
Helblinde - Memoria (Original Mix) [OsuMania]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017년 1월 17일 화요일 at 오전 10:55:07

Artist: Helblinde
Title: Memoria (Original Mix)
Tags: Stepmania Project Memoria Trance 10Dollar Presents Dump Revolution 3 LeiN-
BPM: 140
Filesize: 8937kb
Play Time: 04:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. HD - 4Key (2.79 stars, 2000 notes)
  2. LeiN-'s SC - 4Key (4.55 stars, 3525 notes)
  3. Memories - 4Key (5.81 stars, 4395 notes)
  4. MX - 4Key (3.8 stars, 3130 notes)
  5. NM - 4Key (1.9 stars, 1113 notes)
  6. SHD - 4Key (5.16 stars, 3847 notes)
Download: Helblinde - Memoria (Original Mix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Heavy jack dump file in Stepmania package called Dump Dump Revolution 3 which is released soon.

For Ranked

Special thanks to LeiN- for converting this file and etc.

by Evening Thank you.
by Fresh Chicken Thank you.

Thank you once again for LeiN- / Fresh Chicken / Evening

I would also like to thank Moder for helping me with modding.

"Arcwinolivirus' Random Mod"

Just Random / Little Favor Mod

• First of all I want to apologize if I am to say something that will hurt your mapper feelings. Remember that I only want to advice, suggest and recommend ideas for the improvement of your map. Please do understand and thank you.
• Do not be afraid to reject some parts of my mod. I am not always right and also I do not bite rawr.
• If I am to suggest to "remove or ctrl function moves" on certain note/s, dont forget and be sure to move the hitsound on the other note beside the suggested note.

Audio: OK!
Offset: OK!
Preview Time: OK!

• No problem!

_ _ _ _
4K - |1|2|3|4|

[LeiN-'s MX+]
00:02:177 (2177|1) - remove? since other difficulty does not have this note for consistency. Or just move it on 00:02:123 - since SC and SHD have done that. Up to you sir.

00:02:605 (2605|1) - move to white line at 00:02:659 - ? Same as SC and SHD but this note seems more reasonable though. You decide.

00:08:873 (8873|0,8980|3) - move to 4 and 3 respectively since there's too much notes on column 1, Also to differ 00:08:873 (8873|0,8873|1,9087|1,9087|0) - like you did at 00:07:159 (7159|0,7159|1,7373|0,7373|2) - .

00:15:730 (15730|1,15837|2) - ^ to 3 and 4. Still you decide as it is optional.

00:29:123 (29123|0) - move to 2 since the sound here is more jack-able with 00:29:016 - if you will listen carefully. Also comfortable to execute.

00:30:837 (30837|0) - ^

00:32:552 (32552|0) - ^

00:34:266 (34266|0) - ^ but to 3 which is more comfortable to hit.

01:08:445 - and 01:08:552 - Add note here for that Synth sound? although it can be ignored since other difficulties did not added note here.

02:03:516 - add note since you made that sound double like 02:01:373 (121373|1,121373|0,121802|3,121802|1) -

02:04:802 - ^

02:05:230 - ^

02:05:552 - sound here. add note?

02:05:873 - ^

02:22:802 (142802|3,143016|0) - sudden 3-noters though the sound is not that strong which is kinda feel awkward, compare to 02:24:087 (144087|0,144087|3,144087|2) - . Suggesting to remove.

02:39:516 (159516|1,159945|2,160373|0) - how about changing to LN since you made this LN anyway 02:40:802 (160802|3) -

04:29:230 - add note to 4 since impact sound cymbals.

Nice memoria, nice song pick :)
Good luck!

Hi Mod Request

  1. Offset :: Perfect

    [LeiN-'s MX+]
  2. 00:26:659 - 노트 한개추가

    00:34:373 - 노트가 3개인데 00:34:802 - 2개? 여기에도 크래시 소리가 있습니당

    02:22:802 (142802|3) - 이거 지워도되지 않나여?

    03:18:087 - 중간중간 노트가 3개들어가다 이건 왜 2개가나오나요? (03:20:230 - 등)

    03:34:802 (214802|2) - 지워도 되지 않나요?

    04:03:945 - ~ 04:28:802 - 이부분에서 04:03:945 - 이런라인은 노트를 3개써도될거같네요
별로 잡은게없습니다

arcwinolivirus wrote:

"Arcwinolivirus' Random Mod"

Just Random / Little Favor Mod

• First of all I want to apologize if I am to say something that will hurt your mapper feelings. Remember that I only want to advice, suggest and recommend ideas for the improvement of your map. Please do understand and thank you.
• Do not be afraid to reject some parts of my mod. I am not always right and also I do not bite rawr.
• If I am to suggest to "remove or ctrl function moves" on certain note/s, dont forget and be sure to move the hitsound on the other note beside the suggested note.

Audio: OK!
Offset: OK!
Preview Time: OK!

• No problem!

_ _ _ _
4K - |1|2|3|4|

[LeiN-'s MX+]
00:02:177 (2177|1) - remove? since other difficulty does not have this note for consistency. Or just move it on 00:02:123 - since SC and SHD have done that. Up to you sir. I think this point has definitely a sound so I'll keep it as it is. and it would be alright since it's a GD imo

00:02:605 (2605|1) - move to white line at 00:02:659 - ? Same as SC and SHD but this note seems more reasonable though. You decide. yeah i think so. i think it would be better to add same note in SC and SHD rather than move this note.

00:08:873 (8873|0,8980|3) - move to 4 and 3 respectively since there's too much notes on column 1, Also to differ 00:08:873 (8873|0,8873|1,9087|1,9087|0) - like you did at 00:07:159 (7159|0,7159|1,7373|0,7373|2) - . OK good ;)

00:15:730 (15730|1,15837|2) - ^ to 3 and 4. Still you decide as it is optional. I'll keep here as it is since I don't really like the suggested one

00:29:123 (29123|0) - move to 2 since the sound here is more jack-able with 00:29:016 - if you will listen carefully. Also comfortable to execute. no thanks, because I have a theory of my way to map this section

00:30:837 (30837|0) - ^

00:32:552 (32552|0) - ^

00:34:266 (34266|0) - ^ but to 3 which is more comfortable to hit.

01:08:445 - and 01:08:552 - Add note here for that Synth sound? although it can be ignored since other difficulties did not added note here. some times, breaks make more nice feeling while playing

02:03:516 - add note since you made that sound double like 02:01:373 (121373|1,121373|0,121802|3,121802|1) - nice thank you

02:04:802 - ^ ok

02:05:230 - ^ ok

02:05:552 - sound here. add note? ok

02:05:873 - ^ ok

02:22:802 (142802|3,143016|0) - sudden 3-noters though the sound is not that strong which is kinda feel awkward, compare to 02:24:087 (144087|0,144087|3,144087|2) - . Suggesting to remove. sorry I'll keep it here cuz the vocaloid sounds appeared at that point. but added a note in 02:22:587 - here instead accept your suggest.

02:39:516 (159516|1,159945|2,160373|0) - how about changing to LN since you made this LN anyway 02:40:802 (160802|3) - I think the only LN at the last one make the calm mood more apparent.

04:29:230 - add note to 4 since impact sound cymbals. hmm.. consider it if here pointed out again

Nice memoria, nice song pick :)
Good luck!

Thank you for modding :D

Niks wrote:

Hi Mod Request

  1. Offset :: Perfect

    [LeiN-'s MX+]
  2. 00:26:659 - 노트 한개추가 여긴 플레이상 느낌으론 노트 2개가 적절할것 같아요

    00:34:373 - 노트가 3개인데 00:34:802 - 2개? 여기에도 크래시 소리가 있습니당 에코인것 같습니다. 잘들으면 00:35:230 - 여기도 작게 크래쉬 소리가 나요

    02:22:802 (142802|3) - 이거 지워도되지 않나여? 노트3개를 유지하는 대신 아래쪽에도 노트 하나를 추가해서 다 3개로 만드는 식으로 수정했습니다

    03:18:087 - 중간중간 노트가 3개들어가다 이건 왜 2개가나오나요? (03:20:230 - 등) 킥음이 있는곳은 기본적으로 노트2개로 만들면서 뒤에 따단 따단 따단하는 신스음에 맞춰서 하나씩 추가한 패턴입니다. 지적해 주신 부분들은 신스음 없이 킥음만 있는 부분들이라 2동시키로 만들었습니다.

    03:34:802 (214802|2) - 지워도 되지 않나요? 좋은 지적 감사합니다 :D

    04:03:945 - ~ 04:28:802 - 이부분에서 04:03:945 - 이런라인은 노트를 3개써도될거같네요 3개써도 괜찮을것 같지만 좀 더 조용한 느낌과 패턴의 다양성을 위해 2동시키만 사용했습니다.
별로 잡은게없습니다
모딩 정말 감사합니다!
02:36:087 - maybe some chain pattern would be better. example

[LeiN-'s MX+]
00:40:802 - 1 more LN?
02:37:641 (157641|1,157641|0) - actually there is no sound, but it's ok if you want to keep it.

sorry my suggestion very short. very nice map, good luck:D

ecafree2 wrote:

[LeiN-'s MX+]
00:40:802 - 1 more LN? there is no kick sound so
02:37:641 (157641|1,157641|0) - actually there is no sound, but it's ok if you want to keep it. very nice suggestion, I couldn't notice it

sorry my suggestion very short. very nice map, good luck:D
thank you so much for modding :)
Topic Starter

ecafree2 wrote:

02:36:087 - maybe some chain pattern would be better. example
- Thanks best answer that can satisfy.

[LeiN-'s MX+]
00:40:802 - 1 more LN?
02:37:641 (157641|1,157641|0) - actually there is no sound, but it's ok if you want to keep it.

sorry my suggestion very short. very nice map, good luck:D
thank you so much for modding :)
Topic Starter
sry double post
Soul Evans
Soul's Modding
1 / 2 / 3 / 4


  1. Please make NM's HP to 7, i think it's hard enough to wanting a higher HP than 6
  2. Please raise the OD for HD to be 7.5 to suit the diff better

    • [NM]
  3. 00:01:802 (1802|3,2016|2,2230|1,2445|0,2659|2) - I personally think this would be better if you reverse this pattern
  4. 00:09:516 (9516|2) - Since you made the rest of the maps something like a jumptrill, it's only natural to make it for this easier diffs aswell,, move that note to 1
  5. 00:11:659 (11659|3) - Move to 4 maybe? i mean it can be a good opening to the upcoming pattern above it
  6. 00:13:802 - So i was thinking about changing the pattern to something like this
  7. 00:16:802 - Same here i suggest maybe changing it like this to keep flow and quality instead of doing basic pattern following basic beat it's an NM After all
  8. 00:20:659 - Same here, this pattern seem off to me somehow, i just think redoing patterns for it may make it more interesting because it's a beautiful song
  9. 00:27:516 (27516|1) - Move to 3 maybe?
  10. I suggest maybe doing something like this too
  11. 00:38:659 (38659|3,39516|3) - Having it like this is a bit eeh, i suggest moving those two at 3
  12. 00:39:945 - I think it supports if you add a note next to the LN same thing goes for 00:40:373 - and 00:40:802 -

