
LeaF - I [OsuMania]

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_underjoy wrote:

00:38:715 (38715|2,39534|2,41715|1,43079|3,46079|0) - ghost notki, rozumiem że dane po to żeby LNy puszczało się łatwiej, ale mimo wszystko nie ma pod nie wystarczająco słyszalnych dźwięków (słychać jakieś minipiknięcie hihata czy czegoś ale jest ono praktycznie niezauważalne, zwłaszcza że nutki na 1/1 są pod co innego (pod kick). Proponowałbym po prostu pominąć te dźwięki i dać notkę co 1/1 na kicka (mimo, że wtedy te LN na offbeat są trudniejsze, ale bardziej poprawne technicznie)nope, nie są to ghost notki tak czy siak, a dzięki temu trzyma się flow
00:49:897 - 00:54:261 - jeżeli dajesz notki na pianino w przejściach, możesz też rozważyć danie ich tutaj pod to samo pianinko. Ale bez nich też jest ok ;) praktycznie nie słyszalne, więc nope, szczególnie że to normal
01:02:422 (62422|3,62422|2,62689|0,62689|1) - sugerowałbym dać to po jednej notce, jako że wcześniej takie bursty akcentowałeś pojedynczymi LNami, a teraz ten burst ma większą siłę jak dużo mocniejszy crash na 01:02:955 - done
01:09:737 (69737|2,69737|3,69998|1,69998|0) - ^ done
01:29:567 - brakuje notki na crasha, nawet jeżeli planowałeś skupić się na 1/2 to spokojnie da tu radę wcisnąć chorda przy lekkiej zmianie patterningu (chord na [12] lub [34]) Wcześniej postawiłem tutaj chorda, ale niestety dodanie tej notki strasznie boostuje SR (do 2,3), przez co pierwsze spojrzenie na spread wygląda brzydko :/
01:51:619 (111619|0,111690|1,111762|2,111833|3) - 1/3 280bpm na normalu, hmm imo trochę ryzykowne, usunąłbym 2 środkowe notki z tego i zaakcentował jedynie początek i koniec. Nie jestem w stanie ocenić trudności, bo niby pattern prosty i się to łatwo gra, a z drugiej strony to jest praktycznie 1/6 140bpm na Normalu (gdzie rzadko na Normalach używa się 1/4) 1234 i vice versa to najprostsze co może być jeśli chodzi o "bursty" według mnie jest okej, często spotyka się na łatwych nawet pianinach coś takiego (patrz moje sedap malam)
01:52:262 (112262|0,113119|0) - nie słyszę pod co to jest, jeżeli ma akcentować to 01:53:976 - tutaj również powinno coś stać. Ale mimo wszystko te notki nie są aż tak potrzebne. zapomniałem naprawić, dodana notka do brakującego
01:54:262 (114262|1,114333|2) - jak wyżej nope
02:24:706 (144706|1,144778|2) - ^ ^
02:25:278 (145278|0,146135|0,146992|0,147849|0) - w odniesieniu do 01:52:262, tutaj wyraźnie słychać po do jest chord. Tamta sekcja nie jest tak silna. ale krótsza
02:29:778 - jak wyżej z tymi 1/3 zostawiam, ale poprawiłem na 1234, bo faktycznie 2314 może być już too hard na normala

00:19:226 (19226|3,19476|0,19726|3) - nie lepiej skupić się po prostu na crashach? Ten pattern jest całkiem trudny zwłaszcza, że wymusza grę na zewnątrz, a te notki w zasadzie nie są wyróżnialne na tle tego, co się tam dzieje. Tak więc usunąłbym przynajmniej pierwsze dwie, a jak już zostawiasz to przynajmniej przesunąłbym te dwie do środka na 3 i 2. Racja, usunąłem notki i przekształciłem 2chordy w 3chordy żeby nie było jak w normalu
00:38:715 (38715|2) - i tak dalej, podobny problem co w Normalu, niektóre z tych notek są odczuwalne jako ghost. 1/1 kick powinien załatwić sprawę. nope tak samo jak w normalu
00:47:443 (47443|2,50443|1,51806|3,54806|0) - z tymi podobny problem. Ostatnia z nich jeżeli nie jest pod ten 1/4 hihat (a pewnie nie jest bo go tu nie zmapiłeś), to też jest raczej do usunięcia. pls, nie wchodzą tu w grę żadne ghost notki więc nie ma co usuwać, zresztą jest dobre playability
01:05:824 (65824|0) - do 3, żeby współgrać z patternem wcześniej ok
01:41:138 (101138|3,101274|0) - skupiasz się tutaj wyłącznie na pianinku, więc nie jestem pewien co do tych notek pod kicka. fakt, ale to jest po prostu zbyt znaczące zakończenie calm partu by go zignorować, więc zostaje
01:55:267 (115267|3,115695|3) - co Ty na skupienie się na tej notce na 4 co 1/1 i 01:56:445 (116445|3,116552|0,116981|0) - zamianie tych notek miejscami (z 1 na 4 i z 4 na 1)? potem mirror dalszego patternu. ok
01:58:267 (118267|0,118374|3) - nie pasuje mi to, dałbym 2 3 [14] <- LN, bo kompletnie nie mapujesz bursta i LNy dajesz pod coś co powinno być singlenotkami. fakt, fixd
02:31:063 - 3-chord bo crash? ok

Black Another
00:34:224 - dalej twierdzę że to jest cięższe niż w Limbo bo wymaga readingu, no ale star rating :/ rip
00:38:715 (38715|1,39534|1,41715|2,43079|1,43897|1) - jak wcześniej, tbh usunięcie ich nawet na wyższych diffach ma sens bo prostsze sekcje powinny być raczej bardziej klarowne. W drugiej części podobnie, chociaż tam gdzie streamy tam oczywiście jest okej. się uczepiłeś tych notek jak nie wiem
00:54:806 (54806|2,54874|3) - tego hihatu nie zmapowałeś 00:46:147 - tutaj, a jest to analogiczna sekcja. fixd
01:17:275 (77275|2,77386|2,77497|1,77608|1) - do zewnętrznych kolumn? imo jest nieco lepszy balans rąk przy takich handach. ok
02:12:849 - pomysł: zacznij to od chorda [12] i wtedy będzie mógł skończyć tutaj również [12][34] chordami. na Limbo jest spam jumptrillami i pp więc [14][23] są logiczne, ale tutaj mógłbyś jednak nieco ułatwić wejście w te quady. fixd
02:21:421 (141421|1) - zrób tam miejsce na 3-chorda, crash za mocny żeby to pominąć fixd

