
Daydreamer - Travelling Light

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Topic Starter
Nel Oderschvank

- Sophia wrote:

21:02 *- Sophia is editing [ Daydreamer - Travelling Light [Jumping through the light]]
21:02 - Sophia: o mapa tá bom
21:02 - Sophia: mas da pra melhorar
21:02 Nel Oderschvank: oh
21:02 - Sophia: tipo EU nao usaria esse sv
21:02 - Sophia: muito baixo pra uma diff dessa
21:02 Nel Oderschvank: sv?
21:02 - Sophia: slider velocity
21:03 - Sophia: 1,50 pra 6.9* acho que nao vai(pelo menos pra mim)
21:03 Nel Oderschvank: ah, é, vc é a segunda pessoa q fala e eu tbm já notei o desconforto
21:03 - Sophia: fora que o mapa tem varias batidas fortes
21:03 - Sophia: tem hora q o car ata numa sessao enorme de jumpo
21:03 - Sophia: dai chega um slider lento
21:03 - Sophia: e ele da sb ali
21:03 - Sophia: 02:12:110 -
21:03 - Sophia: creio que aqui voce poderia usar mais dos slider ao inves de deixar só jump entende
21:04 - Sophia: tipo 1-2-3-slider4-5
21:04 - Sophia: acho que assi ficaria legal mas dai vai de voce
21:04 Nel Oderschvank: uma pessoa me deu uma ideia interessante pra essa parte
21:04 Nel Oderschvank: fazer os slide de tipo wub wub
21:04 Nel Oderschvank: usar reverse slide 112
21:04 Nel Oderschvank: 1/12
21:04 Nel Oderschvank: nas partes q tem batida forte
21:05 Nel Oderschvank: fazer uma parada diferente em vez de só spammar jump
21:05 - Sophia: 02:19:610 (1) -
21:05 - Sophia: aqui voce poderia fazer um slider
21:05 Nel Oderschvank: mas to inseguro heueuhe
21:05 - Sophia: 02:19:610 - daq
21:05 - Sophia: 02:19:943 -
21:05 - Sophia: aq
21:05 - Sophia: mesmo nao tendo som
21:05 - Sophia: eu faria
21:06 - Sophia: voce usa umas patterns muito random pros jumps
21:06 - Sophia: sei la
21:06 - Sophia: eu achei estranho
21:06 - Sophia: parece que nao tem um padrao
21:06 - Sophia: é tudo aleatorio
21:06 - Sophia: 02:56:110 (1) -
21:06 - Sophia: aqui nao entendi pq colocou sliders pra frente
21:06 Nel Oderschvank: pior q tem dhsudhausdhasd
21:06 - Sophia: como eu te falei
21:07 - Sophia: 02:55:943 (3) -
21:07 - Sophia: saiu da sessao de jump
21:07 - Sophia: 02:56:110 (1) -
21:07 - Sophia: slider lento
21:07 Nel Oderschvank: ah, é
21:07 - Sophia: a mesma coisa conta pra frente
21:07 - Sophia: ou tu poe green points aumentando a sv
21:07 - Sophia: ou vc troca no timing
21:07 - Sophia: pra tipo 1.8
21:07 - Sophia: 2
21:07 - Sophia: ou ate mais
21:07 - Sophia: pq é 120 bpm
21:08 - Sophia: acho q 2.5 ficaria bom
21:08 Nel Oderschvank: vou fazer green point em cada slide msm pq os slides da parte parada n precisa ser rápido
21:08 - Sophia: sim
21:09 Nel Oderschvank: mas e aí, sobre o q me falaram
21:09 Nel Oderschvank: adiro ou não?
21:09 Nel Oderschvank: xD
21:09 - Sophia: adiro?
21:09 Nel Oderschvank: imperativo de aderir
21:10 - Sophia: aderir sobre o que
21:10 Nel Oderschvank: reverse slide 1/12, slides no estilo wubwub map
21:10 Nel Oderschvank: 02:12:110 -
21:10 Nel Oderschvank: dessa parte em diante
21:10 - Sophia: faz pra ver como que fica
21:10 - Sophia: se alguem reclamar volta pra como tava
21:10 Nel Oderschvank: q é qnd as batidas ficam mais audíveis
21:11 - Sophia: eu faria o 1-2-3-slider4-5
21:11 - Sophia: mas dai vai de voce
21:11 - Sophia: é uma sugestao

boa sorte com o mapa :)
Comecei a trabalhar com as velocidades dos slides agora...

Obrigado pelo mod! :)
Diminui o volume do inicio ou da um jeito de mutar o caminho dos sliders , eles tao mto altos
00:06:110 (1) - esse por exemplo , deleta ele e escuta o som... vc pode so colocar um circulo em vez de fz slider art e colocar pausas ou msm spinners talvez
otro exemplo aki 00:18:235 (1) - , o fim do slider n tem som nenhum mas qnd o slider acaba vc escuta um barulhao comparado ao vazio existencial dessa musica

01:08:110 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - n tem mto motivo pro tamanho dos jumps ir diminuindo pq n existe nenhuma alteração de intensidade na musica
01:12:110 (1,2,3) - Sugiro deixar a distancia entre todos os jumps triangulares identica a n ser q tenha um ponto de enfase (da pra considerar q esses 01:12:443 (3,3,3) - por exemplo sejam mais intensos devido a diferença de tom ou o inicio do combo 01:12:110 (1,1,1) - por terem a batida principal da musica junto)
01:14:110 (1,1,1,1) - Acho q todos esses NC sao desnecessarios , dx so 1 2 3 4 normal msm
01:16:110 (1) - Nas patterns a partir daki eu sugiro q vc mude pra algo tipo assim pois as notas do inicio de cada combo 01:16:110 (1,1) - nao estao recebendo tanta enfase (Eu sei q nas partes anteriores como aki 01:12:443 (3,1) - o inicio do combo tb n recebeu a enfase certa mas ela n esta exatamente grudada na nota e existe uma mudança de movimento portanto esse é um caso especifico.
alem de q o pattern ta um poco estranho de se jogar entao recomendo q mude ele
01:18:110 (1) - se fizer a mudança do pattern anterior vc vai ter q modificar esse mas n mto
Continuando com esse pattern eu sugiro q vc considere uma alteração nele , Sugiro q vc organize as notas de uma forma melhor , do jeito atual parece um poco aleatorio , como se vc tivesse tacado triangulos la e só isso msm
01:20:110 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Esse pattern ta TOP , a estetica dele é algo q deveria ta presente no mapa todo
01:26:110 (1) - Sugiro q altere um poco esse pattern devido a movimentação dessa parte aki 01:25:943 (4,1,2) - / 01:26:443 (3,1) - esse é quase a msm coisa q eu falei la em cima tb mas acho q ta mais aceitavel
o bagulho ta começando a ficar repetitivo pra um krl entao vo da uma avançada
01:38:110 (1) - a partir daki eu acho q o mapa deu uma melhorada , os patterns parecem mais bem trabalhados
02:12:110 (1) - essa parte msm sendo mais intensa q as seções anteriores foi mapeada de forma mais fraca ou nem tao intensa quanto deveria ser
04:28:110 (1) - Pior ainda aki . a parte mais explosiva ta da msm forma do q as otras +- e vai crescendo ate passar a intensidade delas , ok
Mas o bagulho ta literalmente JUMPSPAM parecendo aqueles mapas ar10 arles ohad sei la oq , eu tb n consegui ver nenhum padrao mto claro nos jumps
Agr serio , realmente acho q merece remap focando mais na estetica.
01:07:889 - esse inicio seria uma parte calma e aki 02:45:176 - da uma aumentada e qnd chega na parte final 04:28:610 - vc explode do jeito q der mas tentando manter Um padrão claro (Tipo o mapa do monstruta la o "Crescendo")
Topic Starter
Nel Oderschvank

