
D(ABE3) - MANIERA [Taiko]

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Congratz yumuya ^^
おめでとう ;)

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Y O U T A wrote:

Thanks!! :)
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zigizigiefe wrote:

Congratz yumuya ^^

yuzu__rinrin wrote:

おめでとう ;)
Thank you! ありがとう~~

gratz :3
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OzzyOzrock wrote:


gratz :3
yeah! thanks :D

_yu68 wrote:

where did you get the artist? i found it as D only on the BMS site and the file downloaded from the page ... 1&event=74
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IamKwaN wrote:

where did you get the artist? i found it as D only on the BMS site and the file downloaded from the page ... 1&event=74
I got it from this ranked mapset.
@abe_yuta: MANIERAのアーティスト名はD(ABE3)にしてください。
p/4361465 seems it's the composer's intention using this alias for this song.

congrats for qualifying!
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IamKwaN wrote: seems it's the composer's intention using this alias for this song.

congrats for qualifying!
Thanks ;)
Thanks for pp yumuya UwU
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MNTkun wrote:


thzz wrote:

About time. \o/
Maya Tendo
Maya Tendo
ゆむやさんが納得してくれたみたいなのでall 100%って事で
hello new pp map

nice bg, become famous!
Maya Tendo

更にこの1/8がある地帯は00:36:027 - から5小節と譜面の前半の中央にあたる部分です。目立つ配置なら最後に置くか、中央の休憩地帯の直前に置くか、サビに置くか、もしくは最初の最初にあえて置くか、何かしらの譜面全体の構成で意味を持つ場所に置くのが難所(難所に見えるところ)を綺麗に見せるコツだと思いますが、現在の1/8は上記の内容に沿う事無く前半のそこそこ譜面が流れた後にやって来ます。これは譜面全体を見たときにマイナスポイントであるとしか言えないです。



こうなるだけで、単音の4連続を交互に繰り返した長連符をココに入れるのは、この1/8を1/4の長連符だと見做すと仮定しても前後のdとkの配置と比べて浮いているとしか言えません。前後のdとkの配置にddkkddkk~やddddkkkk~のようにパターンが繰り返されているものは(一番短い繰り返しのパターンであるddkkdやkkddk等5連1/4を含んでも)どこにもありませんので1/4の簡単な配置だと捉えたとしても浮くのは変わりがありません。他のパートでも長複合を置くとしたら00:41:291 - から休憩地帯前までの前半と後半とかオススメです。休憩地帯前に置けてかつ複合をそこそこ難しくすれば1/8の浮きは抑えられると思います。


例えば00:31:916 -と00:34:224 - が1/8でないのは音の強さ的におかしいですし、00:36:387 (341,342) - も1/8でないのも音が明らかに小さいと判断した為かもしれませんが1/2ごとに段階的に音が小さくなっていくパートでそこだけ1/2というのはおかしいと考えます。
なので00:31:916 -を普通に1/8にして00:33:070 - が音が下がってる事を利用して1/2にするのはどうでしょうか、また後半も00:34:224 -と00:36:387 - を1/8にする事で1/8のパターンが終了する

面倒臭いので現在の譜面全体の方針を尊重したVirtuoso (Mrriichi Patch)でも後で張っとくので参考にして下さい、私の譜面の配置でそこはありえんだろとか何故その配置にしたかとか疑問があったら細かいところはIRCModで(Not for Rankedだから厳密にはModじゃないかもしれないですけど)いつでも待ってます。

他に全体を見た時に気になった点はkiaiとkiaiと同じメロディである00:17:060 -~00:26:291 -(以下A)と01:07:252 -~01:15:328 -(以下kiai)です。
これらのパートはそれぞれの前半(00:17:060)と後半(00:21:676 -から)とで同じメロディーの中、難易度差を作ってますがその難易度ギャップが激しすぎます。前半が1/2だらけで後半が1/2単音が3,4個しかないというのは明らかに同じメロディラインの隣接したパートとして見た時おかしいです。(00:41:291 -からの同じメロディが入ってるパートは良いと思います)
またAとkiaiのノーツ配置自体を比べた時も違和感を覚えます。kiaiの後半ではシンバルが鳴っているので難しくするという判断は正しいですが、Aとkiaiの前半を比べるとkiaiの方が簡単であるように見えます(1/4の5連00:18:791 - と3連01:08:982 - なのでそもそものそれぞれの前半と後半の難易度ギャップからすれば大した差ではないかもしれませんが)。また01:10:136 - の突然の5連もAで対応する場所に1/4はなく、何故Aとkiaiの前半がこんなにスカスカで似たような1/4配置になってないのか理解できません。後は例えばそれぞれの前半と後半の繋ぎの00:20:378 (166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176) - と01:10:569 (47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57) - は同じノーツ配置になってないのか、統一性のなさを上げたらAとkiaiのノーツを総入れ替えする羽目になってしまうので細かくは言いませんが、曲もしくは譜面のの盛り上がりであるはずのkiaiとそれと同じメロディである曲もしくは譜面の大事なポイントであるべき場所がこの様な配置になってるのは本当によろしくないと思います。

