
EMILIA (CV: Rie Takahashi) - Stay Alive

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GG I give up
даун блять
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aaaaaa i dont wanna let it die
edit: we are discussing and did minor changes IRC with SherryCherry
00:39:811 (3) -
00:42:382 (1) - 00:44:097 (2) -
01:32:525 (2) -
02:42:382 (1) - 02:43:239 (2) - 02:43:882 (3,4) - 02:44:525 (1,2,3,4) -
and 03:35:525 (1) - making better blanket
Ок, вот твой нази мод.
[Incomplete Puzzle]
  1. 00:01:240 (1) -слайдер не соответствует музыкальному фрагменту, так как его форма неправильно отображает то музыкальное значение, которое должно быть отображено. Ты поставил красную слайдерточку, хотя звук довольно тихий и плавный. Игроку может показаться странным вести кривой слайдер на несколько градусов, лишь потому что тебя на устраивает простой прямой слайдер, так как он не достаточно эстетичен, по твоему мнению, конечно же. Но вспомним, ведь то, что лучше всего отображает музыка и является верным вариантом? Я считаю неверным такую форму слайдера, которую ты выбрал, она не отображает фрагмент музыки таким, какой он на самом деле есть. Этот слайдер врет, врешь и ты, нанося такой элемент на карту.
  2. 00:01:882 (2) - почему эта двоечка не закрывает рот лольке? Ты, видете ли, хочешь, чтобы она постоянно говорила, ну ты такой подкаублучник, зачем ты потакаешь ей. Да даже красивее будет, если эта нота будет закрывать ее милый ротик нахуй тебе придется подвинуть весь паттерн 00:01:240 (1,2,3,4) - чтобы закрыть Эшлюхмилии рот, символиный маппинг ауу, где твое воображение? Что за бездарный подход к маппингу, нужно подхоть натурально к этому делу. Тебе покажется глупым такое предложение, даже можно подумать, что это тупой рофл, но я серьёзен и не стал тратить твое время на такие бредни, как "символичный маппинг". Еще могу предложить закрыть ей глаз, так она станет пиратом, а может корсаром, и будет бороздить морские глади на своем Паке Меня удовлетворит любой твой выбор из мною предложенных.
  3. 00:01:240 (1,2,3) - Прослушай еще раз этот саунд, ты действительно хочешь иметь такой острый угол между 00:01:882 (2,3), лишь потому что ты выделил там 1/8 барабанчики, хотя основный инструмент - это хуйня похожая на фоно по звучанию(наверное, и есть фоно хз). Логичным было бы их выстроить в линии, как клавиши на фортепияно, что опять лучше бы отображало музыка, ведь мы к этому стремимся, уважаемый маппер? 00:02:525 (4) - последний звук явно громче остальных, а значит следует его выделить спейсингом, тобишь добавить расстояния, но если учесть мое предыдущее предложении выстроить линийный флоу, так как, опять же, мы здесь мапает основной инструмет - фоно, ну, или хуйню, похожую на фоно, то такую ноту стоит выделить соразмерно количеству воображаемый клавиш, и запихнуть ее подальше, он симметрично Представь, что твои ноты - это клавиши на фортопиано, и ты сможешь имитировать игру на нем, выставляя ноты линейно.
    00:02:954 (1) - можно было бы использовать другую форму слайдер, ведь в звуке есть шереховатости, которые ты никак не выделяешь, ну это и понятно, ведь музыка не так интенсивна, чтобы кликать и жать стримчики. НО, почему бы не сделать более изощренную форму слайдера? Ведь любая другая форма с несколькими углами сможет лучше продемонстрировать весь потенциал данной мелодии. Сколько раз ты прослушывал эту песню? Тебе должны были приходить мысли альтернативного маппинга таких моментов, а пока что все выглядит довольно однообразно.
  4. 00:03:811 (3) - очень сильный шум, так и хочется подергать что-то, почему ты не 1/8 слайдер? Ведь отчетливо слышен звук этой хуевой трещотки. К тому же, этот звук ничего не заслоняет, не звук фоно, как в первом случае, и не вокал. Так что делать слайдер, когда есть такой звук, который можно и нужно отобразить в карте лучше, просто кощунство по отношению к маппингу. Я бы дал тебе 4 года за мапперскую халатность. Ты не реализовываешь потенциал сонга, а значит, не заботишься об игроках, что приводит к их депрессивности из-за того, что у них не получается нормально кликать по кружочкам, от этого возрастают случае самоубиств среди изнеженных чувствительных и неудволетворенных подростков. Ты убиваешь детей, парень.
  5. 00:03:597 (2,1) - почему бы не стакнуть это дерьмо, чтобы впоследствии не было оверлапа, да и к тому же ты разнообразишь флоу 00:02:954
  6. (1,2,3) - вот тут, что тоже выльется в плюс тебе.
  7. 00:04:668 (1,2,3,4) - ты плагиатишь самого себя, но мы уже обсуждали этот момент.
  8. 00:06:811 (2,3) - стакнуть эти ноты для удобства чтения их, да и вообще 00:06:811 (2,3,4,5,6) - здесь не настолько все громко, чтобы кликать, мызыка не настолько интенсивна. Есть штучки, которые называют реверсами, может юзнаешь их? Тут только начало псенки а ты уже бросаешь игрока в агонии синглтапов, где они будут медленно биться в конвльсиях и созерцать свою беспомощность перед удвоенным бпм.
  9. 00:08:097 (1) - Мне не нравится слайдерточка на слайдере, она не ровно стоит по центру, а это вовсе не эстетично - это твоя вариант, я предлагаю более правильный можешь приложить линеку к монитору и измерить расстояния от начала и до конца слайдера.
    00:08:097 (1,2,3,4) - повторение мать учения, использовать один и тот же паттерн да еще и неправильно, грешно, Руслан, грешно.
  10. 00:14:097 (2,3,4,5) - так-с, давай внимательно послушаем еще раз этот момент, вот тут 2 и 3 у тебя должно быть одним паттерном, так это один звуковой фрагмент, а четверочка и пятерочка уже другой паттерн, но между двоечкой и реверсом у тебя большое расстояние, а между троечкой и четверочкой маленькое, хотя четверочка есть новый музукальны фрагмент, а значит и новый паттерн, который ты никак не выделяешь.Либо подвинь реверс поближе, либо джампы, и перестрой паттерн, чтобы четверочка выделялась большим спеингом, нежели сейчас.
  11. 00:15:811 (3,4) - непонятно зачем здесь заюзана симметрия, можно было придумать паттерн и получше, мы же не в 2007, а если ты скажешь, что и так норм, то смею предположить - другой идеи у тебя нет, а также лень придумать что-то поинтреснее. К тому же есть весомая причина, почему стоит сделать по другому, 00:15:811 (3,4) - это два разных слога в слове, они не могут быть однородными, а ты их сделал таковыми в своей карте, чем показал свою несообразительность, а еще и несостоятельность в качестве картопостроителя. Слоги не могут быть одинаковыми в этом моменте - это же прекрасно слышно в сонге! Чем ты думал, когда наносил такую симметрию? Все это приступы праздности или ты думал, что никто этого не заметит? 00:15:811 (3) - "векай" 00:16:454 (4) - "сей" и после этого ты делашеь эти два слоги однородными в своим маппинге? Да кто ты после такого....00:15:811 (3) - к тому же, думаю, что сюда стоит поставить нк, так как вокал становится новым компонентом в музыке.
  12. 00:17:097 (5,1) - для читаемости момента лучше стакнуть это дерьмо, потому что можно легко соткнуть, потеряв ритм, или вообще мисснуть нахуй. Ты испортишь человеку день, а он с поникшем взглядом полезет в петлю из-за кружков, ведь лоускильнный маппер не может стакнуть нотки, для удобночитаемости, потому что ему срать на людей, эгоэист.
  13. 00:19:239 (3,4) - опять же, если "Музыка состоит из повторяющихся частей, называемых тактами. На картинке справа представлен такт размера 4/4: первое число означает, что он состоит из 4 сильных, акцентированных нот, а второе — что каждая из этих нот равна по длине т.н. четвертной ноте. Понятие единичной, половинной, четвертной и т.д. нот вводится для того, чтобы их можно было сравнивать по длине и определять, во сколько раз каждая нота (звук) длится дольше другой." ( То здесь два разных такта, и мапать симметрией просто хамство. Опять же и тут 00:22:668 (3,4) - ну ты понял меня, тебе стоит пересмотреть свои взгляды на интерпретирование таких моментов в песне.
  14. 00:24:382 (1,2,3,4,1) - я вижу этот паттерн уже в 4 раз, просто в разных углах, довольно скучно, тебя даже оскорблять не хочется, настолько все плохо и убого.
  15. 00:27:811 (1,2,3,4) - удары довольно сильные, а ты лишь меняешь форму джампов и флоу, но стоит еще и поменять спейсинг, чтобы отобразить силу звука!
  16. 00:31:239 (4,1) - озобоченность стаками, у тебя чо, фетиш на них? Твои паттерны зависят от стаков, но этим ты разруешь свой стиль, ну, или его вообще нет. Стиль сам по себе характерный вид, разновидность маппинга, выражающаяся в каких-нибудь особенных признаках, свойствах художественного оформления карты. Ты же хочешь, чтобы тебя не могли повторить? Твой стиль должен быть уникальным, а не стак-бланкет хуйней.
  17. 00:38:097 (3,4,5,6) - непристойно изменяющийся спейс, когда музыка не дает тебе никакого повода сделать его больше, а ты еще делаешь такой квадрат..
  18. 00:48:382 (1,1) - какой-то тупой паттерн, "аля май фёрст мап". Если туго с вооброжением, посмотри другие карты, может какая идея в голову придет.
  19. 01:09:811 (1,2,1,2) - использовать 1/1 ритм в нарастающем моменте в песне? Серьёзно? да еще и опять симметрия и лишь маленькое уменьшение скорости слайдеров, когда она должна быть увеличена. В общем, я крайне не соглашаюсь с твоей интерпретацией этого момента в сонге.
  20. 01:33:382 (5,6,7,1) - неудобный флоу, ты рвешь 01:32:954 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - циркулярный флоу. До этого ты мапал "по кругу" а тут некрасиво поменял направление, потому нужно было выйти из верхнего угла едитора.
    01:43:668 (7,8,9,10,1) - опять же тебе мешает твоя озабоченность стаками, притом 01:44:097 (1) - вот эту ноту я выделил на скрине, чтобы показать последний звук, который явно сильнее остальных. У тебя же стрим выглядит очень некрасиво из-за оверлапов.
    продолжу моддить на днях~
Topic Starter