AlexTroIIPsy wrote:

Diminui o volume do inicio ou da um jeito de mutar o caminho dos sliders , eles tao mto altos
00:06:110 (1) - esse por exemplo , deleta ele e escuta o som... vc pode so colocar um circulo em vez de fz slider art e colocar pausas ou msm spinners talvez
otro exemplo aki 00:18:235 (1) - , o fim do slider n tem som nenhum mas qnd o slider acaba vc escuta um barulhao comparado ao vazio existencial dessa musica vou mutar sim, não tinha visto q o timing point tava em 50%, mas deixa minhas slide art `-´

01:08:110 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - n tem mto motivo pro tamanho dos jumps ir diminuindo pq n existe nenhuma alteração de intensidade na musica fixed
01:12:110 (1,2,3) - Sugiro deixar a distancia entre todos os jumps triangulares identica a n ser q tenha um ponto de enfase (da pra considerar q esses 01:12:443 (3,3,3) - por exemplo sejam mais intensos devido a diferença de tom ou o inicio do combo 01:12:110 (1,1,1) - por terem a batida principal da musica junto) mas as distâncias estão simétricas...
01:14:110 (1,1,1,1) - Acho q todos esses NC sao desnecessarios , dx so 1 2 3 4 normal msm fixed, nao tinha visto
01:16:110 (1) - Nas patterns a partir daki eu sugiro q vc mude pra algo tipo assim pois as notas do inicio de cada combo 01:16:110 (1,1) - nao estao recebendo tanta enfase (Eu sei q nas partes anteriores como aki 01:12:443 (3,1) - o inicio do combo tb n recebeu a enfase certa mas ela n esta exatamente grudada na nota e existe uma mudança de movimento portanto esse é um caso especifico.
alem de q o pattern ta um poco estranho de se jogar entao recomendo q mude ele modificada
01:18:110 (1) - se fizer a mudança do pattern anterior vc vai ter q modificar esse mas n mto
Continuando com esse pattern eu sugiro q vc considere uma alteração nele , Sugiro q vc organize as notas de uma forma melhor , do jeito atual parece um poco aleatorio , como se vc tivesse tacado triangulos la e só isso msm Ah, tem um padrão sim ali '-'
01:20:110 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Esse pattern ta TOP , a estetica dele é algo q deveria ta presente no mapa todo me exigiu mto esforço mental fazer ela ;-;
01:26:110 (1) - Sugiro q altere um poco esse pattern devido a movimentação dessa parte aki 01:25:943 (4,1,2) - / 01:26:443 (3,1) - esse é quase a msm coisa q eu falei la em cima tb mas acho q ta mais aceitavel
o bagulho ta começando a ficar repetitivo pra um krl entao vo da uma avançada
01:38:110 (1) - a partir daki eu acho q o mapa deu uma melhorada , os patterns parecem mais bem trabalhados
02:12:110 (1) - essa parte msm sendo mais intensa q as seções anteriores foi mapeada de forma mais fraca ou nem tao intensa quanto deveria ser
04:28:110 (1) - Pior ainda aki . a parte mais explosiva ta da msm forma do q as otras +- e vai crescendo ate passar a intensidade delas , ok
Mas o bagulho ta literalmente JUMPSPAM parecendo aqueles mapas ar10 arles ohad sei la oq , eu tb n consegui ver nenhum padrao mto claro nos jumps
Agr serio , realmente acho q merece remap focando mais na estetica. a intenção foi fazer como algo que vai crescendo aos poucos, partindo do ponto em que o player sabe que haverá spam de jump e que eles vão crescendo.
01:07:889 - esse inicio seria uma parte calma e aki 02:45:176 - da uma aumentada e qnd chega na parte final 04:28:610 - vc explode do jeito q der mas tentando manter Um padrão claro (Tipo o mapa do monstruta la o "Crescendo") Concordo e discordo... de certa forma as intensidades estão variando de maneira crescente nos pontos em que você citou, o que rola é que por o mapa ser tão repetitivo, uso patterns que varia as distance snap, mas de forma geral o começo está menos difícil que o meio, que por sua vez está menos difícil que o final...
red: não modificado
blue: modificado

Obrigado pelo mod!

  • 01:50:610 (3,1) - idk if it's intentional, but see if you can line up these sliders a little more perfectly. Not that it matters. Just aesthetics.

    02:19:110 (1,2,3,1) - During these 4 circles, there's that special gritty click going off before the next section. Anything different you could do here?

    03:50:110 (1) - There's a huge break starting here. I suppose it's ok to build up the suspense, but if I think it would be better if you mapped the build up here.

    I don't see anything else too note that should be changed. I'm sure there may be some ds issues, but this is a jump map, and it seems pretty consistent. ;)
Topic Starter
Nel Oderschvank

Lolipop wrote:

  • 01:50:610 (3,1) - idk if it's intentional, but see if you can line up these sliders a little more perfectly. Not that it matters. Just aesthetics. Well, yes, it's intentional xD

    02:19:110 (1,2,3,1) - During these 4 circles, there's that special gritty click going off before the next section. Anything different you could do here? I think so, but I did'nt see any way to do It without compromise the next patterns, so I don't think this is the kind of stuff that is necessary major modifications, I rather leave it this way xD

    03:50:110 (1) - There's a huge break starting here. I suppose it's ok to build up the suspense, but if I think it would be better if you mapped the build up here. Well, it's fair, you're the second person that warn about this break. I'll map a bit more.