00:12:010 - jest opcja grace jeżeli chcesz urozmaicić, te pianinka tu nie są równe za tą sugestie to powinienem Ci flache postawić, uwielbiam grace i to na takim mocnym slowjamie. Nie jestem pewien co do tego dźwięku tutaj 00:18:010 - więc to miejsce bez zmian
00:38:715 (38715|1) - jak wcześniej nope
00:40:897 (40897|2,40965|1,41034|0) - ten kick jest tutaj mocno wtrącony z akcentem na ostatnią notkę więc może jakiś mniej wygodny pattern? 311? zbyt wielkie udziwnienie partu według mnie
00:45:329 - ^ ^
00:58:022 (58022|3) - w zasadzie jest dobrze, ale możesz przesunąć to na 1 żeby zrobić efekt doubletapami done
02:25:653 - tu możesz dodać notkę, pasuje (faktycznie 1/4 jest tylko w tym miejscu w całym tym fragmencie, ale rytmicznie jest okej, a też jakoś nie zaburza harmonii) rip, niestety zaburza harmonie patternów
02:30:635 - tutaj możesz walnąć minibursta na sam koniec, osłabisz pierwszego handa i schodek jak talala. Trochę nie pewny jestem tej zmiany, ale ok, niech Ci będzie

pedalska mapa pedalski mapper twój stary

MrDorian wrote:


00:56:022 (56022|0,57489|1) - może w tym fragmencie zrobisz coś takiego dla uwzględnienia pitchu? odpada, repeaty są celowe

Black Another:

To samo, co wyżej, tylko ctrl+h'nij :cc ^


02:15:635 (135635|0,135635|2,135849|2,135849|1,136063|3,136063|1) - może ctrl+h, bo nibyanchor boli w oczy naprawiłem w inny sposób (przynajmniej poprawiłem coś co nie zgadzało się z normalem dzięki temu xD)

Kocham twoje sv
Dzięki za mody
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey, so i saw this map, decided to download, looked cool! First impression when playing it, wao nice patterned and the song is cool but after a while i realized you're using the default HS... I'm not saying this is bad but i'm pretty sure you could do waaaay better with some custom HS. Just dropping this here to know if you're interested in me doing the HS for you, i wouldn't mind at all and i have some that are just so fit for this.

Just throw me a msg in the thread or basically.. anywhere if you like, that way i can know if you want me to do the HS for you.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Underjoy's Another
00:34:724 (34724|0,34786|1,34849|2,34911|1,34974|0,35474|0,35536|1,35599|2,35661|1) - Alot more notes on the left hand than right, making it quite awkward to play.

Black Another
02:19:653 (139653|1,139706|2,139760|0,139813|1,139867|2) - This is insanely awkward to play, applies ridiculous pressure to the left hand.

ridiculously short mod, sorry.
Topic Starter

DDMythical wrote:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Black Another
02:19:653 (139653|1,139706|2,139760|0,139813|1,139867|2) - This is insanely awkward to play, applies ridiculous pressure to the left hand. I dont find it insanely awkward to play, its pretty common staircase pattern in speed maps, so no change here
Underjoy also didnt change anything, but thanks for suggestion!

Antalf wrote:

Heeeeeeeeeeeeey, so i saw this map, decided to download, looked cool! First impression when playing it, wao nice patterned and the song is cool but after a while i realized you're using the default HS... I'm not saying this is bad but i'm pretty sure you could do waaaay better with some custom HS. Just dropping this here to know if you're interested in me doing the HS for you, i wouldn't mind at all and i have some that are just so fit for this.

Just throw me a msg in the thread or basically.. anywhere if you like, that way i can know if you want me to do the HS for you.
PMed, waiting for custom HS.
Couldn't had procrastinated this more :^).

-3 Kick to chose from

All EQed by me. If need anything else don't hesitate on throwing a in-game or forum pm (I had a longer pack but that would go out of the "simple" part).

Another Lie
This is what i'm waiting for. I'm too lazy to create this map T_T
#shoot 3 stars
Topic Starter

Antalf wrote:

Couldn't had procrastinated this more :^).

-3 Kick to chose from

All EQed by me. If need anything else don't hesitate on throwing a in-game or forum pm (I had a longer pack but that would go out of the "simple" part).

Sorry for being very late, but yeah, I fixed those hitsounds
Heyo Tidek o/

Not really too much, hope it helps and we are talking some of this days to see what to do with hyper/normal.

psure you wont take it out but I guess for the sake of consistency using a double directly on 00:00:557 (557|3) - would fit. Also I believe the pattern with that anchor on the 4th column is mindblock material too, which right in the intro seems like a pretty harsh choice from your part. Your call anyways.

00:40:965 (40965|1,45329|1) - I... am not really sure about those 1/4s in all honesty. Like, I can sorta see what you are aiming for with that but there isnt really any song that is perceptible by the player. The one that comes just after this 1/4 tho is noticable as the hihat is stronger. I would suggest delete those notes.

00:49:352 - Was thinking about using something like this on this part The reason why I am drafting it that way is that the sound sounds less trill-ish on that particular ending of the 1/4s so would be reasonable to use a more roll-ish pattern there.
Same thing would go for 00:53:715 -

00:55:889 (55889|3,56155|3,56422|3,56689|3,56955|3) - I mean yeah, I get it. But you could mix them up to be more pitch accurate. Maybe this ?

01:18:094 (78094|2) - How important is this note for you all the times you use it? Like, besides the fact that spreadwise the gap from black another to limbo is indeed big this note I feel it makes it so much bigger and it doesnt really add that much. This applies to all those in this roll sections.