最後にパッと全体を見て気になった事と言えば00:50:522 -からの休憩地帯の1/2のノーツライン(1/2の連符の塊の長さ)がバラバラだって事です。1/2しかない休憩であるからって叩くリズムをばらけさせては休憩になりにくいと思います。もしくは適度なタイミングで1/4の3連をオーバーマップする等、見て「この休憩地帯は同じパターンの繰り返しで譜面の配置が見やすいから気楽に出来る」と思える内容にすべきだと思います。ノーツの長さが違う事によるリズム難は立派な難易度の一部だって事です。


私のVirutuoso (Mrriichi Patch)みたいなのはそのうち暇になったら出します。今回大事なのは全体的なパターンだと思っているので重要度は薄いからです。

Topic Starter

Mrriichi wrote:


更にこの1/8がある地帯は00:36:027 - から5小節と譜面の前半の中央にあたる部分です。目立つ配置なら最後に置くか、中央の休憩地帯の直前に置くか、サビに置くか、もしくは最初の最初にあえて置くか、何かしらの譜面全体の構成で意味を持つ場所に置くのが難所(難所に見えるところ)を綺麗に見せるコツだと思いますが、現在の1/8は上記の内容に沿う事無く前半のそこそこ譜面が流れた後にやって来ます。これは譜面全体を見たときにマイナスポイントであるとしか言えないです。



こうなるだけで、単音の4連続を交互に繰り返した長連符をココに入れるのは、この1/8を1/4の長連符だと見做すと仮定しても前後のdとkの配置と比べて浮いているとしか言えません。前後のdとkの配置にddkkddkk~やddddkkkk~のようにパターンが繰り返されているものは(一番短い繰り返しのパターンであるddkkdやkkddk等5連1/4を含んでも)どこにもありませんので1/4の簡単な配置だと捉えたとしても浮くのは変わりがありません。他のパートでも長複合を置くとしたら00:41:291 - から休憩地帯前までの前半と後半とかオススメです。休憩地帯前に置けてかつ複合をそこそこ難しくすれば1/8の浮きは抑えられると思います。


例えば00:31:916 -と00:34:224 - が1/8でないのは音の強さ的におかしいですし、00:36:387 (341,342) - も1/8でないのも音が明らかに小さいと判断した為かもしれませんが1/2ごとに段階的に音が小さくなっていくパートでそこだけ1/2というのはおかしいと考えます。
なので00:31:916 -を普通に1/8にして00:33:070 - が音が下がってる事を利用して1/2にするのはどうでしょうか、また後半も00:34:224 -と00:36:387 - を1/8にする事で1/8のパターンが終了する

面倒臭いので現在の譜面全体の方針を尊重したVirtuoso (Mrriichi Patch)でも後で張っとくので参考にして下さい、私の譜面の配置でそこはありえんだろとか何故その配置にしたかとか疑問があったら細かいところはIRCModで(Not for Rankedだから厳密にはModじゃないかもしれないですけど)いつでも待ってます。

