
I like someone better if they have a cute avatar

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and I instantly dislike them if they change to an ugly one.
i instantly dislike them if they have a neptunia avatar
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FuZ wrote:

i instantly dislike them if they have a neptunia avatar

But you still like me
You like me, we get it.
Where do ponies exist on this spectrum
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Mahogany wrote:

Where do ponies exist on this spectrum

Bad unless equestria girls

Mahogany wrote:

Where do ponies exist on this spectrum
around here
Come here bby
squares are cute
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Mr Color wrote:

squares are cute
You're ugly
i was in fact voted sexiest square of the year by the magazine shapesmopolitan
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Mr Color wrote:

i was in fact voted sexiest square of the year by the magazine shapesmopolitan
A polished turd is still a piece of shit.
cute anime avatars in general avatars have no personality
fat pear

Mahogany wrote:

Where do ponies exist on this spectrum
they don't exist because my little pony is for little girls

Khelly wrote:

Bad unless equestria girls
That's just wrong

GladiOol wrote:

around here
You're great

microism wrote:

ey don't exist because my little pony is for little girls
You suck

Mahogany wrote:

Khelly wrote:

Bad unless equestria girls
That's just wrong
because fapping to ponies is definitely 100% better, right
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Some people find ponies as hot as I do futanaris
at least futanarsi can fuck love you back

Dulcet wrote:

because fapping to ponies is definitely 100% better, right
If you're going to fap to ponies at least fap to ponies for christ's sake
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Dulcet wrote:

at least futanarsi can fuck love you back
I need a futa cock

Mahogany wrote:

Dulcet wrote:

because fapping to ponies is definitely 100% better, right
If you're going to fap to ponies at least fap to ponies for christ's sake

Khelly wrote:

I need a futa cock
it's called a giant clit
Vuelo Eluko
i have best nazi neko trap as an avatar

Dulcet wrote:


Rilene wrote:

Dulcet wrote:

feminazi, now with a dick
i ignore all weeaboo avatars instantly
i like someone better if they smell of cheetos

it means we have something in common
-Makishima S-

GladiOol wrote:

Mahogany wrote:

Where do ponies exist on this spectrum
around here
I love people who didn't watched this and talk shit, shows how truly autistic you are xD
thats a pretty solid argument right there
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FuZ wrote:

thats a pretty solid argument right there

I watched mlp for 2 werks everyday at the same time when I had no internet a few years ago in the summer

Khelly wrote:

I watched mlp for 2 werks everyday at the same time when I had no internet a few years ago in the summer
we all make mistakes
-Makishima S-
I don't regret watching it.
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[Taiga] wrote:

I don't regret watching it.
i watched like 4 episodes

it was shit but if people like it what the fuck do i care
-Makishima S-
Funny because

Each single guy who stupidly "curse" over ponies and people watching them


provide any arguments

about negative influence

of this cartoon

for for audiences of all ages.

I respect that someone don't like this type of cartoon and it's all ok, everyone have different taste, i don't like sponchboob and i don't say a single word about people who like this and enjoy this show but if someone just... walk with transparent of "fuck ponies and bronies" is like... i couldn't call him autistic stright away because it's an insult to autistic people. He is just pain fuckin retarded to the grave.
Vuelo Eluko
when you take your daughter to see equestria girls and you have to expose them to a lot of disgusting heavy breathing smelly probably pedophilic bronies that not only make the parents uncomfortable but ruin the movie with their shouting and memes
-Makishima S-
EG is damn awfull, i am talking about normal ponies.
Vuelo Eluko
it would be just as bad if not worse if they played real ponies in public
the problem is the fandom, not the show
-Makishima S-
Looking at the show from perspective of an fandom is plain stupid.
Same as evaluate human who watch this from perspective of an fandom.
I already know people who are nice, very intelligent and friendly who watch and enjoy ponies.
Vuelo Eluko
That's the experience most people have with it.
-Makishima S-

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

That's the experience most people have with it.
Funny, my experience is plain different.

Maybe because i am not acting like an 8-years old fucked up mentaly kid who see "one group of people acting like shitters" and instantly put everyone around certain product into same group.

@Edit: by logic of this retards - everything in this world is bad and every single person is autistic because in every single thing i find people who are just fucked up.

Ex. Osu - there are nice people here and there are fucktards (especially once who cheats - eg. Spare).
Bronies are a few levels up from niggers at least

Except when they ruin perfectly good lewd threads with furfaggotry

Twowhos are the best fandum

This is a poem, actually
rip original topic
fat pear
my little pony is about talking horses with magic and wings and it is for little girls why do you degenerates even watch this utter disgrace of a "show", i have an aneurysm when i think about you "people", and a hard time believing you "people" exist. how do you even identify as a human being. no wait, i'll take that back. you guys identify as "ponykin", right? because you're so obsessed with this freaking 6 year old girl show (meant for 6 year old girls) that you would change your freaking gender, identity or religion for it. actually, you know what? i don't care. keep dressing in your rainbow dash suit, looking like an autistic fat man who has never left his mother's basement for 17 years, with a neckbeard covered in cheeto dust.

QuillGill wrote:

giving away for free

[Taiga] wrote:

I love people who didn't watched this and talk shit, shows how truly autistic you are xD

[Taiga] wrote:

if someone just... walk with transparent of "fuck ponies and bronies" is like... i couldn't call him autistic stright away because it's an insult to autistic people. He is just pain fuckin retarded to the grave.
make up your mind boy

B1rd wrote:

Except when they ruin perfectly good lewd threads with furfaggotry
furfaggotry has great lewds, wtf are you talking about ):

microism wrote:

Suddenly I like you again for whatever reason, probably because of how unintentionally hilarious your post is

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

when you take your daughter to see equestria girls and you have to expose them to a lot of disgusting heavy breathing smelly probably pedophilic bronies that not only make the parents uncomfortable but ruin the movie with their shouting and memes
I just watch it with my little sister at home so fuck outside influence
it's a perfectly mediocre show

most cartoons/anime are no better

i have to feel for its fans though, there's a lot better things to be a fan of

jackisgone wrote:

i ignore all weeaboo avatars instantly
fuk you

pokemon is best anime

japan is superior country
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