17:08 MrDorian: w
17:08 *MrDorian is editing [https://osu.ppy.sh/b/972254 Phantom Sage - MIKO [Resonance]]
17:08 MrDorian: will I get another kudos with this?
17:08 Protastic101: no
17:08 MrDorian: so I'm not modding bye
17:08 MrDorian: jkjk
17:08 Protastic101: you already got kudosu once in the thread :/
17:08 MrDorian: maybe kwan won't notice ://
17:09 Protastic101: she notices all :///
17:09 MrDorian: ;/////////
17:10 MrDorian: 00:48:027 - slowjam pls
17:10 MrDorian: PLS
17:10 Protastic101: im not doing slowjams because slowjams make reading on HD stupid D:<
17:10 MrDorian: b-but
17:10 MrDorian: D:C
17:10 Protastic101: also, the entire kiai was pretty much filled with bump svs, so I wanna contrast that by making this just a normal 1x section
17:11 MrDorian: 02:19:527 - but this section contrast it well ;w;
17:11 MrDorian: but okay
17:11 MrDorian: I understand your point
17:11 MrDorian: btw die for all lns on 3
17:11 Protastic101: \o/
17:11 MrDorian: :3
17:12 Protastic101: but y
17:12 Protastic101: cause spacebar?
17:12 MrDorian: yes
17:12 MrDorian: 01:59:277 - maybe sv here????
17:12 Protastic101: dont play spacebar *flies away*
17:12 Protastic101: jk
17:13 MrDorian: u know, the 0.7 - 1.3x one
17:13 MrDorian: or sth
17:13 Protastic101: hm, my justification for having the spacebar LNs be ok is cause I tend to keep the notes on col 1 2 4 5 pretty evenly weighted in each measure so there's no excess strain
17:13 MrDorian: I just can't play them, they're okay DDD:
17:13 Protastic101: I tried doing an SV there, but the fact is the units would be 1/2 if I wanted something not too big, but that makes reading really hard since the SVs don't come at last section
17:14 Protastic101: second*
17:14 Protastic101: if I made the units 1/4, then my SVs would be really extreme at the end
17:14 Protastic101: well actually
17:14 Protastic101: lemme see
17:14 Protastic101: I might be able to do a weak bump
17:15 MrDorian: 0.75 and 1,25 seems okay
17:15 Protastic101: that would be half half and then the 1.25x would come on the downbeat which I'd like to avoid
17:15 MrDorian: and green line on blue tick
17:15 MrDorian: :<<
17:16 Protastic101: I did 0.9x and 1.7x, lemme see how it plays
17:16 Protastic101: kind of hard to notice but there's still an obvious speed up
17:16 Protastic101: ok, I like it
17:16 MrDorian: kk
17:17 Protastic101: 00:47:277 - pft, I did the same thing here but didn't notice
17:17 MrDorian: genius
17:17 MrDorian: :^D
17:17 Protastic101: consistency
17:17 MrDorian:
17:18 MrDorian: 02:21:027 - sv here would be nice too
17:18 MrDorian: some slowup and speedup
17:18 Protastic101: yeah, that one spans too many units and the whole thing would be a mess
17:18 MrDorian: for 02:23:277 (143277|0,143277|4,143277|2) -
17:18 MrDorian: I can make it good
17:18 MrDorian: :^)
17:18 Protastic101: I don't think doing a drag and pull sv would good either since it doesn't really fit the held vocal imo
17:19 MrDorian: hmmm
17:19 MrDorian: so just slowjam
17:19 MrDorian: for the held vocal
17:19 Protastic101: as for the one at 02:23:277 - , I can just do 0.9x, 1.7x again
17:19 MrDorian: do it
17:19 Protastic101: I would like to avoid slowjams
17:20 MrDorian: .z.
17:20 MrDorian: they would fit so nice .w.w.w.w.w...
17:20 MrDorian: but okay ;w;
17:20 MrDorian: I'm slowjam fag, sorry
17:21 Protastic101: ew, slowjams D:<
17:21 MrDorian: 02:47:277 (167277|4) - add sv here too
17:21 MrDorian: 03:11:277 (191277|2) - and here
17:21 MrDorian: 0.9-1.7 one fcc
17:21 MrDorian: ofc
17:22 Protastic101: added
17:22 MrDorian: <3
17:23 MrDorian: 04:47:652 - these are too strong
17:23 Protastic101: yeah, lemme soften them a bit
17:24 MrDorian: 04:52:527 - slowjam <333
17:25 MrDorian: 05:08:089 (308089|2) - move to 4 pls
17:25 Protastic101: ok, so I did one slow jam in the entire map D:<
17:25 Protastic101: ok
17:25 MrDorian: 05:09:027 (309027|3) - move to 3
17:26 Protastic101: done
17:26 MrDorian: update it and lemme check again
17:26 MrDorian: btw once I told that the song is crappy
17:26 MrDorian: I change my mind, it's awsum
17:27 Protastic101: lol, I thought the map already graved huehue
17:27 Protastic101: idk why I mapped the song :thinking:
17:27 MrDorian: :thinking:
17:28 Protastic101: so now it's time to find BNs? :spacethink:
17:28 MrDorian: ye
17:28 MrDorian: updated rite
17:28 Protastic101: real question doh, which BNs aren't ded
17:28 Protastic101: yeah, updated
17:28 *MrDorian is playing [https://osu.ppy.sh/b/972254 Phantom Sage - MIKO [Resonance]] <osu!mania> |5K|
17:28 MrDorian: if u wanna look
17:29 Protastic101: ok
17:33 Protastic101: nice acc
17:34 MrDorian: I'm acc god
17:34 Protastic101: 10/10
17:34 Protastic101: still better than me
17:34 MrDorian: still missing SVs DDDD:
17:34 Protastic101: :/
17:34 MrDorian: 03:59:277 - sv please
17:35 Protastic101: done
17:35 Protastic101: o shit
17:35 Protastic101: i need to do the reverse since 04:00:027 - is 3x
17:35 MrDorian: no
17:35 MrDorian: it looks good
17:35 MrDorian: 04:51:964 (291964|2,292152|3,292339|4) - ctrl+j
17:35 MrDorian: pitch
17:35 MrDorian: .w.
17:36 MrDorian: it is gut
17:36 MrDorian: ********
17:36 MrDorian: engrish two hard
17:36 Protastic101: done
17:37 MrDorian: ok, svs are good (i think)
17:37 Protastic101: yey
17:37 MrDorian: I approve them (owo)b
17:37 Protastic101: yays!
17:37 MrDorian: now you won't find any bn because I approved them
17:37 *MrDorian runs
17:38 Protastic101: hue
17:38 MrDorian: hue
17:38 MrDorian: posting irc