他に全体を見た時に気になった点はkiaiとkiaiと同じメロディである00:17:060 -~00:26:291 -(以下A)と01:07:252 -~01:15:328 -(以下kiai)です。
これらのパートはそれぞれの前半(00:17:060)と後半(00:21:676 -から)とで同じメロディーの中、難易度差を作ってますがその難易度ギャップが激しすぎます。前半が1/2だらけで後半が1/2単音が3,4個しかないというのは明らかに同じメロディラインの隣接したパートとして見た時おかしいです。(00:41:291 -からの同じメロディが入ってるパートは良いと思います)
またAとkiaiのノーツ配置自体を比べた時も違和感を覚えます。kiaiの後半ではシンバルが鳴っているので難しくするという判断は正しいですが、Aとkiaiの前半を比べるとkiaiの方が簡単であるように見えます(1/4の5連00:18:791 - と3連01:08:982 - なのでそもそものそれぞれの前半と後半の難易度ギャップからすれば大した差ではないかもしれませんが)。また01:10:136 - の突然の5連もAで対応する場所に1/4はなく、何故Aとkiaiの前半がこんなにスカスカで似たような1/4配置になってないのか理解できません。後は例えばそれぞれの前半と後半の繋ぎの00:20:378 (166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176) - と01:10:569 (47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57) - は同じノーツ配置になってないのか、統一性のなさを上げたらAとkiaiのノーツを総入れ替えする羽目になってしまうので細かくは言いませんが、曲もしくは譜面のの盛り上がりであるはずのkiaiとそれと同じメロディである曲もしくは譜面の大事なポイントであるべき場所がこの様な配置になってるのは本当によろしくないと思います。

最後にパッと全体を見て気になった事と言えば00:50:522 -からの休憩地帯の1/2のノーツライン(1/2の連符の塊の長さ)がバラバラだって事です。1/2しかない休憩であるからって叩くリズムをばらけさせては休憩になりにくいと思います。もしくは適度なタイミングで1/4の3連をオーバーマップする等、見て「この休憩地帯は同じパターンの繰り返しで譜面の配置が見やすいから気楽に出来る」と思える内容にすべきだと思います。ノーツの長さが違う事によるリズム難は立派な難易度の一部だって事です。


私のVirutuoso (Mrriichi Patch)みたいなのはそのうち暇になったら出します。今回大事なのは全体的なパターンだと思っているので重要度は薄いからです。
Mrriichi's Inner Oniの良さ
Virtuoso (Mrriichi Patch)
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

hello new pp map
no XD
wall text, whats happened.

I guess mrichi are trying to make new pepes, haha jk.
Maya Tendo

Surono wrote:

wall text, whats happened.

I guess mrichi are trying to make new pepes, haha jk.
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

wall text, whats happened.
Mrriichi really hates Virtuoso lol
Maya Tendo

_yu68 wrote:

Surono wrote:

wall text, whats happened.
Mrriichi really hates Virtuoso lol
Not hating, just I can't understand why this map can be Ranked.
yeah, because people want it. is not just about you kappaw
almost ranked and then what is that with your huge mod, mrichi? ( edit: your avatar ugh, what happens with you boi.. ;w; )

someone can translate it please or just give your conclusion why you disagree if this ranked?
Yeah, i can agree with Surono here, if somebody can translate the mod mrichi did that'd be good before it's ranked
The Shiny Glaceon's Translation on Mrriichi's mod
Well, as I said on Twitter I came to Mod Kudosu I wanted 5000 trillion pieces, so why not DQ?
Perhaps, I thought that assumptions are too different with _yu68 and I when thinking about what
is ranked, so I was not properly defaming this map rather than wanting to modify this Mod content
I am writing as I prove that. So even if the content of my pointed out is unacceptable, I'd like you
to think that "There is a way of thinking different from myself in the world, and that way of thinking
is one of the things that is generally accepted as a ranked way".

* Although some minor pointed out is also partly done, it is Map of Inner, so it may be done with your preference.
The biggest problem I think about this music score is that the part with a 1/8 pattern is noticeable when I see the whole score.
Evil stand out and the basis I say is not densely gathered at a level equivalent to this, even if the 1/8 to 1/6 notes, which
are more dense than 1/4, are not on par with this part (1/8 is used only in parts there, 1/6 is the longest one is 4,
and the front is around 1/4).

In addition, the zone where this 1/8 is located is the portion corresponding to the 5th measure and the first half of
the score from 00: 36: 027 -. If it is a conspicuous placement it is difficult to put it last, put it just before the central
rest zone, put it in chorus, dare to first at first, or put it in a place that makes sense in the composition of some music scores It seems
to be a trick to show beautifully the), but the current 1/8 will come after the music in the first half without following the above content.
It can only be said that it is a minus point when seeing the whole score.

