
Quarks (kradness x Camellia) - Intro + Dualive

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 18 December 2018 at 20:55:12

Artist: Quarks (kradness x Camellia)
Title: Intro + Dualive
Tags: Camellia kradness hardcore dubstep drumstep beako cametek kamelcamellia jcore glitch hop azer かめりあ MIRA
BPM: 190
Filesize: 21448kb
Play Time: 05:42
Difficulties Available:
  1. Dual + Life (6.28 stars, 1477 notes)
Download: Quarks (kradness x Camellia) - Intro + Dualive
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Hitsounds, Keysounding and MP3 by Azer

Hi, m4m
01:04:499 (2) - he listen to that red tick note should be just as beautiful is the music
01:14:446 (6) - Again, really it looks bad when a strong note not to press
02:10:342 (2) - allocate necessary as the strongest bits
02:15:553 (3,4) - make them straight, it looks ugly
04:05:290 (8,9,1) - Make them to be in one combo to have follow Points
04:01:342 (6) - This slide spacings less make a 7 and 6.6 is strongly
Sorry for 2014 modding skill and noob playing skill for the 6 stars map.

Are you really want to use stack leniency to 2? It can makes the map really difficult to identify.

00:40:973 this part starts to contain heavy hitsound but you ignore almost half of the time, and it heard unwell.
00:54:552 (4,1) not like other sliders have the reverse or rotation, this make me a little weird.
01:05:762 (9,1) You can fix this overlap to make the map looks clearer, please.
01:41:604 (1,2) Prefer use a circle for a suddenly big jump than a really short slider stack on the next slider.
02:06:869 (3) maybe end this slider at 02:07:106 because the other times with the same rhythm you did this, and this may make a misunderstanding I think.
02:11:921 (1) Can't figure out why you end the slider here. Looks like you still follow the vocal, so it cause weird.
02:29:606 (1,2,3) Can be a bit further to stand out the rhythm.

Sorry I am poor for EDM style.

03:23:448 (4,1) Players may be confused about remaining here. For one thing that you should map for the white tick in 03:23:306, another is the vocal doesn't end this sound until 03:23:306. Use a slider to the white tick may better than now.
05:12:553 (6) sacrifice the circle (7,8) and make three 1/2 sliders to emphasize the rhythm may be better?
05:43:816 (1,1) Maybe 0.11x is not a good distance because it looks more like a misplaced stack. Try other pattern here or further all the distance this part or something.
05:43:974 (1) sliderslide sound is annoying, maybe you need a mute sliderslide hitsound. ( Most of the map have this hitsound so you can steal one.)

Still too noob so the mod end here.
Good luck! Hope it can be ranked soon! :)
Topic Starter

Fanteer wrote:

Hi, m4m
01:04:499 (2) - he listen to that red tick note should be just as beautiful is the music Slider placed on red tick and circles moved/removed
01:14:446 (6) - Again, really it looks bad when a strong note not to press ^
02:10:342 (2) - allocate necessary as the strongest bits Moved circle to exmphasise strong note
02:15:553 (3,4) - make them straight, it looks ugly Made straight
04:05:290 (8,9,1) - Make them to be in one combo to have follow Points Moved combo around
04:01:342 (6) - This slide spacings less make a 7 and 6.6 is strongly Decreased spacing

Thanks n.n

smallbeans wrote:

Sorry for 2014 modding skill and noob playing skill for the 6 stars map.

Are you really want to use stack leniency to 2? It can makes the map really difficult to identify. Want to keep this as it is unless it makes parts of the map unplayable

00:40:973 this part starts to contain heavy hitsound but you ignore almost half of the time, and it heard unwell. Sliders focus on the main instrument and not the drum, if this seems to be an issue then I might change it but for now it seems fine
00:54:552 (4,1) not like other sliders have the reverse or rotation, this make me a little weird. Positions of sliders moved around
01:05:762 (9,1) You can fix this overlap to make the map looks clearer, please. Atrificial stacking added, however I still want to keep the 2 stack leniency
01:41:604 (1,2) Prefer use a circle for a suddenly big jump than a really short slider stack on the next slider. Changed to a circle
02:06:869 (3) maybe end this slider at 02:07:106 because the other times with the same rhythm you did this, and this may make a misunderstanding I think.Slider is positioned to land on the vocal "you"
02:11:921 (1) Can't figure out why you end the slider here. Looks like you still follow the vocal, so it cause weird. Slider is following the "piano" notes in the background while only partly following the vocal
02:29:606 (1,2,3) Can be a bit further to stand out the rhythm.Spacing increased slightly

Sorry I am poor for EDM style.Thats ok :o

03:23:448 (4,1) Players may be confused about remaining here. For one thing that you should map for the white tick in 03:23:306, another is the vocal doesn't end this sound until 03:23:306. Use a slider to the white tick may better than now. Following the lyrics of the music which stop on the white tick
05:12:553 (6) sacrifice the circle (7,8) and make three 1/2 sliders to emphasize the rhythm may be better? I feel like what I have now follows the music better and sets of for the next stream
05:43:816 (1,1) Maybe 0.11x is not a good distance because it looks more like a misplaced stack. Try other pattern here or further all the distance this part or something.Increased spacing
05:43:974 (1) sliderslide sound is annoying, maybe you need a mute sliderslide hitsound. ( Most of the map have this hitsound so you can steal one.)Added silent sliderslide hitsound

Still too noob so the mod end here.
Good luck! Hope it can be ranked soon! :) Thanks n.n

00:38:288 (4) - whats with that weird shaped slider? fix that lol
00:39:078 (5,1) - make a bigger gab between them. people will be confused that there's a .. 'free' beat between them
01:05:604 (7,8) - why so close together? should be a jump
01:09:394 (2) - blanket error (?)
01:10:499 (6) - end is offscreen
01:19:973 (4) - why u no jump D:
01:39:709 (2) - blanket error (?)
01:41:606 (1) - people will think this is a double xwx
01:41:763 (2,4,6,8) - Is.. that even allowed? so much reversals aren't rankable, am i right? ;; So better rework those
02:11:921 (1) - those things aren't allowed. just the fast lil' reversals are!
02:20:763 - this space breaks flow
02:31:816 (1) - does this even fit?
02:58:421 (3) - i see there a very very slight blanket error!
03:02:132 (5) - give it some curves.. not so .. block-like. D:
you are a master of sliderarts...
03:23:606 - flow break!
04:31:027 (1) - fix the symmetry
05:43:974 (1) - i think thats really not allowed.

nice map!
keep on doin' your awesome work. ;;
Topic Starter

CookieKivi wrote:


00:38:288 (4) - whats with that weird shaped slider? fix that lolkeeping it the same because it goes well with the main instruments flow
00:39:078 (5,1) - make a bigger gab between them. people will be confused that there's a .. 'free' beat between them Gap increased
01:05:604 (7,8) - why so close together? should be a jump Moved around
01:09:394 (2) - blanket error (?) Changed slightly
01:10:499 (6) - end is offscreen Ai mod disagrees
01:19:973 (4) - why u no jump D: Moved around
01:39:709 (2) - blanket error (?) same as previous
01:41:606 (1) - people will think this is a double xwx stacked
01:41:763 (2,4,6,8) - Is.. that even allowed? so much reversals aren't rankable, am i right? ;; So better rework those I think it matches the mellowing of the song and I'd like to keep it like that, it follows a pattern so it shouldn't be hard to hit at all considering its speed
02:11:921 (1) - those things aren't allowed. just the fast lil' reversals are! I think its following the sounds in the back and isn't too long that you can't keep your mouse in the middle
02:20:763 - this space breaks flow The flow of the voice is broken too
02:31:816 (1) - does this even fit? I think it emphasises the sound it lands on, yeah
02:58:421 (3) - i see there a very very slight blanket error! Fixed
03:02:132 (5) - give it some curves.. not so .. block-like. D:It looks ok as it is and realiticly the only alternative would be a straight slider too
you are a master of sliderarts... maybe
03:23:606 - flow break! Voice breaks flow
04:31:027 (1) - fix the symmetry Fixed
05:43:974 (1) - i think thats really not allowed. slow sliders so I think its fine, fits the part too.

nice map!
keep on doin' your awesome work. ;;Thanks n.n
Hio, m4m

I know that you haven't gotten many mods on this map yet; this is a pretty long mod bc I went into a lot of detail on a 6 minute wub map thats still being worked on. I apologize if I infringe on your mapping style by accident.

