
Halozy - Kikoku Doukoku Jigokuraku [CatchTheBeat]

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Jak dla mnie mapa spoko ale jest coś co myślę że powinieneś zmienić.
02:14:752 (1) - Całkowicie przemienić te slidery. Ogólnie są spk ale jak dla mnie to wgl nie pasuje do gry a szczególnie do takiej piosenki. Zamiast śpiewu masz jeszcze rytm którego można by się trzymać np zamiast slidera poustawiaj circle i wszystko inne ale w szybszy sposób : ... 133ff.html

02:13:203 (2) - te też są mozolne.

00:48:526 (2) - skoro tu masz circla w środku czyli taki jakby stream to czemu nie zrobiłbyś tego samego ale wcześniej :D 00:40:687 (5,6) -

00:51:526 (1,2,3,1) - takie wzmianki potrójnych streamów są niepotrzebne. Trzymaj się taktu 1/4 nie ma po co kombinować bo to nie pasuje.

01:05:461 (1,2) - Robione do śpiewu. Tak jak trzymasz się tych klocków co są za tymi co pokazałem jest dobre tylko momentami brakuje mi czasem lekkich streamów ale to moja koncepcja ;_).

01:19:397 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Ten moment pokażę w moim wykonaniu jak mógłby lecieć. ... 91010.html

01:54:235 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - brakuje dokończenia streama. Jest jeszcze ten takt i będzie lepiej jak tam wstawisz circla i we wszystkich innych podobnych do tego momentach

01:56:171 (1,2,3,4,5) - Jak już robisz takt 1/4 to się go trzymaj. A nawet jeżeli to ustaw te slidery trochę inaczej bo to nie pasuje

W twojej mapie jest dużo momentów gdzie słychać beat 1/4 a stawiasz klocki pod śpiew. Oczywiście nie zawsze to jest złe ale na tym poziome trudności i jeżeli wgl chodzi o tą mapkę to jest to złe. 03:26:364 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - I ogólnie to co chciałem przekazać aby trzymać się jednego rytmu i abyś zmienił takie długe slidery bo to szczególnie psuje mapkę i nie wstawianie nie potrzebnych taktów w środku a będzie oki.

Mapa jest dobra. Dużo pracy na pewno w nią włożyłeś. Mam nadzieję że posłużyłem pomocą. Pozdrawiam powodzenia :D
Topic Starter

Sypro2000 wrote:

Jak dla mnie mapa spoko ale jest coś co myślę że powinieneś zmienić.
02:14:752 (1) - Całkowicie przemienić te slidery. Ogólnie są spk ale jak dla mnie to wgl nie pasuje do gry a szczególnie do takiej piosenki. Zamiast śpiewu masz jeszcze rytm którego można by się trzymać np zamiast slidera poustawiaj circle i wszystko inne ale w szybszy sposób : ... 133ff.html
Nie. Mapa ma byc slider hellem

02:13:203 (2) - te też są mozolne. Nie. Mapa ma byc slider hellem. Na dodatek musial bym zielone linie usunac

00:48:526 (2) - skoro tu masz circla w środku czyli taki jakby stream to czemu nie zrobiłbyś tego samego ale wcześniej :D Nuta tu pasuje. Odziwo zaden z poprzednich moderow nic nie mial do tego.. procz tego zeby lekko znerfic slidera ;s
00:40:687 (5,6) - Wiem. Zirox mi to wypatrzyl.

00:51:526 (1,2,3,1) - takie wzmianki potrójnych streamów są niepotrzebne. Trzymaj się taktu 1/4 nie ma po co kombinować bo to nie pasuje. Poczekam co Qat o tym pomysli

01:05:461 (1,2) - Robione do śpiewu. Tak jak trzymasz się tych klocków co są za tymi co pokazałem jest dobre tylko momentami brakuje mi czasem lekkich streamów ale to moja koncepcja ;_). Przesunalem drugi slider do czerwonej linii. to Ma BYC Slider hell ;s nie onoken lub stream hell

01:19:397 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Ten moment pokażę w moim wykonaniu jak mógłby lecieć. ... 91010.html Ten moment jest robiony pod vocal

01:54:235 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - brakuje dokończenia streama. Jest jeszcze ten takt i będzie lepiej jak tam wstawisz circla i we wszystkich innych podobnych do tego momentach A moze zmienie je w slidery? Nie ruszone

01:56:171 (1,2,3,4,5) - Jak już robisz takt 1/4 to się go trzymaj. A nawet jeżeli to ustaw te slidery trochę inaczej bo to nie pasuje Naprawione

W twojej mapie jest dużo momentów gdzie słychać beat 1/4 a stawiasz klocki pod śpiew. Oczywiście nie zawsze to jest złe ale na tym poziome trudności i jeżeli wgl chodzi o tą mapkę to jest to złe. 03:26:364 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - I ogólnie to co chciałem przekazać aby trzymać się jednego rytmu i abyś zmienił takie długe slidery bo to szczególnie psuje mapkę i nie wstawianie nie potrzebnych taktów w środku a będzie oki. Opis mapy mowi za siebie. Znajdz druga mape podonba mape. Nie liczac.. dinozaura lub pupa ;s Bo te to sa raki czystej masci speedrankedowane
Mapa jest dobra. Dużo pracy na pewno w nią włożyłeś. Mam nadzieję że posłużyłem pomocą. Pozdrawiam powodzenia :D

Lol holy god. I think i only miss 3-4 droplets and one miss?

If this was ranked right now...... I want 'em pp!!! xd
Topic Starter

FastYoshi wrote:


Lol holy god. I think i only miss 3-4 droplets and one miss?

