
Camellia - Chirality [OsuMania]

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Chat mod!
13:20 Fresh Chicken: hi can i req mod
13:20 *Fresh Chicken is listening to [ Camellia - Chirality]
13:20 Fresh Chicken: thx
13:20 Kawawa: come
13:20 *Kawawa is editing [ Camellia - Chirality [SPECIAL]]
13:20 Kawawa: speical
13:20 Kawawa: 내가 하나를 보았죠
13:20 Fresh Chicken: Oh it's so special
13:20 Kawawa: 00:34:516 (34516|0) -
13:20 Fresh Chicken: !
13:20 Kawawa: 00:34:466 - 이거 3스냅같은데요?
13:20 Kawawa: 여기로
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 오호 그렇군여
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 수정!
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 스냅 노답이라
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 이거 노래
13:21 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 어
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 3스냅은 좀 빠른데
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 잠시만요
13:22 Fresh Chicken: 1/4 같아여
13:22 Kawawa: 4같네여
13:22 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ이거 마지막
13:22 Fresh Chicken: 스냅 보셨나요
13:22 Kawawa: 00:34:516 - 여기도 근데 될거같은데
13:22 Fresh Chicken: 마지막 맞추는게 제일오래걸림
13:22 Kawawa: 00:34:441 - 00:34:516 - 둘다있긴할듯
13:22 Fresh Chicken: 저기두
13:23 Fresh Chicken: 소리가 있네여
13:23 Kawawa: 한번 꺾이면서
13:23 Fresh Chicken: 헤 둘다넣어야지
13:23 Fresh Chicken: 넵 수정!
13:24 Kawawa: 01:06:531 - 여기 추가해도
13:24 Kawawa: 될듯한데여?
13:24 Kawawa:
13:24 Fresh Chicken: 거기는 꽤 크게 부각되는 부분만 2개씩 넣었는데 음 거기도 괜찮은거같긴한데
13:25 Fresh Chicken: 음 제 재략으로 바꿔봤어요
13:25 Fresh Chicken: *01:06:531 - 여기 추가해서
13:26 Kawawa: 뒤쪽 스냅엔
13:26 Kawawa: 문제없을듯
13:26 Kawawa: 저거 원래
13:26 Kawawa: BPM 변경되는 부분인데
13:26 Kawawa: 그냥 저런식으로 16스냅에 맞춰 플레이성만 고려해서 해도 상관없으니
13:26 Kawawa: 끝부분이기도 하고
13:27 Fresh Chicken: BPM을 변화하는것은 사치죵
13:27 Kawawa: 하
13:27 Fresh Chicken: 아 맞아 그러고보니
13:27 Kawawa: 오디오 기본 볼륨을
13:27 Kawawa: 키우세요!
13:27 Kawawa: 예?
13:27 Fresh Chicken: 이거 BG는 어울리나여? 제나름대로는 괜찮은거같은데
13:27 Fresh Chicken: 헉
13:27 Kawawa: 음
13:27 Kawawa: 뭔가 더 어두운거면
13:27 Kawawa: 좋을거같은데
13:27 Fresh Chicken: 0퍼센트는 충분히 들을수있을거같아요!
13:27 Fresh Chicken: 음
13:27 Fresh Chicken: Mr.Vampir...we need you...
13:27 Kawawa: 막
13:27 Kawawa: 밤 야경 같은거
13:28 Kawawa: 뭔가 딱 밤야경 같은게
13:28 Kawawa: 생각났는데
13:28 Fresh Chicken: 음 다시한번
13:28 Fresh Chicken: 써~치 해봐야겠군여
13:28 Kawawa: 00:04:814 (4814|3,4889|0,4963|1,5038|2) - 근데 이러한 파타들에서
13:28 Kawawa: 파트들에서
13:29 Kawawa: 00:04:665 (4665|0,4715|1,4764|2,4814|3) - 이게 그 지지직 거리는 사운드들을
13:29 Kawawa: 표현하신거잖아요
13:29 Fresh Chicken: 네?
13:29 Kawawa: 00:04:665 (4665|0,4715|1,4764|2,4814|3) -
13:29 Kawawa: 이거여
13:29 Fresh Chicken: 아 네
13:29 Fresh Chicken: 그런것들 지우는게
13:29 Fresh Chicken: 나을까 생각중이였는데
13:29 Kawawa: 아뇨
13:29 Kawawa: 지우는게 아니라
13:30 Fresh Chicken: 뭔가 느끼기가 힘들어서
13:30 Fresh Chicken: 네
13:30 Kawawa: 저거랑 이어지는 다음 음들이
13:30 Kawawa: 3스냅이라
13:30 Kawawa: 00:04:814 - 00:04:914 - 00:05:013 -
13:30 Kawawa: 이런식으로
13:30 Kawawa: 다다다다 다 다
13:30 Fresh Chicken: 네 근데 3스냅은 뒤에 멜로디에 뭍혀져서 너무
13:30 Fresh Chicken: 플레이할댸 느끼기가 힘들드라구여
13:30 Kawawa: 00:04:889 (4889|0,4963|1,5038|2) - 메인음 4스냅으로 초점을 변경하셨
13:30 Kawawa: 확실히
13:30 Kawawa: 6스냅 저거는
13:30 Kawawa: 플레이할때 느낄수가 없네요
13:31 Fresh Chicken: 네 그래서 차라리 지우는게 나을거같아서요
13:31 Kawawa: 약간 느껴지긴 하는데
13:31 Kawawa: 패턴이
13:31 Kawawa: 같은 방향 계단이라서
13:31 Kawawa: 그럴걸요?
13:31 Fresh Chicken: 음
13:32 Kawawa: 트릴이라거나 다른방향으로 해보면서
13:32 Kawawa: 느낌이 더 부각되는지
13:32 Kawawa: 한번 시도해보고, 그래도 아니다 싶으면 그때 삭제하시면 될듯하네요
13:32 Kawawa: 트릴로 해보니깐 나쁘진 않은거같은데
13:32 Fresh Chicken: 음 뭔가 트릴은 조용한부분에서 확 어려워지는 감이있어서
13:33 Kawawa: 그건 그렇긴해요
13:33 Fresh Chicken: 일단 저기는 생각을 좀 해봐야될거같아요
13:33 Kawawa: 넹
13:33 *Kawawa is editing [ Camellia - Chirality [HARD]]
13:33 Fresh Chicken: 의견 떙큐 비리 모치
13:35 Kawawa: 아니
13:35 Kawawa: 모딩을 뭘 잡으라는거야
13:35 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:35 Fresh Chicken: 그런말들으면 저는 기뻐져요
13:35 Kawawa: 그냥 구조가 튼튼해서
13:35 Kawawa: 맨날 우사기가 하는말이 생각나네
13:35 Kawawa: solid mapset
13:36 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ솔리드
13:36 Fresh Chicken: 뀨뀨
13:36 Kawawa: 00:55:336 -
13:36 Kawawa: 여기 추가하는게 어때요?
13:37 Fresh Chicken: 오 좋네염
13:37 Fresh Chicken: 3에 추가!
13:37 Kawawa: 00:55:336 - 여기서부터 시작해서 올라가는 느낌인데
13:37 Kawawa: 넹
13:38 Kawawa: 하드는 없는데
13:38 Kawawa: 스폐셜에서 하나 봐야할게
13:38 Kawawa: 더 생긴거같아요
13:38 Fresh Chicken: 오 네네
13:40 Kawawa: 01:32:277 (92277|2,92426|1,92575|0) -
13:40 Kawawa: 전 이게 다소 애매하도 생각하는데
13:40 Kawawa: 이런식으로 바꿔서
13:40 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ저랑 똑같은
13:40 Fresh Chicken: 생각하시네여
13:40 Kawawa: 한번 보실래요?
13:40 Kawawa: 저게 완벽할듯한데
13:40 Fresh Chicken: 저거 마지막이 쓩 올라가는 느낌이 들어서
13:41 Fresh Chicken: 저거 8스냅맞나여?
13:41 Kawawa: 넹
13:41 Kawawa: 01:32:501 - 01:32:613 -
13:41 Kawawa: 여기요
13:41 Fresh Chicken: 01:32:501 - 음 뭔가 여기서 올라가는건
13:41 Kawawa: 텀이 끊기긴해요 거기가
