
xi - Ascension to Heaven [OsuMania]

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maybe is better to decrease the OD, 9.5 is a little too much :o
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Harbyter wrote:

maybe is better to decrease the OD, 9.5 is a little too much :o
Given how high the sr is for the map and given the simplicity of most of the patterns, the maps performance is mostly determined by your accuracy rather than raw skill. I think od 9.5~10 is a good choice for this map.

iJinjin wrote:

Harbyter wrote:

maybe is better to decrease the OD, 9.5 is a little too much :o
Given how high the sr is for the map and given the simplicity of most of the patterns, the maps performance is mostly determined by your accuracy rather than raw skill. I think od 9.5~10 is a good choice for this map.
Go Japan Jinjin
00:20:092 - 이쪽 부근이 다른 롱놋들에 비해서 상당히 고통스럽던데 음 의도하신게 아니라면 바꿔보시는것을 추천해볼게요

00:25:642 - 사실상 이쪽은 00:28:042 - 이쪽이랑 같은 파트에요, 개인적으로 지우셨으면 좋겠어요 원래 소리자체도 너무 작고 하니 ㅋㅋ

00:26:392 - 이거랑 같은 소리는 대부분 노트를 2개를 쓰셨어요. 중요한것은 아니지만 혹시 실수로 놓치신걸까봐 지적할게요. 00:28:342 - 00:28:792 - 예시

00:30:742 - 이쪽에 4개를 사용하는것이 일관성이 유지된다고 생각합니다만 이것도 중요한것은 아니니 한번 살펴봐주세요

00:41:542 - 이쪽에 줄곧 따라가시면 땋 소리가 있는데 노트를 넣지않으신건 의도하신건가요? 00:36:742 - 다른 같은 파트에는 노트를 가지고 있기에 의문점이 생기네요

00:54:592 - 이쪽에 좀 미세하게 킥이 있는거같아요, 혹시라도 놓치신거라면 히트사운드 추가 부탁드릴게요

00:55:042 - 여기에 피아노 소리가 있나요? 미세해서 잘 느낄수가없네요

00:57:442 - 00:58:042 - 피아노가 아련하게 하나만 퍼지는데 4개는 좀 많은 양이라고 봐요, 뭔가 강조를 할만한 부분도 아닌거같고 더군다나 힛사도 없어서 약간 오버스런느낌을 감출수가 없는거같은데 차라리 2개 또는 3개가 더 나을거라고 생각이 드네요

01:01:792 - 하나추가, 00:59:392 - 일관성 유지

01:04:792 - 사실상 킥소리는 여기서부터 살며시 올라가서 01:04:942 - 이쪽에 끝이나요, 그리고 위에 대부분 1/2 라인에 두개의 노트를 사용하셨는데 이걸 배제하더라도 여기는 2개 +힛사 들어가야된다고 봐요

01:09:592 - ^

01:13:792 - 힛사 놓치신거같아요

01:44:242 - 01:45:442 - 솔직히 이거 5개 너무많지않나요...?

02:06:592 - 이곳은 피아노 스트림 외에는 2개로 강조되는 부분이 없는거같은데 2개를 사용하신 이유라도 있으신가요? 02:08:092 - 02:08:992 - 이 두곳은 작은 하이햇, 또 베이스가 있기에 지적하지않았지만 저기는 완전하게 클린한 부분인거같네요, 만약 이부분을 수정하신다면 02:11:392 - 와 같이 똑같은 파트도 수정해주세요.

02:16:717 - 사실상 킥이 점점 커지는것은 이쪽부터 시작하지만 2개로 하실지 하나로 유지하실지는 본인의 선택에 달려있습니다

02:37:792 - 미세하게 피아노 사운드가 존재합니다. 다른파트처럼 3개까지는 아니더라도 2개를 사용하심이 좋을거같아요

04:18:967 - 얘는 하나만 사용하신 의도가 따로있으신건가요? 아마 의도가 있으셨다면 바로앞의 스타트지점을 강조하시는거같은데 혹시 실수일수도있어서 지적해볼게요

04:44:542 (284542|4) - 얘는 차라리 없는편이 솔직히 나을거같다고 저는 생각이 들어요. 뭔가 노래자체의 마무리를 깔끔하고 잘 흘러가게 해야하는데 얘가 뭔가 방해를 하는느낌? 04:57:265 (297265|5) - 얘는 앞에 작은 스트림이 있기에 괜찮다고 생각이 들어요. 하지만 개인적인 의견으로는 둘다 지운다면 더 하기 좋을거같네요
Topic Starter

Fresh Chicken wrote:

00:20:092 - 이쪽 부근이 다른 롱놋들에 비해서 상당히 고통스럽던데 음 의도하신게 아니라면 바꿔보시는것을 추천해볼게요 pitch로 이렇게 의도시킨 것이기 때문에 그냥 나둘게요 ㅠㅠ

00:25:642 - 사실상 이쪽은 00:28:042 - 이쪽이랑 같은 파트에요, 개인적으로 지우셨으면 좋겠어요 원래 소리자체도 너무 작고 하니 ㅋㅋ 넵 지웠습니당

00:26:392 - 이거랑 같은 소리는 대부분 노트를 2개를 쓰셨어요. 중요한것은 아니지만 혹시 실수로 놓치신걸까봐 지적할게요. 00:28:342 - 00:28:792 - 예시 아마 제가 playability를 고려해서 몇몇부분에서 layering을 약간 희생하긴 했는데, 이부분은 그렇게 안해도 될 것 같아서 2노트로 수정했습니다

00:30:742 - 이쪽에 4개를 사용하는것이 일관성이 유지된다고 생각합니다만 이것도 중요한것은 아니니 한번 살펴봐주세요 이부분은 다른 4노트 코드들이랑 다른 점이 피아노음이 하나밖에 없어요 ㅠㅠ (다른 곳들은 피아노에서 화음이 쳐지는데 여기엔 딸랑 그 높은 파# 밖에 안들리네요)

00:41:542 - 이쪽에 줄곧 따라가시면 땋 소리가 있는데 노트를 넣지않으신건 의도하신건가요? 00:36:742 - 다른 같은 파트에는 노트를 가지고 있기에 의문점이 생기네요 모든 부분에선 딸소리 땋소리에 노트를 올려 놓은 것이 아니고 지적하셨던 00:36:742 - 이부분도 그냥 타악기에다가 맞추어서 layering했어요.

00:54:592 - 이쪽에 좀 미세하게 킥이 있는거같아요, 혹시라도 놓치신거라면 히트사운드 추가 부탁드릴게요 보통보다 약간 미세한 킥들은 제가 일부러 힛사를 안넣었습니다. (예를 들어 00:59:392 - , 01:01:792 - , 01:04:192 - 등등 무수하게 많아요)

00:55:042 - 여기에 피아노 소리가 있나요? 미세해서 잘 느낄수가없네요 피아노 소리는 저도 잘 모르겠지만 타악기는 있어요

00:57:442 - 00:58:042 - 피아노가 아련하게 하나만 퍼지는데 4개는 좀 많은 양이라고 봐요, 뭔가 강조를 할만한 부분도 아닌거같고 더군다나 힛사도 없어서 약간 오버스런느낌을 감출수가 없는거같은데 차라리 2개 또는 3개가 더 나을거라고 생각이 드네요 전 오히려 이부분을 4노트 코드를 해주는게 더 괜찮다고 봐요 ㅠㅠ 일단 피아노에선 화음이 쳐지고 있고, 또 음을 강조하려고 하니 약간 무거운 코드를 치는게 지금까지 해왔던 2-3노트 타악기 부분들이랑 대조되기도 하고, 치는 느낌도 더 좋다고 생각해요!

01:01:792 - 하나추가, 00:59:392 - 일관성 유지 okay~

01:04:792 - 사실상 킥소리는 여기서부터 살며시 올라가서 01:04:942 - 이쪽에 끝이나요, 그리고 위에 대부분 1/2 라인에 두개의 노트를 사용하셨는데 이걸 배제하더라도 여기는 2개 +힛사 들어가야된다고 봐요 힛사는 제가 전에 설명한것과 같이 약간 볼륨이 낮으면 힛사를 안넣겠다고 했기 때문에 여기도 마찬가지이지만, 코드는 2개 노트짜리로 바꿨어요

01:09:592 - ^ 추가했습니다

01:13:792 - 힛사 놓치신거같아요 여기도 그 미세한 킥이라서 일부러 안넣은 수많은 곳중 하나에요 ㅠㅠ

01:44:242 - 01:45:442 - 솔직히 이거 5개 너무많지않나요...? 4개로 수정했습니다~

02:06:592 - 이곳은 피아노 스트림 외에는 2개로 강조되는 부분이 없는거같은데 2개를 사용하신 이유라도 있으신가요? 02:08:092 - 02:08:992 - 이 두곳은 작은 하이햇, 또 베이스가 있기에 지적하지않았지만 저기는 완전하게 클린한 부분인거같네요, 만약 이부분을 수정하신다면 02:11:392 - 와 같이 똑같은 파트도 수정해주세요. 자세히 들어보니 2개로 강조될만한 부분이 없는것 같네요 ㅋㅋ 수정했어요~

02:16:717 - 사실상 킥이 점점 커지는것은 이쪽부터 시작하지만 2개로 하실지 하나로 유지하실지는 본인의 선택에 달려있습니다 점점 뒤로 갈수록 제가 2개를 한 것 같아서 여기도 2개로 바꿨습니다

02:37:792 - 미세하게 피아노 사운드가 존재합니다. 다른파트처럼 3개까지는 아니더라도 2개를 사용하심이 좋을거같아요 넵!

04:18:967 - 얘는 하나만 사용하신 의도가 따로있으신건가요? 아마 의도가 있으셨다면 바로앞의 스타트지점을 강조하시는거같은데 혹시 실수일수도있어서 지적해볼게요 사실 이부분은 제가 앞에서 말한 "playability"를 위해서 "layering"을 버리자 라는 마음가짐을 가지고 2노트 넣는 대신 1노트를 넣은건데, 그냥 2노트 넣어도 무난한 것 같긴 해서 바꿨어요

04:44:542 (284542|4) - 얘는 차라리 없는편이 솔직히 나을거같다고 저는 생각이 들어요. 뭔가 노래자체의 마무리를 깔끔하고 잘 흘러가게 해야하는데 얘가 뭔가 방해를 하는느낌? 04:57:265 (297265|5) - 얘는 앞에 작은 스트림이 있기에 괜찮다고 생각이 들어요. 하지만 개인적인 의견으로는 둘다 지운다면 더 하기 좋을거같네요 저도 이 애들때문에 고민을 많이 해봤어요. 이걸 넣어야 될까, 아니면 둘다 없는게 낳으려나. 하지만 전에 모딩들을 통해서 가장 사람들이 괜찮아 했던 방법이 이 두개를 둘다 유지시키기 / 둘다 빼기여서 전 둘다 넣기를 택했어요
감사합니다 치킨님!!
Topic Starter
Final list of changes before bubble (for chicken's reference)
  1. OD 9.5 -> OD 9.7 -> reverted back to OD 9.5
  2. 03:02:842 - and 03:03:292 - deleted some of the notes for chord consistency
  3. SV changes have been smoothed out
almost marathon