If this was ranked right now...... I want 'em pp!!! xd
Dobry o//
gib me my kudoz :^)
17:29 MrDorian: znalazłem cię, nvm XD
17:29 *MMBan is playing [ Fleshgod Apocalypse - The Deceit / The Violation [Skull Fracturing Nightmare]] <CatchTheBeat>
17:30 MMBan: ded
17:30 MMBan: dobra
17:31 MrDorian: 00:12:429 (1,2,3) - pod jakie dźwięki to było robione ;w;
17:31 MrDorian: jeżeli pod miałknięcie
17:31 MrDorian: to długoś każdego miałknięcia to 3/4 beatu
17:31 MrDorian: na prawdę
17:32 MMBan: to jest 1/3?
17:32 MrDorian: nie
17:32 MrDorian: o tak
17:33 MrDorian: tak się dźwięki zmieniają
17:33 MrDorian: uwierz, mam wprawę od manii
17:34 MrDorian: 00:16:397 - pominąłeś mocny dźwięk
17:35 MrDorian: 00:17:752 - i tutaj
17:36 MrDorian: 00:19:300 (3,4) - może tutaj od trójki zrobisz hyperdasha
17:36 MrDorian: 00:19:493 (5) - i od tego
17:37 MMBan: to na 19 nie zabardzo bedzie pasowalo
17:37 MrDorian: 00:18:042 (5) - tutaj nie ma dźwięku pod notkę
17:38 MrDorian: patrząc np.00:13:977 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - tutaj masz idealnie rytm zrobiony
17:38 MrDorian: i patrząc na to, to w tym 18:042 nie ma dźwięku
17:39 MMBan: zastapie jednym sliderem 1/2
17:40 MrDorian: 00:20:268 -
17:40 MrDorian: 00:21:629-
17:40 MrDorian: ehh nie działa
17:40 MrDorian: ale ok
17:40 MrDorian: czemu w tych pustych miejscach nie ma notek
17:41 MMBan: jak tu dodam cos. To latwo bedzie o missa lub anty flow sie zrobi. Krotka przerwa musi byc nawet jak to ma byc 0.3 sec
17:42 MrDorian: oki
17:42 MMBan: Hdashe 1/4 nie sa czyms milym
17:42 MMBan: zwlaszcza jak nie umie sie spamowac
17:44 MrDorian: 00:40:687 (5) - to zaczyna się na czerwonej linii dalej
17:44 MrDorian: więc możesz zrobić 3/4 slider
17:45 MMBan: zaraz to zmienie
17:45 MrDorian: okej
17:45 MMBan: na biala dam kolko
17:46 MrDorian: k
17:47 MrDorian: 00:44:945 (5,6,1,1,2,3) - to nie ma sensu, jeżeli na początku parta robiłeś pod głos, to rób przez cały part
17:48 MrDorian: proponuję takie długości sliderów
17:48 MrDorian: ewentualnie tą szóstkę dociągnij do czerwonej linii dalej
17:49 MrDorian: 00:46:493 (1) - a z tego jedną notkę
17:49 MrDorian: nie ma żadnego dźwięku
17:49 MMBan: Ten part ma isc za vocalem
17:49 MrDorian: to popraw :xx
17:50 MrDorian: 00:48:526 (2) - nie ma sensu pod względem mainowania wocalu
17:52 MrDorian: od 01:03:526 (1) - do 01:13:397 (4) - też za vocalem?
17:52 MMBan: Musi byc 2x hdash zeby nie wyprzedzic ;s
17:53 MrDorian: okej
17:53 MMBan: tak tez za vocalem ;s
17:54 MrDorian: 01:08:171 (1) - to ma długość 3/4
17:54 MrDorian: 01:10:203 (6) - przesuń na białą linię i zrób circla, nie slider
17:55 MrDorian: 01:10:397 (7) - i to od czerwonej
17:56 MrDorian: 01:13:397 (4) - skończ to na niebieskiej linii przed, bo kończysz na mocnym dźwięku
17:56 MrDorian: 01:14:461 (1) - i przesuń to na białą linię
17:57 MrDorian: reszty nie przesuwaj, pasują
17:59 MMBan: to od 01:13:397 - zostawie
17:59 MrDorian: boli mnie ten strong beat ;;
17:59 MMBan: pozostale zmienilem
17:59 MMBan: tylko musze ponerfic slidery teraz ;s
18:00 MrDorian: a poczekaj
18:00 MrDorian: jeszcze 4 minuty :^))
18:00 MMBan: wiem
18:01 MMBan: mozna kontynuowac
18:01 MrDorian: 01:16:784 (2) - nie wiem, jaki to ma sens, jeżeli idziesz za vocalem, nowa sylaba jest wypowiadana na czerwonej linii
18:01 MrDorian: i postawiłbym tam samą notkę
18:01 MrDorian: 01:16:977 (3) - i usunął tą notkę
18:02 MMBan: Ta notka jest tutaj zeby Hdash nie byl za ostry
18:02 MMBan: a hdash zaczyna sie od czerwonej notki
18:02 MrDorian: okej
18:03 MrDorian: Ja sprawdzam tylko rytmikę, nie bij ;w;
18:03 MMBan: Nie bije ale tez cos sie dowiesz o mapowanie ctb
18:03 MrDorian: 01:17:461 (5) - to nie powinno być reverse sliderem
18:04 MrDorian: tylko jednym długim
18:04 MrDorian: na długość jednego beata
18:04 MMBan: zmienie go na kurai slidera
18:04 MrDorian: czyli? ;x;
18:04 MMBan: (w ctb jest legalny)
18:04 MrDorian: aaa
18:04 MrDorian: ogarniam
18:05 MrDorian: no to dobry pomysł
18:05 MMBan:
18:05 MrDorian: nawet pasuje pod głos
18:05 MMBan: tylko ze teraz musze go ustawic tak by byl hdash ;s
18:05 MrDorian: 01:18:042 (1) - zakończ to na niebieskiej linii przed, a to przesuń na czerwoną linię i dociągnij do białego, gdzie skończyłeś poprzednio
18:06 MMBan: zamiast hdasha zrobilem pixel jumpa ;s
18:06 MrDorian: szanuję
18:06 MrDorian: 10/10
18:07 MrDorian: takie najlepsze
18:07 MMBan: pixel jumpy nie sa ranked ;s
18:07 MMBan: dobra fixed
18:08 MrDorian: 01:19:784 (2) - z tego zrób notkę i 01:19:977 - odtąd zrób 1/2 slidera
18:08 MrDorian: 01:20:364 (3) - przesuń do niebiesskiej linii przed białą
18:08 MrDorian: 01:21:042 (4,5,6) - i te przesuń na białe ticki
18:09 MMBan: 01:20:364 - jest ok
18:09 MrDorian: aaa, źle powiedziałem
18:10 MrDorian: 01:20:364 (3) - skróć do niebieskij linii za białą
18:10 MrDorian: 01:22:106 - tutaj dodaj notkę, jak poprzesuwasz
18:11 MrDorian: 01:24:139 (5) - to się zaczyna na czerwonym ticku
18:11 MMBan: czekaj
18:11 MMBan: musze poprawic ;s
18:11 MrDorian: oki
18:11 MMBan: dobra jest ok. Hitsoundy tez poprawilem
18:12 MMBan: slider 7 przedluzony zeby circle nie dawac. przerwa 1/1 przed kolejnym patternem
18:12 MrDorian: 01:24:139 (5) - jak to przesunąłeś, to skróć do linii, gdzie jest zielona linia i przesuń 01:24:913 (6) - na białą i przedłuż do 3/4
18:14 MMBan: nah
18:14 MrDorian: 01:25:203 (1,2,3) - [ takie coś, ale ładniejsze]
18:14 MMBan: 6 zostawie jak jest
18:15 MMBan: C slidery nie pasuja
18:15 MrDorian: wiem
18:15 MrDorian: zrób coś ładniejszego
18:15 MMBan: to co teraz jest jest lepsze
18:15 MrDorian: ale nie do vocalu
18:16 MMBan: zostawie jak jest
18:16 MrDorian: ok
18:17 MrDorian: 01:29:074 (3) - kończy się na czerwonej linii
18:17 MrDorian: przed tym beatem, gdzie skończyłeś
18:17 MrDorian: 01:29:848 (4) - przedłuż do całego beatu od białej linii
18:18 MMBan: juz sam zauwazylem problem 4
18:19 MMBan: naprawione
18:19 MrDorian: :33
18:19 MrDorian: 01:31:397 (1,2,3,4) - zgadnij, co tutaj powiem
18:20 MrDorian: 01:32:945 (5) - skończ na czerownej
18:20 MrDorian: czerwonej
18:20 MrDorian: 01:34:881 (1,2,3) - i tutaj też zgadnij, co powiem
18:21 MrDorian: 01:45:913 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - pls
18:22 MMBan: czekaj
18:22 MMBan: bo znowu nerfhammerem musze uderzyc
18:22 MrDorian: spoko
18:22 MMBan: dobra powinno byc ok ;s
18:23 MMBan: najwyzej JBH mi wpierdol sposci ;s
18:23 MrDorian: nie bój się
18:23 MrDorian: 01:45:913 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - pls to 1/4
18:25 MrDorian: już??? ;w;
18:25 MMBan: Sugestja bobera to byla
18:25 MMBan: i
18:25 MMBan: podczas konwetu. Jestes pewny?
18:25 MrDorian: jestem pewien
18:25 MrDorian: dobra, jest tam 1/8
18:25 MrDorian: ALE
18:26 MrDorian: 01:45:913 (2,3,4) - trwa tyle czasu
18:26 MrDorian: 01:46:106 (4,5) - pomiędzy tymi nie ma 1/8
18:29 MMBan: to co tu jest?
18:29 MMBan: 1/4?
18:30 MrDorian: albo
18:30 MrDorian: obie wersje są dobre
18:30 MrDorian: ale osobiście wolę pierwszą
18:31 MMBan: Wezme druga
18:32 MrDorian: 01:48:235 (5,1) - pomiędzy tymi możesz dodać notki na 1/8
18:32 MrDorian: jest dźwięk
18:32 MrDorian: 01:49:784 (15,16) - i tu
18:33 MrDorian: 01:49:784 (15,1) - *
18:33 MMBan: Na to czesto nie zwracaja uwagi
18:33 MrDorian: no ok ;;
18:33 MrDorian: 01:50:752 (9) - czemu od tego nie ma hyperdasha
18:34 MrDorian: można by od tego zrobić flow normalnie
18:34 MrDorian: i np. 01:51:139 (1,2,3,4) - te zrobić trochę szerzej
18:34 MrDorian: 01:51:526 (1,2,3,4) - a tutaj miałknięcia dobrze zrobiłeś ;;
18:35 MMBan: 1/8 hdashe sa ciezkie do skontrolowania
18:35 MMBan: nawet dla top graczy
18:36 MrDorian: a okej
18:36 MrDorian: nie ważne
18:36 MrDorian: złe dźwięki pod uwagę wziąłem
18:37 MrDorian: i teraz powiem ogólnie o reszcie mapki, chyba zauważysz, co trzeba poprawić w niekiaiach
18:38 MrDorian: no o prawie reszcie
18:38 MrDorian: pierwszy kiai nie ma sensu
18:39 MrDorian: to miszmasz voicu, backgroundu i czegoś jeszcze
18:39 MrDorian: chyba
18:39 MMBan: Kiai idzie za oba
18:39 MrDorian: to mam pomysł
18:39 MrDorian: zrób pierwsze kiai pod sam background
18:39 MrDorian: drugie pod sam wokal
18:39 MrDorian: a trzecie miszmasz
18:39 MMBan: nie bede tego remapowac
18:39 MrDorian: żeby utrudnić
18:39 MMBan: Wszystkie 3 ida oba
18:39 MrDorian: ale to na prawdę dziwnie wygląda
18:40 MMBan: ma to wygladac dziwnie
18:40 MMBan: Bo mapa jest czyms na rodzaj slider hella
18:40 MMBan: stream na starcie jest tylko zmylka
18:40 MrDorian: no to zrób wszystkie 3 kiai pod wokal
18:41 MrDorian: drugie kiai masz całe pod woka
18:41 MrDorian: l
18:41 MrDorian: z lekkimi ustępstwami
18:42 MrDorian: 04:29:655 (2) - to jest duszek
18:43 MrDorian: pomiędzy 1 a 3 są dźwięki na 1/3
18:45 MrDorian: 04:32:945 (3) - może zrób z tego notkę?
18:45 MMBan: zepsuje caly 1/1 jump pattern
18:45 MMBan: 1/4*
18:46 MMBan: czy tam 1/2
18:46 MrDorian: ale dźwięki się zmieniają
18:46 MrDorian: 04:33:719 (7,8) - to możnaby od zewnątrz do wewnątrz zrobić, bo gitara wchodzi
18:46 MMBan: Tezn dzwiek jest bardzo cichy
18:46 MrDorian: gitarę bardzo głośno słychać
18:47 MrDorian: wyraźnie
18:47 MrDorian: i zrobi flow do następnego hypera (chyba))
18:47 MMBan: cos wymysle
18:48 MrDorian: 04:40:300 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - według mnie te patterny nie działają dla muzyki
18:48 MMBan: Ten pattern to najwiekszy problem tej mapy
18:48 MrDorian: mógłbyś zrobić co 3 nutki małe jumpy
18:49 MrDorian: żeby lepiej oddać muzykę
18:49 MMBan: Zrobic je streamami 1/3?
18:49 MrDorian: "Patterns work for music, not music blahblah" ~~jakiś bn
18:49 MrDorian: nie
18:49 MMBan: mam namysli hdash co 3 nute
18:50 MrDorian: o tak
18:50 MMBan: to mialem na mysli
18:50 MrDorian: to 1/4 jakby coś
18:52 MrDorian: 05:43:783 (1,2) - a tutaj dobrze zrobiłeś 1/3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
18:55 MrDorian: doszukasz się reszty sam? ;w;
18:55 MMBan: Sproboje
18:55 MrDorian: Później checknę jeszcze raz
18:55 MrDorian: i się upewnię
18:56 MrDorian: mogę postnąć irc? :"D
18:56 MMBan: tak
Topic Starter
Rip 0.05 SR. remapped 3rd kiai
~ LOL ~

Kasha Grip
  1. 01:13:300 (3) - tak trochę mniej pasuje tutaj moim zdaniem ten obiekt z powodu wokalu, nawet jeżeli to podkreśla basy które są dokładnie takie same tutaj: 01:10:397 (7) -
  2. 01:14:461 (1,2) - Tutaj dziwnie się to gra/dziwnie to brzmi bo najpierw: pierwszy dźwięk kończy się tutaj: 01:14:461 - a dalej kontynuujesz dźwięki kolejną jedną czwartą. Następnie są czwórki tutaj: 01:14:655 (5,6) - ale dźwięki, których nie ma, lub nie są aż tak wyraziste, też są zmapowane tam: 01:14:848 - ;Dalej jest okej, ale wcześniej radzę usunąć/zmodyfikować aby nie brzmiało aż tak sztucznie. XD
  3. 01:17:461 (5) - finisz na końcu proszę
  4. 01:18:526 (2) - będzie brzmiało lepiej jak slajder zaczynać się będzie tam: 01:18:623 - (i jak wcześniej dowalisz dwa kółka przed tym xd) lub tutaj: 01:18:429 -
  5. 01:19:977 (3) - finisz na końcu proszę
  6. 01:27:139 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  7. 02:14:752 (1) - ALE FAJNY
  8. 02:21:332 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  9. 02:22:106 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  10. 02:22:881 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  11. 02:24:429 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  12. 02:27:526 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  13. 02:28:300 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  14. 02:28:687 - Odtąd bez przerwy daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 (dla tego slajdera)
  15. 02:30:235 (1) - A tutaj już bez S:C3
  16. 02:57:719 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  17. 03:02:364 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  18. 03:05:461 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  19. 03:07:784 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  20. 03:10:106 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  21. 03:18:623 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  22. 03:24:816 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  23. 03:27:913 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  24. 03:28:687 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  25. 03:29:171 (3) - Odtąd bez przerwy daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 (dla tego slajdera)
  26. 03:53:461 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  27. 04:09:332 (1) - Odtąd bez przerwy daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 (dla tego slajdera)
  28. 04:12:429 (1) - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  29. 04:13:300 (2) - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  30. 04:14:074 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  31. 04:15:913 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  32. 04:18:623 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  33. 04:20:171 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  34. 05:09:332 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  35. 05:20:171 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  36. 05:20:945 - 05:21:332 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  37. 05:24:042 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  38. 05:27:139 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  39. 05:27:623 (2) - finisz na końcu proszę
  40. 05:28:300 (6) - finisz na końcu proszę; 05:28:687 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  41. 05:32:945 (5) - Odtąd bez przerwy daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 (dla tego slajdera)
  42. 05:34:493 (6) - Odtąd bez przerwy daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 (dla tego slajdera)

~ LOL ~
Topic Starter

Krfawy wrote:

~ LOL ~

Kasha Grip
  1. 01:13:300 (3) - tak trochę mniej pasuje tutaj moim zdaniem ten obiekt z powodu wokalu, nawet jeżeli to podkreśla basy które są dokładnie takie same tutaj: 01:10:397 (7) - Vocal
  2. 01:14:461 (1,2) - Tutaj dziwnie się to gra/dziwnie to brzmi bo najpierw: pierwszy dźwięk kończy się tutaj: 01:14:461 - a dalej kontynuujesz dźwięki kolejną jedną czwartą. Następnie są czwórki tutaj: 01:14:655 (5,6) - ale dźwięki, których nie ma, lub nie są aż tak wyraziste, też są zmapowane tam: 01:14:848 - ;Dalej jest okej, ale wcześniej radzę usunąć/zmodyfikować aby nie brzmiało aż tak sztucznie. XD Nic innego nie pasuje
  3. 01:17:461 (5) - finisz na końcu proszę Fix
  4. 01:18:526 (2) - będzie brzmiało lepiej jak slajder zaczynać się będzie tam: 01:18:623 - (i jak wcześniej dowalisz dwa kółka przed tym xd) lub tutaj: 01:18:429 - Fix. Przesuniete do czerwonego
  5. 01:19:977 (3) - finisz na końcu proszę Fix
  6. 01:27:139 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  7. 02:14:752 (1) - ALE FAJNY
  8. 02:21:332 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  9. 02:22:106 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  10. 02:22:881 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3Tick jest na niebieskiej lini. Nic ni da sie
  11. 02:24:429 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  12. 02:27:526 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3Fix
  13. 02:28:300 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3Fix
  14. 02:28:687 - Odtąd bez przerwy daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 (dla tego slajdera) Fix
  15. 02:30:235 (1) - A tutaj już bez S:C3
  16. 02:57:719 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Brak ticka
  17. 03:02:364 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Brak ticka
  18. 03:05:461 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  19. 03:07:784 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Brak ticka
  20. 03:10:106 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Tick na czerwonycm SC2
  21. 03:18:623 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Tick na czerwonycm SC2. Ktore juz sa
  22. 03:24:816 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  23. 03:27:913 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  24. 03:28:687 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  25. 03:29:171 (3) - Odtąd bez przerwy daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 (dla tego slajdera) To jest kolko
  26. 03:53:461 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  27. 04:09:332 (1) - Odtąd bez przerwy daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 (dla tego slajdera) Fix
  28. 04:12:429 (1) - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  29. 04:13:300 (2) - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Tick jest na niebieskiej lini. Nic ni da sie
  30. 04:14:074 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Tick jest na niebieskiej lini. Nic ni da sie
  31. 04:15:913 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Tick jest na niebieskiej lini. Nic ni da sie
  32. 04:18:623 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  33. 04:20:171 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  34. 05:09:332 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  35. 05:20:171 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  36. 05:20:945 - 05:21:332 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  37. 05:24:042 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  38. 05:27:139 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 Fix
  39. 05:27:623 (2) - finisz na końcu proszę
  40. 05:28:300 (6) - finisz na końcu proszę; 05:28:687 - daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3
  41. 05:32:945 (5) - Odtąd bez przerwy daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 (dla tego slajdera)
  42. 05:34:493 (6) - Odtąd bez przerwy daj tutaj zieloną linię S:C3 (dla tego slajdera)
~ LOL ~
Inne fixy inne ja zaaplikowalem
Requested mod, not from my modding queue.
  1. I don't know if you chose the right SV, but if you want to make a "slider hell" you can just use the SV multiplier at a certain part.
[Kasha Grip]
  1. 00:13:203 (3,1) - I suggest you add more distance between these notes because the next note possessed a strong sound. Consider make the tail of note 3 left a little bit like this:
  2. 00:13:977 (1) - make this note completely horizontal, 00:14:364 (2) - move this note at x:312, 00:14:655 (3) - move this note at x:404 & 00:15:139 (4,5) - consider make these into reverse slider because the sound is same.
  3. 00:16:106 (3,4,5,6,7) - make like this to create a little movement:
  4. 00:17:461 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is very awkward to play because of the notes going RRR, 00:17:655 (3,4,5,6) - maybe you can create new pattern here and make sure to change the direction into RLR.
  5. 00:19:687 (7,8,9) - maybe you can start HD hereby make it a reverse slider, then 00:19:977 (10,11) - combine these two.
  6. 00:20:171 (1) - start to make a HD here because of strong sound.
  7. 00:20:268 - add a note here?
  8. 00:20:364 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - these streams is so boring, maybe you can make more movement. There is so many pattern or shape of streams you can make, be creative.
  9. 00:25:010 - I'm pretty sure there is same sound here with the next one.
  10. 00:27:913 (1,2,3,4) - maybe this too cruel for me, it easy drop.
  11. 00:38:752 - the streams part until here is okay but sometimes you have to experience yourself to see what is off or wrong.
  12. 00:38:752 (10) - make this note center?
  13. 00:39:139 (1) - why not Ctrl+G this?
  14. 00:40:687 (5,6) - why not add more distance between these notes by move note 5 to x:128? it will create a HD on note 5 same as 00:40:881 (6,7) - these notes because of the strong vocal.
  15. 00:47:461 (1,2) - this stack kinda breaks the movement, it very disturbing. I suggest you move note 2 to x:232 & 00:47:848 (3) - move this note to x:120.
  16. 00:51:139 - until 01:03:429 - these streams part is kinda repetitive but it is okay to me and playable.
  17. 01:03:042 (9,10) - this anti-flow is kinda sudden, maybe you can change the direction of this notes or change into a different pattern.
  18. 01:05:074 (6) - Ctrl+G this?
  19. 01:10:106 (6) - make this note completely horizontal & Ctrl+G to create a little movement.
  20. 01:12:235 (1) - same as above.
  21. 01:15:913 (1,2) - this is hard to catch after HD please reduce some distance.
  22. 01:24:913 (6) - move this note to x:172 because the stack is not good for this flow.
  23. 01:31:397 (1) - Ctrl+G this?
  24. 01:58:493 (2,3) - please reduce some distance, there's no need to make HD here because you do not make other notes that have the same sound.
  25. 01:59:074 (5) - move this to x:228?
  26. 02:19:010 (2,3) - please reduce some distance by move note 3 left a little bit.
  27. 02:25:397 (4,1) - this is hard to catch without HD, consider make one or reduce the distance.
  28. 02:59:655 (1,2,3,4,1) - maybe this is too hard & repetitive, consider make 03:00:816 (4,1) - these notes into different pattern.
  29. 03:46:881 (4) - I think you don't need HD here, maybe move this note to x:216 & 03:47:268 (6) - move this note to x:224.
  30. 03:53:074 (2,1) - this anti-flow is quite sudden, reduce some distance.
  31. 04:34:106 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe you can make this streams more neat because some part easily drop & hard to catch.
  32. 04:58:881 - this kiai part is kinda hard, maybe you can make the slider become easier to catch.
  33. That all from me, I think this map need more mod. This is not my best mod because I can't FC this map, so sorry.
Good luck on ranking this.


01:56:558 (2,3,4,5) - Do not end sliders on strong beat and start the next on the weaker one after. It should be the other way around. Arriving on a strong beat is must more pleasant than jumping from one.
01:59:268 (1,2) - Same here.
02:00:816 (1,2,3) - During this, more element from the music is mixed into creating the timeline. This throws players off easily as its hard to focus on it. Try something like this:
02:04:493 (1) - Might be better dividing this into two circle. Just as you did at 05:10:106 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - . It sounds that way much better because the stronger beat is under the end of the slider at the moment.
02:12:429 (3) - End this one 1/4 earlier on blue and add a circle to the white tick with a possible Dash? I really want to dash there.
02:13:203 (2,3,4) - You contradicting yourself with 04:04:687 (2,3,4) - and the second one sounds much better.
02:14:752 (1) - Use the same rhythm as you did at 04:06:235 (1,2) - please.
02:19:397 (1,2,3) - I suggest something like this instead: The two circle can remain as a slider but this sounds much better, its your call.
02:20:945 (1,2) - Instead of these I suggest 3 slider
02:24:816 (3,4) - Again a little different suggestion:
02:25:590 (1,2,3) -
02:37:010 (2,3,4,5) - To be honest at this point the same sound repeats 3 times and it would be really nice to have a jump on them but you ignored them completely while they are really strong. Something like this would be nice to have: And if you apply this you should change the next two as well into some similar one to follow the beat on the blue ticks.
02:41:752 (4,1) - Make this into a repeat slider which starts and ends on blue tick to follow the same sound pointed out previously.
02:54:235 (2) - There is no need for this note at all. I could accept 02:54:429 (4) - since there is at least something to follow but here you can hear nothing at all. But to be rhythmically correct, both should be removed. It sounds much better that way anyways.
03:01:203 (1,2) - Move the end of this slider and the circle 1/4 earlier. There is nothing to follow with it currently.
03:03:913 (3) - I would divide this to make it more interesting.
03:07:397 (7,1) - Two 1/2 slider might sounds much better due the fact that the vocal starts in the middle of the slider.
03:08:945 (1) - If something, than this slider should end 1/4 earlier and a circle should be added there instead.
03:14:558 (2) - Divide this one into two circle.
03:15:719 (1,2) - You probably know what I want to say here already but I still write a few word.
03:26:364 (1,2) - And again.
03:34:300 (1) - Remove NC
03:43:010 (1,2,3,4) - Make this the same as 01:51:526 (1,2,3,4) -
04:11:268 (4,5) - Why you stopped with the 1/2 sliders? They do sounds much better than the current one.
04:12:429 (1,2,3) - I would go with this instead:
04:15:526 (2,1,2) -
04:17:848 (1,2) -

I took a look at the first and second kiai and the part between them only to correct some rhythm (Yea, I'm lazy pls). I do not know your style yet so it might be inaccurate at some point but if its okay for your then try to follow the same idea for the rest of your map as well. If anything, bad rhythm can piss me off. lol

I can't promise you an icon just now. Pattern wise the map is not bad but needs some cleaning. I know many player comes and say its okay but shitmisses and even misses are not always the fault of the player but instead they means that something might be bad with the map. This not means it needs serious reworking to make it easier, but instead it means, we need to be sure that every pattern is easy to read (hope its understandable enough). Anyway, good luck for now.
Topic Starter

Kurokami wrote:



01:56:558 (2,3,4,5) - Do not end sliders on strong beat and start the next on the weaker one after. It should be the other way around. Arriving on a strong beat is must more pleasant than jumping from one. Fixed. Moved slider ends to blue not counting 5. Which ends vocal
01:59:268 (1,2) - Same here. 1 Ended on Blue and 2 on red. Changed CS for tick
02:00:816 (1,2,3) - During this, more element from the music is mixed into creating the timeline. This throws players off easily as its hard to focus on it. Try something like this: I had other idea for it. Removed 2 and made 1 repeat
02:04:493 (1) - Might be better dividing this into two circle. Just as you did at 05:10:106 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - . It sounds that way much better because the stronger beat is under the end of the slider at the moment. Replaced but kinda feels difficult than were.
02:12:429 (3) - End this one 1/4 earlier on blue and add a circle to the white tick with a possible Dash? I really want to dash there. Possible.
02:13:203 (2,3,4) - You contradicting yourself with 04:04:687 (2,3,4) - and the second one sounds much better. You are right. Redo
02:14:752 (1) - Use the same rhythm as you did at 04:06:235 (1,2) - please. Uhh.. I If i put it on red tick. It would be difficult to do hdash to long vocal
02:19:397 (1,2,3) - I suggest something like this instead: The two circle can remain as a slider but this sounds much better, its your call. I'll keep it as it is.
02:20:945 (1,2) - Instead of these I suggest 3 slider Some easy patterns are need to. Keeping
02:24:816 (3,4) - Again a little different suggestion: Can't make hdash here. Keeping as it were. Might redo because during trying it i screwed pattern ;s
02:25:590 (1,2,3) - Accepted
02:37:010 (2,3,4,5) - To be honest at this point the same sound repeats 3 times and it would be really nice to have a jump on them but you ignored them completely while they are really strong. Something like this would be nice to have: And if you apply this you should change the next two as well into some similar one to follow the beat on the blue ticks. Made small stream like on song start in different way
02:41:752 (4,1) - Make this into a repeat slider which starts and ends on blue tick to follow the same sound pointed out previously. Ok
02:54:235 (2) - There is no need for this note at all. I could accept 02:54:429 (4) - since there is at least something to follow but here you can hear nothing at all. But to be rhythmically correct, both should be removed. It sounds much better that way anyways. Both removed and re do a bit pattern because it was a bit overmapping ;s
03:01:203 (1,2) - Move the end of this slider and the circle 1/4 earlier. There is nothing to follow with it currently. I'll need recheck here if its done right.
03:03:913 (3) - I would divide this to make it more interesting. Ctrl g next slider
03:07:397 (7,1) - Two 1/2 slider might sounds much better due the fact that the vocal starts in the middle of the slider. ReDo
03:08:945 (1) - If something, than this slider should end 1/4 earlier and a circle should be added there instead. Circle on blue tick is here to somewhat follow vocal.
03:14:558 (2) - Divide this one into two circle. Done
03:15:719 (1,2) - You probably know what I want to say here already but I still write a few word. Fixed it
03:26:364 (1,2) - And again. Fixed
03:34:300 (1) - Remove NC Removed
03:43:010 (1,2,3,4) - Make this the same as 01:51:526 (1,2,3,4) - Didn't noticed one was on white. Fixed
04:11:268 (4,5) - Why you stopped with the 1/2 sliders? They do sounds much better than the current one. Did one 1/2 and putted one circle as in different way i couldn't made it better. Repeat slider is keep
04:12:429 (1,2,3) - I would go with this instead: Like usuall.. again the same fix
04:15:526 (2,1,2) - Uhh. Nah. Keeping as it is. For my guess better follows vocal
04:17:848 (1,2) - Same reason

I took a look at the first and second kiai and the part between them only to correct some rhythm (Yea, I'm lazy pls). I do not know your style yet so it might be inaccurate at some point but if its okay for your then try to follow the same idea for the rest of your map as well. If anything, bad rhythm can piss me off. lol

I can't promise you an icon just now. Pattern wise the map is not bad but needs some cleaning. I know many player comes and say its okay but shitmisses and even misses are not always the fault of the player but instead they means that something might be bad with the map. This not means it needs serious reworking to make it easier, but instead it means, we need to be sure that every pattern is easy to read (hope its understandable enough). Anyway, good luck for now.

