 수 있습니다.
00:53:631 (1,2,3) - 여기부터 1/3 계열 패턴이잖아요. 근데 그냥 노트만 있으면 플레이어들이 1/3 박자 리딩을 못해요. 앞부분은 슬라이더를 한번 써봐요.
22:20 Neoskylove: 00:14:922 (1,2,3) - 00:16:212 (1,2,3) - 이런 패턴들 보면
22:20 Neoskylove: 어떤 의도로 찍혓는지 잘 모르겠습니다
22:20 Neoskylove: 조금 균형이 안맞는 느낌이랄까
22:21 SLM: 흠
22:21 SLM: 00:14:922 (1,2,3) - 이게 디스턴스가
22:21 Neoskylove:
22:21 SLM: 너무 막찍엇다는 의미?인가요?
22:21 Neoskylove: 이런식으로 찍어보시는것도 괜찮은데
22:21 Neoskylove: 막찍었다는건 아니고
22:22 Neoskylove: 저도 늅시절에는 이랬는데
22:22 SLM: 오오
22:22 Neoskylove: 전체적으로 패턴들이 어떻게 돌아가는지 잘 모르다 보니깐
22:22 Neoskylove: 그냥 손 가는대로 찍게 되는 것들 있잖아요
22:22 SLM: 어떻게 10초도 안되서 모양이 막나오시지
22:22 SLM: 네네
22:22 Neoskylove: 00:16:212 (1,2) - 여기는 보기면
22:23 Neoskylove: 서로 블랭킷 의도하신것 같은데
22:23 Neoskylove: 일단 블랭킷 에러났고요
22:23 Neoskylove: 블랭킷에러는 중요한거 아니니 넘어갑시다
22:23 SLM: 컥 그렇네요
22:23 Neoskylove: 패턴 모양이 조금 이상해요
22:23 Neoskylove: 제 개인적인거지만
22:24 Neoskylove: 슬라이더 끼리이런식으로 대칭 느낌나게 배치해보시는것도
22:25 SLM: 오
22:25 SLM: 괜찮네영
22:25 SLM: 음
22:25 SLM: 대충 어떤느낌인지 알것같아요
22:25 Neoskylove: 00:21:373 (1,3) - 이거는 잘 모르겠는데
22:26 Neoskylove: 이렇게 스택시켜버리변 리딩이 조금 힘들 수 있어요
22:26 Neoskylove: 00:22:664 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 얘도 조금 균형이 안맞세 나오는것같고
22:28 Neoskylove:이런 형태의 패턴으로 좀 더 예쁘게 만드실 수 있습니다
22:28 SLM: 오''
22:29 Neoskylove: 00:30:406 (1) - 이런거는 대칭쓴건 좋은데 조금 동선이 힘들법한 슬라이더에요
22:29 Neoskylove: 그냥 평법한 직선 슬라이더로 바꿔봐요
22:29 SLM: ㅇㅋㅇㅋ
22:29 Neoskylove: 00:50:728 (3,4) - 이거 두개
22:30 Neoskylove: 스택 안하는게 좋을것 같네요.
22:30 Neoskylove: 상당히 어색해보여요
22:31 SLM: 음 전
22:31 SLM: 00:51:051 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - 이 파트 들어가니 감속하란 식으로 스택한건데'
22:31 Neoskylove: 00:55:567 (4) - 3개 노트 주기로 끊겨 있으니 뉴콤보
22:31 SLM: 음이 강해서 이상하긴하네요
22:32 SLM: ㅇㅋㅇㅋ
22:32 Neoskylove: 근데 음악으로 볼때는
22:32 Neoskylove: 그냥 스택이 갈 곳 없어서 그냥 끼어있는것처럼 보이네요
22:34 SLM: 음 00:55:567 (4) - 이거 말인데요
22:34 Neoskylove: ?
22:34 SLM: 00:54:922 (1,2,3,4) - 사각형이라 리딩상으로 뉴콤빼는게 나은거아닌가요?
22:34 Neoskylove: 외형과는 크게 관련 없어요 뉴콤은
22:35 SLM: (3,3,4)로 끊는다 생각하고 찍은거라
22:35 Neoskylove: 근데 뉴콤보야 뭐 본인 스타일대로 예쁘게 하는게 좋아요
22:35 Neoskylove: 귿이 억지로 다 고칠 필요 없죠
22:35 SLM: 음 넵 알겟습니다
22:36 Neoskylove: 나머지는 딱히 어떻다 라고 하긴 좀 힘들겠네요
22:36 Neoskylove: 더 세세하게 파고 들어가면 끝도 없어서
22:37 Neoskylove: 뭐 대충 이정도 하면 된것 같고요
22:37 Neoskylove: 퀄리티 관련된 부분은 랭맵들 보면서 차근차근 공부 하시면 될겁니다.
나머지 난이도는 시간상 다 못봐드리겠네요.
Good luck :)
Topic Starter

Neoskylove wrote:

00:08:470 (1,5) - 이런 형태의 안 예쁜 오버랩 피해주세요. 전체적으로 많이 보이는데. - 아마 거의 다 정리한 것 같습니다
00:13:470 (8) - 일단00:13:551 - 여기도 강한 비트가 있잖아요, 그런데 슬라이더 꼬리로만 처리하기에는 조금 아쉬운 감이 있습니다. - 사실 여긴 되게 약하고 강한음은 00:13:631 - 여기서 부터 시작된다고 생각하는데 힛사때문에 잘못 들으신게 아닌지..? 일단 클릭커블에만 힛사가 들어가도록 바꿨습니다.
00:17:502 (1,2,3) - 00:20:083 (1,2,3) - 일단 시각적으로 DS가 비슷해 보이기 때문에 플레이어들이 리딩이 조금 헷갈릴 수 있습니다. - 이 부분 리맵했습니다.
00:53:631 (1,2,3) - 여기부터 1/3 계열 패턴이잖아요. 근데 그냥 노트만 있으면 플레이어들이 1/3 박자 리딩을 못해요. 앞부분은 슬라이더를 한번 써봐요. - 음 제 생각에 앞부분만이라도 슬라를 넣으면 제가 원한 느낌이 무너지는 것 같아서 그대로 둘게요
22:20 Neoskylove: 00:14:922 (1,2,3) - 00:16:212 (1,2,3) - 이런 패턴들 보면
22:20 Neoskylove: 어떤 의도로 찍혓는지 잘 모르겠습니다
22:20 Neoskylove: 조금 균형이 안맞는 느낌이랄까
22:21 SLM: 흠
22:21 SLM: 00:14:922 (1,2,3) - 이게 디스턴스가
22:21 Neoskylove:
22:21 SLM: 너무 막찍엇다는 의미?인가요?
22:21 Neoskylove: 이런식으로 찍어보시는것도 괜찮은데
22:21 Neoskylove: 막찍었다는건 아니고
22:22 Neoskylove: 저도 늅시절에는 이랬는데
22:22 SLM: 오오
22:22 Neoskylove: 전체적으로 패턴들이 어떻게 돌아가는지 잘 모르다 보니깐
22:22 Neoskylove: 그냥 손 가는대로 찍게 되는 것들 있잖아요
22:22 SLM: 어떻게 10초도 안되서 모양이 막나오시지
22:22 SLM: 네네
22:22 Neoskylove: 00:16:212 (1,2) - 여기는 보기면
22:23 Neoskylove: 서로 블랭킷 의도하신것 같은데
22:23 Neoskylove: 일단 블랭킷 에러났고요
22:23 Neoskylove: 블랭킷에러는 중요한거 아니니 넘어갑시다
22:23 SLM: 컥 그렇네요
22:23 Neoskylove: 패턴 모양이 조금 이상해요
22:23 Neoskylove: 제 개인적인거지만
22:24 Neoskylove: 슬라이더 끼리이런식으로 대칭 느낌나게 배치해보시는것도
22:25 SLM: 오
22:25 SLM: 괜찮네영
22:25 SLM: 음
22:25 SLM: 대충 어떤느낌인지 알것같아요
22:25 Neoskylove: 00:21:373 (1,3) - 이거는 잘 모르겠는데
22:26 Neoskylove: 이렇게 스택시켜버리변 리딩이 조금 힘들 수 있어요
22:26 Neoskylove: 00:22:664 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 얘도 조금 균형이 안맞세 나오는것같고
22:28 Neoskylove:이런 형태의 패턴으로 좀 더 예쁘게 만드실 수 있습니다
22:28 SLM: 오''
22:29 Neoskylove: 00:30:406 (1) - 이런거는 대칭쓴건 좋은데 조금 동선이 힘들법한 슬라이더에요
22:29 Neoskylove: 그냥 평법한 직선 슬라이더로 바꿔봐요
22:29 SLM: ㅇㅋㅇㅋ
22:29 Neoskylove: 00:50:728 (3,4) - 이거 두개
22:30 Neoskylove: 스택 안하는게 좋을것 같네요.
22:30 Neoskylove: 상당히 어색해보여요
22:31 SLM: 음 전
22:31 SLM: 00:51:051 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - 이 파트 들어가니 감속하란 식으로 스택한건데'
22:31 Neoskylove: 00:55:567 (4) - 3개 노트 주기로 끊겨 있으니 뉴콤보
22:31 SLM: 음이 강해서 이상하긴하네요
22:32 SLM: ㅇㅋㅇㅋ
22:32 Neoskylove: 근데 음악으로 볼때는
22:32 Neoskylove: 그냥 스택이 갈 곳 없어서 그냥 끼어있는것처럼 보이네요
22:34 SLM: 음 00:55:567 (4) - 이거 말인데요
22:34 Neoskylove: ?
22:34 SLM: 00:54:922 (1,2,3,4) - 사각형이라 리딩상으로 뉴콤빼는게 나은거아닌가요?
22:34 Neoskylove: 외형과는 크게 관련 없어요 뉴콤은
22:35 SLM: (3,3,4)로 끊는다 생각하고 찍은거라
22:35 Neoskylove: 근데 뉴콤보야 뭐 본인 스타일대로 예쁘게 하는게 좋아요
22:35 Neoskylove: 귿이 억지로 다 고칠 필요 없죠
22:35 SLM: 음 넵 알겟습니다
22:36 Neoskylove: 나머지는 딱히 어떻다 라고 하긴 좀 힘들겠네요
22:36 Neoskylove: 더 세세하게 파고 들어가면 끝도 없어서
22:37 Neoskylove: 뭐 대충 이정도 하면 된것 같고요
22:37 Neoskylove: 퀄리티 관련된 부분은 랭맵들 보면서 차근차근 공부 하시면 될겁니다.
나머지 난이도는 시간상 다 못봐드리겠네요.
Good luck :)
갹ㄷㄱㄷㄴ 답 안 단것들이랑,irc/ 그 외에 전체적으로 공사를 좀 하고싶은데
고치고 싶은게 너무 많아서 내일 아침에 마저 할게요!ㅋㅋ(잉여) Edit:끗