SherryCherry wrote:

Ок, вот твой нази мод.
[Incomplete Puzzle]
  1. 00:01:240 (1) -слайдер не соответствует музыкальному фрагменту, так как его форма неправильно отображает то музыкальное значение, которое должно быть отображено. Ты поставил красную слайдерточку, хотя звук довольно тихий и плавный. Игроку может показаться странным вести кривой слайдер на несколько градусов, лишь потому что тебя на устраивает простой прямой слайдер, так как он не достаточно эстетичен, по твоему мнению, конечно же. Но вспомним, ведь то, что лучше всего отображает музыка и является верным вариантом? Я считаю неверным такую форму слайдера, которую ты выбрал, она не отображает фрагмент музыки таким, какой он на самом деле есть. Этот слайдер врет, врешь и ты, нанося такой элемент на карту. - fixed
  2. 00:01:882 (2) - почему эта двоечка не закрывает рот лольке? Ты, видете ли, хочешь чтобы она постоянно говорила, ну чо за феменизм?. Да даже красивее будет, если эта нота будет закрывать ее милый ротик нахуй тебе придется подвинуть весь паттерн 00:01:240 (1,2,3,4) - чтобы закрыть Эшлюхмилии рот, символиный маппинг ауу, где твое воображение? Что за бездарный подход к маппингу, нужно подхоть натурально к этому делу. Тебе покажется глупым такое предложение, даже можно подумать, что это тупой рофл, но я серьёзен и не стал тратить твое время на такие бредни, как "символичный маппинг". Еще могу предложить закрыть ей глаз, так она станет пиратом, а может корсаром, и будет бороздить морские глади на своем Паке Меня удовлетворит любой твой выбор из мною предложенных. - No coments, oru xd
  3. 00:01:240 (1,2,3) - Прослушай еще раз этот саунд, ты действительно хочешь иметь такой острый угол между 00:01:882 (2,3), лишь потому что ты выделил там 1/8 барабанчики, хотя основный инструмент - это хуйня похожая на фоно по звучанию(наверное, и есть фоно хз). Логичным было бы их выстроить в линии, как клавиши на фортепияно, что опять лучше бы отображало музыка, ведь мы к этому стремимся, уважаемый маппер? 00:02:525 (4) - последний звук явно громче остальных, а значит следует его выделить спейсингом, тобишь добавить расстояния, но если учесть мое предыдущее предложении выстроить линийный флоу, так как, опять же, мы здесь мапает основной инструмет - фоно, ну, или хуйню, похожую на фоно, то такую ноту стоит выделить соразмерно количеству воображаемый клавиш, и запихнуть ее подальше, он симметрично Представь, что твои ноты - это клавиши на фортопиано, и ты сможешь имитировать игру на нем, выставляя ноты линейно. - я тебя понял, но это я так задумывал
    00:02:954 (1) - можно было бы использовать другую форму слайдер, ведь в звуке есть шереховатости, которые ты никак не выделяешь, ну это и понятно, ведь музыка не так интенсивна, чтобы кликать и жать стримчики. НО, почему бы не сделать более изощренную форму слайдера? Ведь любая другая форма с несколькими углами сможет лучше продемонстрировать весь потенциал данной мелодии. Сколько раз ты прослушывал эту песню? Тебе должны были приходить мысли альтернативного маппинга таких моментов, а пока что все выглядит довольно однообразно. - я подумаю над этим)
  4. 00:03:811 (3) - очень сильный шум, так и хочется подергать что-то, почему ты не 1/8 слайдер? Ведь отчетливо слышен звук этой хуевой трещотки. К тому же, этот звук ничего не заслоняет, не звук фоно, как в первом случае, и не вокал. Так что делать слайдер, когда есть такой звук, который можно и нужно отобразить в карте лучше, просто кощунство по отношению к маппингу. Я бы дал тебе 4 года за мапперскую халатность. Ты не реализовываешь потенциал сонга, а значит, не заботишься об игроках, что приводит к их депрессивности из-за того, что у них не получается нормально кликать по кружочкам, от этого возрастают случае самоубиств среди изнеженных чувствительных и неудволетворенных подростков. Ты убиваешь детей, парень. - :DDDDDDD Кагетсу сказал фокусироваться на основном ритме, и я убрал 1\12 трещотку
  5. 00:03:597 (2,1) - почему бы не стакнуть это дерьмо, чтобы впоследствии не было оверлапа, да и к тому же ты разнообразишь флоу 00:02:954
  6. (1,2,3) - вот тут, что тоже выльется в плюс тебе. - Я, конечно, могу стакнуть, но не буду, потому что получится очень большой спейсинг 00:04:454 (5,1) - . Конечно, можно так сделать, но я не хочу менять что-либо тут и мне лень
  7. 00:04:668 (1,2,3,4) - ты плагиатишь самого себя, но мы уже обсуждали этот момент. - Ага
  8. 00:06:811 (2,3) - стакнуть эти ноты для удобства чтения их, да и вообще 00:06:811 (2,3,4,5,6) - здесь не настолько все громко, чтобы кликать, мызыка не настолько интенсивна. Есть штучки, которые называют реверсами, может юзнаешь их? Тут только начало псенки а ты уже бросаешь игрока в агонии синглтапов, где они будут медленно биться в конвльсиях и созерцать свою беспомощность перед удвоенным бпм. - Тсс, я кое-что поменял
  9. 00:08:097 (1) - Мне не нравится слайдерточка на слайдере, она не ровно стоит по центру, а это вовсе не эстетично - это твоя вариант, я предлагаю более правильный можешь приложить линеку к монитору и измерить расстояния от начала и до конца слайдера. - Fixed
    00:08:097 (1,2,3,4) - повторение мать учения, использовать один и тот же паттерн да еще и неправильно, грешно, Руслан, грешно.
  10. 00:14:097 (2,3,4,5) - так-с, давай внимательно послушаем еще раз этот момент, вот тут 2 и 3 у тебя должно быть одним паттерном, так это один звуковой фрагмент, а четверочка и пятерочка уже другой паттерн, но между двоечкой и реверсом у тебя большое расстояние, а между троечкой и четверочкой маленькое, хотя четверочка есть новый музукальны фрагмент, а значит и новый паттерн, который ты никак не выделяешь.Либо подвинь реверс поближе, либо джампы, и перестрой паттерн, чтобы четверочка выделялась большим спеингом, нежели сейчас. - Попробую.
  11. 00:15:811 (3,4) - непонятно зачем здесь заюзана симметрия, можно было придумать паттерн и получше, мы же не в 2007, а если ты скажешь, что и так норм, то смею предположить - другой идеи у тебя нет, а также лень придумать что-то поинтреснее. К тому же есть весомая причина, почему стоит сделать по другому, 00:15:811 (3,4) - это два разных слога в слове, они не могут быть однородными, а ты их сделал таковыми в своей карте, чем показал свою несообразительность, а еще и несостоятельность в качестве картопостроителя. Слоги не могут быть одинаковыми в этом моменте - это же прекрасно слышно в сонге! Чем ты думал, когда наносил такую симметрию? Все это приступы праздности или ты думал, что никто этого не заметит? 00:15:811 (3) - "векай" 00:16:454 (4) - "сей" и после этого ты делашеь эти два слоги однородными в своим маппинге? Да кто ты после такого....00:15:811 (3) - к тому же, думаю, что сюда стоит поставить нк, так как вокал становится новым компонентом в музыке. - Хорошая идея, но я не хочу трогать это. И если трогать, то менять придётся очень много чего
  12. 00:17:097 (5,1) - для читаемости момента лучше стакнуть это дерьмо, потому что можно легко соткнуть, потеряв ритм, или вообще мисснуть нахуй. Ты испортишь человеку день, а он с поникшем взглядом полезет в петлю из-за кружков, ведь лоускильнный маппер не может стакнуть нотки, для удобночитаемости, потому что ему срать на людей, эгоэист. - Я лоускилльный маппер
  13. 00:19:239 (3,4) - опять же, если "Музыка состоит из повторяющихся частей, называемых тактами. На картинке справа представлен такт размера 4/4: первое число означает, что он состоит из 4 сильных, акцентированных нот, а второе — что каждая из этих нот равна по длине т.н. четвертной ноте. Понятие единичной, половинной, четвертной и т.д. нот вводится для того, чтобы их можно было сравнивать по длине и определять, во сколько раз каждая нота (звук) длится дольше другой." ( То здесь два разных такта, и мапать симметрией просто хамство. - )))
Don't give up on this please. A BN already starred as well so there is hope. Will mod in a few days.
Topic Starter
Okay, thanks.
Hi, NM from queue.

  1. There’s a 121.png file in your song’s folder that’s not used... not sure why it’s there, but just pointing this out.
  2. Consider adding the word “version” in the tags as well. Players might search for “full version” and not “full size”. Also, this is the second ending of the anime if I’m not mistaken, so consider adding “second” in the tags as well.