    I don't see anything else too note that should be changed. I'm sure there may be some ds issues, but this is a jump map, and it seems pretty consistent. ;)

red: not modified
blue: modified

Thanks for the mod :)
Hey !

Little mod here (from #modreqs)


-You should add hitsounds to the claps in the kiais, it helps players in keeping the beat and hiting notes in the right time, you can go for an alternate clap/finish every white ticks to follow the song

Jumping through the light

01:51:110 (1) - Blanket is a bit off wups just seen it was intentional reading others post

04:12:110 Finish the break there, it's good to announce the incoming kiai and stuff

05:32:110 You could place a note here to finish

That's all i noticed, good luck !
Topic Starter
Nel Oderschvank

azer467 wrote:

Hey !

Little mod here (from #modreqs)


-You should add hitsounds to the claps in the kiais, it helps players in keeping the beat and hiting notes in the right time, you can go for an alternate clap/finish every white ticks to follow the song yesss hitsounding its something i was planning to add haha

Jumping through the light

01:51:110 (1) - Blanket is a bit off wups just seen it was intentional reading others post I just see what you guys was talking about, fixed ^^

04:12:110 Finish the break there, it's good to announce the incoming kiai and stuff well since i need to reduce the break, why not, fixed o/

05:32:110 You could place a note here to finish naaahh the original mp3 has 2 minutes more of piano song and i cutted the mp3 so the player stops to play at the of the end kiai xd

That's all i noticed, good luck !
red: not modified
blue: modified

Thanks for the mod ^^
Hi Nel :D

General Comments
  1. Add "Senses" "Dance" to tags according to this ( Senses is the name of the album and dance is within genre )

  2. I'd Recommend you to reduce the first long sliders slide volume since they sound too loud, by changing the sampleset to Soft and scroll to about 5% volume instead, from the begining until 01:06:120 - since it sounds unfitting considering that there is nothing to represent in middle of sliders because some of those are just individual beats/tones not actual continuous held sounds and add only inheriting sections with 30% volume at the start and the end of each slider

  3. i Suggest you to set a preview point a bit earlier here 04:27:620 - so you can fully hear the intial beat of the kiai

Jumping through the light
  1. 01:07:120 (1,2,3) - why not to keep the same transition you did between the first 6 notes of this pattern the same angular way like this

  2. 01:07:953 (3,1,2) - try to centralize it in the middle about x128,y158 then same with 01:08:286 (2,3,3,1) - so they can have a linear structure maybe

  3. 01:13:786 (2,3) - Ctrl+G this way flows better

  4. 01:19:786 (2,3) - move it a little bit to right

  5. 01:26:120 (1) - drag it a bit to x112,y208

  6. 01:26:453 (3) - to x224,y48 so its linear with 01:26:286 (2) - it plays slightly better imo

  7. 01:28:453 (4) - and 01:28:620 (1) - both with drum hitsounds doesnt fit seems inconsistent

  8. 01:29:453 (4,1) - ↑↑

  9. 01:27:620 (1) - 01:28:620 (1) - actually this reverses should start from here instead 01:27:786 - and 01:28:786 - to emphasize that sound more

  10. 01:29:786 (1) - ↑↑

  11. 01:33:786 (2) - hmm what about x432,y128 looks better

  12. 01:44:620 (1) - trry to stack it with 01:44:286 (2) - for better jumping flow

  13. 01:45:120 (1,2,3) - try better structure here too

  14. 02:09:953 (3) - stack it on 02:10:120 (1) - then move 02:09:786 (2) - to x128,y352

  15. 02:36:620 (1) - since this and 02:36:286 (2) - and 02:36:953 (3) - share the same sound i suggest you to give them same placement/spot stack them all on 02:36:286 (2) -

  16. 02:59:953 (3) - sounds like a weaker sound decrease 02:59:620 (1,2,3) - spacing a bit like this probably

  17. 03:04:120 (1) - there is strong sound in the middle of this slider try a slider+circle pattern to represent it

  18. 03:12:620 (1,2,3) - try wide angle jump here since you did the same with similiar sounds/part here 03:11:620 (1,2,3) -

  19. 03:14:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - im sure this part can be remapped better with sliders instead

  20. 03:32:120 (1) - i think you can improve the end part of this slider

  21. 04:29:286 (2,3) - Ctril+G so it plays same as 04:28:620 (4,5,6) - just for consistency at this startup

  22. 04:32:620 (4,5,6) - this looks like you decreased spacing here while u are supposed to increase it considering you were gradually increasing it this back and fourth jump pattern

  23. 04:39:120 - i feel like it would sound and look better if you kept increasing spacing gradually since there until 04:58:120 - considering that bacground held sounds keep increasing frequencies

  24. 05:10:286 (7,8) - move them a bit to left to centralize them in between 05:10:120 (6,9) -

  25. 05:17:120 (3) - stack it on 05:16:286 (7) -

  26. 05:29:953 (8) - since its the last jump make it the harder stack it on 05:31:120 (1) - for better structure and motion

Goodluck !!
Topic Starter
Nel Oderschvank

OSUjanaiKATSURAda wrote:

Hi Nel :D

General Comments
  1. Add "Senses" "Dance" to tags according to this ( Senses is the name of the album and dance is within genre ) well why not haha

  2. I'd Recommend you to reduce the first long sliders slide volume since they sound too loud, by changing the sampleset to Soft and scroll to about 5% volume instead, from the begining until 01:06:120 - since it sounds unfitting considering that there is nothing to represent in middle of sliders because some of those are just individual beats/tones not actual continuous held sounds and add only inheriting sections with 30% volume at the start and the end of each slider I don't think you have the right version, but I've added hitsounds and that's why the audio is 50%

  3. i Suggest you to set a preview point a bit earlier here 04:27:620 - so you can fully hear the intial beat of the kiai okay

Jumping through the light
  1. 01:07:120 (1,2,3) - why not to keep the same transition you did between the first 6 notes of this pattern the same angular way like this i rather keep this way so the transition to the next pattern be better

  2. 01:07:953 (3,1,2) - try to centralize it in the middle about x128,y158 then same with 01:08:286 (2,3,3,1) - so they can have a linear structure maybe nhe

  3. 01:13:786 (2,3) - Ctrl+G this way flows better I don't think so since the player came from a anti clockwise flow

  4. 01:19:786 (2,3) - move it a little bit to right why t.t

  5. 01:26:120 (1) - drag it a bit to x112,y208 not exactly these coordenates, but i've modified

  6. 01:26:453 (3) - to x224,y48 so its linear with 01:26:286 (2) - it plays slightly better imo nhe

  7. 01:28:453 (4) - and 01:28:620 (1) - both with drum hitsounds doesnt fit seems inconsistent yasss