Length : 4:58
Topic Starter

SpectorDG wrote:

almost marathon

Length : 4:58
The actual drain time is 5:01. There is a bug in which the forum's drain time does not take account into the length of the hold note at the end, so it shows it as below 5:00. The same goes for Kroytz's std mapset that was approved a few weeks ago
Aruel very nice...
Topic Starter
Tell me!! Where did you get the BG? :o
added Star <3
13:33 iJinjin: 카와님 ㅎㅇㅎㅇ!
13:33 iJinjin: 오늘 언제 시간 되세요?
13:33 Kawawa: 지금되세요?
13:34 Kawawa: 지금이 딱 각인데
13:34 Kawawa: 뀨
13:34 iJinjin: 오오오
13:34 iJinjin: 좋아요
13:34 iJinjin: !
13:34 Kawawa: 언제까지
13:34 Kawawa: 언제 나가세요?
13:34 Kawawa: 한 1,2시간 써야할지도 모르는데
13:34 Kawawa: 맵 링크졈 다시주세용!
13:34 Kawawa: 리다운을 해봐야겠네요
13:34 iJinjin: 넵!
13:35 iJinjin: 저 귀국했어요
13:35 Kawawa: 굳
13:35 iJinjin: 그래서 오늘 계속 시간 돼요
13:35 iJinjin: ㅋㅋ
13:35 Kawawa: 지금 집이신가보네요
13:35 *iJinjin is editing [ xi - Ascension to Heaven [Elysium]]
13:35 iJinjin: 넵
13:36 *Kawawa is editing [ xi - Ascension to Heaven [Elysium]]
13:37 Kawawa: 힛사 볼륨이 조금 크지않나요?
13:37 iJinjin: ㅠㅠ 그렇긴 해요
13:37 Kawawa: 음 제 의미는
13:37 iJinjin: 조금 낮출까요?
13:38 Kawawa: 기본
13:38 Kawawa: 오스 사운드영
13:38 Kawawa: 넹
13:38 Kawawa: 한 20정도면? 괜찮을듯한데
13:38 iJinjin: 넹넹
13:38 iJinjin: 낮추어볼게요
13:39 iJinjin: 네
13:39 iJinjin: 20이 듣기엔 무난한 것 같아요
13:39 Kawawa: 넹
13:39 Kawawa: 음 패턴은 왠만해선 건들이지 않을 생각인데
13:39 Kawawa: 다소 피드백이 필요하신 부분 있으세요?
13:40 Kawawa: 좀 더 나은 패턴이 있으면 하거나, 다소 걸리시는 부분들
13:40 iJinjin: 음
13:40 iJinjin: 슬럼프 걸릴 만한 패턴은 약간 있는 것 같은데 ㅋㅋ
13:40 iJinjin: 00:52:642 -
13:41 iJinjin: 일단 여기부분요
13:41 Kawawa: 저기는 보기에도 딱 좋긴한듯한데
13:41 Kawawa: 지금 변경하고싶으시면
13:41 Kawawa: 변경하시구, 스샷으로 보여주세용
13:41 Kawawa: 전 딴거 보고있을게요
13:42 iJinjin: 넵
13:42 iJinjin: 아 맞다
13:42 iJinjin: 블로코랑 잠시 얘기 해봤는데
13:42 Kawawa: 예
13:43 iJinjin: 03:28:642 (208642|1,208642|0,208642|3,208642|4) - 여기에서 노트 2개 빼라고 해서
13:43 iJinjin: 두개 아마 뺄것 같아요
13:43 Kawawa: 넹
13:43 iJinjin: 그래서 column 2 4 에 남겼어요
13:43 iJinjin: 1 5에서 빼고
13:44 iJinjin: (아마 전체 노트 수가 5002개여서 2개 빼서 5000으로 만드려는 블로코의 깔끔함(?))
13:44 iJinjin: ㅋㅋㅋ
13:44 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
13:46 Kawawa: 00:41:767 - 여기 3에 추가 하는게 더 나을것 같은데
13:47 iJinjin: 아하
13:47 Kawawa: 00:41:617 (41617|5,41617|2) - 여기 드럼하고 동일한 사운드라, 양손에 배치를 동일한식으로 해두면 더 느낌이 살지 않을까요?
13:47 Kawawa: 한쪽에만 두기보단
13:47 iJinjin: 네 괜찮은 것 같아요
13:48 Kawawa: 01:02:242 - 노트 1개 감소?
13:48 Kawawa: 4노트로 두기에는 01:02:542 - 바로 위에 부각되는 이 부분하고
13:49 Kawawa: 다소 느낌에 차이가 나지 않나요?
13:49 iJinjin: 네 그게 좋은 것 같아요
13:49 iJinjin: 3에 있던걸 없앴어요
13:49 Kawawa: 01:02:242 - ~ 01:02:542 - 더불어서 이 부분의 모든 악기를 생략하심을 의도하신다면
13:50 Kawawa: 잠시만요 샘플을
13:50 Kawawa: 이런식으로 롱놋으로 마지막 피아노를 번들로 묶어서
13:50 Kawawa: 장음으로 처리하고 쳐보니
13:50 Kawawa: 이것도 나쁘지 않은 것 같아요
13:50 Kawawa: 이어지는 느낌이 들기도 하고
13:50 Kawawa: 이건 그냥 제안사항이라서 굳이 적용하실 필요는 없어용
13:51 iJinjin: 근데 그러면 나중에 나오는 끊기는 부분도 다 롱놋처리 해주어야 될 것 같아서
13:51 Kawawa: 아 지금 봤네요
13:51 iJinjin: 그냥 지금처럼 나두는게 괜찮을 것 같아요
13:51 Kawawa: 윗부분도 동일하게 다 끊겨있어서, 적용하자면
13:51 Kawawa: 위쪽도 전부 동일하게 유지해야할듯
13:51 iJinjin: 넵
13:52 Kawawa: 컨셉상 안하는게 나을듯해요
13:52 iJinjin: 그냥 단놋으로 처리할게요 ㅋㅋ
13:52 iJinjin: 넵
13:52 Kawawa: 아까와 같은 사유로, 01:07:042 - 여기를 3놋쓰고, 01:07:342 - 여기가 4놋이 낫지 않을까요?
13:53 Kawawa: 01:07:342 - 스네어를 그냥 이런식으로 01:07:942 - 3으로 두신건가
13:54 iJinjin: 네 그렇게 적용할게요
13:54 iJinjin: 보통 피아노 코드로 마무리 된 부분을
13:54 iJinjin: 다 4놋으로 해놓았어요
13:54 Kawawa: 음 그럼 윗부분도
13:54 Kawawa: 어느정도 개선 한번 해보실래용?
13:54 iJinjin: 넵
13:54 Kawawa: 전 2분대 보고 있을게요
13:56 iJinjin: 넹
13:56 iJinjin: 제가 수정한 부분들이
13:56 iJinjin: 01:05:392 - 일단 여기 피아노 코드들을
13:57 iJinjin: 4개에서 3개로 바꾸고
13:57 iJinjin: 01:05:842 - 여기 4코드 처리
13:57 iJinjin: 01:13:342 - 여기 4코드 처리
13:57 Kawawa: 그 피아노코드들 근데 4코드 유지도
13:57 Kawawa: 나쁘지 않ㅇ느데
13:58 Kawawa: 그게 부각되고, 주변 패턴과 어느정도 텀이 있다보니
13:58 iJinjin: 하긴 그렇긴 해요 ㅋㅋ
13:59 iJinjin: 그럼 그냥 4코드로 나두되, 끊기는 부분에서 들어오는 코드는 4노트 처리할게요
13:59 Kawawa: 넹
13:59 Kawawa: 거기 수정 다하셨으면
13:59 Kawawa: 문제 하나 찾은거 말씀드릴게요
13:59 iJinjin: 넵 다했어요
13:59 Kawawa: 02:11:092 (131092|3,131167|1,131167|4,131167|0) -
13:59 Kawawa: 02:20:692 (140692|0,140692|2,140767|1,140767|4) -
14:00 Kawawa: 코드양이 동일 해야하지 않나요?
14:00 Kawawa: 크게 의도되는 바도 없는 듯한 느낌이라
14:00 Kawawa: 저는 후자처럼 각 2코드를 쓰는걸 더 권장하긴해요
14:00 Kawawa: 전자에 1,3보다는
14:01 iJinjin: 아하
14:01 Kawawa: 1,3이 3부분이 특정하게 더 부각되긴하는데
14:01 Kawawa: 저 두부분을 우선 일관되게끔 유지하셨으면 하는데
14:01 Kawawa: 어떠세요?
14:02 iJinjin: 전자를 이렇게 바꿔봤어요
14:02 Kawawa: 넹
14:05 Kawawa: 02:49:792 - 여기도 베이스 드럼이 있는듯한데
14:05 Kawawa: 1로 두신건 의도된건가요?
14:06 iJinjin: 깜빡한듯..ㅋㅋ
14:06 Kawawa: 의도하지 않고, 미싱 된거라면 주변패턴과 동일하게 유지하셔야할듯
14:06 Kawawa: 넹
14:07 iJinjin: 네 7에 넣어두었어요
14:08 iJinjin: 00:52:642 - 아까 말해두었던 이부분 패턴
14:08 Kawawa: 예
14:08 iJinjin: 이렇게 바꿔봤어요
14:08 Kawawa: 헐
14:08 Kawawa: 더어려워졌어
14:08 Kawawa: 우선 오키
14:08 iJinjin: 오잉
14:09 Kawawa: 03:21:929 (201929|6,201967|5,202004|4) - 이거 567로 두면 뻔한패턴이긴한데
14:09 iJinjin: 넵
14:09 Kawawa: 더 깔끔하지 않나요?
14:09 Kawawa:
14:10 iJinjin: 아하 그렇긴 하네요
14:10 Kawawa: 03:22:492 - 음 여기 5코드로 쓸만한 부각되는 부분이 있나요?
14:10 Kawawa: 03:22:642 - 여기와는 다르게, 제 생각에는 크게 사유가 안될듯 한데
14:10 iJinjin: 사실 이걸 피하고 싶어서 그렇게 해둔거였는데
14:10 iJinjin: 괜찮을듯
14:11 Kawawa: 그건 근데 여기도 동일하게 03:22:304 (202304|2,202417|2) -
14:11 Kawawa: 되어있어서 나쁘진 않을거같아요
14:11 iJinjin: 넵 ㅋㅋ
14:12 iJinjin: 제가 그 절정분위기 쪽은 코드비중을 약간 무겁게 두었어요
14:12 iJinjin: 그래서
14:12 iJinjin: 04:39:292 - 여기도
14:12 iJinjin: 5코드로 해놓았어요
14:12 Kawawa: 4코드면 적절할거 같은데
14:13 Kawawa: 아니다 우선 유지하도록 해요
14:13 iJinjin: 4코드로 만들기에 꽤 애매한 곳이라서 ㅠㅠ
14:13 iJinjin: 넵
14:13 Kawawa: 노트양을 정의한다는거 자체가 애매한 개념이라 의도대로 유지하는게 나을듯해요
14:13 Kawawa: 노트 모양새도 괜히 어수선해질거 같기두하궁
14:13 Kawawa: 앗 내가 어디까지 봤떠라
14:13 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:13 iJinjin: 넹
14:14 iJinjin: 8ㅋㅋㅋ
14:14 iJinjin: 03:22:642 - 여기까지?
14:14 Kawawa: 지금 노트수가
14:14 Kawawa: 몇개죠?
14:14 iJinjin: 5003개
14:14 iJinjin: ㅠㅠ
14:14 Kawawa: 하 그러
14:14 Kawawa: 3개를 뺄 모딩을
14:14 Kawawa: 찾아봐야겠넹
14:14 iJinjin: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:14 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:15 iJinjin: 04:00:442 - 이부분에 대해서
14:15 iJinjin: 어떻게 생각하세요?
14:15 iJinjin: 그냥 04:00:742 (240742|4,240742|2,240742|6,240742|5,240742|1,240742|0) - 여기를
14:15 iJinjin: 6노트 대신 4노트 처리하는게
14:15 iJinjin: 좋을까요?
14:15 Kawawa: `네
14:15 Kawawa: 4노트가 나을듯해요
14:16 iJinjin:
14:17 iJinjin: 이제 노트 5001개
14:17 iJinjin: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:17 Kawawa: 04:00:892 - 전 여기 롱놋1개 의도하신게
14:17 Kawawa: 조금 아쉽게 작용하는데
14:17 iJinjin: 아
14:17 Kawawa:
14:17 Kawawa: 이것도 나쁘지 않을듯한데
14:18 Kawawa: 여기서 이런식으로
14:18 Kawawa: 고조되는 느낌이 사는듯 하기도 하궁
14:18 iJinjin: 네 괜찮은 것 같아요
14:19 Kawawa: 그럼 노트수가
14:19 Kawawa: 5002개인가
14:19 iJinjin: 04:45:442 - 여기에서 노트 하나 뺐어요
14:19 Kawawa: 예
14:19 Kawawa: 5001개
14:19 iJinjin: 04:52:642 - 여기랑 동일하게 하력ㅗ
14:19 iJinjin: 하려고
14:19 iJinjin: ㅋㅋ
14:19 Kawawa: 03:36:873 (216873|4) - 이건 확실하게 시작되는 비프음들?
14:20 Kawawa: 을 맞추시려고 16스냅쪽 쓰셔서 정확하게 두셨는데
14:20 Kawawa: 03:36:892 - 오히려 규칙적인 4에 스냅해두는게 낫지않을까요?
14:20 iJinjin: 블로코랑 그런 애매한 스냅은 이미 같이 체크해봤어요
14:20 Kawawa: 오오
14:20 Kawawa: 그러면 유지하졍
14:20 iJinjin: 넵 ㅋㅋ
14:21 iJinjin: 04:57:668 - 그냥 여기 끝부분을
14:21 iJinjin: 4노트로 해둘까요
14:21 iJinjin: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:22 Kawawa: 아 근데
14:22 Kawawa: 거긴 5로 두셔야할듯
14:22 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:22 Kawawa: 무게감이 다소 실려있어서
14:22 iJinjin: 아하 넵
14:22 Kawawa: 04:01:042 - 여기서부터
14:22 Kawawa: 볼게요
14:23 iJinjin: 넵
14:23 Kawawa: 메인타밍에 터지는 무게감있는 피아노에4, 기본적으로 2계단이고 각 스네어에 3이라서
14:24 Kawawa: 여긴 볼 필요가 없을거같아요
14:24 Kawawa: 걍 아이콘드릴까요
14:24 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:24 iJinjin: 넵 거긴 일정하게 그렇게 해놓았어요
14:24 iJinjin: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:24 iJinjin: 나머지 1개 노트는
14:24 iJinjin: 블로코랑 체크하면서
14:24 iJinjin: 하는걸로?
14:24 iJinjin: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:25 Kawawa: 04:38:804 (278804|0,278917|0,279029|0,279142|0) - 이걸 조금 피했으면 하는데
14:26 iJinjin: 넵 ㅠㅠ
14:26 Kawawa: 유지하고 싶으신가요?
14:26 Kawawa: 아니면 개선될 패턴이 있었으면 하거나
14:26 iJinjin: 지금 한번 살펴보는 중이예요
14:27 Kawawa:
14:28 iJinjin: 이렇게
14:28 iJinjin: 바꿔봤어요
14:28 Kawawa: 음 저게 이전보다 더 나은듯 하네요
14:28 iJinjin: 이러면 노트 하나가 빠져서
14:28 iJinjin: 5000개로 되기도 하고요
14:28 iJinjin: !!
14:28 iJinjin: ㄱㅇㄷ
14:28 iJinjin: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:29 Kawawa: 굳
14:29 iJinjin: 와 그거 하나 뺐는데 스타레이팅이 0.04 줄어드네
14:29 iJinjin: 크
14:29 iJinjin: 암튼 이게 괜찮은듯요
14:29 Kawawa: 하 레이팅 줄다니
14:30 Kawawa: 전꺼 유지하셔도 되요
14:30 iJinjin: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:30 iJinjin: 근데 어짜피
14:30 iJinjin: 아까 그 1에 있던 1/4 해머경우는
14:30 iJinjin: 피하는게 가장 좋을 것 같아서
14:30 Kawawa: 넹
14:31 iJinjin: 지금 바꾼게 더 괜찮을 것 같아요 ㅠㅠ
14:32 iJinjin: 일단 업뎃 해볼게요
14:32 Kawawa: 변속도 문제없네요
14:32 Kawawa: 슬럼을 유발할거 같은 예감이 200% 들긴하는데
14:32 Kawawa: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:33 iJinjin: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
14:33 iJinjin: 제가 조금 바꿔봤는데
14:33 iJinjin: 생각보다 안걸릴것 같아요
14:33 iJinjin: ㅋㅋㅋ
14:33 Kawawa: 바꿨나요>
14:33 Kawawa: 바꿨나요?
14:34 Kawawa: OD,HP는 유지하고 싶으시죠?
14:34 iJinjin: 넵
14:34 iJinjin: 00:43:942 - 이부분들이요
14:34 iJinjin: 원래 10x 에다가 0.8로 줄어들다가 1로 되었는데
14:34 iJinjin: 이젠 10x에서 바로 1로
14:34 Kawawa: 아하
14:34 iJinjin: 아 그러고 보니까
14:34 iJinjin: 이제
14:34 iJinjin: 00:44:242 - 이 변속은
14:35 iJinjin: 그냥 지울 수 있겠네요
14:35 iJinjin: 사실상 하는게 아무것도 없어서
14:35 iJinjin: 넵 다시 업뎃할게요
14:36 Kawawa: 허
14:36 Kawawa: 그렇네요>
14:36 iJinjin: 이번엔 다 고친듯
14:36 Kawawa: 02:05:842 -
14:36 Kawawa: 여기도 삭제해주셔야해요
14:36 Kawawa: 같은 sv파트이기도 하니
14:36 iJinjin: 네 거기도 삭제했어요
14:36 Kawawa: 넹
14:37 iJinjin: 업뎃 완료
14:37 iJinjin: !
14:37 Kawawa: 귣 very nice...
Topic Starter