SYAHME wrote:

Requested mod, not from my modding queue.
  1. I don't know if you choosed the right SV, but if you want make a "slider hell" you can just use the SV multiplier at certain part.If too high it would be barely impossible to SS this map. This one was enough good
[Kasha Grip]
  1. 00:13:203 (3,1) - I suggest you to add more distance between these notes because the next note possessed a strong sound. Consider make the tail of note 3 left a little bit like this:
    Good idea
  2. 00:13:977 (1) - make this note completely horizontal, 00:14:364 (2) - move this note at x:312, 00:14:655 (3) - move this note at x:404 & 00:15:139 (4,5) - consider make these into reverse slider because the sound is same. Nah Nah. Too small movement
  3. 00:16:106 (3,4,5,6,7) - make like this to create a little movement: Aright
  4. 00:17:461 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is very awkward to play because the notes going RRR, 00:17:655 (3,4,5,6) - maybe you can create new pattern here and make sure to change the direction into RLR. Little redo. RLR
  5. 00:19:687 (7,8,9) - maybe you can start HD here by make it a reverse slider, then 00:19:977 (10,11) - combine these two. Redo in other way
  6. 00:20:171 (1) - start make a HD here because of strong sound. Moved 11 elsewhere. Make Hdash to 1
  7. 00:20:268 - add note here? Better not to prevent possible miss from antiflow
  8. 00:20:364 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - these streams is so boring, maybe you can make more movement. There is so many pattern or shape of streams you can make, be creative. Those streams are supposed to be easy
  9. 00:25:010 - I'm pretty sure there is same sound here with the next one. Added note and shorted slider into 1/2
  10. 00:27:913 (1,2,3,4) - maybe this too cruel for me, its easily drop. Sometimes i'm dropping it too. Redo
  11. 00:38:752 - the streams part until here is okay but sometime you have to experience yourself to see what is off or wrong.
  12. 00:38:752 (10) - make this note center? Unsure but moved
  13. 00:39:139 (1) - why not Ctrl+G this? This will be a bit antiflow. And its too early for it
  14. 00:40:687 (5,6) - why not add more distance between these notes by move note 5 to x:128? it will create a HD on note 5 same as 00:40:881 (6,7) - these notes because of the strong vocal. Good idea
  15. 00:47:461 (1,2) - these stack is kinda break the movement, its very disturbing. I suggest you to move note 2 to x:232 & 00:47:848 (3) - move this note to x:120. Good idea
  16. 00:51:139 - until 01:03:429 - these streams part is kinda repetitive but it is okay to me and playable.
  17. 01:03:042 (9,10) - this anti-flow is kinda sudden, maybe you can change the direction of this notes or change into different pattern. I'll see other ideas. Not touching this one
  18. 01:05:074 (6) - Ctrl+G this? I see no difference but ok
  19. 01:10:106 (6) - make this note completely horizontal & Ctrl+G to create a little movement. I got other idea.
  20. 01:12:235 (1) - same as above. Same
  21. 01:15:913 (1,2) - this is hard to catch after HD please reduce some distance. Tried to but difficult to keep hdash to 2
  22. 01:24:913 (6) - move this note to x:172 because the stack is not good for this flow. x176
  23. 01:31:397 (1) - Ctrl+G this? This pattern must be anti flow
  24. 01:58:493 (2,3) - please reduce some distance, there's no need to make HD here, because you're not make at other notes that have same sound. Redo
  25. 01:59:074 (5) - move this to x:228? After redo nah
  26. 02:19:010 (2,3) - please reduce some distance by move note 3 left a little bit.Fix
  27. 02:25:397 (4,1) - this is hard to catch without HD, consider make one or reduce the distance. Fixed this pixel jump
  28. 02:59:655 (1,2,3,4,1) - maybe this is too hard & repetitive, consider make 03:00:816 (4,1) - these notes into different pattern. Its supposed to be like that
  29. 03:46:881 (4) - I think you don't need HD here, maybe move this note to x:216 & 03:47:268 (6) - move this note to x:224. Ugh.. aright.. destroying fun
  30. 03:53:074 (2,1) - this anti-flow is quite sudden, reduce some distance. For me looks ok
  31. 04:34:106 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe you can make this streams more neat because some part easily drop & hard to catch. This part was difficult to map
  32. 04:58:881 - this kiai part is kinda hard, maybe you can make the slider become more easy to catch. I changed few things
  33. That all from me, I think this map need more mod. This is not my best mod because I can't FC this map, so sorry.
Good luck on ranking this.
Additional fixes applies and self mod


I think your walking distance snap between all walk-able notes should be slightly higher, around 1.20x would be nicer flow than it currently is at 1.00x distance snap. I get this is supposed to be a slider hell map, but if you're trying to achieve that you need to get better flow for your walking distances.

This is more aesthetic but my main concern with this map is a lot of your streams are awkward in distance spacing, a result of mapping them by hand and I would recommend remapping several of them if you can with the Ctrl+Shift+F trick turns sliders into streams (Simply map a slider in the path you want the stream to flow and then use Ctrl+Shift+F and you'll have nicer looking streams.)
Examples where I would say you should use this are at:

01:46:881 to 01:51:526 – These long streams could be a LOT smoother and curved to play.

02:48:139 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) – ^Please condense this stream.

03:38:364 to 03:42:913 - ^These hand mapped streams could be more condense so pattern is more walk-able in general.

04:52:687 to 04:57:235 - ^Please.

Kasha Grip

00:12:429 (1,2,3) – I don't see why there are hypers in between these for such soft sounds when 1/4th dashes would work just fine. The echo of the meows isn't that strong.

00:15:719 (1,2) – Just use 3 notes at equal distance snap so this plays and looks a bit cleaner.

00:16:493 (7) – Move to X=148 so it matches the previous distance snap of the stream.

00:20:364 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) – You could make this looks a lot cleaner if you make (3) and (4) in to notes instead and match the distance snap as you had before.

02:37:010 (2,3,4,5,6) – Please just map a regular C-curve stream here, because the slider patterns is not good for flow.

02:48:139 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) – The curve is triggers me so much because the inflated spacing makes the curve look choppy and hard to play. I mentioned this part in General as well because that slider trick could help you make a more compacted stream here that flows nicer.

Good luck with your map, I tried my best.
Topic Starter

RoseusJaeger wrote:



I think your walking distance snap between all walk-able notes should be slightly higher, around 1.20x would be nicer flow than it currently is at 1.00x distance snap. I get this is supposed to be a slider hell map, but if you're trying to achieve that you need to get better flow for your walking distances.

This is more aesthetic but my main concern with this map is a lot of your streams are awkward in distance spacing, a result of mapping them by hand and I would recommend remapping several of them if you can with the Ctrl+Shift+F trick turns sliders into streams (Simply map a slider in the path you want the stream to flow and then use Ctrl+Shift+F and you'll have nicer looking streams.)
Examples where I would say you should use this are at:

01:46:881 to 01:51:526 – These long streams could be a LOT smoother and curved to play.

02:48:139 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) – ^Please condense this stream.

03:38:364 to 03:42:913 - ^These hand mapped streams could be more condense so pattern is more walk-able in general.

04:52:687 to 04:57:235 - ^Please.

Kasha Grip

00:12:429 (1,2,3) – I don't see why there are hypers in between these for such soft sounds when 1/4th dashes would work just fine. The echo of the meows isn't that strong. To know what awaits

00:15:719 (1,2) – Just use 3 notes at equal distance snap so this plays and looks a bit cleaner. Replaced with circles

00:16:493 (7) – Move to X=148 so it matches the previous distance snap of the stream. Fix

00:20:364 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) – You could make this looks a lot cleaner if you make (3) and (4) in to notes instead and match the distance snap as you had before. Changed into circles but meh

02:37:010 (2,3,4,5,6) – Please just map a regular C-curve stream here, because the slider patterns is not good for flow. Re

02:48:139 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) – The curve is triggers me so much because the inflated spacing makes the curve look choppy and hard to play. I mentioned this part in General as well because that slider trick could help you make a more compacted stream here that flows nicer. This entire stream is remapped as i found doesn't plays well

Good luck with your map, I tried my best.
Remapped 3rd stream

Edit: 24-11-2016

Fixed some hitsounds
Requested in-game a couple of times already so here I am

Kasha Grip
  1. I think generally throughout the diff you need to try to be more consistent with distance. On parts where the music is calm there suddenly are very long and harsh hypers while other parts call for more jumps or just generally more distance. You are also very inconsistent with NC's :s
  2. 00:12:429 (1,2,3) - I don't think these harsh antiflow hypers fit for this weak sound
  3. 00:13:203 (3,1) - This is very harsh and antiflowy, consider ctrl+g on (1)
  4. 00:15:913 (3) - Remove clap? It sounds really out of place with this sound here
  5. 00:15:913 (3,4) - I feel the distance should be bigger here, you literally don't have to move between these
  6. 00:15:526 (5,1) - NC feels better on (5) than where it currently is
  7. 00:18:623 - I feel the jump should be from 00:19:203 (2) - to 00:19:300 (3) - to follow the music better and stay consistent with the hypers
  8. 00:20:074 (11) - I think this combo is a bit long but I personally like shorter combos on streams
  9. 00:20:945 (8) - Would be nice with NC here
  10. 00:24:623 (8,1) - This should be a hyper, very strong beat
  11. 00:25:977 (7,1) - (7) makes a stop in the flow because of the low SV and the long hyperdashes. I'd try to reduce the distance on the hypers around this slider a bit
  12. 00:38:752 (10,1) - NC should be on (10), not (1) because there is new section starting 00:38:752 -
  13. 00:40:881 (6,7) - Why is this a 1/4 hyperdash? There is no strong beat for it and it comes very unexpected in this calm part
  14. 00:44:945 (5) - NC here
  15. 00:45:623 (7) - I don't really think there is enough sound here for a triplet, and at least not for 1/4 hyper
  16. 00:47:461 (1) - Remove NC
  17. 00:48:526 (2) - Same as 00:45:623 (7) -
  18. 00:51:139 (1,1,1) - Here you suddenly have a lot of NC where in previous streams had up to 15 fruits on plate lol. I suggest having NC on every 8th note through all streams, looks better that way and it's nice to stay consistent :3
  19. 01:02:171 - Unmapped beat
  20. 01:09:719 (5) - Add NC
  21. 01:12:235 (1) - Remove NC
  22. 01:16:300 (1,2,3,4) - Weird putting hypers on blue tick here, should be hyper from 01:16:784 - to 01:16:881 - and from (3) to (4) to follow the music better
  23. 01:45:961 (3) - I can't hear any 1/8's here?
  24. 01:51:526 (1,2,3,4) - This is overmap lmao, there are such weak sounds here but strong vocal you could map instead
  25. There is also a lot of inconsistency in the timeline, example 01:53:074 (1) - first kiai is stream, 03:44:558 (1) - second kiai is a long slider 04:58:881 (1,2,3,4,5) - while last kiai is many smaller sliders It would be nice if you stayed consistent with one timeline for every kiai. As it is now it just seems ranodm and "unplanned"
Hope my suggestions help you in the right direction! If I was to go through the whole map it would just be the same suggestions over and over. GL! :D
Topic Starter

