
Chiying - Kokoro (Cantonese ver.)

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Just passing around~ I know you posted in the queue, sorry for being too late ;~;

Anyways, ahhh this song is so cute, and the cantonese seems to give it an even softer and cuter tone >w<

The storyboard is pretty nice btw, but I think the letterboxes ruin the dark-bright moments sometimes... Just my opinion here x3

Good luck!!
[Wolf's Level 4]

03:52:317 (1,2,3,4,5) - I find this extremely confusing.
03:58:746 (7,8,9,1) - ^

Also, make sure to disable Letterbox during breaks on every difficulty like Beuchi said!
Amethyst Wolf
Much better.

Megurine Luka
CONG. Nice ver.
I still dont know why this artist use Kagamine Rin

why you must use Kagamine Rin? It's not the true artist for this song

Also source shouldnt be Vocaloid too...
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not sure about that but this is the willing of the original artist too >_<

OMG this is kokoro~!

wmfchris wrote:

not sure about that but this is the willing of the original artist too >_<

but you cant , if you dont want chiying to be artist then change others. likes Cantonese or some others

what i said is "Kagamine Rin shouldnt be the artist of this song"

^this is the point
will it be unranked? :cry:
I don't want to 凸 again orz-sno
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I'll look after this next time >A<
it should be change
next time is not the reason for make mistake

it must be unrank as soon as possible , otherwise many ppl must to replay it

早点unrank这样玩的人也少 重凹的人也就少
unrank because of the wrong artist,
i will recheck it when you fix it
Gogo rerank
Snowy Dream
wrong artist..
老师你神了 膜拜
yeah go to rerank
唉 算了
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karenying wrote:

唉 算了

漢語拼音係 ziying
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子讀 zi2
嚴格來說英文並無釋音,有時為Tse,但當看Tse一字難以發出讀音 (orz)

子(zi2)近音ci2相近釋法為 chi

anyway 這是她本人意願啊~~
我朋友也叫子瑩 英文是tszying啊 orz
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tsz 冇vowels其實係讀唔出架 orz
算吧唉 orz
Colin Hou
  1. tags: ToraburutaP
  2. SB文件夹里的Thumbs.db删掉后重传
  3. normal-sliderwhistle.wav? 这个其实不必要的._. 选中slider之后再选圈就能不给slider加whistle了
  4. 蛋疼点的话... 标题里 ver. or Ver.?
  1. 00:11:067 (T) - 这条绿线的设置移到红线上 然后删除
  2. 00:11:281 (T) - 这条也没用吧...
  3. 00:52:317 (T) - ^
  4. 00:52:424 (T) - ^
  5. 03:57:460 (T) - ^
[Wolf's Level 4]:
  1. Soft线上的C1都取消掉吧... 好像没有soft的custom override
  2. 很多地方stack都出错 但是除了移位置并没有很好的解决方案了... 之前的MAT/BAT认为没问题的话 +_+ 不管了
  1. soft的C1问题以及无用绿线: 00:23:174 01:21:461 01:22:318 01:24:889 01:25:746 01:28:318 01:29:174 01:38:603 02:06:031 03:01:531 03:16:317 03:28:960 03:30:031 03:41:603 03:42:031 03:42:460 等等到末尾... 这是把timing section当做书签了吧么 还是打算做音量变换结果最后阉割掉了 233
  1. 02:06:031 03:30:031 无用绿线 soft的C1问题
这还在WIP啊 移到pending去...
Megurine Luka
Topic Starter
ver. 畢竟不是專有名詞 嘛 就不改了

其他all fixed ~
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game :)

"toraburuta" in tags ?

aesopl's Easy
00:25:317 - for that part, the hitsounds are too silent imo
00:37:317 (1) - Remove the new combo to keep the combo consistent with the previous ones.
01:31:531 (1) - This spinner's sound becomes suddenly silent. If you want to silence only the end, place the timing section using soft sample exactly when it ends, like this:

01:36:460 (1) - This spinner is rather short for an Easy diff. And the hitsounds for the part starting with it are once again too silent.
03:14:603 (1) - Why is there a new combo for this note ?
03:15:460 (1) - For the section starting with this note, the hitsounds are too silent.
04:09:460 (1) - Why is there a new combo for this note ?

