
toby fox - Hopes and Dreams / SAVE the World

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Topic Starter
Azzy Dreemurr_old
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016 at 04:44:30 a.m.

Artist: toby fox
Title: Hopes and Dreams / SAVE the World
Tags: undertale sountrack asriel dreemurr boss battle remix
BPM: 180
Filesize: 4944kb
Play Time: 04:37
Difficulties Available:
  1. Omg No Pls' Star Blazing (5,73 stars, 1019 notes)
  2. Omg No Pls' Star Faint (3,75 stars, 613 notes)
  3. Star Falling (5,36 stars, 1121 notes)
  4. Star Wimp (2,02 stars, 347 notes)
Download: toby fox - Hopes and Dreams / SAVE the World
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Just need Insane Diff.

21 favs even when is incomplete w00t :<

02/01/2016: BG changed.
06/01/2016: Applied -Pikachu-'s mod (Thanks buddy <3)
10/01/2016: Applied another -Pikachu-'s mod and Omg No Pls mod, thanks a bunch <3
11/01/2016: Applied Omg No Pls huge mod.
16/01/2016: Added Normal Diff (Not complete)
17/01/2016: Added Hard and Extra (Star Blazing) mapset by Omg No Pls
18/01/2016: Normal (Star Faint) complete and changed Expert name from Undertale to Star Falling.
19/01/2016: Updated Hard diff.
21/01/2016: Updated Star Blazing hitsounds.
25/01/2016: Updated artist name.
15/02/2016: Updated Hard hitsounds and creator's name (MilesPikachu > Azzy Dreemurr)
29/02/2016: Renamed Star Faint to Star Wimp and Omg No Pls' Hard to Star Faint, improved gameplay and some spots in Star Falling and placed NCs in Star Wimp (Thanks SuperMinun!)
Mod request via PM, and given in spanish because we're from the same country lol

Mod goes here
HP7 - Bien
CS4 - Bien
AR9.5 - ¿Por que no AR9?
OD9 - Bien

En lo personal lo hiciste muy bien, para ser tu primer mappeo te luciste y se nota que será mas de jumps que de otra cosa, pero eso no quiere decir que debas abusar del spacing o de los jumps, aunque no puedo decir nada, no juego como tal, sigo viendo como son los maps actuales y se nota que son muchos mas liberales ahora, pero aun así, no es razón para abusar.

00:18:843 (2) - ¿Por que no alejarlo como 00:08:176 (2)?
00:25:510 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Esos jumps se sienten muy fuera de lugar en lo personal ;-; ¿Por que no agregas un slider entre el 3-4 y hacerlos mas cercanos?
00:28:676 (3) - ??? Jump fuera de lugar.
00:56:176 (3,4) - En los demás hiciste un jump y se nota el porque, ¿Que paso con ese?
01:09:010 (6,7) - Se siente muy incomodo :/ lo cambiaría por un reverse o triple.
01:14:176 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ¿Que es esto? ¿4D? Siento que tienen mucho spacing para un stream ;-; me gusta como quedo pero el spacing no me agrada del todo.
01:14:843 (10) - ¿Nuevo Combo en vez de 01:15:010 (1)?
01:24:843 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Igual que 01:14:176 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
01:25:510 (10) - ¿Nuevo Combo en vez de 01:25:676 (1)?
01:35:510 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Igual que 01:14:176 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
01:46:176 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - ^
02:07:510 (5,6) - ¿Separa el 6 un poco del 5?
02:12:843 (5,6) - Queda mejor en stream que sliders ;-;
02:23:343 (4,1) - Ese jump se siente muy rudo, ¿Por que no intercambias ese triple con el de 02:23:843 (4,5,6)?
02:26:676 (10) - En otras ocasiones lo dejaste debajo del triple, ¿Por que ahora no?
02:28:843 (1,2,3,4) - ¿Triplets o sliders con reverse? Es algo complicado de leer y reaccionar ;-; o al menos hacer que 1 y 2 sean iguales que 3 y 4.
02:31:676 (5,6,7) - Se ve feo xD en serio, se ve feo, dejalo lineal o has un slider con reverse.
02:33:176 (5,6) - Ese jump es inesperado .-. ¿Cambialo?
02:34:176 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - Igual que 01:14:176 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
02:38:843 (1,2,3,4,5) - 4 y 5 se confunden y se siente como un stream, ¿Dales mas spacing?
03:00:010 (6,1) - Jump forzado ;-;
03:58:843 (1) - Es un spinner MUY corto, yo lo cambiaria por un slider o un circle, aunque no se ve mal, es un map Expert, si alguien mas se queja de esto deberías cambiarlo.
04:09:510 (1) - ^
04:15:343 (4,5) - Igual que 02:23:343 (4,1)