  8. 01:29:453 (4,1) - ↑↑

  9. 01:27:620 (1) - 01:28:620 (1) - actually this reverses should start from here instead 01:27:786 - and 01:28:786 - to emphasize that sound more no lol, end of the reverse slide would be in a downbeat

  10. 01:29:786 (1) - ↑↑

  11. 01:33:786 (2) - hmm what about x432,y128 looks better

  12. 01:44:620 (1) - trry to stack it with 01:44:286 (2) - for better jumping flow would ruin the pattern

  13. 01:45:120 (1,2,3) - try better structure here too fixed a bit

  14. 02:09:953 (3) - stack it on 02:10:120 (1) - then move 02:09:786 (2) - to x128,y352 whut why

  15. 02:36:620 (1) - since this and 02:36:286 (2) - and 02:36:953 (3) - share the same sound i suggest you to give them same placement/spot stack them all on 02:36:286 (2) - nhe

  16. 02:59:953 (3) - sounds like a weaker sound decrease 02:59:620 (1,2,3) - spacing a bit like this probably fixed

  17. 03:04:120 (1) - there is strong sound in the middle of this slider try a slider+circle pattern to represent it

  18. 03:12:620 (1,2,3) - try wide angle jump here since you did the same with similiar sounds/part here 03:11:620 (1,2,3) -

  19. 03:14:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - im sure this part can be remapped better with sliders instead I think circles represents better the song "dying"

  20. 03:32:120 (1) - i think you can improve the end part of this slider but he is so nice t.t

  21. 04:29:286 (2,3) - Ctril+G so it plays same as 04:28:620 (4,5,6) - just for consistency at this startup couldnt see why, lol

  22. 04:32:620 (4,5,6) - this looks like you decreased spacing here while u are supposed to increase it considering you were gradually increasing it this back and fourth jump pattern fixed

  23. 04:39:120 - i feel like it would sound and look better if you kept increasing spacing gradually since there until 04:58:120 - considering that bacground held sounds keep increasing frequencies

  24. 05:10:286 (7,8) - move them a bit to left to centralize them in between 05:10:120 (6,9) -

  25. 05:17:120 (3) - stack it on 05:16:286 (7) -

  26. 05:29:953 (8) - since its the last jump make it the harder stack it on 05:31:120 (1) - for better structure and motion fixed

Goodluck !!
blue: modified
red: not modified

Thanks for the mod :)
T-Bone Shark
Hello, can't even beat your song lol, but this is the only thing I would change.
Jumping through the light
02:02:120 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I think part the second slider (1) should start on the second (3) and flow down and left to mirror the previous combo. Since you do most of your patterns twice then switch.

Good luck!!
Topic Starter
Nel Oderschvank

T-Bone Shark wrote:

Hello, can't even beat your song lol, but this is the only thing I would change.
Jumping through the light
02:02:120 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I think part the second slider (1) should start on the second (3) and flow down and left to mirror the previous combo. Since you do most of your patterns twice then switch.

Good luck!!
Hey T-Bone!!
I can't see how can this be better T.T if I change this, I would need to adapt the whole next patterns, so rather keep this way :3

Thanks for the mod!!
00:02:120 (1) - isso termina no tick branco
00:10:370 (1) - spinner desnecessário,eu acho
00:18:370 (1) - ^
00:26:370 (1) - ^
00:30:370 (1) - ^
00:38:370 (1) - ^
00:48:370 (1) - ^
00:58:370 (1) - ^
01:14:120 (1) - tela
05:27:286 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - a que ponto chegamos que caralho de espaçamento é esse maluco n consigo acompanhar nem no editor HAEUIDHUIAEDHIU
Topic Starter
Nel Oderschvank

corninho wrote:

00:02:120 (1) - isso termina no tick branco wtf pq cohones isso n ta no white tick, consertado lol
00:10:370 (1) - spinner desnecessário,eu acho vou manter os spinners por algumas razões: manter os player ocupado durante essa parte enjoada, manter o hp alto pro caso de hr players e pra representar o eco das notas de piano
00:18:370 (1) - ^ ^
00:26:370 (1) - ^ ^
00:30:370 (1) - ^ ^
00:38:370 (1) - ^ ^
00:48:370 (1) - ^ ^
00:58:370 (1) - ^ ^
01:14:120 (1) - tela consertado
05:27:286 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - a que ponto chegamos que caralho de espaçamento é esse maluco n consigo acompanhar nem no editor HAEUIDHUIAEDHIU bem, a música desde o começo do kiai deixa claro que a porra vai ficar sério no final, e o ritmo ta bem tenso no final, então por que não um espaçamento tenso? Aliás, isso está bem jogável ainda, 120bpm n precisa socar o teclado, então é só jogar o mouse e bater na nota o/
blue: modified
red: not modified

Obrigado pelo mod :)

White color is unrankable in kiai parts, consider changing it to a light gray or something
a lot of sliders could have a neater curve by using 2 gray anchors instead of one, using one doesn't make a circle but a parable which is really meh to see.
the rhythm of the first part is weird, it looks totally random, you put spinner for idk which reason and most of yours slider's end end on a strong sound for example this one 00:46:120 (1) -
what a waste of time adding 1 herited timing every 1/1, you could just rename the current hitsounds, for example : drum-hitfinish or soft-hitclap and use claps/finish for the same result.

Intestellar bg?
(all the pictures shows fixed slidershapes/suggestions)