13:42 Kawawa: 근데 노트 이쁘게두면 저렇게도 둘 수 있긴한데
13:43 Kawawa:
13:43 Fresh Chicken:
13:43 Fresh Chicken: 이건 어떨까요?
13:43 Kawawa: 01:32:501 - 음 전 아무래도
13:43 Kawawa: 여기서 시작되는 이유가
13:44 Kawawa: 01:32:613 - 여기 노란선에서 나오는 그 음이
13:44 Kawawa: 01:32:501 - 01:32:725 - 여기 사이에
13:44 Kawawa: 딱 중간이 되거든여
13:44 Fresh Chicken: 01:32:426 - 여기서부터 막 아-아 거리는거 말씀하시는거 맞져?
13:44 Kawawa: 네
13:44 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아아래
13:45 Kawawa: 01:32:426 - 아~ // 01:32:501 - 아 // 01:32:613 - 뷁 // 01:32:725 - 둥
13:45 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:45 Fresh Chicken: 그 처음에 추천해주신 방향으로
13:45 Fresh Chicken: 수정했어여
13:45 Kawawa: 맞지않나요
13:45 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:45 Kawawa: 아~아 뷁둥
13:45 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄹㅇ 싱크100
13:46 *Kawawa is editing [ Camellia - Chirality [MEDIUM]]
13:46 Fresh Chicken: 아임 인
13:47 Kawawa: 00:31:381 - 여거 롱놋올리는게 어때요?
13:47 Kawawa: 00:31:754 (31754|1) - 이게 파란선에서 갑작 시작되니
13:47 Kawawa: 그리고 뭔가 저기가 비어있으니까
13:47 Kawawa: 칠떄 어색함이 느껴지는거 같은데
13:47 Kawawa: 베이직하곤 달리
13:48 Fresh Chicken: 그럼 00:22:202 (22202|2) - 여기도
13:48 Fresh Chicken: 같이 올릴게여
13:48 Kawawa: 넹
13:49 Kawawa: 00:52:874 (52874|3) -
13:49 Kawawa: 이거 신디음 번들이죠?
13:49 Kawawa: 뭐징
13:49 Fresh Chicken: 신디라구 해야되나
13:49 Kawawa: 아 뭔지 알겠다
13:49 Fresh Chicken: 위이잉 소리여
13:49 Kawawa: 위잉
13:49 Kawawa: 넹
13:50 Kawawa: 01:12:575 - 여기 노트 추가하신건 의도에요?
13:50 Kawawa: 01:11:381 - 베이스1 01:11:680 - 스네어2 01:11:978 - 베이스1 01:12:277 - 스네어2
13:51 Kawawa: 01:12:575 - 베이스1. but 2
13:51 Kawawa: 메인타이밍 섹션이라서 2개를 의도하신건가
13:51 Kawawa: 그렇기에는 베이직 난이도에서도 1개를 쓰셔서
13:51 Fresh Chicken: 아 그
13:51 Fresh Chicken: 복붙이라고...
13:51 Fresh Chicken: 그...
13:51 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:51 Fresh Chicken: 하나지웠습니다...
13:51 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:52 Kawawa: 01:25:113 (85113|0,85336|1,85486|2) -
13:52 Kawawa: 이게 올라가는 배경신디음
13:52 Kawawa: 아닌가요?
13:52 Kawawa: 아 드럼 번들이넴
13:52 Fresh Chicken: 아 저기가 처음에는 킥들을 덮을려고 의도한건데
13:52 Fresh Chicken: 근데 그게 훨 나은거같네여
13:52 Kawawa: 근데
13:52 Kawawa: 01:25:336 (85336|1) - 이거 자체가
13:53 Kawawa: 신디음 맞춰서 배치하신거라
13:53 Kawawa: 신디를 따라가시는게 나을거같은뎅
13:53 Kawawa: 01:25:560 - 신디시작 롱놋이라면 여기가 되야하구
13:53 Fresh Chicken: 네 수정했어여
13:53 Kawawa: 01:26:605 (86605|1) -
13:53 Kawawa: 이것도 어떻게 생각하세요?
13:53 Fresh Chicken: 덩달아
13:53 Fresh Chicken: 01:30:486 - 얘 삭제
13:53 Fresh Chicken: 아 걔는
13:53 Fresh Chicken: 너무 강조가 되서
13:53 Fresh Chicken: 음
13:54 Fresh Chicken: 쟤는 플레이하는데있어서 저게 나을거같아요ㅕ
13:54 Kawawa: 아하 그럼
13:54 Kawawa: 01:26:605 (86605|1) - 이걸 1로 옮기고
13:54 Kawawa: 01:26:754 - 여기에 2에 1개 추가해서
13:54 Kawawa: 신디도 하나 넣어주면 될듯한데
13:54 Kawawa: 여긴 신디 롱놋 안쓰구
13:54 Kawawa:
13:54 Fresh Chicken: 요렇게 수정했ㅇ러요
13:55 Kawawa: 네 저게 더낫네요
13:55 Kawawa: 제가 보여드린건 마지막에 한손에 몰려있어서
13:55 Kawawa: 느낌이 감소하는듯
13:55 Fresh Chicken: 그 한손에 롱잡 그리고 그 같은손에 노트가 있으면 약간 낮은난이도에서는 밸런스가 좋지않아서
13:55 Fresh Chicken: 네넹
13:55 Kawawa: 01:37:003 (97003|2) - 이거 삭제하고
13:56 Kawawa: 01:36:754 (96754|1) - 이거를 01:37:090 - 여기까지
13:56 Kawawa: 올리는게 낫지 않나요?
13:56 Fresh Chicken: ㅗㅇ 그렇네여
13:56 Kawawa: 번들로 묶이는게 01:37:090 - 여기까리ㅏ
13:56 Fresh Chicken: 수정완료
13:56 Kawawa: 넹
13:56 Fresh Chicken: 오늘도 잔뜩 수정...
13:56 *Kawawa is editing [ Camellia - Chirality [BASIC]]
13:57 Kawawa: 베이직은 아까봐둬서
13:57 Kawawa: 없는데
13:57 Kawawa: 흠
13:57 Fresh Chicken: 00:27:202 - 요기 하나
13:57 Fresh Chicken: 00:27:501 - 요기롱놋
13:57 Fresh Chicken: 지워야할듯
13:57 Fresh Chicken: 다른 난이도는 다 하나씩 쭝있네염
13:58 Kawawa: 근데
13:58 Kawawa: 2개로 쓰셔도 되지않나여
13:58 Kawawa: 나눌수 있긴한데
13:58 Kawawa: 다른음이
13:58 Fresh Chicken: 근데 제일 쉬운 난이도인터라
13:58 Kawawa: 있긴해요
13:58 Fresh Chicken: 차라리 하나만 쓰는게 나을거같아요
13:58 Kawawa: 그게 낫네여
13:58 Kawawa: 베이직이고 하니
13:59 Fresh Chicken: 베이즥
13:59 Kawawa: 아래하고 텀이 큰걸 고려해서 01:02:575 - 여기에 롱놋으로 올려주면
13:59 Kawawa: 좀 어려울려나
13:59 Fresh Chicken: `아니요 어렵지는 않아요
13:59 Fresh Chicken: 근데 뭔가
13:59 Fresh Chicken: 저기는 킵하고싶은...
13:59 Fresh Chicken: ㅠㅠ
13:59 Kawawa: 없는게
13:59 Kawawa: 나을거같네요
13:59 Kawawa: 위 아래패턴 보니깐
14:00 Kawawa: 01:30:486 (90486|1) -
14:00 Kawawa: 제거?
14:00 Kawawa: 다음 난이도에
14:00 Kawawa: 없네용
14:00 Fresh Chicken: 아 네 저기는 제가 먼저
14:00 Fresh Chicken: 빨리없에버렸엉뇨
14:00 Fresh Chicken: 어요
14:00 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:00 Kawawa: 아하
14:00 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:01 Kawawa: 01:37:103 - 여기서부터
14:01 Kawawa: 이어지는 마지막 사운드까지
14:01 Kawawa: 그냥 아까 수정한
14:01 Kawawa: 하드처럼 하는게 낫지 않을까요?
14:01 Kawawa: 크게 어렵진 않을거같은데
14:01 Kawawa: 꼬인 스냅이더라 하더라도
14:01 Fresh Chicken: 음 넹 그러져
14:02 Kawawa: 뭔가 없으니
14:02 Kawawa: 허전하네요
14:02 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ솔직히 스냅 바꿔서 하기 귀찮아서 안넣었던건데
14:02 Fresh Chicken: 수정했어욤ㄴ
14:02 Kawawa: 이정도면되영
14:02 Fresh Chicken: 모딩 감사합니다!