Good luck :)
Topic Starter
Azzy Dreemurr_old

-Pikachu- wrote:

Mod request via PM, and given in spanish because we're from the same country lol

Mod goes here
HP7 - Bien
CS4 - Bien
AR9.5 - ¿Por que no AR9? - >_> vale
OD9 - Bien

En lo personal lo hiciste muy bien, para ser tu primer mappeo te luciste y se nota que será mas de jumps que de otra cosa, pero eso no quiere decir que debas abusar del spacing o de los jumps, aunque no puedo decir nada, no juego como tal, sigo viendo como son los maps actuales y se nota que son muchos mas liberales ahora, pero aun así, no es razón para abusar.

00:18:843 (2) - ¿Por que no alejarlo como 00:08:176 (2)? - Hecho.
00:25:510 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Esos jumps se sienten muy fuera de lugar en lo personal ;-; ¿Por que no agregas un slider entre el 3-4 y hacerlos mas cercanos? - Cambie 3 y 4 por un slider y acomode las notas.
00:28:676 (3) - ??? Jump fuera de lugar. - Lo intercambie con el 4 y acomode el slider de mas adelante.
00:56:176 (3,4) - En los demás hiciste un jump y se nota el porque, ¿Que paso con ese? - ??? ¿De que hablas tu? Esta bien como las demás.
01:09:010 (6,7) - Se siente muy incomodo :/ lo cambiaría por un reverse o triple. Quite el 7 y le hice reverse.
01:14:176 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ¿Que es esto? ¿4D? Siento que tienen mucho spacing para un stream ;-; me gusta como quedo pero el spacing no me agrada del todo. - Es un stream de x1 de distancia, bueno, el slidervelocity no ayuda, si alguien mas se queja de esto lo arreglo.
01:14:843 (10) - ¿Nuevo Combo en vez de 01:15:010 (1)? Hecho.
01:24:843 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Igual que 01:14:176 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Lo mismo que el anterior.
01:25:510 (10) - ¿Nuevo Combo en vez de 01:25:676 (1)? - Hecho.
01:35:510 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Igual que 01:14:176 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Lo mismo que el anterior.
01:46:176 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - ^ - ^
02:07:510 (5,6) - ¿Separa el 6 un poco del 5? - Hecho.
02:12:843 (5,6) - Queda mejor en stream que sliders ;-; - ^
02:23:343 (4,1) - Ese jump se siente muy rudo, ¿Por que no intercambias ese triple con el de 02:23:843 (4,5,6)? - ^
02:26:676 (10) - En otras ocasiones lo dejaste debajo del triple, ¿Por que ahora no? - Por el jump, si alguien lo señala lo cambio.
02:28:843 (1,2,3,4) - ¿Triplets o sliders con reverse? Es algo complicado de leer y reaccionar ;-; o al menos hacer que 1 y 2 sean iguales que 3 y 4. - Hice 1 y 2 iguales que 3 y 4 c;
02:31:676 (5,6,7) - Se ve feo xD en serio, se ve feo, dejalo lineal o has un slider con reverse. Feo tu, arreglado.
02:33:176 (5,6) - Ese jump es inesperado .-. ¿Cambialo? - Hecho.
02:34:176 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - Igual que 01:14:176 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Lo mismo que el anterior.
02:38:843 (1,2,3,4,5) - 4 y 5 se confunden y se siente como un stream, ¿Dales mas spacing? - Hecho.
03:00:010 (6,1) - Jump forzado ;-; - Cambie por un slider, se siente mejor para ser honesto xD
03:58:843 (1) - Es un spinner MUY corto, yo lo cambiaria por un slider o un circle, aunque no se ve mal, es un map Expert, si alguien mas se queja de esto deberías cambiarlo. - Esperare a que alguien diga algo C:
04:09:510 (1) - ^ ^
04:15:343 (4,5) - Igual que 02:23:343 (4,1) - Se queda así, si lo intercambio estarán muy cerca.

Good luck :) - Thaaanks! :)
Por favor, NO LE DES KUDOSU A ESTE POST, estaba revisando el map de nuevo y encontré unos detalles que deberías de cambiar ya que los veo algo raros o fuera de lugar, y son solamente recomendaciones.