  1. BG has a low size, try to find another one
  1. 00:08:148 (5) - what about replacing by circles as 00:06:857 (5,6) -
  2. 00:08:793 (2,2) - stack
  3. 00:21:051 (3) - inconsistency with 00:18:148 (2,3) -, 00:15:567 (2,3) -
  4. 00:22:986 (3,4,1) - It's not a really good flow imo
  5. 00:27:825 (1,2) - 00:54:062 (3,3) - overlap doesn't look good as much
  6. 00:28:470 - 00:30:406 (1) - This reverse feels a bit out of place imo, you should make this clickable
  7. 00:42:825 (4,5,6,1,2) - try to improve this star pattern
  8. 00:44:760 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this pattern doesn't look good visually it feels that you placed circles anywhere
  9. 00:56:212 (1,2) - try to make them parallel it would be good visually
  10. 01:00:728 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - flow is not good imo
  11. 01:10:889 (3,4,5,6) - same as above ^
  1. 00:31:696 (1,2,3,4) - it feels awkward to have a bigger spacing only here and not at 00:26:857 (3,4,5,6) - or 00:29:438 (3,4,5,6) -
  2. 00:34:840 (8,2) - I think overlap them would increase readability
  3. 00:45:406 (5,6) - spacing should be the same than 00:45:244 (4,5) -
  4. 01:11:212 (3,4,5) - flow doesn't look good to me imo, slider's direction forced the player to make a movement which doesn't expect
  5. 01:29:357 - why you didn't map this while you map 01:28:067 - ?
  1. 00:09:115 (3,4,5) - I think there's no reason to have a huge spacing, it would be better if there's the same spacing than 00:06:535 (3,4) -
  2. 00:21:373 (1) - what about trying to copypaste 00:20:728 (2) - and replacing it, it would be better aesthetically
  3. 00:35:244 (1) - 1/8 slider is not necessary, try to make as 00:04:277 (2) -
  4. 00:38:470 (2,3,2) - overlap doesn't look good
  5. 01:41:857 (3,5) - same as above ^
  6. 01:46:857 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - it's too huge for a hyper diff imo
  1. 00:25:244 (1) - you should stop this at 00:25:889 -
  2. 00:27:825 (1) - same as ^
  3. 00:30:406 (1) - ^
  4. 00:35:890 (2,3,4) - inconsistency with 00:37:180 (2,3,4) - you should make as 00:37:180 (2,3,4) -
  5. 00:53:631 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - 01:22:018 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 01:23:954 (2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - too huge for a hard diff, try with 1/6 sliders
  6. 01:00:889 (3) - finish it on the blue tick, I think it'll be better
  1. 00:12:825 (2,2) - 00:22:341 (6,3,4) - 00:23:309 (3,4,7) - 01:37:502 (1,1) - it would be better avoiding this kind of overlap in normal diffs
  2. 01:01:373 - it should be clickable imo
that's all for me, good luck!
Topic Starter

MugiwaraSekai wrote:


  1. BG has a low size, try to find another one - I don't think there's any rule that I shouldn't use a low size bg, the original pic is 950*632, so extending it sth like 1366*768 will make no difference but only increase weight.
  1. 00:08:148 (5) - what about replacing by circles as 00:06:857 (5,6) - - no cuz it relates with 00:05:567 (6) -
  2. 00:08:793 (2,2) - stack - fixed
  3. 00:21:051 (3) - inconsistency with 00:18:148 (2,3) -, 00:15:567 (2,3) - - remapped
  4. 00:22:986 (3,4,1) - It's not a really good flow imo - remapped
  5. 00:27:825 (1,2) - 00:54:062 (3,3) - overlap doesn't look good as much - fixed 00:28:631 (2) - but keeping 00:54:707 (3) - cuz I made 00:54:062 (3,3,3) - to move slightly
  6. 00:28:470 - 00:30:406 (1) - This reverse feels a bit out of place imo, you should make this clickable - I'm focusing on vocal , also there's no such sound that is strong enough to make it clickable
  7. 00:42:825 (4,5,6,1,2) - try to improve this star pattern - okay
  8. 00:44:760 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this pattern doesn't look good visually it feels that you placed circles anywhere - I'll consider about this
  9. 00:56:212 (1,2) - try to make them parallel it would be good visually - it is intended not to be parallel
  10. 01:00:728 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - flow is not good imo - kinda fixed
  11. 01:10:889 (3,4,5,6) - same as above ^ - fixed
  1. 00:09:115 (3,4,5) - I think there's no reason to have a huge spacing, it would be better if there's the same spacing than 00:06:535 (3,4) - - it was because of 00:09:438 (4) - 's clap, kinda fixed.
  2. 00:21:373 (1) - what about trying to copypaste 00:20:728 (2) - and replacing it, it would be better aesthetically - copied 00:21:373 (1) - instead
  3. 00:35:244 (1) - 1/8 slider is not necessary, try to make as 00:04:277 (2) - - fixed
  4. 00:38:470 (2,3,2) - overlap doesn't look good - think it's fine cuz ar is high enough. It's only editor thing.
  5. 01:41:857 (3,5) - same as above ^ - It's intended tho I might fix in the future
  6. 01:46:857 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - it's too huge for a hyper diff imo - think it's fine cuz it has small ds
  1. 00:25:244 (1) - you should stop this at 00:25:889 - - think it's fine cuz I mainly 99% prioritized the vocal at this part
  2. 00:27:825 (1) - same as ^
  3. 00:30:406 (1) - ^
  4. 00:35:890 (2,3,4) - inconsistency with 00:37:180 (2,3,4) - you should make as 00:37:180 (2,3,4) - - wasn't gonna change but changed anyway cuz consistency looks better.
  5. 00:53:631 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - 01:22:018 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 01:23:954 (2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - too huge for a hard diff, try with 1/6 sliders - oooook.... I'm finally changing this
  6. 01:00:889 (3) - finish it on the blue tick, I think it'll be better - although there is a sound on blue tick, it's much smaller when you listen without hs, so not changing.
  1. 00:12:825 (2,2) - 00:22:341 (6,3,4) - 00:23:309 (3,4,7) - 01:37:502 (1,1) - it would be better avoiding this kind of overlap in normal diffs 00:12:825 (2,2) - not overlapped i think? the rest is intended overlap for a triangly pattern, but I'll see what others say
  2. 01:01:373 - it should be clickable imo - it is for a little variation for the rhythm, probably gonna change if others say same
that's all for me, good luck!

Some rework going on the Ex diff so I'll reply to rest of the ex diff mod after that. - done
Thanks for modding anyways!
M4M req from my queue

00:16:212 (3,1) - Bad transition, CTRL+H the 3. The slider return aims the opposite direction, flows bad
00:29:438 (3,1) - ^
00:30:406 (1,2,3) - Flows bad in my opinion, try to make the 2 aim the 3
00:40:406 (4) - Move it slightly up, flows better
01:00:406 (3,1) - 1st mod
01:18:148 (3,1) - ^

00:12:341 (1,2) - You should REALLY change it, the flow is bad because of the 2 aiming on the oppisite direction, moreover, 00:12:825 (2,3) - The transition between the 2 and 3 is bad aswell since the 2 is aiming the right
01:21:051 (5) - move it slightly down, flows better imo
01:22:018 (1,2,1) - Maybe you can space them a bit more to avoid straight movements ?
01:23:309 (1,2) - Not straight

01:09:115 (1,2) - Symmetry problem
01:14:922 (2,3) - I don't think it's intuitive for the player to have a 1/4 there
01:41:857 (3,4) - Weird transition

Good Luck
Topic Starter

yaleufeu wrote:

M4M req from my queue

00:16:212 (3,1) - Bad transition, CTRL+H the 3. The slider return aims the opposite direction, flows bad - fixed somehow
00:29:438 (3,1) - ^ - was intended to be unnatural flow, but changed anyway for a better looking slider & changed some following part
00:30:406 (1,2,3) - Flows bad in my opinion, try to make the 2 aim the 3 - ^ changed
00:40:406 (4) - Move it slightly up, flows better - ^ changed
01:00:406 (3,1) - 1st mod - It is intended to have the unnatural flow, to emphasize 01:01:373 (1) -
01:18:148 (3,1) - ^ - ^

00:12:341 (1,2) - You should REALLY change it, the flow is bad because of the 2 aiming on the oppisite direction, moreover, 00:12:825 (2,3) - The transition between the 2 and 3 is bad aswell since the 2 is aiming the right - These are intended to be unnatural flow to emphasize the strong beat, but might change in the future if future mods complains about this.
01:21:051 (5) - move it slightly down, flows better imo - fixed
01:22:018 (1,2,1) - Maybe you can space them a bit more to avoid straight movements ? - not really sure about this
01:23:309 (1,2) - Not straight - fixed

01:09:115 (1,2) - Symmetry problem - fixed
01:14:922 (2,3) - I don't think it's intuitive for the player to have a 1/4 there - think it's fine
01:41:857 (3,4) - Weird transition - fixed

Good Luck
LOL You modded right before I was gonna go to bed, will take a closer look again tomorrow cuz I replied with sleepy mind.
Thanks for modding!
From my modding queue! Don't forget to mod my map :3


  1. 00:08:148 (2,1) - I would recommand you to avoid this kind of overlap, because it can disturb the player while playing. Try to move your note on the tail of your slider, it can be better I guess, and it can improve the flow of your map!
  2. 00:17:502 (1) - This slider can be misunderstood by starting players, because it lead it to nowhere... Try to move the slider tail to the next note to give a better flow. To me it feels strange like that, so try to fix this.
  3. 00:42:341 (3) - Same again here about the overleap, but this time, I think it's more important than the previous one. I explain myself: When you play the map, and you start the game, you know that you can't see all the thing that someone with game experience could. So try to avoid this as much as you can. Try to do simple mapping with simple pattern, like you did is okay, but when there is overlap, it start to be strange, so please, fix that too.
  4. 00:57:502 (2,1) - The flow is pretty bad here, try to move the second slider that the player can click on it easily.
  5. 01:00:406 (3,1) - Once again here, that lead to nothing, don't forget to map with a simple mind when you do Easy diffs :p (but still creative as possible)
  6. 01:11:696 (1,2) - Swap those two notes to make it more playable, because the player will see those two notes popping instantly, so he will probably click on the number 2 note. Why? Because your previous slider lead to it.
  7. 01:22:018 (1,2,1,2) - This part feels weird in my opinion... I don't know if the rhythm that used is okay. Try to do something based on 1/1 sliders, or change BPM, if there is needed.
  8. 01:38:793 (2,3,1) - For this part, I think something like that will be better, try to arrange those two sliders as beautiful as you can; i did something fast here, but it can be better. To be honest, it fits better with the rhythm and the flow is better for a beginner!