Always awesome beatmap.
please teach me 4k map.
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

hype! i love this song; please call me when you need bubble
wow Thanks beofore Kuo!

- R e b a - wrote:


Kawawa wrote:

Chat mod!
13:20 Fresh Chicken: hi can i req mod
13:20 *Fresh Chicken is listening to [ Camellia - Chirality]
13:20 Fresh Chicken: thx
13:20 Kawawa: come
13:20 *Kawawa is editing [ Camellia - Chirality [SPECIAL]]
13:20 Kawawa: speical
13:20 Kawawa: 내가 하나를 보았죠
13:20 Fresh Chicken: Oh it's so special
13:20 Kawawa: 00:34:516 (34516|0) -
13:20 Fresh Chicken: !
13:20 Kawawa: 00:34:466 - 이거 3스냅같은데요?
13:20 Kawawa: 여기로
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 오호 그렇군여
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 수정!
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 스냅 노답이라
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 이거 노래
13:21 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 어
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 3스냅은 좀 빠른데
13:21 Fresh Chicken: 잠시만요
13:22 Fresh Chicken: 1/4 같아여
13:22 Kawawa: 4같네여
13:22 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ이거 마지막
13:22 Fresh Chicken: 스냅 보셨나요
13:22 Kawawa: 00:34:516 - 여기도 근데 될거같은데
13:22 Fresh Chicken: 마지막 맞추는게 제일오래걸림
13:22 Kawawa: 00:34:441 - 00:34:516 - 둘다있긴할듯
13:22 Fresh Chicken: 저기두
13:23 Fresh Chicken: 소리가 있네여
13:23 Kawawa: 한번 꺾이면서
13:23 Fresh Chicken: 헤 둘다넣어야지
13:23 Fresh Chicken: 넵 수정!
13:24 Kawawa: 01:06:531 - 여기 추가해도
13:24 Kawawa: 될듯한데여?
13:24 Kawawa:
13:24 Fresh Chicken: 거기는 꽤 크게 부각되는 부분만 2개씩 넣었는데 음 거기도 괜찮은거같긴한데
13:25 Fresh Chicken: 음 제 재략으로 바꿔봤어요
13:25 Fresh Chicken: *01:06:531 - 여기 추가해서
13:26 Kawawa: 뒤쪽 스냅엔
13:26 Kawawa: 문제없을듯
13:26 Kawawa: 저거 원래
13:26 Kawawa: BPM 변경되는 부분인데
13:26 Kawawa: 그냥 저런식으로 16스냅에 맞춰 플레이성만 고려해서 해도 상관없으니
13:26 Kawawa: 끝부분이기도 하고
13:27 Fresh Chicken: BPM을 변화하는것은 사치죵
13:27 Kawawa: 하
13:27 Fresh Chicken: 아 맞아 그러고보니
13:27 Kawawa: 오디오 기본 볼륨을
13:27 Kawawa: 키우세요!
13:27 Kawawa: 예?
13:27 Fresh Chicken: 이거 BG는 어울리나여? 제나름대로는 괜찮은거같은데
13:27 Fresh Chicken: 헉
13:27 Kawawa: 음
13:27 Kawawa: 뭔가 더 어두운거면
13:27 Kawawa: 좋을거같은데
13:27 Fresh Chicken: 0퍼센트는 충분히 들을수있을거같아요!
13:27 Fresh Chicken: 음
13:27 Fresh Chicken: Mr.Vampir...we need you...
13:27 Kawawa: 막
13:27 Kawawa: 밤 야경 같은거
13:28 Kawawa: 뭔가 딱 밤야경 같은게
13:28 Kawawa: 생각났는데
13:28 Fresh Chicken: 음 다시한번
13:28 Fresh Chicken: 써~치 해봐야겠군여
13:28 Kawawa: 00:04:814 (4814|3,4889|0,4963|1,5038|2) - 근데 이러한 파타들에서
13:28 Kawawa: 파트들에서
13:29 Kawawa: 00:04:665 (4665|0,4715|1,4764|2,4814|3) - 이게 그 지지직 거리는 사운드들을
13:29 Kawawa: 표현하신거잖아요
13:29 Fresh Chicken: 네?
13:29 Kawawa: 00:04:665 (4665|0,4715|1,4764|2,4814|3) -
13:29 Kawawa: 이거여
13:29 Fresh Chicken: 아 네
13:29 Fresh Chicken: 그런것들 지우는게
13:29 Fresh Chicken: 나을까 생각중이였는데
13:29 Kawawa: 아뇨
13:29 Kawawa: 지우는게 아니라
13:30 Fresh Chicken: 뭔가 느끼기가 힘들어서
13:30 Fresh Chicken: 네
13:30 Kawawa: 저거랑 이어지는 다음 음들이
13:30 Kawawa: 3스냅이라
13:30 Kawawa: 00:04:814 - 00:04:914 - 00:05:013 -
13:30 Kawawa: 이런식으로
13:30 Kawawa: 다다다다 다 다
13:30 Fresh Chicken: 네 근데 3스냅은 뒤에 멜로디에 뭍혀져서 너무
13:30 Fresh Chicken: 플레이할댸 느끼기가 힘들드라구여
13:30 Kawawa: 00:04:889 (4889|0,4963|1,5038|2) - 메인음 4스냅으로 초점을 변경하셨
13:30 Kawawa: 확실히
13:30 Kawawa: 6스냅 저거는
13:30 Kawawa: 플레이할때 느낄수가 없네요
13:31 Fresh Chicken: 네 그래서 차라리 지우는게 나을거같아서요
13:31 Kawawa: 약간 느껴지긴 하는데
13:31 Kawawa: 패턴이
13:31 Kawawa: 같은 방향 계단이라서
13:31 Kawawa: 그럴걸요?
13:31 Fresh Chicken: 음
13:32 Kawawa: 트릴이라거나 다른방향으로 해보면서
13:32 Kawawa: 느낌이 더 부각되는지
13:32 Kawawa: 한번 시도해보고, 그래도 아니다 싶으면 그때 삭제하시면 될듯하네요
13:32 Kawawa: 트릴로 해보니깐 나쁘진 않은거같은데
13:32 Fresh Chicken: 음 뭔가 트릴은 조용한부분에서 확 어려워지는 감이있어서
13:33 Kawawa: 그건 그렇긴해요
13:33 Fresh Chicken: 일단 저기는 생각을 좀 해봐야될거같아요
13:33 Kawawa: 넹
13:33 *Kawawa is editing [ Camellia - Chirality [HARD]]
13:33 Fresh Chicken: 의견 떙큐 비리 모치
13:35 Kawawa: 아니
13:35 Kawawa: 모딩을 뭘 잡으라는거야
13:35 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:35 Fresh Chicken: 그런말들으면 저는 기뻐져요
13:35 Kawawa: 그냥 구조가 튼튼해서
13:35 Kawawa: 맨날 우사기가 하는말이 생각나네
13:35 Kawawa: solid mapset
13:36 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ솔리드
13:36 Fresh Chicken: 뀨뀨
13:36 Kawawa: 00:55:336 -
13:36 Kawawa: 여기 추가하는게 어때요?
13:37 Fresh Chicken: 오 좋네염
13:37 Fresh Chicken: 3에 추가!
13:37 Kawawa: 00:55:336 - 여기서부터 시작해서 올라가는 느낌인데
13:37 Kawawa: 넹
13:38 Kawawa: 하드는 없는데
13:38 Kawawa: 스폐셜에서 하나 봐야할게
13:38 Kawawa: 더 생긴거같아요
13:38 Fresh Chicken: 오 네네
13:40 Kawawa: 01:32:277 (92277|2,92426|1,92575|0) -
13:40 Kawawa: 전 이게 다소 애매하도 생각하는데
13:40 Kawawa: 이런식으로 바꿔서
13:40 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ저랑 똑같은
13:40 Fresh Chicken: 생각하시네여
13:40 Kawawa: 한번 보실래요?
13:40 Kawawa: 저게 완벽할듯한데
13:40 Fresh Chicken: 저거 마지막이 쓩 올라가는 느낌이 들어서
13:41 Fresh Chicken: 저거 8스냅맞나여?
13:41 Kawawa: 넹
13:41 Kawawa: 01:32:501 - 01:32:613 -
13:41 Kawawa: 여기요