zeroallies wrote:

Tell me!! Where did you get the BG? :o
added Star <3
Thanks~ I just got the bg off of google images :p
I should be asleep by now.

Day 1
2016-06-30 22:07 Blocko: ok uhh let's get started on this
2016-06-30 22:07 Blocko: ACTION is editing [ xi - Ascension to Heaven [Elysium]]
2016-06-30 22:07 Jinjin: !!
2016-06-30 22:08 Jinjin: hypeee
2016-06-30 22:09 Blocko: uhh judging by the note density here shouldn't this be a 2-note chord 00:25:267 (25267|3) -
2016-06-30 22:09 Blocko: cuz it's a kick
2016-06-30 22:10 Jinjin: o right yeah
2016-06-30 22:10 Blocko: and you layered kicks as 2-note chords there
2016-06-30 22:10 Blocko: rip 5000 notes
2016-06-30 22:10 Jinjin: rip 5000 notes dream
2016-06-30 22:10 Jinjin: jk we might find an overlayered chord somewhere later in the chart !!_!_!_!_!
2016-06-30 22:10 Jinjin: lel
2016-06-30 22:10 Jinjin: ok so added a note at column 6
2016-06-30 22:10 Blocko: i can find that anywhere ;)
2016-06-30 22:10 Jinjin: fug
2016-06-30 22:11 Blocko: 00:26:542 (26542|3,26542|1,26542|0,26617|4,26617|5) - density should be flipped
2016-06-30 22:11 Jinjin: uh so
2016-06-30 22:11 Blocko: uh
2016-06-30 22:11 Jinjin: 00:34:867 - i guess i should add a not ehere too
2016-06-30 22:11 Jinjin: '_>'
2016-06-30 22:11 Blocko: '_>'
2016-06-30 22:12 Jinjin: also ok
2016-06-30 22:12 Jinjin:
2016-06-30 22:13 Blocko: looks fine
2016-06-30 22:13 Jinjin: 00:27:742 (27742|1) - im gonna delete this note then
2016-06-30 22:13 Blocko: 00:28:192 (28192|4,28192|5) - should be a 3-note chord since you're layering the kick and the drums
2016-06-30 22:13 Jinjin: since these were layered as two note hords
2016-06-30 22:13 Blocko: hords
2016-06-30 22:14 Blocko: same for this one 00:25:342 (25342|0,25342|6,25342|4) -
2016-06-30 22:14 Blocko: with the removing i mean
2016-06-30 22:14 Jinjin: yup
2016-06-30 22:15 Jinjin: ok looks like that layering issue has been fixed
2016-06-30 22:15 Blocko: 00:28:492 (28492|4,28492|0,28492|2) - 2-note chord here?
2016-06-30 22:15 Blocko: 00:29:242 - not gonna bother with this one since it's pretty bursty
2016-06-30 22:16 Jinjin: yup fixed
2016-06-30 22:16 Jinjin: oh yeah that part is ok
2016-06-30 22:16 Blocko: :ok_hand:
2016-06-30 22:16 Blocko: 00:31:417 (31417|5,31417|3) - 3-note chord since kick/drums
2016-06-30 22:17 Jinjin: added a note at 7
2016-06-30 22:17 Blocko: 00:31:567 (31567|3,31567|2,31567|5) - might wanna make this a [124] chord here for that sweet repetition
2016-06-30 22:17 Jinjin: mmm
2016-06-30 22:17 Jinjin: sounds yummy
2016-06-30 22:18 Blocko: et
2016-06-30 22:18 Jinjin: after all those changes
2016-06-30 22:18 Jinjin: note count is at 5001
2016-06-30 22:18 Jinjin: '_>'
2016-06-30 22:19 Blocko: waw
2016-06-30 22:19 Jinjin: 00:36:142 (36142|3,36142|0,36142|1,36217|6,36217|5) - flip density here too?
2016-06-30 22:19 Blocko: yea
2016-06-30 22:20 Jinjin: kk
2016-06-30 22:20 Blocko: 00:33:442 - piano here sounds like 1/3
2016-06-30 22:20 Blocko: mem
2016-06-30 22:20 Blocko: whatcha layering in here?
2016-06-30 22:21 Jinjin: didn't layer the piano in there at all :U
2016-06-30 22:21 Jinjin: it's all percussion
2016-06-30 22:21 Jinjin: and rolls
2016-06-30 22:21 Jinjin: if i added the piano it would be too jej
2016-06-30 22:21 Blocko: jej
2016-06-30 22:22 Jinjin: 00:37:567 (37567|2,37567|1) - deleting one note here
2016-06-30 22:22 Jinjin: to be consistent with 00:37:717 (37717|4) -
2016-06-30 22:22 Jinjin: o wait jk
2016-06-30 22:22 Jinjin: nvmd kek
2016-06-30 22:22 Blocko: waw
2016-06-30 22:23 Blocko: back to the piano thing, 00:33:592 (33592|0,33667|1) - cuz of this thing right here
2016-06-30 22:23 Jinjin: mmm
2016-06-30 22:23 Jinjin: yeah maybe i should layer that as 1/3
2016-06-30 22:24 Jinjin: cuz the second 1/4
2016-06-30 22:24 Jinjin: looks like a ghost note
2016-06-30 22:24 Blocko: ahaha time for polyrhythms
2016-06-30 22:24 Jinjin: haheha
2016-06-30 22:25 Blocko: not sure on how you're gonna go with it
2016-06-30 22:25 Jinjin:
2016-06-30 22:25 Jinjin: how does this look?
2016-06-30 22:25 Blocko: because that'd require a big overhaul in that one segment
2016-06-30 22:25 Blocko: aaaand nvm you kinda did it
2016-06-30 22:26 Jinjin: '_>'
2016-06-30 22:26 Jinjin: sometimes it's necessary to forgo layering for playability
2016-06-30 22:26 Blocko: or you could just not follow the piano there
2016-06-30 22:27 Jinjin: true :U
2016-06-30 22:27 Blocko: maybe removing 00:33:592 (33592|0,33667|1) - ?
2016-06-30 22:28 Jinjin: since the latter part is also reliant on the piano layering
2016-06-30 22:28 Jinjin: i think i might keep it
2016-06-30 22:29 Jinjin: i tried removing 00:33:592 -
2016-06-30 22:29 Jinjin: and rearranged accordingly
2016-06-30 22:29 Blocko: oh oke
2016-06-30 22:29 Jinjin: lemme show you
2016-06-30 22:29 Jinjin: looks pretty clearn
2016-06-30 22:29 Jinjin: clean
2016-06-30 22:30 Blocko: nice
2016-06-30 22:30 Blocko: rip right hand on the second half
2016-06-30 22:30 Jinjin: wew
2016-06-30 22:30 Jinjin: it's actually relatively easy to hit
2016-06-30 22:31 Blocko: wew
2016-06-30 22:31 Jinjin: 00:38:617 (38617|6,38617|4) - add note for snare?
2016-06-30 22:31 Blocko: 00:34:492 (34492|5,34492|6,34492|3) - 2-note chord here?
2016-06-30 22:31 Blocko: sure
2016-06-30 22:32 Jinjin: okie
2016-06-30 22:32 Jinjin: okie to both
2016-06-30 22:33 Blocko: 00:40:192 (40192|3,40192|1) - add a note here
2016-06-30 22:33 Blocko: 00:40:492 (40492|3,40492|5,40492|1) - 2-note chord here
2016-06-30 22:33 Jinjin: 00:39:967 - 00:40:192 (40192|0) - added notes
2016-06-30 22:33 Jinjin: o
2016-06-30 22:33 Blocko: o
2016-06-30 22:33 Jinjin: wew
2016-06-30 22:33 Jinjin: we were thinking the same thing
2016-06-30 22:33 Jinjin: ET
2016-06-30 22:33 Blocko: damn u ET
2016-06-30 22:33 Jinjin: 00:41:017 (41017|5,41017|2) - adding note here too
2016-06-30 22:33 Jinjin: for snare
2016-06-30 22:34 Blocko: 00:41:017 (41017|5,41017|2) - add a no-
2016-06-30 22:34 Blocko: ok
2016-06-30 22:34 Jinjin: !_!
2016-06-30 22:34 Blocko: help this ET is moving ahead of me
2016-06-30 22:34 Jinjin: aaa
2016-06-30 22:34 Jinjin: once you caught the layering issues
2016-06-30 22:34 Blocko: 00:42:367 - maaaybe add another note here?
2016-06-30 22:34 Jinjin: i am able to pick out stuff too
2016-06-30 22:34 Jinjin: :D
2016-06-30 22:34 Blocko: hhhhehhhehe
2016-06-30 22:35 Jinjin: okiee
2016-06-30 22:35 Blocko: tbh i wasn't actually sure if you want the first minute to be super technical
2016-06-30 22:35 Jinjin: seems fine
2016-06-30 22:35 Jinjin: nahh it was layered pretty loosely
2016-06-30 22:35 Jinjin: but i guess it doesn't hurt
2016-06-30 22:35 Jinjin: haha
2016-06-30 22:35 Blocko: not really
2016-06-30 22:36 Jinjin: 00:42:442 (42442|5,42442|6) - this note would have to be three chords too
2016-06-30 22:36 Blocko: yeah if you want
2016-06-30 22:36 Jinjin: kk
2016-06-30 22:36 Blocko: inb4 this takes like 6 hours just like haelequin ex
2016-06-30 22:37 Jinjin: le
2016-06-30 22:37 Jinjin: we're almost done with the first minute
2016-06-30 22:37 Jinjin: !_!
2016-06-30 22:37 Blocko: !_!
2016-06-30 22:37 Jinjin: by the time you get to the 4th minute
2016-06-30 22:37 Jinjin: there's really nthing to see
2016-06-30 22:37 Jinjin: cuz the layering is very consistent there
2016-06-30 22:37 Blocko: yes there is ;^)
2016-06-30 22:37 Jinjin: '_>'
2016-06-30 22:38 Jinjin: ;"(
2016-06-30 22:38 Jinjin: eT
2016-06-30 22:38 Blocko: no u et
2016-06-30 22:39 Jinjin: looks like we won't be able to do the 5000 notes thing anymore
2016-06-30 22:39 Jinjin: '_>'
2016-06-30 22:39 Blocko: how many notes does it have for u
2016-06-30 22:39 Jinjin: 5009
2016-06-30 22:39 Blocko: hhhhhahaha
2016-06-30 22:39 Jinjin: o whoops jk
2016-06-30 22:39 Jinjin: 5007
2016-06-30 22:39 Blocko: rip
2016-06-30 22:40 Blocko: 00:44:242 - so whatcha layering here
2016-06-30 22:42 Jinjin: just a regular ol' 5 note chord
2016-06-30 22:42 Jinjin: for emphasis
2016-06-30 22:42 Jinjin: of a new section
2016-06-30 22:43 Blocko: oh i meant this whole part
2016-06-30 22:43 Jinjin: o lmfao
2016-06-30 22:43 Blocko: kinda up to 00:53:842 -
2016-06-30 22:44 Jinjin: uhh
2016-06-30 22:44 Jinjin: those small 1/4 1 notes are
2016-06-30 22:44 Jinjin: *almost* inaudible hi hats
2016-06-30 22:44 Jinjin: or whatever they're called
2016-06-30 22:44 Blocko: yeah you could call it that
2016-06-30 22:45 Blocko: 00:46:492 - add a note here for that loud hi-hat
2016-06-30 22:45 Jinjin: if you listen to the BMS version
2016-06-30 22:45 Jinjin: you can hear the percussion parts a lot more audibly
2016-06-30 22:46 Jinjin: okiee
2016-06-30 22:46 Blocko: yeeeep
2016-06-30 22:47 Blocko: 00:48:892 (48892|3) - maybe move this to 5 for that repetition afterwards
2016-06-30 22:47 Blocko: cuz this chord 00:48:742 - has the snare on it
2016-06-30 22:48 Blocko: so i think it'd be neat to change the pattern there to differentiate what stuff you're layering there
2016-06-30 22:48 Jinjin: ah alright
2016-06-30 22:48 Jinjin: sounds ogod
2016-06-30 22:48 Jinjin: good
2016-06-30 22:48 Blocko: haha this chord discord
2016-06-30 22:48 Blocko: ogod