  1. 00:06:535 (4) - Try to give a curb to this slider. Or try to do something that could fit with the previous slider, because the slider number 3 is leading out of the grid, and it gives lack of flow. So try to do something like that:
  2. 00:12:825 (2,3) - Once again here, there is lack of flow, this small slider shouldn't be like that, unless it's justified by the song.
  3. 00:22:341 (6,3,4) - Try to extend as much as you can your mapping, because I see that it's pretty stocked in the grid, because this overlap is not pretty beautiful, and deserve to be move out!
  4. 00:29:115 (3,4,5,6) - This part need to be kinda moved, because notes are very closed between themselves! So try to do something like I will send it to you!
  5. 00:30:406 (1) - Here, move the shape of the slider to the other way, so it can give a better flow, this can be better and more enjoyable !
  6. 00:40:728 (1) - Give a shape to this one, like something round, so it can be better to play, and follows very well with the previous slider!
  7. 00:47:180 (3) - Why this slider is not curved, but the previous one is? There is not meaning in the song that could makes you do that? Keep the same shape as the previous!
  8. 01:03:954 (1) - That slider need a curve too! Even if it's a small curve!
  9. 01:37:502 (1,1) - That overlap is not cool, this kiai part needs a rework, because there is no curves to some sliders, but some got, and there is no reason to change that... Please do it with keeping in mind that the timing is already great! So it's just some esthetics changes!


  1. 00:13:631 (1,1,2) - I know that it can be justified on this part... But it can be sooooo much misunderstood to some player, because they have the spacing, but not the same length. So try to do some equals sliders, or change the spacing between those two part of sliders, I know that you changed the color of those sliders, but I think it's not as useful as spacing would do :/ Like you did here is so much better to play! 00:34:277 (1,2,1,2) -
  2. 00:25:244 (1) - Why not adding two 1/1 sliders instead of a long reverse slider? It can be better in my opinion! (Same here 00:27:825 (1) - 00:30:406 (1) - )
  3. 00:57:180 (3,1) - That looks kinda ugly on those two slider, please fix the small overlap!
  4. 01:07:825 (1,2) - Same here, it feels so strange as a player, it feels like there is no flow. So fix that too!
  5. 01:42:664 (1,2,3,4) - The flow here is pretty perfect, so try to do some patterns with the same flow on all the map :3

Your mapset is pretty cool, I checked all the diff, but I didnt' modded the Insane because I don't feel okay to mod it since I'm not very good at it, I still have to perform it ! Thanks for asking a mod to me, hope it will help you!
Very good job on hitsounding !!!

Beom's Expert
00:02:019 (1) - can you silence/soft-hitnormal this sliderend? it doesn't make sense cause of this slider 00:03:309 (1) -
the hihat sample you have actually is okay there

00:22:825 (2) - this timing point does nothing

00:23:228 (3) - remove this normal-hitnormal sample here, it can throw off people's rhythm

00:35:325 (6) - remove the claps, its just WAY too much volume you can't even hear the 1/8 anymore, or either reduce the volume as an alternative solution

01:18:793 (1,2,3,4,5) - uhh why so close? people are definitely going to overshoot this..

01:22:018 (1) - might wanna make this a small stream jump aswell if you are at it
Topic Starter

Pachiru wrote:

From my modding queue! Don't forget to mod my map :3


  1. 00:08:148 (2,1) - I would recommand you to avoid this kind of overlap, because it can disturb the player while playing. Try to move your note on the tail of your slider, it can be better I guess, and it can improve the flow of your map! - I think it's fine cuz there is enough time for 00:08:148 (2) - to disappear.
  2. 00:17:502 (1) - This slider can be misunderstood by starting players, because it lead it to nowhere... Try to move the slider tail to the next note to give a better flow. To me it feels strange like that, so try to fix this. - fixed
  3. 00:42:341 (3) - Same again here about the overleap, but this time, I think it's more important than the previous one. I explain myself: When you play the map, and you start the game, you know that you can't see all the thing that someone with game experience could. So try to avoid this as much as you can. Try to do simple mapping with simple pattern, like you did is okay, but when there is overlap, it start to be strange, so please, fix that too. - not changing now but I'll ask about this to others, so I might fix this in the future
  4. 00:57:502 (2,1) - The flow is pretty bad here, try to move the second slider that the player can click on it easily. - fixed
  5. 01:00:406 (3,1) - Once again here, that lead to nothing, don't forget to map with a simple mind when you do Easy diffs :p (but still creative as possible) - fixed
  6. 01:11:696 (1,2) - Swap those two notes to make it more playable, because the player will see those two notes popping instantly, so he will probably click on the number 2 note. Why? Because your previous slider lead to it. - I understand the issue, but think it's fine since 2 starts to appear at 01:10:728 (3) - 's sliderend while 01:11:696 (1) - appeared while ago
  7. 01:22:018 (1,2,1,2) - This part feels weird in my opinion... I don't know if the rhythm that used is okay. Try to do something based on 1/1 sliders, or change BPM, if there is needed. - I think it's probably the best way to express this rhythm at easy diff.
  8. 01:38:793 (2,3,1) - For this part, I think something like that will be better, try to arrange those two sliders as beautiful as you can; i did something fast here, but it can be better. To be honest, it fits better with the rhythm and the flow is better for a beginner! - fixed


  1. 00:06:535 (4) - Try to give a curb to this slider. Or try to do something that could fit with the previous slider, because the slider number 3 is leading out of the grid, and it gives lack of flow. So try to do something like that: - it's because it's on a strong beat. moved a bit btw
  2. 00:12:825 (2,3) - Once again here, there is lack of flow, this small slider shouldn't be like that, unless it's justified by the song. - fixed
  3. 00:22:341 (6,3,4) - Try to extend as much as you can your mapping, because I see that it's pretty stocked in the grid, because this overlap is not pretty beautiful, and deserve to be move out! - fixed
  4. 00:29:115 (3,4,5,6) - This part need to be kinda moved, because notes are very closed between themselves! So try to do something like I will send it to you! - fixed
  5. 00:30:406 (1) - Here, move the shape of the slider to the other way, so it can give a better flow, this can be better and more enjoyable ! - fixed
  6. 00:40:728 (1) - Give a shape to this one, like something round, so it can be better to play, and follows very well with the previous slider! - fixed
  7. 00:47:180 (3) - Why this slider is not curved, but the previous one is? There is not meaning in the song that could makes you do that? Keep the same shape as the previous! - fixed
  8. 01:03:954 (1) - That slider need a curve too! Even if it's a small curve! - ok, why not
  9. 01:37:502 (1,1) - That overlap is not cool, this kiai part needs a rework, because there is no curves to some sliders, but some got, and there is no reason to change that... Please do it with keeping in mind that the timing is already great! So it's just some esthetics changes! -okay, some (probably most of the kiai) rework will be done.


  1. 00:13:631 (1,1,2) - I know that it can be justified on this part... But it can be sooooo much misunderstood to some player, because they have the spacing, but not the same length. So try to do some equals sliders, or change the spacing between those two part of sliders, I know that you changed the color of those sliders, but I think it's not as useful as spacing would do :/ Like you did here is so much better to play! 00:34:277 (1,2,1,2) - I think it will be fine with the different number of the objects between the combos and it should be enough imo.
  2. 00:25:244 (1) - Why not adding two 1/1 sliders instead of a long reverse slider? It can be better in my opinion! (Same here 00:27:825 (1) - 00:30:406 (1) - ) - It's because I wanted this to be hold for 4/1
  3. 00:57:180 (3,1) - That looks kinda ugly on those two slider, please fix the small overlap! - It is intended to have some overlap. I overlapped even more and will see what others say about this.
  4. 01:07:825 (1,2) - Same here, it feels so strange as a player, it feels like there is no flow. So fix that too! - fixed
  5. 01:42:664 (1,2,3,4) - The flow here is pretty perfect, so try to do some patterns with the same flow on all the map :3 - okay

Your mapset is pretty cool, I checked all the diff, but I didnt' modded the Insane because I don't feel okay to mod it since I'm not very good at it, I still have to perform it ! Thanks for asking a mod to me, hope it will help you!
Very good job on hitsounding !!!

Thanks for modding! It was very helpful. <3

+ Changed some hs from zev's mod although it's different diff.
placeholder for m4m response
Hello~ M4M from ingame

  1. The bg used is not at the minimum of 1366x768, please find a better bg source.
  2. It feels like 00:56:212 - this section should be kiai too.. just me? lol
  3. I find the spread to be uneven between Hyper and EX, you should add another difficulty to close that gap. And for the EX diff, I would rename that to Another because I think that fits better and Expert is the highest difficulty in the mapset.

  1. The current SV seems a bit too fast maybe because I mapped a whole lot of slow songs xd
  2. 00:08:470 (3) - I think making this a straight slider would make the flow from 00:08:148 (2) - a whole lot better and make the blanket look better also. Also don't worry about it not flowing well into 00:09:760 (1) - because that has a finish on it which would make the sharp turn a nice emphasis.
  3. 00:16:212 (3) - This slightly goes underneath the HP bar which is unrankable, it may be a slight bit but I would move that down.
  4. 00:20:083 (1) - should add finish.
  5. 00:54:922 (2) - same shape as 00:53:631 (1) - ? would be nice to be consistent
  6. 01:22:018 (1,2,1,2) - This rhythm is going to be hard for the targeted players, I think following the percussion and using 2/1 sliders would be easier to follow.
  7. 01:39:760 (3,2) - why not just stack?

  1. I don't know how the 1/3 rhythms are tolerated in the normal difficulties, but the use of it seems a bit difficult to play. Check up with a BN for clarifications.
    I really don't have anything to point out, if I did it would be mostly nazi stuff so I'll just leave that out. good job

  1. AR 8? seems a bit too harsh, I'd rather do 7.5 but your choice not mine xd
  2. 00:32:341 (1) - why do you not choose to keep the same combo like you did for 00:29:115 (1,2,3,4) -
  3. 00:59:277 (2,3) - readablilty is very questionable here
  4. 01:14:922 (2,3) - I think this is the first time you introduce the 3/4 rhythm here, I find that to be really inconsistent with the whole map. I recommend you leave it as a 1/2
  5. 01:45:244 (1) - what is this following?