13:41 Fresh Chicken: 01:32:501 - 음 뭔가 여기서 올라가는건
13:41 Kawawa: 텀이 끊기긴해요 거기가
13:42 Kawawa: 근데 노트 이쁘게두면 저렇게도 둘 수 있긴한데
13:43 Kawawa:
13:43 Fresh Chicken:
13:43 Fresh Chicken: 이건 어떨까요?
13:43 Kawawa: 01:32:501 - 음 전 아무래도
13:43 Kawawa: 여기서 시작되는 이유가
13:44 Kawawa: 01:32:613 - 여기 노란선에서 나오는 그 음이
13:44 Kawawa: 01:32:501 - 01:32:725 - 여기 사이에
13:44 Kawawa: 딱 중간이 되거든여
13:44 Fresh Chicken: 01:32:426 - 여기서부터 막 아-아 거리는거 말씀하시는거 맞져?
13:44 Kawawa: 네
13:44 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아아래
13:45 Kawawa: 01:32:426 - 아~ // 01:32:501 - 아 // 01:32:613 - 뷁 // 01:32:725 - 둥
13:45 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:45 Fresh Chicken: 그 처음에 추천해주신 방향으로
13:45 Fresh Chicken: 수정했어여
13:45 Kawawa: 맞지않나요
13:45 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:45 Kawawa: 아~아 뷁둥
13:45 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄹㅇ 싱크100
13:46 *Kawawa is editing [ Camellia - Chirality [MEDIUM]]
13:46 Fresh Chicken: 아임 인
13:47 Kawawa: 00:31:381 - 여거 롱놋올리는게 어때요?
13:47 Kawawa: 00:31:754 (31754|1) - 이게 파란선에서 갑작 시작되니
13:47 Kawawa: 그리고 뭔가 저기가 비어있으니까
13:47 Kawawa: 칠떄 어색함이 느껴지는거 같은데
13:47 Kawawa: 베이직하곤 달리
13:48 Fresh Chicken: 그럼 00:22:202 (22202|2) - 여기도
13:48 Fresh Chicken: 같이 올릴게여
13:48 Kawawa: 넹
13:49 Kawawa: 00:52:874 (52874|3) -
13:49 Kawawa: 이거 신디음 번들이죠?
13:49 Kawawa: 뭐징
13:49 Fresh Chicken: 신디라구 해야되나
13:49 Kawawa: 아 뭔지 알겠다
13:49 Fresh Chicken: 위이잉 소리여
13:49 Kawawa: 위잉
13:49 Kawawa: 넹
13:50 Kawawa: 01:12:575 - 여기 노트 추가하신건 의도에요?
13:50 Kawawa: 01:11:381 - 베이스1 01:11:680 - 스네어2 01:11:978 - 베이스1 01:12:277 - 스네어2
13:51 Kawawa: 01:12:575 - 베이스1. but 2
13:51 Kawawa: 메인타이밍 섹션이라서 2개를 의도하신건가
13:51 Kawawa: 그렇기에는 베이직 난이도에서도 1개를 쓰셔서
13:51 Fresh Chicken: 아 그
13:51 Fresh Chicken: 복붙이라고...
13:51 Fresh Chicken: 그...
13:51 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:51 Fresh Chicken: 하나지웠습니다...
13:51 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:52 Kawawa: 01:25:113 (85113|0,85336|1,85486|2) -
13:52 Kawawa: 이게 올라가는 배경신디음
13:52 Kawawa: 아닌가요?
13:52 Kawawa: 아 드럼 번들이넴
13:52 Fresh Chicken: 아 저기가 처음에는 킥들을 덮을려고 의도한건데
13:52 Fresh Chicken: 근데 그게 훨 나은거같네여
13:52 Kawawa: 근데
13:52 Kawawa: 01:25:336 (85336|1) - 이거 자체가
13:53 Kawawa: 신디음 맞춰서 배치하신거라
13:53 Kawawa: 신디를 따라가시는게 나을거같은뎅
13:53 Kawawa: 01:25:560 - 신디시작 롱놋이라면 여기가 되야하구
13:53 Fresh Chicken: 네 수정했어여
13:53 Kawawa: 01:26:605 (86605|1) -
13:53 Kawawa: 이것도 어떻게 생각하세요?
13:53 Fresh Chicken: 덩달아
13:53 Fresh Chicken: 01:30:486 - 얘 삭제
13:53 Fresh Chicken: 아 걔는
13:53 Fresh Chicken: 너무 강조가 되서
13:53 Fresh Chicken: 음
13:54 Fresh Chicken: 쟤는 플레이하는데있어서 저게 나을거같아요ㅕ
13:54 Kawawa: 아하 그럼
13:54 Kawawa: 01:26:605 (86605|1) - 이걸 1로 옮기고
13:54 Kawawa: 01:26:754 - 여기에 2에 1개 추가해서
13:54 Kawawa: 신디도 하나 넣어주면 될듯한데
13:54 Kawawa: 여긴 신디 롱놋 안쓰구
13:54 Kawawa:
13:54 Fresh Chicken: 요렇게 수정했ㅇ러요
13:55 Kawawa: 네 저게 더낫네요
13:55 Kawawa: 제가 보여드린건 마지막에 한손에 몰려있어서
13:55 Kawawa: 느낌이 감소하는듯
13:55 Fresh Chicken: 그 한손에 롱잡 그리고 그 같은손에 노트가 있으면 약간 낮은난이도에서는 밸런스가 좋지않아서
13:55 Fresh Chicken: 네넹
13:55 Kawawa: 01:37:003 (97003|2) - 이거 삭제하고
13:56 Kawawa: 01:36:754 (96754|1) - 이거를 01:37:090 - 여기까지
13:56 Kawawa: 올리는게 낫지 않나요?
13:56 Fresh Chicken: ㅗㅇ 그렇네여
13:56 Kawawa: 번들로 묶이는게 01:37:090 - 여기까리ㅏ
13:56 Fresh Chicken: 수정완료
13:56 Kawawa: 넹
13:56 Fresh Chicken: 오늘도 잔뜩 수정...
13:56 *Kawawa is editing [ Camellia - Chirality [BASIC]]
13:57 Kawawa: 베이직은 아까봐둬서
13:57 Kawawa: 없는데
13:57 Kawawa: 흠
13:57 Fresh Chicken: 00:27:202 - 요기 하나
13:57 Fresh Chicken: 00:27:501 - 요기롱놋
13:57 Fresh Chicken: 지워야할듯
13:57 Fresh Chicken: 다른 난이도는 다 하나씩 쭝있네염
13:58 Kawawa: 근데
13:58 Kawawa: 2개로 쓰셔도 되지않나여
13:58 Kawawa: 나눌수 있긴한데
13:58 Kawawa: 다른음이
13:58 Fresh Chicken: 근데 제일 쉬운 난이도인터라
13:58 Kawawa: 있긴해요
13:58 Fresh Chicken: 차라리 하나만 쓰는게 나을거같아요
13:58 Kawawa: 그게 낫네여
13:58 Kawawa: 베이직이고 하니
13:59 Fresh Chicken: 베이즥
13:59 Kawawa: 아래하고 텀이 큰걸 고려해서 01:02:575 - 여기에 롱놋으로 올려주면
13:59 Kawawa: 좀 어려울려나
13:59 Fresh Chicken: `아니요 어렵지는 않아요
13:59 Fresh Chicken: 근데 뭔가
13:59 Fresh Chicken: 저기는 킵하고싶은...
13:59 Fresh Chicken: ㅠㅠ
13:59 Kawawa: 없는게
13:59 Kawawa: 나을거같네요
13:59 Kawawa: 위 아래패턴 보니깐
14:00 Kawawa: 01:30:486 (90486|1) -
14:00 Kawawa: 제거?
14:00 Kawawa: 다음 난이도에
14:00 Kawawa: 없네용
14:00 Fresh Chicken: 아 네 저기는 제가 먼저
14:00 Fresh Chicken: 빨리없에버렸엉뇨
14:00 Fresh Chicken: 어요
14:00 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:00 Kawawa: 아하
14:00 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:01 Kawawa: 01:37:103 - 여기서부터
14:01 Kawawa: 이어지는 마지막 사운드까지
14:01 Kawawa: 그냥 아까 수정한
14:01 Kawawa: 하드처럼 하는게 낫지 않을까요?
14:01 Kawawa: 크게 어렵진 않을거같은데
14:01 Kawawa: 꼬인 스냅이더라 하더라도
14:01 Fresh Chicken: 음 넹 그러져
14:02 Kawawa: 뭔가 없으니
14:02 Kawawa: 허전하네요
14:02 Fresh Chicken: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ솔직히 스냅 바꿔서 하기 귀찮아서 안넣었던건데
14:02 Fresh Chicken: 수정했어욤ㄴ
14:02 Kawawa: 이정도면되영
14:02 Fresh Chicken: 모딩 감사합니다!