However, this 1/8 tuple is certainly not changed as a real 16-minute long tuple if we use a reverse alluvial technique (I think that this is the
reason why this music is said to be pp music) Since it is easy on play, it may be considered that the degree of difficulty is balanced if it says
that it is a systematic SR calculation method bug.
However even if 1/8 is handled as a quarter of a quarter

Even if it is assumed that this 1/8 is regarded as a 1/4 longest tuple, inserting a long tuplet alternately repeating four consecutive four consecutive
phonetic styles will not cause d and It can only be said that it is floating compared with the arrangement of k. Those where the pattern is repeated like
ddkkddkk ~ or ddddkkkk ~ in the arrangement of d and k before and after (even if it contains ddkkd, kkddk etc. which is the shortest repetition pattern, it does
not contain 5/1/4) Even if you catch it as an easy placement of 1/4 it will not change. If you put a long complex in other parts as well 00: 41: 291
- It is recommended from the first half and the second half before the rest zone. I think that if you put it in front of the resting area and make the
complex difficult so far, you can suppress the float of 1/8.

That is what I felt when I saw (play) this area from the whole score.

Next is an indication about the fine arrangement within this arrangement.
These indications are written under the policy of whether it can be made a more useless
pattern under the premise that this arrangement is a sound pickup mapping.

The first thing I saw about this part is that the way to place 1/8 and 1/2 is a mystery.
For example, the fact that 00: 31: 916 - and 00: 34: 224 - is not 1/8 is strange in terms of sound intensity, and 00: 36: 387 (341, 342) - also the sound
is obvious that it is not 1/8 It may be because it is judged to be small, but I think that it is strange that 1/2 there is only part where the sound gradually
becomes smaller every 1/2.

Since it is troublesome, since Virtuoso (Mrriichi Patch) who respected the policy of the entire score in the current time will be able to stretch later, if
there is any doubt as to whether there is a possibility in arranging the musical score or why it was arranged The details are at IRCMod (Not for Ranked, so it
may not be strictly a Mod) But I always wait.

The point which I was worried about when seeing the whole other is the same melody as kiai and kiai 00: 17: 060 - ~ 00: 26: 291 - (A) and 01: 07: 252 - ~ 01: 15: It is 328 - (kiai).

These parts make difficulty difference among the same melody in the first half (00: 17: 060) and the second half (00: 21: 676 -), but the difficulty gap is too violent. It is strange when
I saw it as an adjoining part of the same melody line clearly that it is full of 1/2 in the first half and only 3 or 4 half 1/2 sounds in the second half. (I think that the part
containing the same melody from 00: 41: 291 - is good)

Also, I feel a sense of incongruity when comparing A and kiai's Notes placement itself. In the second half of kiai the cymbal is ringing so the decision to make it difficult is
correct, but when comparing the first half of A and kiai it seems that kiai is easier (1/5 5: 00: 18: 791 - and 3 consecutive 01: 08: 982 - so it may not be a big difference from
the difficulty gap between the first half and the latter half of the original).

Also, there is not 1/4 in sudden five stations of 01: 10: 136 - corresponding to A, so why can not you understand why the first half of A and kiai are not so much like a quarter of
a similar skusca . For example, after 00: 20: 378 (166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176) - and 01: 10: 569 (47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57) of the connection
of the first half and the latter half, is not in the same Notes arrangement, it will be replaced by the total of A and kiai's notes as raising the degree of unity, so I will not say it in
detail, but should be the excitement of the song or the score I think that it is really unlikely that kiai and the place that should be an important point of a song or music which is the same
melody are arranged like this.

The last thing I was concerned about by looking at the whole was that the 1/2 note line (length of chunk of 1/2) of the rest area from 00: 50: 522 - is disagreeable is. I think that it is hard
to take a break if you break the rhythm that hits because it is only a half break. Or over map three quarters of 1/4 at moderate timing, and see, "I think that this rest area is repeat of the
same pattern and should be made in a comfortable way because the arrangement of the score is easy to see". Rhythm difficulty due to different lengths of notes is part of a fine degree of difficulty.

This is the point concerning the overall placement of notes above, but when I point out the way of global mapping, I saw the mapping which was prior to _yu68 says that sound picking was important,
listening to the sound of this music There was no impression that there was a difference in instruments clearly picking up sounds for each part or regularity melody contained in it.
In other words, as for what it says, the sound picking up of this score is forced to take off the sound of the instruments he wishes to take out on the spot, forcibly repeating it with the same
melody, forcibly it is a pattern, as if it is claiming that it is emphasis It is to be felt. (Perhaps, I think I will point out specific arrangements after this post)

If I can say something else, I will add it like P.S.
I do not do so because misiari's music score is far from _yu68's point of origin and it makes me feel that my pointlessness will be meaningful as I feel that it is far from my way of making music notation.
My Virutuoso (Mrriichi Patch) sometimes comes out when I am free. It is because importance is thin because I think that this time is the overall pattern.
I write in the box next to where I think that I think that the score is good.
Anyway, for now.