Incomplete Puzzle:
  1. I’m just curious, where did you get this diff’s name?
  2. 00:18:382 - 00:31:239 - 01:42:597 - 01:50:954 - 03:14:954 – These are unnecessary green lines. You can remove them.
  3. 00:02:097 (3) –I find the repeat of this slider very unnecessary since there’s no beat on 00:02:204 – There’s no need to map out something that’s not there imo. Consider removing the repeat.
  4. 00:05:525 (3) -^, there may be more.
  5. 00:07:239 (1) –Rather remove the NC here. It’s inconsistent with the previous NC’ing patterns and the next ones.
  6. 00:09:811 (1,2,3) –Recheck the spacings here. It isn’t similar so it looks a bit weird and unpolished. Right now 00:10:454 (2) – is a bit too close to 00:10:668 (3) –
  7. 00:10:668 (3,4) –The spacing here can be lowered a bit since the music is still calm and nothing in the music really suggests a jump like that.
    So rather make the spacing like you made it here: 00:03:811 (3,4,5) – for consistency and also since the music is very calm.
  8. 00:14:954 (1) –Imo it would be better to place an actual cymbal sound here and not a whistle. The reason for this is because there’s a finish sound in the background of the music. (Remember that all hitsound suggestions applies to the other diffs as well)
  9. 00:15:811 (3,4,5) –I suggest making the spacings here equal since all three of them has the same beat so it feels a bit weird if 00:17:097 (5) – has the same strong beat but isn’t spaced out that much.
  10. 00:19:239 (3,4,5) -^
  11. 00:22:668 (3,4,5) -^, this applies to all similar cases. Not gonna point out every one of them.
  12. 00:29:525 (3,4) –Why is (4) so close to (3)? I think this is a mistake. The distance have to be increased to be consistent with previous patterns.
  13. 00:29:097 (2,3) –It would actually be nice if there was a bit more spacing here because of that strong beat on the head of 00:29:525 (3) – and also, then 00:31:025 (3,4) – won’t be so inconsistent. It’s best to keep spacings like this similar imo since they accompany similar beats.
  14. 00:31:239 (4,5) –The spacing here is a bit too big imo. I know you made the jump according to the vocal but the vocal isn’t strong enough and thus don’t really support such a big jump. Consider lowering the spacing a bit. Perhaps something like this:
  15. 00:32:097 (1,2) -^, the spacing here is actually bigger than the spacing here: 00:32:525 (2,3) – which is a bit weird since the beat on 00:32:954 (3) – is stronger and more important. The jumps should actually be switched. But I suggest spacing 00:32:525 (2) – out normally. And make sure the jump here: 00:32:525 (2,3) – isn’t too big either.
  16. 00:33:811 (1) –Moving the tail of this slider to the right will create better flow from 00:33:597 (4) – Like this:
  17. 00:39:811 (3,4) –I don’t really understand the big spacing here... I would expect the larger spacing to be here: 00:40:454 (4,1) – instead.
  18. 00:40:668 (1,2) –Consider making the spacing here, similar to the spacing here: 00:41:097 (3,4) – I like the spacing of (3) and (4)
  19. 00:45:811 (1) –It sounds better if the spinner ends here: 00:47:525 – since that’s where the vocals end. Up to you though. Plus, you did this in the Hard and Normal.
  20. 00:56:954 (3,3) –Would look much better if you stack this.
  21. 00:58:668 (4) –The strong beat is on the head of this slider so it would be better to emphasize this object more by making the spacing here more than the spacing here: 00:58:239 (2,3) – so something like this:
  22. 01:02:311 (4,5) –The spacing here should be bigger since there’s a strong beat on 01:02:525 (5) – and it doesn’t make sense that the spacing here: 01:02:525 (5,6) – is bigger than the spacing here: 01:02:311 (4,5) – since the beat on (5) is much stronger than the beat on (6)
  23. 01:09:382 (4,5,1) –At least make the spacings here similar. The beat on the head of (1) is strong as well and can do with more spacing.

I’m only gonna mod the Insane diff till here since I’m probably just gonna repeat myself. The main issue is the spacing. It’s important to support the music/strong beats with spacing and also to not space out objects too much that don’t really have a strong beat on them. Currently there are a few inconsistencies where certain objects are spaced out too much or are spaced out more than other objects and places where the objects aren’t spaced out enough to accompany the music/beats.

Secondly checking your aesthethics won’t hurt. Polishing the diff up a bit, for example untidy stacks and incomplete blankets will be great. (But aesthethics isn’t really a big issue atm) The diff do have a lot of potential though and imo it won’t take too long to fix these issues. The mod above is also my opinion I guess so perhaps others will say otherwise.

  1. 00:21:811 - 00:31:239 - 00:41:525 - 01:42:597 – Unnecessary green lines. You can remove them.
  2. 00:34:239 (5,1) –Try to perfect this stack. It’ll look neater.
  3. 00:39:811 (3,4) –Overlaps where a slider overlaps the tail of another slider isn’t good imo. Something like this looks better aesthetically imo:
  4. 01:06:382 (1) –I suggest Ctrl+J’ing this slider. Will create nice flow from 01:05:954 (8) –
  5. 01:11:525 (1) –Imo this NC is unnecessary. I suggest removing it. It’ll also look more consistent with the previous NC’ing patterns.
  6. 01:13:239 (3) –A cymbal sound instead would be better since there’s a finish in the background (this applies to all the other diffs as well)
  7. 02:00:382 (7,8,1) –Check the spacing here again. It’s not quite similar and I guess it have to be.
  8. 02:26:954 (1) – and 02:28:668 (1) – Remove these NC’s. The second one is especially inconsistent with the previous one in the first kiai.
  9. 03:53:954 (1) –I don’t really understand this NC. There isn’t a SV change so it would be best to remove this NC.
  10. 04:10:454 (1) –This NC shouldn’t be here. It’s inconsistent with the beginning of the diff’s NC’s and just looks out of place.

Something that bothered me is the lack of triples in this diff. Thus there may be a problem with the spread between Hard and Insane. Insane has quite a few streams and challenging jumps while the Hard has no triples and just a few jumps. In the Hard it would be nice if you map out 01:37:097 – and 01:37:168 – and in the belly of this slider you can hear distinct beats that should be mapped out imo since this is a Hard diff. You can also check in the Insane where you placed streams and try to create triples at the same spots for the Hard.

  1. 00:01:240 –A green line may not be placed on a red line except if you want to change the slider velocity, but in this case you didn’t so you should remove it.
  2. 00:14:525 - 00:17:954 - 00:21:811 - 00:24:811 - 01:09:811 - 01:20:097 – etc. These are unnecessary green lines that you can remove. There may be more though.
  3. A HP drain of 3 for a Normal is a bit too low imo. I suggest raising it to 4
  4. 00:45:811 (1) –It’s usually recommended to have 2 beats between the spinner and the next object. Right now there’s only one beat between them. But because of the slow BPM it should be fine imo. To play it safe you can always end the spinner here: 00:47:525 – instead.
  5. 00:57:811 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) –This is quite a long train and something that’s discouraged in the ranking criteria as well. You can remove 00:58:454 (5) -01:01:025 (4) - 01:02:739 (8) - These are unnecessary to map out imo.
  6. 01:11:525 (1) –Remove this NC. Inconsistent with previous NC’ing patterns.
  7. 01:14:954 (1) -^
  8. 01:59:525 (1) -^
  9. 02:54:382 (1) -^
  10. 03:32:954 (1) -^
  11. Please check the last kiai’s NC’s. The beginning of the kiai’s NC’s are inconsistent with the other two kiais.

  1. The circle size is the same as Normal. For spread it’s a bit weird if it’s the same. I suggest changing the circle size in Normal to 3.5. Or you can change the circle size in Easy to 2.
  2. This is the only diff with a slidertickrate of 2 and I understand why, but it’s a bit unnecessary if you can’t really hear the slidertick anyway. Imo it would be better to just remove the slidertick soundfiles and change the slidertickrate to 1 like the other diffs. Having a custom slidertick for this song isn’t really necessary.
  3. 00:01:240 - A green line may not be placed on a red line except if you want to change the slider velocity, but in this case you didn’t so you should remove it.
  4. Mostly same in Normal about the unnecessary green lines. There are unnecessary ones that you can remove in this diff as well.
  5. 00:38:525 (5,2) –Be careful of stacks like this in an Easy. It can get confusing for beginners since the one circle is hidden beneath the other one. Thus visualization issues. Something like this will be more fitting:
  6. 02:52:239 (4,2) -^
  7. 03:26:097 (2) –It’s inconsistent that you placed a whistle on the tail of this slider but not on these: 03:15:811 (2) - 03:19:239 (2) - 03:22:668 (2) – 03:29:525 (2) - 03:32:954 (2) - Make sure you are consistent. This will apply to the other diffs as well.

In all the diffs I feel more finishes (cymbals) can be added. I noticed that this song have a lot of cymbals but the hitsounds don’t really support that. You did add 1 or 2 but more can definitely be added. I already pointed out 1 place in the Insane and Hard where a cymbal will fit in nicely. There are more similar places like that though.

If you have any questions regarding my mod, feel free to poke me in-game. Good Luck~ :D
nice map #TeamFelix
Topic Starter

-Nya- wrote:

Hi, NM from queue.

  1. There’s a 121.png file in your song’s folder that’s not used... not sure why it’s there, but just pointing this out. - Sure, deleted.
  2. Consider adding the word “version” in the tags as well. Players might search for “full version” and not “full size”. Also, this is the second ending of the anime if I’m not mistaken, so consider adding “second” in the tags as well. - Good idea