BennyBananas wrote:

Requested in-game a couple of times already so here I am

Kasha Grip
  1. I think generally throughout the diff you need to try to be more consistent with distance. On parts where the music is calm there suddenly are very long and harsh hypers while other parts call for more jumps or just generally more distance. You are also very inconsistent with NC's :s
  2. 00:12:429 (1,2,3) - I don't think these harsh antiflow hypers fit for this weak sound Re do. Make it with flow this time.
  3. 00:13:203 (3,1) - This is very harsh and antiflowy, consider ctrl+g on (1) A bit used Syahme idea here
  4. 00:15:913 (3) - Remove clap? It sounds really out of place with this sound here Now someone notice it. After that long time ;f . Removed
  5. 00:15:913 (3,4) - I feel the distance should be bigger here, you literally don't have to move between these Slight range increase to 2x
  6. 00:15:526 (5,1) - NC feels better on (5) than where it currently is Swapped
  7. 00:18:623 - I feel the jump should be from 00:19:203 (2) - to 00:19:300 (3) - to follow the music better and stay consistent with the hypers Moved 00:19:106 - to x356 and note at 00:19:493 to x100
  8. 00:20:074 (11) - I think this combo is a bit long but I personally like shorter combos on streams Something i think out there.
  9. 00:20:945 (8) - Would be nice with NC here Added. Same did to next two simple streams
  10. 00:24:623 (8,1) - This should be a hyper, very strong beat Added but had to slight re do last simple stream and you were right
  11. 00:25:977 (7,1) - (7) makes a stop in the flow because of the low SV and the long hyperdashes. I'd try to reduce the distance on the hypers around this slider a bit I shorted distance a bit but i feel no difference
  12. 00:38:752 (10,1) - NC should be on (10), not (1) because there is new section starting 00:38:752 - Swaped
  13. 00:40:881 (6,7) - Why is this a 1/4 hyperdash? There is no strong beat for it and it comes very unexpected in this calm part This follows vocal
  14. 00:44:945 (5) - NC here Added but this part follows more vocal ;s
  15. 00:45:623 (7) - I don't really think there is enough sound here for a triplet, and at least not for 1/4 hyper Note removed and slider extended
  16. 00:47:461 (1) - Remove NC Removed
  17. 00:48:526 (2) - Same as 00:45:623 (7) - Now noticed without that note hdash is possible. Removed
  18. 00:51:139 (1,1,1) - Here you suddenly have a lot of NC where in previous streams had up to 15 fruits on plate lol. I suggest having NC on every 8th note through all streams, looks better that way and it's nice to stay consistent :3 Fixed that issue with entire stream. Unless accidentaly you pressed Q and removed all nc.. didn't noticed there was 1,1,1,
  19. 01:02:171 - Unmapped beat Re mapped slightly this part
  20. 01:09:719 (5) - Add NC Added
  21. 01:12:235 (1) - Remove NC Deleted
  22. 01:16:300 (1,2,3,4) - Weird putting hypers on blue tick here, should be hyper from 01:16:784 - to 01:16:881 - and from (3) to (4) to follow the music better This will need recheck. Deleted one note and extended 1/4 slider
  23. 01:45:961 (3) - I can't hear any 1/8's here? This was bober idea. I can hear something very quiet on yellow tick
  24. 01:51:526 (1,2,3,4) - This is overmap lmao, there are such weak sounds here but strong vocal you could map instead This follows cat meow
  25. There is also a lot of inconsistency in the timeline, example 01:53:074 (1) - first kiai is stream, 03:44:558 (1) - second kiai is a long slider 04:58:881 (1,2,3,4,5) - while last kiai is many smaller sliders It would be nice if you stayed consistent with one timeline for every kiai. As it is now it just seems ranodm and "unplanned" First stream is element of surprise. Kiai are putted correctly for My guess
Hope my suggestions help you in the right direction! If I was to go through the whole map it would just be the same suggestions over and over. GL! :D
Day 1 of IRC Modding
20:29 Hareimu: did you check on the two points I made at the placeholder in the thread?
20:29 MMBan: i checked but must remind them
20:30 Hareimu: alright
20:30 Hareimu: 00:13:977 (1,2,3,4) -
20:30 Hareimu: these sliders have a lack of movement
20:30 MMBan: i would increase sv if need to
20:30 Hareimu: it would be nice if you spread them around a bit so that the player had to move a bit more to catch them
20:30 Hareimu: like, IDK, move 2 and 3 to the left side and keep 4 at the right side or so
20:31 Hareimu: the alternatives are endless
20:31 Hareimu: your choice, but as they are rn they're quite dull
20:32 MMBan: 2 x224
20:32 MMBan: 3 x176
20:32 Hareimu: seems nice enough to me
20:33 MMBan: next
20:33 Hareimu: also nice catcher
20:33 Hareimu: :^)
20:34 MMBan: i have this catcher on front page of profile ;s
20:34 Hareimu: not gonna steal it
20:34 Hareimu: I already have one o3o
20:35 MMBan: 577 steals
20:35 Hareimu: well
20:35 Hareimu: not gonna be the 578th one
20:36 Hareimu: well let's continue
20:36 Hareimu: 00:16:106 (5,6,7,8,9) - this is kinda weird sounding for me because you didn't map 00:16:590 - this blue tick that also has reverberation from the previous beat.
20:37 Hareimu: also
20:37 Hareimu: 00:16:300 (7,9) - these two are reverbs from the previous objects
20:37 Hareimu: mapping them disrupt the rhythm the song's trying to follow
20:38 Hareimu: try to delete those two
20:38 Hareimu: and mapping 00:16:590 - this tick.
20:39 MMBan: on my way 4 adds hdash to 1
20:41 Hareimu: idk, it sounds better that way for me because it's actually trying to follow what the song is providing
20:41 Hareimu: following reverbs is strange and doesn't quite fit
20:41 MMBan: removed on white and red tick
20:42 Hareimu: alright
20:42 MMBan: 1. x108 2 x136 3 x272 4 x220
20:42 Hareimu: 00:17:848 (6) - with this one applies the same
20:42 Hareimu: it sounds better without it
20:42 MMBan: deleted. No need to redo pattern
20:43 Hareimu: 00:19:397 - 00:19:590 - same for these ones
20:44 MMBan: this would screw a bit this small stream
20:44 Hareimu: yeah, but nothing some readjustments to object positioning can't fix
20:44 MMBan: not touching
20:45 Hareimu: 00:19:106 (2,3) - I reccomend keeping these two closer to the first slider and having a hdash to (4), but if you insist
20:46 MMBan: ne
20:46 MMBan: difference in rhythm feel
20:46 Hareimu: (the strong sound is at 4, that's why, but if you won't it's okay)
20:48 Hareimu: 00:19:881 (8,9) - a hdash between these could be nice
20:49 MMBan: i don't have there 8,9
20:49 Hareimu: wait did you readjust the ncs
20:49 MMBan: nah
20:50 Hareimu: 00:19:881 - 00:19:977 - these
20:51 MMBan: done
20:51 Hareimu: alright
20:51 MMBan: 3,4 slightly to left
20:52 MMBan: 5 x208 6 x240
20:55 Hareimu: 00:20:557 (4,5,6) - it would be nice if you made these into a triangle pattern (like a repeat slider but with objects)
20:55 Hareimu: and made a hyperdash between (3) and (4) because of the strong sound at (4)
20:55 Hareimu: 00:20:751 (6,7) - there is also a strong sound between 00:20:751 (6,7) - these two
20:55 Hareimu: if you would rather keep them as simple movements I understand though
20:58 MMBan: little redo
20:59 Hareimu: first of all, do notice that most of these suggestions are made so that the melody is followed correctly because there are lots of places that felt awkward for me to play because of this
20:59 MMBan: 1st and 2nd stream is to remap
21:00 MMBan: whire third after 1st kiai seem ok.. for my guess
21:00 Hareimu: this being said, lemme continue saying that 00:25:397 (3,4) - the hyperdash should be between these and not between 00:25:493 (4,5) - these.
21:01 Hareimu: as it is now the hdashes emphasize beats that aren't quite as strong as the ones that should be.
21:02 Hareimu: 00:25:977 (7) - this slider should start at 00:26:074 - this tick and not at the white tick it starts at now.
21:03 Hareimu: doing so ignores 00:26:074 - this audible beat
21:03 Hareimu: I highly reccomend you to do so because if you do, you could easily make 00:25:784 (6) - a repeat slider with a HDash onto 7
21:03 Hareimu: and it would perfectly follow the melody.
21:05 MMBan: for my guess there is something on white tick
21:05 MMBan: or maybe on 1/8 yellow
21:05 Hareimu: yeah, that's why I said that you could make 6 a repeat slider.
21:05 Hareimu: no no, leave the yellow ones alone, you shouldn't touch them as for now
21:06 Hareimu: the beat is perfectly snapped to blue, red and white ticks
21:06 MMBan: done
21:08 Hareimu: 00:34:397 (4,5) - why isn't there a HDash here as you did with the previous beats?
21:08 MMBan: and had to fixed that annoying droplet ;s
21:08 MMBan: this what i said about remapping 1st and 2nd stream
21:08 Hareimu: 00:34:493 (5,6) - you could move these two to the place 7 and 8 are at
21:09 Hareimu: well then, lemme help you remapping it.
21:10 Hareimu: good thing I'm watching your stream because you didn't quite get what I said.
21:10 MMBan: there is a lot mess for my eyesight that an std player would tell its overmapped
21:11 Hareimu: between 4 and 5 there is a beat that doesn't have hyperdash
21:11 Hareimu: when beats like 00:34:010 (8,1) - these two have hyperdashes in between.
21:11 MMBan: ah now i get it
21:12 Hareimu: 5, 6, 7 and 8 shouldn't have hyperdashes in between because said beats you're emphasizing here (downbeats) don't appear there
21:13 Hareimu: also if you don't want such a mess
21:13 Hareimu: activate hit animations
21:14 MMBan: ddone
21:15 Hareimu: 00:35:461 (7,8) - do you still have an hyperdash between these two? if you do remove them.
21:16 Hareimu: like
21:16 Hareimu: make the hdash be between 8 and 1 and not between 7 and 8.
21:16 Hareimu: you're emphasizing the wrong beat there
21:16 Hareimu: it should be 1, not 8
21:19 Hareimu: (after all that obviously remove the hdash from 1 to 2 and remap 00:35:655 (1,2,3,4) - properly)
21:21 MMBan: hitsounds messed up
21:22 Hareimu: yeah I know
21:22 Hareimu: using ctrl+g does that
21:23 MMBan: i must testplay it like few times now
21:24 Hareimu: I think the first stream is okay now (from what I see at the stream)
21:24 Hareimu: 00:37:203 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - excepting this.
21:25 Hareimu: 00:37:687 - there is a beat at this blue tick, 00:37:590 (2) - this slider ignores it
21:25 Hareimu: I reccomend you made said slider a repeat one that finished at said blue tick
21:26 MMBan: Already fixed
21:26 MMBan: but lost 0.01*
21:26 MMBan: meh
21:27 Hareimu: 00:38:268 (5,6) - I suggest you move these to the place 4 and 5 are at to make a curve or something, there isn't a strong beat at 5 to suggest a hyperdash.
21:27 Hareimu: actually
21:27 Hareimu: the strong beat is at 6
21:27 MMBan: strong is at 6
21:27 Hareimu: the hyperdash should be between 5 and 6.
21:28 Hareimu: make 3, 4 and 5 a triangle pattern like you did before
21:28 MMBan: it additionaly removed one more 0,01*
21:29 Hareimu: don't pay attention to the SR.
21:29 Hareimu: it doesn't mean anything
21:29 Hareimu: if you know the map will be hard as fuck because of slider hell, that should be enough
21:30 MMBan: but
21:30 Hareimu: don't rely on SR
21:30 MMBan: it doesn't supposed to be difficult ;s
21:30 MMBan: primal version was 6.20 ;s
21:30 Hareimu: well then
21:30 Hareimu: still, don't pay attention to it at all.
21:30 MMBan: later maybe it return ;s
21:30 MMBan: let's continue
21:31 Hareimu: yeah
21:31 Hareimu: 00:45:332 (2) -
21:31 Hareimu: are you following vocals here?
21:32 MMBan: y
21:32 Hareimu: because if you are, you should finish this slider at 00:45:429 - and start 00:45:719 (3) - this one 00:45:526 - here.
21:33 Hareimu: it'll play better like that.
21:34 Hareimu: (obviously, finish 00:45:719 (3) - at 00:46:493 -
21:34 Hareimu: gonna go have lunch real quick, brb
21:59 Hareimu: back
21:59 MMBan: finally
22:00 Hareimu: well, where did we left at?
22:00 MMBan: 00:46:300
22:00 MMBan: 00:46:300 -
22:01 Hareimu: well, I suppose you finished the slider at said timestamp and added an object at 00:46:493 -
22:03 MMBan: done
22:03 Hareimu: well now
22:04 Hareimu: at the second stream section, what are you following exactly to make hyperdashes?
22:04 Hareimu: that's the first core question.
22:04 MMBan: similar to first but failed at
22:04 Hareimu: 00:51:719 (7,8) - what are you emphasizing here?
22:05 Hareimu: 00:51:816 (8) - move this to x:108 maybe?
22:07 Hareimu: yeee, you've got the idea~ I'm watching the changes you're doing via stream, dw
22:11 Hareimu: umm, when you finish editing this second stream can you update the mapset to that I can follow on the changes?
22:12 MMBan: This will cause you lose 2kudos
22:12 Hareimu: they're too much like to pay attention to a stream
22:12 Hareimu: I don't mind.
22:12 MMBan: Unless i press button now and paste deh irc
22:12 Hareimu: as long as I help you improve the map, kudosu quantity will not be an issue.
22:13 Hareimu: ...and I think it's wrong to post an unfinished mod and give it kudosu as it is
22:15 MMBan:
22:17 Hareimu: well, I believe that file isn't the most recent one
22:17 Hareimu: I see an antijump that you fixed recently
22:17 Hareimu: but I don't see the fix
22:17 Hareimu: 00:57:719 (5,6,7,8) -
22:17 Hareimu: here
22:18 MMBan: i didn't noticed this one ;f
22:19 Hareimu: well, take it out and place a flowing jump instead :P
22:19 Hareimu: 01:01:493 (4,5) - also it would be nice to have another hyperdash between these two
22:20 Hareimu: since it is the last part of the stream
22:20 MMBan: if i add one hdash the other one removes itself ;f
22:20 MMBan: got it
22:21 Hareimu: nice
22:23 MMBan: done
22:25 Hareimu: 01:02:558 (5) - move this one to the same place as 01:02:364 (3) - so that it's a triangle pattern
22:25 Hareimu: and also the strong sound is at 6 again
22:25 Hareimu: we've ran through this, I think you know what to do
22:26 MMBan: and what with 6
22:27 Hareimu: eh... no, I mean, have an hyperdash to 6
22:27 Hareimu: leave 6 where it was
22:29 Hareimu: I meant that from 5 you should make a hyperdash onto 6
22:29 MMBan: well its not now hdash
22:29 Hareimu: like
22:29 Hareimu: 01:02:655 (6) - move 6 to x:84
22:30 Hareimu: 01:02:558 (5) - leave 5 at x:316
22:30 MMBan: now its less brutal
22:31 MMBan: i wonder how unplayable it will be on hr
22:31 Hareimu: 01:02:752 (1,2) - between these two there should be an hyperdash as well, since there is a strong sound at 2
22:32 Hareimu: I also suggest making a triangle with 01:02:848 (2,3,4) -
22:32 Hareimu: and it's pretty unplayable rn xD
22:32 Hareimu: like, with hr
22:35 Hareimu: it's nice to avoid fruits (?
22:36 MMBan: It would be 12* if for Dodge
22:36 Hareimu: 01:05:461 (2) - this slider should end 01:05:655 - here
22:36 Hareimu: make it a repeat slider as well
22:39 MMBan: done
22:39 Hareimu: 01:10:106 (2) - this should end at 01:10:203 - here, and make this 01:10:493 (3) - slider start 01:10:300 - here.
22:40 Hareimu: and finish 01:11:268 - here.
22:42 MMBan: Pattern might be too difficult with 1/4
22:42 Hareimu: change the direction the 1/4 slider is facing, then
22:43 Hareimu: instead of facing left, facing right might do the trick
22:43 Hareimu: and change the side 01:10:493 (3) - is at from right to left
22:43 Hareimu: and it'll be good to go
22:43 MMBan: fixed
22:44 Hareimu: 01:13:300 (5) - delete this note, there aren't sounds here
22:44 Hareimu: (between those two sliders)
22:45 MMBan: deleted
22:46 Hareimu: (move 01:13:397 (5) - this slider a bit more to the left to trigger hyperdash)
22:46 Hareimu: there we go
22:46 Hareimu: also
22:46 MMBan: Stream have delays)
22:46 Hareimu: don't finish sliders on downbeats, it's awkward to play.
22:47 Hareimu: 01:13:397 (5) - finish this slider at 01:14:171 - here
22:47 Hareimu: and yeah, streams have delays xD
22:49 Hareimu: in the place of the downbeat, 01:14:364 (1) - move this slider there and make it a repeat
22:49 Hareimu: ...ah I just saw what you did instead
22:49 MMBan: i think this seem better idea in my guess
22:50 Hareimu: can you upload the new file until now
22:51 MMBan:
22:52 Hareimu: 01:15:719 (8,1) - don't forget hdash between these two
22:53 Hareimu: 01:05:461 (2) - this dash is almost an edge-dash
22:54 Hareimu: try to reduce distances a bit, and move 01:06:042 (3) - to the left so that it triggers hdash
22:54 MMBan: on that weird sv
22:55 MMBan: hdash triggers on 5x distance
22:55 MMBan: 5.11*