Sorry, I really couldn't do the other difficulties since I didn't really know where to start. I'll mod a different map if you would like to. gl
Topic Starter

ProEzreal wrote:

Hello~ M4M from ingame

  1. The bg used is not at the minimum of 1366x768, please find a better bg source. - 음 이게 예전에 확인했을때 써도된다고 들었던 것 같은데 왠지 이거 지적 계속 올 것 같으니 바꾸겠습니다ㅋㅋ
  2. It feels like 00:56:212 - this section should be kiai too.. just me? lol - 굳 괜찮네요
  3. I find the spread to be uneven between Hyper and EX, you should add another difficulty to close that gap. And for the EX diff, I would rename that to Another because I think that fits better and Expert is the highest difficulty in the mapset. - 지금 제 느낌으로는 갭이 난이도를 새로 만들정도로 큰 것 같진 않고(스타레이팅은 크게 믿을게 못 되긴 하지만 마지막 점프 지우고보면 0.84차이에요) hard-hyper 가 많이 비슷하지않나 생각중이라 hyper를 살짝 버프하는 방향으로(아마도 부분적으로 리맵) 생각중입니다. 그리고 난이도명은 팝픈난이도 easy normal hyper ex를 따라간거라서(hard는.. 예외로 치죠ㅋㅋ) 바꾸진 않겠습니다

  1. The current SV seems a bit too fast maybe because I mapped a whole lot of slow songs xd - 듣고보니 좀 빠른것 같기도한데 큰문제는 없다고 생각합니다
  2. 00:08:470 (3) - I think making this a straight slider would make the flow from 00:08:148 (2) - a whole lot better and make the blanket look better also. Also don't worry about it not flowing well into 00:09:760 (1) - because that has a finish on it which would make the sharp turn a nice emphasis. - fixed
  3. 00:16:212 (3) - This slightly goes underneath the HP bar which is unrankable, it may be a slight bit but I would move that down. - fixed
  4. 00:20:083 (1) - should add finish. - fixed
  5. 00:54:922 (2) - same shape as 00:53:631 (1) - ? would be nice to be consistent - 같은걸로 넣어봤는데 지금게 더 보기에 나은 것 같아서 킵
  6. 01:22:018 (1,2,1,2) - This rhythm is going to be hard for the targeted players, I think following the percussion and using 2/1 sliders would be easier to follow. - 음 이게 2/1로는 01:23:954 - 까진 괜찮은데 그 뒤로의 표현이 문제라서.. 일단 보류로 좀 더 고민해보고 아예 스피너를 넣던가 하는방향으로 수정하겠습니다.
  7. 01:39:760 (3,2) - why not just stack? - fixed

  1. I don't know how the 1/3 rhythms are tolerated in the normal difficulties, but the use of it seems a bit difficult to play. Check up with a BN for clarifications.
    I really don't have anything to point out, if I did it would be mostly nazi stuff so I'll just leave that out. good job

  1. AR 8? seems a bit too harsh, I'd rather do 7.5 but your choice not mine xd - fixed
  2. 00:32:341 (1) - why do you not choose to keep the same combo like you did for 00:29:115 (1,2,3,4) - - fixed
  3. 00:59:277 (2,3) - readablilty is very questionable here - 음 이걸 어떻게 고치지... kinda fixed(?)
  4. 01:14:922 (2,3) - I think this is the first time you introduce the 3/4 rhythm here, I find that to be really inconsistent with the whole map. I recommend you leave it as a 1/2 - 이 부분이 이레귤러긴 하지만 소리가 01:15:164 - 에 있어서.. 일단 보류하겠습니다.
  5. 01:45:244 (1) - what is this following? - 이건 보컬에 맞춰서 홀딩하면서 01:45:244 - 01:45:567 - 01:45:728 - 에있는 음 세개를 표현하기 위해 이렇게 썼어요. 이 정도는 허용범위라 생각합니다.

Sorry, I really couldn't do the other difficulties since I didn't really know where to start. I'll mod a different map if you would like to. gl

모딩 감사합니다~~~

@범산: 힛사는 제가 고쳐도 될거라 생각해서 00:14:922 - 00:20:083 - 에 피니시 넣었으요~
nm from my queue

01:19:438 (1,3) - seriously, this pattern looks ugly for ez diff and all of you diff us nice pattern it would be better if you make another patt.
01:22:018 (1) - because this is easiest diff, in my opinion spinner until 01:27:180 - is better. just in my opinion.

00:54:922 (1) - it's not insane diff, so it's not necessary to make a shot combo.
01:02:341 (3) - up to you to change, but I think this kind of slider makes pretty shape than you slider.

00:05:244 (3,4) - it's quite broken flow, I suggest you to change a slider(4) into 2 circles like this~
00:25:244 (1) - you repeat this slider 3 times it makes many players confused because most of map in osu just repeat 2 times, can you change it into 2 times ?
00:27:825 (1) - ^^ reason same as above
00:30:406 (1) - ^^
00:49:438 (4) - nothing spacial here ,so don't repeat slider just put some circle at the white and red tick.
01:40:083 (1,3) - It's k ?, overlap loll

00:06:535 (3,4) - how about this pattern ???
01:23:954 (4) - why not nc at this circle ?, as you did previous just 3 combo
-sorry for short mod

I won't mod hybrid diff because I never modded before. hopefully my suggestion can help you abit,goodluck~
Topic Starter

wasinkingspeedq wrote:

nm from my queue

01:19:438 (1,3) - seriously, this pattern looks ugly for ez diff and all of you diff us nice pattern it would be better if you make another patt. - fixed
01:22:018 (1) - because this is easiest diff, in my opinion spinner until 01:27:180 - is better. just in my opinion. - was considering whether to change this part with a spinner, thank you for your opinion! but I'll think about it a bit more

00:54:922 (1) - it's not insane diff, so it's not necessary to make a shot combo. - fixed
01:02:341 (3) - up to you to change, but I think this kind of slider makes pretty shape than you slider. - sure. fixed

00:05:244 (3,4) - it's quite broken flow, I suggest you to change a slider(4) into 2 circles like this~ - thanks for suggestion, but I want to keep the 'a pair of 2 sliders' concept here. I might fix the flow issue when I get an idea.
00:25:244 (1) - you repeat this slider 3 times it makes many players confused because most of map in osu just repeat 2 times, can you change it into 2 times ? - map & song is calm here so there will be enough time to recognize that it's 3 times repeating one. also I want this to be hold for 4/1
00:27:825 (1) - ^^ reason same as above
00:30:406 (1) - ^^
00:49:438 (4) - nothing spacial here ,so don't repeat slider just put some circle at the white and red tick. - there is a sound strong enough i think.
01:40:083 (1,3) - It's k ?, overlap loll - changed a biit to have more readability

00:06:535 (3,4) - how about this pattern ??? - It's because 00:06:535 (3) - this has strong sound so i made it a bit uncomfortable to hit, but probably gonna remap this intro part very soon. Thanks for the suggestion anyways
01:23:954 (4) - why not nc at this circle ?, as you did previous just 3 combo - cuz I think this part should be seperated like 3,3,4/3,3,5(poor explanation but i hope you somehow understand it)
-sorry for short mod - no problem I appreciate it<3

I won't mod hybrid diff because I never modded before. hopefully my suggestion can help you abit,goodluck~
Thanks for modding!!
M4M From my q~ p/5692584 (I mod first)


  1. 00:09:760 (1,2,3) - Same distance enter the notes for a better triangle
  2. 00:17:502 (1,3) - I know it's hard to do some slider blankets like that, but there are some places to improve.
  3. 00:26:212 (2,3) - Improve blanket
  4. 00:27:825 (1,2,3) - A line could give a better flow here~
  5. 00:39:438 (3,4) - Really weird flow. Maybe curve a little bit (4) could make it better.
  6. 00:42:341 (3,1) - /!\ with these kind of stacks in Easy, there are really confusing for Newbies
  7. 00:46:857 (2,3,4) - Add more distance enter (2) and (4) for a better triangle
  8. 01:18:148 (3,1) - Improve blanket

  1. 00:05:889 (3,4) - This flow is a bit sharp
  2. 00:23:470 (4,7) - This overlap looks ugly
  3. 00:44:599 (3,4,1) - I suggest some symmetry here
  4. 00:57:502 (1,2) - Maybe make (2) in front of (1) and curve it less for a better look
  5. 01:21:051 (5) - Place it lower for a better curve

  1. 00:05:244 (3,4) - Improve slider blanket
  2. 00:14:922 (1,2) - Weird transition
  3. 00:16:212 (1,2) - Improve blanket
  4. 00:22:341 (3,1,2) - Create come slider blankets here ? This pattern seems actually random ._.
  5. 00:32:986 (1,2) - The spacing isn't enough marked
  6. 00:38:793 (3,4) - Improve blanket
  7. 00:46:535 (3,4) - ^
  8. 00:54:707 (3,2) - Overlap
  9. 01:19:438 (1,2) - Improve this blanket {the shape of the slider (2)}
  10. 01:26:105 (2) - Making 3 circle can emphasize a lot these notes.
  11. 01:42:664 (1,2,3,4) - Uh... What happened to these blankets ?!
--- That's all for my mod ! ---
--- I hope it helps you and your map ^^ ---
--- Good luck for the next !---
Topic Starter

Lexis wrote:

M4M From my q~ p/5692584 (I mod first)


  1. 00:09:760 (1,2,3) - Same distance enter the notes for a better triangle - ehh what? I don't get it. it's already perfect triangle
  2. 00:17:502 (1,3) - I know it's hard to do some slider blankets like that, but there are some places to improve. - ok, will try to
  3. 00:26:212 (2,3) - Improve blanket - fixed
  4. 00:27:825 (1,2,3) - A line could give a better flow here~ - changed a bit
  5. 00:39:438 (3,4) - Really weird flow. Maybe curve a little bit (4) could make it better. - think it's fine with a small kick for a strong beat
  6. 00:42:341 (3,1) - /!\ with these kind of stacks in Easy, there are really confusing for Newbies - I'm asking people if this kind of overlap is acceptable on easy, so I might fix this in the future
  7. 00:46:857 (2,3,4) - Add more distance enter (2) and (4) for a better triangle - It's already perfect triangle tho
  8. 01:18:148 (3,1) - Improve blanket - think it's fine cuz it's blanketting sliderhead and sliderbody at once

  1. 00:05:889 (3,4) - This flow is a bit sharp - it's because of a strong beat at 00:06:535 (4) -
  2. 00:23:470 (4,7) - This overlap looks ugly - it's an intended overlap but I'll see what others say
  3. 00:44:599 (3,4,1) - I suggest some symmetry here - sure
  4. 00:57:502 (1,2) - Maybe make (2) in front of (1) and curve it less for a better look - changed a bit
  5. 01:21:051 (5) - Place it lower for a better curve - no cuz it uses same x coordinate with 01:20:406 (3) -