Incomplete Puzzle:
  1. I’m just curious, where did you get this diff’s name?
  2. 00:18:382 - 00:31:239 - 01:42:597 - 01:50:954 - 03:14:954 – These are unnecessary green lines. You can remove them.
  3. 00:02:097 (3) –I find the repeat of this slider very unnecessary since there’s no beat on 00:02:204 – There’s no need to map out something that’s not there imo. Consider removing the repeat.
  4. 00:05:525 (3) -^, there may be more.
  5. 00:07:239 (1) –Rather remove the NC here. It’s inconsistent with the previous NC’ing patterns and the next ones.
  6. 00:09:811 (1,2,3) –Recheck the spacings here. It isn’t similar so it looks a bit weird and unpolished. Right now 00:10:454 (2) – is a bit too close to 00:10:668 (3) –
  7. 00:10:668 (3,4) –The spacing here can be lowered a bit since the music is still calm and nothing in the music really suggests a jump like that.
    So rather make the spacing like you made it here: 00:03:811 (3,4,5) – for consistency and also since the music is very calm.
  8. 00:14:954 (1) –Imo it would be better to place an actual cymbal sound here and not a whistle. The reason for this is because there’s a finish sound in the background of the music. (Remember that all hitsound suggestions applies to the other diffs as well)
  9. 00:15:811 (3,4,5) –I suggest making the spacings here equal since all three of them has the same beat so it feels a bit weird if 00:17:097 (5) – has the same strong beat but isn’t spaced out that much.
  10. 00:19:239 (3,4,5) -^
  11. 00:22:668 (3,4,5) -^, this applies to all similar cases. Not gonna point out every one of them.
  12. 00:29:525 (3,4) –Why is (4) so close to (3)? I think this is a mistake. The distance have to be increased to be consistent with previous patterns.
  13. 00:29:097 (2,3) –It would actually be nice if there was a bit more spacing here because of that strong beat on the head of 00:29:525 (3) – and also, then 00:31:025 (3,4) – won’t be so inconsistent. It’s best to keep spacings like this similar imo since they accompany similar beats.
  14. 00:31:239 (4,5) –The spacing here is a bit too big imo. I know you made the jump according to the vocal but the vocal isn’t strong enough and thus don’t really support such a big jump. Consider lowering the spacing a bit. Perhaps something like this:
  15. 00:32:097 (1,2) -^, the spacing here is actually bigger than the spacing here: 00:32:525 (2,3) – which is a bit weird since the beat on 00:32:954 (3) – is stronger and more important. The jumps should actually be switched. But I suggest spacing 00:32:525 (2) – out normally. And make sure the jump here: 00:32:525 (2,3) – isn’t too big either.
  16. 00:33:811 (1) –Moving the tail of this slider to the right will create better flow from 00:33:597 (4) – Like this:
  17. 00:39:811 (3,4) –I don’t really understand the big spacing here... I would expect the larger spacing to be here: 00:40:454 (4,1) – instead.
  18. 00:40:668 (1,2) –Consider making the spacing here, similar to the spacing here: 00:41:097 (3,4) – I like the spacing of (3) and (4)
  19. 00:45:811 (1) –It sounds better if the spinner ends here: 00:47:525 – since that’s where the vocals end. Up to you though. Plus, you did this in the Hard and Normal.
  20. 00:56:954 (3,3) –Would look much better if you stack this.
  21. 00:58:668 (4) –The strong beat is on the head of this slider so it would be better to emphasize this object more by making the spacing here more than the spacing here: 00:58:239 (2,3) – so something like this:
  22. 01:02:311 (4,5) –The spacing here should be bigger since there’s a strong beat on 01:02:525 (5) – and it doesn’t make sense that the spacing here: 01:02:525 (5,6) – is bigger than the spacing here: 01:02:311 (4,5) – since the beat on (5) is much stronger than the beat on (6)
  23. 01:09:382 (4,5,1) –At least make the spacings here similar. The beat on the head of (1) is strong as well and can do with more spacing.

I’m only gonna mod the Insane diff till here since I’m probably just gonna repeat myself. The main issue is the spacing. It’s important to support the music/strong beats with spacing and also to not space out objects too much that don’t really have a strong beat on them. Currently there are a few inconsistencies where certain objects are spaced out too much or are spaced out more than other objects and places where the objects aren’t spaced out enough to accompany the music/beats.

Secondly checking your aesthethics won’t hurt. Polishing the diff up a bit, for example untidy stacks and incomplete blankets will be great. (But aesthethics isn’t really a big issue atm) The diff do have a lot of potential though and imo it won’t take too long to fix these issues. The mod above is also my opinion I guess so perhaps others will say otherwise. - Thanks, i'll remap this diff ASAP

  1. 00:21:811 - 00:31:239 - 00:41:525 - 01:42:597 – Unnecessary green lines. You can remove them. - Okay
  2. 00:34:239 (5,1) –Try to perfect this stack. It’ll look neater. - Done
  3. 00:39:811 (3,4) –Overlaps where a slider overlaps the tail of another slider isn’t good imo. Something like this looks better aesthetically imo:
    - Okay, fixed overlap
  4. 01:06:382 (1) –I suggest Ctrl+J’ing this slider. Will create nice flow from 01:05:954 (8) – If i'll do it, will be bad flow to 01:07:668 (2) -
  5. 01:11:525 (1) –Imo this NC is unnecessary. I suggest removing it. It’ll also look more consistent with the previous NC’ing patterns. - Done
  6. 01:13:239 (3) –A cymbal sound instead would be better since there’s a finish in the background (this applies to all the other diffs as well) - Fixed
  7. 02:00:382 (7,8,1) –Check the spacing here again. It’s not quite similar and I guess it have to be. - Fixed
  8. 02:26:954 (1) – and 02:28:668 (1) – Remove these NC’s. The second one is especially inconsistent with the previous one in the first kiai. - Fixed
  9. 03:53:954 (1) –I don’t really understand this NC. There isn’t a SV change so it would be best to remove this NC. - BN told to do because there is a transition from 1/6 to 1/8
  10. 04:10:454 (1) –This NC shouldn’t be here. It’s inconsistent with the beginning of the diff’s NC’s and just looks out of place. - Fixed

Something that bothered me is the lack of triples in this diff. Thus there may be a problem with the spread between Hard and Insane. Insane has quite a few streams and challenging jumps while the Hard has no triples and just a few jumps. In the Hard it would be nice if you map out 01:37:097 – and 01:37:168 – and in the belly of this slider you can hear distinct beats that should be mapped out imo since this is a Hard diff. You can also check in the Insane where you placed streams and try to create triples at the same spots for the Hard. - I'll try to do something.

  1. 00:01:240 –A green line may not be placed on a red line except if you want to change the slider velocity, but in this case you didn’t so you should remove it. - Done
  2. 00:14:525 - 00:17:954 - 00:21:811 - 00:24:811 - 01:09:811 - 01:20:097 – etc. These are unnecessary green lines that you can remove. There may be more though. - Done
  3. A HP drain of 3 for a Normal is a bit too low imo. I suggest raising it to 4 - Oh, my bad, fixed
  4. 00:45:811 (1) –It’s usually recommended to have 2 beats between the spinner and the next object. Right now there’s only one beat between them. But because of the slow BPM it should be fine imo. To play it safe you can always end the spinner here: 00:47:525 – instead. - Good, fixed
  5. 00:57:811 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) –This is quite a long train and something that’s discouraged in the ranking criteria as well. You can remove 00:58:454 (5) -01:01:025 (4) - 01:02:739 (8) - These are unnecessary to map out imo. - Removed all except 01:02:739 (7) - , because here the sound is very audible, and to miss it would be a mistake imo
  6. 01:11:525 (1) –Remove this NC. Inconsistent with previous NC’ing patterns. - Done
  7. 01:14:954 (1) -^
  8. 01:59:525 (1) -^
  9. 02:54:382 (1) -^
  10. 03:32:954 (1) -^ - Done
  11. Please check the last kiai’s NC’s. The beginning of the kiai’s NC’s are inconsistent with the other two kiais. - Yes, fixed

  1. The circle size is the same as Normal. For spread it’s a bit weird if it’s the same. I suggest changing the circle size in Normal to 3.5. Or you can change the circle size in Easy to 2. - Okay
  2. This is the only diff with a slidertickrate of 2 and I understand why, but it’s a bit unnecessary if you can’t really hear the slidertick anyway. Imo it would be better to just remove the slidertick soundfiles and change the slidertickrate to 1 like the other diffs. Having a custom slidertick for this song isn’t really necessary. - Ok, changed to 1
  3. 00:01:240 - A green line may not be placed on a red line except if you want to change the slider velocity, but in this case you didn’t so you should remove it. - Fixed
  4. Mostly same in Normal about the unnecessary green lines. There are unnecessary ones that you can remove in this diff as well. - Done
  5. 00:38:525 (5,2) –Be careful of stacks like this in an Easy. It can get confusing for beginners since the one circle is hidden beneath the other one. Thus visualization issues. Something like this will be more fitting:
  6. 02:52:239 (4,2) -^ - I'll think about it, but I believe that it is readable
  7. 03:26:097 (2) –It’s inconsistent that you placed a whistle on the tail of this slider but not on these: 03:15:811 (2) - 03:19:239 (2) - 03:22:668 (2) – 03:29:525 (2) - 03:32:954 (2) - Make sure you are consistent. This will apply to the other diffs as well. - 03:12:382 (1) - the sound is much stronger

In all the diffs I feel more finishes (cymbals) can be added. I noticed that this song have a lot of cymbals but the hitsounds don’t really support that. You did add 1 or 2 but more can definitely be added. I already pointed out 1 place in the Insane and Hard where a cymbal will fit in nicely. There are more similar places like that though.

If you have any questions regarding my mod, feel free to poke me in-game. Good Luck~ :D
I have carefully read the mod and understood the events that are very much worth remake.
Will respond to the mod when there will be free time.
But I believe, need to fully remap all diffs.
Thank you so much for the mod.
Well, the Hard, Normal and Easy don't require a full remap imo. There are just minor stuff that can be fixed.
Topic Starter
Eh... Have no idea how to map Insane ;w;

619 wrote:

Eh... Have no idea how to map Insane ;w;
кругами вот отсюда 00:01:240 (1) -
I was wondering why the metadata was messed up before realising google translate was secretly screwing about with me
Topic Starter
Did small self-mod on Hard diff. Also fixed some aestethic issues and a little bit reworked some patterns.
Changed BG.

tbh, i have tried, but bn's dont wanna check my map coz all busy or not interested lmao
gg wp go to grave

619 wrote:

Did small self-mod on Hard diff. Also fixed some aestethic issues and a little bit reworked some patterns.
Changed BG.

tbh, i have tried, but bn's dont wanna check my map coz all busy or not interested lmao
gg wp go to grave
я на их месте тоже такое говно не чекал бы
Topic Starter
Ну и пошёл маппинг н*х*й
Would you like to add some SB lyrics?
Topic Starter

XinCrin wrote:

Would you like to add some SB lyrics?
Sure. But i dont know how :D
Yo, м4м.
Камбэк Израиль намечается?

Вообще не особо вижу что тут можно править или улучшать, она уже как 4 месяца вполне неплохо выглядит... Так что тут все довольно персонального характера...

Хммм, куда ты, блять, дел хард, бтв? Что ты постоянно их дергаешь?

[Last diff]
01:02:097 (1,2,3,4,1) - Довольно интенсивный момент, который юзает дефолтый DS. Ну да углы покруче, но хайпа нечуствуется вообще. 01:02:954 (1) - Вроде как начали повтор припева, а это никак нечуствуется. Вообщем апай DS, хотя бы для 01:02:954 (1) - .
00:41:525 (3,4,5,6) - Тут же 2.1 ,а там 1.4 ну е.... и 01:04:668 (6) - 1.8 . Почему 01:02:097 (1,2,3,4) - 1.4 я хз. Ты ж даже новое комбо тут запилил...