Always awesome beatmap.
please teach me 4k map.
Just put the notes until finish it :3
Thanks for mod!
0 1 2 3
hp 6.5 보단 7이 나을듯
00:14:814 - 요기랑 00:14:963 - 요기랑 00:15:113 - 요기노트넣는건어떄? 딱히 안될건 없어보이는데
01:06:157 - 01:05:411 - , 01:06:008 - , 01:06:456 - 소리가 강한데 2개넣는게어떨까 - 막난에 똑같이나오네 무시하셈
01:06:605 - 여기는한개
00:18:247 (18247|0,18247|1) - , 00:18:396 - 00:18:695 - 얘네들은 소리가강하니까 00:18:322 (18322|2,18322|3,18471|2,18471|3,18620|2,18620|3) - 이런노트랑다르게 02 나 04 로 벌리는건어떄
00:55:336 (55336|1,55374|2,55411|3,55448|0,55486|1,55523|2,55560|3) - 여기음이올라가다가 00:55:598 (55598|0,55635|1,55672|2,55710|3) - 여기서부터 내려가잖아 이렇게나 이렇게 해보는건 어때
01:02:725 - 여기 음바뀌는데 01:02:575 (62575|1) - 01:02:725 - 여기서 0번으로 하는것도좋을듯
모딩한지 좀 많이되서 병신같지만 봐주시길 ㅋㅋ

스뺴쎠르만 모딩할께

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

00:18:844 (18844|1,18844|0) - 하나 추가하면 좋을듯

00:23:620 (23620|3,23620|0) - ^

00:24:217 (24217|3,24217|0) - ^

00:33:769 (33769|3,33769|0) - ^

00:34:963 (34963|0) - 2에 롱놋 추가해서 롱놋 2개 넣는게 좋을꺼같은느낌

00:35:262 (35262|1) - 하나 추가하면 좋을듯

00:37:650 (37650|2,37650|1) - ^

00:37:948 (37948|0) - ^

00:38:247 (38247|0) - ^

00:38:844 (38844|1) - ^

00:50:560 (50560|1,50635|2,50710|1,50784|2) - 이거 스냅맞는지 모르겠넹...

00:52:874 (52874|0) - 하나 추가하면 좋을듯

00:55:262 (55262|0,55262|3) - ^

00:58:172 (58172|1) - 여기도 소리는 2개들어갈 소리긴한데... 짹이 생겨버려서 랭조건은 잘모르겠지만 괜찮다면 2개 넣는게 좋을듯

00:59:292 (59292|0,59292|2,59292|1) - 하나 제거 하는게 맞을듯?

01:01:680 (61680|3,61680|0,61680|2) - ^

01:04:068 (64068|1,64068|3,64068|0) - ^

01:06:008 (66008|3,66008|0) - 하나 추가하면 좋을듯

01:08:098 (68098|3,68098|0) - ^

01:08:620 (68620|3,68695|2,68695|1,68695|0,68769|3,68844|1,68844|2,68919|0,68993|2,68993|3) - 요부분 노트 추가 이렇게하면 좋을꺼같기도

01:09:516 (69516|1) - 요기 노트빠진듯

01:12:501 (72501|2) - ^

01:13:769 (73769|1) - 하나 추가하면 좋을듯

01:14:665 (74665|0,74665|3) - ^

01:16:157 (76157|1,76157|0,76157|2) - 피니쉬라 3개인감? 소리는 2개긴한데... 아몰랑

01:16:456 (76456|2,76456|1) - 하나추가하면 좋겠지만 크흠...

01:17:053 (77053|1,77053|2) - 하나 추가하면 좋을듯

01:17:650 (77650|2,77650|3) - ^

01:19:441 (79441|3,79441|0) - ^

01:23:993 (83993|0,83993|2) - ^

01:25:038 - 이 부분에 롱놋 추가하면 좋을듯 01:25:113 - 요기까지

오랜만에 모딩하니 ㅋㅋㅋ
그 짹생기는데 랭조건에 많이 지장이생기면 뭐 어쩔수없구만

쨌든 노래 좋네 랭되길..
hi chicken

pay attention to these issues in diffs except SPECIAL:
  1. 01:37:482 - This note should be snapped on 1/12 like SPECIAL
  2. 01:26:157 - BaSS missing
  1. 00:27:202 (27202|3,28098|3) - Changed a column one of them, they're different pitch also not so good to play.
  2. 00:38:545 (38545|0) - 4 is more better imo, 00:38:545 (38545|0,38695|1,39142|0,39292|1) - those are making some un-balance pattern.
  3. 00:50:486 - Add one same like as 00:48:098 - 00:52:874 -
  4. 00:57:650 (57650|1,57948|1) - Too unnatural pattern, try to something diffent.
  1. 00:02:575 - ~ 00:07:799 - I think these LNs are not needed in this part, not good to feel this notes.
  2. 00:09:441 (9441|2,9590|2,9739|1,9889|1,10038|2) - I don't suggest that you use jack in here, seems synth is more bigger than drum so it's better to follow synth pitch.
  3. 00:26:307 (26307|2) - This note clearly shows what you intended but recommend that change it to just normal and 00:26:456 - add here. seems more better.
  4. 00:37:053 - You used two notes all timings what have Snare, add one.
  5. 01:15:784 -
  1. 00:07:351 (7351|1,7426|2,7501|3,7575|0,7650|1,7725|2,7799|3,7948|0) - Better to Ctrl + H here, seems too repeat with below patterns.
  2. 00:12:650 (12650|3) - Remove, it's ghost note.
  3. 00:17:128 - I'm not sure it has a sound or not.
  4. 00:35:262 - 00:35:560 - Make some difference, they are not fit in here.
  5. 00:38:695 (38695|3) - Maybe you can move it 2 for more better balance.
  6. 00:55:411 (55411|1) - This LN should be started at 00:55:336 - here like you used 1/8 in SPECIAL
  7. 01:12:426 - 01:14:665 - Remove these LNs, not good for gap with SPECIAL
  8. 01:19:441 - 01:21:829 - You can add a one more note each others if you want.
  1. 00:04:665 (4665|0,4715|1,4764|2) - Better to be remove. Seems you are not following this 1/6 sounds on same parts also I think it's not good to play
  2. 00:16:978 (16978|2) - I think it's ghost note, remove
  3. 00:33:322 - You can put LN as you did on same part of below.
  4. 00:36:531 (36531|3) - I think it should be jack with 00:36:381 (36381|0) - this, like you did on same parts
  5. 00:55:672 (55672|2) - Ghost note, remove
  6. 01:24:814 - it should be started at 01:24:739 - here.
Topic Starter

ZZHBOY wrote:

hi chicken

pay attention to these issues in diffs except SPECIAL:
  1. 01:37:482 - This note should be snapped on 1/12 like SPECIAL
  2. 01:26:157 - BaSS missing
  1. 00:27:202 (27202|3,28098|3) - Changed a column one of them, they're different pitch also not so good to play.
  2. 00:38:545 (38545|0) - 4 is more better imo, 00:38:545 (38545|0,38695|1,39142|0,39292|1) - those are making some un-balance pattern.
  3. 00:50:486 - Add one same like as 00:48:098 - 00:52:874 -
  4. 00:57:650 (57650|1,57948|1) - Too unnatural pattern, try to something diffent.
  1. 00:02:575 - ~ 00:07:799 - I think these LNs are not needed in this part, not good to feel this notes.
  2. 00:09:441 (9441|2,9590|2,9739|1,9889|1,10038|2) - I don't suggest that you use jack in here, seems synth is more bigger than drum so it's better to follow synth pitch.
  3. 00:26:307 (26307|2) - This note clearly shows what you intended but recommend that change it to just normal and 00:26:456 - add here. seems more better.
  4. 00:37:053 - You used two notes all timings what have Snare, add one.
  5. 01:15:784 -
  1. 00:07:351 (7351|1,7426|2,7501|3,7575|0,7650|1,7725|2,7799|3,7948|0) - Better to Ctrl + H here, seems too repeat with below patterns.
  2. 00:12:650 (12650|3) - Remove, it's ghost note.
  3. 00:17:128 - I'm not sure it has a sound or not.
  4. 00:35:262 - 00:35:560 - Make some difference, they are not fit in here.
  5. 00:38:695 (38695|3) - Maybe you can move it 2 for more better balance.
  6. 00:55:411 (55411|1) - This LN should be started at 00:55:336 - here like you used 1/8 in SPECIAL
  7. 01:12:426 - 01:14:665 - Remove these LNs, not good for gap with SPECIAL
  8. 01:19:441 - 01:21:829 - You can add a one more note each others if you want.
  1. 00:04:665 (4665|0,4715|1,4764|2) - Better to be remove. Seems you are not following this 1/6 sounds on same parts also I think it's not good to play
  2. 00:16:978 (16978|2) - I think it's ghost note, remove
  3. 00:33:322 - You can put LN as you did on same part of below.
  4. 00:36:531 (36531|3) - I think it should be jack with 00:36:381 (36381|0) - this, like you did on same parts
  5. 00:55:672 (55672|2) - Ghost note, remove
  6. 01:24:814 - it should be started at 01:24:739 - here.
All things are applied! Also thanks to Wonki and Shirou too! somethings are applied!
First time I see you not mapping sdvx :P
Topic Starter