00:06:120 (1) - you could accentuate the first red anchor to have a better curve like this :
00:12:120 (1) - use 2 anchor instead of one to have neater curves when using art sliders :
00:20:120 (1) - ^
00:34:120 (1) - ^
00:14:120 (1) - move a bit the first anchor to the right/down, it doesn't fit perfectly the slider's end shape
00:22:120 (1) - this slider doesn't look really neat, look at the surronded part of the slider in the picture :
01:00:120 (1) - the slider's end doesn't look really pretty, you can do something like this :
01:09:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - the change of the rotation seems too radical for such a small song, i would prefer to rotate them instead by -68° and you stack it on 01:08:786 (2,3) - . also this part doesn't seems to use a lot the right side
01:22:120 - can i understand why the hitsounds are different but it's the same part of the song?
01:27:620 (1) - it doesn't fit at all, replace it with the precedent triangle pattern that you have here 01:26:620 (1,2,3) -
01:30:120 - why nc every 2 combos now ? keep the 4/3 combo consistancy
01:33:120 (1,2,3) - instead of stacking it on the same pattern 3 times in a row, you could differentiate them from the 2 precedent combo by not stacking the highlighted circles with the precedent pattern and make a another unique pattern with 01:33:620 (1,2,3) -
01:34:120 (1,2,3,1) - rhythm used seems unfitting with the current nc pattern, i would nc every 4 objects instead of 3
01:48:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - the concept of inreasing/decreasing spacing is interesting but the visuals doesn't seem as good for me by making the spacing inconsistancy "random" : i excepted 01:48:620 (1,2,3) - to have the same visual spacing as 01:49:120 (1,2,3) - and 01:48:120 (1,2,3) - like 01:49:620 (1,2,3) - . now you have a A-B-B-A pattern
01:54:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - fix stacks, it looks bad for me
02:12:286 (2,3,1,2) - they don't look aligned
02:14:453 (3,2,3) - make a triangle, it makes the second 3 out of place
02:17:120 (1,3) - fix stacks
02:28:120 (1,2,3) - fix visuals, it doesn't look really pretty with 3 touching the border
02:31:620 (1,2,3) - not aligned
02:33:620 (1,2,3) - ^
02:37:620 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - flow used is weird, i was excepting that the triangle is rotated by -45°, this is unexcepted
02:41:453 (3,1) - brutal unconfortable flow change and small spacing for whatever reason
03:14:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - a least, try to make this visually more polished, 03:14:953 (3) - could be placed at x293 y238 and 03:15:120 (1,2,3) - could have a consistant spacing like 03:14:120 (1,2,3) -
03:19:120 (1,1) - fix stack lol
03:28:120 (1) - the second gray anchor could be moved to the left for a better curve
03:36:120 (1) - the slider's end isn't parallal to the slider's head
03:46:120 (1) - ehh, fix blanket for this one
03:48:370 (1,1) - you could map the next part or deleting this, keeping this look like very unfinished
04:28:120 - MY EARS OMG, could you reduce the volume this part of the song ? (actual song, not hitsounds), if you're planning this for ranked, you can abandon this immediately and trying to feature it in the loved section if you're keeping this.
also why making it so similar to the precedents sections if this part of the song is very different ?
05:00:120 - fiix NC's until the end of the song by switching nc of these 05:00:120 (4,1) - 05:01:620 (9,1) - , it's nonsense to nc on a 1/3 tick and not on the white one
05:12:286 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - unstructured random pattern, they overlaps each other for no reason

sorry for being salty in the end of my mod and gl
Topic Starter
Nel Oderschvank

realy0_ wrote:


White color is unrankable in kiai parts, consider changing it to a light gray or something fixed
a lot of sliders could have a neater curve by using 2 gray anchors instead of one, using one doesn't make a circle but a parable which is really meh to see. fixed
the rhythm of the first part is weird, it looks totally random, you put spinner for idk which reason and most of yours slider's end end on a strong sound for example this one 00:46:120 (1) - well since it's a boring part, I decided to add spinners for 3 reasons: 1. keep player busy; 2. avoid decreasing hp for hr player; 3. represent the piano echo. About the slides ending in a strong sound, imo is okay since its only piano notes
what a waste of time adding 1 herited timing every 1/1, you could just rename the current hitsounds, for example : drum-hitfinish or soft-hitclap and use claps/finish for the same result. yea, I did myself, was learning about hitsounding^^

Intestellar bg?
(all the pictures shows fixed slidershapes/suggestions)

00:06:120 (1) - you could accentuate the first red anchor to have a better curve like this : fixed all stuffs about slides
00:12:120 (1) - use 2 anchor instead of one to have neater curves when using art sliders :
00:20:120 (1) - ^
00:34:120 (1) - ^
00:14:120 (1) - move a bit the first anchor to the right/down, it doesn't fit perfectly the slider's end shape
00:22:120 (1) - this slider doesn't look really neat, look at the surronded part of the slider in the picture :
01:00:120 (1) - the slider's end doesn't look really pretty, you can do something like this :
01:09:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - the change of the rotation seems too radical for such a small song, i would prefer to rotate them instead by -68° and you stack it on 01:08:786 (2,3) - . also this part doesn't seems to use a lot the right side modified
01:22:120 - can i understand why the hitsounds are different but it's the same part of the song? what? it didnt
01:27:620 (1) - it doesn't fit at all, replace it with the precedent triangle pattern that you have here 01:26:620 (1,2,3) -fixed
01:30:120 - why nc every 2 combos now ? keep the 4/3 combo consistancy fixed
01:33:120 (1,2,3) - instead of stacking it on the same pattern 3 times in a row, you could differentiate them from the 2 precedent combo by not stacking the highlighted circles with the precedent pattern and make a another unique pattern with 01:33:620 (1,2,3) - modified
01:34:120 (1,2,3,1) - rhythm used seems unfitting with the current nc pattern, i would nc every 4 objects instead of 3 fixed
01:48:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - the concept of inreasing/decreasing spacing is interesting but the visuals doesn't seem as good for me by making the spacing inconsistancy "random" : i excepted 01:48:620 (1,2,3) - to have the same visual spacing as 01:49:120 (1,2,3) - and 01:48:120 (1,2,3) - like 01:49:620 (1,2,3) - . now you have a A-B-B-A pattern modified
01:54:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - fix stacks, it looks bad for me nah, already did stacked and i rather this way
02:12:286 (2,3,1,2) - they don't look aligned wasn't exactly the intention, but okay fixed
02:14:453 (3,2,3) - make a triangle, it makes the second 3 out of place hm why not
02:17:120 (1,3) - fix stacks nhe
02:28:120 (1,2,3) - fix visuals, it doesn't look really pretty with 3 touching the border fixed
02:31:620 (1,2,3) - not aligned fixed
02:33:620 (1,2,3) - ^
02:37:620 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - flow used is weird, i was excepting that the triangle is rotated by -45°, this is unexcepted modified
02:41:453 (3,1) - brutal unconfortable flow change and small spacing for whatever reason modified
03:14:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - a least, try to make this visually more polished, 03:14:953 (3) - could be placed at x293 y238 and 03:15:120 (1,2,3) - could have a consistant spacing like 03:14:120 (1,2,3) - modified
03:19:120 (1,1) - fix stack lol ? lol
03:28:120 (1) - the second gray anchor could be moved to the left for a better curve fixed
03:36:120 (1) - the slider's end isn't parallal to the slider's head wtf
03:46:120 (1) - ehh, fix blanket for this one fixed
03:48:370 (1,1) - you could map the next part or deleting this, keeping this look like very unfinished it seems okay for me...
04:28:120 - MY EARS OMG, could you reduce the volume this part of the song ? (actual song, not hitsounds), if you're planning this for ranked, you can abandon this immediately and trying to feature it in the loved section if you're keeping this.
also why making it so similar to the precedents sections if this part of the song is very different ? Since you are the first to apresent the volume as a problem, i'll wait somebody else comment about it
05:00:120 - fiix NC's until the end of the song by switching nc of these 05:00:120 (4,1) - 05:01:620 (9,1) - , it's nonsense to nc on a 1/3 tick and not on the white one fixed
05:12:286 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - unstructured random pattern, they overlaps each other for no reason fixed

sorry for being salty in the end of my mod and gl

blue: modified
red: not modified

thanks for the mod!! :D
wow i just noticed that my english was bad when i wrote this xd
Topic Starter
Nel Oderschvank

realy0_ wrote:

wow i just noticed that my english was bad when i wrote this xd
My english isnt that good either, but I could understand what you mean, so that's what matters, haha
so I don't know how to go about modding this because the rhythm is pretty stagnant and a lot of the map is mostly jumps and I haven't done mv1 in a while so here we go