01:10:668 (1) - НК зачем? В следующих нету вродь 01:12:382 (3,3) -

01:29:954 (3,4,5,6) - В стриме можно одинаковый DS замутить, 01:30:382 (1) - тут тоже бтв. Вообще выглядит кривовато, ну ctrl+shift+f там, ну ты сам вкурсе...

01:30:382 (1) - Нежданчиком подъехал угловатый слайдер. Вообще или добавь поболее таких или не делай этот угловатым, сейчас он тут как белая ворона.

01:57:811 (1) - А что ДС то упал?

02:32:097 - Почему киаи заканчивается, хмм? Мне лично этот переход непонятен, интенсивность на том же уровне... Может только мне так кажется...

02:35:525 (1) - Еще Ds за первый столик в честь ББТ! 02:42:382 (1) - прям как тут.

02:56:097 (1,2) - Раз отвечают за одинаковые части, то можно и форму более одинаковую запилить, как считаешь?

03:13:239 (1) - угол можно немного докрутить...
03:14:954 (2) - ^ кривоватые они сейчас немного

03:18:382 (3) - Ugly imo

03:24:597 (2,3) - Бланкет чуть офф от начала

03:33:811 (1) - Ну а другие формы будут? 03:12:382 - 03:38:954 - Вообще в этой части хочется видеть больше интересных слайдеров 03:26:097 (4,5) - тут как бы вообще скучно....

С оригинальностью вообще в наше время тяжко...
04:02:097 (3,4,5) - Ну тут как пример хочется видеть какую-то идею для все 3 слайдеров, а не 3 разных, чтоб было... Ну может просто я - аутист не вижу большого замысла(

04:12:382 (3,4) - Хммм, это кстати то, о чем я тут речи начал разглагольствовать....

Ну вообщем все пока... Вообщем-то мне кажется можно еще поиграть с формами слайдеров и цепочками из этих же слайдеров для вариативности мапы. А так, она уже давно готова imo.

Gl hf.
Topic Starter

Mitkoff wrote:

Yo, м4м. - o/
Камбэк Израиль намечается? - Не уверен, но попытаюсь.

Вообще не особо вижу что тут можно править или улучшать, она уже как 4 месяца вполне неплохо выглядит... Так что тут все довольно персонального характера...

Хммм, куда ты, блять, дел хард, бтв? Что ты постоянно их дергаешь? - Ну, ластдифф по сути и есть хард.

[Last diff]
01:02:097 (1,2,3,4,1) - Довольно интенсивный момент, который юзает дефолтый DS. Ну да углы покруче, но хайпа нечуствуется вообще. 01:02:954 (1) - Вроде как начали повтор припева, а это никак нечуствуется. Вообщем апай DS, хотя бы для 01:02:954 (1) - .
00:41:525 (3,4,5,6) - Тут же 2.1 ,а там 1.4 ну е.... и 01:04:668 (6) - 1.8 . Почему 01:02:097 (1,2,3,4) - 1.4 я хз. Ты ж даже новое комбо тут запилил... - Поправил спейсинг.

01:10:668 (1) - НК зачем? В следующих нету вродь 01:12:382 (3,3) - - Fixed

01:29:954 (3,4,5,6) - В стриме можно одинаковый DS замутить, 01:30:382 (1) - тут тоже бтв. Вообще выглядит кривовато, ну ctrl+shift+f там, ну ты сам вкурсе... - Специально через ctrl+shift+f и делал, так что должен быт более-менее ровным.

01:30:382 (1) - Нежданчиком подъехал угловатый слайдер. Вообще или добавь поболее таких или не делай этот угловатым, сейчас он тут как белая ворона. - Подумаю, как можно фиксануть.

01:57:811 (1) - А что ДС то упал? - Там идет изменение SV, и я делал визуально одинаковый спейсинг.

02:32:097 - Почему киаи заканчивается, хмм? Мне лично этот переход непонятен, интенсивность на том же уровне... Может только мне так кажется...

02:35:525 (1) - Еще Ds за первый столик в честь ББТ! 02:42:382 (1) - прям как тут. - Немного поправил.

02:56:097 (1,2) - Раз отвечают за одинаковые части, то можно и форму более одинаковую запилить, как считаешь? - Немного по другому сделал.

03:13:239 (1) - угол можно немного докрутить... - Можно.
03:14:954 (2) - ^ кривоватые они сейчас немного

03:18:382 (3) - Ugly imo - Изменил.

03:24:597 (2,3) - Бланкет чуть офф от начала - Фиксед.

03:33:811 (1) - Ну а другие формы будут? 03:12:382 - 03:38:954 - Вообще в этой части хочется видеть больше интересных слайдеров 03:26:097 (4,5) - тут как бы вообще скучно.... - Зато просто и понятно :D

С оригинальностью вообще в наше время тяжко... - И не говори.
04:02:097 (3,4,5) - Ну тут как пример хочется видеть какую-то идею для все 3 слайдеров, а не 3 разных, чтоб было... Ну может просто я - аутист не вижу большого замысла( - Я пригляжусь получше к этим паттернам, но пока оставлю как есть.

04:12:382 (3,4) - Хммм, это кстати то, о чем я тут речи начал разглагольствовать.... - А что, оригинально же (нет)

Ну вообщем все пока... Вообщем-то мне кажется можно еще поиграть с формами слайдеров и цепочками из этих же слайдеров для вариативности мапы. А так, она уже давно готова imo. - Окей)

Gl hf.
Спасибо за мод!
ласт дифф

00:20:954 - кикслайдер до 00:21:597 - сюда

в основном, вижу ошибки с хитсаундами

например, 00:27:811 (8) - тут явно слышен кик, но стоит висл?

во-вторых, проблемы с ритмом

00:28:668 - здесь закончилась часть с онли вокалом и добавилось сопровождение ударных, но ты все равно продолжаешь мапать по войсу?
00:28:882 - тут слышен кик, но он перегорожен слайдером, да и вокала тут тоже нет
такое встречается во всей карте, многие части сделаны по неправильному ритмическому рисунку и имхо это вообще неприемлимо

ну и из остального,
01:08:739 - вообще бессмысленная дыра?

01:09:811 - здесь интенсивность сонга повышается, а ты уменьшил св до 0.75, и спейсинг не изменился вовсе?

указал самое главное
Topic Starter

InternalLight wrote:

ласт дифф

00:20:954 - кикслайдер до 00:21:597 - сюда - Мне нравится как есть, не вижу смысла кика сюда.

в основном, вижу ошибки с хитсаундами

например, 00:27:811 (8) - тут явно слышен кик, но стоит висл? - Fixed

во-вторых, проблемы с ритмом

00:28:668 - здесь закончилась часть с онли вокалом и добавилось сопровождение ударных, но ты все равно продолжаешь мапать по войсу?
00:28:882 - тут слышен кик, но он перегорожен слайдером, да и вокала тут тоже нет
такое встречается во всей карте, многие части сделаны по неправильному ритмическому рисунку и имхо это вообще неприемлимо - Вот так мне видится ритм, у каждого он будет свой.

ну и из остального,
01:08:739 - вообще бессмысленная дыра? - Fixed

01:09:811 - здесь интенсивность сонга повышается, а ты уменьшил св до 0.75, и спейсинг не изменился вовсе? - Возможно, но мне кажется, что наоборот уменьшается, поэтому и лоу св. Я подумаю еще над этим.

указал самое главное
Спасибо за мод!
ai stay iyeeeeeeeiyeeeiyeeeeeeee alive
actually im prefer old bg than the new bg ;w;

00:07:239 (3) - just a minor thing but i think would be better if you put circle here same as 00:03:811 (3) - cause the music is not really different tho
00:44:954 - circle here and spinner on the next tick for better rhythm
01:42:382 (1) - reverse for emphatize the drum well
01:52:668 (1) - reverse this slider one more time and then a circle on red tick for emphatize the drum? xd
03:13:239 (1) - make the slider same as 03:16:668 (1) - for emphatize the vocal well
04:10:668 (3,4) - 1/1 slider is enough here cause on circle (4) - the sound is not really strong tho for emphatized

00:12:382 - at here the guitar seems strong,so make it clickable
00:28:668 (1) - make it reverse for decrease the density
01:16:454 - at least put circle here for emphatize the drum roll
01:30:382 until 01:42:168 - the rhythm is too dense than in kiai time (decrease the rhythm here for make a balance)
01:38:097 (3) - hmm reverse slider here but you skipped the drum and vocal at 01:38:954 - i think its should be clickable for make the rhythm better
02:00:168 - del circle for decrease the density (i think the circle its unnecessary)
02:03:811 (5) - make the slider more "attractive" for emphatize the guitar riff
02:31:882 - circle here
02:59:525 (1) - blanket it with (4) for better pattern
03:13:239 (1) - maybe you can curved it a little bit for better slider
03:31:239 (2) - 1/2 reverse slider for emphatize the guitar

if i were bn i will bubble this map xd
gl ~
Topic Starter

-NanoRIPE- wrote:

ai stay iyeeeeeeeiyeeeiyeeeeeeee alive
actually im prefer old bg than the new bg ;w; - Which of the old? xd

00:07:239 (3) - just a minor thing but i think would be better if you put circle here same as 00:03:811 (3) - cause the music is not really different tho - I'm trying to make 2 repetitive patterns here 00:04:668 (1,2,3) - and 00:11:525 (1,2,3) -
00:44:954 - circle here and spinner on the next tick for better rhythm - Done
01:42:382 (1) - reverse for emphatize the drum well - Done
01:52:668 (1) - reverse this slider one more time and then a circle on red tick for emphatize the drum? xd - I wanna keep it as it :)
03:13:239 (1) - make the slider same as 03:16:668 (1) - for emphatize the vocal well - Sure.
04:10:668 (3,4) - 1/1 slider is enough here cause on circle (4) - the sound is not really strong tho for emphatized - Ok, done