• 00:01:973 (4,1,2) - I keep reading 1,2 as a 1/2 beat difference because of this spacing. Maybe ctrl+g 00:02:604 (2,3) - if you wanna keep these sliders or somethin

• 00:02:288 (1) - An nc here doesn't really make sense. Should be at 00:03:236 (3) -

• 00:08:288 (7) - nc

• 00:12:078 (3,4) - I cant read 4, give this weirdo stack a small offset plz

• 00:13:341 (6) - nc here, not 00:14:920 (1) - . (If you don't pick up what I'm putting down, here, just put an nc every 2 measures. I have the same problem of inagining colors to go with certain sets of notes, but these should still be consistent. It doesn't have to be at every 2 measures in other parts of the map as long as it makes sense and is consistent)

• 00:21:394 - something clickable here? like you did at 00:22:657 (2)

• 00:24:078 (3) - I feel like this should be a circle because this note isn't held out as much as the ones at 00:24:394 (4,5,6)

• 00:26:446 (1) - remove nc

• 00:28:973 (6) - make 2 circles?

• 00:30:867 (6) - nc, remove the one at 00:32:762 (1) (Makes more sense because its at a new measure (big white tick)) You figure nc's out from there

• 00:31:815 (9,10,1) - fix blanket

• 00:40:499 (4,1) - Cant read 1, small offset plz

• 00:42:236 - 00:43:499 - 00:44:762 - 00:46:025 - 00:47:288 - 00:48:552 - etc. - All of these are really important beats that you're skipping over with those sliders. If I were you I would want to keep those sliders, so you could buff this ( 00:40:973 ) sv multiplier to reduce their length in the timeline, then use this rhythm:

this is just a suggestion, just know that those important beats exist

• 00:58:025 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern is fine, but it just feels weird to me how 00:58:499 (4) comes short of 00:58:025 (1) - in this triangle :p

• 01:07:025 (3,5) - really sexy blanket

• 01:10:815 (1) - move it onto 01:09:709 (3) - also remove nc; nc is kind of inconsistent from here so just use my above comment

• 01:10:973 (2,3) - I don't hear any beats in the music on these two circles

• 01:31:025 (7,8) - b l a n k e t

• 01:31:025 (7,9) - make these the same slider?

• 01:40:499 (5,7,8) - Make it so that these two don't touch

• 01:48:237 (3,4,1) - Same spacing but different gaps in timeline; 4,1 is read as a 1/2 beat difference

• 01:42:869 (3,4,1,2) - 4 and 2 should be spaced close, the 4 sliders in this part are unevenly spaced atm

• 01:49:342 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - When you use this double pattern like this your implying that there is a significant beat / change in music at 01:49:658 (3) - 01:49:974 (1) - and 01:50:290 (3) - . Just make this a normal stream like 01:48:079 (2,3,4) - etc.

• 01:55:658 (1) - Maybe ctrl+g this because the circles are placed on the slidertail at 01:54:711 (1) - , while in this combo they're on the sliderhead

• 02:04:027 (1) - put this nc at 02:04:342 (2) - because it implies change in rhythm and its a new measure

• 02:04:027 (1,3,4) - why are these touchign

• 02:06:237 (1,2,3) - These have the same timeline gaps but are visually spaced differently. Can't read it

• 02:07:658 (6,7,1,2) - I feel like 02:08:448 (2) - should be placed directly on the slidertail because of this double here 02:07:658 (6,7) - plus you already do this on sliderheads like 02:08:606 (3,4) -

• 02:09:711 (4,5) - Why such a drastic increase in spacing?

• 02:14:448 (1,2,3) - I don't like how 1 is mapped to the vocals but you immediately switch focus to the synths at 02:15:395 (2,3) . if you wanted to you could just make 02:15:395 (2) - a circle and fix this tho. Also, I don't like the spacing of 02:14:448 (1,2) -

• 02:19:895 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Make this a reverse slider. A stream would be kind of intense for now, plus you mapped the same thing with a rev slider at 02:15:553 (3,4) -

• 02:22:027 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - big highlight i know, but it looks like your trying to map to those synths like 02:15:553 (3,4) - and such, but I don't hear them in this part of the song

• 02:32:763 (3,4,5,6) - You're so close to having a successful blankets

• 02:37:184 (1,2,3) - I read these as 1/2 because of the sliders from 02:32:132 - , maybe turn these circles into sliders as well? idk just a suggestion tho

• 02:43:816 (1,2,1,2) - 02:47:606 (1,2,1,2) - 03:02:763 (1,2,1,2) - etc. etc. - Okay these double streams are cool and stuff, but like I said above, they should only really be used to show change in the music, like a new bass or something. That's okay if there is one, but mostly these are extremely hard to to play at 190 bpm, plus with the large spacing in between each

• 02:44:132 (1,2) - blanket, look at the same thing as the above pic

• 02:44:448 (3,4) - use this rhythm?

• 02:47:132 (2) - I feel like this should be mapped to those synths in the background with something

• 02:47:290 (3) - 02:52:342 (4) - 02:52:658 (1,2,1,2) - 02:53:290 (5,6) - 02:57:711 (2) - 02:58:658 (4) - 03:01:816 (4,5,6) - 03:16:816 (4) - always nc at all sv changes

• 02:48:158 (1,2,3) - I see your intentions with this blanket, I would decrease that offset on that stack so the circle doesn't get in the way

• 02:49:500 (3) - nc

• 02:49:816 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I dont understand why you chose to map to the sidechain bass here; i feel like there are some more prominent things to map to tho

• 02:53:132 - circle here? I feel there should be a click here

• 02:54:553 (1,2) - see 3 and 4 in the picture above (rhythm)

• 02:55:500 (1,2) - I feel like you ignore a pretty heavy bass during these hit objects; make 2 a jump?

• 02:57:079 (5) - what are these slider nodes xd

• 02:57:395 (1,2) - another sexy blanket <3

• 02:58:027 - Why ISnT TheRE ANyThiNG heRE WTFFFfff

• 02:59:448 (4) - i feel like you should just make it straight

• 02:59:921 (2) - put at x288 y376 for successful blanket

• 03:00:553 (1,1) - put these farther apart

• 03:03:395 (2,3) - I don't feel like this blanket works with the tail of 3. Maybe put the tail on the other side of it (so it doesn't touch 2)

• 03:04:342 (3) - okay, this should be significant from 03:04:027 (1,2) - because there is a beat that stands out in the song, plus, nc bc sv change

• 03:04:974 (3) - nc bc new measure?

• 03:05:290 (1,2,3,4,5) - i really like this pattern, nice!

• 03:06:395 - no reason to have an sv change here, song doesn't call for one imo. also, please dont use these to get away with slider art :cry:

• 03:09:395 (6,7,8) - i dont like this flow because of 7

• 03:09:711 (8) - end on the beat at 03:09:869 ?

• 03:14:606 (4,5) - ncncncnc

• 03:15:237 - either nc or remove sv

• 03:15:395 (1,2,1,2) - this is a better alternative to those spaced double things and its enjoyable

• 03:18:237 (1,2) - mmmm sexy blanket

• 03:19:500 (3) - nc here? your starting a new type of pattern here

• 03:19:658 (4) - to move this up more would make more sense

• 03:20:606 (3,4) - i would reduce the spacing, you dont use that large of spacing at 03:20:132 (1,2,3) - plus there's not that big of an exageration

• 03:20:921 (1) - why is this a slider? make it part of the stream

• 03:21:395 (5) - nc here, but you dont have to nc the next notes because there's a gradual sv rise happening

• 03:23:606 - you ignore an important beat here, maybe turn 03:23:448 (4) - into a slider?

• 03:28:658 (3,4) - ctrl+g; at least use that rhythm instean

• 03:32:448 (7,8,9,1) - I dont understand your rhythm or spacing choices here; maybe just make a normal stream here

• 03:36:711 (2,3) - ctrl+g and use that rhythm; I feel its more appropriate for the vocals

• 03:38:763 (3) - nc; sv change

• 03:40:027 (3,4,5,6) - should be a slider; you mapped the same thing as a slider as 03:38:763 (3) -

• 03:42:553 (4) - nc

• 04:00:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this part is crazy o_o thats fine, but fix the placement of these kicksliders. A lot of the are cluttered on the right side of the map and come are in the corners for some reason

• 04:01:816 (2) - nc here? This part of the music is very distinguished from the rest

• 04:02:053 (3,4,5,6) - space 3,4 the same as 5,6

• 04:04:816 - 04:05:763 - 04:08:290 - This should be clickable

• 04:05:606 (10,1) - 04:06:079 (3,4) - This spacing should definitely be reduced lol. it looks like a 1/2 beat jump from the spacing of 04:05:290 (8,9)

• 04:11:290 (8) - nc? you did so at 04:10:027 (1) - and 04:08:763 (1)

• 04:14:448 (1,2) - looks like a half jump from 04:13:658 (3,4)

• 04:18:237 (5) - 04:23:290 (4) - nc here

• 04:22:974 (4,1) - why this spacing?