2016-06-30 22:49 Jinjin: ogoodgodo
2016-06-30 22:49 Blocko: hrm
2016-06-30 22:50 Blocko: 00:52:192 (52192|0) - you layered the faint kick there but for the previous 10 seconds doesn't have that one
2016-06-30 22:50 Blocko: it doesn't* oops
2016-06-30 22:51 Jinjin: oh yeah
2016-06-30 22:51 Jinjin: the layering gradually increases here too
2016-06-30 22:51 Jinjin: LOL
2016-06-30 22:52 Blocko: o oke
2016-06-30 22:52 Jinjin: by the time we get to 01:22:642 -
2016-06-30 22:52 Blocko: 00:58:342 (58342|5,58342|3,58342|6) - change to [457] to repeat 00:57:742 (57742|3,57742|4,57742|6) -
2016-06-30 22:52 Blocko: hhheh
2016-06-30 22:52 Jinjin: im gonna update so you can have the updated version
2016-06-30 22:52 Blocko: neat-o
2016-06-30 22:53 Jinjin: that looks neat-
2016-06-30 22:53 Jinjin: o
2016-06-30 22:53 Jinjin: too
2016-06-30 22:55 Blocko: 01:04:792 (64792|0,64792|4) - hmmmmm
2016-06-30 22:55 Blocko: dunno how that 2-note chord happened there
2016-06-30 22:56 Jinjin: me neither
2016-06-30 22:56 Jinjin: let's take out one
2016-06-30 22:56 Jinjin: xdxdxddd
2016-06-30 22:56 Blocko: xdxdxdxdxd
2016-06-30 22:57 Blocko: 01:07:567 (67567|1,67642|2,67642|4,67717|1,67792|4,67792|2,67867|1) - a trill on an ascending piano?
2016-06-30 22:57 Blocko: i'm assuming what you're following at this point is the piano
2016-06-30 22:57 Jinjin: only ascends up to this par 01:07:642 (67642|2) -
2016-06-30 22:57 Jinjin: but the other three are layered as the small drumdrum
2016-06-30 22:58 Blocko: 01:07:642 (67642|2,67642|4) - what up 2-note chord
2016-06-30 22:59 Jinjin: wew
2016-06-30 22:59 Jinjin: removed
2016-06-30 22:59 Blocko: 01:07:492 (67492|5,67492|3,67492|6) - kinda wondering why this is a 3-note too
2016-06-30 23:00 Jinjin: just letting you know that these parts are not strictly layered
2016-06-30 23:00 Jinjin: it's loose and mostly about the flow
2016-06-30 23:00 Blocko: ah
2016-06-30 23:00 Jinjin: i guess htat can be 2 chord tho
2016-06-30 23:00 Jinjin: :>
2016-06-30 23:00 Blocko: wkwk
2016-06-30 23:02 Jinjin: ok so yeah 01:16:342 - layerings like these
2016-06-30 23:02 Blocko: 01:09:892 (69892|2,69892|4,69892|5,70192|1,70192|0,70192|4) - 3-note chords here?
2016-06-30 23:02 Jinjin: were on purpose
2016-06-30 23:03 Blocko: i can see that
2016-06-30 23:03 Jinjin: the latter should be 2
2016-06-30 23:03 Jinjin: 01:09:892 (69892|4,69892|5,69892|2) - this one stays as 3
2016-06-30 23:03 Jinjin: cuz piano
2016-06-30 23:04 Blocko: oke
2016-06-30 23:04 Blocko: 01:09:442 (69442|1,69442|5,69442|2) - thinkin these densities should switch since 01:11:842 (71842|6,71842|3) - this sounds a lot stronger
2016-06-30 23:04 Jinjin: wanted to emphasize the piano melody here
2016-06-30 23:04 Jinjin: 01:09:442 (69442|2,69442|5,69442|1,69892|4,69892|2,69892|5,70342|5,70342|3,70342|6) -
2016-06-30 23:05 Jinjin: so everything else was layered relative to the piano
2016-06-30 23:05 Jinjin: relatively softer
2016-06-30 23:05 Blocko: alrighty
2016-06-30 23:05 Blocko: hey can we take a little break
2016-06-30 23:05 Blocko: i gotta do some irl stuff
2016-06-30 23:06 Jinjin: ah sure
2016-06-30 23:06 Jinjin: call me back after you're done
2016-06-30 23:06 Jinjin: '_>'
2016-06-30 23:06 Blocko: oke
2016-06-30 23:06 Jinjin: meanwhile i'll just update this rn
2016-06-30 23:06 Blocko: neat
2016-06-30 23:06 Blocko: brb
2016-06-30 23:08 Jinjin: im gonna go eat rn too anyway haehuea so i'll brb too i guess
2016-06-30 23:19 Jinjin: if you come back before me, you can continue to check the map and when I return I'll look over and apply everything
2016-06-30 23:35 Jinjin: ok im back wew
2016-06-30 23:39 Blocko: same
2016-06-30 23:40 Jinjin: im just looking through the entire map
2016-06-30 23:40 Jinjin: for some other layer issues
2016-06-30 23:40 Blocko: >not submitted
2016-06-30 23:40 Blocko: epic
2016-06-30 23:41 Jinjin: changed name
2016-06-30 23:41 Jinjin: kek
2016-06-30 23:41 Jinjin: you gotta redl
2016-06-30 23:41 Jinjin: im gonna update it once more anyway
2016-06-30 23:41 Blocko: oke
2016-06-30 23:41 Blocko: at least you have trips
2016-06-30 23:41 Blocko: on the beatmap id
2016-06-30 23:42 Jinjin: !_!
2016-06-30 23:42 Jinjin: eT
2016-06-30 23:42 Blocko: ur face
2016-06-30 23:42 Jinjin: waw
2016-07-01 00:05 Jinjin: tfw updated ascension to heaven
2016-07-01 00:05 Jinjin: note count is at 5044
2016-07-01 00:05 Jinjin: '_>'
2016-07-01 00:05 Blocko: waw
2016-07-01 00:05 Blocko: what'd u do
2016-07-01 00:05 Jinjin: went back and redid all the layering
2016-07-01 00:06 Jinjin: for consistency
2016-07-01 00:06 Jinjin: not like strictly but in general
2016-07-01 00:06 Jinjin: so it should be a lot better now
2016-07-01 00:06 Jinjin: when you check
2016-07-01 00:06 Blocko: are you trying to save me time
2016-07-01 00:06 Blocko: what are you, a saint?
2016-07-01 00:06 Jinjin: yea
2016-07-01 00:06 Jinjin: im an ET
2016-07-01 00:06 Jinjin: jk
2016-07-01 00:06 Jinjin: im not et
2016-07-01 00:06 Jinjin: fuk i can't delete my messaegs
2016-07-01 00:06 Jinjin: on osu pm
2016-07-01 00:06 Jinjin: noooooo don't screenshot that
2016-07-01 00:06 Jinjin: nooooooooooooooooooooooo
2016-07-01 00:06 Blocko: lmao
2016-07-01 00:06 Blocko: too bad
2016-07-01 00:07 Jinjin: ;-;
2016-07-01 00:07 Jinjin: but yeah im gonna minimize the time that you spend on ascension to heaven :U
2016-07-01 00:08 Blocko: thanks!!!
2016-07-01 00:22 Jinjin: kk done looking thru everything wew
Day 2
2016-07-01 22:33 Blocko: ok let's continue
2016-07-01 22:33 Blocko: ACTION is editing [ xi - Ascension to Heaven [Elysium]]
2016-07-01 22:33 Jinjin: round 2
2016-07-01 22:33 Jinjin: whoo
2016-07-01 22:34 Blocko: 01:10:492 (70492|5) - move to 2 for uhh
2016-07-01 22:34 Blocko: uhhhh
2016-07-01 22:35 Jinjin: differentiation
2016-07-01 22:35 Blocko: yeah
2016-07-01 22:35 Blocko: that's the word
2016-07-01 22:35 Jinjin: of instruments
2016-07-01 22:35 Blocko: mem
2016-07-01 22:35 Jinjin: got it
2016-07-01 22:35 Jinjin: ET
2016-07-01 22:35 Blocko: u et
2016-07-01 22:35 Jinjin: ok applied all
2016-07-01 22:35 Jinjin: thanks
2016-07-01 22:35 Jinjin: now all my chart says
2016-07-01 22:35 Jinjin: blocko ET
2016-07-01 22:35 Jinjin: pls qualify now
2016-07-01 22:35 Blocko: nothx
2016-07-01 22:35 Blocko: it doesnt say jinjin ET
2016-07-01 22:35 Jinjin: inb4 dq post saying changing everything to jinjin ET
2016-07-01 22:35 Jinjin: ofc
2016-07-01 22:35 Jinjin: et
2016-07-01 22:35 Blocko: u et
2016-07-01 22:36 Blocko: 01:12:067 (72067|4,72142|1,72142|6,72142|0,72142|3) - i believe you can sneak in a 2-note chord there
2016-07-01 22:36 Jinjin: i agree
2016-07-01 22:36 Blocko: or move 01:12:142 (72142|1) - to 01:12:067 -
2016-07-01 22:37 Jinjin: i think this is okay
2016-07-01 22:38 Blocko: that works
2016-07-01 22:38 Jinjin: ay
2016-07-01 22:38 Jinjin: 01:12:142 (72142|3,72142|2,72142|6,72142|0) - probably
2016-07-01 22:38 Blocko: i just wonder what's up with that 4-note chord there
2016-07-01 22:38 Jinjin: should just make this into a 3 chord
2016-07-01 22:38 Jinjin: not 4
2016-07-01 22:38 Jinjin: wow were you thinking the same thing i was
2016-07-01 22:38 Jinjin: et
2016-07-01 22:38 Blocko: ur face is et
2016-07-01 22:39 Jinjin: wew
2016-07-01 22:39 Jinjin: ok changed
2016-07-01 22:39 Jinjin: more consistent now
2016-07-01 22:39 Blocko: hmm
2016-07-01 22:39 Jinjin: and it also gets too cluttered
2016-07-01 22:39 Jinjin: 01:12:592 (72592|4,72592|1,72892|0,72892|3) - i didn't layer the drums in here to emphasize the piano
2016-07-01 22:41 Jinjin: or do you think it's better that i do
2016-07-01 22:41 Jinjin: i can make it work
2016-07-01 22:42 Blocko: that should be fine
2016-07-01 22:42 Jinjin: alright so ill leave it as is
2016-07-01 22:42 Blocko: 01:17:392 (77392|4,77392|6,77392|0,77392|1,77842|1,77842|6,77842|0,77842|3,77842|5) - thinking you should tone these down a bit since the piano isn't as strong in these points
2016-07-01 22:43 Jinjin: got it
2016-07-01 22:43 Jinjin: removed column in 7
2016-07-01 22:45 Blocko: 01:22:642 (82642|5,82642|2,82642|1,82642|0,82642|6,82642|4) - maybe you could turn some of these notes to LNs?
2016-07-01 22:46 Jinjin: nahh wanted to keep that as a resting point as is
2016-07-01 22:46 Jinjin: i thought about it before
2016-07-01 22:46 Jinjin: but i think it's cleaner to just end it this way
2016-07-01 22:46 Jinjin: instead of having to hold notes for the violin notes
2016-07-01 22:46 Jinjin: violin sound*
2016-07-01 22:48 Blocko: alrighty then
2016-07-01 22:48 Blocko: gonna skip a minute here because this part is uhh
2016-07-01 22:48 Jinjin: et
2016-07-01 22:49 Jinjin: the calm parts really don't have much to look at
2016-07-01 22:49 Jinjin: yeah
2016-07-01 22:49 Jinjin: ! _ !
2016-07-01 22:49 Blocko: cuz u et
2016-07-01 22:49 Blocko: ET
2016-07-01 22:50 Jinjin: 02:04:042 - actually in this part
2016-07-01 22:50 Jinjin:
2016-07-01 22:50 Jinjin: i think this is better
2016-07-01 22:50 Jinjin: in terms of layering consistency
2016-07-01 22:51 Blocko: great ET idea
2016-07-01 22:51 Jinjin: even better
2016-07-01 22:51 Jinjin: ET
2016-07-01 22:51 Blocko: wow ET