00:12:382 - at here the guitar seems strong,so make it clickable - Ok
00:28:668 (1) - make it reverse for decrease the density - Good idea, but i like it as it
01:16:454 - at least put circle here for emphatize the drum roll - Sure.
01:30:382 until 01:42:168 - the rhythm is too dense than in kiai time (decrease the rhythm here for make a balance) - Done
01:38:097 (3) - hmm reverse slider here but you skipped the drum and vocal at 01:38:954 - i think its should be clickable for make the rhythm better - you're right
02:00:168 - del circle for decrease the density (i think the circle its unnecessary) - Ok
02:03:811 (5) - make the slider more "attractive" for emphatize the guitar riff - Yeah, done
02:31:882 - circle here - Done
02:59:525 (1) - blanket it with (4) for better pattern - Yes
03:13:239 (1) - maybe you can curved it a little bit for better slider - Done
03:31:239 (2) - 1/2 reverse slider for emphatize the guitar - Hm, i'll think about it :thinking:

if i were bn i will bubble this map xd - Become a BN :d
gl ~

Thank you for mod!
Very helpfull
Topic Starter
I cant find bn for check this((
my second mod

00:53:954 (4,5,6) - just nitpicky thing but maybe can you avoid this linear flow? cause the flow its not really good imo
00:55:239 (9) - convert this slider into 3 circle? for vocal (i think if you emphatize the vocal here it would make the rhythm more attractive)
01:11:311 - circle here for avoid the awkward rhythm
01:15:382 (2) - jump here? for emphatize the drum
01:53:954 (1) - try use another shape for emphatize the guitar well
02:03:811 (1) - ^
02:10:668 (8,9) - hmm maybe just put 3 circle here? for vocal
02:26:739 - circle
02:30:810 (2) - jump
02:33:811 (4) - i think its unnecessary to put jump here (the drum sound its not really strong)
02:40:668 (3) - ^
02:58:668 (5,6) - hmm if you put jump here it makes player a bit confused here cause when you used this rhythm you always follow ds

hmm i feel this diff need some work cause the pattern and the rhythm looks eehhh not really good for the top diff (especially the rhythm you used here its really "easy" imo)
you can ask a gd for this diff from professional mapper (for make it rank faster) *if you dont mind ~
hmmm the others diff looks good ~
GL! (dont give up pls.i need this song ranked xd)
Topic Starter
Thank you. I'll apply mod asap.
Topic Starter

-NanoRIPE- wrote:

my second mod

00:53:954 (4,5,6) - just nitpicky thing but maybe can you avoid this linear flow? cause the flow its not really good imo - Hmm, i wanna keep it.
00:55:239 (9) - convert this slider into 3 circle? for vocal (i think if you emphatize the vocal here it would make the rhythm more attractive) - Good idea, i'll think how to do better
01:11:311 - circle here for avoid the awkward rhythm - Ok
01:15:382 (2) - jump here? for emphatize the drum - Yes
01:53:954 (1) - try use another shape for emphatize the guitar well - Okay
02:03:811 (1) - ^ - I wanna keep it because 02:03:168 (2,1) - blanket
02:10:668 (8,9) - hmm maybe just put 3 circle here? for vocal - ^
02:26:739 - circle - Yes
02:30:810 (2) - jump - Yes
02:33:811 (4) - i think its unnecessary to put jump here (the drum sound its not really strong) - Sure
02:40:668 (3) - ^
02:58:668 (5,6) - hmm if you put jump here it makes player a bit confused here cause when you used this rhythm you always follow ds - I'll think about it

hmm i feel this diff need some work cause the pattern and the rhythm looks eehhh not really good for the top diff (especially the rhythm you used here its really "easy" imo) - Yes, very bad diff and map... I cant do better
you can ask a gd for this diff from professional mapper (for make it rank faster) *if you dont mind ~ - But i dont know who would have agreed
hmmm the others diff looks good ~
GL! (dont give up pls.i need this song ranked xd)
Thank you!
Не сдавайся, продолжай работу над картой о:
Надеюсь увидеть эту карту ранкнутой (uv u )3
Hello hello, from Q~


  1. 00:42:382 (1,2) - Minor, but I'd move the slider end a bit further from the head to avoid the overlap, would look visually better IMO.
  2. 00:49:239 (1,2,3) - If you listen at the slider end of (1), you'd hear the high note going into a "eee" sound, and from (3), it'd go to a "eeaa" sound. (2) doesn't really seem to highlight anything in this part, so I'd remove it to emphasise the high notes and drums better.
  3. 00:53:311 - Adding a note here would be perfect though. Because from this time swap, the high notes end, adding a note here would be nice to emphasise the vocals and a new lyric here. This goes for 01:02:954 (1,2,3) - as well, and the other kiais.
  4. 00:56:097 (1,2) - Questionable, but why would the slider end after the reverse of (1) be emphasised by a slider end, and (2) is emphasised by a circle? Clearly, slider end after the reverse sounds much stronger than (2), yet (2) is emphasised better by being clickable. I'd go with a rhythm such as 00:57:811 (1,2) - as in that rhythm, the strong vocal is emphasised be being clickable.
  5. Everything else here is also applied to the other kiais.
  6. 01:42:168 - How about a note here? It sounds pretty strong here to be skipped.
  7. 02:45:811 (1,2,3) - Same reason as 00:49:239 -, except I'd add a note here at 02:47:311 - because that's where she starts saying "alive". Since alive is part of the song title, it would be nice to emphasise it. Same at 02:49:239 (1,2,3) - and at 02:50:739 -.

  1. 00:06:811 (2,3) - Minor, but these two are almost overlapping, would move (3) a bit to avoid it.
  2. 00:27:704 (7) - This part here sounds inaudiable to me. I listened to this with different playback rates, and still can't hear anything. I suggest removing it.
  3. 01:01:882 (2,3) - Same here, a triplet isn't really needed here as there isn't any sound or vocal that could be a triplet in the first place. Same here 02:17:311 (2,3) -.
  4. 02:35:418 (4) - 02:42:275 (4) - 03:59:418 (5) - 04:20:847 (7) - ..Yep, pretty sure these are unaudiable.

  1. 00:30:275 (5) - Same here, inaudiable. And it wasn't a triplet in Hard too.
  2. 00:31:989 (4) - 00:37:132 (6) - 00:39:704 (3) - 00:54:275 (5) - Same here..
  3. There're pretty much more of inaudiable 1/8's, I don't know if you added them on purpose to emphasise vocals, but if I were you I'd just remove these since it's just a background noise, there aren't any drum sounds on some 1/8's.
Other than that, set looks clean. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Xiaolin wrote:

Hello hello, from Q~ Hey :D


  1. 00:42:382 (1,2) - Minor, but I'd move the slider end a bit further from the head to avoid the overlap, would look visually better IMO. - Slidertail 00:44:097 (2) - and 00:41:525 (5) - stacks, but i did better.
  2. 00:49:239 (1,2,3) - If you listen at the slider end of (1), you'd hear the high note going into a "eee" sound, and from (3), it'd go to a "eeaa" sound. (2) doesn't really seem to highlight anything in this part, so I'd remove it to emphasise the high notes and drums better. - Sure, fixed
  3. 00:53:311 - Adding a note here would be perfect though. Because from this time swap, the high notes end, adding a note here would be nice to emphasise the vocals and a new lyric here. This goes for 01:02:954 (1,2,3) - as well, and the other kiais. - Yes, fixed
  4. 00:56:097 (1,2) - Questionable, but why would the slider end after the reverse of (1) be emphasised by a slider end, and (2) is emphasised by a circle? Clearly, slider end after the reverse sounds much stronger than (2), yet (2) is emphasised better by being clickable. I'd go with a rhythm such as 00:57:811 (1,2) - as in that rhythm, the strong vocal is emphasised be being clickable. - I just want to slightly change the rhythm
  5. Everything else here is also applied to the other kiais. - Yep
  6. 01:42:168 - How about a note here? It sounds pretty strong here to be skipped. - Fixed
  7. 02:45:811 (1,2,3) - Same reason as 00:49:239 -, except I'd add a note here at 02:47:311 - because that's where she starts saying "alive". Since alive is part of the song title, it would be nice to emphasise it. Same at 02:49:239 (1,2,3) - and at 02:50:739 - Fixed i think.

  1. 00:06:811 (2,3) - Minor, but these two are almost overlapping, would move (3) a bit to avoid it. - Fixed
  2. 00:27:704 (7) - This part here sounds inaudiable to me. I listened to this with different playback rates, and still can't hear anything. I suggest removing it. - I listen to this song already 1000 times, and I can say that there is a sound on the background :D
  3. 01:01:882 (2,3) - Same here, a triplet isn't really needed here as there isn't any sound or vocal that could be a triplet in the first place. Same here 02:17:311 (2,3) -. - Here i agree, fixed
  4. 02:35:418 (4) - 02:42:275 (4) - 03:59:418 (5) - 04:20:847 (7) - ..Yep, pretty sure these are unaudiable. - I agree except 04:20:847 (7)

  1. 00:30:275 (5) - Same here, inaudiable. And it wasn't a triplet in Hard too. - Fixed
  2. 00:31:989 (4) - 00:37:132 (6) - 00:39:704 (3) - 00:54:275 (5) - Same here.. - Fixed all except 00:54:275 (5) because i hear background sound here, and if I did the same in hard, it would be very difficult
  3. There're pretty much more of inaudiable 1/8's, I don't know if you added them on purpose to emphasise vocals, but if I were you I'd just remove these since it's just a background noise, there aren't any drum sounds on some 1/8's. -Almost all fixed
Other than that, set looks clean. Good luck!
Thanks you!
:arrow: ;w;
ребят, вы не знаете, когда этот еб ла н ранкнет эту карту?
Topic Starter
Topic Starter
Redownload please
redownloaded and from my q btw


  1. the sb needs some improvement in fading in and out from 00:35:525 (1) - it starts the fading in but it isn't complete it should be completely blank when you're doing fading in stuff same for 00:45:811 (1) - too and so on // 02:03:811 - the fading out isn't complete here in comparison with 00:48:382 - it should be all black tbh // 03:37:239 - ok...what actually happened here? everything became "moveless" all of by sudden imo
  2. full size + full version in tags? tbh, only full size or full version is enough than both of them
  3. as i can see the normal seems like to be a little too dense as there are many slider+circle+slider patterns and this was supposed to be the easiest diff of the set it would've became to be less dense imo i suggest to add an Easy diff eventually