02:13:055 - This is the best I could come out with I believe for that 4th column anchor With that you kinda get a lower density on the left hand to be compensated once you go into the jumptril with a 4 note anchor in the first column. Might work out, check it out.

02:19:546 (139546|1,139599|3,139653|2) - Are there sounds in there?

Black Another
00:20:976 (20976|3,21101|1) - I think a ctrl+g for pitch right there works well.
00:25:702 (25702|2,25827|3) - Same

00:28:724 (28724|3) - This one to column 3 could work to for the same reasons imo but its a bit trickier as 4th column would be left empty for quite a bit so up to you.

00:31:349 - In this part I link a picture of some mix in the jacks, tried ot make them more pitched as well but having the jacks from white to red since I believe those are the timings where the jack sound happens.

00:40:965 (40965|1) - Same point for the 1/4s
00:55:889 - Same point for the LNs

01:58:802 - For this part I also believe the jacks should be white into reds so I rearranged the pattern a bit as in the picture:

I believe overall you can apply (or not) that to the whole section. I dont know if you would like that since you did it the other way around all the map but I wanted to point it out just in case.
02:19:546 (139546|1,139599|0,139653|1) - Same point as limbo.

_UJ's Another
00:28:224 (28224|3,28349|3,28474|3) - I like this but it feels a bit outplaced in a difficulty that doesnt really focus on that too much. Instead of deleting them which would be the easier option I would go and try to get more jacks in this section such as making this 00:28:599 (28599|0,28724|2,28974|3,29099|2) - notes 1/2 jacks and overall doing that in this section.

00:40:965 (40965|1) - :b:

00:47:170 (47170|0,47306|0,47579|1,47715|1) - Those tho feel a bit outplaced and it would probably better to just rearrange them.
00:50:579 - Same goes for this ones

02:19:546 (139546|1,139599|3,139653|2) - :b:

00:38:715 (38715|2,39534|2,40079|2,40897|1,41715|1,42261|1) - In general I found those a bit weird, we should probably check them on IRC to figure out what to do.

01:29:139 (89139|0,89353|0,89567|0,89782|0,89996|0,90157|0,90317|0,90478|0,90639|0) - Mmmh, not a fan of this. Plus UJ on his diff mapped those triples differently kinda preventing that kind of stuff. Again, something that probably have to be discussed on IRC.

Not really much to say other than that for this diff, will be better to get them done on IRC

00:38:034 - Same thing as hyper.

01:02:422 (62422|2,62689|1) - I would have probably make those 1/2 longer so they are easier to hit and not that hard to release. Up to you.

02:12:849 (132849|0,133063|1,133278|0) - Would probably do ctrl+h and move it to the left

02:13:706 (133706|0,133813|1,133921|0,134028|1) - This is harder than the hyper so I would probably aim for making it a two handed trill instead. I think 1-4-1-4 into 23-23-14-14 is alright.

_UJ Easy
00:37:489 (37489|0,37761|0,38034|0) - This is a bit op for a new player. Would ctrl+h. Not because the 3 note jack is a problem more so becuase of the LN.

00:56:955 - I think adding notes on those ticks would make the difficulty a it easier in a sense that it would be more intuitive as the transition from one rythm to another is a bit complicated to understand. (this applies up to here 01:08:041 - )
Topic Starter

juankristal wrote:

Heyo Tidek o/

Not really too much, hope it helps and we are talking some of this days to see what to do with hyper/normal.

psure you wont take it out but I guess for the sake of consistency using a double directly on 00:00:557 (557|3) - would fit. Also I believe the pattern with that anchor on the 4th column is mindblock material too, which right in the intro seems like a pretty harsh choice from your part. Your call anyways. fixed

00:40:965 (40965|1,45329|1) - I... am not really sure about those 1/4s in all honesty. Like, I can sorta see what you are aiming for with that but there isnt really any song that is perceptible by the player. The one that comes just after this 1/4 tho is noticable as the hihat is stronger. I would suggest delete those notes. No changes here

00:49:352 - Was thinking about using something like this on this part The reason why I am drafting it that way is that the sound sounds less trill-ish on that particular ending of the 1/4s so would be reasonable to use a more roll-ish pattern there.
Same thing would go for 00:53:715 - not bad ideal, but it will be confict with LN after that, so i keep it as it is

00:55:889 (55889|3,56155|3,56422|3,56689|3,56955|3) - I mean yeah, I get it. But you could mix them up to be more pitch accurate. Maybe this ? ok, fixed

01:18:094 (78094|2) - How important is this note for you all the times you use it? Like, besides the fact that spreadwise the gap from black another to limbo is indeed big this note I feel it makes it so much bigger and it doesnt really add that much. This applies to all those in this roll sections. deleted

02:13:055 - This is the best I could come out with I believe for that 4th column anchor With that you kinda get a lower density on the left hand to be compensated once you go into the jumptril with a 4 note anchor in the first column. Might work out, check it out. not really a fan of that 124 24 chords, but probably it works better, so fixed

02:19:546 (139546|1,139599|3,139653|2) - Are there sounds in there? yes

Black Another
00:20:976 (20976|3,21101|1) - I think a ctrl+g for pitch right there works well.
00:25:702 (25702|2,25827|3) - Same both fixed

00:28:724 (28724|3) - This one to column 3 could work to for the same reasons imo but its a bit trickier as 4th column would be left empty for quite a bit so up to you. no changes

00:31:349 - In this part I link a picture of some mix in the jacks, tried ot make them more pitched as well but having the jacks from white to red since I believe those are the timings where the jack sound happens. fixed

00:40:965 (40965|1) - Same point for the 1/4s denied
00:55:889 - Same point for the LNs fixed

01:58:802 - For this part I also believe the jacks should be white into reds so I rearranged the pattern a bit as in the picture:

I believe overall you can apply (or not) that to the whole section. I dont know if you would like that since you did it the other way around all the map but I wanted to point it out just in case. it will pretty much mess up some patterns between SV sections, so i keep it as it is
02:19:546 (139546|1,139599|0,139653|1) - Same point as limbo. sounds are there

