
[added] LOVED state in-game integration

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Claire Farron
Hey, I saw that a lot of people are struggling with the new LOVED state. People tend to mistake them for qualified map and they automatically think that they will be ranked.

It would be a great idea to "integrate" this LOVED feature into osu client.
I even made a picture of how should it look like:

Kurokami suggested me to edit this topic so I moved the second feature request here:

Thanks and have a nice day! :)
Your first request has already been planned (p/5564507) and I'm sure the second one will be added shortly. LOVED is still very new, so I'm sure it still has a lot to be added.
Topic Starter
Claire Farron

Pawsu wrote:

Your first request has already been planned (p/5564507) and I'm sure the second one will be added shortly. LOVED is still very new, so I'm sure it still has a lot to be added.

Haven't really noticed tbh.
Looks like someone was first :p

I guess that I can still leave the secodn idea here. We'll see what we can do with it.
And yeah, I'm aware of that it's a new feature. I just wanted to make sure that such a thing will be added as there's always a chance that someone could forget it. :D
Topic Starter
Claire Farron

abraker wrote:

Request complete?
That was fast, it hasn't been implemented yesterday when I posted this topic, great job.
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