  1. 00:14:097 (4) - did the whistle got added accidentally here? if yes, then remove it as it does not really fit and it's supposed to have a drum-hitclap here as 01:29:525 (1) - 's tail does 03:12:382 (1) - same
  2. 00:22:668 (2,3,4) - as you're mostly following the vocal, ctrl+G'ing the rhythm ( (3) - and (4) - only) as the vocal have the intention to lead on circle and then on slider rather than on slider and after circle
  3. 00:26:739 (3) - even if you follow the vocal, ignoring the piano isn't the best idea imo replacing 00:26:739 (3) with an 1/4 note and mapping 00:26:954 (4) - as 1/4 slider plus reverse arrow would follow the piano and also emphasize it
  4. 00:45:811 (1,1) - there's only 1 beat and 857 ms recovery time which is not enough for the target player to relax after spinning try to move the end of the spinner to 00:47:525 - so 2 beats recovery would be goog enough for recover as this is not an 160 bpm song / 02:01:239 (1,1) - same
  5. 01:02:954 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - this pattern is more dense than the rest of this kiai section like there are consecutive circles and sliders without any gap tbh consider nerfing this pattern
  6. 02:18:383 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - same as i stated for 01:02:954 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - // 03:54:382 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - ^
  7. 02:35:525 (1) - hifinish on head as this is a cymbal instead of hitwhistle // 02:36:382 (1) - hitclap on head and on 02:37:668 (1) - 's head too as they represents the snares from the song // 02:42:382 (1) - ; 02:43:239 (1) - ; 02:44:525 (1) - it repeats as i stated for the first pair : hitfinish, hitclap, hitclap
  8. 03:13:239 (1,2) - these might play uncomfortable as you had a little exaggerated with the sliders' angle tbh plus they don't even fit the song's pace as this is not a wub wub song so i would go for replacing these sliders with wave sliders or whatever you want c:
  9. 03:16:668 (1,2,3) - i think these are supposed to be parallel each other right? move 03:18:382 (3) - to 388|121 for example to make them more parallel
  10. 03:18:382 (1) - pretty weird to see that you've just placed the NC so fast as you used to put NC after every two beats as i can see here so consider removing this NC as it destroys the NC consistency
  11. 03:47:525 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - i think this was supposed to be more dense than i thought as the instruments are getting more intense as i can see and mapping this part less dense isn't really a great idea as it is clearly that the drums and the snares and everything more intense in order to emphasize this intensity you just have to buff this part a little bit
  12. 04:01:239 (1,2) - they're just 2 ms away from being parallel each other ;w;

  1. AR 7? seems like it's a big jump from 4.5 to 7 i would set the AR to 6.5
  2. 00:14:525 (2) - same as i stated in normal about hitsounding stuff
  3. 00:15:382 (2) - this needs 1/12 gap break in order to be able to react to the next slider to aim it properly (1/12 gap because the drums lead on 1/12 lol) because having no gap here you never know when you have to start moving the cursor to the next slider or circle // 00:18:811 (2) - same // 00:22:239 (2) -
    and so on
  4. 00:19:882 (4) - i have no idea what are you exactly following here, vocal or instruments but the current rhythm doesn't follow any of them because there's no any extension regarding vocal nor instruments if you follow the vocal something like this be the best as the vocal's extension starts from 00:20:097 (5) - it sounds like "pam-RAAAM" // 00:23:311 (4) - same
  5. 00:45:811 (1) - tbh i would move this spinner's end to 00:47:525 - in order to give enough time for aiming properly 00:48:382 (1) - as it uses a very slow SV
  6. 00:49:239 - i don't understand quite good this kiai because this one almost uses antijump only speaking about 00:59:311 (4,1) - you finally made a jump here but at the rest of the first measure of the kiai you didn't which kinda breaks overall spacing consistency in places like 00:50:525 (4,1) - // 00:52:239 (4,1) - and so on should've been following jump as the vocal gets more intense on these points and it repeats across the whole chorus part // 02:04:668 (1) - same applies for the second kiai // 03:47:525 (1) - same for this starting from this point
  7. 01:01:239 (1) - i see that you mostly follow the vocal here but speaking about this point, i don't see any extension in vocal nor drums so literally, this 1/2 slider does not really fit here something like this should be good enough to emphasize the vocal
  8. 01:02:525 (5,1) - blanket looks pretty off seems like you have to curve less 01:02:954 (1) -
  9. 01:08:954 (1) - NC accidentally added? it was kinda supposed to not be here as you add NCs after every 2 beats...or after 3 beats whatever
  10. 01:09:382 (2,1) - that can be a bit rough as i didn't see anywhere an 1/4 spacing like this one tbh you might reduce a bit the spacing even if the music presents a bit of intensity but actually, the snares are getting suddenly decreased intensifically speaking as you're following the snares here
  11. 01:11:525 (1,2,3,4,5) - here you have to be more ellaborate speaking of mapping density here because the snares are getting more intense here and having this part less dense looks pretty weird tbh seems like you have to buff this part as this part gets more intense than the previous part from 01:09:811 (1) - // same goes for 02:26:954 (1,2,3,4,5) - and 04:02:954 (1,2,3) -
  12. 01:41:525 (3,4,5,1) - the flow seems a little crampy here imo i would go for something linear here
  13. 02:35:525 (1) - // 02:36:382 (2) - // 02:37:668 (1) - same as i said in normal with hitsounding structure here: hitfinish ; hitclap and hitclap and same goes for the second pair: 02:42:382 (1) - // 02:43:239 (2) - // 02:44:525 (1) -
  14. 03:25:239 (3) - this actually ends on 1/4, not on 1/8
  15. 03:37:239 (1) - here actually ends on 1/8 but i would move the slider's end to 1/4 (03:38:739 - ) so you'll have enough time to aim properly the next hitobject as this one has a really low SV, even if they're very closer
  16. 03:53:954 (2,1) - what actually happened here?

  1. 00:03:811 (7,1) - i think these are supposed to be stacked at 00:03:811 (7) - 's end....or not?
  2. 00:14:525 (2) - same as previous diffs about hitsounding stuff
  3. 00:15:382 (2) - same issue as i said in Hard about 1/12 gap // 00:18:810 (2) - // 00:22:239 (2) - and so on
  4. 00:24:383 (1,2,3) - these can be easily confounded with a regular 1/4 spacing so the player might click 00:24:811 (2,3) - directly instead of waiting a little bit the only solution is to space them more so they won't look like a regular 1/4 spacing as you did for 00:22:668 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - for instance // 04:10:668 (1,2) - this can be easily confounded with a regular 1/2 spacing so they won't get the idea that here's 1/2 gap between those hitcircles // 04:17:525 (1,2) -
  5. 00:35:739 (2) - seems like you're following the instruments but the extension of the instruments starts from 00:35:739 (2) - as i can see plus the vocal gets more intense so it's likely hard to ignore it instead having this 4/4 slider you can split it into 1/4 note + 2/4 slider or whatever like in this pic
  6. 00:38:954 (1,2,3) - seems like you suddenly switched from instruments to vocal which is a bit weird because you mostly follow the instruments literally i have no idea what are you actually following here but if you still follow the instruments you have to buff this part a little bit like this
  7. 01:11:525 (1,2,3,4,5) - that's actually the same problem as i stated in Hard about note density here the snares are getting more intense here and keeping a low note density here isn't the best idea you have to buff this part in order to give more emphasis to the intense snares and also to the intense vocal // 02:26:954 (1,2,3,4,5) - same // 04:02:953 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  8. 01:33:597 (7,8,1,3) - ugh they're overlapping ;w;
  9. 01:37:668 (2,3) - aren't these supposed to be spaced more? i know that this is a calm part, but the snares are getting slowly intensified and spacing them more would give more emphasis and build-up effect to the snares // 01:38:525 (5,6) - same and so on
  10. 01:53:954 (2) - even if there's no any green line to detect the SV change (as it is already on 01:53:739 (1) - ) i would add NC in order to see that there is a SV change
  11. 02:35:525 (1) - // 02:36:382 (3) - // 02:37:668 (1) - same as previous diffs: hitfinish ; hitclap ; hitclap and same goes for the second pair 02:42:382 (1) -
    // 02:43:239 (3) - // 02:44:525 (6) -
  12. 03:24:811 (3) - same as i said in Hard it is supposed to end on 1/4 as the instruments stops on 1/4 as i can see
  13. 03:32:954 (3,4) - maybe you should space them more as there is an 2/4 gap between them and they can be pretty confounded with a regular 2/4 spacing imo
  14. 03:37:239 (1,1) - same thing as i stated in Hard diff
  15. 03:47:525 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - you should be more ellaborate as the drums and snares are getting more intense in comparison with 03:40:668 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - section and its low note density doesn't give enough emphasis so you have to buff it a little bit
  16. 03:44:954 (2,3,1) - the flow feels somehow crampy as the direction after aiming 03:44:954 (2) - is to right but the cursor dragged up suddenly to left which kinda breaks the flow move 03:45:597 (3) - to right on 390|21 for instance
clean map imo but pay attention on rhythm and spacing usage and also i don't really understand your NC usage as you add NC after every two beats, then after every three beats and after every one beat
Topic Starter

ByBy wrote:

redownloaded and from my q btw - Hi!