_UJ's Another
00:28:224 (28224|3,28349|3,28474|3) - I like this but it feels a bit outplaced in a difficulty that doesnt really focus on that too much. Instead of deleting them which would be the easier option I would go and try to get more jacks in this section such as making this 00:28:599 (28599|0,28724|2,28974|3,29099|2) - notes 1/2 jacks and overall doing that in this section. moved one note to make it less jacky

00:40:965 (40965|1) - :b: same

00:47:170 (47170|0,47306|0,47579|1,47715|1) - Those tho feel a bit outplaced and it would probably better to just rearrange them.
00:50:579 - Same goes for this ones rearranged

02:19:546 (139546|1,139599|3,139653|2) - :b: same

00:38:715 (38715|2,39534|2,40079|2,40897|1,41715|1,42261|1) - In general I found those a bit weird, we should probably check them on IRC to figure out what to do.

01:29:139 (89139|0,89353|0,89567|0,89782|0,89996|0,90157|0,90317|0,90478|0,90639|0) - Mmmh, not a fan of this. Plus UJ on his diff mapped those triples differently kinda preventing that kind of stuff. Again, something that probably have to be discussed on IRC.

Not really much to say other than that for this diff, will be better to get them done on IRC

00:38:034 - Same thing as hyper.

01:02:422 (62422|2,62689|1) - I would have probably make those 1/2 longer so they are easier to hit and not that hard to release. Up to you. no change, it wont fit with music

02:12:849 (132849|0,133063|1,133278|0) - Would probably do ctrl+h and move it to the left fixed

02:13:706 (133706|0,133813|1,133921|0,134028|1) - This is harder than the hyper so I would probably aim for making it a two handed trill instead. I think 1-4-1-4 into 23-23-14-14 is alright. fixed

_UJ Easy
00:37:489 (37489|0,37761|0,38034|0) - This is a bit op for a new player. Would ctrl+h. Not because the 3 note jack is a problem more so becuase of the LN. I think this is ultra easy to read, mainly because this is one hand chord and 1/1

00:56:955 - I think adding notes on those ticks would make the difficulty a it easier in a sense that it would be more intuitive as the transition from one rythm to another is a bit complicated to understand. (this applies up to here 01:08:041 - ) fixed
So I asked you on discord and checked it myself for both hyper and normal diffs, those patterns feel more natural that what I expected. With that being said I think we are ready to push this a bit further.

There is, howhever, one more thing I want to mention on the hyper diff and is this 02:13:653 (133653|2,133706|1,133813|2,133921|1,134028|2) - which I believe its a bit of a spike compared to the rest of the chart. I am not too sure if I would make it a 1-4 or 2-4 trill or rearrange it in a way that in transitions a bit better.

And about the backgrounds, I am not too sure why they are PNG format, seem to be overweighted because of it. Its probably better to make them JPGs? Also, you have a duplicated background which is the leaf-i one and Limbo.
Topic Starter

juankristal wrote:

There is, howhever, one more thing I want to mention on the hyper diff and is this 02:13:653 (133653|2,133706|1,133813|2,133921|1,134028|2) - which I believe its a bit of a spike compared to the rest of the chart. I am not too sure if I would make it a 1-4 or 2-4 trill or rearrange it in a way that in transitions a bit better.
Fixed to 1-4

juankristal wrote:

And about the backgrounds, I am not too sure why they are PNG format, seem to be overweighted because of it. Its probably better to make them JPGs?
Changed to JPG (2x less size)

juankristal wrote:

Also, you have a duplicated background which is the leaf-i one and Limbo.
I dont know what you mean here, I dont see any duplicated BG in my map folder.
seems good now owob
Topic Starter
Finally, thanks!
hello #tracker long time no see

Went through mostly top 3 diffs, very minor changes on black another and limbo and more changes on another, rest was fine