Day 2 of IRC Modding
20:42 Hareimu: can you hand me over the latest .osu you have for kikaku rn
20:43 MMBan:
20:44 MMBan: online
20:44 Hareimu: alright, shall we start?
20:45 MMBan: yes
20:45 Hareimu: 01:16:106 (2,1) - more distance between these two :x
20:46 MMBan: x204?
20:47 Hareimu: for which one, 2 or 1?
20:47 MMBan: 2
20:47 Hareimu: that would trigger a strange hdash
20:48 Hareimu: to a sound that isn't that strong like to be emphasized with one
20:48 Hareimu: I suggest making a hdash between 2 and 1 instead
20:48 Hareimu: and also 01:16:300 (1) - shouldn't have NC
20:49 MMBan: what if ctrl g
20:49 MMBan: after nc 3
20:50 Hareimu: try doing this
20:50 Hareimu: move 2 to x:376
20:51 Hareimu: ctrl+h 01:16:300 (3) - (or 01:16:300 (1) - however you have it rn) and move it to x:88
20:51 Hareimu: 01:16:300 (1) - / 01:16:300 (3) - should be pointing to the right, ofc
20:53 MMBan: done
20:53 Hareimu: 01:16:784 (2) - shouldn't this slider be just a note at 01:16:881 - this red tick instead? it sounds and fit much better than a 1/4 repeat for me.
20:53 Hareimu: since you're following lyrics.
20:59 MMBan: swapped
20:59 MMBan: but not sure if hdash fits a bit to 5
21:00 Hareimu: then remove it and do any other pattern instead :P
21:00 Hareimu: also remove NC at 01:18:042 (1) - and add it at 01:17:461 (6) - instead
21:01 MMBan: done
21:01 Hareimu: 01:24:235 (5,6) - shouldn't there be a hdash between these two? it's a hard dash as it is rn
21:02 MMBan: increased distance.
21:04 Hareimu: 01:26:752 (3) - this slider should start where 01:26:558 (2) - is placed at.
21:05 Hareimu: (remove 2 and make 3 start at 01:26:558 - instead, also make it longer so that it finishes at 01:27:913 - )
21:05 MMBan: There is problem with that patter
21:06 Hareimu: what is that?
21:06 MMBan: it repeats on later part too and i do it like that just to keep hitsounds ;s
21:06 Hareimu: you can either keep it as it is or do the changes on both parts
21:06 Hareimu: your choice
21:06 MMBan: keeping it
21:07 Hareimu: 01:32:945 (5,6) - there should be an HDash between the slider and the note
21:07 Hareimu: also NC at 01:34:493 (6) - remove NC at 01:34:881 (1) -
21:08 MMBan: Added hdash and redo nc
21:09 Hareimu: 01:49:397 (11) - Add hdash at this one for consistency with 01:47:848 (1) -
21:09 Hareimu: oh wait
21:09 Hareimu: it was NC, sorry
21:10 MMBan: It confused me
21:10 Hareimu: confused both terms
21:10 Hareimu: sorry ^^u
21:10 Hareimu: I meant that you should add a NC at (11)
21:11 MMBan: Aright
21:14 Hareimu: eh... 01:50:703 (8,9) - shouldn't HDash be between these two and not between 01:50:897 (12,1) - ?
21:14 Hareimu: there is a strong cymbal sound at 01:50:752 (9) - that also could suggest a NC here as well
21:14 Hareimu: it applies the same to the buildup to the other two kiais
21:14 Hareimu: it seems you did the same as well
21:15 MMBan: streams 1/8 hdash are hard to hold
21:15 Hareimu: there is no strong sound at 01:50:945 (1) - that could suggest such a strong hdash at it has right now
21:16 Hareimu: yeah, I know that, but still if you're gonna use 1/8 hdashes make them so that they fit with the music.
21:16 Hareimu: (in the meantime I'm checking out a BITPLANE album)
21:18 MMBan: it increased star rate to 6.22*
21:19 MMBan:
21:19 Hareimu: thanks for the file
21:19 Hareimu: and the change looks nice.
21:20 Hareimu: now, into the kiai
21:20 Hareimu: nice job with the fast svs
21:20 Hareimu: some changes can be made though.
21:20 Hareimu: let me start
21:20 Hareimu: 01:59:268 (1) - this slider should be a long one that ends at 02:00:235 - instead.
21:21 Hareimu: also ctrl+h it to trigger hdash from previous object 01:59:074 (5) -
21:21 Hareimu: it fits better that way.
21:22 Hareimu: the reason for doing this is because you're following the lyrics as far as I know
21:22 Hareimu: so having 01:59:655 (2) - this slider here seems a bit dull
21:24 Hareimu: 02:00:816 (1) - remove the repeat and make it end at 02:01:397 - instead
21:25 Hareimu: the voice changes at 02:01:397 - , so doing this follows the lyrics correctly
21:25 Hareimu: 02:01:687 (2) - make this one start 02:01:590 - here, too.
21:27 Hareimu: brb
21:30 MMBan:
22:13 Hareimu: back
22:13 Hareimu: sorry for coming late
22:13 MMBan: Today will be longer online
22:17 MMBan: Let's keep goin
22:28 MMBan: I'm here
22:29 Hareimu: whoops, was editing something else, gimme just a sec
22:32 Hareimu: the changes you made to the sliders are looking nice
22:32 *Hareimu is editing [ Halozy - Kikoku Doukoku Jigokuraku [mod1]]
22:33 MMBan: Bancho is lagging
22:33 Hareimu: yup
22:33 Hareimu: should we wait until it stops?
22:36 MMBan: No.
22:36 MMBan: Continue
22:39 *Hareimu is editing [ Halozy - Kikoku Doukoku Jigokuraku [mod1]]
22:39 Hareimu: here we go x2
22:40 MMBan: Aright
22:41 Hareimu: first kiai is a-ok
22:43 Hareimu: 02:45:526 (7,8) - move these two objects to x:132
22:43 Hareimu: reason for this is because the hdash isn't emphasizing the right sound
22:43 Hareimu: 02:45:913 (3,4) - also move these two to x:408
22:44 MMBan: this makes 8
22:44 MMBan: 6*
22:45 Hareimu: umm?
22:45 MMBan: if i move 7,8 to x132
22:46 MMBan: this makes 6 circles in one stream
22:46 MMBan: = bad
22:46 Hareimu: solved by moving 02:45:139 (3,4) - to x:380
22:47 MMBan: primal 6.20 returned
22:48 Hareimu: first of all I wanna make clear that I'm trying to help you remap these streams with suggestions on how hdashes should be placed so that it plays better than it does now. rn the hdashes lead more than once to sounds that feel odd to emphasize because they aren't strong enough and don't quite follow the melody of the song.
22:49 Hareimu: ...and what the heck did I just rant about that for three lines of text straight
22:50 Hareimu: 02:43:397 (1,2) - move these two to x:40, and 02:43:784 (5,6) - these two to x:308
22:53 MMBan: 02:43:203 - There disturbs causing 6 again
22:54 Hareimu: wha
22:54 Hareimu: wait
22:54 Hareimu: 02:43:203 (7,8) - move these to x:468
22:56 MMBan: now its ok
22:57 Hareimu: I suggest doing something with 02:43:397 (1,2,3,4) - these four tho, the jump from the previous 4 objects has anti-movement and a pretty darn big distancing
22:58 MMBan: reshaped into something different
22:59 Hareimu: alright
23:00 Hareimu: 02:47:268 (1,2) - move these two to x:308 and 02:47:461 (3,4) - ctrl+h these two, then move them to x:420
23:02 MMBan:
23:04 Hareimu: 02:48:816 (1,2) - move these to x:288, 02:49:010 (3,4) - these to x:392 and 02:49:203 (5,6) - these to x:204
23:06 Hareimu: (the last one might need some readjustment due to strange movement)
23:06 MMBan: done but that 3rd needed to move adjust to prevent overrun
23:06 Hareimu: alright then, good catch
23:07 Hareimu: 02:49:977 (5,6) - move these to x:308
23:08 Hareimu: 02:51:526 (5,6) - these to x:404 (I'm also thinking of movement variety here so that it isn't purely left and right movement)
23:08 Hareimu: and with that last one it should be it for that streamç
23:08 Hareimu: stream*
23:08 Hareimu: I hate çs
23:09 MMBan: that one
23:09 MMBan: adds 0.05 sr lil
23:09 Hareimu: you're welcome? (?
23:09 MMBan: and may catch off guard
23:10 Hareimu: okay then, move 02:51:623 (6) - to x:440, 02:51:816 (8) - to x:320 and then 02:51:719 (7,8) - to x:344
23:10 MMBan: I'll be pretty sure there will be some restarts and blames to side
23:11 Hareimu: that should make it catchable enough
23:11 MMBan: nah
23:11 MMBan: those not applying and removes hdash
23:11 Hareimu: which ones aren't you applying? got confused
23:11 MMBan: bleh previous one was good enough
23:12 MMBan: the anti flow one was good so keeping this one
23:13 Hareimu: 02:54:139 (6,7,8) - there should be hdashes between all these due to cymbal sounds.
23:13 Hareimu: it would fit nicely since this is an overdose diff
23:14 MMBan: my way
23:15 MMBan: 7 x84 8 x460?
23:16 Hareimu: 460 seems a bit too much, I'd use x400 or x420
23:16 Hareimu: (for 8)
23:17 MMBan: x412
23:17 Hareimu: yeah that seems nice enough
23:18 Hareimu: 02:59:655 (1,2,3,4,1) - the movement between all these being the same is a bit boring to play, not mentioning the fact that every slider has a finish hitsound at the head, you could vary those hitsounds a bit.
23:19 Hareimu: to be honest, only 2 and 4 should have finish hitsound, the other ones nah
23:19 MMBan: forgot remove those hitsounds
23:19 Hareimu: well, aside from hitsounds
23:20 Hareimu: I'd ctrl+h 03:00:429 (3,4) - these two, and move them to x:180 or so
23:22 MMBan: what about this
23:22 MMBan:
23:24 Hareimu: lemme see
23:25 Hareimu: it's alright
23:25 Hareimu: I like it
23:25 Hareimu: 03:05:074 (7) - this slider should start where the previous object (6) is
23:26 Hareimu: and place a normal object 03:05:848 - here to go along with (1)
23:26 Hareimu: (yeah, delete 6)
23:31 MMBan: Forshould be ok now
23:36 Hareimu: 03:09:429 (2) - delete note
23:36 Hareimu: there isn't a sound there
23:36 Hareimu: 03:09:526 (2) - ctrl+h if you delete that note
23:36 Hareimu: (should delete it, you did on first section)
23:38 MMBan: Mean time i find things that other didn't notice. Hitsound issues
23:38 Hareimu: that's good
23:41 MMBan: ugh forgot to tell its done
23:42 Hareimu: okay then, lemme continue checking through
23:42 Hareimu: 03:11:268 (3) - this slider is ignoring the voice change at 03:11:461 -
23:42 Hareimu: I suggest turning it into a repeat that finishes on said timestamp