2016-07-01 22:52 Jinjin: wow we're 40% done !_!
2016-07-01 22:52 Blocko: round 3 is hitsounds
2016-07-01 22:52 Blocko: should be short
2016-07-01 22:52 Blocko: woops
2016-07-01 22:52 Jinjin: wew
2016-07-01 22:53 Blocko: 02:10:942 (130942|6) - move to 3 so the ascending chord pattern is more apparent here? 02:10:642 (130642|3,130642|2,130792|3,130792|4,130942|5,130942|4,131092|6,131092|5) -
2016-07-01 22:53 also to get rid of that 567 chord *shudder*
2016-07-01 22:54 Jinjin: ET idea
2016-07-01 22:54 Jinjin: applied
2016-07-01 22:54 Blocko: no u
2016-07-01 22:55 Blocko: 02:11:992 (131992|4) - move this down to 02:11:917 - for that faint chord
2016-07-01 22:55 Blocko: i mean kick
2016-07-01 22:55 Blocko: waol
2016-07-01 22:56 Jinjin: okie
2016-07-01 22:56 Jinjin: uh
2016-07-01 22:56 Jinjin: i'll do that for all similar patterns
2016-07-01 22:56 Jinjin: i guess
2016-07-01 22:56 Jinjin: 02:14:317 - like here
2016-07-01 22:56 Jinjin: and so on
2016-07-01 22:57 Blocko: sure
2016-07-01 22:58 Jinjin: okay fixed all of those issues up to 02:25:042 -
2016-07-01 22:58 Blocko: neat-o
2016-07-01 22:59 Blocko: do you wanna layer the rest of the faint kicks
2016-07-01 22:59 Blocko: there's still some around the second minute
2016-07-01 23:01 Jinjin: oh right
2016-07-01 23:01 Jinjin: yeah ill do that
2016-07-01 23:01 Blocko: nice
2016-07-01 23:01 Blocko: new meme め le pretzel
2016-07-01 23:01 Jinjin: ok done
2016-07-01 23:01 Jinjin: wew
2016-07-01 23:02 Jinjin: also i'm rechecking every hitsound while you are checking through the map rn
2016-07-01 23:02 Jinjin: hh
2016-07-01 23:02 Blocko: alright i guess i'm not gonna mention those two points for this part
2016-07-01 23:02 Blocko: wow ET
2016-07-01 23:02 Jinjin: kk
2016-07-01 23:10 Jinjin: wew
2016-07-01 23:10 Blocko: waw
2016-07-01 23:11 Jinjin: almost done with hitsound check
2016-07-01 23:14 Jinjin: yup hitsounds are all good to me
2016-07-01 23:15 Blocko: oh right where were we
2016-07-01 23:15 Jinjin: 2:25:042 -
2016-07-01 23:16 Jinjin: 02:25:042 -
2016-07-01 23:16 Blocko: ah oke thank
2016-07-01 23:16 Blocko: 02:26:842 (146842|5,146842|0,146842|2) - 2-note chord here?
2016-07-01 23:16 Jinjin: from this part to 02:44:242 -
2016-07-01 23:16 Jinjin: oh yee
2016-07-01 23:17 Jinjin: anyway generally from 02:25:042 - to 02:44:242 - the layering is a bit loose in that sometimes I didn't layer in the percussion parts to emphasize the piano
2016-07-01 23:18 Blocko: i can see that
2016-07-01 23:18 Blocko: and i'm gonna try to put myself in your shoes so i know how you layered those parts
2016-07-01 23:18 Jinjin: 02:41:317 (161317|1,161317|0) - making this into 1 note
2016-07-01 23:19 Jinjin: 02:41:317 (161317|1,161317|0,161467|0,161467|1,161617|1,161617|0) - actually
2016-07-01 23:19 Jinjin: do you think it's appropriate to keep these as 2
2016-07-01 23:19 Jinjin: or should i remove 1 from each
2016-07-01 23:19 Blocko: well it sounds like a 1 note runningman to me '_>'
2016-07-01 23:19 Blocko: i'd say yea
2016-07-01 23:19 Blocko: it'd give you a chance to add a note on 02:41:392 - too
2016-07-01 23:19 Jinjin: ayy
2016-07-01 23:20 Jinjin: right
2016-07-01 23:20 Jinjin: 02:41:767 (161767|5) - removing this too
2016-07-01 23:20 Blocko: 02:37:867 (157867|1,157867|6,157867|4) - uhh are you sure about this 3-note chord
2016-07-01 23:20 Blocko: oh yea
2016-07-01 23:20 Blocko: removes semi-awkward anchors when you transition there
2016-07-01 23:21 Jinjin: 02:37:867 (157867|1,158242|1) - removing
2016-07-01 23:21 Jinjin: these two
2016-07-01 23:21 Blocko: alrighty
2016-07-01 23:21 Blocko: 02:39:142 (159142|6,159142|1,159142|5,159142|2) - remove one note from here?
2016-07-01 23:22 Blocko: (we might even reach 5000 notes!!!)
2016-07-01 23:22 Jinjin: okiee
2016-07-01 23:22 Jinjin: !!
2016-07-01 23:23 Jinjin: 02:40:642 - this part, i'm gonna send you a pic of how i rearranged it
2016-07-01 23:23 Jinjin:
2016-07-01 23:23 Blocko: pplicious
2016-07-01 23:24 Jinjin: waw
2016-07-01 23:24 Jinjin: 5044 notes !!
2016-07-01 23:24 Blocko: 02:40:042 (160042|2,160042|0,160117|1,160117|4,160192|6,160192|3) - shouldn't these be single?
2016-07-01 23:24 Jinjin: prob very unlikely that we'll reach 5000 haha
2016-07-01 23:24 Blocko: we can reach 5050 maybe
2016-07-01 23:24 Blocko: idk
2016-07-01 23:25 Jinjin:
2016-07-01 23:25 Jinjin: rearranged
2016-07-01 23:25 Jinjin: added a note to the clap part
2016-07-01 23:26 Jinjin: and removed frompiano
2016-07-01 23:26 Blocko: ah oke
2016-07-01 23:26 Blocko: what do you think of moving this 02:41:542 (161542|6) - to 3?
2016-07-01 23:27 Jinjin: ah that's nice too
2016-07-01 23:27 Blocko: yeah for that piano pitch
2016-07-01 23:28 Blocko: and also to remove muh long anchors
2016-07-01 23:28 Blocko: or what young people call it
2016-07-01 23:28 Jinjin: yee
2016-07-01 23:28 Jinjin: waw
2016-07-01 23:28 Jinjin: i guess you're very old
2016-07-01 23:28 Jinjin: ET
2016-07-01 23:28 Blocko: no u et
2016-07-01 23:28 Blocko: ET
2016-07-01 23:28 Blocko: oh hey we're halfway done
2016-07-01 23:29 Blocko: this should take less time than the first half since it's not as loosely mapped as the first half
2016-07-01 23:29 Jinjin: ayy
2016-07-01 23:29 Jinjin: also before we move to the LN section
2016-07-01 23:29 Blocko: wh
2016-07-01 23:30 Jinjin: lemme do an update cuz i changed some parts accordingly
2016-07-01 23:30 Jinjin: with layering
2016-07-01 23:30 Jinjin: and consistency
2016-07-01 23:30 Blocko: oke
2016-07-01 23:32 Jinjin: ok
2016-07-01 23:32 Jinjin: done
2016-07-01 23:32 Blocko: 7.29* rip pp
2016-07-01 23:32 Jinjin: 03:12:742 (192742|5) - oh right
2016-07-01 23:33 Jinjin: i added a note at 7 here
2016-07-01 23:33 Jinjin: just add it now for reference later
2016-07-01 23:33 Blocko: et
2016-07-01 23:33 Blocko: 02:44:467 - add a note here for that faint kek
2016-07-01 23:33 Blocko: kick*
2016-07-01 23:33 Blocko: fuck
2016-07-01 23:34 Jinjin: it's reaaally inaudibl
2016-07-01 23:34 Jinjin: i think it's better to leave it out here
2016-07-01 23:34 Blocko: thanks crash
2016-07-01 23:35 Jinjin: you'll see it later when we go through hitsounding but
2016-07-01 23:35 Blocko: yeah i see it
2016-07-01 23:35 Blocko: 02:49:267 - what about this one?
2016-07-01 23:35 Jinjin: xi made the first four measures of each section like a bit weird
2016-07-01 23:35 Jinjin: compared to the rest
2016-07-01 23:35 Blocko: thanks xi
2016-07-01 23:35 Jinjin: i don't think
2016-07-01 23:35 Jinjin: i added any notes
2016-07-01 23:36 Jinjin: for that sound
2016-07-01 23:36 Jinjin: in this entire section
2016-07-01 23:36 Jinjin: xd
2016-07-01 23:36 Blocko: oh right i see now
2016-07-01 23:37 Jinjin: this goes for 02:49:267 - , 02:51:667 - , 02:54:067 - , 02:56:467 - , etc.
2016-07-01 23:37 Jinjin: yeah
2016-07-01 23:37 Blocko: 02:56:167 (176167|0,176167|5) - i'm guessing this one is mapped to the piano and that high pitched sound
2016-07-01 23:37 Blocko: or beeping noise
2016-07-01 23:37 Blocko: or uhh
2016-07-01 23:37 Jinjin: 03:01:192 (181192|1) - also im deleting this note
2016-07-01 23:37 Blocko: im deleting you note
2016-07-01 23:38 Jinjin: and i gotta go eat lunch right now fug
2016-07-01 23:38 Jinjin: ill be back in like 15 mins
2016-07-01 23:38 Blocko: kk
2016-07-01 23:50 Jinjin: back!
2016-07-01 23:50 Blocko: you said 15 minutes
2016-07-01 23:50 Jinjin: i'm no et
2016-07-01 23:50 Jinjin: i can't keep time exactly
2016-07-01 23:51 Jinjin: u et
2016-07-01 23:51 Blocko: you arrived early, ET
2016-07-01 23:51 Jinjin: and oh yeah you were right
2016-07-01 23:51 Jinjin: 02:56:167 (176167|0) - this was layered
2016-07-01 23:51 Jinjin: for that hi hat
2016-07-01 23:51 Jinjin: or whatever
2016-07-01 23:52 Blocko: 02:59:167 (179167|1,179167|5,179392|3) - maybe you could add more notes here
2016-07-01 23:53 Jinjin: 03:00:892 - adding a note here for a hi hat
2016-07-01 23:53 Blocko: i was gonna suggest that later
2016-07-01 23:53 Blocko: et
2016-07-01 23:53 Jinjin: also yeah
2016-07-01 23:53 Jinjin: i agree
2016-07-01 23:53 Jinjin: :U
2016-07-01 23:53 Jinjin: added note
2016-07-01 23:54 Blocko: :U
2016-07-01 23:54 Blocko: 03:01:567 (181567|0) - add one here too
2016-07-01 23:54 Blocko: dunno if you added this intentionally though 03:01:192 (181192|1) -
2016-07-01 23:54 Jinjin: kk
2016-07-01 23:54 Jinjin: i said i already deleted that
2016-07-01 23:54 Jinjin: ET
2016-07-01 23:54 Blocko: o
2016-07-01 23:54 Blocko: gh
2016-07-01 23:55 Blocko: 03:02:092 (182092|3) - move this to 5? i think it'd be a bit less awkward to transition to
2016-07-01 23:55 Jinjin: already did it before u suggested it
2016-07-01 23:55 Jinjin: :)
2016-07-01 23:55 Blocko: um
2016-07-01 23:55 Blocko: et
2016-07-01 23:56 Blocko: if you want, 03:03:292 - add one more note here to break consistency and have more pp
2016-07-01 23:56 Jinjin: sure ke
2016-07-01 23:56 Jinjin: le
2016-07-01 23:56 Blocko: kele
2016-07-01 23:56 Jinjin: also starting from 03:03:442 -
2016-07-01 23:56 Blocko: perkele
2016-07-01 23:56 Jinjin: you'll see that the layering has changed
2016-07-01 23:57 Blocko: yep