19:52 Tidek: no witam
19:54 -Kamikaze-: no elo
19:54 -Kamikaze-: ale żałość nawet nie Słem bagiety
19:54 -Kamikaze-: nie grałem tego z 2 miechy ale i tak
19:54 Tidek: no trudna jest
19:54 -Kamikaze-: 94,86
19:54 Tidek: petitek ladnie zagral to bardzo
19:54 -Kamikaze-: a jakieś petitki randomy 30k więcej
19:55 -Kamikaze-: nie no ale dzisiaj mi słabo idzie i tak
19:55 -Kamikaze-: dobra
19:55 -Kamikaze-: spróbuje limbo jeszcze raz
19:55 -Kamikaze-: how to jumptrill
19:55 *-Kamikaze- is playing [ LeaF - I [Limbo]] <osu!mania> |4K|
19:56 -Kamikaze-: wchodzisz na spekta czy mam jechać?
19:56 -Kamikaze-: xD
19:56 Tidek: juz wchodze
19:57 -Kamikaze-: kk
19:58 -Kamikaze-: kurwy jumptrille
19:58 -Kamikaze-: xD
20:01 Tidek: xD
20:01 -Kamikaze-: no i ten diff to ja kurwa lubię
20:01 Tidek: pls
20:02 Tidek: ziemniaka diff tez sie zmienil
20:02 -Kamikaze-: nie no ale serio, fajnie mi się to gra xD
20:02 Tidek: jesli chodzi o s
20:02 Tidek: sv
20:02 -Kamikaze-: grałem
20:02 -Kamikaze-: średnio mi się podoba
20:02 -Kamikaze-: zacznę od tego diffa w sumie
20:02 -Kamikaze-: tylko aimoda przejrze
20:03 -Kamikaze-: aimod ok
20:03 -Kamikaze-: hitsoundy za cicho
20:03 -Kamikaze-: imo
20:03 -Kamikaze-: ledwo słyszę
20:03 -Kamikaze-: tak z 10% więcej
20:03 Tidek: wszystko +10%?
20:04 -Kamikaze-: no spoko by było
20:04 -Kamikaze-: nie będzie za głośno
20:04 -Kamikaze-: a w calm partach prawie nic nie ma
20:04 Tidek: dobra, troche to zajmie bo 6 diffow
20:04 Tidek: i duzo linii
20:04 -Kamikaze-: spoko
20:05 -Kamikaze-: ja sobie poszukam czego chcę na diffie ziemniaka za ten czas
20:05 *-Kamikaze- is editing [ LeaF - I [_UJ's Another]]
20:05 Tidek: szkoda ze nie da sie zaznaczyc all i podglosnic o 10%
20:05 -Kamikaze-: nom, edytor najwyższych lotów nie jest
20:06 -Kamikaze-: jak coś to ja piszę punkty a ty sobie przejrzyj jak skończysz
20:06 Tidek: k
20:06 -Kamikaze-: 00:25:139 - zgodnie z koncepcją jaką ma tu ziemniak to chyba brakuje nutki na te snare, jest na przykład tutaj 00:26:536 -
20:06 -Kamikaze-: 00:29:411 - tu też
20:07 -Kamikaze-: 00:33:161 - i tu
20:10 -Kamikaze-: 00:34:224 - taki streamek będzie fajniej płynął po palcach niż to co teraz jest, przetestowałem sobie, na poprzednim było trochę niewygodnie
20:11 -Kamikaze-: 00:59:089 - nie wiem czy nie lepszym pomysłem od podążania za podkładem (backgroundowymi dźwiękami) będzie po prostu użycie 1/3 bo jest bardzo wyraźne tutaj
20:12 -Kamikaze-: 01:14:188 - tutaj zaś jak na another myślę że lepiej by było nie robić 1/2 JSa na slowjamie, na black anotherze są tylko 1/1
20:14 -Kamikaze-: 02:12:849 (132849|3,132903|2,132956|1,133010|3,133063|2,133117|1,133171|3,133224|2,133278|1,133331|3,133385|2,133438|1,133492|3,133546|2,133599|1,133653|3,133706|2,133813|2,133921|2,134028|2) - AŁAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
20:14 -Kamikaze-: znaczy halo to tylko another
20:15 -Kamikaze-: 02:15:046 (135046|2,135153|0,135260|3,135367|1) - a te 1/4 to na co tu komu? można 1/2 zrobić mocniejsze, tj jumpy a te 1/4 są pod nic w sumie
20:17 -Kamikaze-: 02:25:653 (145653|2) - nie podoba mi się że tylko w tym miejscu jest postawiona notka na 1/4 w całym outro, lepiej chyba skasować
20:17 -Kamikaze-: no i tyle
20:17 -Kamikaze-: jak masz jakieś pytania to pisz, ja ide coś żarcia ogarnąć
20:18 -Kamikaze-: i mów jak skończysz
20:18 -Kamikaze-: itp
20:20 Tidek: dobra
20:20 Tidek: kwestie do przedyskutowania
20:22 Tidek: 00:59:089 - to anuluje bo 1/3 juz leca w obu trudniejszych diffach, nie ma co tworzyc jeszcze latwiejszego wariantu, lepiej się skupiać na głównym rytmie niz to co gra w tle ciszej
20:22 Tidek: szczegolnie ze to nizszy diff
20:22 Tidek: 01:14:188 -
20:22 Tidek: tutaj kwestia jest dziwna
20:23 Tidek: bo to diff ziemniaka i on nie chcial ignorowac tego pianina
20:23 -Kamikaze-: no wiem bo na black another masz po prostu 1/1
20:23 -Kamikaze-: hmm
20:23 -Kamikaze-: ciężko jak na anothera się to czyta
20:23 Tidek: slowjam teoretycznie jest slabszy
20:23 -Kamikaze-: można podnieść ewentualnie o 0,1x
20:23 -Kamikaze-: na przykład
20:24 Tidek: ja bym ogolnie te notki na pianino wyjebal
20:24 Tidek: ale to byla jego intencja
20:24 Tidek: xD
20:24 -Kamikaze-: no nie, jak tak chciał to niech będzie xD
20:24 -Kamikaze-: to nie jest złe tylko dziwnie się readuje
20:24 -Kamikaze-: może to ja chujowy jestem
20:24 -Kamikaze-: xD
20:24 Tidek: czekaj sprawdze o ile slabszy jest ten slowjam
20:25 Tidek: 0,62 vs 0,81
20:25 Tidek: imo jest roznica
20:25 Tidek: spora
20:25 -Kamikaze-: no różnica jest
20:25 -Kamikaze-: ale i tak ciężej mi się readuje ten ziemniaka
20:25 -Kamikaze-: xD
20:26 -Kamikaze-: no ale to też nie jest duży problem
20:26 Tidek: ja bym zostawił, może gęstość jest minimalnie większa, ale slowjam jest w chuj slabszy
20:26 Tidek: i teoretycznie jest latwiejsze do acc
20:26 -Kamikaze-: no spoko
20:26 Tidek: 02:12:849 (132849|3,132903|2,132956|1,133010|3,133063|2,133117|1,133171|3,133224|2,133278|1,133331|3,133385|2,133438|1,133492|3,133546|2,133599|1,133653|3,133706|2,133813|2,133921|2,134028|2) -
20:26 -Kamikaze-: ten burst właśnie
20:26 Tidek: i tu sie pojawia problem
20:26 -Kamikaze-: kurde
20:27 -Kamikaze-: ten jack to psuje
20:27 Tidek: wyjebac LN i wstawic single streama
20:27 -Kamikaze-: pasuje pod muzykę
20:27 -Kamikaze-: ale kurwa
20:27 -Kamikaze-: burst w jacka
20:27 -Kamikaze-: gdzie to najtrudniejszy pattern mapy
20:27 Tidek: kurde single stream nie ma sensu
20:27 Tidek: bo uzylem na hyper