  1. 00:05:244 (3,4) - Improve slider blanket - looks fine to me
  2. 00:14:922 (1,2) - Weird transition - think it's fine
  3. 00:16:212 (1,2) - Improve blanket - fixed
  4. 00:22:341 (3,1,2) - Create come slider blankets here ? This pattern seems actually random ._. - looks fine to me cuz they use different combo
  5. 00:32:986 (1,2) - The spacing isn't enough marked - think it's readable cuz i used some 1/1gap with low spacing at similar parts
  6. 00:38:793 (3,4) - Improve blanket - fixed
  7. 00:46:535 (3,4) - ^ - not gonna blanket this, cuz it's exact same slidre with 00:46:535 (3) -
  8. 00:54:707 (3,2) - Overlap - it's intended
  9. 01:19:438 (1,2) - Improve this blanket {the shape of the slider (2)} - changed a bit, but not perfectly cuz a perfect blanket will make this too curvy
  10. 01:26:105 (2) - Making 3 circle can emphasize a lot these notes. - it's cuz of diff spread-wise
  11. 01:42:664 (1,2,3,4) - Uh... What happened to these blankets ?! - well... there's no need to use blanket throughout the entire map
--- That's all for my mod ! ---
--- I hope it helps you and your map ^^ ---
--- Good luck for the next !---

Thx for the mod!


this difficulty is a normal insane, look at the SR gap from hard (3) to hyper (4,11). its nowhere near a hyper. rename to elimintate confusion and inappropriate level naming

00:02:019 (1,2,3,1) - oh boy. 00:02:664 (2,3,1) - use consistent spacing here, one beat time between each object but spacing is different although the song doesnt provide spacing changes. try stacking 2 onto 1 and arrange them like so or any other shape that has consistent spacing

00:11:373 (2,3) - reverse. 00:11:051 (1,2,3,4) - has gradual pitch change, 00:11:535 (3,4) - has a significant difference so a jump between those would be reasonable. same here 00:11:696 (4,5,6) - with an appropriate jump between 00:12:180 (6,1) - . this loop will make flow a lot better too

00:13:309 (6,1) - 00:13:954 (5,1,2) - a hyper should not have such large stream jumps. normal ds or smaller spacing would be more appropriate. additionally, the rest of the gameplay is rather easy with consistent spacing and rather few jumps compared to the stream and stream jumps, totally doesnt fit with the rest and causes a big difficulty spike.

00:15:889 (4,1) - spacing is wrong. 00:15:889 (4,1) - has same spacing as 00:15:567 (3,4) - easily fixable by stacking the slider with 00:15:889 (4) - same 00:18:470 (4,1) - and for all kinds of placement like this

00:52:018 (2,1) - not readable due to the same spacing before that 00:51:696 (1,2) -

01:26:535 (1) - stack with 01:26:320 (5) - or place much farther apart, spacing is wrong. 01:25:674 (2,3) - have larger jumps and are 4/6 elements 01:26:105 (4,5) -is a 2/6 jumps. 01:26:320 (5,1) - is another 4/6 element but has this clustered spacing so it doesnt make sense

01:16:857 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2) - for a hyper, again, its too much and causes a huge difficulty spike that should be avoided. jumps are not appropriate for this level nor does it fit with the rather easy and consistent mapping.

apart from the overdone streams, nice diff


00:03:309 (1,2,1,2) - should have consistent spacing since the way they are played are the same

00:19:277 (2) - reverse slider movement would create better flow same 00:29:438 (2,1) -

00:51:051 (1,2) - 00:51:454 (3,1) - 1/2 and 1/4 but visual spacing is the same. fix this to avoid confusion. same with the rest 00:51:696 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) -

01:00:406 (3,1,2) - same visual spacing for 1/2 and 1/4? highly confusing. use closer spacing for 1/4 or make 1/2 larger even though its a jump.
Topic Starter

BounceBabe wrote:


this difficulty is a normal insane, look at the SR gap from hard (3) to hyper (4,11). its nowhere near a hyper. rename to elimintate confusion and inappropriate level naming - the reason why I'm using hyper instead of insane is because I'm trying to refer to pop'n music's diff name(the music source). also imo the players should be able to recognize how hard the diff is by SR since SR gap between hard & hyper is easily noticable

00:02:019 (1,2,3,1) - oh boy. 00:02:664 (2,3,1) - use consistent spacing here, one beat time between each object but spacing is different although the song doesnt provide spacing changes. try stacking 2 onto 1 and arrange them like so or any other shape that has consistent spacing - fixed

00:11:373 (2,3) - reverse. 00:11:051 (1,2,3,4) - has gradual pitch change, 00:11:535 (3,4) - has a significant difference so a jump between those would be reasonable. same here 00:11:696 (4,5,6) - with an appropriate jump between 00:12:180 (6,1) - . this loop will make flow a lot better too - I kinda prefer current "gradually increasing clockwise" flow more, so not changing.

00:13:309 (6,1) - 00:13:954 (5,1,2) - a hyper should not have such large stream jumps. normal ds or smaller spacing would be more appropriate. additionally, the rest of the gameplay is rather easy with consistent spacing and rather few jumps compared to the stream and stream jumps, totally doesnt fit with the rest and causes a big difficulty spike. - fixed

00:15:889 (4,1) - spacing is wrong. 00:15:889 (4,1) - has same spacing as 00:15:567 (3,4) - easily fixable by stacking the slider with 00:15:889 (4) - same 00:18:470 (4,1) - and for all kinds of placement like this - think it should be fine cuz of different combo color. Also, I kinda prefer the opposite going flow now rather than stacking it.

00:52:018 (2,1) - not readable due to the same spacing before that 00:51:696 (1,2) - - fixed

01:26:535 (1) - stack with 01:26:320 (5) - or place much farther apart, spacing is wrong. 01:25:674 (2,3) - have larger jumps and are 4/6 elements 01:26:105 (4,5) -is a 2/6 jumps. 01:26:320 (5,1) - is another 4/6 element but has this clustered spacing so it doesnt make sense - kinda had reason of it, but fixed anyway since 01:26:535 (1) - has strong sound.

01:16:857 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2) - for a hyper, again, its too much and causes a huge difficulty spike that should be avoided. jumps are not appropriate for this level nor does it fit with the rather easy and consistent mapping. - nerfed spacing a bit but not much, cuz it's hold-and-release stuff.

apart from the overdone streams, nice diff


00:03:309 (1,2,1,2) - should have consistent spacing since the way they are played are the same - fixed

00:19:277 (2) - reverse slider movement would create better flow - fixed
same 00:29:438 (2,1) - fixed 00:29:760 (1) -

00:51:051 (1,2) - 00:51:454 (3,1) - 1/2 and 1/4 but visual spacing is the same. fix this to avoid confusion. - not agreeing with this cuz when playing normal sliders(not kick slider/reverse slider), most players' primary consideration is when to click the sliderhead rather than when to release. so when it comes to spacing at insane+ diff, the main object we consider should be sliderhead. therefore I think this 00:51:373 (2,3,1) - should be considered somewhere around 3/4~1/1 gap.(hope you somehow understand my poor english explanation)
same with the rest 00:51:696 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - - fixed

01:00:406 (3,1,2) - same visual spacing for 1/2 and 1/4? highly confusing. use closer spacing for 1/4 or make 1/2 larger even though its a jump. - fixed

Thanks for modding!!
here's YoNiko from your modding queue!!

[Beom's Expert]

00:39:438 (1,2,3) - why do you use small space in a sudden? I think keeping original space is better

00:52:986 (4) - change to a straight slider cuz there's a small sound here 00:52:986 (4) -
like this:

00:54:277 (1,2,3) - space between them should be the same cuz here 00:53:631 (1,2,3) - and here 00:54:922 (1,2,3) -

01:23:954 (1,2,3) - ^

01:29:760 (1) - 01:31:051 (1) - 01:32:341 (1) - 01:33:631 (1) - all adding finish sounds will be more better in this part cuz 01:28:470 (1) -

00:55:567 (1) - not snapped well?


00:50:244 (3) - rotate 180

00:51:454 (3) - this slider looks not good

01:41:696 (2,3,4,5) - change to former space plz, cuz it seems there's no reason to change to small space

01:42:664 (1,2,3,4) - sliders here should be more symmetrical


00:32:341 (1,2) - symmetrical with 00:31:696 (1,2) -
cuz 00:29:115 (1,2,1,2) -

01:19:277 (4) - why curve slider?

that's all
gl for your map > <
Topic Starter

YoNiko wrote:

here's YoNiko from your modding queue!!


00:50:244 (3) - rotate 180 - nop cuz no big reason to change, and it's symmetrical with 00:51:051 (1) -

00:51:454 (3) - this slider looks not good - fixed

01:41:696 (2,3,4,5) - change to former space plz, cuz it seems there's no reason to change to small space - there is some reason, but changed a bit

01:42:664 (1,2,3,4) - sliders here should be more symmetrical - ok, not changing now but i'll try to use symmetrical pattern if i change this someday.


00:32:341 (1,2) - symmetrical with 00:31:696 (1,2) - - not really necessary to be perfetly symmetrical.
cuz 00:29:115 (1,2,1,2) -

01:19:277 (4) - why curve slider? - fixed

that's all
gl for your map > <

Thx for mod!
ay returning m4m

00:14:277 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - try increasing gradually from small spacing to big, it would fit the music better imo. like [url]this[/url]
00:17:986 (2,3) - space these a bit more, feels weird slowing down when the sound (3) is on is louder
00:27:180 (1) - unnecessary nc, 01:44:599 (1,1) - these too
00:53:631 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - NC these for better readability of the rhythm change
01:47:502 (1,2,3,4,5) - this feels kinda weird, try a 1/4 slider converted to a 5 note burst, to keep the small spacing but also keep the movement going

00:15:889 (4,1) - could be misread as 1/2, isn't really that hard to read but consider spacing it more or just stack
00:53:631 (1) - nc the 1/3 sections as well
01:21:615 (4,1) - I don't think there's any need for this really, nothing in the song intense enough to use it on

00:53:631 (1) - I suggest you just use reverse sliders, it's a 4.08, most plebs can't play stuff like that
01:37:180 (1) - remove nc

00:32:986 (1,2) - space these more
00:54:277 (1) - same as diff above

couldn't find anything in lower diffs, no kds
good luck
Topic Starter

Arutsuki wrote:

ay returning m4m

00:14:277 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - try increasing gradually from small spacing to big, it would fit the music better imo. like [url]this[/url] - it is already a gradually increasing stream, and it seems you missed the link so..
00:17:986 (2,3) - space these a bit more, feels weird slowing down when the sound (3) is on is louder - fixed
00:27:180 (1) - unnecessary nc, 01:44:599 (1,1) - these too - fixed
00:53:631 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - NC these for better readability of the rhythm change - think it's ok probably
01:47:502 (1,2,3,4,5) - this feels kinda weird, try a 1/4 slider converted to a 5 note burst, to keep the small spacing but also keep the movement going - I think I didn't perfectly get what you meant, but if you meant to use 2 kicksliders + a circle, I think just 5 circles fit better.