• 04:24:869 (5) - nc here, so you don't interfere with that previous square

• 04:27:395 (6) - make this 2 circles? slider go a lot better with the vocals here, which you do at 04:27:711 (1,2)

• 04:32:132 (1,2,3) - cant tell from these jumps if this is 1/2 spacing or 1/4; looks like 1/2 spacing from 04:31:658 (2,3) -

• 04:32:606 (3) - make this a kickslider and start the stream on big white tick at 04:32:763 - ?

• 04:33:395 (8) - nc

• 04:35:606 (1) - move nc to 04:35:921 -

• 04:38:448 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - i love this part <3 good job

• 04:39:711 (2,3) - 04:41:448 (3,4) - These play fine, but maybe you can turn them into a slider? you mapped the snares as sliders at 04:38:448 (1) - 04:38:921 (3) - etc. etc.

• 04:40:027 (4) - stack perfectly on 04:39:395 (1) - sliderhead?

• 04:52:974 (6) - maybe you can nc to signify the faster part here

• 04:56:132 (10,1) - turn this into a slider and nc? I feel like your ignoring a really strong vocal here

• 05:05:290 (1,2,1,2) - copy and paste from an above mod: [these types of patterns] should only really be used to show change in the music, like a new bass or something. That's okay if there is one, but mostly these are extremely hard to to play at 190 bpm, plus with the large spacing in between each

• 05:05:921 (1,2) - I suggested this rhytym earlier: circle on 05:05:921 - slider starting at 05:06:000 and ending on 05:06:158

• 05:08:606 (1,2) - this is soo doooooppee

• 05:09:711 (3) - nc here sv change

• 05:10:658 (1,3) - i feel like 1 should replicate the start of 3 more closely

• 05:11:290 (4) - nc? to dignify speedup after that slower slider

• 05:12:790 - 05:13:184 - thess should definitely be clickable

• 05:14:684 (4,5) - move this close to 05:14:448 (3) so you can keep this sexy blanket

• 05:15:869 (4,5) - nc all sv change

• 05:18:553 (5) - dont like the placement of this slider coming out of that stream. try x190 y80

• 05:18:553 (5,1,2) - nc doesnt make sense on 1. I would either nc 5 and 2 or just 2

• 05:22:106 - This HAS to be clickable

• 05:26:448 (6) - nc here, not 05:26:921 (1)

• 05:28:027 (1) - remove nc or put it at 05:27:711

• 05:28:974 (6) - nc this, not

• 05:32:763 (3,4,5) - same spacing with different gaps in timeline. I would just move 5 a bit more up and to the right

• 05:34:974 (4,5) - you have a stronger beat here, maybe increase spacing (that would encompass 3,4,5)?

• 05:39:079 (5) - nc here, not 05:39:079 (5) -

• 05:40:816 (5,1) - space these?

• 05:42:080 (6) - this should be a slider; you put sliders on the same plucks at 05:40:974 and 05:41:606 - etc. etc

• 05:42:553 - theres an important beat here you should have mapped, and the rhytym here overall should be improved. Here's my take on this rhythm:

I really like where you're going with this, love the song too. Keep it up and gl :)
Topic Starter

squirrelpascals wrote:

Hio, m4m

I know that you haven't gotten many mods on this map yet; this is a pretty long mod bc I went into a lot of detail on a 6 minute wub map thats still being worked on. I apologize if I infringe on your mapping style by accident.

NC's have been changed around, everything mentioned about NC's has been taken into consideration

• 00:01:973 (4,1,2) - I keep reading 1,2 as a 1/2 beat difference because of this spacing. Maybe ctrl+g 00:02:604 (2,3) - if you wanna keep these sliders or somethin sliders moved

• 00:02:288 (1) - An nc here doesn't really make sense. Should be at 00:03:236 (3) -

• 00:08:288 (7) - nc

• 00:12:078 (3,4) - I cant read 4, give this weirdo stack a small offset plz given

• 00:13:341 (6) - nc here, not 00:14:920 (1) - . (If you don't pick up what I'm putting down, here, just put an nc every 2 measures. I have the same problem of inagining colors to go with certain sets of notes, but these should still be consistent. It doesn't have to be at every 2 measures in other parts of the map as long as it makes sense and is consistent)

• 00:21:394 - something clickable here? like you did at 00:22:657 (2) Added

• 00:24:078 (3) - I feel like this should be a circle because this note isn't held out as much as the ones at 00:24:394 (4,5,6) changed

• 00:26:446 (1) - remove nc

• 00:28:973 (6) - make 2 circles? made

• 00:30:867 (6) - nc, remove the one at 00:32:762 (1) (Makes more sense because its at a new measure (big white tick)) You figure nc's out from there

• 00:31:815 (9,10,1) - fix blanket Part remapped, blanket changed

• 00:40:499 (4,1) - Cant read 1, small offset plz Small offset given

• 00:42:236 - 00:43:499 - 00:44:762 - 00:46:025 - 00:47:288 - 00:48:552 - etc. - All of these are really important beats that you're skipping over with those sliders. If I were you I would want to keep those sliders, so you could buff this ( 00:40:973 ) sv multiplier to reduce their length in the timeline, then use this rhythm: Start remapped to account for this change, however, this was not the case before hand is the flute was the stonger instrument and went across the drum.

this is just a suggestion, just know that those important beats exist

• 00:58:025 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern is fine, but it just feels weird to me how 00:58:499 (4) comes short of 00:58:025 (1) - in this triangle :p triangle turns clockwise
• 01:07:025 (3,5) - really sexy blanketthanks

• 01:10:815 (1) - move it onto 01:09:709 (3) - also remove nc; nc is kind of inconsistent from here so just use my above comment

• 01:10:973 (2,3) - I don't hear any beats in the music on these two circles Feint reverberation

• 01:31:025 (7,8) - b l a n k e t r e m a p p e d :(

• 01:31:025 (7,9) - make these the same slider? Made it the ctrl+h of the slider

• 01:40:499 (5,7,8) - Make it so that these two don't touch I'll keep em apart

• 01:48:237 (3,4,1) - Same spacing but different gaps in timeline; 4,1 is read as a 1/2 beat difference Music "stops"at that point, distance spacing is 0.5x, should be enough, part was remapped anyway

• 01:42:869 (3,4,1,2) - 4 and 2 should be spaced close, the 4 sliders in this part are unevenly spaced atm Spacing reversed to suggest the slow down of the song

• 01:49:342 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - When you use this double pattern like this your implying that there is a significant beat / change in music at 01:49:658 (3) - 01:49:974 (1) - and 01:50:290 (3) - . Just make this a normal stream like 01:48:079 (2,3,4) - etc. remapped

• 01:55:658 (1) - Maybe ctrl+g this because the circles are placed on the slidertail at 01:54:711 (1) - , while in this combo they're on the sliderhead Moved around

• 02:04:027 (1) - put this nc at 02:04:342 (2) - because it implies change in rhythm and its a new measure

• 02:04:027 (1,3,4) - why are these touchign idktbh

• 02:06:237 (1,2,3) - These have the same timeline gaps but are visually spaced differently. Can't read it Emphasis on vocals, butspacing slightly reduced

• 02:07:658 (6,7,1,2) - I feel like 02:08:448 (2) - should be placed directly on the slidertail because of this double here 02:07:658 (6,7) - plus you already do this on sliderheads like 02:08:606 (3,4) - remapped

• 02:09:711 (4,5) - Why such a drastic increase in spacing? Emphasis on drum/bass thing

• 02:14:448 (1,2,3) - I don't like how 1 is mapped to the vocals but you immediately switch focus to the synths at 02:15:395 (2,3) . if you wanted to you could just make 02:15:395 (2) - a circle and fix this tho. Also, I don't like the spacing of 02:14:448 (1,2) - 1 is on the vocals, two is also on the vocals while including the idea that the vocal is short and a stream is starting, 3 is on the start of the next vocal, represents the stream and 4 is on the start of the next vocal doing the same role as 3. 5 Emphasises the sudden reverberating sound

• 02:19:895 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Make this a reverse slider. A stream would be kind of intense for now, plus you mapped the same thing with a rev slider at 02:15:553 (3,4) - I feel like a very small spaced stream suits this part well and allows to emphasise the vocals at 11

• 02:22:027 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - big highlight i know, but it looks like your trying to map to those synths like 02:15:553 (3,4) - and such, but I don't hear them in this part of the song Sounds like a stream at 100% :/

• 02:32:763 (3,4,5,6) - You're so close to having a successful blankets lazy me

• 02:37:184 (1,2,3) - I read these as 1/2 because of the sliders from 02:32:132 - , maybe turn these circles into sliders as well? idk just a suggestion tho Changed

• 02:43:816 (1,2,1,2) - 02:47:606 (1,2,1,2) - 03:02:763 (1,2,1,2) - etc. etc. - Okay these double streams are cool and stuff, but like I said above, they should only really be used to show change in the music, like a new bass or something. That's okay if there is one, but mostly these are extremely hard to to play at 190 bpm, plus with the large spacing in between eachI'll have to ponder on this one just like the other one (deathstream), will probably end up changing it