2016-07-01 23:57 Blocko: pretty standardized
2016-07-01 23:57 Jinjin: 03:03:742 (183742|4,183742|1,183742|5,184042|1,184042|5,184342|5,184342|3,184342|4,184642|6,184642|3,184942|5,184942|2,184942|6) - it alternates like this
2016-07-01 23:57 Jinjin: 3 chord 2 chord 3 chord 2 chord
2016-07-01 23:57 Jinjin: with some minor inconsistencies for playability issues
2016-07-01 23:57 Jinjin: such as having 1 chord when there is a new LN
2016-07-01 23:57 Jinjin: 1 note*
2016-07-01 23:58 Blocko: oke
2016-07-01 23:58 Jinjin: 03:05:842 (185842|2) - like here
2016-07-01 23:58 Jinjin: i chose to do this because having the previous patterns of that density in this part would be cancer due to 2 LNs at the same time
2016-07-01 23:58 Jinjin: instead of 1 Ln
2016-07-01 23:59 Blocko: understandable
2016-07-01 23:59 Blocko: sometimes semantics have to be sacrificed for the better
2016-07-01 23:59 Jinjin: semantic compositions
2016-07-01 23:59 Blocko: of memes
2016-07-01 23:59 Jinjin: '_>'
2016-07-01 23:59 Jinjin: of ET
2016-07-01 23:59 Blocko: ur et
2016-07-02 00:00 Blocko: 03:09:442 - would it be possible to add another note here for that piano chord there?
2016-07-02 00:00 Jinjin: nop
2016-07-02 00:00 Blocko: wa
2016-07-02 00:00 Jinjin: o
2016-07-02 00:00 Jinjin: for that uhh
2016-07-02 00:00 Jinjin: lemme see
2016-07-02 00:01 Jinjin: eh this'll do
2016-07-02 00:01 Jinjin: i guess
2016-07-02 00:02 Blocko: i guess
2016-07-02 00:02 Jinjin: !_!
2016-07-02 00:02 Blocko: uhh
2016-07-02 00:02 Blocko: 03:13:042 (193042|2,193042|4,193042|6,193042|0,193042|1) - le sneaky 5-note chord
2016-07-02 00:02 Jinjin: intended
2016-07-02 00:02 Jinjin: it's where it starts to build up to the climax
2016-07-02 00:03 Jinjin: 03:03:442 - similar to this part
2016-07-02 00:04 Blocko: alright then
2016-07-02 00:05 Blocko: 03:17:842 - i'm guessing this 4-note chord here is patterned to the violin/piano/kick, so this 03:19:042 - should have the same density as that one
2016-07-02 00:05 Jinjin: op
2016-07-02 00:05 Jinjin:
2016-07-02 00:05 Jinjin: good
2016-07-02 00:06 Blocko: that's what i hand in mind wtf
2016-07-02 00:06 Blocko: u et
2016-07-02 00:06 Jinjin: o
2016-07-02 00:06 Jinjin: i guess ETs think alike
2016-07-02 00:06 Jinjin: well i mean
2016-07-02 00:06 Jinjin: ET Blocko and ET wannabe Jinjin
2016-07-02 00:06 Blocko: im not ET sry
2016-07-02 00:06 Jinjin: :(
2016-07-02 00:07 Jinjin: oh man
2016-07-02 00:07 Jinjin: we're almost done
2016-07-02 00:07 Jinjin: only the last ET section left
2016-07-02 00:07 Jinjin: !!
2016-07-02 00:08 Blocko: wow ET
2016-07-02 00:08 Blocko: 03:22:042 (202042|0,202042|1) - what do you think? would it be possible to make this a 3-note chord to keep that structure going for the first few beats?
2016-07-02 00:09 Jinjin:
2016-07-02 00:10 Jinjin: !!
2016-07-02 00:10 Blocko: le jumkptrill
2016-07-02 00:10 Blocko: that poor right hand le
2016-07-02 00:10 Jinjin: trielropel
2016-07-02 00:10 Jinjin: wew
2016-07-02 00:11 Jinjin: it balances out
2016-07-02 00:11 Jinjin: with the ending
2016-07-02 00:11 Jinjin: 04:38:467 -
2016-07-02 00:11 Jinjin: hhh
2016-07-02 00:11 Jinjin: here it's left hand rip
2016-07-02 00:11 Jinjin: right now it's right hand rip
2016-07-02 00:11 Jinjin: :D
2016-07-02 00:11 Blocko: ur killin me
2016-07-02 00:11 Blocko: ok 2nd part done
2016-07-02 00:11 Blocko: hype
2016-07-02 00:11 Jinjin: hoype
2016-07-02 00:12 Blocko: tfw made u add more notes in parts of the map
2016-07-02 00:12 Blocko: hhhhhhaa
2016-07-02 00:12 Jinjin: if you want
2016-07-02 00:12 Jinjin: i can do this
2016-07-02 00:12 Jinjin: too
2016-07-02 00:13 Jinjin: but the anchors on the spacebar is wew
2016-07-02 00:13 Blocko: ew
2016-07-02 00:13 Jinjin: yeah i'll stick to the one before
2016-07-02 00:13 Blocko: it balances out a bit better but le anchor
2016-07-02 00:13 Jinjin: you can play those 1/8 rolls as a chord anyway
2016-07-02 00:14 Jinjin: so it's not that difficult really
2016-07-02 00:14 Blocko: that's like mash passing
2016-07-02 00:14 Blocko: playing rolls as chords ??1/1/!??1!/
2016-07-02 00:14 Jinjin: the reason for od 9.5 heuaheahea
2016-07-02 00:14 Blocko: haueheauaeuhuhaeuhaeuheauhae
2016-07-02 00:14 Blocko: ok let's get back on this
2016-07-02 00:15 Jinjin: ok leggo leggo
2016-07-02 00:15 Jinjin: wow
2016-07-02 00:15 Jinjin: thinking the same thing
2016-07-02 00:15 Blocko: et
2016-07-02 00:15 Jinjin: et
2016-07-02 00:15 Blocko: etok
2016-07-02 00:15 Blocko: ok
2016-07-02 00:15 Jinjin: okok
2016-07-02 00:15 Blocko: 03:44:242 (224242|4,224242|5,224242|1,224242|2,224242|6) - if we're talkin about intensity here, shouldn't 03:46:642 (226642|3,226642|6,226642|0,226642|1) - this be the same as that one?
2016-07-02 00:15 Blocko: that piano chord is strong in this one
2016-07-02 00:16 Jinjin: oh yeah
2016-07-02 00:16 Jinjin: added a note
2016-07-02 00:16 Blocko: 03:49:042 - same for this one too
2016-07-02 00:16 Blocko: 03:50:242 - and here
2016-07-02 00:16 Jinjin: same goes for 03:49:042
2016-07-02 00:16 Jinjin: o
2016-07-02 00:16 Blocko: o
2016-07-02 00:16 Jinjin: et
2016-07-02 00:16 Blocko: et
2016-07-02 00:17 Jinjin: 03:53:842 - adding a note here too
2016-07-02 00:17 Jinjin: at column 2
2016-07-02 00:17 Blocko: 03:53:842 - ok
2016-07-02 00:17 Jinjin: i don't think the rolls + the chord would be too difficult to hit
2016-07-02 00:17 Blocko: yeah it shouldn't be
2016-07-02 00:18 Jinjin: ok lemme tell you how the layering is broken down in this section 04:01:042 -
2016-07-02 00:18 Blocko: double streamed piano with 3-note chords for the clap
2016-07-02 00:19 Blocko: at least that's what i'm guessing
2016-07-02 00:19 Jinjin: generally everything is two note chords, but an additional note is added for clap or string, and a 4 note chord every 4 measures
2016-07-02 00:19 Jinjin: so basically yeah
2016-07-02 00:19 4 note chord every 2 measures *
2016-07-02 00:20 Blocko: alright
2016-07-02 00:20 Blocko: [ yay or gay]
2016-07-02 00:20 Jinjin: also not all claps are 3 notes
2016-07-02 00:20 Jinjin: it's only the ones on the downbeat
2016-07-02 00:20 Blocko: for 03:59:842 - i mean
2016-07-02 00:20 Blocko: o
2016-07-02 00:21 Jinjin: oh yeah that's good
2016-07-02 00:21 Jinjin: applied
2016-07-02 00:21 Blocko: here we go
2016-07-02 00:21 Blocko: 04:06:892 (246892|3,246892|0,246892|2) - 2-note chord here?
2016-07-02 00:22 Jinjin: mehh i thought the strings were 1/2 there
2016-07-02 00:22 Jinjin: nvmd
2016-07-02 00:22 Jinjin: ill fix it
2016-07-02 00:22 Blocko: huh
2016-07-02 00:22 Jinjin: it isn't
2016-07-02 00:22 Blocko: o
2016-07-02 00:23 Jinjin: i am being stupud
2016-07-02 00:23 Jinjin: kek
2016-07-02 00:23 Blocko: stupud ET
2016-07-02 00:23 Blocko: 04:11:692 (251692|4,251692|2,251692|5) - same here
2016-07-02 00:23 Jinjin: yup
2016-07-02 00:24 Blocko: 04:18:292 (258292|0,258292|1,258292|3,258592|6,258592|3) - hmm
2016-07-02 00:24 Blocko: i'm guessing based on the build up here you forgot to add another note for the second kick
2016-07-02 00:26 Jinjin: o wew
2016-07-02 00:28 Jinjin: yup rearranged
2016-07-02 00:28 Jinjin: lemme update again
2016-07-02 00:28 Blocko: waw
2016-07-02 00:28 Jinjin: before we go to the final LN ection
2016-07-02 00:28 Jinjin: !!
2016-07-02 00:28 Blocko: inb4 SR is 7.4*
2016-07-02 00:29 Jinjin: 7.35
2016-07-02 00:29 Jinjin: fug won't update, i think i have to restart my client
2016-07-02 00:29 Jinjin: brb
2016-07-02 00:29 Blocko: o
2016-07-02 00:29 Jinjin: ok updates now
2016-07-02 00:30 Jinjin: ok update done
2016-07-02 00:31 Blocko: nice
2016-07-02 00:31 Blocko: 04:19:492 (259492|6,259492|2,259492|5,259492|0,259567|4,259567|1) - should be both 3-note chords
2016-07-02 00:32 Jinjin: ah okay
2016-07-02 00:33 Jinjin: oh yeah hang on again
2016-07-02 00:33 Jinjin: lemme look over the LN section once more
2016-07-02 00:33 Jinjin: it'll take like 2 minutes
2016-07-02 00:36 Jinjin: ok reupdate
2016-07-02 00:36 Jinjin: 04:20:242 - lemme tell you how this LN section is layered
2016-07-02 00:38 Jinjin: 04:20:542 - ok i added a note at column 5 here and 04:21:142 - at 6 here
2016-07-02 00:38 Jinjin: so basically
2016-07-02 00:38 Jinjin: claps are 3 notes
2016-07-02 00:38 Blocko: claps on the downbeat?
2016-07-02 00:38 Jinjin: yup
2016-07-02 00:38 Jinjin: and the layering is basically
2016-07-02 00:38 Jinjin: 3-1-2-2-3-1-2-2 repeating
2016-07-02 00:38 Jinjin: 2 to continue the continuous 2 note stream from before
2016-07-02 00:38 Blocko: muh layering scheme
2016-07-02 00:39 Jinjin: but 1 note is there because LNs crowd things a lot
2016-07-02 00:39 Jinjin: wew
2016-07-02 00:40 Blocko: waw
2016-07-02 00:40 Blocko: 04:19:567 (259567|2,259567|4) - oh yeah shouldn't this be a 3-note chord
2016-07-02 00:41 Jinjin: whoops yeah
2016-07-02 00:41 Jinjin: fixed
2016-07-02 00:42 Jinjin:
2016-07-02 00:42 Blocko: le jumptrill
2016-07-02 00:42 Jinjin: le
2016-07-02 00:44 Jinjin: also sacrificed some 3 note chords in the LN section too
2016-07-02 00:44 Jinjin: for playability
2016-07-02 00:44 Blocko: 04:20:542 - maybe add a note here for that clap
2016-07-02 00:44 Blocko: oh
2016-07-02 00:44 Jinjin: i already added :D