00:53:631 (1) - I suggest you just use reverse sliders, it's a 4.08, most plebs can't play stuff like that - idk well. I'll get more opinion about this.
01:37:180 (1) - remove nc - fixed

00:32:986 (1,2) - space these more - fixed
00:54:277 (1) - same as diff above - thinnk it will be fine cuz I introduced 1/3 rhythm before the circles 00:53:631 (1) -

couldn't find anything in lower diffs, no kds
good luck
Thanks for modding!

SLM wrote:

and it seems you missed the link so..
oops my bad here's what i meant
Aeonian Sonder
00:28:631 (2) - This is uncomfortably too close to slider 1.
00:40:728 (1) - This one is a bit difficulty to explain, but I hope you'll understand. Make this slider curve so that it's kinda in a direction in which it would be less curved. So change the slider from curving from the bottom to the top to the left, change it so that it's curves from the bottom to the left to the top. If don't understand this, give me a private message.

00:41:373 (1) - Could you move this so that it blankets object 2 of the previous color?

[Beom's Expert]
00:25:244 (1) - Would if be better if you moved the object somewhere else other than under circle 8?
00:46:535 (3,4) - I would avoid having them touching
01:00:808 (4) - Did you forget to change the sampleset on the side?

00:10:728 (4) - Could you make this at least somewhat blanket 00:11:051 (1)?
00:32:986 (1) - This isn't centered on the y-axis.

That's all from me...
Topic Starter

Arutsuki wrote:

SLM wrote:

and it seems you missed the link so..
oops my bad here's what i meant
Thanks for reposting!
imo that's too huge change so didn't apply, but thanks again for the recheck.

-APXH wrote:

00:28:631 (2) - This is uncomfortably too close to slider 1. - fixed
00:40:728 (1) - This one is a bit difficulty to explain, but I hope you'll understand. Make this slider curve so that it's kinda in a direction in which it would be less curved. So change the slider from curving from the bottom to the top to the left, change it so that it's curves from the bottom to the left to the top. If don't understand this, give me a private message. - pm'd totally got it now, but not changing cuz i want different flow at 00:40:728 (1,2,3) - and 00:41:373 (1,2,3) - btw Thanks for explaining by pm!

00:41:373 (1) - Could you move this so that it blankets object 2 of the previous color? - fixed

00:10:728 (4) - Could you make this at least somewhat blanket 00:11:051 (1)? - think it's fine
00:32:986 (1) - This isn't centered on the y-axis. - fixed

That's all from me...
Thanks for modding!
m4m from my q! (sorry for late mod!!)

00:04:277 (2) - NC
00:04:599 (1) - move this down a bit so its as far away from the reverse as the others are
00:35:244 (2) - NC
00:43:631 (3,4) - line up the slider borders more cleanly
00:46:212 (2,3) - keep slider shapes consistent
01:00:890 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - the stream is kinda ugly and id recommend using a second kick slider instead of starting the stream there
01:08:309 (2,3,4) - stack the triple imo
01:30:244 (2,3) - stack

overall just needs some cleaning up, nice song, good luck on the map! sorry i could only do one diff
Topic Starter

Yogurtt wrote:

m4m from my q! (sorry for late mod!!) - it's ok ;)

00:04:277 (2) - NC - don't think it's necessary
00:04:599 (1) - move this down a bit so its as far away from the reverse as the others are - fixed
00:35:244 (2) - NC - ^^
00:43:631 (3,4) - line up the slider borders more cleanly - fixed i think
00:46:212 (2,3) - keep slider shapes consistent - changed 00:46:857 (4) - instead
01:00:890 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - the stream is kinda ugly and id recommend using a second kick slider instead of starting the stream there - umm.. think it's fine how it is
01:08:309 (2,3,4) - stack the triple imo - okay
01:30:244 (2,3) - stack - umm.... no

overall just needs some cleaning up, nice song, good luck on the map! sorry i could only do one diff
Thanks for modding!
Hi!~ M4M for this map.

[ General]
  1. EX and Beom's Extreme are literally the same SR and are redundant. Nerf one or buff the other for the sake of spread?


[ Easy]
  1. 00:48:793 (1,2) - If this is supposed to be blanketing, the red point in (1) ruins it. :/
Uh.. yeah. That's it, I like this diff a lot. Lots of blankets though. :?

[ Normal]
  1. 00:25:244 (1,2) - Skipping a note at 00:26:051 - it seems. It's mapped at 00:20:083 (1,2,3) - and a part before it. And after this you just ignore that double like it never existed.
  2. 01:20:083 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe make this a better curve?
  3. 01:25:889 (1) - I think this should be circle + slider because the 1/3 triple could use a slider to represent it rather than just bouncing off of a reverse imo.
  4. 01:45:244 (1,3) - Make these the same slider?
These lower difficulties are solid. :?

[ Hard]
  1. 00:21:373 (1,2,3) - This rhythm is inconsistent with 00:18:793 (1,2,3) - since they're the same sounds. I recommend making them the same.
  2. 00:38:148 (1,2,3,4) - This rhythm still works well, why is 00:36:857 (1,2,3,4,5) - mapped differently? It's not like you're mapping the vocals, they're 1/1 and this is 1/2 anyways. I think they should be the same if not similar.
  3. 00:41:857 (5,1) - This kinda feels weird. I would recommend a 1/1 from 00:41:857 - 00:42:180 - and add a circle at 00:42:341. It follows the drums a bit better than what you have.
  4. 01:16:535 (5) - This slider should probably be two active notes. Both of these sounds seem clickable.
  5. 01:45:244 (1) - What is this reverse slider on? It doesn't fall on any beat that I can hear. It seems unneeded. Make it 1/1 or something if you want to capture the bass.

[ Hyper]
  1. 00:08:954 (3) - Strongest sound here on the slider end. Are you sure? Try ctrl+g this rhythm 00:08:954 (3,4).
  2. 00:15:889 (4,1) - This is not immediately obvious that it's
  3. 00:18:793 (1,2,3,1) - Kinda messy placement imo. Could you clean this up somehow?
  4. 01:02:664 (1,5) - Center the 5 with 1's head?
  5. 01:08:470 (4,1) - Stack ends lol.
  6. 01:22:018 (1,2,3) - Needs a better transition imo. Stacking 01:21:857 (2,1) - would be better but still wonky. Idk how you want to do this, but this isn't obviously a snapping change from a playing standpoint imo.
  7. 01:41:696 (2,3,4) - Not really a fan of this implied visual flow. :? Try this or something similar it's quite a bit change but you get the idea, something that looks a bit more logical. x.x
  8. 01:42:341 (5,1) - This is a pretty big 1/4 jump... I recommend nerfing it slightly:

[ Beom's Expert]
  1. 00:09:277 (2,3,4) - Super uncomfortable wide angle. This type of flow isn't used anywhere else so I recommend changing it for consistency.
  2. 00:24:760 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - This WILL break players. I really recommend not stacking these with such close distance on the timeline. Move the slider slightly?
  3. 00:31:696 (1,2) - Screenjump though. Bring 00:32:180 (2,3,4) - up a bit more so it isn't such a massive jump. Especially considering you're starting from already moving in the opposite direction. This just flows bad imo.
  4. 00:48:954 (2,3,4) - I hear no triple here in the song. I recommend removing it.
  5. 01:11:696 (1,2,3) - Much less density here than the next part. I get that you want to highlight the vocals but then why isn't 01:12:986 (3) - a reverse too? It just looks weird.
  6. 01:21:938 (4,1,2) - This transition too isn't so good. What you did earlier was better, this just asks for misreading.
  7. 01:40:083 - 01:47:825 - Holy mother of all that is sacred this is a massive difficulty spike, the rest of the diff was relatively consistent in difficulty strain but this just does not fit with the map. "It's the end so it's mapped more intense!" Yes, but this is TOO MUCH. Removing that whole part lowered the difficulty to 4.94*. Please nerf this somehow.

[ EXtreme(?)]
  1. 00:23:954 (1,2) - I think ctrl+g of this rhythm might work better.
  2. 00:44:922 (3,5,7) - Center 5 a bit more? This could improve the jump flow here.
  3. 00:45:567 (6,7,1) - This is a really wide angle though, do you want to keep this? You don't use wide angles for emphasis anywhere else so it breaks consistency.
  4. 00:56:212 (1,2) - Parallel possibly?
  5. 01:11:051 (5,6,7) - This looks kinda ew. Try this:
  6. 01:34:922 (1) - Could definitely be two circles for more emphasis on the change in music.
  7. 01:37:260 (6,7) - Straighten this? It looks kinda ew right now. :?

That's everything worth mentioning. Top diffs could use more modding than just me, but the bottom diffs were really solid, good job!

Good luck.~
Topic Starter

Mir wrote:

Hi!~ M4M for this map.

[ General]
  1. EX and Beom's Extreme are literally the same SR and are redundant. Nerf one or buff the other for the sake of spread?


[ Easy]
  1. 00:48:793 (1,2) - If this is supposed to be blanketing, the red point in (1) ruins it. :/ - it's intended, so yeah
Uh.. yeah. That's it, I like this diff a lot. Lots of blankets though. :? - c:

[ Normal]
  1. 00:25:244 (1,2) - Skipping a note at 00:26:051 - it seems. It's mapped at 00:20:083 (1,2,3) - and a part before it. And after this you just ignore that double like it never existed. - it's cuz the vocal's rhythm changed a lot
  2. 01:20:083 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe make this a better curve? - sure
  3. 01:25:889 (1) - I think this should be circle + slider because the 1/3 triple could use a slider to represent it rather than just bouncing off of a reverse imo. - yeah I agree with that, but I want 01:26:535 (2) - this to be clickable, so keeping it.
  4. 01:45:244 (1,3) - Make these the same slider? - sure
These lower difficulties are solid. :?