  13. 00:03:087 - Missing note here, it's okay if you include it, it's not that hard to hit anyway
  14. 00:08:659 (8659|1,8873|1,9087|1) - Try to avoid doing this, it's usually a little hard to hit when you're a beginner player
  15. 00:10:266 (10266|1) - Move to 4 for better shape and flow
  16. 00:11:659 (11659|2,11766|3) - Reverse these two
  17. 00:17:659 - I'll suggest that you use all the background sound for miku's voice example of pattern use
  18. 00:44:016 (44016|3) - Move to 2 maybe?
  19. 01:08:659 (68659|2,68873|2,69087|2,69302|2,69516|2) - Maybe rearrange this section?
  20. 01:09:516 (69516|1,69730|1,69945|1,70159|1,70373|1) - Don't pack 1 column for the player, it is hard
  21. 01:17:659 - Think about changing this section to this maybe?
  22. 01:20:230 - There's alot of ways you could have done this kai section honestly, example like this
  23. 01:21:945 (81945|2,82052|0) - Same thing here, just move the 1st note to 1 and the other to 2
  24. 01:22:587 (82587|0) - Move to 2
  25. 01:22:802 (82802|1) - Move to 4
  26. 01:23:230 (83230|2,83445|2,83659|2,83873|2,84087|2,84302|2,84516|2) - Man, one of your column is packed lol please spread so there wont be impact on one column
  27. 01:24:516 (84516|1,84730|1,84945|1,85159|1,85373|1,85587|1,85802|1) - Same thing here
  28. 02:34:159 - You could have easily just did this and it would play nicely and more interesting than what you used, and secondly would fit pitch perfectly
  29. 02:45:945 (165945|2,166052|3) - Reverse this
  30. 02:49:695 (169695|2,169802|3) - Reverse too
  31. 03:44:659 (224659|2) - I suggest moving to 4
  32. 00:07:802 - Pattern suggestion
  33. 00:12:087 - Add note for the ''me'' because the rest of the ''mo'' re'' has a three note chord
  34. 00:12:302 (12302|2,12516|3,12516|1,12516|2,12730|2) - This kinda looks unprofessional in my opinion, come on you're 10 dollar you can make this fun!
  35. 00:12:945 - Same add a note for the ''re''
  36. 00:16:159 - Pattern suggestion
  37. 00:22:373 - Add a note for the ''mo''?
  38. 00:25:373 (25373|2,25587|2,25802|2,26016|2,26230|2,26445|2) - Try to prevent doing these anchors
  39. 00:26:873 (26873|0,26980|1,27087|0,27195|1,27302|0) - Are you sure this is okay to do? this feels like it can be better patterns than this
  40. 01:06:945 - Maybe add some notes here for the sound?
  41. 01:12:302 - Pattern suggestion
  42. 01:13:802 (73802|2,74016|2,74230|2,74445|2,74659|2) - This 5 note anchor seems difficult
    Nothing to suggest, i think this is a well done jack diff
Topic Starter

Soul Evans wrote:

Soul's Modding
1 / 2 / 3 / 4


  1. Please make NM's HP to 7, i think it's hard enough to wanting a higher HP than 6

    • [NM]
  2. 00:01:802 (1802|3,2016|2,2230|1,2445|0,2659|2) - I personally think this would be better if you reverse this pattern - ok
  3. 00:09:516 (9516|2) - Since you made the rest of the maps something like a jumptrill, it's only natural to make it for this easier diffs aswell,, move that note to 1 - sorry, i don't think it's suitable on this section
  4. 00:11:659 (11659|3) - Move to 4 maybe? i mean it can be a good opening to the upcoming pattern above it
  5. 00:13:802 - So i was thinking about changing the pattern to something like this - sorry, i don't think it's suitable on this section
  6. 00:16:802 - Same here i suggest maybe changing it like this to keep flow and quality instead of doing basic pattern following basic beat it's an NM After all -ok
  7. 00:20:659 - Same here, this pattern seem off to me somehow, i just think redoing patterns for it may make it more interesting because it's a beautiful song - sorry, i don't think it's suitable on this section
  8. 00:27:516 (27516|1) - Move to 3 maybe?
  9. I suggest maybe doing something like this too - sorry, i don't think it's suitable on this section
  10. 00:38:659 (38659|3,39516|3) - Having it like this is a bit eeh, i suggest moving those two at 3 - ok
  11. 00:39:945 - I think it supports if you add a note next to the LN same thing goes for 00:40:373 - and 00:40:802 - sorry, i don't think it's suitable on this section

  12. 00:03:087 - Missing note here, it's okay if you include it, it's not that hard to hit anyway
  13. 00:08:659 (8659|1,8873|1,9087|1) - Try to avoid doing this, it's usually a little hard to hit when you're a beginner player - sorry, i don't think it's suitable on this section
  14. 00:10:266 (10266|1) - Move to 4 for better shape and flow - ok
  15. 00:11:659 (11659|2,11766|3) - Reverse these two - ok
  16. 00:17:659 - I'll suggest that you use all the background sound for miku's voice example of pattern use - ok
  17. 00:44:016 (44016|3) - Move to 2 maybe? - ok
  18. 01:08:659 (68659|2,68873|2,69087|2,69302|2,69516|2) - Maybe rearrange this section? - ok
  19. 01:09:516 (69516|1,69730|1,69945|1,70159|1,70373|1) - Don't pack 1 column for the player, it is hard - ok
  20. 01:17:659 - Think about changing this section to this maybe? - ok
  21. 01:20:230 - There's alot of ways you could have done this kai section honestly, example like this - ok
  22. 01:21:945 (81945|2,82052|0) - Same thing here, just move the 1st note to 1 and the other to 2 - ok
  23. 01:22:587 (82587|0) - Move to 2 - ok
  24. 01:22:802 (82802|1) - Move to 4 - ok
  25. 01:23:230 (83230|2,83445|2,83659|2,83873|2,84087|2,84302|2,84516|2) - Man, one of your column is packed lol please spread so there wont be impact on one column - sorry, i don't think it's suitable on this section
  26. 01:24:516 (84516|1,84730|1,84945|1,85159|1,85373|1,85587|1,85802|1) - Same thing here - ok
  27. 02:34:159 - You could have easily just did this and it would play nicely and more interesting than what you used, and secondly would fit pitch perfectly - ok
  28. 02:45:945 (165945|2,166052|3) - Reverse this - ok
  29. 02:49:695 (169695|2,169802|3) - Reverse too - ok
  30. 03:44:659 (224659|2) - I suggest moving to 4 - ok
    - sorry, i don't think it's suitable on this section
Thank you for modding :D
2016-10-12 08:40 Interlude-: 안녕하세요
2016-10-12 08:40 Manwon: 안녕하세요
2016-10-12 08:40 Interlude-: ACTION is editing [ Helblinde - Memoria (Original Mix) [SHD]]
2016-10-12 08:40 Manwon: 기다리고 있었습니다
2016-10-12 08:40 Interlude-: 지금 irc 되세요?
2016-10-12 08:40 Manwon: 네
2016-10-12 08:41 Interlude-: 바로 시작하죠
2016-10-12 08:41 Manwon: 넵
2016-10-12 08:41 Interlude-: 슈하볼게용
2016-10-12 08:41 Manwon: 네
2016-10-12 08:41 Interlude-: 00:02:927 (2927|1) -
2016-10-12 08:41 Interlude-: 00:02:873 - 여기 가야할거같네요
2016-10-12 08:42 Interlude-: 00:03:248 (3248|1) - 요건 00:03:302 - 여기
2016-10-12 08:43 Interlude-: 00:29:766 - 여기 노트 추가되어야 할거같은데
2016-10-12 08:44 Interlude-: 00:29:873 - 오히려 여기를 줄이구
2016-10-12 08:44 Interlude-: 00:30:087 - 여기도 줄여야할거같은데
2016-10-12 08:45 Interlude-: 01:08:659 - 노트 추가?
2016-10-12 08:46 Manwon: 01:08:659 는 배치상 4노트 동치로 하게되면 부자연스러울꺼 같네요
2016-10-12 08:49 Interlude-: 02:26:016 - 여기
2016-10-12 08:49 Interlude-: 패턴상 노트 하나 추가하셔야할거같아요
2016-10-12 08:50 Interlude-: 2개를 불규칙하게 주셨는데 대부분 하이라이트 되는 부분인거같아서요
2016-10-12 08:50 Interlude-: 02:26:445 - 여기서 차임벨에 2개 주신거랑 동일하다고 볼수 있겠네용
2016-10-12 08:50 Manwon: 일단 01:08:659 를 제외한 나머지 구간은 수용했습니다.
2016-10-12 08:50 Interlude-: 넵
2016-10-12 08:51 Interlude-: 02:35:659 (155659|1) - 4번으루?
2016-10-12 08:51 Interlude-: 02:42:087 - 여기 베이스인데 4개네요
2016-10-12 08:51 Interlude-: 의도하신거에요?
2016-10-12 08:52 Manwon: 네 의도 입니다
2016-10-12 08:52 Interlude-: 02:41:659 - 여긴 그럼 왜 3개인가요?
2016-10-12 08:52 Interlude-: 아 그
2016-10-12 08:52 Interlude-: 높은음때문인가요?
2016-10-12 08:52 Manwon: 신스음
2016-10-12 08:52 Manwon: 네
2016-10-12 08:52 Manwon: 그렇습니다
2016-10-12 08:52 Interlude-: 아 그렇네요
2016-10-12 08:52 Manwon: 신스음에 맟춰
2016-10-12 08:52 Manwon: 그렇게 넣은거니
2016-10-12 08:52 Manwon: 이해해주세요
2016-10-12 08:53 Interlude-: 넵
2016-10-12 08:53 Interlude-: 03:34:373 - 노트 하나 추가?
2016-10-12 08:53 Interlude-: 03:35:445 - 여기 2개 의도인가용?
2016-10-12 08:54 Manwon: 03:34:373
2016-10-12 08:54 Manwon: 03:35:445는 의도이긴한대
2016-10-12 08:54 Manwon: 노트 넣겠습니다 그게 좋겠네요
2016-10-12 08:54 Interlude-: 넵
2016-10-12 08:54 Manwon: 그리고 03:34:373 부터
2016-10-12 08:54 Manwon: 03:35:681 까지는
2016-10-12 08:54 Interlude-: 네
2016-10-12 08:54 Manwon: 3노트로만 할려고했습니다
2016-10-12 08:54 Manwon: 쿼드 로 처리하면
2016-10-12 08:55 Manwon: 아 죄송합니다 4노트로 처리하면
2016-10-12 08:55 Manwon: 영 그래서요
2016-10-12 08:55 Interlude-: 03:34:373 - 여기는 노트 하나 추가해도
2016-10-12 08:55 Interlude-: 쿼드로 안될텐데
2016-10-12 08:55 Interlude-: 1번이 비어서
2016-10-12 08:55 Interlude-: 03:35:659 (215659|1) - 요거 1번으루?
2016-10-12 08:56 Manwon: 롱놋
2016-10-12 08:56 Manwon: 누르고있으니
2016-10-12 08:56 Interlude-: 03:36:087 - 여기 크래시음인데 추가 어떠세요?
2016-10-12 08:56 Interlude-: 근데 3개 치는거와 동시에 떼는 부분이라 쿼드라 보기엔 애매한거같아요
2016-10-12 08:56 Manwon: 그런가요
2016-10-12 08:57 Interlude-: 03:49:802 - 여기두 크래시음있네요
2016-10-12 08:57 Manwon: 03:36:087 부분은
2016-10-12 08:57 Manwon: 3노트로 했습니다
2016-10-12 08:57 Interlude-: 넵
2016-10-12 08:57 Manwon: 네
2016-10-12 08:58 Interlude-: 후렴구랑은 워낙 깔끔하네요
2016-10-12 08:58 Interlude-: 근데 이거 BN한테 물어보셨어요? 랭크될수 있는지
2016-10-12 08:58 Manwon: 아직 안물어봤는대
2016-10-12 08:58 Manwon: 아마 ..
2016-10-12 08:59 Manwon: 일단 제가
2016-10-12 08:59 Interlude-: 네
2016-10-12 08:59 Manwon: 스매쪽 제작자이기도 하고
2016-10-12 08:59 Manwon: 이거 랭크할려는 이유도
2016-10-12 08:59 Manwon: 예전에.. 제가 만든 덤프팩을 냈는대
2016-10-12 08:59 Manwon: 그게 반응이 좋더라구요
2016-10-12 08:59 Manwon: 이번에 후속으로 3번째를 만드는대
2016-10-12 08:59 Manwon: 용량이 안될꺼 같고 해서
2016-10-12 08:59 Manwon: 랭크 시킨다면 슬롯 하나 늘어나니깐
2016-10-12 09:00 Manwon: 업로드할때 용량 문제는 크게 없을꺼 같아 도전하게 되는거 같아요
2016-10-12 09:00 Manwon: 사실 서포터 끊으면 랭크 도전 굳이 안해도 되겠지만 오스 안하는 입장에선 돈쓰기는 좀..
2016-10-12 09:01 Manwon: 잡담이 길었네요 일단 수정완료 했습니다
2016-10-12 09:01 Interlude-: 네 잠시만요
2016-10-12 09:04 Interlude-: 독특하게 짜셨네요
2016-10-12 09:04 Interlude-: 전 맘에 드는데
2016-10-12 09:04 Interlude-: 이게 순수 덤프라 랭커블인지 확신이 안가네요
2016-10-12 09:04 Manwon: 사실
2016-10-12 09:04 Interlude-: 한번 물어보시는거도 괜찮을거같아요
2016-10-12 09:04 Manwon: 네
2016-10-12 09:05 Interlude-: QAT 한테
2016-10-12 09:05 Manwon: 나중에 물어볼 예정이에요
2016-10-12 09:05 Interlude-: Blocko 나 Feerum 에게 꼭 물어보셔요
2016-10-12 09:05 Manwon: 그
2016-10-12 09:05 Manwon: 아는분이
2016-10-12 09:05 Manwon: AIAE
2016-10-12 09:05 Manwon: 그거보고
2016-10-12 09:05 Interlude-: 네
2016-10-12 09:05 Manwon: 그와 같은 걸로 친다면 가능성은 있다 하셔서
2016-10-12 09:05 Manwon: 도전하는거에요
2016-10-12 09:06 Manwon: AIAE 풀러렌이 업로드한 패턴 중에
2016-10-12 09:06 Manwon: SHD의 경우는 덤프잖아요
2016-10-12 09:06 Interlude-: 그렇죠
2016-10-12 09:06 Interlude-: 한번 도전해보셔요
2016-10-12 09:06 Manwon: 넵
2016-10-12 09:06 Manwon: 맵 좋게 봐주셔서 감사합니다
2016-10-12 09:06 Interlude-: 솔직히 너무 깔끔해서
2016-10-12 09:06 Interlude-: 잡을게 별로 없는데
2016-10-12 09:07 Interlude-: SC 한번 훑어볼게요
2016-10-12 09:07 Manwon: 아마
2016-10-12 09:07 Manwon: SC의 경우도좀
2016-10-12 09:07 Manwon: 복붙 패턴이라
2016-10-12 09:07 Manwon: 몇몇 구간은 SHD랑 같은것두 있고
2016-10-12 09:07 Interlude-: 00:02:927 (2927|1,3248|1) - 이거 스냅 슈하랑 같이 수정해주세요
2016-10-12 09:07 Manwon: 아까 본대로 수정할께요
2016-10-12 09:07 Manwon: 네
2016-10-12 09:07 Interlude-: 00:06:945 - 2번에 추가
2016-10-12 09:07 Interlude-: 00:07:052 (7052|1) - 4번으로
2016-10-12 09:08 Interlude-: 00:13:802 (13802|2,13802|1,13802|0) - 힛사 오류같아요 수정해주세요
2016-10-12 09:08 Interlude-: 클랩 두개 들어간거 수정하셔야할거같네요
2016-10-12 09:08 Interlude-: 이게 힛사 커피어가 버그가 좀 있어서
2016-10-12 09:09 Interlude-: 가끔 막 3개씩 들어가고 그래요
2016-10-12 09:09 Interlude-: 슈하에서는 하나씩만 쓰셨죠? 힛사
2016-10-12 09:09 Manwon: 네
2016-10-12 09:10 Interlude-: 01:06:945 - 여기 패턴
2016-10-12 09:10 Interlude-: 슈하랑 스냅 자체가 다르네요
2016-10-12 09:10 Manwon: 하위 난이도라
2016-10-12 09:10 Manwon: 24비트로 처리했습니다
2016-10-12 09:10 Manwon: 슈하는 제일 어려운 난이도라 32비트로 처리한거구요
2016-10-12 09:10 Interlude-: 음 그렇군여
2016-10-12 09:10 Interlude-: 나중에 븐 체크 받으실때 되냐고 물어보세요
2016-10-12 09:11 Manwon: 네
2016-10-12 09:11 Interlude-: 각 난이도에 스냅 차이는 있을수는 있지만
2016-10-12 09:11 Manwon: 아마 그런대
2016-10-12 09:11 Manwon: SC~MX 까지는
2016-10-12 09:11 Manwon: 저렇게 24비트로 처리되어있어요
2016-10-12 09:11 Interlude-: 네
2016-10-12 09:11 Interlude-: 그럼 슈하 수정하라고 말할수도 있어요
2016-10-12 09:11 Manwon: 아
2016-10-12 09:12 Manwon: 그렇군여
2016-10-12 09:12 Interlude-: 확실치 않으니 일단 고려해보셔요
2016-10-12 09:12 Manwon: 네
2016-10-12 09:12 Interlude-: 수정은 마시구 븐에게 체크받을떄
2016-10-12 09:12 Manwon: 네
2016-10-12 09:13 Interlude-: 01:11:123 - 01:12:837 -
2016-10-12 09:13 Interlude-: 이런거
2016-10-12 09:13 Interlude-: 사운드가 좀 명확한데
2016-10-12 09:13 Interlude-: 노트 추가 어떠세요?
2016-10-12 09:14 Manwon: 노트추가하면
2016-10-12 09:14 Manwon: 좀 부자연 스럽기도 할꺼 같은대
2016-10-12 09:14 Manwon: 음
2016-10-12 09:15 Interlude-: 놔두셔도 상관은 없어요
2016-10-12 09:17 Interlude-: 잡을게 없어보이네요
2016-10-12 09:18 Interlude-: 솔직히 반대하는사람 엄청 많을거에요
2016-10-12 09:18 Interlude-: 그래도 포기하지마시구 도전해보세요
2016-10-12 09:18 Manwon: 오버맵핑이라
2016-10-12 09:18 Manwon: 그게 쫌 걱정이긴 합니다만..
2016-10-12 09:18 Manwon: 덤프라
2016-10-12 09:19 Interlude-: 요새는 덤프보단
2016-10-12 09:19 Interlude-: 패턴의 창의성이나 변속의 사용 그런걸 더 선호하는 메타 같아요
Hi guys. Request by LeiN-