23:42 Hareimu: (03:11:461 - )
23:44 MMBan: i would delete this slider and put circle where it was and 1/2 slider
23:45 Hareimu: that's also okay
23:45 Hareimu: do that
23:45 MMBan: circle on 03:11:268 x412 and slider 1/2 03:11:461 x124
23:47 Hareimu: I suppose the slider is pointing to the right
23:48 MMBan: For me doesn't matter. Let it be right
23:48 MMBan: but then it will be on x49.. (Unsnapped?)
23:48 Hareimu: alright then
23:49 Hareimu: wait what?
23:49 Hareimu: what do you mean?
23:49 MMBan: nevermind after ctrl g it was on x49
23:49 MMBan: now its x48
23:50 Hareimu: 03:15:623 (7) - delete note
23:50 MMBan: Done
23:50 Hareimu: 03:19:590 (1) - remove nc, 03:19:784 (2) - add nc
23:51 Hareimu: 03:19:590 (6) - ctrl+h this one so that it triggers hdash onto (1)
23:51 Hareimu: it'll fit perfectly
23:51 MMBan: ok
23:52 Hareimu: 03:21:332 (1) - should end 03:21:719 - here
23:52 Hareimu: 03:22:010 (2) - delete this note
23:52 MMBan: on 1 droplet takes vocal
23:52 MMBan: i mean slider tick
23:53 Hareimu: yeah, but it's weird to play.
23:53 Hareimu: even if the slidertick is taking the vocal, it isn't the same as if a fruit was taking it.
23:54 Hareimu: 03:22:106 (3) - make this one start 03:21:913 - here and end 03:22:493 - here
23:55 Hareimu: also, even if it could be okay for the slidertick to take vocals it isn't being consistent with the thing you did 01:29:848 (4,5) - here at this section.
23:55 MMBan: Redone this part a little where slider tick takes vocal
23:56 Hareimu: would you link the new .osu?
23:57 MMBan:
23:58 Hareimu: it's alright now o3o
23:59 Hareimu: 03:23:268 (2,3,4) - all these sliders have finishes on their heads though
00:00 MMBan: deleted from 3
00:00 MMBan: (They are shotting because 00:00)
00:00 Hareimu: alright
00:01 Hareimu: 03:34:590 (2) - move to x:212 for a nicer curve
00:01 Hareimu: 03:34:397 (3,1) - move these to x:276, too
00:02 MMBan: done
00:02 Hareimu: 03:38:752 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - move all these to x:256, they don't trigger hdash from the previous 03:38:365 (1,2,3,4) - stream
00:05 MMBan: My connection died
00:05 MMBan: Using emergency internet. No stream
00:06 Hareimu: alright
00:06 Hareimu: did you receive the last suggestion?
00:07 MMBan: to move 03:38:752 - yes
00:08 Hareimu: moved 03:38:752 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - all these to x:256 I suppose.
00:08 MMBan: Moved
00:08 Hareimu: well then
00:08 Hareimu: the million dollar question is, are you savelogging these things? for the modpost, I mean
00:08 Hareimu: (I think you didn't receive this because your internet died)
00:08 MMBan: Yes
00:09 Hareimu: phew
00:09 Hareimu: let's continue on then
00:09 Hareimu: 03:53:074 (2) - you should finish this slider at the white tick, not the red one
00:09 Hareimu: and place an object in the red tick next of it instead
00:11 Hareimu: I would reccomend to 03:53:074 (2) - finish this slider at x:440 and place a new object 03:53:655 - here at x:112
00:12 MMBan: I'll make it less brutal
00:12 MMBan: (Main internet is back. Switching back to it)
00:12 Hareimu: alright then
00:13 Hareimu: tell me when you're finished with that one, we're finished with the 2nd kiai
00:14 MMBan: ended slider on x460 and setted circle on red tick on x264
00:16 Hareimu: 04:18:235 (2,3) - movement between these two sliders is really strange, even if it's a slider hell you should make it more accessible, the (3) slider is a fast one.
00:20 MMBan: Redone the slider (3)
00:20 Hareimu: alright
00:21 Hareimu: now onto the last stream section
00:21 Hareimu: 04:41:074 (3) - move to x:128, I want to show you something with the next changes I'm gonna suggest
00:22 Hareimu: 04:41:364 (6) - move to x:272, then move 04:41:364 (6,1,2) - to x:365
00:22 Hareimu: *364
00:23 Hareimu: 04:41:655 (3) - move to x:132
00:23 Hareimu: 04:41:848 (5,6) - move to x:396
00:24 Hareimu: 04:42:139 (8) - move to x:160
00:25 Hareimu: 04:42:429 (3,4) - move to x:320
00:26 Hareimu: 04:42:719 (6,7) - move these to x:176, then move 04:42:623 (5,6,7) - to x:168
00:26 MMBan: this made Triangle on 04:41:848 -
00:26 Hareimu: that was the idea :P
00:27 Hareimu: 04:42:913 (1,2,3) - move these to x:460 to soften the jump a bit
00:27 Hareimu: 04:43:397 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ctrl+h this whole pattern
00:27 Hareimu: and that's it.
00:27 Hareimu: test it and tell me if it's not better o3o
00:27 Hareimu: (following the guitar riffs is nice)
00:28 MMBan: Still i'm pretty sure anti flow part will be the place with biggest amount of fail like planned
00:28 MMBan: 80% testplayer of primal version were failing on this anti flow part ;s
00:29 Hareimu: I hope so :^)
00:29 MMBan: And primal version of this 3rd kiai was way more different
00:29 MMBan: Let's keep going. All done
00:29 MMBan: 6.42
00:30 MMBan: 6.32*
00:30 Hareimu: 04:56:751 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - move these to x:140, you can overrun these
00:30 Hareimu: that's not wanted on such a dense stream
00:32 MMBan:
00:32 MMBan: with that 1/8 stream fix
00:33 Hareimu: 04:57:719 (2) - finish this slider on red tick instead, it'll make room for more hdashes on next notes into the last kiai.
00:35 Hareimu: eh... I came back to the last stream section before the kiai and I think I didn't quite explain some points.
00:36 Hareimu: 04:42:139 (8,1) - move these two to x:132
00:36 Hareimu: 04:42:429 (3,4) - and these two to x:368
00:37 Hareimu: for some reason those pairs of objects were badly placed and I couldn't stop missing for obvious reasons
00:37 MMBan: I keep to miss on that anti flow part
00:38 Hareimu: 04:43:397 - the section that starts here?
00:38 Hareimu: (the jumps)
00:38 MMBan: 04:43:010 - Here it start
00:39 Hareimu: that's not antiflow o.o
00:39 Hareimu: (I think)
00:42 MMBan: Update incoming
00:42 Hareimu: share the .osu, don't submit yet xD
00:42 MMBan:
00:43 MMBan: i make one 1/4 2 straight
00:43 MMBan: and it added 0.06* i was like how
00:44 MMBan: But still i'm failing this part ;f
00:44 Hareimu: 04:58:687 (4) - ctrl+h this
00:44 Hareimu: it'll be a nice hdash
00:45 MMBan: 05:08:171 - How to fix dis
00:45 Hareimu: 05:08:171 (1) - why does this even end on a blue tick what
00:45 MMBan: end on red
00:46 Hareimu: make it finish on a white tick instead
00:46 Hareimu: 05:08:945 - here.
00:46 MMBan: i meh
00:46 Hareimu: and 05:09:913 - add a normal object here
00:46 Hareimu: there, fixed
00:46 MMBan: vocal ends on red
00:46 MMBan: where bookmark is
00:47 MMBan: unless i'll redo this slider
00:47 Hareimu: yeah, that's why I said add an object 05:09:913 - here
00:47 Hareimu: there is also a sound 05:09:719 - here to support the slider ending on this white tick
00:47 Hareimu: so you can go on with that
00:48 Hareimu: even if you follow lyrics 95% you cannot map stuff without relying on instrumentals as well
00:50 MMBan: fixed
00:50 Hareimu: .osu~
00:51 MMBan:
00:52 Hareimu: 05:09:913 (1,2) - I'd rather switch them
00:52 Hareimu: ctrl+g
00:53 MMBan: Good idea
00:55 MMBan: done
00:55 Hareimu: 05:11:268 (1) - the end of this slider is out of the playfield
00:55 Hareimu: 05:13:397 (1) - the player is quite jumpy now, so having this slider to start right above the end of the previous one (stacked) isn't quite wanted.
00:55 MMBan: even while its out field
00:55 MMBan: it ends on x512
00:55 Hareimu: I'd rather ctrl+g 05:13:397 (1) -
00:56 Hareimu: it's a lot better
00:57 MMBan: Ok
00:58 Hareimu: 05:29:655 (1) - ctrl+h
00:58 Hareimu: actually, move it to x:400
01:00 MMBan: 1Ok
01:01 Hareimu: well
01:01 Hareimu: I've gotta say
01:01 Hareimu: this was by far the most extended, productive, and intuitive mod I've done.
01:02 MMBan: quats should give 4 kudos for this
01:03 Hareimu: everything else is okay, aside of some NCs and hitsounding stuff that I think you'll be able to solve
01:03 Hareimu: if you can't solve them, hitsounding-nc specific mods will solve them
01:03 Hareimu: and... I think that's it
01:03 MMBan: Hitsounding i were fixing meantime
01:04 Hareimu: hand me over the .osu file again?
01:04 Hareimu: I'm gonna test it again so that I can't take more issues out of it
01:05 MMBan:
01:05 Hareimu: also 00:14:364 (2,3) - I think I've made a point in the old modpost to spread these out to the left or something
01:07 Hareimu: 01:05:461 (2) - this is almost an edge jump.
01:07 Hareimu: reduce the distance between that one and the previous-next objects
01:08 MMBan: problem will be with keeping hdash from 2 to 3
01:08 Hareimu: if it doesn't trigger hdash onto 01:06:042 (3) - , try moving 01:06:042 (3) - more to the left and curve it progressively
01:08 Hareimu: wait, got a better idea
01:08 Hareimu: 01:05:074 (1) - ctrl+g this one
01:09 Hareimu: that's it
01:12 Hareimu: 02:57:526 (2,1) - ctrl+h these two
01:12 Hareimu: and ctrl+g 02:57:526 (2) -
01:13 MMBan: ok
01:13 Hareimu: 03:04:881 (6) - ctrl+h this one too
01:14 MMBan: Aright
01:15 Hareimu: antiflow section is a-ok
01:15 Hareimu: I fc'd it
01:15 MMBan: For me it varies on condition
01:15 MMBan: Sometimes i'm able to play difficult stuff sometimes i'm not even able to pass platters
01:16 Hareimu: it's ready.
01:16 MMBan: Ok
01:16 MMBan: I'll back up old version (For those who want play it) and update new one
Topic Starter
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Too long to write. Highlight
hello, random passerby. o/