Lee acá
00:25:843 (3) - Falto un clap.
00:33:843 (2) - Jump inesperado y no queda.
00:36:176 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Cambialo por una estrella :)
00:39:510 (3) - Inviertelo.
01:09:010 (6) - Falto el clap al final.
02:20:176 (6) - Jump inesperado.
02:22:676 (7) - ^
02:26:843 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Se siente incomodo, pudieses intercambiar la posición el 1 con el 2, el 3 con el 4 y el 5 con el 6, se siente mejor y sigue estando ese jump C:
02:42:843 (8) - Deberías seguirle el jump como lo hiciste con los demás.
03:09:510 (1) - Quita ese jump :/
03:10:510 (6) - ^
Hi, no mod request but I looked through all the maps of this song and this one seemed like it had the highest chance of making it anywhere as of this moment so I decided to look at it. Feel free to do whatever you choose with what I said.

00:01:843 -- 00:02:510 - And subsequent intro, I would like to see more done with the background instruments. The intro is a bit dull.
00:09:843 -- 00:10:510 - Refer to above comment, I would really love to see something here to fit with the instruments. Make the map build with the music.
00:38:676 (7) - The spacing here compared to the rest of the combo is awkward. Moving it a little bit closer to the combo will make the combo flow better but also make it flow better into the next combo.
00:43:510 - I feel like something should go here. It would align well with the music. (Although I see you omit it throughout the rest of that segment, maybe putting something at different time spots to add more variability to the map)
00:47:510 - See above comment. This section is very awkward to play especially against the music playing. I am not sure if offbeats are suitable here.
01:52:176 -- 02:02:843 - For a 4 minute song, having a break would be nice. I think this would be the most optimal spot for a short break.
02:23:010 (1,2,3) - Reverse this, it is extremely awkward to play as it is now.
02:45:176 - I would put a filler circle here just to have something there instead of nothing.
02:48:176 (8) - Huge jump, maybe reduce it.
02:48:843 - I like this slider but I feel like you could do something more with the map by mapping something that goes with the guitar at this point.
03:17:343 - Filler circle here with finish would sound good.
03:22:843 -- 03:28:176 - Another good spot for a break if you need to have one.
03:38:676 (10) - Move leftward to make it flow into the next combo better?
03:41:343 (9) - Move away from triple, stopping momentum here is awkward with the beat.
03:55:176 -- 03:59:510 - Also a very good opportunity for a break.
04:15:343 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Rather than this, perhaps a stream?
04:29:676 (2) - Align with the melody

As a general note, there are some very good opportunities for streams in this song. Additionally, this song has a great chance of making it ranked if time is put into it. I would recommend finding people to do guest difficulties for lower difficulties. Perhaps a collaboration would work as well.
I just finished Undertale and the OST is amazing. I hope to see more Undertale songs ranked.
Good luck!
Topic Starter
Azzy Dreemurr_old

-Pikachu- wrote:

Por favor, NO LE DES KUDOSU A ESTE POST, estaba revisando el map de nuevo y encontré unos detalles que deberías de cambiar ya que los veo algo raros o fuera de lugar, y son solamente recomendaciones.

Lee acá
00:25:843 (3) - Falto un clap. - Oops~
00:33:843 (2) - Jump inesperado y no queda. - Cambiado.
00:36:176 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Cambialo por una estrella :) - Cute xD
00:39:510 (3) - Inviertelo. - Hecho.
01:09:010 (6) - Falto el clap al final. - Oops~
02:20:176 (6) - Jump inesperado. - Cortado.
02:22:676 (7) - ^ - ^ >_>...
02:26:843 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Se siente incomodo, pudieses intercambiar la posición el 1 con el 2, el 3 con el 4 y el 5 con el 6, se siente mejor y sigue estando ese jump C: - Lo arregle de otra manera, pero si hice mas o menos como lo pediste.
02:42:843 (8) - Deberías seguirle el jump como lo hiciste con los demás. - Hecho, también moví uno que estaba mas adelante :X
03:09:510 (1) - Quita ese jump :/ - Hecho.
03:10:510 (6) - ^ - ^
Tu si jodes xD y toma tu Kudosu :V

Omg No Pls wrote:

Hi, no mod request but I looked through all the maps of this song and this one seemed like it had the highest chance of making it anywhere as of this moment so I decided to look at it. Feel free to do whatever you choose with what I said. - Aaaa, omg a random mod <3 I love it!