• 02:44:132 (1,2) - blanket, look at the same thing as the above pic lazy

• 02:44:448 (3,4) - use this rhythm? Done (and applied to all other parts where this was an issue

• 02:47:132 (2) - I feel like this should be mapped to those synths in the background with something I feel the sudden curve acuratley represents it

• 02:47:290 (3) - 02:52:342 (4) - 02:52:658 (1,2,1,2) - 02:53:290 (5,6) - 02:57:711 (2) - 02:58:658 (4) - 03:01:816 (4,5,6) - 03:16:816 (4) - always nc at all sv changes

• 02:48:158 (1,2,3) - I see your intentions with this blanket, I would decrease that offset on that stack so the circle doesn't get in the way circle moved closer, slider before also moved closer

• 02:49:500 (3) - nc

• 02:49:816 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I dont understand why you chose to map to the sidechain bass here; i feel like there are some more prominent things to map to tho Flows nicley with the lyrics of the song too imo

• 02:53:132 - circle here? I feel there should be a click here slider end helps disguise the fact that the instrument on the red tick actually starts on the yellow tick just before, dont feel as though it would be rankable if it were a circle or 2 1/8 sliders as it would require weird spacing

• 02:54:553 (1,2) - see 3 and 4 in the picture above (rhythm)

• 02:55:500 (1,2) - I feel like you ignore a pretty heavy bass during these hit objects; make 2 a jump?made a jump

• 02:57:079 (5) - what are these slider nodes xd I actually don't know what this means

• 02:57:395 (1,2) - another sexy blanket <3 :p

• 02:58:027 - Why ISnT TheRE ANyThiNG heRE WTFFFffffelt like it emphasised the bass, kickslider added

• 02:59:448 (4) - i feel like you should just make it straighti feel it better represents the sound like this

• 02:59:921 (2) - put at x288 y376 for successful blanket yes sir

• 03:00:553 (1,1) - put these farther apart done

• 03:03:395 (2,3) - I don't feel like this blanket works with the tail of 3. Maybe put the tail on the other side of it (so it doesn't touch 2) Placed under 2, guess it works better like this

• 03:04:342 (3) - okay, this should be significant from 03:04:027 (1,2) - because there is a beat that stands out in the song, plus, nc bc sv change Reletive space increased

• 03:04:974 (3) - nc bc new measure?

• 03:05:290 (1,2,3,4,5) - i really like this pattern, nice!me too xd

• 03:06:395 - no reason to have an sv change here, song doesn't call for one imo. also, please dont use these to get away with slider art :cry: i can do slider art with lower sv too xd

• 03:09:395 (6,7,8) - i dont like this flow because of 7 changed

• 03:09:711 (8) - end on the beat at 03:09:869 ? sv was altered and this was the bi-product

• 03:14:606 (4,5) - ncncncnc

• 03:15:237 - either nc or remove sv

• 03:15:395 (1,2,1,2) - this is a better alternative to those spaced double things and its enjoyable Maybe

• 03:18:237 (1,2) - mmmm sexy blanket xd

• 03:19:500 (3) - nc here? your starting a new type of pattern here

• 03:19:658 (4) - to move this up more would make more sense done

• 03:20:606 (3,4) - i would reduce the spacing, you dont use that large of spacing at 03:20:132 (1,2,3) - plus there's not that big of an exageration space altered

• 03:20:921 (1) - why is this a slider? make it part of the stream now streamy

• 03:21:395 (5) - nc here, but you dont have to nc the next notes because there's a gradual sv rise happening

• 03:23:606 - you ignore an important beat here, maybe turn 03:23:448 (4) - into a slider? vocal pause emphasis

• 03:28:658 (3,4) - ctrl+g; at least use that rhythm instean done and moved

• 03:32:448 (7,8,9,1) - I dont understand your rhythm or spacing choices here; maybe just make a normal stream here turned into reverse slider

• 03:36:711 (2,3) - ctrl+g and use that rhythm; I feel its more appropriate for the vocals done

• 03:38:763 (3) - nc; sv change

• 03:40:027 (3,4,5,6) - should be a slider; you mapped the same thing as a slider as 03:38:763 (3) - made into a triple, first blue tick was overmapped

• 03:42:553 (4) - nc

• 04:00:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this part is crazy o_o thats fine, but fix the placement of these kicksliders. A lot of the are cluttered on the right side of the map and come are in the corners for some reason Changed slightly

• 04:01:816 (2) - nc here? This part of the music is very distinguished from the rest

• 04:02:053 (3,4,5,6) - space 3,4 the same as 5,6 Song is building up, spacing slightly increased but 56 is still bigger than 34

• 04:04:816 - 04:05:763 - 04:08:290 - This should be clickable Emphasis is on the synths which carry across the half beat

• 04:05:606 (10,1) - 04:06:079 (3,4) - This spacing should definitely be reduced lol. it looks like a 1/2 beat jump from the spacing of 04:05:290 (8,9) reduced :p

• 04:11:290 (8) - nc? you did so at 04:10:027 (1) - and 04:08:763 (1)

• 04:14:448 (1,2) - looks like a half jump from 04:13:658 (3,4) re-orientated

• 04:18:237 (5) - 04:23:290 (4) - nc here

• 04:22:974 (4,1) - why this spacing? spacing reduced, emphasis still wants to be on the down-pacing of the notes

• 04:24:869 (5) - nc here, so you don't interfere with that previous square

• 04:27:395 (6) - make this 2 circles? slider go a lot better with the vocals here, which you do at 04:27:711 (1,2) changed

• 04:32:132 (1,2,3) - cant tell from these jumps if this is 1/2 spacing or 1/4; looks like 1/2 spacing from 04:31:658 (2,3) - moved around

• 04:32:606 (3) - make this a kickslider and start the stream on big white tick at 04:32:763 - ? wouldn't make sense as the stream starts on the hard blue tick which is carried over from the previous 1/3 bass hits

• 04:33:395 (8) - nc

• 04:35:606 (1) - move nc to 04:35:921 -

• 04:38:448 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - i love this part <3 good jobthanks

• 04:39:711 (2,3) - 04:41:448 (3,4) - These play fine, but maybe you can turn them into a slider? you mapped the snares as sliders at 04:38:448 (1) - 04:38:921 (3) - etc. etc. This part is all about emphasising the climax, if a slider is missed on one of the snares then it still comes in to play where it would 2 circles after the fact (not including the final circle)

• 04:40:027 (4) - stack perfectly on 04:39:395 (1) - sliderhead? stacked

• 04:52:974 (6) - maybe you can nc to signify the faster part here

• 04:56:132 (10,1) - turn this into a slider and nc? I feel like your ignoring a really strong vocal here obtuse angle jump emphasised the vocal but changed to a slider none the less

• 05:05:290 (1,2,1,2) - copy and paste from an above mod: [these types of patterns] should only really be used to show change in the music, like a new bass or something. That's okay if there is one, but mostly these are extremely hard to to play at 190 bpm, plus with the large spacing in between eachWe'll see

• 05:05:921 (1,2) - I suggested this rhytym earlier: circle on 05:05:921 - slider starting at 05:06:000 and ending on 05:06:158

• 05:08:606 (1,2) - this is soo doooooppeeGlad you like it

• 05:09:711 (3) - nc here sv change

• 05:10:658 (1,3) - i feel like 1 should replicate the start of 3 more closely replicated

• 05:11:290 (4) - nc? to dignify speedup after that slower slider

• 05:12:790 - 05:13:184 - thess should definitely be clickable Made clickable

• 05:14:684 (4,5) - move this close to 05:14:448 (3) so you can keep this sexy blanket DonE

• 05:15:869 (4,5) - nc all sv change

• 05:18:553 (5) - dont like the placement of this slider coming out of that stream. try x190 y80 moved

• 05:18:553 (5,1,2) - nc doesnt make sense on 1. I would either nc 5 and 2 or just 2

• 05:22:106 - This HAS to be clickable I feel enough emphasis is placed on the vocals that it does not need to be clickable

• 05:26:448 (6) - nc here, not 05:26:921 (1)

• 05:28:027 (1) - remove nc or put it at 05:27:711

• 05:28:974 (6) - nc this, not

• 05:32:763 (3,4,5) - same spacing with different gaps in timeline. I would just move 5 a bit more up and to the right moved

• 05:34:974 (4,5) - you have a stronger beat here, maybe increase spacing (that would encompass 3,4,5)? Spacing increased

• 05:39:079 (5) - nc here, not 05:39:079 (5) -

• 05:40:816 (5,1) - space these? remapped

• 05:42:080 (6) - this should be a slider; you put sliders on the same plucks at 05:40:974 and 05:41:606 - etc. etc remapped

• 05:42:553 - theres an important beat here you should have mapped, and the rhytym here overall should be improved. Here's my take on this rhythm: Remapped loosely on your rythm