2016-07-02 00:44 Blocko: ET
2016-07-02 00:45 Jinjin:
2016-07-02 00:45 Jinjin: blocko pls
2016-07-02 00:45 Blocko: fuck im blind
2016-07-02 00:46 Jinjin: i meant places like
2016-07-02 00:46 Jinjin: 04:27:142 -
2016-07-02 00:46 Jinjin: supposed to be 3 note chord but too cluttered
2016-07-02 00:46 Blocko: yeah i get that
2016-07-02 00:46 Blocko: it'd be uhh meme
2016-07-02 00:46 Jinjin: actually
2016-07-02 00:46 Jinjin: that's the only place
2016-07-02 00:46 Jinjin: jej
2016-07-02 00:46 Jinjin: everything else is fune
2016-07-02 00:46 Jinjin: fine
2016-07-02 00:46 Blocko: fune
2016-07-02 00:46 Jinjin: ok
2016-07-02 00:47 Blocko: 04:29:242 (269242|6,269242|0,269242|3,269242|5) - le sneaky 4-note chord
2016-07-02 00:47 Jinjin: o wew
2016-07-02 00:47 Jinjin: deleted column 6
2016-07-02 00:47 Jinjin: 04:38:542 (278542|6,278542|5,278542|4) - also im moving this chord 1 column to the left
2016-07-02 00:47 Jinjin: so it doesn't look too pp and jumptrilly
2016-07-02 00:48 Blocko: no use trying to sugar coat it
2016-07-02 00:48 Blocko: hhhaha
2016-07-02 00:48 Jinjin: ;_;
2016-07-02 00:49 Blocko: ok so uhh can you clarify how you patterned this part out a little more 04:29:842 -
2016-07-02 00:49 Jinjin: basically 2 notes all around from before
2016-07-02 00:50 Jinjin: but percussion + claps are layered
2016-07-02 00:50 Jinjin: only if they are on the downbeat
2016-07-02 00:50 Jinjin: or do you think since this is the finale
2016-07-02 00:50 Jinjin: i should just layer everything in?
2016-07-02 00:50 Jinjin: and make it et
2016-07-02 00:50 Blocko: weeeelllll
2016-07-02 00:50 Blocko: if you want to tease more people to not passing the map
2016-07-02 00:50 Jinjin: bms overjoy style
2016-07-02 00:50 Jinjin: jk
2016-07-02 00:50 Blocko: et
2016-07-02 00:52 Blocko: so what do you think
2016-07-02 00:52 Blocko: do you wanna layer pretty much everything?
2016-07-02 00:52 Jinjin: lemme try
2016-07-02 00:53 Jinjin: yup looks fine
2016-07-02 00:53 Jinjin: lemme update
2016-07-02 00:53 Jinjin: sr hasn't changed which is a success
2016-07-02 00:53 Blocko: antipp
2016-07-02 00:53 Blocko: antipp in pp map
2016-07-02 00:54 Jinjin: haha anon
2016-07-02 00:54 Jinjin: it's basically bms patterning now
2016-07-02 00:54 Jinjin: !_!
2016-07-02 00:54 Jinjin: ok updated
2016-07-02 00:55 Jinjin: whoops forgot to add a note at 04:05:092
2016-07-02 00:55 Jinjin: 04:05:092 -
2016-07-02 00:55 Jinjin: added one to column 4
2016-07-02 00:55 Jinjin: fuc wait jk
2016-07-02 00:55 Jinjin: that's not the right part
2016-07-02 00:55 Jinjin: LOLOL
2016-07-02 00:55 Jinjin: deleted
2016-07-02 00:55 Blocko: nice
2016-07-02 00:56 Jinjin: 04:30:592 (270592|6) - i think i can delete this tho
2016-07-02 00:56 Jinjin: not too much of an impact to add a note
2016-07-02 00:56 Blocko: i'm deleting you notey
2016-07-02 00:56 Jinjin: 100% complete
2016-07-02 00:56 Blocko: 04:30:742 (270742|2,270742|5,270742|6,270892|2,270892|5,270892|6) - kinda not too fond of this one because there's not much differentiation there
2016-07-02 00:57 Jinjin: le osu crashed
2016-07-02 00:57 Blocko: ebic
2016-07-02 00:58 Jinjin: anyway uh
2016-07-02 00:58 Jinjin: 04:38:092 (278092|3,278092|0,278092|1,278092|6,278092|5) - i'm deleting a note from here
2016-07-02 00:58 Blocko: le
2016-07-02 00:58 Blocko: rip pp
2016-07-02 00:59 Blocko: did you get my suggestion
2016-07-02 00:59 Jinjin: o
2016-07-02 00:59 Jinjin: prob not
2016-07-02 00:59 Blocko: 04:30:742 (270742|2,270742|5,270742|6,270892|2,270892|5,270892|6) - kinda not too fond of this one because there's not much differentiation there
2016-07-02 00:59 Jinjin: ah okay
2016-07-02 01:00 Jinjin: ez fix
2016-07-02 01:00 Blocko: ez fix
2016-07-02 01:01 Blocko: more like
2016-07-02 01:01 Blocko: et fix
2016-07-02 01:01 Blocko: geddit cuz u et
2016-07-02 01:01 Blocko: xd
2016-07-02 01:01 Jinjin: xdxdddd
2016-07-02 01:01 Jinjin: nu
2016-07-02 01:02 Blocko: hummmm
2016-07-02 01:02 Jinjin: i'll just tell you about 04:37:042 - right now
2016-07-02 01:02 Blocko: 04:34:642 (274642|5) - move to 3 to provide more leniency to the right?
2016-07-02 01:02 Blocko: o
2016-07-02 01:02 Jinjin:
2016-07-02 01:03 Jinjin: yeah that looks good
2016-07-02 01:03 Jinjin: and for the 04:37:042 - one
2016-07-02 01:03 Jinjin: it's to show the consistency of 5 note chord
2016-07-02 01:03 Jinjin: with 04:38:242 -
2016-07-02 01:05 Blocko: ic
2016-07-02 01:06 Jinjin: i think we covered everything in terms of patterning so just write some final suggestions before we move on to hitsounds
2016-07-02 01:06 Jinjin: :U
2016-07-02 01:06 Blocko: wooha
2016-07-02 01:10 Jinjin: are we finalized with the patterns?
2016-07-02 01:10 Jinjin: waw
2016-07-02 01:10 Blocko: sorta
2016-07-02 01:10 Jinjin: cuz if we are i'll update and we can do a quick check on hitsounds
2016-07-02 01:11 Jinjin: kkk
2016-07-02 01:11 Blocko: o ur updating
2016-07-02 01:11 Blocko: uh
2016-07-02 01:11 Jinjin: o
2016-07-02 01:11 Jinjin: le
2016-07-02 01:12 Blocko: 04:25:192 (265192|5) - move to 2?
2016-07-02 01:12 Blocko: or wait would that be a bit much for the left
2016-07-02 01:12 Jinjin: well
2016-07-02 01:12 Jinjin: yeah
2016-07-02 01:12 Jinjin: that's why i kept it on the right hand
2016-07-02 01:13 Jinjin: 5 note anchor
2016-07-02 01:13 Jinjin: on the 2nd column
2016-07-02 01:13 Jinjin: is not fun
2016-07-02 01:13 Blocko: a
2016-07-02 01:14 Jinjin: i managed to keep the dense stream at the ending pretty balanced too
2016-07-02 01:14 Jinjin: considering that the maximum anchor we have in each column is 3
2016-07-02 01:14 Blocko: muh balance
2016-07-02 01:14 Blocko: 04:33:892 (273892|6) - to 4?
2016-07-02 01:14 Jinjin: looks good
2016-07-02 01:14 Jinjin: changed
2016-07-02 01:14 Blocko: neat
2016-07-02 01:15 Blocko: 04:36:292 (276292|0,276442|0,276592|0,276742|0,276892|0,277042|0) - anchors
2016-07-02 01:15 Jinjin: o wew
2016-07-02 01:16 Jinjin:
2016-07-02 01:16 Jinjin: probably the most optimal change
2016-07-02 01:16 Blocko: streamy
2016-07-02 01:16 Jinjin: without disturbing the overall flow
2016-07-02 01:16 Jinjin: 04:36:442 (276442|3,276442|2,276442|5) - this doens't even have to be 3 notes tbh
2016-07-02 01:16 Jinjin: im deleting you, notey!
2016-07-02 01:16 Blocko: 10% complete...
2016-07-02 01:17 Jinjin: 100% complete
2016-07-02 01:17 Jinjin: ok looks neat
2016-07-02 01:17 Blocko: look nEaT
2016-07-02 01:18 Blocko: hmm
2016-07-02 01:18 Blocko: 04:46:642 (286642|1,286642|0,286642|3,286642|5,289042|5,289042|1,289042|0,289042|3) - same chord but both of them are under different pitches
2016-07-02 01:19 Jinjin: moving that entire first chord
2016-07-02 01:19 Jinjin: one column to the right
2016-07-02 01:19 Jinjin: thanks for pointing it out
2016-07-02 01:20 Blocko: then it'd be pretty similar to 04:45:442 (285442|0,285442|2) -
2016-07-02 01:22 Jinjin: wait
2016-07-02 01:22 Jinjin: hm?
2016-07-02 01:22 Blocko: o wait nvm i thought you moved one note
2016-07-02 01:22 Jinjin: did you highlight the wrong notes
2016-07-02 01:22 Jinjin: o
2016-07-02 01:22 Blocko: le sleepy afececea
2016-07-02 01:22 Jinjin: ok haha
2016-07-02 01:22 Jinjin: yeah i moved the entire chord
2016-07-02 01:22 Jinjin: riip
2016-07-02 01:23 Blocko: rpir
2016-07-02 01:23 Jinjin: let's move on fast so you can sleep soon
2016-07-02 01:23 Blocko: 04:55:904 (295904|3,296062|4,296220|5,296378|6) - 4565?
2016-07-02 01:23 Jinjin: hitsounding won't even take 15 mins
2016-07-02 01:23 Jinjin: you can hear a note higher
2016-07-02 01:24 Jinjin: it ascends all the way
2016-07-02 01:24 Jinjin: C D Eb [D F]
2016-07-02 01:24 Jinjin: you're hearing the D
2016-07-02 01:24 Jinjin: no sexual pun intended
2016-07-02 01:24 Blocko: heh
2016-07-02 01:25 Blocko: oh alrighty
2016-07-02 01:25 Blocko: can you do a quick update
2016-07-02 01:27 Jinjin: rip
2016-07-02 01:27 Jinjin: o nop
2016-07-02 01:27 Jinjin: should I?
2016-07-02 01:28 Blocko: yea
2016-07-02 01:28 Jinjin: okk
2016-07-02 01:28 Jinjin: hype
2016-07-02 01:28 Jinjin: here we go boys
2016-07-02 01:28 Jinjin: the last spurt
2016-07-02 01:28 Jinjin: updated
2016-07-02 01:29 Blocko: hahhheh
2016-07-02 01:29 Blocko: 04:04:417 (244417|4,244417|1,244492|2,244492|5,244567|3,244567|6,244642|2,244642|0,244642|4,244717|1,244717|5,244792|2,244792|4) - ctrl + h for that pitch?
2016-07-02 01:30 Blocko: i'm looking at this part on a bigger picture now
2016-07-02 01:30 Blocko: uhh
2016-07-02 01:30 Jinjin: sounds reasonable
2016-07-02 01:30 Jinjin: ah okay
2016-07-02 01:30 Blocko: 04:08:992 (248992|2,249067|3,249217|2,249292|3) - you could do ctrl + j on this for the pitch
2016-07-02 01:30 Blocko: 04:10:492 (250492|6,250642|6,250792|6,250942|6) - dat anchorman
2016-07-02 01:31 Jinjin: applied and
2016-07-02 01:31 Jinjin: 04:10:792 (250792|6,250867|5) - moved these notes
2016-07-02 01:31 Jinjin: 1 column to the left
2016-07-02 01:32 Blocko: oh i was thinking more of 04:10:792 (250792|6) - moving this to 2
2016-07-02 01:32 Blocko: so the previous beat balances out with this one
2016-07-02 01:33 Jinjin: ah
2016-07-02 01:33 Jinjin: that looks fine too