20:27 -Kamikaze-: 1/4?
20:28 Tidek: ta
20:28 Tidek: bardzo latwy patternowo
20:28 -Kamikaze-: hmm
20:28 -Kamikaze-: to tutaj coś trudniejszego może
20:28 -Kamikaze-: i zacząć wcześniej
20:28 -Kamikaze-: bo i tak to wchodzi w jacka
20:28 Tidek: dobra czekaj
20:28 Tidek: wyjebe LNa i zrobie jakis pattern
20:29 Tidek: trudniejszy
20:29 -Kamikaze-: dobra
20:32 Tidek:
20:32 Tidek: cos takiego
20:33 -Kamikaze-: nom, ciekawe
20:33 Tidek: poprawilem
20:33 -Kamikaze-: zaraz obczaje
20:33 Tidek: bo byly minijacki na 2
20:34 Tidek: no laduj sie kurwa puush
20:34 -Kamikaze-: dobra kurwa nie umiem nawet farm dzisiaj grać
20:34 -Kamikaze-: tragedia
20:35 -Kamikaze-: do limbo się nie będę zbytnio czepiać
20:35 -Kamikaze-: ograne w chuj to będzie dobrze
20:35 -Kamikaze-: na black another będzie może pare punktów i tyle
20:35 Tidek: ja pierdole puush ma raka
20:35 -Kamikaze-: ja też
20:35 -Kamikaze-: :-----D
20:36 -Kamikaze-: zw
20:36 Tidek: poprawilem na to
20:36 Tidek:
20:37 Tidek: teraz są rece zbalansowane
20:37 Tidek: 02:25:653 (145653|2) - no i ta notka nieszczescna
20:38 Tidek: tam faktycznie cos gra
20:38 Tidek: tylko ja to specjalnie ignorowalem
20:38 Tidek: w moich diffach
20:39 Tidek: a usuniecie tego zniszczy flow, bo jacki sa alternate xD
20:43 Tidek: dobra poprawilem jednak
20:43 Tidek: dalem ctrl h do samego konca by utrzymac koncepcje
20:45 -Kamikaze-: dobra wróciłem
20:46 -Kamikaze-: znaczy ja wiem że tam jest
20:46 -Kamikaze-: ale jest podobny dźwięk dalej
20:46 -Kamikaze-: a tu nutek nie ma
20:50 -Kamikaze-: to wszystko w tym diffie?
20:50 Tidek: yup
20:50 Tidek: poprawilem all
20:50 -Kamikaze-: oke
20:50 -Kamikaze-: to update
20:50 Tidek: poza tymi wymienionymi
20:51 -Kamikaze-: powiedz jak będzie to redownload zrobie
20:52 Tidek: poszedl update
20:52 -Kamikaze-: oke
20:54 *-Kamikaze- is playing [ LeaF - I [_UJ's Another]] <osu!mania> |4K|
20:57 -Kamikaze-: TIDEK KURWA MAĆ
20:57 -Kamikaze-: XDDDDDDDDDDD
20:57 -Kamikaze-: NO DOJEBANE
20:59 Tidek: ej co jest grane
20:59 -Kamikaze-:
20:59 Tidek: rozpierdolilo pattering tam gdzie poprawilem
21:00 -Kamikaze-: ty no bo 02:14:992 -
21:00 -Kamikaze-: też rozjebało
21:00 Tidek: wlasnie widze
21:00 Tidek: ja pierdole
21:01 -Kamikaze-: ale tylko w tych dwóch miejscach
21:01 -Kamikaze-: w sumie
21:01 -Kamikaze-: tragedii nie ma
21:02 Tidek: poprawione
21:02 Tidek: powinno byc dobrze teraz
21:03 -Kamikaze-: oke
21:03 Tidek: yup teraz dobrze
21:03 -Kamikaze-: drugie podejście
21:03 *-Kamikaze- is playing [ LeaF - I [_UJ's Another]] <osu!mania> |4K|
21:06 -Kamikaze-: mindblocki już mam
21:06 -Kamikaze-: xD
21:06 Tidek: no ale jest dobrze teraz
21:06 -Kamikaze-: nom
21:06 -Kamikaze-: tylko jedna sugestia
21:06 -Kamikaze-: 01:29:889 (89889|1,89996|2,90478|1) - flip
21:06 -Kamikaze-: ctrl+h
21:07 -Kamikaze-: pod pitch pasuje i nie jest tak niewygodnie
21:07 -Kamikaze-: bo tak zwalnia tutaj z szybkiej sekcji i ciężko ogarnąć
21:07 -Kamikaze-: a pitchowo takie ułożenie dwójek jest spoko
21:21 Tidek: mobilny op
21:21 -Kamikaze-: najs
21:21 Tidek: btw podczas updatu bss pluje sie ze sa w folderze nie uzywane bg
21:21 Tidek: a ja je kurwa uzywam
21:21 Tidek: xD
21:22 -Kamikaze-: zignoruj
21:22 -Kamikaze-: tak robi jak updateujesz z danego diffa
21:22 -Kamikaze-: bo nie używasz reszty
21:22 -Kamikaze-: w tym diffie
21:22 -Kamikaze-: iirc o to chodzi
21:22 Tidek: okej
21:23 -Kamikaze-: w sumie limbo najpierw
21:24 -Kamikaze-: bo chciałem jedną rzecz zasugerować
21:24 Tidek: k
21:24 -Kamikaze-: 00:59:222 - te 1/3 w tym diffie możesz mocniej zaakcentować imo
21:24 -Kamikaze-: czyli
21:24 -Kamikaze-: LNy
21:24 -Kamikaze-: ale jak wolisz
21:25 Tidek: LN stream?
21:25 -Kamikaze-: nom
21:25 -Kamikaze-: 1/3 LNy
21:25 Tidek: hym
21:25 -Kamikaze-: wiele nie zmienia gameplayowo
21:25 -Kamikaze-: tylko reading trudniejszy
21:25 -Kamikaze-: i mocniej czuć te 1/3
21:26 Tidek: jumpow bym nie mogł double LNowac
21:26 Tidek: bo jump pod beat jest
21:26 -Kamikaze-: no nie
21:26 Tidek: jedna notka zostanie
21:26 -Kamikaze-: mhm
21:26 -Kamikaze-: pojedyńczy LN stream
21:26 -Kamikaze-: i nutki pod beaty
21:28 Tidek: okej zrobilem
21:29 Tidek: puush sie of kors nie laduje
21:29 Tidek: ale jest ln stream
21:29 -Kamikaze-: no spoko
21:29 Tidek: z nutkami pod beaty
21:29 -Kamikaze-: obczaje jak update zrobisz
21:29 -Kamikaze-: ale najpierw obczajam blacka
21:29 -Kamikaze-: 01:09:737 (69737|0,69737|3,69868|2,69868|1) - hmm, dziwnie trochę że tu bursta nie ma
21:30 -Kamikaze-: ale w sumie rozumiem dlaczego
21:30 *-Kamikaze- is editing [ LeaF - I [Black Another]]
21:30 -Kamikaze-: ofc
21:30 -Kamikaze-: 01:41:001 (101001|0,101001|3,101138|1,101138|2,101274|3,101274|0) - a to to czemu jumptrill
21:31 -Kamikaze-: jak spokojnie można jacki zrobić
21:31 -Kamikaze-: toż to 1/2
21:31 Tidek: w sumie nie wiem
21:31 Tidek: 14 14 14 dalem
21:31 -Kamikaze-: gites
21:32 -Kamikaze-: no to chyba tyle
21:32 -Kamikaze-: bo w sumie to nie mam co się czepiać
21:32 -Kamikaze-: rób update i sprawdzamy
21:32 Tidek: no i zajebiscie
21:32 -Kamikaze-: daj znać jak będzie to redl robie
21:33 Tidek: done
21:34 Tidek: ozyl mi internet
21:34 Tidek: xD
21:34 Tidek: jebac mobilny
21:34 -Kamikaze-: jezus maria cud się zdarzył
21:34 -Kamikaze-: nie chce mi się grać to tylko tak obczaje
21:34 Tidek: no spoko
21:35 Tidek: ta mapa juz byla tyle razy grana ze uja sie w niej znajdzie
21:35 Tidek: od kurwa prawie 2lat
21:35 Tidek: kurwy
21:35 -Kamikaze-: nom
21:35 -Kamikaze-: xD