DE-CADE wrote:

First time I see you not mapping sdvx :P
It will be a meme :^)
Topic Starter

ZZHBOY wrote:

Thanks for bububububububububububble CHICHIBOY! :3
not even SDVX song...

before qualify, mod'n'run series
a simple suggestion.. feel free to reject!

dat 0% volume, is this correct? shouldn't it around 30% or something to make it at least audible? except the mistake only appears locally in my osu, i remember you can't edit .osu file directly in notepad to make a change that osu! editor unable to edit by itself..

add :
cametek kamelcamellia かめるかめりあ dubstep drumstep
etc etc in tag

00:29:031 (29031|2,29068|0,29105|3) - no burst audible here, i could hear 1/4 though..
01:02:725 (62725|0) - not following 1/3?
01:06:157 (66157|1) - i guess 12 34 / trill pattern will fit with the drum roll? rather than stair like that..

00:14:963 - i suggest you to add LN until 00:15:262 (15262|3) - in 2nd column
00:34:665 - add for vocal fx? would nice rather than empty space

i feel... assension..

Chirality is a property of asymmetry important in several branches of science. An object or a system is chiral if it is not identical to its mirror image, that is, it cannot be superposed onto it.
Topic Starter

ajeemaniz wrote:

not even SDVX song...

before qualify, mod'n'run series
a simple suggestion.. feel free to reject!

dat 0% volume, is this correct? shouldn't it around 30% or something to make it at least audible? except the mistake only appears locally in my osu, i remember you can't edit .osu file directly in notepad to make a change that osu! editor unable to edit by itself..

add :
cametek kamelcamellia かめるかめりあ dubstep drumstep
etc etc in tag

00:29:031 (29031|2,29068|0,29105|3) - no burst audible here, i could hear 1/4 though..
01:02:725 (62725|0) - not following 1/3?
01:06:157 (66157|1) - i guess 12 34 / trill pattern will fit with the drum roll? rather than stair like that..

00:14:963 - i suggest you to add LN until 00:15:262 (15262|3) - in 2nd column
00:34:665 - add for vocal fx? would nice rather than empty space

i feel... assension..

Chirality is a property of asymmetry important in several branches of science. An object or a system is chiral if it is not identical to its mirror image, that is, it cannot be superposed onto it.
HOLY SHIT We just focused only custom HS,
Thanks a lot! I will check it soon as possible!
Topic Starter
Applied Usagi's some mod,
But I forget to add tag LOOOOOOL so I'll add it on qualify checking
silly chick.. fun map! go go go rank soon :D
Luv the song! go go rank go! XD
Okay come back for another round

Wait, what is this, not SDVX? nuked

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Tags: plus VOLZZA
BPM: ending part I feel like it's multiple BPMs and so, just personal, how about add some multiple BPMs here (note that it's not confirmed yet, just you want, I gonna ask QAT if you do)
1. Offset: 934ms BPM: 201.00 // 00:00:934 -
6. Offset: 96,904ms BPM: 172.00 // 01:36:904 -
7. Offset: 97,078ms BPM: 148.00 // 01:37:078 -
8. Offset: 97,483ms BPM: 130.00 // 01:37:483 -
Hitsound: this is snare.wav file, i would suggest it because it's more fit to the song

00:10:486 - i think it would be better if we follow pattern 14 23 on here to present bass snare, example like this:
00:12:874 - just ctrl + H the first part
Next part 00:15:262 - is same but on 23 instead

00:19:889 - how about add a note on 3 for instrument sound (idk name)
00:21:829 (21829|3,22202|2) - both of them should be on , that sound star louder on 1/2 (but if you follow dubstep sound then it's correct)
00:24:068 (24068|1) - move to 1st and 00:24:516 (24516|3) - move to 2nd for pitch, also make the pattern more balance
00:26:307 (26307|2) - it feel like this note should be end on 00:26:605 - according to instrument
00:27:799 (27799|0) - move to 2nd for balance
00:31:381 (31381|0,31754|3) - same as before (but if you follow dubstep sound then it's correct)
01:07:501 (67501|0,67650|3) - turn this to 43 would be better for flow in my opinion
01:24:217 - missed a note on here for snare?
01:29:590 (89590|0) - move to 2nd for balance

00:19:889 - would be better if you add a note on 2nd and move 00:20:038 (20038|1) - to 3rd, so that on it would fit with flow and rhythm a lot
00:21:232 (21232|1) - move to 4th somehow better for me, more balance if you do
00:21:829 (21829|2,22202|0) - same as easy (but if you follow dubstep sound then it's correct)
00:31:381 (31381|3,31754|1) -
00:52:874 (52874|3) - for this, if you;re following piano then should start on 00:52:725 - and end on 00:53:471 - so on if you follow dubstep sound then it should be start on 00:53:023 - and end on 00:53:172 -
01:24:217 - add a note for snare sound

00:19:590 - how about this pattern? flow kinda better imo
01:05:411 - hmm, even tho you follow 1/4 bass on here but better add 2 notes for bass snare, on 01:05:411 - 01:06:008 - 01:06:157 - 01:06:456 -
01:27:501 (87501|1) - move to 4th 01:28:695 (88695|2) - move to 1st, kinda weird when it have 4 mini jacks on here

Wow, perfect, overall it's really good, great job

Call me back when you're done
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Okay come back for another round

Wait, what is this, not SDVX? nuked

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Tags: plus VOLZZA
BPM: ending part I feel like it's multiple BPMs and so, just personal, how about add some multiple BPMs here (note that it's not confirmed yet, just you want, I gonna ask QAT if you do)
1. Offset: 934ms BPM: 201.00 // 00:00:934 -
6. Offset: 96,904ms BPM: 172.00 // 01:36:904 -
7. Offset: 97,078ms BPM: 148.00 // 01:37:078 -
8. Offset: 97,483ms BPM: 130.00 // 01:37:483 - uhh I think they're not nessesary so much :3
Hitsound: this is snare.wav file, i would suggest it because it's more fit to the song

00:10:486 - i think it would be better if we follow pattern 14 23 on here to present bass snare, example like this:
00:12:874 - just ctrl + H the first part
Next part 00:15:262 - is same but on 23 instead

00:19:889 - how about add a note on 3 for instrument sound (idk name)
00:21:829 (21829|3,22202|2) - both of them should be on , that sound star louder on 1/2 (but if you follow dubstep sound then it's correct) - amnm yeah actually I'm following dubstep
00:24:068 (24068|1) - move to 1st and 00:24:516 (24516|3) - move to 2nd for pitch, also make the pattern more balance
00:26:307 (26307|2) - it feel like this note should be end on 00:26:605 - according to instrument
00:27:799 (27799|0) - move to 2nd for balance
00:31:381 (31381|0,31754|3) - same as before (but if you follow dubstep sound then it's correct)
01:07:501 (67501|0,67650|3) - turn this to 43 would be better for flow in my opinion
01:24:217 - missed a note on here for snare?
01:29:590 (89590|0) - move to 2nd for balance

00:19:889 - would be better if you add a note on 2nd and move 00:20:038 (20038|1) - to 3rd, so that on it would fit with flow and rhythm a lot
00:21:232 (21232|1) - move to 4th somehow better for me, more balance if you do
00:21:829 (21829|2,22202|0) - same as easy (but if you follow dubstep sound then it's correct)
00:31:381 (31381|3,31754|1) -
00:52:874 (52874|3) - for this, if you;re following piano then should start on 00:52:725 - and end on 00:53:471 - so on if you follow dubstep sound then it should be start on 00:53:023 - and end on 00:53:172 -
01:24:217 - add a note for snare sound