Jumping Through the Light

01:10:120 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - these jumps are smaller than the jumps at 01:06:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3), which is mapping the same sounds, and you seem to be using the same concept (smaller to bigger jumps every fourth measure), so imo you need to be more consistent here considering its the same sounds repeating
01:14:120 (1,2,3,4) - underwhelming compared to the prior mapping of the same sounds
01:22:120 (1,1,1,1) - the sliders completely gloss over the 1/2 sounds
there's more to point out here so I'm just gonna make a general statement
01:06:120 to 02:09:953 - Overall this section isn't bad, I just think there needs to be a bit more consistency in the rhythm choices and distance spacing. The sound is pretty much the same thing the entire time, but it does change a bit, as in, it gets louder, which I feel you could reflect a bit more, perhaps with increasingly more difficult jumps? I'm not saying you need to scrap this at all, just a few adjustments.

02:25:120 - there are a few unique sounds here that I feel should be represented as they are pretty significant
02:40:620 - ^
02:56:120 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - kinda unfitting consdering the first slider misses sounds
03:07:620 (3,4) - - unique sound here could be emphasized more by mapping different objects than the same ones you did
04:59:620 (1,2,3) - i feel like these objects are too similar to the jumps going on during this kiai considering they're a unique sound, perhaps make them a repeat slider, or smaller jumps instead?
05:31:120 (1) - Imo this would be a better as a 1/1 repeat slider so that the reverb and piano at 05:31:120 (2) is mapped
I like this map alot, I just think there needs to be more consistency with your concept for mapping this song. You appear to making the map more difficult as the song gets louder/more impactful, however in the first to non-slider art section, you could emphasize that a bit more imo (and have some better rhythm choices at parts)
Anyways, GOOD LUCK, this map isn't your typical map and it's cool so I'd like to see it be pushed either to rank or loved or somethin
Topic Starter
Nel Oderschvank

cosmiccc wrote:

so I don't know how to go about modding this because the rhythm is pretty stagnant and a lot of the map is mostly jumps and I haven't done mv1 in a while so here we go

Jumping Through the Light
wow, what a work haha

01:10:120 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - these jumps are smaller than the jumps at 01:06:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3), which is mapping the same sounds, and you seem to be using the same concept (smaller to bigger jumps every fourth measure), so imo you need to be more consistent here considering its the same sounds repeating if you notice, the intensity kinda decrease, so that's why I decreased ds
01:14:120 (1,2,3,4) - underwhelming compared to the prior mapping of the same sounds
01:22:120 (1,1,1,1) - the sliders completely gloss over the 1/2 sounds I didn't get that ;-;
there's more to point out here so I'm just gonna make a general statement
01:06:120 to 02:09:953 - Overall this section isn't bad, I just think there needs to be a bit more consistency in the rhythm choices and distance spacing. The sound is pretty much the same thing the entire time, but it does change a bit, as in, it gets louder, which I feel you could reflect a bit more, perhaps with increasingly more difficult jumps? I'm not saying you need to scrap this at all, just a few adjustments. Yeah, in general, this sections has especific subsections that bothers me... I'll work on it

02:25:120 - there are a few unique sounds here that I feel should be represented as they are pretty significant I don't think would be nice I just decide to follow these rare sounds...
02:40:620 - ^
02:56:120 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - kinda unfitting consdering the first slider misses sounds not exactly... these sliders are representing the change of intensity, so I decided emphasize this change by doing these sliders
03:07:620 (3,4) - - unique sound here could be emphasized more by mapping different objects than the same ones you did yea, fixed
04:59:620 (1,2,3) - i feel like these objects are too similar to the jumps going on during this kiai considering they're a unique sound, perhaps make them a repeat slider, or smaller jumps instead? but why smaller or repeat slider? they are really loud and strong notes, wouldn't be coherent I do something like this...
05:31:120 (1) - Imo this would be a better as a 1/1 repeat slider so that the reverb and piano at 05:31:120 (2) is mapped same concept above
I like this map alot, I just think there needs to be more consistency with your concept for mapping this song. You appear to making the map more difficult as the song gets louder/more impactful, however in the first to non-slider art section, you could emphasize that a bit more imo (and have some better rhythm choices at parts) That was exactly my intention! But this whole thing about "being more consistency" is too subjective D: but I'm working on it
Anyways, GOOD LUCK, this map isn't your typical map and it's cool so I'd like to see it be pushed either to rank or loved or somethin Thankssss, me too haha
Thanks a lot for the mod :)
Hello, from my queue~

Background is beyond cool

00:22:120 (1) - i would try to avoid these two parts almost touching
00:42:120 (1) - would look better like this imo
00:45:120 (1) - this is not perfectly stacked on 00:42:120 (1) - , but it still overlaps with 00:46:120 (1) - , so i would try to avoid this
00:50:120 (1) - could improve this part of the slider, to also fit 00:53:120 (1) - in better
01:25:120 (1,3) - fix blanket
02:02:620 (2,3,4) - doesnt look really nice, would equel spacing from 2 to 3 and to 4
02:02:620 (2) - also, this isnt stacked on the sliderend of 1
02:23:453 (3,1) - this flow feels weird, jumping from 2 to 1 of next combo feels better
02:51:620 (1) - doesnt have enough emphasis imo, feels too weak
02:54:286 (2,3) - would ctrl+g this and the following parts, because flow into this feels weird
02:58:120 (1) - would definately space this further away
02:57:120 (1,2,3) - looks weird because of not equal spacing
03:36:120 (1) - would make the beginning rounder so it looks better with the end
04:12:120 (1) - could improve this slider
04:31:786 (5,1) - i dont like how they almost touch
04:40:620 (4) - this one is out of screen
04:41:120 (1,2,3,4) - this feels really weird
05:06:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
05:15:953 (6) - off screen again
05:28:286 (8,1) - dont like this overlap
05:30:620 (1) - offscreen
05:31:286 (1) - i think a spinner could do here

cool map and song, has some nice ideas

gl :)
Topic Starter
Nel Oderschvank

Sandwich wrote:

Hello, from my queue~

Background is beyond cool

00:22:120 (1) - i would try to avoid these two parts almost touching fixed
00:42:120 (1) - would look better like this imo fixed
00:45:120 (1) - this is not perfectly stacked on 00:42:120 (1) - , but it still overlaps with 00:46:120 (1) - , so i would try to avoid this fixed
00:50:120 (1) - could improve this part of the slider, to also fit 00:53:120 (1) - in better fixed
01:25:120 (1,3) - fix blanket fixed
02:02:620 (2,3,4) - doesnt look really nice, would equel spacing from 2 to 3 and to 4 fixed
02:02:620 (2) - also, this isnt stacked on the sliderend of 1 what? dsdasda
02:23:453 (3,1) - this flow feels weird, jumping from 2 to 1 of next combo feels better is okay for me
02:51:620 (1) - doesnt have enough emphasis imo, feels too weak fixed
02:54:286 (2,3) - would ctrl+g this and the following parts, because flow into this feels weird was the intention
02:58:120 (1) - would definately space this further away I can't see anything wrong
02:57:120 (1,2,3) - looks weird because of not equal spacing fixed
03:36:120 (1) - would make the beginning rounder so it looks better with the end modified
04:12:120 (1) - could improve this slider whats wrong with it?
04:31:786 (5,1) - i dont like how they almost touch lol hdsaudha
04:40:620 (4) - this one is out of screen I think this limit is fine, but as i'm not sure, modified
04:41:120 (1,2,3,4) - this feels really weird fixed
05:06:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^ fixed
05:15:953 (6) - off screen again fixed
05:28:286 (8,1) - dont like this overlap fixed
05:30:620 (1) - offscreen fixed
05:31:286 (1) - i think a spinner could do here no lol

cool map and song, has some nice ideas thanks :3

gl :)
Thanks a lot for the mod!!
ngm me chamou mas pq n ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

00:14:120 (1) - esse slider ta quase offscreen, considera mover ele um pouco mais pra cima
00:22:120 (1) - ^
01:46:120 (1,2,3,4) - se eu entendi direito o que vc ta seguindo aqui, 01:45:620 (1,2,3) - isso deveria ser um slider tbm, eh o mesmo som
01:48:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - essa parte eh bem confusa de ler comparando com o resto dos jumps até agora, tenta fazer algo mais simples aqui
02:02:120 (1,2,3,4) - aqui vc usa um movimento full circular, enquanto em 02:03:120 (1,2,3,4) - e 02:04:120 (1,2,3,4) - vc usa um movimento meio que não tão intuitivo com os circulos, tenta usar só uma das opções pra ficar mais consistente
02:06:120 (1,2,3,4) - aqui é pq eu sou chato mesmo mas me da um pouco de agonia ver os sliders n apontando perfeitamente um para o outro
02:12:286 (2,3,1,2) - movimento meio ruim, tbm eh o unico grupo de 4 circulos q vc usa só esse angulo no mapa aparentemente, fica melhor se vc flipar os (1,2,3) deixando algo >assim<
02:15:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - angulo bem ruim de jogar, e aqui 02:15:953 (3,1) - vc ainda da bastante enfase pra uma som fraco comparado a esse som por exemplo 02:16:620 (1) -
02:36:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - a pattern em si funciona como todas as outras, mas visualmente fica bem estranho, normalmente é sempre uma repetição da mesma pattern só que rotacionando, mas aqui vc meio que fez uma bagunça
02:51:620 (1) - desliga o kiai aqui e religa ele aqui 02:52:120 (1) - só pra dar o efeito visual em jogo de qdo o kiai entra mesmo, da uma enfase legal no gap que tem ali
03:07:620 (3) - faz isso aqui tbm se decidir usar a sugestão abaixo
03:07:786 (4) - talvez deletar isso pra dar mais enfase nesse som forte 03:07:620 (3) -
03:20:120 (1) - outro slider muito perto de estar offscreen
03:46:120 (1) - talvez começar o break no final desse slider fique melhor ja que esse som constante de fundo começa +/- ali
04:58:120 (1) - faz o lance da pausa no kiai aqui tbm e retoma aqui 05:00:120 (1) -
05:30:120 (1,1,1) - eu entendi a enfase pro final da musica, mas ainda acho melhor mapear os sons que vc n ta usando agr e mapear os sons em 05:31:620 e 05:32:120 com um spacing baixo

não moddei mto o ultitmo kiai pq eu nem consigo jogar aquilo entao lel, mas boa sorte com o mapa, ta bem daora, nao de kds se eu n tiver ajudado em nada
Topic Starter
Nel Oderschvank

Simuzax wrote:

ngm me chamou mas pq n ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

00:14:120 (1) - esse slider ta quase offscreen, considera mover ele um pouco mais pra cima fixed
00:22:120 (1) - ^ fixed
01:46:120 (1,2,3,4) - se eu entendi direito o que vc ta seguindo aqui, 01:45:620 (1,2,3) - isso deveria ser um slider tbm, eh o mesmo som queria dar uma pausa na seção de jump q o player veio usando slide 1/1
01:48:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - essa parte eh bem confusa de ler comparando com o resto dos jumps até agora, tenta fazer algo mais simples aqui mas tem patterns mais complexas que essa...
02:02:120 (1,2,3,4) - aqui vc usa um movimento full circular, enquanto em 02:03:120 (1,2,3,4) - e 02:04:120 (1,2,3,4) - vc usa um movimento meio que não tão intuitivo com os circulos, tenta usar só uma das opções pra ficar mais consistente fixed
02:06:120 (1,2,3,4) - aqui é pq eu sou chato mesmo mas me da um pouco de agonia ver os sliders n apontando perfeitamente um para o outro td bem '-'
02:12:286 (2,3,1,2) - movimento meio ruim, tbm eh o unico grupo de 4 circulos q vc usa só esse angulo no mapa aparentemente, fica melhor se vc flipar os (1,2,3) deixando algo >assim< fixed de outra forma
02:15:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - angulo bem ruim de jogar, e aqui 02:15:953 (3,1) - vc ainda da bastante enfase pra uma som fraco comparado a esse som por exemplo 02:16:620 (1) - fixed
02:36:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - a pattern em si funciona como todas as outras, mas visualmente fica bem estranho, normalmente é sempre uma repetição da mesma pattern só que rotacionando, mas aqui vc meio que fez uma bagunça ajeitei o que estava te dando impressão de bagunça
02:51:620 (1) - desliga o kiai aqui e religa ele aqui 02:52:120 (1) - só pra dar o efeito visual em jogo de qdo o kiai entra mesmo, da uma enfase legal no gap que tem ali alterado
03:07:620 (3) - faz isso aqui tbm se decidir usar a sugestão abaixo
03:07:786 (4) - talvez deletar isso pra dar mais enfase nesse som forte 03:07:620 (3) - creio que o som que esse slide faz é importante e ficaria um sentido de vazio
03:20:120 (1) - outro slider muito perto de estar offscreen fixed
03:46:120 (1) - talvez começar o break no final desse slider fique melhor ja que esse som constante de fundo começa +/- ali fixed
04:58:120 (1) - faz o lance da pausa no kiai aqui tbm e retoma aqui 05:00:120 (1) - fixed
05:30:120 (1,1,1) - eu entendi a enfase pro final da musica, mas ainda acho melhor mapear os sons que vc n ta usando agr e mapear os sons em 05:31:620 e 05:32:120 com um spacing baixo dhasuidhauish vou ter que cortar esse mp3 de novo pros modders pararem de falar desse pianinho chato...
já cortei o mp3 uma vez pro player parar de jogar nessa parte hypada