NM,LeiN-'s MX is no modding. It goes without saying that good diffs for me.
I don't have playing skill for SHD

00:37:802 ~ 00:39:516 - it is nature that these is the same number notes.
i suggest to delete a note in 3notes plece and add a note in 1note place.

02:36:087 (156087|0,156516|3,156945|1,157373|2) - what are these notes for sound?
if you put for drum sound, cut them (image)

00:33:516 (33516|2,33516|3,33730|1,33730|2,33945|1,33945|0,34159|2,34159|3) -
I think that here is 1note than 2notes...

00:41:230 - You should put 3notes?

01:32:873 (92873|1,92980|1,93087|1,93195|1) -
01:33:730 (93730|1,93837|1,93945|1,94052|1) -
01:34:266 (94266|2,94373|2,94480|2,94587|2) -
01:34:266 (94266|2,94373|2,94480|2,94587|2) -
continue 4 jacksss Here is hardest in this diff.
I think it is ok here to become will be better.

Sorry for bad English and few suggestion. Good Luck :) :)
Topic Starter

PiraTom wrote:

Hi guys. Request by LeiN-

NM,LeiN-'s MX is no modding. It goes without saying that good diffs for me.
I don't have playing skill for SHD

00:37:802 ~ 00:39:516 - it is nature that these is the same number notes.
i suggest to delete a note in 3notes plece and add a note in 1note place. - そんなに修正を終えれば、位置が自然ではないと思います すみません

02:36:087 (156087|0,156516|3,156945|1,157373|2) - what are these notes for sound?
if you put for drum sound, cut them (image) - 今が良いと思います。 すみません

00:33:516 (33516|2,33516|3,33730|1,33730|2,33945|1,33945|0,34159|2,34159|3) -
I think that here is 1note than 2notes... - そんなに修正を終えれば、位置が自然ではないと思います すみません

00:41:230 - You should put 3notes? - ok

01:32:873 (92873|1,92980|1,93087|1,93195|1) -
01:33:730 (93730|1,93837|1,93945|1,94052|1) -
01:34:266 (94266|2,94373|2,94480|2,94587|2) -
01:34:266 (94266|2,94373|2,94480|2,94587|2) -
continue 4 jacksss Here is hardest in this diff.
I think it is ok here to become will be better.

- パターンの配置を分布ように修正しました。

Sorry for bad English and few suggestion. Good Luck :) :)
Thank you for modding :D

레인님 리퀘로 왔습니다.

  1. BG와 음질 다 괜찮네요
00:02:659 (2659|1) - 00:02:445 - 여기까지만 하셔도 좋을거같네요. 저 노트하나가 저부분을 어색하게 만드는거같습니다.

00:09:516 (9516|0,9516|1,9730|1,9730|2,9945|3,9945|2) - 이부분은 노말이다보니 2노트를 연속으로 사용하는것은 좋지않다고 보네요. 노트 한개로 줄여주시면 좋을것 같습니다.

00:23:230 (23230|2,23230|1,23445|3,23445|2,23659|0,23659|1) - 동일한이유입니다 한개로 줄여주세요. 뒷부분도 고쳐주세요.

00:34:373 (34373|3,34373|2,34802|2,34802|1,35230|1,35230|0,35659|2,35659|1,36087|3,36087|2,36516|1,36516|0,36945|2,36945|1,37373|3,37373|2) -
노트를 계속 붙여서 쓰셨는데 이거보다는 노트들을 어느부분은 띄워놓는게 좋다고생각합니다. 참고하셔도 좋을거 같네요.

00:41:230 - 섹션이 바뀌는 구간이니 2노트가 좋다고 생각하네요.

00:45:087 (45087|3,45087|2,45516|2,45516|1,45945|3,45945|2,46373|2,46373|1) - 이 패턴은 초보자들을 헷갈리게 만들 수 있습니다. 좀더 12 라인들을 쓰시면서 손배치를 편하게 만드는게 좋을것 같네요.

00:48:087 (48087|2,48516|3,48516|2,48945|2,49373|3,49373|2) - 마찬가지입니다.

00:51:302 (51302|1) - 갑자기 배치가 되어서 이상하네요. 의도는 알겠습니다만 배치를 하실거라면 00:54:730 - 이곳에 하는게 좋겠네요. 00:54:945 - 이부분 부터가 00:41:230 - 이부분으로 다시 되돌아오기 떄문이죠.

01:04:159 (64159|2) - 마찬가지입니다 여기는 빼주시는게 좋겠네요.

01:09:730 (69730|3,69945|2,70159|3,70373|2,70587|3,70802|2,71016|3) - 손배치를 적절히 해주세요 계속 3434를 배치하는것은 좋지 않습니다. 뒷부분도 고쳐주세요.

01:32:445 (92445|1,92445|2) - 2노트인 이유를 설명해주시면 좋겠군요. 앞과 똑같이 1노트면 충분하다고 생각합니다.

02:08:659 (128659|2) - 앞에는 메인음에 배치하셨는데 갑자기 메인음이 없는곳에 배치를하셨는데 빼주시는게 좋을거같네요.

02:11:659 (131659|0,132087|0) - , 02:13:373 (133373|1,133802|1) - 02:16:802 (136802|1) - , 02:18:516 (138516|2) - 일관성이 없네요. 앞에 두단놋을 사용하시거나 롱놋을 사용하는게 좋습니다.저는 단놋을 추천합니다.

02:26:873 (146873|3,147087|3) - 여기만 잭이네요 바꿔주세요.

02:36:087 (156087|0,156087|1,156516|2,156516|3,156945|1,156945|0,157373|2,157373|3) - 길이가 음이랑 다릅니다. 각각 02:36:355 - , 02:36:784 - , 02:37:212 - , 02:37:587 - 여기에 해주셔야합니다.