I really like where you're going with this, love the song too. Keep it up and gl :)
Thanks for the amazing mod n.n Edit: Stream has been removed, doubles have been changed.
m4m from Shiguma 's request
  1. 00:00:552 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1) - should reduce the sv and the spacing. The music at the start is gentle.
  2. 00:19:973 (7) - NC here? just aethestic
  3. 00:21:867 (1,1) - these sounds are special maybe should space it more?
  4. 00:27:867 (3,4) - consider stack these on 00:28:183 (1)
  5. 00:31:973 (1) - ^2
  6. 00:32:762 (2,3,4) - overspaced? yes hto the beat is far apart but not that far. keep the distance shorter like these 00:36:552 (2,3,4) ?
  7. 00:35:920 (1) - ^2
  8. 00:37:025 (5) - ^
  9. 00:26:762 (3) - should be stacked on these 00:26:920 (4,1)
  10. 00:38:288 (4) - ^2
  11. 00:50:762 (3,4,1) - spaced further out
  12. 00:59:288 (9) - NC ?
  13. 01:41:763 (2,4) - repeat by 4 times are pretty hard for sight read? idk It feel weird. just IMO.
  14. 01:49:342 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Idk the music is pretty slow here. Make the patterns slower. just u can express the other parts better
  15. 02:09:711 (4) - these isn't any beat here
  16. 02:11:921 (1) - 4 repeat make it weird. ughh
  17. 02:20:448 (10) - NC?
  18. 02:27:711 (9) - ^
  19. 02:39:079 (2) - don't end at blue tick move to white instead
  20. 02:40:342 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - make this into a 1/8 slider stream? idk
  21. 02:48:869 (2,3,1,2) - overspace imo beside the flow from 02:48:553 (1) to 2 is aids.
  22. 02:53:606 (1) - should balnket to 02:53:290 (1). put it the rear is brutal to hit
  23. 02:56:132 (1,2,3,4) - overmapped I feel. the beat is not that strong. u don't need a strong transition for that.
  24. 02:57:395 (1) - make a winky woofy slider imo to express the sound
  25. 03:10:027 (1,2,1,2) - overmapp I feel.
  26. 03:58:027 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  27. 03:59:921 (9) - NC?
  28. 04:12:395 (1,2,3,1) - sharp angle movement be careful. it break flows.
  29. 04:19:027 (2,3,4,5) - overmapped. 1/4 beat then opposite flow -> aids :<
  30. 04:20:290 (3) - the beat not that strong.
  31. 04:21:395 (9) - NC?
  32. 04:24:237 (1,2,3,4) - BD comes out of nowhere unsighreadable. 04:24:237 (1,3) - make these slers to (2,4)
  33. 04:31:027 (1) - miss beat on white tick might wanna map that
  34. the woof part in the last of the maps also involve a lot of overmap.
    1/4 + woof sliders + 190 bpm is not a thing. don't use it. It is not good to play.
Although I have to disagree about the "1/4 + woof sliders + 190 bpm is not a thing. don't use it. It is not good to play." part, I do think the ending is slightly overmapped. There should also be proper volume control, the volume should start reducing near the end.

05:34:027 (1) - Reduce volume here at least
05:39:553 (1) - Another critical point
05:41:606 (1) - ^
05:45:869 (2) - 2%
05:46:027 (3) - 1%
Topic Starter

Shiguma wrote:

Although I have to disagree about the "1/4 + woof sliders + 190 bpm is not a thing. don't use it. It is not good to play." part, I do think the ending is slightly overmapped. There should also be proper volume control, the volume should start reducing near the end.ending is climax, if you feel like some jumps are so big that they pale any other jumps that they are compared to or that the direction changes leads the map into unplayability then I will happily adress such changes

05:34:027 (1) - Reduce volume here at leastreduced
05:39:553 (1) - Another critical pointreduced
05:41:606 (1) - ^reduced
05:45:869 (2) - 2%
05:46:027 (3) - 1% Time for 5% volume to be reached reduced, overall volume reduced on last slider (not to 1% however)

Shoga wrote:

m4m from Shiguma 's request

  • Sorry for the late reply :o
  1. 00:00:552 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1) - should reduce the sv and the spacing. The music at the start is gentle.I think the spacing is justified for the difficulty of the song as well as the time given to press the notes (1 beat)
  2. 00:19:973 (7) - NC here? just aethestic wanna keep nc's consistent, also it ends nicely on 16 so I think it's fine.
  3. 00:21:867 (1,1) - these sounds are special maybe should space it more? I wanna keep the sapcing equal unless the bass or intensity of the section alters
  4. 00:27:867 (3,4) - consider stack these on 00:28:183 (1) stack ios done because the last two notes (the stacked ones) are the same/ similar and so i dont think another stack would be applicable. This applies for all other stacks that where recommended in this sectionBecause of this, some stacks were removed if they were misused
  5. 00:31:973 (1) - ^2
  6. 00:32:762 (2,3,4) - overspaced? yes hto the beat is far apart but not that far. keep the distance shorter like these 00:36:552 (2,3,4) ? Spacing changed to be smaller
  7. 00:35:920 (1) - ^2
  8. 00:37:025 (5) - ^
  9. 00:26:762 (3) - should be stacked on these 00:26:920 (4,1)
  10. 00:38:288 (4) - ^2
  11. 00:50:762 (3,4,1) - spaced further outstart of the section, as such i blanketed it instead of spacing it out more. Jump before shows the start of the build up.
  12. 00:59:288 (9) - NC ?intended to go up to 16
  13. 01:41:763 (2,4) - repeat by 4 times are pretty hard for sight read? idk It feel weird. just IMO.Sliders are slow enough that it shouldn't be an issue
  14. 01:49:342 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Idk the music is pretty slow here. Make the patterns slower. just u can express the other parts betterSpacing is used to seperate the "sections" of notes but i can see how it appears as big so I reduced the spacing slightly
  15. 02:09:711 (4) - these isn't any beat here Focusing on vocals at this point
  16. 02:11:921 (1) - 4 repeat make it weird. ughhAs this has been mentioned before, I have looked over this multiple times. The repeat slider accurately follows the reverberance of the dropping sound and then leaves a 1/1 spacing for the next circle. As well as this, the length of the slider is low enough that the cursor can be placed in the middle if absolutely necessary, however, as the core of this map relies on cursor control on sliders I do not think the care of people who this map is aimed at will find this slider an issue
  17. 02:20:448 (10) - NC?I feel like this will only benefit those who miss aim/read the easiest stream on the map, so there is no need to add a nc on the kickslider
  18. 02:27:711 (9) - ^combo going up to 16 is intended
  19. 02:39:079 (2) - don't end at blue tick move to white insteadIt is intended to land on the blue tick as the beat of the song at this point is offbeat
  20. 02:40:342 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - make this into a 1/8 slider stream? idkI want to make sure the lyrics are the main point here, and I feel theres no need to change the stream as it is fine as it is
  21. 02:48:869 (2,3,1,2) - overspace imo beside the flow from 02:48:553 (1) to 2 is aids.Direction change is intentional and spacing is deserved due to the spacing in the rest of the section (the rest of the kicksliders) and the flow of the sliders, which is seperate from the long slider just before the kicksliders which belongs in the section where the circles are, on the whole, stationairy.
  22. 02:53:606 (1) - should balnket to 02:53:290 (1). put it the rear is brutal to hit I feel like the flow of the section allows for such a jump
  23. 02:56:132 (1,2,3,4) - overmapped I feel. the beat is not that strong. u don't need a strong transition for that. spacing slightly reduced
  24. 02:57:395 (1) - make a winky woofy slider imo to express the soundDecyphering what you said, I assume you mean a distored/ 1/8 slider here however i feel the current slider reflects thebuild up of the sound better than a 1/8 slider would do
  25. 03:10:027 (1,2,1,2) - overmapp I feel.There is an immense amount of enthusiasm/action in this part and if it were not for blankets and the fact that as the sliders are off beat and 1/2 long the jumps would infact be bigger, Imho atm it is undermapped however this is balanced by the difficulty of movement
  26. 03:58:027 (1,2,3,4) - ^Space on the map isn't big enough, if the play field was bigger i would make the jump even bigger- this is the climax of the song after all
  27. 03:59:921 (9) - NC? its intended for the combo to go up to 16
  28. 04:12:395 (1,2,3,1) - sharp angle movement be careful. it break flows.Playtests suggest that the section plays fine, infact the distance between the previous circle 04:12:237 (6) - and the tripple after has been increased to allow a better flow into such a position. As for the angle of change, the angle is such that it is in the same direction as the angle of the initial triple so I feel the section flows
  29. 04:19:027 (2,3,4,5) - overmapped. 1/4 beat then opposite flow -> aids :<increased spacing emphasises the notes at that point, the flow before the point is an oval clockwise movement, the flow at that point is such that the cursor turns back on itself at a similar angle to what it came in at so I don't feel as though it is an issue
  30. 04:20:290 (3) - the beat not that strong.spacing is large as the transition is very fast to this slider
  31. 04:21:395 (9) - NC?combo is intended to go up to 16
  32. 04:24:237 (1,2,3,4) - BD comes out of nowhere unsightreadable.I feel like the reputation of the syle of jumps that is gained by a certain mapper can not justify a prejudice against such a jump being used, as though such a jump can only be used in one circumstance - I would not expect to remove triangle jumps because they are used by other mappers, neither would I expect the same for star jumps. Simply because the inherent movement of the jump is considered difficult for a large number of players does not mean that it is un justified in the map, in this section. This jump is used as the speed of the section is very big, as shown by the jumps beforehand 04:24:237 (1,3) - make these slers to (2,4)
  33. 04:31:027 (1) - miss beat on white tick might wanna map thatFocus at this point is on lyrics
  34. the woof part in the last of the maps also involve a lot of overmap. If by overmap you mean it is difficult to play and requires skilled cursor movement for such spaced areas and direction changes within sliders then yes it is overmapped, but that is consistent for the difficulty.
  35. 1/4 + woof sliders + 190 bpm is not a thing. don't use it. It is not good to play.The shape of such small sliders, whether it be a slight curve for a blanket or bend does not change whether it can or can not be played. As such, "woof" or "wub" sliders which have a high velocity due to the music, but only change the movement slightly in comparison to normal sliders, (and then movement is changed it is both justified by the music and the difficulty of the map) should not be a problem in a map which demands so much cursor control to be played correctly. In addition to this, the bpm of the map does not dictate whether a slider is allowed but whether it is possible to play and if it will play as good as other, slower bpm maps. It is perfectly fine to use such slider in 400 bpm maps, but if the spacing is incorrect then it can turn into an unplayable mess. As the song is only 190 bpm and short, 1/4, sliders are generally single-tap-able, they should not be a problem. To suggest not using it is to suggest that most of the chorus should be remapped which is definitely not needed.
gl~ Thanks
Thanks for clearing out stuffs. I am learning something :D
a star fell
Spork Lover
Yo dude, M4M time finally since I'm done with my map xD