Topic Starter
Finally, thanks!
Pope Gadget
misses at the 1/4 minijacks where the crashes are feel less like the players fault and more like the chart is just being an asshole for the sake of replay value to pray that you somehow hit all these sections correctly. I, and I suspect a few others, don't find these enjoyable.

puush is awful and keeps coming up with connection errors when I want a screenshot uploading so here are timestamps instead

For Limbo;
00:02:738 (2738|0) -
00:19:538 - I think this deserves a single-note at least somewhere here, with the notes afterwards rearranged to fit it.
00:55:420 (55420|0) -
01:02:889 (62889|3) -
01:10:194 (70194|0) -
01:14:188 - The left hand here feels unnaturally awkward to lead into. Either change it or add something more to lead up to it better.
01:58:695 (118695|3) -
I feel like the section at 01:58 is an extreme ramp-up in difficulty and throws the difficulty curve out of whack. I'd either decrease the difficulty here or increase the difficulty in general. Personally, I'd just get rid of the LNs here up to 02:11:881 - as most of the difficulty is in the hand where the LN leads into the next area.
02:05:737 (125737|3) -
02:12:421 - This section feels extremely awkward to play.
02:30:769 (150769|3) - Although this burst in general is extremely stupid to have during a slowdown from a speedup, and I'd consider just changing it or removing it entirely.

because I'm nice, here's an .osu already prepared, difficulty name titled "Limbo [Edit]";

glad that this is close to ranked though :)
Topic Starter

Pope Gadget wrote:

misses at the 1/4 minijacks where the crashes are feel less like the players fault and more like the chart is just being an asshole for the sake of replay value to pray that you somehow hit all these sections correctly. I, and I suspect a few others, don't find these enjoyable.Tbh nerfing minijacks where the music is getting the most intensive (crashes) is pretty a easy way to make it too simple. Atleast those minijacks accent intensity of crashes and most of them are at the end of main parts (like that on beginning for example). Tho Im gonna accept 2 sections u mentioned, because your version actually felt there better. Also most of players are FCing them anyway lol

puush is awful and keeps coming up with connection errors when I want a screenshot uploading so here are timestamps instead

For Limbo;
00:02:738 (2738|0) - as above, no
00:19:538 - I think this deserves a single-note at least somewhere here, with the notes afterwards rearranged to fit it. Actually i agree here, your version fits better here
00:55:420 (55420|0) - fjxed here
01:02:889 (62889|3) - here too
01:10:194 (70194|0) - end of a main part, not gonna nerf it
01:14:188 - The left hand here feels unnaturally awkward to lead into. Either change it or add something more to lead up to it better. slowjams are made to be awkward on limbo difficulty, also these are following pitch
01:58:695 (118695|3) - the most intense part, also no
I feel like the section at 01:58 is an extreme ramp-up in difficulty and throws the difficulty curve out of whack. I'd either decrease the difficulty here or increase the difficulty in general. Personally, I'd just get rid of the LNs here up to 02:11:881 - as most of the difficulty is in the hand where the LN leads into the next area. You know that u are changing completely my mapping style here? This part is made to be the hardest in the map, each SVs start ALWAYS at 12 or 34 jump, so transistion is easy enough. Also blank parts at "beep" sounds feels very unnatural
02:05:737 (125737|3) - same as 01:58:695
02:12:421 - This section feels extremely awkward to play. honestly i dont know what u feel uncomfortable here. Your pattern make it similar difficulty to black another so nope
02:30:769 (150769|3) - Although this burst in general is extremely stupid to have during a slowdown from a speedup, and I'd consider just changing it or removing it entirely. Your version fits better here, changed

because I'm nice, here's an .osu already prepared, difficulty name titled "Limbo [Edit]";

glad that this is close to ranked though :)
Thanks for mod, shame that u modded it when it got qualified, not before lol

Waiting for QAT

Be sure to update the set with your proposed changes and come to an agreement so the nominators are free to push this set forward again!
Topic Starter
Alright, updated with little changes from PopeGadget mod
Pope Gadget

Tidek wrote:

Thanks for mod, shame that u modded it when it got qualified, not before lol
that's what qualified is for, mang. if you want my opinion on something before it gets to qualified stage then feel free to let me know :p

also in reply to some responses;

01:58 - it's the transition out of the LNs, not into the LNs that are the problem. the SVs are perfectly fine.