So, how about making 1:00 to 00: 31: 916 - normal, 00: 33: 070 - using the fact that the sound is going down, and how is it going to be 1/2 in the second half as well 00: 34: 224 - And 1/8 pattern ends with 00: 36: 387 - by 1/8

Please examine and discuss about it before it's gone ranked completely.
I'd sum up what happend.

1. _yu68 makes bad gaffe about Mirriichi's map in Twitter.
2. _yu68 and Mrriichi quarrel.
3. In flow, Mrriichi speaks ill "MANIERA [Virtuoso]".
4. _yu68 "Show the reason."
5. Mrriichi "OK."
6. ^

It's an evaluation based on personal impressions or dissatisfaction, I think there is no need to change this map.
In addition, I think this map doesn't have any unrankable element, also the above sentence isn't what to point out unrankable element.
This's obvious if you compare it with existing ranked map.
I see.

Anyway, if Mrriichi isn't going to make a post that other BNs and QAT can understand, (aka use english) the DQ won't happen, since the map has been debated before the Qualification. Also considering that Mrriichi took part of the ranking process since last year, he could have posted his questionning during the Bubble Pop period, which would have had way more sense.

I'll get along with Maziari here and not request a disqualification, unless Mrriichi makes a clear statement on to why he S U D D E N L Y thinks the map should be disqualified.
Hello, I would like to point out some issues regarding the pattern usage in the top difficulty.

  • [Virtuoso]
  1. 00:15:258 (127) - this note could be moved to 00:15:185 - or deleted as the background piano are 1/2.
  2. 00:30:474 (272,273) - consider swapping these notes to k d to accompany the pitch of piano ?
  3. From 00:32:060 to 00:38:984 - although the intention to follow the indefinite scatter sounds is known, the 1/8 doublets used in this session are in fact not very appropriate since the major piano rhythm is only 1/2. Please think about it again and consider changing them to some simple 1/4 patterns.
  4. 00:39:488 (369) - same as 00:15:258 (127) -
  5. 00:56:435 (518) - you may move this note to 00:56:580 - as the piano pattern is similar to 00:51:676 - 00:53:984 and 00:55:137 -
  6. 00:56:868 (520) - this note could be k to serve as an increase in kat density starting from 00:54:272 - if you agree with ^
  7. 01:50:379 (441) - consider changing this note to k to make it consistent with 01:50:596 (444) - for the identical piano pitch ?
  • [maziari's Hell Oni]
  1. 00:15:258 (101) - refer to Virtuoso
Maya Tendo

Arrival wrote:

I see.

Anyway, if Mrriichi isn't going to make a post that other BNs and QAT can understand, (aka use english) the DQ won't happen, since the map has been debated before the Qualification. Also considering that Mrriichi took part of the ranking process since last year, he could have posted his questionning during the Bubble Pop period, which would have had way more sense.

I'll get along with Maziari here and not request a disqualification, unless Mrriichi makes a clear statement on to why he S U D D E N L Y thinks the map should be disqualified.
Its not important that I have a ranked map or not. My mod is just an opinion. Its not good thinking judging a person's opinion by whether having Ranked or not.
Then, I dont want or think this map getting DQ. Because, you know, I have a GD in this mapset, and I can understand there is MANY WAY to get Ranked. I said just I cant understand how Ranked this map (In other words, I dont know how to get ranked as same as _yu68 doing).
I am just an one player. _yu68 or BNs dont have to follow my Moding. You can brush my mod when my mod is SHITTING. Dont think so deeply please.

Topic Starter

Nardoxyribonucleic wrote:

Hello, I would like to point out some issues regarding the pattern usage in the top difficulty.