02:51:302 (171302|2,171302|1) - 앞부분에서 말했듯이 1노트가 좋습니다.

03:11:873 (191873|1,191873|2) - 동일. 뒷부분도 있으니 고쳐주세요.

03:08:659 - 여기부터 일관성이없습니다 처음에 드럼 2노트를 쓰셨다가 나중에 1노트로 가네요 고쳐주세요.

04:30:945 - 2놋이여도 충분할거같네요

전체적으로 노트들이 많이 몰려있습니다 1 2 3 4 라인을 골고루 사용해주셔야 할거같네요.

LeiN-'s MX+
00:02:159 (2159|1) - 프로젝트? 라고말하는거같은데 그음들을 사용하실거면 00:02:337 - 이곳에도 노트 하나가 필요하겠네요

00:06:087 (6087|3,6195|2,6302|3,6409|2,6516|3,6623|2,6730|3,6837|2,6945|3) - 34 를 많이 배치하는건 좋지않다고 생각합니다. 손배치를 골고루 해야된다고 생각해요.

01:06:945 (66945|3,66945|0,67016|2,67087|1,67159|3,67230|0,67302|2,67373|1,67445|2,67516|0,67587|3,67659|1,67730|2,67802|0,67873|3,67945|2,68016|1,68087|0,68159|2,68230|3,68230|1,68230|0) - 6스냅할 음들이 안들리는데 설명부탁드립니다.

01:38:659 (98659|3,98766|2,98873|3,98980|2,99087|3,99195|2,99302|3,99409|2) - 위 이유와 같습니다. 34 보단 23이나 13혹은 14 를 추천합니다.

02:23:230 (143230|0,143337|1,143445|0,143552|1,143659|0,143766|1,143873|0,143980|1,144087|0) - 유의해주세요.

레인님 난이도는 별말씀드릴게없네요. 다만 부분마다 일관성이 없는게 보입니다. 베이스나 킥에 2놋을 넣으셨다가 3놋을 넣은경우를 예를 들수가있겠군요.

사실상 모딩할 필요는없는거같아요. 일관성이랑 손배치만 조정해주심 될거같아요 노말난이도에 일관성 얘기한걸 참고하시면서 다른난이도 보시면 될거 같구요. 그리고 shd는 솔직히 오버매핑이라는 생각이드네요. shd를 없애시고 sc 를 슈하로올리고 레인님난이도를 sc로 올리는걸 추천합니다.

그리고 mx는 상당히 안정적이네요.

모딩 마칠게요. 스타좀 쏘고갑니다. :)
Topic Starter

Wonki wrote:


레인님 리퀘로 왔습니다.

  1. BG와 음질 다 괜찮네요
00:02:659 (2659|1) - 00:02:445 - 여기까지만 하셔도 좋을거같네요. 저 노트하나가 저부분을 어색하게 만드는거같습니다. - 수정했습니다

00:09:516 (9516|0,9516|1,9730|1,9730|2,9945|3,9945|2) - 이부분은 노말이다보니 2노트를 연속으로 사용하는것은 좋지않다고 보네요. 노트 한개로 줄여주시면 좋을것 같습니다. - 수정했습니다

00:23:230 (23230|2,23230|1,23445|3,23445|2,23659|0,23659|1) - 동일한이유입니다 한개로 줄여주세요. 뒷부분도 고쳐주세요. - 수정했습니다

00:34:373 (34373|3,34373|2,34802|2,34802|1,35230|1,35230|0,35659|2,35659|1,36087|3,36087|2,36516|1,36516|0,36945|2,36945|1,37373|3,37373|2) -
노트를 계속 붙여서 쓰셨는데 이거보다는 노트들을 어느부분은 띄워놓는게 좋다고생각합니다. 참고하셔도 좋을거 같네요. - 수정했습니다

00:41:230 - 섹션이 바뀌는 구간이니 2노트가 좋다고 생각하네요. - 수정했습니다

00:45:087 (45087|3,45087|2,45516|2,45516|1,45945|3,45945|2,46373|2,46373|1) - 이 패턴은 초보자들을 헷갈리게 만들 수 있습니다. 좀더 12 라인들을 쓰시면서 손배치를 편하게 만드는게 좋을것 같네요. - 수정했습니다

00:48:087 (48087|2,48516|3,48516|2,48945|2,49373|3,49373|2) - 마찬가지입니다.

- 수정했습니다

00:51:302 (51302|1) - 갑자기 배치가 되어서 이상하네요. 의도는 알겠습니다만 배치를 하실거라면 00:54:730 - 이곳에 하는게 좋겠네요. 00:54:945 - 이부분 부터가 00:41:230 - 이부분으로 다시 되돌아오기 떄문이죠. - 수정했습니다

01:04:159 (64159|2) - 마찬가지입니다 여기는 빼주시는게 좋겠네요. - 수정했습니다

01:09:730 (69730|3,69945|2,70159|3,70373|2,70587|3,70802|2,71016|3) - 손배치를 적절히 해주세요 계속 3434를 배치하는것은 좋지 않습니다. 뒷부분도 고쳐주세요. - 수정했습니다

01:32:445 (92445|1,92445|2) - 2노트인 이유를 설명해주시면 좋겠군요. 앞과 똑같이 1노트면 충분하다고 생각합니다. - 수정했습니다

02:08:659 (128659|2) - 앞에는 메인음에 배치하셨는데 갑자기 메인음이 없는곳에 배치를하셨는데 빼주시는게 좋을거같네요. - 사실 제일 낮게 들어보면 미세하게 음이 들립니다만 노멀인거 감안하여 음을 아예 뺐습니다 수정했습니다.

02:11:659 (131659|0,132087|0) - , 02:13:373 (133373|1,133802|1) - 02:16:802 (136802|1) - , 02:18:516 (138516|2) - 일관성이 없네요. 앞에 두단놋을 사용하시거나 롱놋을 사용하는게 좋습니다.저는 단놋을 추천합니다. - 단놋으로 하면 지루할꺼라 생각이 들어서 롱놋으로 수정했습니다.

+ 그리고 아마 컨버트 도중 오류가 있어 저부분이 빠진거 같습니다 지적 정말 감사합니다.

02:26:873 (146873|3,147087|3) - 여기만 잭이네요 바꿔주세요. - 수정했습니다

02:36:087 (156087|0,156087|1,156516|2,156516|3,156945|1,156945|0,157373|2,157373|3) - 길이가 음이랑 다릅니다. 각각 02:36:355 - , 02:36:784 - , 02:37:212 - , 02:37:587 - 여기에 해주셔야합니다. - 이거또한 수정했습니다

02:51:302 (171302|2,171302|1) - 앞부분에서 말했듯이 1노트가 좋습니다. - 수정했습니다

03:11:873 (191873|1,191873|2) - 동일. 뒷부분도 있으니 고쳐주세요. - 수정했습니다

03:08:659 - 여기부터 일관성이없습니다 처음에 드럼 2노트를 쓰셨다가 나중에 1노트로 가네요 고쳐주세요. - 수정했습니다

04:30:945 - 2놋이여도 충분할거같네요 - 수정했습니다

전체적으로 노트들이 많이 몰려있습니다 1 2 3 4 라인을 골고루 사용해주셔야 할거같네요.

또한 배치를 좀더 넓게 퍼트려봤습니다 .. 조금은 나아졌을지도 모르겠네요

LeiN-'s MX+
00:02:159 (2159|1) - 프로젝트? 라고말하는거같은데 그음들을 사용하실거면 00:02:337 - 이곳에도 노트 하나가 필요하겠네요

00:06:087 (6087|3,6195|2,6302|3,6409|2,6516|3,6623|2,6730|3,6837|2,6945|3) - 34 를 많이 배치하는건 좋지않다고 생각합니다. 손배치를 골고루 해야된다고 생각해요.

01:06:945 (66945|3,66945|0,67016|2,67087|1,67159|3,67230|0,67302|2,67373|1,67445|2,67516|0,67587|3,67659|1,67730|2,67802|0,67873|3,67945|2,68016|1,68087|0,68159|2,68230|3,68230|1,68230|0) - 6스냅할 음들이 안들리는데 설명부탁드립니다.

01:38:659 (98659|3,98766|2,98873|3,98980|2,99087|3,99195|2,99302|3,99409|2) - 위 이유와 같습니다. 34 보단 23이나 13혹은 14 를 추천합니다.

02:23:230 (143230|0,143337|1,143445|0,143552|1,143659|0,143766|1,143873|0,143980|1,144087|0) - 유의해주세요.

레인님 난이도는 별말씀드릴게없네요. 다만 부분마다 일관성이 없는게 보입니다. 베이스나 킥에 2놋을 넣으셨다가 3놋을 넣은경우를 예를 들수가있겠군요.

사실상 모딩할 필요는없는거같아요. 일관성이랑 손배치만 조정해주심 될거같아요 노말난이도에 일관성 얘기한걸 참고하시면서 다른난이도 보시면 될거 같구요. 그리고 shd는 솔직히 오버매핑이라는 생각이드네요. shd를 없애시고 sc 를 슈하로올리고 레인님난이도를 sc로 올리는걸 추천합니다.

그리고 mx는 상당히 안정적이네요.

모딩 마칠게요. 스타좀 쏘고갑니다. :)

모딩 수고하셨습니다.

+ AIAE 의 SHD의 전례가 있는만큼 크게 문제가 없을꺼라 생각합니다. 플래닛 셰이퍼도 그러한대 큰 문제는 없다고 보네요

Wonki wrote:


레인님 리퀘로 왔습니다.

  1. BG와 음질 다 괜찮네요
LeiN-'s MX+
00:02:159 (2159|1) - 프로젝트? 라고말하는거같은데 그음들을 사용하실거면 00:02:337 - 이곳에도 노트 하나가 필요하겠네요 살짝 다른 방법으로 수정했습니다. 좋은 지적 감사합니다.

00:06:087 (6087|3,6195|2,6302|3,6409|2,6516|3,6623|2,6730|3,6837|2,6945|3) - 34 를 많이 배치하는건 좋지않다고 생각합니다. 손배치를 골고루 해야된다고 생각해요. 의도적인 배치이므로 넘어가겠습니다.

01:06:945 (66945|3,66945|0,67016|2,67087|1,67159|3,67230|0,67302|2,67373|1,67445|2,67516|0,67587|3,67659|1,67730|2,67802|0,67873|3,67945|2,68016|1,68087|0,68159|2,68230|3,68230|1,68230|0) - 6스냅할 음들이 안들리는데 설명부탁드립니다. 바람소리라고 해야하나 windFX를 나름대로 표현한거긴 합니다만 랭크과정에서 문제가 될 시 수정을 고려해보겠습니다.

01:38:659 (98659|3,98766|2,98873|3,98980|2,99087|3,99195|2,99302|3,99409|2) - 위 이유와 같습니다. 34 보단 23이나 13혹은 14 를 추천합니다. 의도입니다.

02:23:230 (143230|0,143337|1,143445|0,143552|1,143659|0,143766|1,143873|0,143980|1,144087|0) - 유의해주세요. 의도입니다. 34처럼 한손으로 치게 만든거라고 보시면 되겠네요.

레인님 난이도는 별말씀드릴게없네요. 다만 부분마다 일관성이 없는게 보입니다. 베이스나 킥에 2놋을 넣으셨다가 3놋을 넣은경우를 예를 들수가있겠군요. 이부분에 대해선 Niks님의 모딩에 설명을 해드렸으니 참고하시면 좋으실것 같습니다.

사실상 모딩할 필요는없는거같아요. 일관성이랑 손배치만 조정해주심 될거같아요 노말난이도에 일관성 얘기한걸 참고하시면서 다른난이도 보시면 될거 같구요. 그리고 shd는 솔직히 오버매핑이라는 생각이드네요. shd를 없애시고 sc 를 슈하로올리고 레인님난이도를 sc로 올리는걸 추천합니다.