02:05:737 (125737|3) - you can keep the crash here but at least make it a bit less awkward. this section is supposed to act as at least as a small breather, but instead you have to pray that you bloody well hit it correctly, which is nothing short of a massive irritant when surrounded by the hardest section in the chart.
an idea I thought up in about 5 seconds is something like it's jumptrillable but still requires you to be capable of speeding up correctly, so it's still difficult.

02:12:528 (132528|0) - this note is what makes it incredibly awkward - missing something like this is ludicrously easy. with the trill afterwards too, attempting to his this note but off-time means there's a large potential for absolutely bombing the trill, ergo the run is over because of a transition section, not because of a main section, and that's why it's so unnecessarily frustrating.
also I still think the 5-long jack on [34] at 02:13:706 - is preferable simply to compliment the 5-long jack on [12] at 02:14:992 -

I really can't stress enough that jumptrills into crashes, especially at 280bpm, feel moreso unfair as opposed to uncomfortable.

I'm passionate about this because this is very well capable of being in my top favourites, but at the minute, to me it feels like there's too high of a luck factor. I've talked with multiple people about this.

obviously everything is up to your opinion
cheers though :thumbsup:
Topic Starter

Pope Gadget wrote:

Tidek wrote:

Thanks for mod, shame that u modded it when it got qualified, not before lol
that's what qualified is for, mang. if you want my opinion on something before it gets to qualified stage then feel free to let me know :p

also in reply to some responses;

01:58 - it's the transition out of the LNs, not into the LNs that are the problem. the SVs are perfectly fine.

02:05:737 (125737|3) - you can keep the crash here but at least make it a bit less awkward. this section is supposed to act as at least as a small breather, but instead you have to pray that you bloody well hit it correctly, which is nothing short of a massive irritant when surrounded by the hardest section in the chart.
an idea I thought up in about 5 seconds is something like it's jumptrillable but still requires you to be capable of speeding up correctly, so it's still difficult.

02:12:528 (132528|0) - this note is what makes it incredibly awkward - missing something like this is ludicrously easy. with the trill afterwards too, attempting to his this note but off-time means there's a large potential for absolutely bombing the trill, ergo the run is over because of a transition section, not because of a main section, and that's why it's so unnecessarily frustrating.
also I still think the 5-long jack on [34] at 02:13:706 - is preferable simply to compliment the 5-long jack on [12] at 02:14:992 -nerfed it to something like this

I really can't stress enough that jumptrills into crashes, especially at 280bpm, feel moreso unfair as opposed to uncomfortable.

I'm passionate about this because this is very well capable of being in my top favourites, but at the minute, to me it feels like there's too high of a luck factor. I've talked with multiple people about this.

obviously everything is up to your opinion
cheers though :thumbsup:
Fixed things I mentioned. Still gonna keep LNs in 1:58 part unchanged (I just feel blank sections unnatural there) but I removed minijacks ONLY in 280bpm SV section, mainly because SVs are the main thing in that part and actually those minijacks can be a little luck based.

ALSO, raised HP to 9,4 because its harder to get misses now.
Pope Gadget
I'm very thankful for not only listening to my advice but taking it as well. I appreciate it.
Can't wait to see this ranked ahaha
Skoro jeszcze nie jest ranked, a to, jak pomijałeś pitch mnie boli, to zostawię
01:33:501 (93501|3,93638|1) - powinno być w 2 i 3 kolumnie
01:34:729 (94729|0,95001|0,95274|0,95547|0) - to wygląda okropnie, jedyny taki anchor w całym parcie
01:34:320 (94320|3,94456|3) - i 01:38:683 (98683|2,98820|2) - nie rozumiem sensu tych minijacków, pitch dla każdej notki jest inny, a dla 01:39:092 (99092|2,99229|1) -, czy 01:39:774 (99774|2,99910|3,100047|2) -, czyli tych samych dźwięków, minijacka nie zrobiłeś.
01:40:320 (100320|1,100729|2) - to mógłbyś ctrl+h'lnąć dla pitchu imo

Według mnie mógłbyś ogarnąć tego parta lepiej, mogłoby to podnieść quality mapy.
ups podwójny post
Topic Starter

MrDorian wrote:

Skoro jeszcze nie jest ranked, a to, jak pomijałeś pitch mnie boli, to zostawię
01:33:501 (93501|3,93638|1) - powinno być w 2 i 3 kolumniea co dalej? beat jest akcentowany głównie 14, 2 i 3 zepsuje pozostałą część
01:34:729 (94729|0,95001|0,95274|0,95547|0) - to wygląda okropnie, jedyny taki anchor w całym parcie 1/1 anchor jest praktycznie nie wyczuwalny, ale lekko poprawilem bo znalazlem lepsze rozwiazanie dla pitcha
01:34:320 (94320|3,94456|3) - i 01:38:683 (98683|2,98820|2) - nie rozumiem sensu tych minijacków, pitch dla każdej notki jest inny, a dla 01:39:092 (99092|2,99229|1) -, czy 01:39:774 (99774|2,99910|3,100047|2) -, czyli tych samych dźwięków, minijacka nie zrobiłeś. minijacki są pod drumy
01:40:320 (100320|1,100729|2) - to mógłbyś ctrl+h'lnąć dla pitchu imo tutaj jeszcze dalo rade poprawic bez psucia reszty

Według mnie mógłbyś ogarnąć tego parta lepiej, mogłoby to podnieść quality mapy. Ten part jest zrobiony specjalnie niewygodnie, by nie był ten slowjam za łatwy.
not a fan of the new jumptrill but alright, take my bubble! :3
hey #mapfeed tidek is a bad mapper

Round 2
Topic Starter
Thanks again!
shit sv
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