  1. the sb needs some improvement in fading in and out from 00:35:525 (1) - it starts the fading in but it isn't complete it should be completely blank when you're doing fading in stuff same for 00:45:811 (1) - too and so on // 02:03:811 - the fading out isn't complete here in comparison with 00:48:382 - it should be all black tbh // 03:37:239 - ok...what actually happened here? everything became "moveless" all of by sudden imo - I will talk about that with storyboarder
  2. full size + full version in tags? tbh, only full size or full version is enough than both of them - sure, removed
  3. as i can see the normal seems like to be a little too dense as there are many slider+circle+slider patterns and this was supposed to be the easiest diff of the set it would've became to be less dense imo i suggest to add an Easy diff eventually - I will try to reduce the density in Normal

  1. 00:14:097 (4) - did the whistle got added accidentally here? if yes, then remove it as it does not really fit and it's supposed to have a drum-hitclap here as 01:29:525 (1) - 's tail does 03:12:382 (1) - same - Fixed
  2. 00:22:668 (2,3,4) - as you're mostly following the vocal, ctrl+G'ing the rhythm ( (3) - and (4) - only) as the vocal have the intention to lead on circle and then on slider rather than on slider and after circle - Here I follow the instrumenlat (I will not say for sure which). Also, in ranked version of this song (tv-size) also follows this instruments.
  3. 00:26:739 (3) - even if you follow the vocal, ignoring the piano isn't the best idea imo replacing 00:26:739 (3) with an 1/4 note and mapping 00:26:954 (4) - as 1/4 slider plus reverse arrow would follow the piano and also emphasize it - Ye, good idea, i will think about it
  4. 00:45:811 (1,1) - there's only 1 beat and 857 ms recovery time which is not enough for the target player to relax after spinning try to move the end of the spinner to 00:47:525 - so 2 beats recovery would be goog enough for recover as this is not an 160 bpm song / 02:01:239 (1,1) - same - Okay
  5. 01:02:954 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - this pattern is more dense than the rest of this kiai section like there are consecutive circles and sliders without any gap tbh consider nerfing this pattern - Nerfed
  6. 02:18:383 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - same as i stated for 01:02:954 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - // 03:54:382 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - ^ - Nerfed
  7. 02:35:525 (1) - hifinish on head as this is a cymbal instead of hitwhistle // 02:36:382 (1) - hitclap on head and on 02:37:668 (1) - 's head too as they represents the snares from the song // 02:42:382 (1) - ; 02:43:239 (1) - ; 02:44:525 (1) - it repeats as i stated for the first pair : hitfinish, hitclap, hitclap - Ok!
  8. 03:13:239 (1,2) - these might play uncomfortable as you had a little exaggerated with the sliders' angle tbh plus they don't even fit the song's pace as this is not a wub wub song so i would go for replacing these sliders with wave sliders or whatever you want c: - Ok!
  9. 03:16:668 (1,2,3) - i think these are supposed to be parallel each other right? move 03:18:382 (3) - to 388|121 for example to make them more parallel - Fixed
  10. 03:18:382 (1) - pretty weird to see that you've just placed the NC so fast as you used to put NC after every two beats as i can see here so consider removing this NC as it destroys the NC consistency - Actually here is no NC :D
  11. 03:47:525 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - i think this was supposed to be more dense than i thought as the instruments are getting more intense as i can see and mapping this part less dense isn't really a great idea as it is clearly that the drums and the snares and everything more intense in order to emphasize this intensity you just have to buff this part a little bit - here is a pretty calm part in the song, so I made this part less dense in all diffs. The more intensive part begins at 03:54:382 - imo
  12. 04:01:239 (1,2) - they're just 2 ms away from being parallel each other ;w; - Fixed!

  1. AR 7? seems like it's a big jump from 4.5 to 7 i would set the AR to 6.5 - Ok
  2. 00:14:525 (2) - same as i stated in normal about hitsounding stuff - Did
  3. 00:15:382 (2) - this needs 1/12 gap break in order to be able to react to the next slider to aim it properly (1/12 gap because the drums lead on 1/12 lol) because having no gap here you never know when you have to start moving the cursor to the next slider or circle // 00:18:811 (2) - same // 00:22:239 (2) -
    and so on
    - Okay
  4. 00:19:882 (4) - i have no idea what are you exactly following here, vocal or instruments but the current rhythm doesn't follow any of them because there's no any extension regarding vocal nor instruments if you follow the vocal something like this be the best as the vocal's extension starts from 00:20:097 (5) - it sounds like "pam-RAAAM" // 00:23:311 (4) - same - Same as in Normal
  5. 00:45:811 (1) - tbh i would move this spinner's end to 00:47:525 - in order to give enough time for aiming properly 00:48:382 (1) - as it uses a very slow SV - Fixed
  6. 00:49:239 - i don't understand quite good this kiai because this one almost uses antijump only speaking about 00:59:311 (4,1) - you finally made a jump here but at the rest of the first measure of the kiai you didn't which kinda breaks overall spacing consistency in places like 00:50:525 (4,1) - // 00:52:239 (4,1) - and so on should've been following jump as the vocal gets more intense on these points and it repeats across the whole chorus part // 02:04:668 (1) - same applies for the second kiai // 03:47:525 (1) - same for this starting from this point - Done i think
  7. 01:01:239 (1) - i see that you mostly follow the vocal here but speaking about this point, i don't see any extension in vocal nor drums so literally, this 1/2 slider does not really fit here something like this should be good enough to emphasize the vocal - Ok
  8. 01:02:525 (5,1) - blanket looks pretty off seems like you have to curve less 01:02:954 (1) - - I will try
  9. 01:08:954 (1) - NC accidentally added? it was kinda supposed to not be here as you add NCs after every 2 beats...or after 3 beats whatever - Fixed
  10. 01:09:382 (2,1) - that can be a bit rough as i didn't see anywhere an 1/4 spacing like this one tbh you might reduce a bit the spacing even if the music presents a bit of intensity but actually, the snares are getting suddenly decreased intensifically speaking as you're following the snares here - I will try
  11. 01:11:525 (1,2,3,4,5) - here you have to be more ellaborate speaking of mapping density here because the snares are getting more intense here and having this part less dense looks pretty weird tbh seems like you have to buff this part as this part gets more intense than the previous part from 01:09:811 (1) - // same goes for 02:26:954 (1,2,3,4,5) - and 04:02:954 (1,2,3) -
  12. 01:41:525 (3,4,5,1) - the flow seems a little crampy here imo i would go for something linear here - Redused the angle
  13. 02:35:525 (1) - // 02:36:382 (2) - // 02:37:668 (1) - same as i said in normal with hitsounding structure here: hitfinish ; hitclap and hitclap and same goes for the second pair: 02:42:382 (1) - // 02:43:239 (2) - // 02:44:525 (1) - Did
  14. 03:25:239 (3) - this actually ends on 1/4, not on 1/8 - Fixed
  15. 03:37:239 (1) - here actually ends on 1/8 but i would move the slider's end to 1/4 (03:38:739 - ) so you'll have enough time to aim properly the next hitobject as this one has a really low SV, even if they're very closer - Ok
  16. 03:53:954 (2,1) - what actually happened here? - Fixed i think


  1. 00:03:811 (7,1) - i think these are supposed to be stacked at 00:03:811 (7) - 's end....or not? - I did it on purpose (the same here 00:10:668 (7,1) - )
  2. 00:14:525 (2) - same as previous diffs about hitsounding stuff - Fixed
  3. 00:15:382 (2) - same issue as i said in Hard about 1/12 gap // 00:18:810 (2) - // 00:22:239 (2) - and so on - i guess that this good for insane
  4. 00:24:383 (1,2,3) - these can be easily confounded with a regular 1/4 spacing so the player might click 00:24:811 (2,3) - directly instead of waiting a little bit the only solution is to space them more so they won't look like a regular 1/4 spacing as you did for 00:22:668 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - for instance // 04:10:668 (1,2) - this can be easily confounded with a regular 1/2 spacing so they won't get the idea that here's 1/2 gap between those hitcircles // 04:17:525 (1,2) - [b]Fixed [/b]
  5. 00:35:739 (2) - seems like you're following the instruments but the extension of the instruments starts from 00:35:739 (2) - as i can see plus the vocal gets more intense so it's likely hard to ignore it instead having this 4/4 slider you can split it into 1/4 note + 2/4 slider or whatever like in this pic - Hm, good idea, i will think about it
  6. 00:38:954 (1,2,3) - seems like you suddenly switched from instruments to vocal which is a bit weird because you mostly follow the instruments literally i have no idea what are you actually following here but if you still follow the instruments you have to buff this part a little bit like this - Fixed
  7. 01:11:525 (1,2,3,4,5) - that's actually the same problem as i stated in Hard about note density here the snares are getting more intense here and keeping a low note density here isn't the best idea you have to buff this part in order to give more emphasis to the intense snares and also to the intense vocal // 02:26:954 (1,2,3,4,5) - same // 04:02:953 (1,2,3,4,5) - Yes, in Insane i can do harder
  8. 01:33:597 (7,8,1,3) - ugh they're overlapping ;w; - Fixed
  9. 01:37:668 (2,3) - aren't these supposed to be spaced more? i know that this is a calm part, but the snares are getting slowly intensified and spacing them more would give more emphasis and build-up effect to the snares // 01:38:525 (5,6) - same and so on - I will try to increase spacing
  10. 01:53:954 (2) - even if there's no any green line to detect the SV change (as it is already on 01:53:739 (1) - ) i would add NC in order to see that there is a SV change - Fixed
  11. 02:35:525 (1) - // 02:36:382 (3) - // 02:37:668 (1) - same as previous diffs: hitfinish ; hitclap ; hitclap and same goes for the second pair 02:42:382 (1) -
    // 02:43:239 (3) - // 02:44:525 (6) - Fixed
  12. 03:24:811 (3) - same as i said in Hard it is supposed to end on 1/4 as the instruments stops on 1/4 as i can see - Fixed
  13. 03:32:954 (3,4) - maybe you should space them more as there is an 2/4 gap between them and they can be pretty confounded with a regular 2/4 spacing imo - Done
  14. 03:37:239 (1,1) - same thing as i stated in Hard diff - Done
  15. 03:47:525 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - you should be more ellaborate as the drums and snares are getting more intense in comparison with 03:40:668 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - section and its low note density doesn't give enough emphasis so you have to buff it a little bit - Maybe, but so far, there is pretty calm music IMO (entry into the chorus). More intense starts 03:54:382 -
  16. 03:44:954 (2,3,1) - the flow feels somehow crampy as the direction after aiming 03:44:954 (2) - is to right but the cursor dragged up suddenly to left which kinda breaks the flow move 03:45:597 (3) - to right on 390|21 for instance - I did ctrl+g 03:45:811 (1,2,1,2) - for better flow


clean map imo but pay attention on rhythm and spacing usage and also i don't really understand your NC usage as you add NC after every two beats, then after every three beats and after every one beat
gl! Thanks!
Thank you for the helpfull mod :3
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