그리고 mx는 상당히 안정적이네요.

모딩 마칠게요. 스타좀 쏘고갑니다. :)
모딩 정말 감사드립니다!
Offset: -15 ~ -20, Think the hitsounds are a bit late with respect to the song when i listen to it so i suggest -20


Would like to draw your attention to this particular break that you've created before the explanation of the mod: 00:08:552 (8552|1,8873|1) - note that it's 3/4 long and you use it in a specific sequence in which i agree with.
However, you did the same break here 00:21:409 (21409|1,21730|1) - but you didn't do it right after 00:22:802 (22802|1,22909|1,22909|0,23123|0,23123|1,23230|1) - nor 00:24:623 (24623|1,24623|0,24837|0,24837|1) - .
Suggesting to make this 00:21:087 (21087|2,21087|3,21087|1,21195|1,21195|0,21302|2,21302|3,21409|1,21409|0,21516|2,21516|3,21623|3,21623|2,21730|0,21730|1,21837|3,21837|2) - entire section harder by removing the 3/4 break and making it a 2/4, this is to make it consistent with the other breaks that you have in this section

00:26:445 (26445|0,26552|1,26659|0,26659|1,26766|1,26873|0,26980|0,26980|1,27087|1,27195|0,27195|1,27302|0,27409|1,27516|1,27516|0) - This seems a bit too biased to 1 hand here unintentionally, the right hand has quite a few breaks while the left hand has a much denser section to play, think it'd be better if you spread the notes out

00:27:195 (27195|1,27195|0) - Pretty sure this is a ghost note, you might want to remove this

00:27:837 (27837|0,28373|2,28373|3) - You might want to look through this section to remove as much ghost notes as you can since it affects if you can rank this map

00:36:195 (36195|1) - This section too

01:06:998 (66998|2,67052|1,67105|0,67159|3,67212|2,67266|1,67320|3,67373|0,67427|1,67480|2,67534|3,67587|1,67641|2,67695|0,67748|3,67802|2,67855|1,67909|0,67962|3,68016|1,68070|2,68123|0,68177|3) - Dumping isn't rankable as of now, you need to remove this for ranking purposes and map every single note to an audible instrument

01:33:516 (93516|2,93516|1,93516|0,93516|3) - I really think this is a bit overkill lol, if other players can do this fine then I think i'm fine with it but as of now it feels like an unfair spike

01:45:516 (105516|2) - Personal opinion, feel like the overall rhythm is kind of garbled/jumbled here if you layer 2 instrumentals with completely different rhythms since I didn't really feel when i was playing the 1/4 gallop sound and when i was playing the 1/2 piano since everything feels like they are in a disagreement if you were to add these layers together. Personally feel that it'd be much more clean if you'd just go for 1 single layer. (Prefer how LeiN- did his layering here since it's easily distinguishable which notes are for which instruments)

02:25:909 (145909|1) - Might want to watch out for ghost notes

02:22:373 (142373|0,142587|1,142695|2,142802|0,143016|1,143230|0,143337|2,143445|1,143552|2,143659|0,143766|2,143873|1,143980|2) - Not too sure if you want to include minijacks/consistent jacks here since you did do a full-on 1/4 jack on 1 column for a similar vocal

02:31:052 (151052|3) - Might as well just do a 1/2 pattern here just to avoid ghost notes totally

03:06:945 (186945|3) - yeaaaaaaaa not a big fan of this pattern lol

03:06:087 (186087|0,186195|0,186302|0,186302|1,186409|1,186516|1,186623|0,186730|0,186837|0,186945|0) - Not entirely sure if this is intended but is quite hard to control, you might want to shift some to the right

03:05:123 (185123|1,185230|1,185230|2,185337|2,185337|1,185445|2,185445|1,185552|2) - similar comment to this

03:40:266 (220266|1,220587|1) - Kinda same idea as the first mod, not sure why is there a 3/4 break here, you might want to keep the breaks in this section consistent

03:45:409 (225409|1,225730|1) - Similarly, applies to all similar parts in this section


I don't get when you would use 00:07:266 (7266|1,7373|1) - , a minijack to hand pattern
Like this too 00:13:266 (13266|3,13373|3) - I'm quite confused on why are there 2 notes there though

00:35:123 (35123|1,35230|1,35337|1) - I'm quite confused on when you would use a minijack-to-chord pattern and when you would use a chord-to-minijack pattern, since they both give different feelings when you play them

01:07:016 (67016|1,67087|2,67159|0,67230|3,67302|2,67373|1,67445|3,67516|0,67587|2,67659|1,67730|3,67802|0,67873|2,67945|1,68016|0,68087|3,68159|2) - ehh not rankable , _,

01:45:506 (105506|2) - Same comment as SHD

02:05:970 (125970|1,126077|3) - These should be 1/4 earlier if you're following the ... sound, idk what they are called

02:05:435 (125435|3) - This should be 1/4 later then

02:51:292 (171292|1,171292|2,171292|0) - I don't see a reason why this needs to be a hand, this pattern here is kinda hard compared to the rest anyways due to the triple jacks

03:24:077 (204077|2,204077|0,204077|1,204077|3) - Don't think i hear the melodic synth here for the quad

04:03:158 (243158|1) - Wrong snap?

Note that all ghost notes that i pointed out on SHD applies to this as well, i bolded those comments for easier finding

LeiN-'s MX+

00:29:123 (29123|0,29230|0) - I don't get the significance of these minijacks

Might want to watch out for ghost notes like 00:36:195 (36195|1) - 00:27:195 (27195|1) - and so on, think all the ghost notes I'm going to say are similar to those I stated in SHD, the comments about ghost notes are bolded so you know which ones to look for

01:06:945 (66945|3) - yea, dumping isn't rankable, change to something else

01:45:516 (105516|0) - was going to say the layering might be a bit confusing but I think the separation of the columns makes it distinguishable so it's fine

02:11:016 (131016|0,131016|2,131123|3) - Thinking that you should have the jump after the single instead of the current one (which is the single after the jump) due to the louder instrument landing on 02:11:123 (131123|3) - instead of 02:11:016 (131016|2) -

02:36:087 (156087|1) - kind of concerned that this may be too hard compared to the rest of the chart

I really don't get when you use 02:41:230 (161230|1,161659|1,162087|1,162516|1) - hands and when you use 02:43:802 (163802|1) - jumps, it's kind of confusing for me to follow your layering here lol

03:31:587 (211587|3) - I don't get why the hand here

03:55:373 (235373|2,235373|0,235373|1,235480|3,235587|1,235587|0,235695|3,235695|2,235802|0,235802|1) - Shouldn't this be 12 34 12 34 12 according to your previous patterns


00:09:302 (9302|2,9516|2,9730|3) - Shouldn't the chord note count be Single - Hand - Jump? Since the piano only lands on these beats 00:09:516 (9516|3,9730|3,9945|3) -

00:27:516 (27516|0,27516|1,27516|2,27730|1,27945|1,28052|2,28266|2,28373|1,28587|1,28802|1,28909|0,29123|0,29230|1,29445|1,29659|1,29766|2,29980|2,30087|3,30302|3) - For these, I'd recommend a different beat to map on, since it's kind of confusing what you're mapping to

00:41:230 (41230|0,41230|2) - Why not start with a hand here?

00:51:302 (51302|2,51302|1) - Not too sure what's the significance of the jump

01:43:373 (103373|3) - Same comment as SHD

02:51:302 (171302|2) - Not sure what is the jump for

03:08:980 (188980|2,189087|0,189087|3,189087|1,189195|2,189302|1,189409|0,189516|3,189516|2,189623|1,189623|0) - I'm a bit confused, shouldn't the 34 12 and 124 hand pattern here swap? Since you always did hands on the 1st & 3rd beat and a jump gallop (eg. 02:55:373 (175373|0,175373|2,175480|3,175480|1) - or 02:56:230 (176230|1,176230|0,176337|2,176337|3) - ) on the 2nd and 4th beat

03:18:087 (198087|3) - Shouldn't this be a hand

03:31:373 (211373|1,212230|1) - Shouldn't these 2 beats here be jump gallops?

03:31:587 (211587|2) - Not too sure what is this for

Same comments about ghost notes

Will look through HD and NM next time

Evening wrote:

Offset: -15 ~ -20, Think the hitsounds are a bit late with respect to the song when i listen to it so i suggest -20

LeiN-'s MX+

00:29:123 (29123|0,29230|0) - I don't get the significance of these minijacks I wish this video explains very well enough

Might want to watch out for ghost notes like 00:36:195 (36195|1) - 00:27:195 (27195|1) - and so on, think all the ghost notes I'm going to say are similar to those I stated in SHD, the comments about ghost notes are bolded so you know which ones to look for fixed

01:06:945 (66945|3) - yea, dumping isn't rankable, change to something else yep

01:45:516 (105516|0) - was going to say the layering might be a bit confusing but I think the separation of the columns makes it distinguishable so it's fine

02:11:016 (131016|0,131016|2,131123|3) - Thinking that you should have the jump after the single instead of the current one (which is the single after the jump) due to the louder instrument landing on 02:11:123 (131123|3) - instead of 02:11:016 (131016|2) - 02:10:373 (130373|0,130587|1,130802|1,131016|0,131230|1,131445|1,131659|0,131873|1,132087|1,132302|0,132516|1,132730|1,132945|0,133159|1,133373|1,133587|0,133802|0,134016|1,134230|1,134445|0,134659|1,134873|1,135087|0,135302|1,135516|1,135730|0,135945|1,136159|1,136373|0,136587|1,136802|1,137016|0,137230|0,137445|1,137659|1,137873|0,138087|1,138302|1,138516|0,138730|1,138945|1,139159|0,139373|1,139587|1,139802|0,140016|1,140230|1,140445|0,140659|0,140873|1,141087|1,141302|0,141516|1,141730|1,141945|0,142159|1) - these and 02:10:802 (130802|3,131016|2,131123|3,131337|2,131445|3,131659|3,131873|2,131980|3,132195|2,132302|3,132516|3,132730|2,132837|3,133052|2,133159|3,133373|3,133587|2,133695|3,133909|2,134016|3,134230|3,134445|2,134552|3,134766|2,134873|3,135087|3,135302|2,135409|3,135623|2,135730|3,135945|3,136159|2,136266|3,136480|2,136587|3,136802|3,137016|2,137123|3,137337|2,137445|3,137659|3,137873|2,137980|3,138195|2,138302|3,138516|3,138730|2,138837|3,139052|2,139159|3,139373|3,139587|2,139695|3,139909|2,140016|3,140230|3,140445|2,140552|3,140766|2,140873|3,141087|3,141302|2,141409|3,141623|2,141730|3,141945|3,142159|2,142266|3) - these are separated sounds so I'll keep here

02:36:087 (156087|1) - kind of concerned that this may be too hard compared to the rest of the chart this part is only thing that make the balance of star ratings between MX and SC. maybe it need some discussion for change or not.