Color coding:
Colors n' st00fz
Red = Unrankable if unchanged
Black = Normal Suggestion
Blue = Strong Suggestion
Purple = Other


Nothing seems to be wrong here ;o


00:26:920 (4,1) - You did a whoopsie (:O), the slider lands on a white tick, but 00:31:815 (4,1) - stuff like this is red (Change the one on the white to a red)
00:34:025 (1,1,1) - Weird inconsistent NC'ing going on :o (As a reference, 00:24:078 (3,4,5,6) - this is the similar section)
01:09:394 (2,3) - I feel that the slider should be a reverse instead, I feel that the note isn't audible enough to be clickable, but that's up to you ^-^
01:37:183 (2,3,4,5) - Rearrange this, so 3,4,5 is a perfect triangle and 2 is dead centre in that triangle.
02:11:921 (1) - I donno, I feel that this could be better suited as either a long slider or longslider + note
02:15:316 - I would probably shorten this circle to the red tick and rearrange 2 so it flows better into the buzz slider (Example: or
02:29:606 (1,2,3) - Increase the SV a bit gradually, so the DS increase on the stream previously makes even more sense (Will also be a nice wake-up call for the SV change part later <3)
03:14:606 (1,2) - I would decrease the SV even more on these
03:15:711 (3) - Donno if an NC here will suit for you, but I'll point it out :3
03:19:500 (3) - Same
Your SV section was amazing >//<, really good job on it!!
03:37:816 (1,2,1,2) - Do 1/2 sliders instead that start 1/4 away from each other instead (If you don't know what I mean, PM me about it >//<) The section is slower than it should be, since it's a build-up D:
03:53:132 (2) - I'd NC this to show that the transition is shorter time-wise than the time from 03:53:132 (2,3) -
04:05:606 (11,1) - Switch NC, 11 starts on the white tick
04:06:869 (10) - Same
^ Not gonna go into much detail about the NC's here, but consider making the NC's a bit more dense, and start them on the downbeat!
04:20:132 (2) - NC for SV reasons ;3 + consistency with 04:18:869 (1) -
04:24:553 (3) - More NC reworks (Also the emphasis starts on 3, so doing a square before this part feels weird.)
^Again, rework so downbeat yadda yadda :3
05:15:711 (3) - You remember this? :3
05:20:763 (3) - Slider end is offscreen, pretty much unrankable >//<

Hope I could help :D Good luck with the map <3
Topic Starter

Spork Lover wrote:

Yo dude, M4M time finally since I'm done with my map xD

Color coding:
Colors n' st00fz
Red = Unrankable if unchanged
Black = Normal Suggestion
Blue = Strong Suggestion
Purple = Other


Nothing seems to be wrong here ;o Title of song is probably wrong, I don't have the resources to check this though, will probably change to the name of the other finished version of this song (


00:26:920 (4,1) - You did a whoopsie (:O), the slider lands on a white tick, but 00:31:815 (4,1) - stuff like this is red (Change the one on the white to a red)Changed
00:34:025 (1,1,1) - Weird inconsistent NC'ing going on :o (As a reference, 00:24:078 (3,4,5,6) - this is the similar section)Section altered, nc's changed
01:09:394 (2,3) - I feel that the slider should be a reverse instead, I feel that the note isn't audible enough to be clickable, but that's up to you ^-^Made into reverse slider
01:37:183 (2,3,4,5) - Rearrange this, so 3,4,5 is a perfect triangle and 2 is dead centre in that triangle.changed
02:11:921 (1) - I donno, I feel that this could be better suited as either a long slider or longslider + note I want to focus on the reverberations of the instrument in the background which stop at the end of the slider, as such it is a repeat slider. I also suck at long sliders.
02:15:316 - I would probably shorten this circle to the red tick and rearrange 2 so it flows better into the buzz slider (Example: or
02:29:606 (1,2,3) - Increase the SV a bit gradually, so the DS increase on the stream previously makes even more sense (Will also be a nice wake-up call for the SV change part later <3)Sv Gradually increased
03:14:606 (1,2) - I would decrease the SV even more on theseDecreased even further
03:15:711 (3) - Donno if an NC here will suit for you, but I'll point it out :3 NC addeed onto 03:16:027 (5) - instead
03:19:500 (3) - Same ^
Your SV section was amazing >//<, really good job on it!! Thanks :p
03:37:816 (1,2,1,2) - Do 1/2 sliders instead that start 1/4 away from each other instead (If you don't know what I mean, PM me about it >//<) The section is slower than it should be, since it's a build-up D:remapped
03:53:132 (2) - I'd NC this to show that the transition is shorter time-wise than the time from 03:53:132 (2,3) - Remapped this part
04:05:606 (11,1) - Switch NC, 11 starts on the white tickswitched
04:06:869 (10) - Same added
^ Not gonna go into much detail about the NC's here, but consider making the NC's a bit more dense, and start them on the downbeat!changed now
04:20:132 (2) - NC for SV reasons ;3 + consistency with 04:18:869 (1) - moved nc from 1 to 2
04:24:553 (3) - More NC reworks (Also the emphasis starts on 3, so doing a square before this part feels weird.)jump nc's staying the same mostly to be nice to read, nc's changed in other parts
^Again, rework so downbeat yadda yadda :3
05:15:711 (3) - You remember this? :3nc'd it cus why not
05:20:763 (3) - Slider end is offscreen, pretty much unrankable >//< changed even though ai mod disagrees

Hope I could help :D Good luck with the map <3thanks xd

  • Dualive
    00:20:762 (1) - >
    00:55:183 (2,1) - spacing here its too much imo, should change (recommendation > )
    00:59:288 (9) - nc?
    01:13:499 (3) - move this up to 463/69¡ actually it looks a bt messy imo
    01:16:973 (2,3) - same here.. hmm maybe somehing like
    01:23:604 (3,3) - stacj their heads? (01:24:551 (3) - move this) because the music here sounds more pitchy/intense in some way so more spacing would be better imo
    02:00:869 (4) - >
    02:43:079 (1) - add more spacing here, because this is not 1/4 spacing, it looks like 1/4 and the player may be confused because will think its 1/4, recommend to move to 249/179, yeah yeah, it has the NC but is not enough imo
    02:45:606 (1) - something similar here? please, add the spacing it totally looks like 1/4
    02:48:132 (1) - same here but Im not gonna point it out more xd
    should nc this 02:58:974 (2) -
    03:04:501 (5) - nc because sv change and the sound is totally different :p
    03:34:263 (2) - here you shouldnt follow vocals, remember that vocals are not snapped but the sound on 03:34:342 - it is, and this is a strong beat , shouldnt be skipped imo, why not adding a circle here 03:34:263 - and start the slider on white tick? make it more fun to play this, dont you think so :p?
    03:44:684 (8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - for some reason this part of the streams doesnt look good to me, (the same happened before in the stream that was the same as this) (maybe something like a better curvy-stream?)hope you got me :T
    03:48:237 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - and same here, it looks like hand placed stream (if it is, well, I don't want to say its horrible, but it can be better), like.. go 1/16 and add a circle around here 03:48:731 (12) - and use the approachcircle to make a perfect circle
    03:51:711 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Same! ^
    03:59:290 (1,2) - lul fix this
    04:44:132 - this should be clickable
    04:45:395 - ^ (and all these sliderends ;'v)
    04:58:027 (3) - change this slidershape xD the sounds totally different, the shape of the stream should be different aswell
    05:13:816 (1) - stack this with 05:13:027 (3) - end
    05:12:553 (1) - stack this with 05:13:500 (8) - ?
thats all from me, didnt mentioned some thigs because It breaks your style and everything and.. that would ruin the map, GL GL
I really like this map tbh. I think the main problem I've encountered while playing this was that hitsounds are too quiet most of the time and it is really hard to know what is going to come next because of it.