00:19:590 - how about this pattern? flow kinda better imo
01:05:411 - hmm, even tho you follow 1/4 bass on here but better add 2 notes for bass snare, on 01:05:411 - 01:06:008 - 01:06:157 - 01:06:456 -
01:27:501 (87501|1) - move to 4th 01:28:695 (88695|2) - move to 1st, kinda weird when it have 4 mini jacks on here

Wow, perfect, overall it's really good, great job

Call me back when you're done
No reply mean fixed!
Thanks u so ET Kuo :3
Camellia - Chirality [OsuMania modding]

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: Okay
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay
- Metadata: Okay
- Folder’s problem: None
- Hitsound: Okay
- Timing: Okay
- Other: Okay


Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Camellia - Chirality [OsuMania modding]

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: Okay
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay
- Metadata: Okay
- Folder’s problem: None
- Hitsound: Okay
- Timing: Okay
- Other: Okay


Thanks Gay Kyoka! :3
Grats Chicken~
ow not sdvx xD
뀨우우우 뿌우우우 owo OWO 꺄아앙 뀨뀨꺄꺄 잇힝 아잉 모에모에큥 >w<
Source: REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!
hi hello

I just had a quick look on the map, and since this is still qualified, I think there should be a bit more discussion in some of the patterns you used in SPECIAL.

Mainly, these guys:
00:21:531 (21531|0,21568|1,21605|2,21642|3,21680|0,21717|1,21754|2,21792|3) -
00:23:769 (23769|3,23807|2,23844|1,23881|0,23919|3,23956|2,23993|1,24031|0) -
00:28:993 (28993|1,28993|3,29031|2,29068|0,29105|3,29142|1,29180|2,29217|0,29254|3) -
00:31:083 (31083|3,31120|2,31157|1,31195|0,31232|3,31269|2,31307|1,31344|0) -
00:37:948 (37948|0,37986|1,38023|2,38060|3,38098|0,38135|1,38172|2,38210|3) -
00:48:322 (48322|0,48359|1,48396|2,48433|3,48471|0,48508|1,48545|2,48583|3,48620|0,48657|1) -
00:55:336 (55336|1,55374|2,55411|3,55448|0,55486|1,55523|2,55560|3,55598|0) -
01:17:351 (77351|3,77426|0,77463|1,77501|2,77538|3,77575|0,77613|1) -

These patterns are classified as dumps (sm lingo woo) since there isn't a discernible snap for those dubstep sounds, but a higher-end snap is used to map out those sounds instead. Considering you mapped those sounds out in some parts of the song but mapped other dubstep sounds as long notes, patterns like these are overdone since they only add unneeded difficulty to the map.

There's another way to map those sounds out which can work just as well, and that is using long notes for them. Although it would make the map easier, it'd remove artificial difficulty and would go along better with the music, not to mention adding consistency with the way you mapped those sounds.

Oh, and you can probably add another note at 01:32:277 - and 01:32:874 - so both chords leave an impact which goes well with the kicks here.

Sorry for being rather late with this!
Topic Starter

Blocko wrote:

hi hello

I just had a quick look on the map, and since this is still qualified, I think there should be a bit more discussion in some of the patterns you used in SPECIAL.

Mainly, these guys:
00:21:531 (21531|0,21568|1,21605|2,21642|3,21680|0,21717|1,21754|2,21792|3) -
00:23:769 (23769|3,23807|2,23844|1,23881|0,23919|3,23956|2,23993|1,24031|0) -
00:28:993 (28993|1,28993|3,29031|2,29068|0,29105|3,29142|1,29180|2,29217|0,29254|3) -
00:31:083 (31083|3,31120|2,31157|1,31195|0,31232|3,31269|2,31307|1,31344|0) -
00:37:948 (37948|0,37986|1,38023|2,38060|3,38098|0,38135|1,38172|2,38210|3) -
00:48:322 (48322|0,48359|1,48396|2,48433|3,48471|0,48508|1,48545|2,48583|3,48620|0,48657|1) -
00:55:336 (55336|1,55374|2,55411|3,55448|0,55486|1,55523|2,55560|3,55598|0) -
01:17:351 (77351|3,77426|0,77463|1,77501|2,77538|3,77575|0,77613|1) -

These patterns are classified as dumps (sm lingo woo) since there isn't a discernible snap for those dubstep sounds, but a higher-end snap is used to map out those sounds instead. Considering you mapped those sounds out in some parts of the song but mapped other dubstep sounds as long notes, patterns like these are overdone since they only add unneeded difficulty to the map.

There's another way to map those sounds out which can work just as well, and that is using long notes for them. Although it would make the map easier, it'd remove artificial difficulty and would go along better with the music, not to mention adding consistency with the way you mapped those sounds.

Oh, and you can probably add another note at 01:32:277 - and 01:32:874 - so both chords leave an impact which goes well with the kicks here.

Sorry for being rather late with this!
Sorry but I can't agree with that opinions, here are files which proves there has 1/8 sounds, also some inconsistency patterns are intended because they're not unrankable issue also don't want to make repeat patterns, thanks for checking
Huh, so it's not just standard that has the "I don't want to do the same pattern twice because my style, who cares if it makes no sense" mappers.

Just poking in even though I'm out of my depth ('tho i've mapped chirality in standard) to say that no, there are no 1/8 sounds there, when you vastly slow down any sort of sound you'll fracture it and, depending on the program used, will actually create noises that don't exist. At 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%, these wubs are continuous sounds with no interposing beats. That's all that should matter, and all that should be looked at.

On top of that, "there's a sound so I can do whatever I want" sounds like an excuse, not a reason. If you were consistent about which kinds of wubs were dumps (woo sm lingo) and which were long notes, I think it'd be cool. But it's horribly inconsistent as even I can tell.

Just my two cents. Which aren't worth much, probably, but hey, camellia map. I'm curious.

I would like also say few things.

First of all: If you start to need a audio edit program to justify your pattern there is already something wrong. You don’t need a program to justify why there’s a certain snap on a sound where you can’t pinpoint the snap even with 25% playback. Using ⅛ on dubstep sounds is not a valid way to pattern them out since they don’t have a snap to begin with.

Next point is. All point listed by Blocko seems legit to me:

00:21:531 - This is one long sound with a 1/2 hihat.
00:23:769 - Two different long sounds, both 1/2 beat long again with 1/2 hihat
00:28:993 - Same like above. Two 1/2 beat long sounds with 1/2 hihat.
00:31:083 - One long sound with 1/2 hihat.
00:33:172 - Same sounds like above but suddenly LN's?
00:37:948 - Here we have two 1/2 sounds with 1/2 hihats.
00:48:322 - Also only one long sound here
00:55:336 - Again only one long sound.
01:17:426 - Only one long sound.

You being very inconsistent with mapping these woob sounds. Few you mapped with 1/8 and the other you mapped with simply one or two LN's.
Also you should never say something like "inconsistency patterns are intended because they're not unrankable". Just because something is not unrankable it doesn’t mean you can map the song inconsistently and get it ranked with that aspect. A little bit of it is fine if you are emphasizing a point of section, but not when it is all over the place, lowering the overall quality and making it rather unpredictable to play through.

I really have to agree here with Blocko. You used a ton of Ghost Notes in this difficult what is clearly not okay. You have create a "dump" chart.
Using long notes like Blocko said would be here the best solution simply to create the missing consistency. It can not be that you mapped exactly the same sounds once with a LN and then with 1/8. Everyone could be like this and then we would have a ton of dump charts in the Ranked section.

I simply gonna drop a Mod here because i really think this Map needs way more discussion and polishing.

I won’t mention the points above again because i think i said already to them what i want to say.

00:23:769 (23769|3,23807|2,23844|1,23881|0) - are complete ghost notes because this sound still belongs to the LN of 00:23:620 (23620|0) - .
Means this should be in best case mapped as two LN's.

00:34:217 (34217|0) - This LN should be 1/4 beat longer. The sound ends 00:34:366 -

00:40:933 - You have here 100% a LN missing, on 4. in 1/4 beat. It's exactly the same like 00:21:904 (21904|3,22053|3,22202|3) - .
00:45:710 - Same thing here.

00:48:098 (48098|3) - What is this LN following? Every sound which it could follow ends already at 00:48:247 - .