I really don't get when you use 02:41:230 (161230|1,161659|1,162087|1,162516|1) - hands and when you use 02:43:802 (163802|1) - jumps, it's kind of confusing for me to follow your layering here lol bass sounds are basically has 2 notes and I added some notes based on some lead sounds(ex: 02:42:087 - 02:42:516 - 02:42:945 - 02:44:230 - 02:44:659 - these) and synths(ex: 02:41:445 - 02:41:659 / 02:42:087 - 02:42:302 / 02:42:730 - 02:42:945 / 02:43:373 - 02:43:587 / 02:44:016 - 02:44:230 these)

03:31:587 (211587|3) - I don't get why the hand here I heard a piano sound here and I wanted to emphasize the sound instead bass

03:55:373 (235373|2,235373|0,235373|1,235480|3,235587|1,235587|0,235695|3,235695|2,235802|0,235802|1) - Shouldn't this be 12 34 12 34 12 according to your previous patterns 03:55:373 - here has quite loud piano sound so i added one more note there
thank you zen iluvu
Topic Starter

Evening wrote:

Offset: -15 ~ -20, Think the hitsounds are a bit late with respect to the song when i listen to it so i suggest -20


Would like to draw your attention to this particular break that you've created before the explanation of the mod: 00:08:552 (8552|1,8873|1) - note that it's 3/4 long and you use it in a specific sequence in which i agree with.
However, you did the same break here 00:21:409 (21409|1,21730|1) - but you didn't do it right after 00:22:802 (22802|1,22909|1,22909|0,23123|0,23123|1,23230|1) - nor 00:24:623 (24623|1,24623|0,24837|0,24837|1) - .
Suggesting to make this 00:21:087 (21087|2,21087|3,21087|1,21195|1,21195|0,21302|2,21302|3,21409|1,21409|0,21516|2,21516|3,21623|3,21623|2,21730|0,21730|1,21837|3,21837|2) - entire section harder by removing the 3/4 break and making it a 2/4, this is to make it consistent with the other breaks that you have in this section

00:26:445 (26445|0,26552|1,26659|0,26659|1,26766|1,26873|0,26980|0,26980|1,27087|1,27195|0,27195|1,27302|0,27409|1,27516|1,27516|0) - This seems a bit too biased to 1 hand here unintentionally, the right hand has quite a few breaks while the left hand has a much denser section to play, think it'd be better if you spread the notes out

00:27:195 (27195|1,27195|0) - Pretty sure this is a ghost note, you might want to remove this

00:27:837 (27837|0,28373|2,28373|3) - You might want to look through this section to remove as much ghost notes as you can since it affects if you can rank this map

00:36:195 (36195|1) - This section too

01:06:998 (66998|2,67052|1,67105|0,67159|3,67212|2,67266|1,67320|3,67373|0,67427|1,67480|2,67534|3,67587|1,67641|2,67695|0,67748|3,67802|2,67855|1,67909|0,67962|3,68016|1,68070|2,68123|0,68177|3) - Dumping isn't rankable as of now, you need to remove this for ranking purposes and map every single note to an audible instrument

01:33:516 (93516|2,93516|1,93516|0,93516|3) - I really think this is a bit overkill lol, if other players can do this fine then I think i'm fine with it but as of now it feels like an unfair spike

01:45:516 (105516|2) - Personal opinion, feel like the overall rhythm is kind of garbled/jumbled here if you layer 2 instrumentals with completely different rhythms since I didn't really feel when i was playing the 1/4 gallop sound and when i was playing the 1/2 piano since everything feels like they are in a disagreement if you were to add these layers together. Personally feel that it'd be much more clean if you'd just go for 1 single layer. (Prefer how LeiN- did his layering here since it's easily distinguishable which notes are for which instruments)

02:25:909 (145909|1) - Might want to watch out for ghost notes

02:22:373 (142373|0,142587|1,142695|2,142802|0,143016|1,143230|0,143337|2,143445|1,143552|2,143659|0,143766|2,143873|1,143980|2) - Not too sure if you want to include minijacks/consistent jacks here since you did do a full-on 1/4 jack on 1 column for a similar vocal

02:31:052 (151052|3) - Might as well just do a 1/2 pattern here just to avoid ghost notes totally

03:06:945 (186945|3) - yeaaaaaaaa not a big fan of this pattern lol

03:06:087 (186087|0,186195|0,186302|0,186302|1,186409|1,186516|1,186623|0,186730|0,186837|0,186945|0) - Not entirely sure if this is intended but is quite hard to control, you might want to shift some to the right

03:05:123 (185123|1,185230|1,185230|2,185337|2,185337|1,185445|2,185445|1,185552|2) - similar comment to this

03:40:266 (220266|1,220587|1) - Kinda same idea as the first mod, not sure why is there a 3/4 break here, you might want to keep the breaks in this section consistent

03:45:409 (225409|1,225730|1) - Similarly, applies to all similar parts in this section


I don't get when you would use 00:07:266 (7266|1,7373|1) - , a minijack to hand pattern
Like this too 00:13:266 (13266|3,13373|3) - I'm quite confused on why are there 2 notes there though

00:35:123 (35123|1,35230|1,35337|1) - I'm quite confused on when you would use a minijack-to-chord pattern and when you would use a chord-to-minijack pattern, since they both give different feelings when you play them

01:07:016 (67016|1,67087|2,67159|0,67230|3,67302|2,67373|1,67445|3,67516|0,67587|2,67659|1,67730|3,67802|0,67873|2,67945|1,68016|0,68087|3,68159|2) - ehh not rankable , _,

01:45:506 (105506|2) - Same comment as SHD

02:05:970 (125970|1,126077|3) - These should be 1/4 earlier if you're following the ... sound, idk what they are called

02:05:435 (125435|3) - This should be 1/4 later then

02:51:292 (171292|1,171292|2,171292|0) - I don't see a reason why this needs to be a hand, this pattern here is kinda hard compared to the rest anyways due to the triple jacks

03:24:077 (204077|2,204077|0,204077|1,204077|3) - Don't think i hear the melodic synth here for the quad

04:03:158 (243158|1) - Wrong snap?

Note that all ghost notes that i pointed out on SHD applies to this as well, i bolded those comments for easier finding

LeiN-'s MX+

00:29:123 (29123|0,29230|0) - I don't get the significance of these minijacks

Might want to watch out for ghost notes like 00:36:195 (36195|1) - 00:27:195 (27195|1) - and so on, think all the ghost notes I'm going to say are similar to those I stated in SHD, the comments about ghost notes are bolded so you know which ones to look for

01:06:945 (66945|3) - yea, dumping isn't rankable, change to something else

01:45:516 (105516|0) - was going to say the layering might be a bit confusing but I think the separation of the columns makes it distinguishable so it's fine

02:11:016 (131016|0,131016|2,131123|3) - Thinking that you should have the jump after the single instead of the current one (which is the single after the jump) due to the louder instrument landing on 02:11:123 (131123|3) - instead of 02:11:016 (131016|2) -

02:36:087 (156087|1) - kind of concerned that this may be too hard compared to the rest of the chart

I really don't get when you use 02:41:230 (161230|1,161659|1,162087|1,162516|1) - hands and when you use 02:43:802 (163802|1) - jumps, it's kind of confusing for me to follow your layering here lol

03:31:587 (211587|3) - I don't get why the hand here

03:55:373 (235373|2,235373|0,235373|1,235480|3,235587|1,235587|0,235695|3,235695|2,235802|0,235802|1) - Shouldn't this be 12 34 12 34 12 according to your previous patterns


00:09:302 (9302|2,9516|2,9730|3) - Shouldn't the chord note count be Single - Hand - Jump? Since the piano only lands on these beats 00:09:516 (9516|3,9730|3,9945|3) -

00:27:516 (27516|0,27516|1,27516|2,27730|1,27945|1,28052|2,28266|2,28373|1,28587|1,28802|1,28909|0,29123|0,29230|1,29445|1,29659|1,29766|2,29980|2,30087|3,30302|3) - For these, I'd recommend a different beat to map on, since it's kind of confusing what you're mapping to

00:41:230 (41230|0,41230|2) - Why not start with a hand here?

00:51:302 (51302|2,51302|1) - Not too sure what's the significance of the jump

01:43:373 (103373|3) - Same comment as SHD

02:51:302 (171302|2) - Not sure what is the jump for

03:08:980 (188980|2,189087|0,189087|3,189087|1,189195|2,189302|1,189409|0,189516|3,189516|2,189623|1,189623|0) - I'm a bit confused, shouldn't the 34 12 and 124 hand pattern here swap? Since you always did hands on the 1st & 3rd beat and a jump gallop (eg. 02:55:373 (175373|0,175373|2,175480|3,175480|1) - or 02:56:230 (176230|1,176230|0,176337|2,176337|3) - ) on the 2nd and 4th beat

03:18:087 (198087|3) - Shouldn't this be a hand

03:31:373 (211373|1,212230|1) - Shouldn't these 2 beats here be jump gallops?

03:31:587 (211587|2) - Not too sure what is this for

Same comments about ghost notes

Will look through HD and NM next time

Modding Thank you. :)

To hear comments were somewhat acceptable.
Not just part did not want to accept. :?
NM modding
00:43:802 - missing note
00:48:945 - same as above
00:50:659 - same as above
00:51:516 - same as above
03:01:802 - remove double
03:12:087 - remove double and add double here 03:12:945 - for the clap
HD modding
02:36:087 - i think here you can do what you did with MX instead, so the difficulty increases more consistently.
03:11:873 (191873|2) - move that down to somewhere here 03:11:766 - so that it is consistent with the rest of the kiai time
MX modding
00:13:480 (13480|3) - remove note
00:17:659 - three notes to stay consistent with before, and move 00:17:766 (17766|0) - to 00:17:766 (17766|3) - , and 00:17:873 (17873|3) - to 00:17:873 (17873|0) -
00:27:516 - this section up to 00:33:516 - needs a bit of re-working. It doesn't feel very consistent because you mapped only some of the melody and percussion. I think you should only map either the melody or percussion only, and when the two fall on the same beat, you could put a double instead.
01:29:230 - through to 01:32:659 - I think you should remove the doubles, so that from 01:32:659 - it makes more sense to use the doubles for the snares.
02:36:087 - I think using 1/8 rolls would still be appropriate as in the higher difficulties they all use 1/8 jumptrills, so just doing a roll wouldn't hurt too much.
03:39:195 - remove double here as there is only the melody
03:56:873 - remove double here for similar reason as above (no piano here)
LeiN-'s MX+
00:23:873 - remove double
00:34:587 - same as above
03:55:373 (235373|2) - move this up to 03:55:480 (235480|2) -
Asked to do modding for the easier diffs, so here it is \o/
Overall great mapset :D

Worms wrote:

LeiN-'s MX+
00:23:873 - remove double ok
00:34:587 - same as above ok
03:55:373 (235373|2) - move this up to 03:55:480 (235480|2) - no thanks
Thank you for modding!
Topic Starter

Worms wrote:

NM modding
00:43:802 - missing note
00:48:945 - same as above
00:50:659 - same as above
00:51:516 - same as above
03:01:802 - remove double
03:12:087 - remove double and add double here 03:12:945 - for the clap
HD modding
02:36:087 - i think here you can do what you did with MX instead, so the difficulty increases more consistently.
03:11:873 (191873|2) - move that down to somewhere here 03:11:766 - so that it is consistent with the rest of the kiai time
MX modding
00:13:480 (13480|3) - remove note
00:17:659 - three notes to stay consistent with before, and move 00:17:766 (17766|0) - to 00:17:766 (17766|3) - , and 00:17:873 (17873|3) - to 00:17:873 (17873|0) -
00:27:516 - this section up to 00:33:516 - needs a bit of re-working. It doesn't feel very consistent because you mapped only some of the melody and percussion. I think you should only map either the melody or percussion only, and when the two fall on the same beat, you could put a double instead.
01:29:230 - through to 01:32:659 - I think you should remove the doubles, so that from 01:32:659 - it makes more sense to use the doubles for the snares.
02:36:087 - I think using 1/8 rolls would still be appropriate as in the higher difficulties they all use 1/8 jumptrills, so just doing a roll wouldn't hurt too much.
03:39:195 - remove double here as there is only the melody
03:56:873 - remove double here for similar reason as above (no piano here)
LeiN-'s MX+
00:23:873 - remove double
00:34:587 - same as above
03:55:373 (235373|2) - move this up to 03:55:480 (235480|2) -
Asked to do modding for the easier diffs, so here it is \o/
Overall great mapset :D
accept :)
LeiN-'s MX

according to what you've wrote

02:53:016 (173016|2) - This should be a jump then, since there's a synth

03:31:587 (211587|0,211587|1,211587|3) - eeeh still can't hear the piano lol, maybe it's just me


00:14:230 (14230|0,14337|1,14552|1,14659|0,15087|0,15195|1,15409|1,15516|0) - You might want to change the patterning here a little bit since it repeats