  • [Virtuoso]
  1. 00:15:258 (127) - this note could be moved to 00:15:185 - or deleted as the background piano are 1/2. :arrow: I feel the doublets are like suitable for atmosphere.
  2. 00:30:474 (272,273) - consider swapping these notes to k d to accompany the pitch of piano ? :arrow: I want to make a flow similar to 00:28:310 - while emphasizing 00:30:618 -
  3. From 00:32:060 to 00:38:984 - although the intention to follow the indefinite scatter sounds is known, the 1/8 doublets used in this session are in fact not very appropriate since the major piano rhythm is only 1/2. Please think about it again and consider changing them to some simple 1/4 patterns. :arrow: You may feel this is inappropriate, but I think that it's fun of the map and the song that various patterns sound in similar melody. Also, making this part 1/2 etc is to waste the individuality of the song in my opinion.
  4. 00:39:488 (369) - same as 00:15:258 (127) - :arrow: same
  5. 00:56:435 (518) - you may move this note to 00:56:580 - as the piano pattern is similar to 00:51:676 - 00:53:984 and 00:55:137 - :arrow: Because this part has 1/2 in many, I think that if I make rhythm one pattern, the player will get bored.
  6. 00:56:868 (520) - this note could be k to serve as an increase in kat density starting from 00:54:272 - if you agree with ^ :arrow: ^
  7. 01:50:379 (441) - consider changing this note to k to make it consistent with 01:50:596 (444) - for the identical piano pitch ? :arrow: I think it's difficult to feel the rhythm a bit.
Thank you.
We will disqualify the beatmap for now as there is discussion going on about the beatmap and the possible improvement of it. Additionally I would like to mention to not bash on Mrrichi as he seems to be not proficient in the english language enough to be able to express his opinion about this beatmap. Connected to this, whether a disquaification happens or not is still in the hand of the QAT (@Arrival) and not decided upon language barriers. It also seems like when looking at the responses, that both mappers feel sorry about what happened in the background and seem to try to be at least polite. Mrrichi tried to state his view about the beatmap in an appropriate manner, too.

_yu68 wrote:

It is good that you think that way and I hope you guys settled the quarrel you had before. I can assume that you are going to give a proper answer to it with some possible changes as you notced it on one of your spoiler boxes: ※制作中です ? Proper answer to Mrrichi's mod is needed.

@Mrriichi: Even though it is hard, please try from now on to write some sentences on english after modding in japanese so people can understand what you are talking about.


I will give some thoughts about this specific difficulty as it seems to need some improvements. For some parts I'm won't be quite sure myself. For others there will be probably fixes needed as they are either not accurately following the piano (as you try to follow at times) or have in general structural / rhytmical issues. The keyword will be having consistency, especially for parts where you suddenly improvise. Please don't expect me to mention every single point, I will provide some examples here which you should give some thoughts about.

  1. 00:32:060 ~ 00:38:984 - Nardo mentioned this part already. In my opinion it could be okay since you try to somewhat highlight the piano but it is worth to think about if finishers or other ways of patterns people may have suggested might be better. However, if it should happen that the 1/8 stay as they are, I wonder why at 00:31:916 (285) - and 00:34:224 (312) - are no 1/8. It's the same sound you mapped the whole time and makes it rather be kind of out of place.
  2. 00:41:291 ~ 00:44:753 - The patterns in this part have no correlation to each other. They share same / similar attributes, but are scattered oddly around, trying to somehow emphasize the trilling piano in the background without much consistency. The idea you have is pretty good, but should be mapped in a more evenly order. To understand what I mean I give you one example to understand what I mean with consistency (hilighted notes are finisher):
  3. 00:57:661 (525) - Move to 00:57:589 -. I'm not quite sure what you try to achieve here. The whole time you are mapping on strong 1/2 and suddenly you stop. Additonally the 00:59:176 (537,538,539,540) - doublets should be at 00:59:464 - to make it consistent to previous one, stanza wise. You try somehwat to hilight the higher pitches in the piano, but you can do that simply by following the 1/2 instead of placing odd 1/4 that do not exist.
  4. 01:19:367 (144,145,146,147) - If I'm not wrong, there is no 1/3. Or at least it is very insignificant. What I would rather suggest is the picture downbelow as it would follow the piano more accurately from 01:18:357 to 01:19:944 - .
  5. 01:00:089 (544,549) - Deleting these two notes would be handy as they are rather filler notes without any real representation. Considering what you are mapping to, they seem to be rather a disturbance of the actual soundings you have here.
  6. 01:22:396 (177,178,184,185,191,192) - Try to move one tick back. It's just own preference since the piano is very deep here and the dons represent it in this way nicely.
Overall the map is okay considering some of the piano plays being very hard to follow. However, those are often the parts (with the odd snappings) that can be probably refined / improved and that can be mainly done by some more modding / checks which I would highly encourage you to ask for before proceeding.

Also on a side note: Do not try to get rid of me as you did with Nardo just now. lol
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