01:00:635 (60635|0,60635|1) - I highly recommend to let one LN end at 01:00:933 - since one long sound ends already here.
Same thing with 01:03:023 (63023|2,63023|3) - . The most audible long sound ends already at 01:03:322 -

01:15:187 (75187|1) - This LN makes rather less sense here. The LN sound ends already at 01:15:262 - but for playability i would recommend to make something like:
01:15:784 (75784|2) - Same thing with this here.

01:17:053 - Why you suddenly ignore this 1/6 here when you mapped all other 1/6 sounds?

01:24:739 (84739|2) - This Long Note starts with nothing. There is not sound which begins here.
There 4 1/2 beat sounds here which can also be mapped with two 1/1 beat notes. For consistency with your chart i would recommend to use the 1/2 long notes like these:

01:27:501 (87501|1,87501|0,87501|3) - and 01:28:695 (88695|1,88695|0,88695|2) - play pretty uncomfortable because you used the same jack pattern like before although the sound is different.
My suggestion would be to move 01:27:501 (87501|1) - to 3 and either 01:28:695 (88695|2) - to 4 or 01:28:695 (88695|1) - to 4.

And like Blocko already said i recommend to add 01:32:277 - a note for consistency.
01:32:277 (92277|3) - Also i think this LN should be only 1/2 because the loud LN sound ends already at 01:32:426 - and here an other LN sound begins.

That's all from my side.

With this said i gonna disqualify this map for now. The points listed by Blocko above seems legit to me and it needs clearly more work and discussion before we can let this beatmap pass.
Topic Starter
aaaaa no it's DQ'd ;_; . . im here and i can give you just some suggestion KFC ♥ feel free reject


00:33:471 - This parts shield and 1/6 really tiresome to catch, just my feel xD


00:48:098 - Your LN following something ? maybe ups noise ?

00:55:672 - Add note ? I hear 1/8 still continue here too

01:18:695 - You should keep that quad + jacks


01:24:739 (84739|2) - This LN end from here 01:24:963 ?

okay thats all, re-qualfy pls
Just my two cents but whether or not there are definitive 1/8 sounds on some of the wubs does not mean that the 1/8 is unintuitive and much less that it plays bad. I think mania is probably the only game mode that can actually make this play well and properly represent certain wubs.

Also note that the ranked standard version of this same song uses several 1/8 kick and repeat sliders to get that same buzz effect and while you can argue that they're passive objects you cannot deny that the 1/8 buzzing adequately represents the wub sounds.

btw I've never played a VSRG other than osumania so no SM background and I think those 1/8 bursts feel fine to play even if I'm still not at the level to play 4* consistently. IMO this is probably the most expected way to play these kinda sounds and if nothing more they make more sense than altale (OMG HE MENTIONED A MAP RANKED IN 2015 AND WANTS TO USE THAT AS AN ARGUMENT PURGE HIM AND DEEM HIS OPINION MEANINGLESS!1!!11ONEN!!)

Topic Starter
Wating for new RC
previous maps mapped 1/4 & 1/8 with wubs should've been DQ'd as well.. hmm
that was a very long time
You want to get re rank it back?
Topic Starter

Feerum wrote:


I would like also say few things.

First of all: If you start to need a audio edit program to justify your pattern there is already something wrong. You don’t need a program to justify why there’s a certain snap on a sound where you can’t pinpoint the snap even with 25% playback. Using ⅛ on dubstep sounds is not a valid way to pattern them out since they don’t have a snap to begin with.

Next point is. All point listed by Blocko seems legit to me:

00:21:531 - This is one long sound with a 1/2 hihat. - ok
00:23:769 - Two different long sounds, both 1/2 beat long again with 1/2 hihat - I can hear hihat on 00:23:769 - 00:23:844 - 00:23:919 - 00:23:993 - so mapped with 1/4 and LN
00:28:993 - Same like above. Two 1/2 beat long sounds with 1/2 hihat. ok
00:31:083 - One long sound with 1/2 hihat. ok
00:33:172 - Same sounds like above but suddenly LN's? 00:33:322 - 00:33:396 - 00:33:471 - 00:33:545 - hihat so mapped with 1/4 and ln
00:37:948 - Here we have two 1/2 sounds with 1/2 hihats. ok
00:48:322 - Also only one long sound here
00:55:336 - Again only one long sound.
01:17:426 - Only one long sound.

You being very inconsistent with mapping these woob sounds. Few you mapped with 1/8 and the other you mapped with simply one or two LN's.
Also you should never say something like "inconsistency patterns are intended because they're not unrankable". Just because something is not unrankable it doesn’t mean you can map the song inconsistently and get it ranked with that aspect. A little bit of it is fine if you are emphasizing a point of section, but not when it is all over the place, lowering the overall quality and making it rather unpredictable to play through.

I really have to agree here with Blocko. You used a ton of Ghost Notes in this difficult what is clearly not okay. You have create a "dump" chart.
Using long notes like Blocko said would be here the best solution simply to create the missing consistency. It can not be that you mapped exactly the same sounds once with a LN and then with 1/8. Everyone could be like this and then we would have a ton of dump charts in the Ranked section.

I simply gonna drop a Mod here because i really think this Map needs way more discussion and polishing.

I won’t mention the points above again because i think i said already to them what i want to say.

00:23:769 (23769|3,23807|2,23844|1,23881|0) - are complete ghost notes because this sound still belongs to the LN of 00:23:620 (23620|0) - .
Means this should be in best case mapped as two LN's. explained on above, there definitely have 1/4 hihat

00:34:217 (34217|0) - This LN should be 1/4 beat longer. The sound ends 00:34:366 - followed 1/6 piano instead

00:40:933 - You have here 100% a LN missing, on 4. in 1/4 beat. It's exactly the same like 00:21:904 (21904|3,22053|3,22202|3) - .
00:45:710 - Same thing here. fixed

00:48:098 (48098|3) - What is this LN following? Every sound which it could follow ends already at 00:48:247 - . removed

01:00:635 (60635|0,60635|1) - I highly recommend to let one LN end at 01:00:933 - since one long sound ends already here.
Same thing with 01:03:023 (63023|2,63023|3) - . The most audible long sound ends already at 01:03:322 - ok

01:15:187 (75187|1) - This LN makes rather less sense here. The LN sound ends already at 01:15:262 - but for playability i would recommend to make something like:
01:15:784 (75784|2) - Same thing with this here. - fixed with just 1/4 lns instead

01:17:053 - Why you suddenly ignore this 1/6 here when you mapped all other 1/6 sounds? as you can see I just emphasis'd bass only on there

01:24:739 (84739|2) - This Long Note starts with nothing. There is not sound which begins here.
There 4 1/2 beat sounds here which can also be mapped with two 1/1 beat notes. For consistency with your chart i would recommend to use the 1/2 long notes like these:

there's definitely has main synth like same sounds with 01:24:739 (84739|2) -

01:27:501 (87501|1,87501|0,87501|3) - and 01:28:695 (88695|1,88695|0,88695|2) - play pretty uncomfortable because you used the same jack pattern like before although the sound is different.
My suggestion would be to move 01:27:501 (87501|1) - to 3 and either 01:28:695 (88695|2) - to 4 or 01:28:695 (88695|1) - to 4. - rearranged this part

And like Blocko already said i recommend to add 01:32:277 - a note for consistency. ok
01:32:277 (92277|3) - Also i think this LN should be only 1/2 because the loud LN sound ends already at 01:32:426 - and here an other LN sound begins. ok

That's all from my side.

With this said i gonna disqualify this map for now. The points listed by Blocko above seems legit to me and it needs clearly more work and discussion before we can let this beatmap pass.
Topic Starter

SpectorDG wrote:

aaaaa no it's DQ'd ;_; . . im here and i can give you just some suggestion KFC ♥ feel free reject


00:33:471 - This parts shield and 1/6 really tiresome to catch, just my feel xD


00:48:098 - Your LN following something ? maybe ups noise ?

00:55:672 - Add note ? I hear 1/8 still continue here too

01:18:695 - You should keep that quad + jacks


01:24:739 (84739|2) - This LN end from here 01:24:963 ?

okay thats all, re-qualfy pls
got this mod, thanks somethings are applied.
Camellia - Chirality [OsuMania modding]

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: Okay
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay
- Metadata: Okay
- Folder’s problem: None
- Hitsound: Okay
- Timing: Okay
- Other: Okay



I supposed this map doesn't need more changes anymore, as the 1/8 rrrr was removed too. Good luck
Requalified :)
alaska salmon
I didn't think this glorious day would come :o
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