00:16:802 (16802|0,16802|1,17016|0,17016|3,17230|3,17230|2) - Not too sure why you discontinued the 1/4 gallops here, it's kind of a weird spot to stop this patterning. I'd say that you continue the 1/4 gallops on 00:16:802 (16802|1,17659|2) - too

00:47:766 (47766|2,47980|2) - Felt that this 1/4 gallop is quite inconsistent with the ones you mapped earlier since this goes to the hi-hats instead of the bass synth. Idk, this whole section's gallops seem rather random, think you should either map the 1/4 gallops in the beginning (00:42:730 (42730|2) - ) or just don't map any other 1/4 gallops other than the synth gallops (00:41:659 (41659|0,41766|1,41980|1,42087|0) - )

01:51:302 (111302|0) - suggesting to move to 4 for PR

01:52:802 (112802|3,113230|2,114730|1) - suggesting to move to 3 1 2 for PR

01:56:659 (116659|0) - suggesting to move to 2 for PR (same pitch with 01:54:730 (114730|1) -

02:06:945 (126945|2,127802|2,128659|2) - Hammer looks kinda intentional but I'm going to suggest to do 3 2 1 for PR

02:51:302 (171302|1) - shouldn't this be 1/4 earlier

03:32:016 (212016|2) - Think the following suggestion will fit this better for hi-hats

03:38:659 (218659|1) - I'm rather confused on what you're doing with the 1/4s here, they don't seem to really follow a pattern. If that were to be 1/4, not sure why 03:36:945 (216945|1) - isn't a 1/4 stream, same goes to 03:40:373 (220373|1) - , rather confused about this

03:50:766 (230766|2) - Same goes to this

04:10:373 (250373|0,250587|3,250802|0,250802|2,251016|2,251123|3) - you might not want to repeat the same pattern over and over and over again


01:12:087 (72087|3) - Not too sure what's the idea behind these 1/2 jacks, they can be overlooked since the jack speed is really slow here but it'd be nice if you have some consistency with the 1/2 jacks

02:24:302 - Think you can add a note here just for the synth

03:00:730 (180730|2,180945|2) - I don't get this 1/2 jack here

03:08:659 (188659|0) - Might want to make this a 2 note chord or something since it's the start of the stream
02:41:230 (161230|3) - ^

03:11:230 (191230|2) - Not too sure why is this a 1 note, it should be 2 according to the rest of the map

02:41:230 - One thing that's bugging me about this kiai is that it's significantly easier than the 01:08:659 - first kiai since it doesn't have 1/2 jack all around. Think you should either make the first kiai non-1/2 jack or make the 02:41:230 - kiai harder

04:30:945 (270945|2) - Think you can end this map with a bigger chord
Topic Starter

Evening wrote:

LeiN-'s MX

according to what you've wrote

02:53:016 (173016|2) - This should be a jump then, since there's a synth

03:31:587 (211587|0,211587|1,211587|3) - eeeh still can't hear the piano lol, maybe it's just me


00:14:230 (14230|0,14337|1,14552|1,14659|0,15087|0,15195|1,15409|1,15516|0) - You might want to change the patterning here a little bit since it repeats

00:16:802 (16802|0,16802|1,17016|0,17016|3,17230|3,17230|2) - Not too sure why you discontinued the 1/4 gallops here, it's kind of a weird spot to stop this patterning. I'd say that you continue the 1/4 gallops on 00:16:802 (16802|1,17659|2) - too

00:47:766 (47766|2,47980|2) - Felt that this 1/4 gallop is quite inconsistent with the ones you mapped earlier since this goes to the hi-hats instead of the bass synth. Idk, this whole section's gallops seem rather random, think you should either map the 1/4 gallops in the beginning (00:42:730 (42730|2) - ) or just don't map any other 1/4 gallops other than the synth gallops (00:41:659 (41659|0,41766|1,41980|1,42087|0) - )

01:51:302 (111302|0) - suggesting to move to 4 for PR

01:52:802 (112802|3,113230|2,114730|1) - suggesting to move to 3 1 2 for PR

01:56:659 (116659|0) - suggesting to move to 2 for PR (same pitch with 01:54:730 (114730|1) -

02:06:945 (126945|2,127802|2,128659|2) - Hammer looks kinda intentional but I'm going to suggest to do 3 2 1 for PR

02:51:302 (171302|1) - shouldn't this be 1/4 earlier

03:32:016 (212016|2) - Think the following suggestion will fit this better for hi-hats

03:38:659 (218659|1) - I'm rather confused on what you're doing with the 1/4s here, they don't seem to really follow a pattern. If that were to be 1/4, not sure why 03:36:945 (216945|1) - isn't a 1/4 stream, same goes to 03:40:373 (220373|1) - , rather confused about this

03:50:766 (230766|2) - Same goes to this

04:10:373 (250373|0,250587|3,250802|0,250802|2,251016|2,251123|3) - you might not want to repeat the same pattern over and over and over again


01:12:087 (72087|3) - Not too sure what's the idea behind these 1/2 jacks, they can be overlooked since the jack speed is really slow here but it'd be nice if you have some consistency with the 1/2 jacks

02:24:302 - Think you can add a note here just for the synth

03:00:730 (180730|2,180945|2) - I don't get this 1/2 jack here

03:08:659 (188659|0) - Might want to make this a 2 note chord or something since it's the start of the stream
02:41:230 (161230|3) - ^

03:11:230 (191230|2) - Not too sure why is this a 1 note, it should be 2 according to the rest of the map

02:41:230 - One thing that's bugging me about this kiai is that it's significantly easier than the 01:08:659 - first kiai since it doesn't have 1/2 jack all around. Think you should either make the first kiai non-1/2 jack or make the 02:41:230 - kiai harder

04:30:945 (270945|2) - Think you can end this map with a bigger chord
Modding Thank you. :)

To hear comments were somewhat acceptable.
Not just part did not want to accept. :?

Evening wrote:

LeiN-'s MX

according to what you've wrote

02:53:016 (173016|2) - This should be a jump then, since there's a synth sharp advice, thanks a lot!

03:31:587 (211587|0,211587|1,211587|3) - eeeh still can't hear the piano lol, maybe it's just me there is a piano sound, yeah.
thanks :)
Though i'm fine with people not replying to every mod, think it's best if you tell me which you rejected so that i can double check it again (and it's best to give me a reason on why you rejected it so that i don't have to check the whole map again lol)


02:50:230 (170230|0,170230|1,171087|0,171087|1,171945|3,171945|0) - Seems like you have the pattern of 2 note chords for a specific rhythm, 02:51:516 (171516|0,171516|3) - don't know why is this a 2 note chord too

03:00:945 (180945|1,180945|2) - ^
03:04:373 (184373|2,184373|0) - ^
03:05:230 (185230|3,185230|0) - ^

03:10:159 (190159|1,190373|0,190373|1) - what's with this jack here

I'll most likely need a specific reply to this mod:

01:12:087 (72087|3) - Not too sure what's the idea behind these 1/2 jacks, they can be overlooked since the jack speed is really slow here but it'd be nice if you have some consistency with the 1/2 jacks


00:42:516 (42516|3,42623|2,42837|2,42945|3) - I don't get why is this rhythm different from 00:44:230 (44230|3,44445|2,44659|3) -
00:41:659 (41659|0,41766|1,41873|2,41980|1,42087|2,42087|0) - same goes for this and 00:43:373 (43373|0,43373|1,43480|2,43695|2,43802|0) -

00:47:659 (47659|1,47766|2,47873|1,47980|2,48087|1) - I'm not too sure why the usage of a 23232 instead of a 23_32

I'll most likely need a specific reply to these mods:

02:51:302 (171302|1) - shouldn't this be 1/4 earlier

03:38:659 (218659|1) - I'm rather confused on what you're doing with the 1/4s here, they don't seem to really follow a pattern. If that were to be 1/4, not sure why 03:36:945 (216945|1) - isn't a 1/4 stream, same goes to 03:40:373 (220373|1) - , rather confused about this


00:30:945 (30945|1,31052|2,31159|1,31373|1,31480|2,31695|2,31802|3,32016|3,32230|3,32337|2,32552|2,32659|1,32873|1,33087|1,33195|0,33409|0) - you might want to follow the rhythm of the previous pattern here 00:27:516 (27516|1) - , the current pattern you have on 30:945 doesn't seem to really match the instrument's beat

00:34:480 (34480|1) - Ghost note here, most likely need to be removed

I'll most likely need a specific reply to these mods:

03:18:087 (198087|3) - shouldn't this be a hand
03:31:373 (211373|1,212230|1) - Shouldn't these 2 beats here be jump gallops?

03:39:087 (219087|3,219087|0,219195|2) - shouldn't this be a jump gallop too


02:05:445 (125445|3) - aren't you following the bass synths? this should be 1/4 later so ( 02:05:552 - )

02:05:980 (125980|1,126087|3) - This should be 1/4 earlier, so 02:05:873 - and 02:05:980 -

02:24:195 (144195|2) - Pretty sure this is a ghost note


02:24:195 (144195|2) - ghost note here

03:06:623 (186623|2) - Might be a bit too right hand oriented now lol, shift that note to column 1
Topic Starter

Evening wrote:

Though i'm fine with people not replying to every mod, think it's best if you tell me which you rejected so that i can double check it again (and it's best to give me a reason on why you rejected it so that i don't have to check the whole map again lol)


02:50:230 (170230|0,170230|1,171087|0,171087|1,171945|3,171945|0) - Seems like you have the pattern of 2 note chords for a specific rhythm, 02:51:516 (171516|0,171516|3) - don't know why is this a 2 note chord too

03:00:945 (180945|1,180945|2) - ^
03:04:373 (184373|2,184373|0) - ^
03:05:230 (185230|3,185230|0) - ^ - I hear a high tone in that part. I did so, but I will fix it if it becomes a problem.

03:10:159 (190159|1,190373|0,190373|1) - what's with this jack here - accept

I'll most likely need a specific reply to this mod: I hear a high tone in that part. I did so, but I will fix it if it becomes a problem.

01:12:087 (72087|3) - Not too sure what's the idea behind these 1/2 jacks, they can be overlooked since the jack speed is really slow here but it'd be nice if you have some consistency with the 1/2 jacks - accept


00:42:516 (42516|3,42623|2,42837|2,42945|3) - I don't get why is this rhythm different from 00:44:230 (44230|3,44445|2,44659|3) -
00:41:659 (41659|0,41766|1,41873|2,41980|1,42087|2,42087|0) - same goes for this and 00:43:373 (43373|0,43373|1,43480|2,43695|2,43802|0) -

00:47:659 (47659|1,47766|2,47873|1,47980|2,48087|1) - I'm not too sure why the usage of a 23232 instead of a 23_32

I'll most likely need a specific reply to these mods:

02:51:302 (171302|1) - shouldn't this be 1/4 earlier

03:38:659 (218659|1) - I'm rather confused on what you're doing with the 1/4s here, they don't seem to really follow a pattern. If that were to be 1/4, not sure why 03:36:945 (216945|1) - isn't a 1/4 stream, same goes to 03:40:373 (220373|1) - , rather confused about this

- re-mapped overall parts


00:30:945 (30945|1,31052|2,31159|1,31373|1,31480|2,31695|2,31802|3,32016|3,32230|3,32337|2,32552|2,32659|1,32873|1,33087|1,33195|0,33409|0) - you might want to follow the rhythm of the previous pattern here 00:27:516 (27516|1) - , the current pattern you have on 30:945 doesn't seem to really match the instrument's beat

00:34:480 (34480|1) - Ghost note here, most likely need to be removed

I'll most likely need a specific reply to these mods: - Accept

03:18:087 (198087|3) - shouldn't this be a hand
03:31:373 (211373|1,212230|1) - Shouldn't these 2 beats here be jump gallops?

