Title: Magical Girl and Chocolate feat. Hatsune Miku Arist: PINOCCHIOP Link: beatmapsets/1820737#osu/3736057 Special Message: This is a collab mapset with Aurorance with never FC as GDer
Im sorry this map is not miku as you requested but I still have a really effortful map I want you to at least consider
It has cute progressing storyboard and has very effortful made lyrics (and map is 37min long...) many small details are put into it which makes it special. and generally its important for many love live fans
This is the first song I completed a map on, and I have remapped it twice (from the ground up) in an attempt to improve it beatmapsets/1624989#osu/3534595
beatmapsets/2124510#osu/4465121 1st Shmiklak Storyboard exists, but a prettier one is made soon It's a vocaloid marathon map, 31 minutes, and once ranked will be the map with the highest possible combo and score!
A 7 difficulty mapset on the latest Geometry Dash song. Only 1:30 long. Has 5 difficulties. Map is quite simple for lower difficulty and start getting a bit tech in higher difficulties.
This is a song I listened to a lot, so I tried mapping it as accurate as the song is, mapping each part as how I feel the song is, making it consistent, tried new patterns, and a bit out of my comfort zone. Thanks!!
i have love live solo mapset (its graved but completely finished and will revive ofc if theres interest) cris- technically is first BN but hasnt modded yet thank you for your consideration.