não moddei mto o ultitmo kiai pq eu nem consigo jogar aquilo entao lel, mas boa sorte com o mapa, ta bem daora, nao de kds se eu n tiver ajudado em nada obrigado o/
Ajudou sim... Obrigado pelo mod men :)
[Jumping through the light]
  1. Qualidade do mp3 está 128 kbps, eu recomendo que você sempre tente baixar a versão do album da música e deixe sempre em 192 kbps.
  2. Nessa parte inicial ficou um pouco aleatório os locais em que vc colocou o spinner em contraste com as sliders arts 00:02:120 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - . A música começa nesse ponto 00:02:120 - e se repete a partir de 00:10:120 - , dessa forma essa parte inicial da música se estrutura nas seguintes partes;
    00:02:120 - ~ 00:10:120 -
    00:10:120 - ~ 00:18:120 -
    00:18:120 - ~ 00:26:120 -
    00:26:120 - ~ 00:34:120 - Sendo que esta ultima é diferente das outras com relação ao piano e portanto faz sentido usar uma ideia diferente.
    00:34:120 - ~ 00:42:120 -
    Meu ponto aqui é que se vc observar como vc usou os sliders e spinners em cada um desses trechos vai notar que não estão consistentes. Em alguns momentos vc usa um slider pra iniciar a parte da música em outros é um spinner, não fez muito sentido.
  3. 02:29:620 (1,2,3) - /03:12:620 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Faltou hitsound aqui
  4. 04:20:119 (1) - Pra conseguir o efeito que vc quer com esse spinner de aumentar o som, vc tem que ficar alternando entre sample sets caso contrário não ira funcionar; tem que ficar um padrão de S - S:C1 - S - S:C1 etc
  5. A ideia que vc usou dos new combos foi executada as avessas. Quanto mais New Combo uma seção tem, mais intensa vc está querendo dizer ao player que ela é. Então invés de usar o padrão 1,2,3 logo no começo dessas seções de jump 02:12:120 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - e usar combos de 9 objetos no final 05:01:620 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - você tem que fazer justamente ao contrário;
    02:12:120 - ~ 02:43:620 - Aqui você usa NC pra cada 9 objetos
    02:44:120 - ~ 03:15:620 - Aqui você pode usa pra cada 6 objetos
    04:59:620 - ~ 05:30:120 - Unica parte que faz sentido usar a cada 3 objetos já que é aqui que o spacing aumentou demais.
  6. Os pontos positivos desse mapa são com certeza o hitsound e a capacidade de deixar claro que a música tem intensidades distintas em diferentes partes.
Agora para a parte triste; O mapa não está pronto para rank e dificilmente vc vai encontrar um BN que queira levar isso pra frente. Agora que eu já falei a parte triste da coisa vou justificar e espero que vc possa entender e captar que não estou falando que seu mapa é ruim, nem você como mapper errou, mas sim que o mapa tem alguns problemas na estrutura usada que fazem com que seja muito difícil ou quase impossível de rankea-lo.
Lembra quando uma das pessoas falou que o mapa parece jump training? Ele realmente dá essa sensação de que não é um mapa "real" mas um jump training. Isso acontece porque o ritmo que vc resolveu seguir na música é basicamente o uso constante de 1/3 circles durante um tempo absurdo de música. 02:12:120 - ~ 02:56:120 - são 44 segundos de constante jump. Você pode sim afirmar que o ritmo da música nesse momento é este apresentando, e eu não discordo, mas isso não significa que por spammar o ritmo da música o seu mapa necessariamente está a seguindo. Isso porque o seu mapa tem que ser capaz de "representar a música através do ritmo" e ao mesmo tempo "mostrar as mudanças na música através de algum elemento da jogabilidade". Nesse segundo quesito você não foi bem sucedido. Observe bem;
A música tem dois principais sons que ocorrem nessas partes mais intensas: um Kick 02:12:120 (1) - e um snare 02:12:620 (1) - . Esses sons são diferentes e portanto o mapa deveria ser capaz de transmitir para o jogador essa diferença, mas com você mapeou toda a seção como jump, eles jogam da mesma maneira. Também algo que faltou foi dar mais coesão aos jumps, eles parecem muito aleatórios da forma como foram pocisionados. Eu percebi alguns patterns como 02:28:286 (2,3) - os stacks do 2,3 ; mas os momentos que vc usam os stacks e não os usa 02:34:286 (2,3) - são aleatórios. Outro pattern que eu percebi foi o stack de 3 objetos 02:40:620 (1,3,2) - que são diferentes e possuem enfases na música distintas mas foram colocados juntos nesse pattern por um motivo que eu desconheço. Por algum motivo esses 02:48:120 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - fazem um pattern mas isso também veio do nada. E se você observar as distâncias usadas aqui 02:48:120 (1,2,3,1) - vai perceber que todo esse pattern dá dando ênfase no 02:48:453 (3) - que é um som bem fraco, deixando o 02:48:620 (1) - bem enfraquecido.

Em linhas gerais, o ritmo adotado não está ERRADO por si só. Mas por ter adotado esse ritmo você dificultou demais a representação musical do seu mapa tornando-o um jump traning. Isso porque como eu expliquei anteriormente os jumps não possuem uma ligação entre si, patterns claros, ou mesmo a ênfase adequada em vários momentos. Se fosse executado com sliders seria muito mais fácil mostrar um real contraste e deixaria o mapa menos repetitivo, guardando o spam de jumps apenas para a ultima parte dele. Foi uma ideia muito ambiciosa que se executada corretamente poderia funcionar, mas não o foi. Espero que entenda esses pontos e os leve em consideração no seu próximo projeto :)
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