2016-07-02 01:33 Jinjin: ill go with your suggestion
2016-07-02 01:33 Blocko: 04:31:042 (271042|5,271117|6) - ctrl + J?
2016-07-02 01:33 Blocko: actually idk how you'd go with this one
2016-07-02 01:34 Jinjin: sure
2016-07-02 01:34 Jinjin: 04:30:892 (270892|6) - and ill move this note
2016-07-02 01:34 Jinjin: to column 6
2016-07-02 01:34 Blocko: neato-
2016-07-02 01:36 Blocko: 04:33:292 (273292|6,273367|3,273442|2) - 432?
2016-07-02 01:37 Jinjin: oh yeah that looks :ok_hand:
2016-07-02 01:38 Blocko: a
2016-07-02 01:39 Blocko: 04:46:642 (286642|2,286642|1,286642|4,286642|6,293872|1,293872|2,293872|4,293872|6) - now both are the same under different pitches
2016-07-02 01:39 Jinjin: 04:53:872 - uh
2016-07-02 01:39 Jinjin: moved to
2016-07-02 01:40 Jinjin: 2 4 6 7
2016-07-02 01:40 Jinjin: so it doesn't overlap with any other chords
2016-07-02 01:40 Blocko: damn when it comes to simple things i'm kinda strict at them
2016-07-02 01:40 Blocko: mem
2016-07-02 01:41 Jinjin: wew
2016-07-02 01:41 Jinjin: you're doing god's work
2016-07-02 01:41 Jinjin: i mean
2016-07-02 01:41 Jinjin: et's work
2016-07-02 01:41 Jinjin: ET
2016-07-02 01:41 Blocko: ur et
2016-07-02 01:41 Blocko: ET
2016-07-02 01:41 Jinjin: nu u
2016-07-02 01:41 Jinjin: okay should we move on to hitsounds now?
2016-07-02 01:41 Jinjin: !_!
2016-07-02 01:41 Blocko: uhh around this point i ask mappers to update a lot more often
2016-07-02 01:41 Blocko: yeah
2016-07-02 01:41 Jinjin: woooo
2016-07-02 01:41 Jinjin: i'll update again
2016-07-02 01:42 Jinjin: updated
2016-07-02 01:42 Jinjin: we're ready to go
2016-07-02 01:42 Jinjin: !
2016-07-02 01:43 Blocko: !
2016-07-02 01:43 Blocko: what do you think of adding normal-hitfinishes on some notes to combine with the soft ones
2016-07-02 01:44 Jinjin: hmm
2016-07-02 01:44 Jinjin: give me an example
2016-07-02 01:44 Blocko: 00:25:042 (25042|3) - somewhere like right here where the song changes phase
2016-07-02 01:45 Jinjin: oh so
2016-07-02 01:45 Jinjin: should i just go with normal hitsounds instead of soft?
2016-07-02 01:45 Blocko: you can do either or both
2016-07-02 01:45 Blocko: just suggesting that so it adds a little more impact
2016-07-02 01:45 Blocko: even though it's barely audible
2016-07-02 01:46 Jinjin: i think the soft hitsound is already loud enough ;-;
2016-07-02 01:46 Blocko: oke
2016-07-02 01:46 Jinjin: and the percussion parts are being highlighted by yet another hitsounds anyway
2016-07-02 01:46 Jinjin: hitsound*
2016-07-02 01:46 Jinjin: le
2016-07-02 01:46 Blocko: in that case
2016-07-02 01:46 Blocko: 00:44:242 (44242|3) - finish
2016-07-02 01:46 Jinjin: okies
2016-07-02 01:47 Blocko: 00:59:842 (59842|6,59917|5,59992|4,60067|3) - shouldn't this be going to the right hand?
2016-07-02 01:48 Jinjin: hm?
2016-07-02 01:48 Jinjin: it's already in the right hand part
2016-07-02 01:48 Blocko: like ascending (1234)
2016-07-02 01:48 Jinjin: ohh
2016-07-02 01:48 Jinjin: you mean that
2016-07-02 01:48 Jinjin: lol
2016-07-02 01:48 Blocko: yeah uhh
2016-07-02 01:48 Blocko: yeah
2016-07-02 01:49 Jinjin:
2016-07-02 01:49 Jinjin: alright
2016-07-02 01:49 Jinjin: tbh it's barely audible
2016-07-02 01:49 Jinjin: so it's kinda hard to tell
2016-07-02 01:50 Jinjin: yeah according to the bms version it seems to be ascending
2016-07-02 01:50 Jinjin: niceniceu
2016-07-02 01:50 Blocko: et
2016-07-02 01:50 Blocko: 01:08:242 (68242|5) - to 5 for differentiation
2016-07-02 01:51 Jinjin: kk
2016-07-02 01:51 Blocko: 01:27:442 (87442|3) - good place to add normal-finish y/n
2016-07-02 01:52 Blocko: 01:46:642 (106642|0) - and here too
2016-07-02 01:52 Jinjin: well i guess it's the reverse cymbal
2016-07-02 01:52 Jinjin: so it's not really being hit there
2016-07-02 01:52 Jinjin: i think it's better to just leave it as is
2016-07-02 01:52 Jinjin: same goes for there
2016-07-02 01:53 Blocko: alrighty
2016-07-02 01:53 Jinjin: im using the finishes very sparingly
2016-07-02 01:53 Blocko: 02:07:942 (127942|1) - REMOVE BASS remove bass
2016-07-02 01:54 Jinjin: !
2016-07-02 01:54 Jinjin: wew
2016-07-02 01:54 Jinjin: crisis avoided
2016-07-02 01:55 Blocko: 02:25:042 (145042|6) - don't really think a clap fits in here
2016-07-02 01:56 Jinjin: reasonable
2016-07-02 01:56 Jinjin: deleted the hitsound
2016-07-02 01:56 Jinjin: lemme just go forward in time and remove the claps from similar places too
2016-07-02 01:56 Jinjin: like here 03:03:442 (183442|1) -
2016-07-02 01:56 Blocko: ayy
2016-07-02 01:56 Blocko: 02:41:842 (161842|6) - move to 6 to mirror 02:42:442 (162442|1,162442|5,162442|6,162442|3) -
2016-07-02 01:57 Jinjin: 03:22:642 (202642|5) - this too
2016-07-02 01:57 Jinjin: applied
2016-07-02 01:57 Jinjin: 04:01:042 (241042|6) - also removed clap from here
2016-07-02 01:58 Jinjin: 04:20:242 (260242|0) - this too
2016-07-02 01:58 Jinjin: 04:39:442 (279442|5) - i think i'll keep this one intact tho
2016-07-02 01:58 Jinjin: cuz it's the ultimate chord
2016-07-02 01:58 Blocko: le
2016-07-02 01:58 Blocko: 03:41:842 - no harm done in adding another note here, right?
2016-07-02 01:59 Jinjin: no harm
2016-07-02 01:59 Jinjin: added
2016-07-02 01:59 Blocko: 03:50:242 (230242|6) - shouldn't this be at 1?
2016-07-02 02:00 Jinjin: well it's
2016-07-02 02:00 Jinjin: basically the same note as the string before
2016-07-02 02:00 Jinjin: but with added note to the higher pitch
2016-07-02 02:00 Jinjin: so i think it's alright to put it to the right
2016-07-02 02:01 Blocko: hmm oke
2016-07-02 02:02 Blocko: 03:59:842 (239842|0) - add another finish here? you used 2 finishes per chord on this measure
2016-07-02 02:02 Blocko: 04:01:042 (241042|2) - same as this one i guess since it's the final showdown
2016-07-02 02:02 Jinjin: aight
2016-07-02 02:03 Jinjin: neato
2016-07-02 02:03 Jinjin: uh
2016-07-02 02:03 Blocko: 04:09:292 (249292|5) - REMOVE BASS
2016-07-02 02:03 Jinjin: did the sr just suddenly decrease by 0.1 for you
2016-07-02 02:03 Blocko: uhh
2016-07-02 02:04 Jinjin: kk
2016-07-02 02:04 Blocko: idk
2016-07-02 02:04 Jinjin: mine's at 7.24
2016-07-02 02:04 Jinjin: jej
2016-07-02 02:06 Jinjin: not my problem wew
2016-07-02 02:06 Blocko: 04:58:958 (298958|0,298958|2,298958|1,298958|5,298958|6,298958|4) - add some hitsounds here fam
2016-07-02 02:07 Jinjin: ok uh
2016-07-02 02:07 Jinjin: i added two whistles and two finishes
2016-07-02 02:08 Blocko: i guess that's fine
2016-07-02 02:09 Blocko: update fam
2016-07-02 02:09 Jinjin: kk
2016-07-02 02:09 Jinjin: the hype is real
2016-07-02 02:09 Blocko: here come the 900pp plays
2016-07-02 02:09 Blocko: if they ever do 900k+ on it
2016-07-02 02:09 Blocko: hhha
2016-07-02 02:09 Jinjin: ooo boi
2016-07-02 02:10 Jinjin: also lol
2016-07-02 02:10 Jinjin: when you update
2016-07-02 02:10 Jinjin: check the sr
2016-07-02 02:10 Blocko: lmao
2016-07-02 02:10 Blocko: we made it harder!!!!!!!
2016-07-02 02:10 Jinjin: !!!!!
2016-07-02 02:10 Jinjin: did it go down for you
2016-07-02 02:10 Blocko: yeah
2016-07-02 02:10 Jinjin: by a lot
2016-07-02 02:10 Jinjin: ayy lmoa
2016-07-02 02:10 Jinjin: i wonder what caused it
2016-07-02 02:10 Blocko: idk
2016-07-02 02:10 Jinjin: doens't matter cuz the forum sr is the same
2016-07-02 02:11 Blocko: meanwhile i'm checking hitsounds first
2016-07-02 02:11 Blocko: hhha
2016-07-02 02:12 Jinjin: hhhhue
2016-07-02 02:14 Blocko: ok hitsounds look good
2016-07-02 02:14 Blocko: bg looks good
2016-07-02 02:14 Blocko: metadata looks good
2016-07-02 02:15 Jinjin: !_!
2016-07-02 02:15 Blocko: oh wait
2016-07-02 02:15 Blocko: add a slowjam in the end
2016-07-02 02:15 Jinjin: it's kinda naturally added due to the bpm change
2016-07-02 02:15 Jinjin: do you want me to amplify the effect tho
2016-07-02 02:16 Blocko: ~~yes~~
2016-07-02 02:16 Jinjin: it might not be worth it considering that there's that giant 1/4 run
2016-07-02 02:16 Jinjin: not too giant but
2016-07-02 02:16 Blocko: oh right
2016-07-02 02:16 Blocko: it'd be an ass to hit
2016-07-02 02:16 Jinjin: yeah all the other slowjams are
2016-07-02 02:16 Jinjin: they don't have 1/4s
2016-07-02 02:16 Jinjin: i think the current one is fine
2016-07-02 02:16 Blocko: yeah
2016-07-02 02:16 Blocko: ok time to logs
2016-07-02 02:16 Jinjin: ET
In short, we made the map more rigid in structure, and made some sections a little harder while keeping playability in check.

Topic Starter
A huuuuuuge thanks to Blocko for sticking with me for over 6 hours (!!!) and giving me a very in depth check to make sure this chart is at its best. Thanks!
Congratulations and I wish you the best of luck on ascending to the ranked section!
Topic Starter
Gratz jinjin
[ A v a l o n ]
ET ranks ET \o/
grats ET
BNs plz notice genre
Jinjin so ET ;w;
Congrats owo
d a m
oooooooo Grats~ owo
'_J' PP force is too strong this, double stairs 200 bpm is real challenge for the one who seek PP.. god bless your se.. hand...

grats jin!
Topic Starter
thanks everyone for the support~
All though I know close to nothing about mania, this seems really well executed. Nice my man.
Congratulations, Jinjin! Amazing map as always!
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