[ Hard]
  1. 00:21:373 (1,2,3) - This rhythm is inconsistent with 00:18:793 (1,2,3) - since they're the same sounds. I recommend making them the same. - I wanted the flow stop at 00:19:760 (3) - while keep going at 00:22:341 (3) -. Also their actual rhythm is not that different,so it should be fine.
  2. 00:38:148 (1,2,3,4) - This rhythm still works well, why is 00:36:857 (1,2,3,4,5) - mapped differently? It's not like you're mapping the vocals, they're 1/1 and this is 1/2 anyways. I think they should be the same if not similar. - at 00:36:857 (1,2,3,4,5) - , music can be seperated 00:36:857 - ~ 00:37:180 - / 00:37:180 - ~ 00:37:825 - / 00:37:825 - ~ 00:38:148 - (refering to the vocal), at 00:38:148 (1,2,3,4) - , it can be seperated 00:38:148 - ~ 00:38:793 - / 00:38:793 - ~ 00:39:438 - . so they're mapped differently.
  3. 00:41:857 (5,1) - This kinda feels weird. I would recommend a 1/1 from 00:41:857 - 00:42:180 - and add a circle at 00:42:341. It follows the drums a bit better than what you have. - fixed
  4. 01:16:535 (5) - This slider should probably be two active notes. Both of these sounds seem clickable. - umm no cuz i think vocal is more important here.
  5. 01:45:244 (1) - What is this reverse slider on? It doesn't fall on any beat that I can hear. It seems unneeded. Make it 1/1 or something if you want to capture the bass. - fixed

[ Hyper]
  1. 00:08:954 (3) - Strongest sound here on the slider end. Are you sure? Try ctrl+g this rhythm 00:08:954 (3,4). - fixed
  2. 00:15:889 (4,1) - This is not immediately obvious that it's - think it's fine
  3. 00:18:793 (1,2,3,1) - Kinda messy placement imo. Could you clean this up somehow? - changed a bit
  4. 01:02:664 (1,5) - Center the 5 with 1's head? - sure
  5. 01:08:470 (4,1) - Stack ends lol. - fixed
  6. 01:22:018 (1,2,3) - Needs a better transition imo. Stacking 01:21:857 (2,1) - would be better but still wonky. Idk how you want to do this, but this isn't obviously a snapping change from a playing standpoint imo. - yeah, will fix this when i get an idea.
  7. 01:41:696 (2,3,4) - Not really a fan of this implied visual flow. :? Try this or something similar it's quite a bit change but you get the idea, something that looks a bit more logical. x.x - sure
  8. 01:42:341 (5,1) - This is a pretty big 1/4 jump... I recommend nerfing it slightly: - changed the rhythm instead

[ EXtreme(?)]
  1. 00:23:954 (1,2) - I think ctrl+g of this rhythm might work better. - umm idk actually, ctrl+g will work better for drum, but i wanted these 3 redticks to be clickable. 00:24:115 - 00:24:438 - 00:24:760 -
  2. 00:44:922 (3,5,7) - Center 5 a bit more? This could improve the jump flow here. - sure
  3. 00:45:567 (6,7,1) - This is a really wide angle though, do you want to keep this? You don't use wide angles for emphasis anywhere else so it breaks consistency. - think it's fine, and also wide angle to next combo was used right before this 00:43:954 (4,5,1) -
  4. 00:56:212 (1,2) - Parallel possibly? - it's intended so keeping it
  5. 01:11:051 (5,6,7) - This looks kinda ew. Try this: - sure
  6. 01:34:922 (1) - Could definitely be two circles for more emphasis on the change in music. - umm.. no cuz I don't want too many singletaps at this kinda kiai-intro part.
  7. 01:37:260 (6,7) - Straighten this? It looks kinda ew right now. :? - sure

That's everything worth mentioning. Top diffs could use more modding than just me, but the bottom diffs were really solid, good job!

Good luck.~

Thanks for quality mod!
Hi, m4m

In general, a lot of blankets in this diff don’t look quite right, like 00:56:696 (2,3) - for example
Also there are a lot of things that I think are just too confusing for the SR of this map; maybe I'm just forgetting what it's like to play 3-4* maps though
(everything I said about that applies to Hard diff too btw)
00:13:954 (5) - I would strongly recommend changing this into a 1/2 slider, since the music doesn’t support it as much as 00:14:277 (1) -, and this stream pattern is high insane/extra level, not for light insanes
00:20:728 (3,4) - Can’t see why you’re ignoring the beat in the middle of the slider here and putting a note on the 4; what you did here 00:15:567 (3,4) - seems much better
00:25:244 (1) - Very loud cymbal here, don’t make this the same as the others
00:34:277 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1) - Again, this seems way too advanced for this level; either simply undermap some of the streams (which can help emphasize the last group of 4 notes), or at least turn 00:34:600 (2,3,4,5) - into one repeating slider
00:38:148 (1,2) - This doesn’t seem like the best rhythm here, make the sliderend of 2 clickable
00:43:309 (1) - Maybe turn this into two circles?
The entire section starting at 01:16:857 - seems rhythmically overmapped and confusing, sometimes I can’t even hear distinct sounds on the blue ticks. I would recommend mapping to the 1/2 melody and saving the 1/4 repeat sliders for drums like 01:19:115 (1) -
01:26:535 (1) - I like a 2 beat slider here but not important
01:42:341 (5,1) - These are way too far away
01:46:535 (1,2,3,4,5) - The intensity is still high here, make something like star jumps instead

Opening section looks nice, no problems there
00:25:244 (1) - same as hyper
00:38:631 (3) - This note should be emphasized; 00:38:148 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - shouldn’t be the same
00:41:212 (3) - Similarly, this note should not be emphasized
00:42:018 (1) - Sliderend stronger than head, there is a syncopated downbeat\
00:48:148 (6,7,1) - Could increase spacing here
In the first kiai some of the blanketed sliders don’t look right, like 00:57:502 (1,2) - and 01:02:341 (3,1) -
In this difficulty the 1/4 section is done pretty effectively, my only complaint is that 01:19:115 (3,4) - could be a burst instead
01:46:696 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - same as hyper
Topic Starter

vekt0r wrote:

Hi, m4m

In general, a lot of blankets in this diff don’t look quite right, like 00:56:696 (2,3) - for example - fixed it
Also there are a lot of things that I think are just too confusing for the SR of this map; maybe I'm just forgetting what it's like to play 3-4* maps though
(everything I said about that applies to Hard diff too btw)
00:13:954 (5) - I would strongly recommend changing this into a 1/2 slider, since the music doesn’t support it as much as 00:14:277 (1) -, and this stream pattern is high insane/extra level, not for light insanes - think it's fine
00:20:728 (3,4) - Can’t see why you’re ignoring the beat in the middle of the slider here and putting a note on the 4; what you did here 00:15:567 (3,4) - seems much better - ok, will consider this
00:25:244 (1) - Very loud cymbal here, don’t make this the same as the others - fixed
00:34:277 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1) - Again, this seems way too advanced for this level; either simply undermap some of the streams (which can help emphasize the last group of 4 notes), or at least turn 00:34:600 (2,3,4,5) - into one repeating slider - think it's fine
00:38:148 (1,2) - This doesn’t seem like the best rhythm here, make the sliderend of 2 clickable - no cuz I want to use 4 similar sliders refering to the vocal
00:43:309 (1) - Maybe turn this into two circles? - ummm.. no
The entire section starting at 01:16:857 - seems rhythmically overmapped and confusing, sometimes I can’t even hear distinct sounds on the blue ticks. I would recommend mapping to the 1/2 melody and saving the 1/4 repeat sliders for drums like 01:19:115 (1) - - think it's fine to me
01:26:535 (1) - I like a 2 beat slider here but not important
01:42:341 (5,1) - These are way too far away - fixed
01:46:535 (1,2,3,4,5) - The intensity is still high here, make something like star jumps instead - I did like this cuz of the weak vocal here, but I'll consider changing it

Opening section looks nice, no problems there
00:25:244 (1) - same as hyper - fixed
00:38:631 (3) - This note should be emphasized; 00:38:148 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - shouldn’t be the same - imo it's emphasized enough compared to 00:39:277 (3) - , cuz of the wide angle flow and snappier movement to the next note.
00:41:212 (3) - Similarly, this note should not be emphasized - ^ same as above 00:41:857 (3) -
00:42:018 (1) - Sliderend stronger than head, there is a syncopated downbeat\ - true but I'm focusing on keyboard thingy(?) at here 00:40:728 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - so keeping it. noticed some missing hs & added it
00:48:148 (6,7,1) - Could increase spacing here - sure
In the first kiai some of the blanketed sliders don’t look right, like 00:57:502 (1,2) - and 01:02:341 (3,1) -
In this difficulty the 1/4 section is done pretty effectively, my only complaint is that 01:19:115 (3,4) - could be a burst instead - think it's enough with the zigzag flow now
01:46:696 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - same as hyper - ^
Thanks for modding!

00:04:599 (1,2,3) - Beginning with such a difficult flow can be annnoying for beginners, rotate (3) a bit.
00:53:631 - 01:22:018 - They are the same but you map them differently. I can agree on the fact that the 2nd part is more intense at the end but try to keep some consistency in beginner diffs. 1/6 on slider ends may be pretty awkward to play for them, btw.
01:47:825 (1) - That spinner is a bit short. Consider placing it somewhere else, like 01:24:169 - .
It feels like a Normal rather than a Easy, but well...

00:26:212 (2,3,4,5,6) - 00:28:793 (2,3,4,5,6) - 5 circles in a row feel too sudden and dense for nothing according to the global difficulty. Consider adding some sliders on downbeats.
00:34:277 - Here the song is more intense so circles would have fitted more for instance.
00:59:277 (2) - Curve it a bit ? Or line it up with (3).
01:22:018 (1,2,3) - This would work much better as a triangle, like You got the idea.

00:20:889 - This should be mapped according to 00:15:567 (2,3) - 00:18:148 (2,3) -
00:43:309 (1) - Its end and its beginning are equally intense and sound kinda independant from each other. Use 2 circles instead ?
00:54:707 (3,2) - Stack them ?
01:11:696 (1) - A flow change would fit the song more and be more interesting to play.

00:20:083 (1) - Move its point to 305;290 and stack it again, it should look a bit better.
00:23:309 (3,5) - They are almost inaudible, increase their volume a bit.
00:59:277 (2,3) - Why is (3) so far from (2) ?
00:53:631 - 01:22:018 - Inconsistency : Stack perfectly the circles in 1st section or don't stack perfectly those in the 2nd one.
01:23:094 (3,1) - They are less spaced than the rest when 01:22:449 (3,1) - 01:23:954 (4,1) - 01:24:599 (3,1) - 01:25:244 (3,1) - are more spaced. Fix it.
01:26:105 (4,5) - I don't really get the point of that. You use a kickslider but the speed is decreasing, at least space them more than the rest. Although having a triplet would make much more sens imo since it would indicate the intensification in the song.

Great stuff
The only thing I will mention is that this section 01:11:696 (1,2,3) - feels kinda empty compared to the rest, which makes those triplets after really sudden.
Also I would get rid of that extended slider 00:32:986 (1) - , it kinda breaks the momentum when playing.

00:03:309 (1,2,1,2) - Line them up ?
00:30:083 (4) - It belongs to the same combo as the 3 previous sliders so I recommand CTRL+G
00:38:793 (1) - This is kinda annoying to catch because the movement here 00:38:148 (1,2,3) - is not curved a lot. Move (3) a bit to the left.
00:42:825 (4,5,6,1,2) - Avoid doing that ): it looks like they belong to the same combo/they are the same musically but it's totally wrong
00:44:438 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - A lot of overlaps that don't really fit the rest of the map and that you could fix easily.
00:47:825 (5,6,7) - Nothing really justifies such antiflow in the song. It's a bit hard to play for nothing.
01:21:373 (1,2,1,2) - Spacing should increase, not decrease.
00:56:696 (2) - Make it parellel to (1), fits better with things like 00:57:502 (1,2) - 00:58:793 (1,2) -
01:06:535 (1,2,3,1) - That flow is really awkward to play. Nerf it a bit to make it more intuitive and enjoyable.