The hitsounds are too silent.

The hitsounds are once again too silent.
02:02:603 (10) - As nice as this is, I hesitated to know where the sliderball was going to go. Try rearranging the pattern so that it's clearer ? :/
In the end (for that arigatoo spam) the new combo and slider placement felt weird to me.

Wolf's Level 4
Why not name this "Wolf's Insane" ?
01:26:603 (1,2,3) - This looks weird in-game.
02:12:889 (1) - For the part starting here, the hitsounds are too silent.
02:37:531 (2) - Very confusing slowdown. I don't think you should use slowdowns like that in the middle of combos: it's confusing because the sliders will have the same length but will not last the same time.
star as long as i still have the chance !
Good luck on re-rank ! +_+
Move to Pending please!
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all fixed except

"toraburuta" in tags ? Composer, so tagged

In the end (for that arigatoo spam) the new combo and slider placement felt weird to me.
Slider and NC placed every 4 beats o_o

diff name: Wolf name his diff like this as a usual practice.
02:12:889 (1) - For the part starting here, the hitsounds are too silent.
Transtition between two lyrics section, so it can be softer.

·Metronome is wrong during the whole song, offset should go on 11.174 (or add a red line on that time and keep 3.889's one...) to fix the metronome. BPM and offset are ok.
·I'm wondering, why not add TorabutaP to source instead of tags?

Set Tick Rate to 1 like in the other diffs
01:57:031 (1,2) - Spacing doesn't makes sense..., if you wan't for a stop to happen on 01:56:388 (2,1) -, making a mini-jump on 01:57:031 (1,2) pretty much kills the feeling you made for it.
02:02:603 (1) - Make this slowdown x0.65 or higher. If you don't have sliderticks it's very hard to tell this is a x0.5 1/1 slider and not a 1/2 x1.0 slider, since there is also not a single change on the spacing (in fact, it's higher here, wich makes even less sense...)
02:33:674 (1) - Same here and in the following x0.5 sections
04:00:460 (6,7,8,9,10) - Unstack this in the same way that you did it with 03:59:603 (2,3,4) - for a nicer visual appeal.
04:01:746 (1) - Same issue with the x0.5...
General thoughts: Overal I'm dissapointed with this diff, expected more awesomeness due to the previous star rating but I'm just seeing some random patterns here and there, also I'm very worried on the slowdowns as mentioned before...

Could do an AR +1
00:49:103 (1) - Is this sliderwhistle intentional? sounds out of place to me (same goes to all the whistled sliderslides outside the chorus, though this one is the oddest one)
General thoughts: This diff has some nice structure, but patterns could be better, I know since I've seen you making better patterns. It's ok though.

It's so much easier to tell the x0.5 sliders here have slowdowns due to the sliderticks, no need to change any slowdown on this diff.
03:07:103 (6,1,2) - New combo on (1) doesn't makes much sense. Hmmm, I think removing the new combo on (1), add a new combo on 03:07:746 (2) - and removing the new combo on 03:08:389 (1) - would make much more sense. What do you think?
03:12:674 (4) - Rotate this a bit so it doesn't interferes with the following combo's spacing.
General thoughts: Nice normal, it flows nicely. Hitsounds could be better but they work. Good job

00:06:031 - This break is kinda anticlimatic, why don't you add notes on 00:06:889 - and 00:07:317 - ?
00:39:460 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - (from 00:39:460 to 00:58:746 ) Add more hitsounds, you have a nice whistle so use that one.
01:06:031 (1) - Whistle on the repeat?
01:12:888 (1) - Whistle on the end?
01:30:031 (1,2,3) - Looks odd, make it symmetrical like this. Also (2) could have a finish too.
General thoughts: Nothing horrible, nothing awesome, it's overall a nice easy.
Topic Starter
ok fixed~
~All Diffs~
- [Normal] and [Wolf's Level 4] don't have the Source (delete it from Tags in [Normal])

~Wolf's Level 4~
02:04:103 (1) - I have the feeling that this slider should be slower...
02:50:603 (1,2,3) - More broken sliders~
02:57:460 (1) - ^
03:00:889 (1,2) - ^
03:06:031 (5,6) - ^

That's all~
Hmm, I'd like to wait until Amethyst Wolf gives his/her opinion about this, because I swear I remember 02:04:103 (1) being even slower when I played it before.