my english is not good so you may need google translation :o

the second attempt mod ctb map :?


Tags: Ultimate Synthesis overdose slider cat Rin Kaenbyou æ±æ–¹åœ°éœŠæ®¿ã€€ï½ž Subterranean Animism Be of good cheer! corpse voyage touhou chireiden Lamenting Wailing Hell Music ã™ã¿ã˜ã‚…ã‚“ sumijun ç–’ ã»ãŸã‚‹

I'm not sure if it was because my computer was bad...Or is really garbled

Kasha Grip

00:22:977 (4) - change the sampleset to auto ? i think this sounds better

00:24:429 (3) - change the sampleset to normal ? like here 00:19:784 (3,5,1) -

i think you can add hyperdash at sampleset-normal's part between 00:13:977 - to 00:24:816 - like these 00:13:203 (3,1) - and 00:19:784 (3,4,5,6,1) -

00:38:364 (6,7,8,9,1) - try or ? i think this is more in line with the rhythm

01:25:203 (1,2,3) - move the timeline like this feels better

02:01:590 (2) - end this slider at 02:01:881 - and add a slider at 02:01:977 - to 02:02:171 -

02:54:042 (5) - move to the left half for example x=196 y=128 feels better

03:02:945 - and 03:03:332 - add circles ?

03:05:848 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - move like this

03:06:622 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - also move like this

04:15:332 (1) - move to the left half feels more follows vocal

04:16:687 (2,3,4,5) - maybe... move the timeline if you think this is better ?
In addition, the first and fourth kiai time can also be considered into this way, if you think this is better

04:27:719 (1) - move to the left half like 04:30:623 (7,1) -

05:08:945 - change the hitsound to S:C1 Whistle

05:46:300 - cancel this hyperdash and add a hyperdash 05:46:687 -

good map,hope to help you :)

If you do not understand any part , please contact me :?
Topic Starter

ZX123456 wrote:

hello, random passerby. o/

my english is not good so you may need google translation :o

the second attempt mod ctb map :?


Tags: Ultimate Synthesis overdose slider cat Rin Kaenbyou æ±æ–¹åœ°éœŠæ®¿ã€€ï½ž Subterranean Animism Be of good cheer! corpse voyage touhou chireiden Lamenting Wailing Hell Music ã™ã¿ã˜ã‚…ã‚“ sumijun ç–’ ã»ãŸã‚‹

I knew that something is wrong there. Fixed. My New PC doesn't likes non letters

I'm not sure if it was because my computer was bad...Or is really garbled

Kasha Grip

00:22:977 (4) - change the sampleset to auto ? i think this sounds better Auto is on blue while Normal on red tick. Which is loudest

00:24:429 (3) - change the sampleset to normal ? like here 00:19:784 (3,5,1) - Added missing hitsound

i think you can add hyperdash at sampleset-normal's part between 00:13:977 - to 00:24:816 - like these 00:13:203 (3,1) - and 00:19:784 (3,4,5,6,1) - Nah. That would be to brutal a bit

00:38:364 (6,7,8,9,1) - try or ? i think this is more in line with the rhythm Staying with Hareimu idea

01:25:203 (1,2,3) - move the timeline like this feels better That's a bit overmapping for my guess. Its 1/4 hdash

02:01:590 (2) - end this slider at 02:01:881 - and add a slider at 02:01:977 - to 02:02:171 - I were trying it to do something there during hareimu mod but this wouldn't allow to recover a little. I wait for bn's idea

02:54:042 (5) - move to the left half for example x=196 y=128 feels better Bad idea

03:02:945 - and 03:03:332 - add circles ? Added one on 03:03:332 -

03:05:848 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - move like this Nah.

03:06:622 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - also move like this Like above

04:15:332 (1) - move to the left half feels more follows vocal Ok

04:16:687 (2,3,4,5) - maybe... move the timeline if you think this is better ?
In addition, the first and fourth kiai time can also be considered into this way, if you think this is better

04:27:719 (1) - move to the left half like 04:30:623 (7,1) - Added missing hdash

05:08:945 - change the hitsound to S:C1 Whistle Forgot to add. There was aslo few missing claps. Fixed

05:46:300 - cancel this hyperdash and add a hyperdash 05:46:687 - Meh. Were silly to put hdash there.. Fixed.

good map,hope to help you :)

If you do not understand any part , please contact me :?
[Kasha Grip]
  1. 00:14:364 (2) - this moving little weird for me. How about Ctrl+G and move to X:356
  2. If you accept ^ 00:14:655 (3) - move to X:384
  3. 00:23:655 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - I think this stream need more moving if you agree 00:23:655 (3,4) - X:220, 00:24:042 (1,2) - X:244, 00:24:429 (3) - X:184, X:92
  4. 00:55:203 (3,4) - little strong beat, use Ctrl+G
  5. 00:58:300 (3,4) - same reason 00:58:300 (3) - move X:248 00:58:397 (4) - X:304
If i finish modding give me kds. not yet :)
sorry for late
My english is not good.
But I like this song so I try to mod it.

01:18:042 (2) - Voice is end on 01:18:235 - when I use 25% playback.
02:02:171 - Add a new circle?
02:27:139 (1,2) - Put big slider at this part is strange in my opinion. This rhythm is very violent.
Maybe make a lot of circles or round trip sliders.
02:37:784 - Add a new circle? I think miss a combo.
03:26:752 (2) - I think need add a new combo on 03:26:945 - Maybe can use two sliders or a round trip slider.
like this
03:46:203 (2) - This slider I will start on 03:46:300 - and end on 03:46:493 -
04:18:623 (3,4) - like 02:27:139 (1,2) -
05:30:235 (3) - This slider I will make to 05:30:429 - and add a new circle on 05:30:623 -
05:32:945 (5,6) - like 02:27:139 (1,2) - and 04:18:623 (3,4) -
Topic Starter
Updated 18.07.2017

01:18:042 (2) - Voice is end on 01:18:235 - when I use 25% playback. Fix
02:02:171 - Add a new circle? Fix
02:27:139 (1,2) - Put big slider at this part is strange in my opinion. This rhythm is very violent. Slider hell domen
Maybe make a lot of circles or round trip sliders.
02:37:784 - Add a new circle? I think miss a combo. Fix
03:26:752 (2) - I think need add a new combo on 03:26:945 - Maybe can use two sliders or a round trip slider.
like this Accepted
03:46:203 (2) - This slider I will start on 03:46:300 - and end on 03:46:493 -
04:18:623 (3,4) - like 02:27:139 (1,2) - Redone and fix. (More SC3 and SC4)
05:30:235 (3) - This slider I will make to 05:30:429 - and add a new circle on 05:30:623 - Done
05:32:945 (5,6) - like 02:27:139 (1,2) - and 04:18:623 (3,4) - Slider hell memo. I know what you mean....

Fixed some missing hitsounds
Yo, grając ostatnio tą mape znalazłem pare rzeczy które mógłbyś poprawić i also chciałem Ci pomóc w zebraniu 100 gwiazdek żebyś mógł wreszcie to pushnąć dalej.

00:17:461 (4) - nowe combo dla konsystencji

00:17:655 (5,6,7,8) - pattern wydaje sie trochę drewniany, może dodaj troszkę movementu?

00:31:010 (5,6,7,8) - mógłbyś zaokrąglić tego streamka żeby miał lepszy movement

nowe comba:

00:40:300 (5) -

01:23:655 (4) -

01:29:848 (4) -

01:32:945 (5,1) - dodaj nowe combo albo zamień pomiedzy tymi

02:44:171 (1,2,3,4) - zrób tego łuk bo średnio się to gra akurat

02:51:526 (5,6,7,8) - nie poniosła Cię tutaj wyobraźnia gościu? XD

03:26:364 (1,2,3) - za mało movementu

04:15:526 (2,1) - flowstop ;; posuń trochę (1)

04:17:848 (1,2) - to nie współgra ze sobą

Przydałoby sie cos zrobić z tą mapką do Japnaniconu :P
Topic Starter
Nevermind. Map in loved. Will do things after a lot time passes

Edited 21.01.2018

Atm this map is completely unplayable on osu!lazer. Don't try it
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