Good luck !
Topic Starter

6th wrote:


00:04:599 (1,2,3) - Beginning with such a difficult flow can be annnoying for beginners, rotate (3) a bit. - think it shold be fine since 00:05:567 (2) - is almost at the corner of the playfield, some flow change is kinda predictable.
00:53:631 - 01:22:018 - They are the same but you map them differently. I can agree on the fact that the 2nd part is more intense at the end but try to keep some consistency in beginner diffs. 1/6 on slider ends may be pretty awkward to play for them, btw. - was planning to change this, fixed
01:47:825 (1) - That spinner is a bit short. Consider placing it somewhere else, like 01:24:169 - . - I believe that this length is acceptable, it's containing whole 4(5) beats.
It feels like a Normal rather than a Easy, but well...

00:26:212 (2,3,4,5,6) - 00:28:793 (2,3,4,5,6) - 5 circles in a row feel too sudden and dense for nothing according to the global difficulty. Consider adding some sliders on downbeats. - actually i think they're easier than sliders. They're only 1/1s with straight foward rhythm, ds is 0.9. I'll see more opinions about this.
00:34:277 - Here the song is more intense so circles would have fitted more for instance.
00:59:277 (2) - Curve it a bit ? Or line it up with (3). - fixed
01:22:018 (1,2,3) - This would work much better as a triangle, like You got the idea. - sure

00:20:889 - This should be mapped according to 00:15:567 (2,3) - 00:18:148 (2,3) - - fixed
00:43:309 (1) - Its end and its beginning are equally intense and sound kinda independant from each other. Use 2 circles instead ? - umm, think current one works fine also.
00:54:707 (3,2) - Stack them ? - nop
01:11:696 (1) - A flow change would fit the song more and be more interesting to play. - didn't change the direction but moved slightly.

00:20:083 (1) - Move its point to 305;290 and stack it again, it should look a bit better. - fixed
00:23:309 (3,5) - They are almost inaudible, increase their volume a bit. - okay, gonna increase the volume of hitnormal.wav file
00:59:277 (2,3) - Why is (3) so far from (2) ? - they aren't too far imo.
00:53:631 - 01:22:018 - Inconsistency : Stack perfectly the circles in 1st section or don't stack perfectly those in the 2nd one. - I mapped differently cuz at 1st section it is enough with 4 triangles and also to indicate 1/3s visually, but at 2nd section is long chain of them and if I half stack them it will look pretty messy
01:23:094 (3,1) - They are less spaced than the rest when 01:22:449 (3,1) - 01:23:954 (4,1) - 01:24:599 (3,1) - 01:25:244 (3,1) - are more spaced. Fix it. - fixed
01:26:105 (4,5) - I don't really get the point of that. You use a kickslider but the speed is decreasing, at least space them more than the rest. Although having a triplet would make much more sens imo since it would indicate the intensification in the song. - changed a bit

00:03:309 (1,2,1,2) - Line them up ? - I see no reason to
00:30:083 (4) - It belongs to the same combo as the 3 previous sliders so I recommand CTRL+G - fixed
00:38:793 (1) - This is kinda annoying to catch because the movement here 00:38:148 (1,2,3) - is not curved a lot. Move (3) a bit to the left. - okay
00:42:825 (4,5,6,1,2) - Avoid doing that ): it looks like they belong to the same combo/they are the same musically but it's totally wrong - I think it's fine cuz of nc at 00:43:309 (1) - , 00:42:825 (1) - nc'd this for more readability.
00:44:438 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - A lot of overlaps that don't really fit the rest of the map and that you could fix easily. - rearranged slightly.
00:47:825 (5,6,7) - Nothing really justifies such antiflow in the song. It's a bit hard to play for nothing. - it's shouldn't be that much problem since they're placed to snap easily, but moved a bit.
01:21:373 (1,2,1,2) - Spacing should increase, not decrease. - the pitch is decreasing tho
00:56:696 (2) - Make it parellel to (1), fits better with things like 00:57:502 (1,2) - 00:58:793 (1,2) - - it is intended but everyone is complaining of this, changed 00:56:212 (1) - a bit.
01:06:535 (1,2,3,1) - That flow is really awkward to play. Nerf it a bit to make it more intuitive and enjoyable. - ctrl g'd 01:07:018 (2) -

Good luck !

Thanks for modding!!
m4m from your queue!

[ easy ]

overall really good!

  1. 00:32:986 (1,2,3) - i would move this down on the y-axis so the transition from 00:32:664 (3) - feels smoother
  2. 01:34:922 (1,2) - maybe have these curve a bit more so it looks better? like this
  3. 01:40:083 (1) - same concept as ^
[ normal ]

i feel like the sv is high for a normal, maybe consider ar 6 or 5.5 instead b/c of high sv

  1. 00:42:341 (5) - maybe have this point to 00:42:986 (6) -
  2. 01:42:986 (2) - keep this horizontal instead of at an angle, like 01:41:857 (3) -
[ hard ]

maybe have stack leniency at 4?

  1. 00:25:244 (1) - remove nc
  2. 00:32:341 (3) - ctrl + g, looks better, and plays better imo
  3. 00:32:663 (4) - ^
  4. 00:51:051 (1,2,3,4) - this pattern is hard to read for a person of this skill level.
[ hyper ]

  1. 00:03:309 (1,2,1,2) - maybe make this into a really dense stream
  2. 00:25:244 (1) - looks like the slider to 00:25:567 (2) -
  3. 01:04:922 (3,1) - same concept as ^
[ ex ]

  1. 00:03:309 (1,2,1) - make into stream?
  2. 01:16:857 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - majority of this are kick sliders, maybe you should make them jumps, they look too much like streams imo
  3. 01:27:180 (1) - from here to the kiai is a calm part, maybe increase spacing density to reflect song better
[ expert ]

  1. 00:09:115 (1,2,3,4) - this diamond shape is uncomfortable, and the song isn't any different so why should this be
  2. 00:25:082 (8,1) - this is weird, space it out so it's read like 1/2 beat not 1/4
  3. 01:37:502 (1) - break the symmetry pattern here instead of having it continue until 01:38:470 (3) -
  4. 01:47:180 (1) - remove nc
Super cool mapset! i hope to pp farm this someday gl hf getting this ranked!
Topic Starter

CraEZy wrote:

m4m from your queue!

[ easy ]

overall really good!

  1. 00:32:986 (1,2,3) - i would move this down on the y-axis so the transition from 00:32:664 (3) - feels smoother - it's intended to have uncomfortable flow here cuz it's on a strong sound.
  2. 01:34:922 (1,2) - maybe have these curve a bit more so it looks better? like this - hmm okay
  3. 01:40:083 (1) - same concept as ^ - sure
[ normal ]

i feel like the sv is high for a normal, maybe consider ar 6 or 5.5 instead b/c of high sv - umm no, i think 5 is totally fine.

  1. 00:42:341 (5) - maybe have this point to 00:42:986 (6) - - nope, cuz flow change to 00:42:986 (6) - is intended
  2. 01:42:986 (2) - keep this horizontal instead of at an angle, like 01:41:857 (3) - - okay
[ hard ]

maybe have stack leniency at 4? - ummm I'll think more about this

  1. 00:25:244 (1) - remove nc - It's a new phase tho
  2. 00:32:341 (3) - ctrl + g, looks better, and plays better imo
  3. 00:32:663 (4) - ^ - okay
  4. 00:51:051 (1,2,3,4) - this pattern is hard to read for a person of this skill level. - think it's fine
[ hyper ]

  1. 00:03:309 (1,2,1,2) - maybe make this into a really dense stream - not necessary imo
  2. 00:25:244 (1) - looks like the slider to 00:25:567 (2) - - think it's fine
  3. 01:04:922 (3,1) - same concept as ^ - ^
[ ex ]

  1. 00:03:309 (1,2,1) - make into stream? - umm nope
  2. 01:16:857 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - majority of this are kick sliders, maybe you should make them jumps, they look too much like streams imo - the first 4 are dense to indicate that there are kicksliders coming, rest seems fine to me.
  3. 01:27:180 (1) - from here to the kiai is a calm part, maybe increase spacing density to reflect song better - think it works well as it is
Super cool mapset! i hope to pp farm this someday gl hf getting this ranked!

Thanks for modding!
Helllo o/ M4M!

00:54:599 - Add a note here because the rising beat and it will confuse players
01:12:986 (3) - Going back onto this note feels unnatural maybe find another way to smooth it out

That's all I really saw with the easy :p

00:08:470 (3,4,5) - Snap these to make them more vertical with the 2
01:11:696 (1,2,1,2) - This could be made more complicated. It feels like the map would put more there. Not much but a little
01:25:889 (1) - Get rid of the repeating slider, and make another: 01:25:459 (3) - and then put a regular hitcircle here: 01:26:212 -
^^^ This is so it still follows the sounds, but also makes it different for the trill at the end of the section

00:11:373 (2) - Don't stack this because you don't stack any other circles in the beginning
00:42:341 (2) - Take the circle out from under the slider and stack it onto the 3
01:12:986 (1,2,3,4) - Try and make these flow better? Sort of like the four before it?
00:50:244 (3) - move this out from under the hit circle, it's very hard to read
00:57:180 (3,3) - These two sliders seem like the only times you don't mean to overlap sliders, maybe move them slightly?

00:06:373 (2,3,4) - Rearrange these. They don't flow like the rest of the patterns do before or after it
00:10:728 (4,5) - Flip these two so they follow the flow from the sliders in the same combo. When the 4 comes from the top, it isn't natural
00:13:309 (6) - Angle this down just a little bit so it looks like it goes into the stream
00:33:954 (4) - Ctrl+G to make this play a little better
01:16:051 (3) - Move this somewhere else so it can be more easily read while playing
01:23:309 (1,2,3,4) - Space these out just a tidbit more horizontally

00:27:825 (1) - Should be flipped so the flow works well with the next slider
00:34:277 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Either clean it up, or don't make it an accelerating stream
00:39:438 (1,2) - This could be turned into a repeating slider. It would play a lot better than it does now
00:56:696 (2) - Move this slider to help make it easier to read and play. It's a lot of movement from the last slider to this one
01:00:406 (3) - Just extend this and get rid of the 1/4 slider
01:00:728 (1) - Put this on top of the stream to make it a little easier to play
01:17:986 (5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - Remap :/ it's very confusing to play and it's kind of ugly

Overall it seems this has a lot of potential !
The only big criticism over the whole spread, that you made, is that flow doesn't seem to feel right on most of your diffs. If this is intentional I guess it's fine unless a BN says otherwise , but if you didn't notice it was off maybe work on flow techniques a bit more

Good luck with map! ! ! o/
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