Sorry =x
Amethyst Wolf
Sorry for missing all mod.

Odaril wrote:

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Wolf's Level 4
Why not name this "Wolf's Insane" ? Just my style
01:26:603 (1,2,3) - This looks weird in-game.fixed
02:12:889 (1) - For the part starting here, the hitsounds are too silent.Just a little transition, and, This volume is suitable for this part.
02:37:531 (2) - Very confusing slowdown. I don't think you should use slowdowns like that in the middle of combos: it's confusing because the sliders will have the same length but will not last the same're right

Krisom wrote:

Set Tick Rate to 1 like in the other diffs
01:57:031 (1,2) - Spacing doesn't makes sense..., if you wan't for a stop to happen on 01:56:388 (2,1) -, making a mini-jump on 01:57:031 (1,2) pretty much kills the feeling you made for it.fixed
02:02:603 (1) - Make this slowdown x0.65 or higher. If you don't have sliderticks it's very hard to tell this is a x0.5 1/1 slider and not a 1/2 x1.0 slider, since there is also not a single change on the spacing (in fact, it's higher here, wich makes even less sense...)
There are lot of insane diff did it like that
02:33:674 (1) - Same here and in the following x0.5 sections
04:00:460 (6,7,8,9,10) - Unstack this in the same way that you did it with 03:59:603 (2,3,4) - for a nicer visual appeal.
04:01:746 (1) - Same issue with the x0.5...
General thoughts: Overal I'm dissapointed with this diff, expected more awesomeness due to the previous star rating but I'm just seeing some random patterns here and there, also I'm very worried on the slowdowns as mentioned before...I'm so sorry about since my english is too poor, I can't fully understand why you feel disappointed with my diff. However, about random patterns, if I don't read the wrong meaning, random jump, I'm trying to improve it.

Beuchi-chan wrote:

~All Diffs~
~Wolf's Level 4~ Yeah I love purple too
02:04:103 (1) - I have the feeling that this slider should be slower...unfortunately, x0.5 is the lowest BPM multiplier in the green line, and using red line to changing the slider speed is not allow without the song BPM is changing
02:50:603 (1,2,3) - More broken sliders~~(In fact, I'm not clearly what you wanna say
02:57:460 (1) - ^D:
03:00:889 (1,2) - ^D:
03:06:031 (5,6) - ^D:

That's all~
Download: Chiying - Kokoro (Cantonese ver.) (wmfchris) [Wolf's Level 4].osu
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my fault to change the SV and forgotten the broken slider ;w;
Ibuki Suika
I will wait this map forever

Amethyst Wolf wrote:

02:50:603 (1,2,3) - More broken sliders~~(In fact, I'm not clearly what you wanna say
02:57:460 (1) - ^D:
03:00:889 (1,2) - ^D:
03:06:031 (5,6) - ^D:
Ah, before you checked the diff those sliders were broken because there was a missing timing section xD wmfchris already fixed that, but the one I pointed out after that still felt weird x3;

Anyways, now everything is fine lt's get this re-ranked already!!

hmm...finally rebubbled
back to ranked area
Ibuki Suika
As I am come from Hong Kong too,I must support this beatmap!....I got the 5th rank in the hard difficulty!
(sorry for the poor english)
The maps are not bad, but i gotta say that im disappointed about some stacks that appears in wolf's difficulty:

I mean that they would look so much better if they were properly stacked, (stack leniency +1 is more than enough)

Or use stack leniency of 0, but thats unrankable now. Also, the current stack leniency is 2, just pointing this out for the mapper in case that he is thinking that he is using 0.

Sighs, i know that its no use complaining about a ranked map but w/e :<
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