00:18:788 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - maybe it's just me, but it is very hard for me to acc streams when hitsounds are very quiet, I'd recommend boosting the hitsound volume a bit, maybe gradually every 8 notes?
00:22:657 (2,3,4,1) - this part plays very well, but something like this 00:26:446 (2,3,4,1) - 00:31:499 (2,3,4,1) - plays a bit more awkwardly.
01:27:709 (1,1) - maintaining the 1-shaped sliders is something you should consider, as it expresses the little melody pause on blue ticks perfectly.
01:34:025 (1) - ye just like this 1-shaped slider but with the red point curve on the beginning of the slider.
01:01:183 (1) - ye this whole section needs louder hitsounds because it is really hard to hear any response of what you're hitting because of this very loud melody. I think the quiet parts of the song should remain on 53% while the more loud sections should be with louder hitsounds.
01:40:183 (5) - I played this map twice in a row and I thought this was a singletap and there was no pause here. I played this before and after the mod and I still misread it. Riot pls fix. Change the place you put it or something, just make it not look like a singletap.
01:53:921 (10,1) - too big of a jump IMO. Having a jump here is nice, just not as big one.
01:58:974 (4,5) - same. Also, I highlighted the same patterns of the song, but the combo numbers are different so you should make NCs consistent here
02:37:184 (1,2,3) - new rhythm begins here and it is very unique compared to other songs because it feels like a second build-up (in a sense). Player doesn't expect a pattern change and such a big jump is unneeded. Maybe make 02:37:184 (1,2,3) spacing lower so the player could adjust to the new rhythm better. 03:37:816 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - you did that very well here, do the same on 2:37 now btw the difference between these parts is almost exactly 1min ;o
02:42:237 - this whole section could use louder hitsounds too (the kiai)
03:14:606 (5,6) - this sounds a bit like a break, like a driver releasing the gas pedal for a second. I suggest making spacing lower on this jump and 03:14:764 (6) - make this red-dot curve bigger if you lower the spacing between the jump, there will be enough space for a bigger hook
03:22:658 - this section should stay at 62% volume if you increase the kiai volume.
03:52:974 (1,2,3) - hard to adjust to a different rhythm for the player with such spacing, but I guess it still works well as this is the build-up before the most important part of the song.
04:22:974 (9,10,11,12) - this could be more round for more horizontal movement.
04:37:421 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - maybe put the triple on the second kickslider and the double on the first so it would be a smoothier transition (This is a very subjective recommendation, I don't know which is better, just pointing out another way of doing it).
05:05:921 (6) - make a hook for this slider to express this sound 05:06:000 - . You did that in 02:44:448 (6) - 02:54:553 (6) -
While looking for examples, I found an inconsistency. 03:04:737 (6) - Here you map the blue-tick sound while you do not map it in most (or all) other instances. I personally like the blue-tick starting slider, it emphasises and expresses that deceleration the song is doing. You do it here 05:15:869 (5,6) - as well and it is feels really good, other option (like this 02:54:395 (5,6) - ) feels out of touch with a song. I recommend mapping all of these sounds like this 05:15:869 (5,6) -
Also, I recommend you making as little kickslider streams as possible. When there are long big-spaced kickslider streams, they are pretty RNG. Players usually break and they don't even see what they did wrong. Kickslider streams are can be very frustrating sometimes. There are many of them in the map and when you have to do ~8 kickslider streams in one map, combo might be decided by RNG rather than skill.

I also checked AIMod and there are some unsnapped objects so make sure you clean that up ;) (if they are cleanable, because I fix em and it still shows up for me so idk)

I'm really digging this map, good job and good luck :D
Rank this
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Itasha_S13 wrote:


  • Dualive
    00:20:762 (1) - > made more curvy
    00:55:183 (2,1) - spacing here its too much imo, should change (recommendation > ) changed spacing
    00:59:288 (9) - nc? trying to keep nc's consistent
    01:13:499 (3) - move this up to 463/69¡ actually it looks a bt messy imo its in that postition to make a nice triangle shape win the slider endsand bump with 01:12:552 (1,2) -
    01:16:973 (2,3) - same here.. hmm maybe somehing like I don't see the problem with what i have currently and the example you gave changes the angle to something that isn't a 120 degree turn which would be inconsistent
    01:23:604 (3,3) - stacj their heads? (01:24:551 (3) - move this) because the music here sounds more pitchy/intense in some way so more spacing would be better imo I don't really see a need since they're so far apart , weould just cause spacing issues too
    02:00:869 (4) - > both are viable but the one i have right now follows the angles of the previous sliders
    02:43:079 (1) - add more spacing here, because this is not 1/4 spacing, it looks like 1/4 and the player may be confused because will think its 1/4, recommend to move to 249/179, yeah yeah, it has the NC but is not enough imo
    02:45:606 (1) - something similar here? please, add the spacing it totally looks like 1/4
    02:48:132 (1) - same here but Im not gonna point it out more xd id aregue that the fact that i use the NC should be more than enough to suggest 1/3 time
    should nc this 02:58:974 (2) - i dont see why,. the slider before has nc and the sv doesnt change
    03:04:501 (5) - nc because sv change and the sound is totally different :p there isnt an sv change here, i dont think sound is enough to make an nc, it would just make them inconsistent
    03:34:263 (2) - here you shouldnt follow vocals, remember that vocals are not snapped but the sound on 03:34:342 - it is, and this is a strong beat , shouldnt be skipped imo, why not adding a circle here 03:34:263 - and start the slider on white tick? make it more fun to play this, dont you think so :p? The vocals are by far the more prominent peice here which is why I chose to follow them verry the instuments, furthermore a sudden change from vocal to instrument might be awkward to follow.
    03:44:684 (8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - for some reason this part of the streams doesnt look good to me, (the same happened before in the stream that was the same as this) (maybe something like a better curvy-stream?)hope you got me :T
    03:48:237 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - and same here, it looks like hand placed stream (if it is, well, I don't want to say its horrible, but it can be better), like.. go 1/16 and add a circle around here 03:48:731 (12) - and use the approachcircle to make a perfect circle
    03:51:711 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Same! ^ streams have been changed to be more circular, yes they wee hand made
    03:59:290 (1,2) - lul fix this I'm gonna need a bit more explaination than "lul fix this"
    04:44:132 - this should be clickable
    04:45:395 - ^ (and all these sliderends ;'v) the slider end being a hard sound is superimposed on this section and consistent throughout the section. i see no reason to change it from what it is now and i think it has a nice effect to it
    04:58:027 (3) - change this slidershape xD the sounds totally different, the shape of the stream should be different aswell chnaged into 1/4 reverse slider
    05:13:816 (1) - stack this with 05:13:027 (3) - end stanced
    05:12:553 (1) - stack this with 05:13:500 (8) - ? the body of the slider is alrerady stacked
thats all from me, didnt mentioned some thigs because It breaks your style and everything and.. that would ruin the map, GL GL

Haganenno wrote:

I really like this map tbh. I think the main problem I've encountered while playing this was that hitsounds are too quiet most of the time and it is really hard to know what is going to come next because of it. made hitsounds louder. as set uses default hitsounds most ahve been set to around 100%

