You know what I like?
The forums.
Well, I've liked them much more when there weren't as much shit posters, but yeah, you get my point.
I've met a handful of great people here, but I also came across some people who I wish never entered my life.
I like visiting the art sub-forum and looking at as well being inspired by other people's creativity and imagination.
I stopped playing the game seriously since like half a year ago or something, so I can't really say I like it.
CTB is fun though. ;p
Now, what I don't like...
Hmm, let me see.
Ah, yes!
The retarded and cringe worthy people and their posts and threads.
I find it so very unnecessary for the forums to be filled with bad jokes, stupid questions and try-hards every day.
Why don't you go and let out your stupidity somewhere else, yeah?
Poor mods, having to constantly look and deal with the amount of idiocy, it must be tiring.
I also don't like how most players, especially newer ones, play for rank instead of for fun.
Your ignorance will kill you someday, be it physically or mentally.
It is just a game, like any other.
You don't really have to gift me even though my supporter runs out in like a month lol