03:39:087 (219087|3,219087|0,219195|2) - shouldn't this be a jump gallop too

- Accept


02:05:445 (125445|3) - aren't you following the bass synths? this should be 1/4 later so ( 02:05:552 - )

02:05:980 (125980|1,126087|3) - This should be 1/4 earlier, so 02:05:873 - and 02:05:980 -

02:24:195 (144195|2) - Pretty sure this is a ghost note

- Accept


02:24:195 (144195|2) - ghost note here

03:06:623 (186623|2) - Might be a bit too right hand oriented now lol, shift that note to column 1
- Accept

Good work. :)
Topic Starter

Manwon wrote:

Evening wrote:

Though i'm fine with people not replying to every mod, think it's best if you tell me which you rejected so that i can double check it again (and it's best to give me a reason on why you rejected it so that i don't have to check the whole map again lol)


02:50:230 (170230|0,170230|1,171087|0,171087|1,171945|3,171945|0) - Seems like you have the pattern of 2 note chords for a specific rhythm, 02:51:516 (171516|0,171516|3) - don't know why is this a 2 note chord too

03:00:945 (180945|1,180945|2) - ^
03:04:373 (184373|2,184373|0) - ^
03:05:230 (185230|3,185230|0) - ^ - I hear a high tone in that part. I did so, but I will fix it if it becomes a problem.

03:10:159 (190159|1,190373|0,190373|1) - what's with this jack here - accept

I'll most likely need a specific reply to this mod: I hear a high tone in that part. I did so, but I will fix it if it becomes a problem.

01:12:087 (72087|3) - Not too sure what's the idea behind these 1/2 jacks, they can be overlooked since the jack speed is really slow here but it'd be nice if you have some consistency with the 1/2 jacks - accept


00:42:516 (42516|3,42623|2,42837|2,42945|3) - I don't get why is this rhythm different from 00:44:230 (44230|3,44445|2,44659|3) -
00:41:659 (41659|0,41766|1,41873|2,41980|1,42087|2,42087|0) - same goes for this and 00:43:373 (43373|0,43373|1,43480|2,43695|2,43802|0) -

00:47:659 (47659|1,47766|2,47873|1,47980|2,48087|1) - I'm not too sure why the usage of a 23232 instead of a 23_32

I'll most likely need a specific reply to these mods:

02:51:302 (171302|1) - shouldn't this be 1/4 earlier

03:38:659 (218659|1) - I'm rather confused on what you're doing with the 1/4s here, they don't seem to really follow a pattern. If that were to be 1/4, not sure why 03:36:945 (216945|1) - isn't a 1/4 stream, same goes to 03:40:373 (220373|1) - , rather confused about this

- re-mapped overall parts


00:30:945 (30945|1,31052|2,31159|1,31373|1,31480|2,31695|2,31802|3,32016|3,32230|3,32337|2,32552|2,32659|1,32873|1,33087|1,33195|0,33409|0) - you might want to follow the rhythm of the previous pattern here 00:27:516 (27516|1) - , the current pattern you have on 30:945 doesn't seem to really match the instrument's beat

00:34:480 (34480|1) - Ghost note here, most likely need to be removed

I'll most likely need a specific reply to these mods: - Accept

03:18:087 (198087|3) - shouldn't this be a hand
03:31:373 (211373|1,212230|1) - Shouldn't these 2 beats here be jump gallops?

03:39:087 (219087|3,219087|0,219195|2) - shouldn't this be a jump gallop too

- Accept


02:05:445 (125445|3) - aren't you following the bass synths? this should be 1/4 later so ( 02:05:552 - )

02:05:980 (125980|1,126087|3) - This should be 1/4 earlier, so 02:05:873 - and 02:05:980 -

02:24:195 (144195|2) - Pretty sure this is a ghost note

- Accept


02:24:195 (144195|2) - ghost note here

03:06:623 (186623|2) - Might be a bit too right hand oriented now lol, shift that note to column 1
- Accept

Good work. :)
- NM Newly edited.
last hitsound check!

01:09:087 (69087|0) - remove the clap here since you already have clap on 01:09:087 (69087|3) -

00:09:730 (9730|1) - Think you can remove the whistle here since you're mapping to the piano

02:36:087 (156087|0,156516|2,156945|1,157373|3) - Think you can do whistles here

02:37:802 (157802|1,157802|3,157802|2,157802|0) - add finish and whistle?

03:01:802 (181802|3) - missed a whistle here

03:05:230 (185230|0) - missed a whistle here

03:12:945 (192945|0) - remove this clap

03:51:516 (231516|0) - missed a whistle here

LeiN's MX+

00:09:087 (9087|0) - remove this clap here, you already have one on 00:09:087 (9087|1) -
Topic Starter

Evening wrote:

last hitsound check!

01:09:087 (69087|0) - remove the clap here since you already have clap on 01:09:087 (69087|3) -

00:09:730 (9730|1) - Think you can remove the whistle here since you're mapping to the piano

02:36:087 (156087|0,156516|2,156945|1,157373|3) - Think you can do whistles here

02:37:802 (157802|1,157802|3,157802|2,157802|0) - add finish and whistle?

03:01:802 (181802|3) - missed a whistle here

03:05:230 (185230|0) - missed a whistle here

03:12:945 (192945|0) - remove this clap

03:51:516 (231516|0) - missed a whistle here

LeiN's MX+

00:09:087 (9087|0) - remove this clap here, you already have one on 00:09:087 (9087|1) -

all fix :) update Please
tag: stepmania Dump Dump Revolution 3 Project Memoria

why it's in tag
pretty sure having the "+" in a diff name isn't allowed anymore

or........ not?

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

tag: stepmania Dump Dump Revolution 3 Project Memoria

why it's in tag
it's in the stepmania pack Dump Dump Revolution 3
Project Memoria is the label

Rivals_7 wrote:

pretty sure having the "+" in a diff name isn't allowed anymore

or........ not?
Mark for qualify, Evening ET

*지금 몆몆 얘들이랑 대화를 좀 나눠봤는데 이맵 지금 상당히 반대가 심하네요;; 버블팝 들어와버리면 저도 막을수 없으니 이점은 참고해주세요

Evening wrote:

it's in the stepmania pack Dump Dump Revolution 3
Project Memoria is the label
Stepmania isn't an official game, just some kind of emulator, you can't add these tags because it doesn't related to this song. Example: like this song appear in osu!mania pack 89 so you must add tag <osu! osu!mania pack 89> in stepmania?
Topic Starter

Fresh Chicken wrote:

Mark for qualify, Evening ET

*지금 몆몆 얘들이랑 대화를 좀 나눠봤는데 이맵 지금 상당히 반대가 심하네요;; 버블팝 들어와버리면 저도 막을수 없으니 이점은 참고해주세요

오버 맵핑 때문인가요. (SHD)

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Evening wrote:

it's in the stepmania pack Dump Dump Revolution 3
Project Memoria is the label
Stepmania isn't an official game, just some kind of emulator, you can't add these tags because it doesn't related to this song. Example: like this song appear in osu!mania pack 89 so you must add tag <osu! osu!mania pack 89> in stepmania?
why not, there isn't any rule that states that it must follow a certain criterion, it appears in a pack from another game, who cares if it's an emulator? It's still related.

and your counter argument is invalid, stepmania packs can do whatever they want when they release it, mostly because it's not an official release from the game itself, it's a community driven pack release.
네 맞아요. 애초에 스탭매니아 패턴을 별로 좋아하지 않는 사람들이 많을 뿐더러 패턴이 노래에 비해서 무거운건 저도 동의하는터라 ㅋㅋ 저는 제 나름대로 도와드리겠지만 컴플레인이 들어온다면 저도 방법이없네요

Fresh Chicken wrote:

네 맞아요. 애초에 스탭매니아 패턴을 별로 좋아하지 않는 사람들이 많을 뿐더러 패턴이 노래에 비해서 무거운건 저도 동의하는터라 ㅋㅋ 저는 제 나름대로 도와드리겠지만 컴플레인이 들어온다면 저도 방법이없네요
일단 해보는걸로
Pls don't give kds so many times in one map xd
Topic Starter

sahuang wrote:

Pls don't give kds so many times in one map xd
Sorry. I heard that it was giving. After modding

I will be careful.

00:02:123 (2123|3) - 전 개인적으로 이 노트 별로 안느껴 지는거같아요. 잭은 00:00:945 (945|3,1159|3,1373|3,1587|3,1802|3,1909|3,2016|3,2230|3,2445|3) - 이렇게만 느낄수 있는거같네요

00:13:480 (13480|0,13480|1) - 이거 고스트 노트 아닌가요? 제가 보기에는 그냥 소리가 끝나는 지점같은데.. (이 타이밍은 모든 난이도 동일하게 적용 부탁드려요)

00:18:730 (18730|1,18837|0) - 2-1 보다는 1-2 가 배치상 더 편할거같네요

00:44:659 - ?

01:16:802 - 1234 - 13 -24 반복보다 더 좋은패턴이 있을거같은데 좀 바꿔보시는거 어떠세요

02:41:230 - 하나 추가하심이 나아보이네요

걍 일단 SHD만 이렇게볼게요 다른 난이도는 추천이 있다해도 그닥 바꾸지않아도 된다는 생각이기때문에 ㅋㅋ
Topic Starter

Fresh Chicken wrote:


00:02:123 (2123|3) - 전 개인적으로 이 노트 별로 안느껴 지는거같아요. 잭은 00:00:945 (945|3,1159|3,1373|3,1587|3,1802|3,1909|3,2016|3,2230|3,2445|3) - 이렇게만 느낄수 있는거같네요 - 수정완료

00:13:480 (13480|0,13480|1) - 이거 고스트 노트 아닌가요? 제가 보기에는 그냥 소리가 끝나는 지점같은데.. (이 타이밍은 모든 난이도 동일하게 적용 부탁드려요) - 바로 수정 했습니다.

00:18:730 (18730|1,18837|0) - 2-1 보다는 1-2 가 배치상 더 편할거같네요 - 수정완료

00:44:659 - ? - 어떤걸 의미하시는지는 모르겠습니다.. (배치 관련이라면 의도 라고 설명하고 싶습니다..)

01:16:802 - 1234 - 13 -24 반복보다 더 좋은패턴이 있을거같은데 좀 바꿔보시는거 어떠세요 - 패턴의 배치를 이렇게 해왔기 때문에 하나만 바꾸는게 오히려 부자연 스러울꺼 같네요 대신 마지막 234 노트를 134로 바꿔놨습니다.

02:41:230 - 하나 추가하심이 나아보이네요 - 추가완료

걍 일단 SHD만 이렇게볼게요 다른 난이도는 추천이 있다해도 그닥 바꾸지않아도 된다는 생각이기때문에 ㅋㅋ
다른 난이도는 그럭저럭인거같아요, 00:13:480 (13480|0,13480|1) 이부분만 다른난이도도 좀 삭제 부탁드리겠습니다. 삭제후 업뎃하시고 이브닝에게 리버블 받으시고 홈페이지 PM 또는 인게임에서 알려주시면 퀄리파이 드릴게욤~
Topic Starter

Fresh Chicken wrote:

다른 난이도는 그럭저럭인거같아요, 00:13:480 (13480|0,13480|1) 이부분만 다른난이도도 좀 삭제 부탁드리겠습니다. 삭제후 업뎃하시고 이브닝에게 리버블 받으시고 홈페이지 PM 또는 인게임에서 알려주시면 퀄리파이 드릴게욤~
모두 업데이트 했습니다 감사합니다 :D
o w o)

Ex) Let me give a chance for this map, I know this map can make drama enough but let me just think it as challenge for now.

01:12:945 - 01:18:087 - all of this is only 2hand jumps, hands etc. requires stupid amount of control. Otherwise in this kiai section you give a lot of 12 and 34 jumps for the player to "reset" control so to say, I think you should do that at least once in the highlighted area.

01:34:373 - I can't believe that this anchor is intentional.

03:06:945 - this looks really gay, it's maybe not that bad but it can be pretty awkward to play, also u have this going on with the other hand at the same time
show more
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