00:18:788 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - maybe it's just me, but it is very hard for me to acc streams when hitsounds are very quiet, I'd recommend boosting the hitsound volume a bit, maybe gradually every 8 notes?^
00:22:657 (2,3,4,1) - this part plays very well, but something like this 00:26:446 (2,3,4,1) - 00:31:499 (2,3,4,1) - plays a bit more awkwardly. personally as the section is so slow it does not make a difference however i made the effort to make it less awkward
01:27:709 (1,1) - maintaining the 1-shaped sliders is something you should consider, as it expresses the little melody pause on blue ticks perfectly.i have tried to, wherever possible but i think the sound can also be represented more dynamically if desired
01:34:025 (1) - ye just like this 1-shaped slider but with the red point curve on the beginning of the slider.curved it, dont think the position of the red effects it too much
01:01:183 (1) - ye this whole section needs louder hitsounds because it is really hard to hear any response of what you're hitting because of this very loud melody. I think the quiet parts of the song should remain on 53% while the more loud sections should be with louder hitsounds. ^
01:40:183 (5) - I played this map twice in a row and I thought this was a singletap and there was no pause here. I played this before and after the mod and I still misread it. Riot pls fix. Change the place you put it or something, just make it not look like a singletap.moved
01:53:921 (10,1) - too big of a jump IMO. Having a jump here is nice, just not as big one.
01:58:974 (4,5) - same. Also, I highlighted the same patterns of the song, but the combo numbers are different so you should make NCs consistent here I've made the NC's more consistent. I argue that the jump is infact not too big and is a nice little wake up call to the rest of the map. it fits nicely with the part and i like the movement caused by it
02:37:184 (1,2,3) - new rhythm begins here and it is very unique compared to other songs because it feels like a second build-up (in a sense). Player doesn't expect a pattern change and such a big jump is unneeded. Maybe make 02:37:184 (1,2,3) spacing lower so the player could adjust to the new rhythm better. 03:37:816 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - you did that very well here, do the same on 2:37 nowthe jumps on the second one are very big, maybe you don't realise because the heads are close but the distance from head to tail is massive compared to the first one. I'd argue the first one's spacing is pretty low, atleast I had no trouble playing it for being too high. I don't think its a big surprise at all either given the sliders here 02:06:869 (1,2,3,4,5) - btw the difference between these parts is almost exactly 1min ;o
02:42:237 - this whole section could use louder hitsounds too (the kiai) ^
03:14:606 (5,6) - this sounds a bit like a break, like a driver releasing the gas pedal for a second. I suggest making spacing lower on this jump and 03:14:764 (6) - make this red-dot curve bigger made slightly lower if you lower the spacing between the jump, there will be enough space for a bigger hook
03:22:658 - this section should stay at 62% volume if you increase the kiai volume.^
03:52:974 (1,2,3) - hard to adjust to a different rhythm for the player with such spacing, but I guess it still works well as this is the build-up before the most important part of the song.shoudlnt be difficult if you're playing the song
04:22:974 (9,10,11,12) - this could be more round for more horizontal movement.not sure i want that much horizontal movement tbh
04:37:421 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - maybe put the triple on the second kickslider and the double on the first so it would be a smoothier transition (This is a very subjective recommendation, I don't know which is better, just pointing out another way of doing it I don't think this is another way of doing it as it disregards what the song is doing for a rhythm that is subjectively easier ).
05:05:921 (6) - make a hook for this slider to express this sound 05:06:000 - . You did that in 02:44:448 (6) - 02:54:553 (6) - nature of the sliders have changed based on your comment below
While looking for examples, I found an inconsistency. 03:04:737 (6) - Here you map the blue-tick sound while you do not map it in most (or all) other instances. I personally like the blue-tick starting slider, it emphasises and expresses that deceleration the song is doing. You do it here 05:15:869 (5,6) - as well and it is feels really good, other option (like this 02:54:395 (5,6) - ) feels out of touch with a song. I recommend mapping all of these sounds like this 05:15:869 (5,6) -
Also, I recommend you making as little kickslider streams as possible. When there are long big-spaced kickslider streams, they are pretty RNG. Players usually break and they don't even see what they did wrong. Kickslider streams are can be very frustrating sometimes. There are many of them in the map and when you have to do ~8 kickslider streams in one map, combo might be decided by RNG rather than skill. I don't see the issue

I also checked AIMod and there are some unsnapped objects so make sure you clean that up ;) (if they are cleanable, because I fix em and it still shows up for me so idk)should be fixed

I'm really digging this map, good job and good luck :D

Shiguma wrote:

No KDs already got one for this map once

I don't think you can get away with no hitsounds for the first 40 seconds
I wish you'd use the default soft-hitwhistle sometimes (maybe use them in the 40 seconds you didn't hitsound at all)
There are 9 default hitsounds and you use like... 4? of them (more like 1 of them because its just a barrage of claps throughout the map)
Nothing is distinct as a result
You can say it doesn't matter because no one will notice it
But on the other hand no one would notice a map without any hitsounds at all but we're still required to do them If you can make a good suggestion towards a hitsound that would not be out of place in the first 40 seconds of the map which would not appear over saturated or out of place I will be happy to add the hitsound. As it is the start of the song does not use sounds that are distinct enough from other souynds to warrent a hitsound. As for the rest of the map, I use the drum hitnormal where necessary but as i said a lot of the sounds, if you were to hitsound them, would lead to places with waves of whistles or finishes which doesn;t sound nice at all

00:25:341 (2,1) - fix blanketfixed
00:26:920 (1) - change angle of this so it doesn't touch 00:26:446 (2) - changed
00:30:394 (2,3) - Slider path and followpoints into 00:30:867 (3) - are not parallel made parallel
00:43:499 (1,2) - could blanket blanketed
00:43:499 (1,4) - ^ as best as i could
00:45:867 (5,1) - move 1 pixel down and 1 pixel to the right for both these notesdone

01:04:815 (5,1) - I think should be only a 1/2 slider that lands on big white tick even tho its not the norm cuz otherwise it feels weird
01:09:867 (5,1) - 01:14:920 (5,1) - 01:19:973 (5,1) - 01:25:025 (5,1) - 01:30:078 (5,1) - 01:35:130 (5,1) - 01:40:183 (5,1) - ^

I don't want to be landing a slider on a hard note unless that note reletve to what else is happening is rather quiet (ie during the voice section here 03:22:658 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - ) or if it can be superimposed in the whole section (ie 04:43:500 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) -) as this does not fall under either of those, as such I have mapped every part possible in a way

To further on this, parts like 00:23:130 (1,2) - are split because both the sound that the slider would have landed on is hard, therefore i have chose to seperate this though the use of a shortened slider and a circle; the silder representing the long note that last until just before the circle where the circle, with an added jump, signals the sudden change. i see no problem in mapping the song like this, especially considering the alternative, a long slider or two circles, is by far inferior in representing the song...

01:03:078 (2,3) - should be a mirror of each other, they're lopsidedthey are a 120 degree mirror of each other, now a simple crtl+h would make it lopsided
01:07:499 (1) - 1 px to the right, I don't understand why osu! does this moved
01:15:867 (5) - 3 pixels to the right moved
01:30:709 (3,1) - slidertail of 01:30:709 (3) - should overlap 01:31:499 (1) - borders bettermoved
01:31:025 (5,2) - stack stakced
01:35:446 (2,5) - too close not touching
01:37:815 (1) - 1 px down 1 px rightmoved
02:27:315 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - make this a circle pls i mean its pretty circular as it is, no? mode even more circular
02:35:132 (3,4,5) - too much spacing from 4 to 5 made equal
02:48:553 (1) - 1 px down 1 px right moved
02:52:816 (3,4,1) - why not stack this on something on what. I dont see a reason to search for a stack
02:55:711 (1) - touching 02:56:132 (1) - moved
03:07:895 (3) - 03:08:764 (1) - stack on sliderbody? stacked
03:11:763 (3) - 1 px down 1 px right moved
03:32:763 (1,2) - compare distance between these and 03:33:000 (2,3) - these distance is same?
03:33:711 (4,1) - blanketblanketed
03:36:711 (2,1) - stackstacked
04:00:474 (16,1,2) - not a symetrical trianglemade into isosceles triangle
04:16:579 (6,7,8) - make this more sharp like you did with other streams if u want to stack with 04:16:027 (2) -streams aren;'t really sharp, they're just direction changes
04:33:079 (6) - decrease volume, better yet, remove because this is done exactly 1 time in the map for no apparent reason (i listened and i hear nothing special about this to require a 1/16th buzz) I can hear it pretty clearly,sound reduced
04:43:500 (1,3) - blanketas best as i could
04:52:342 (1) - move 1 px up 04:52:579 (2) - move 1 px rightmoved
04:52:579 (2,1) - either blanket this or move 04:53:606 (1,2) - blanketed
05:06:237 (1,1) - incorrect stacking, if you jiggle the slider it should snap correctlysnaped
05:26:448 (1,1) - why these two the only ones that aren't symmetrical in the outroopthers are not symetrical. idk why it makes a difference

02:22:027 (1) - i think normal hitsounds start too early, should start around 02:32:132 (1) - insteadchanged
05:23:921 (1) - should be soft hitsoundstoo loud to be soft hitsounds

Good luck on getting this ranked

Again, reminder to not award kd
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