00:01:843 -- 00:02:510 - And subsequent intro, I would like to see more done with the background instruments. The intro is a bit dull. - Indeed, I felt the same way to be honest but I wasn't following the violins D: probs someone more experienced than me could do it, you know, a GD, I can try to do it.
00:09:843 -- 00:10:510 - Refer to above comment, I would really love to see something here to fit with the instruments. Make the map build with the music. - ^
00:38:676 (7) - The spacing here compared to the rest of the combo is awkward. Moving it a little bit closer to the combo will make the combo flow better but also make it flow better into the next combo. - Fixed!
00:43:510 - I feel like something should go here. It would align well with the music. (Although I see you omit it throughout the rest of that segment, maybe putting something at different time spots to add more variability to the map) - True, but I was following the rhythm to the guitar, plus that as I pointed above, I'm not that experienced into mapping so I did follow what I liked. Won't try to do anything in there, sorry ;_;
00:47:510 - See above comment. This section is very awkward to play especially against the music playing. I am not sure if offbeats are suitable here. - I believe they do? I mean, it fit with the guitar xD if someone point this out again I'll change it then.
01:52:176 -- 02:02:843 - For a 4 minute song, having a break would be nice. I think this would be the most optimal spot for a short break. - I moved it a little forward, IDK, that part from 02:02:843 to 02:05:343 sound a little weird, so it's from 01:57:510 to 02:05:510, BUT IT MIGHT COME BACK IF I ONLY HAVE THIS DIFF RANKED.
02:23:010 (1,2,3) - Reverse this, it is extremely awkward to play as it is now. - Fixed!
02:45:176 - I would put a filler circle here just to have something there instead of nothing. - Okie!
02:48:176 (8) - Huge jump, maybe reduce it. - Compared to 02:46:843 (9) it's true~
02:48:843 - I like this slider but I feel like you could do something more with the map by mapping something that goes with the guitar at this point. - Eeee, as I said, I'm not that experienced ;_; so welp, I'll leave it as it, unless you can help me with it?
03:17:343 - Filler circle here with finish would sound good. - I agree!
03:22:843 -- 03:28:176 - Another good spot for a break if you need to have one. - Added.
03:38:676 (10) - Move leftward to make it flow into the next combo better? - Fit better!
03:41:343 (9) - Move away from triple, stopping momentum here is awkward with the beat. - Okie!
03:55:176 -- 03:59:510 - Also a very good opportunity for a break. Yeah xP
04:15:343 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Rather than this, perhaps a stream? - I was thinking that but that's to make it a little bit interesting at the ending xP
04:29:676 (2) - Align with the melody - Ehhh... What? D: How so? Give it spacing? Reduce it? Remove? Aaa *Runs in circles*

Omg No Pls wrote:

As a general note, there are some very good opportunities for streams in this song. Additionally, this song has a great chance of making it ranked if time is put into it. I would recommend finding people to do guest difficulties for lower difficulties. Perhaps a collaboration would work as well.
I just finished Undertale and the OST is amazing. I hope to see more Undertale songs ranked.
Good luck!
Welp, to be honest I'm not quite sure of that, I mean, I've follow what I liked to map, I believe every mapper has their way to do things, and how do not, the map is meant for jumps mostly if you didn't noticed, there are a few parts that I liked to do a stream and I did, but well as I said above, I'm not that experienced to do something more harder ;v; I'd like a few GD to be honest, if someone is on the will to make them because I get easily bored when doing an easy or normal map, probs insane but nothing more.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the mod, I really appreciate it! <3

Omg No Pls wrote:

Hi, no mod request but I looked through all the maps of this song and this one seemed like it had the highest chance of making it anywhere as of this moment so I decided to look at it. Feel free to do whatever you choose with what I said. - Aaaa, omg a random mod <3 I love it!

00:01:843 -- 00:02:510 - And subsequent intro, I would like to see more done with the background instruments. The intro is a bit dull. - Indeed, I felt the same way to be honest but I wasn't following the violins D: probs someone more experienced than me could do it, you know, a GD, I can try to do it.
00:09:843 -- 00:10:510 - Refer to above comment, I would really love to see something here to fit with the instruments. Make the map build with the music. - ^
00:38:676 (7) - The spacing here compared to the rest of the combo is awkward. Moving it a little bit closer to the combo will make the combo flow better but also make it flow better into the next combo. - Fixed!
00:43:510 - I feel like something should go here. It would align well with the music. (Although I see you omit it throughout the rest of that segment, maybe putting something at different time spots to add more variability to the map) - True, but I was following the rhythm to the guitar, plus that as I pointed above, I'm not that experienced into mapping so I did follow what I liked. Won't try to do anything in there, sorry ;_;
00:47:510 - See above comment. This section is very awkward to play especially against the music playing. I am not sure if offbeats are suitable here. - I believe they do? I mean, it fit with the guitar xD if someone point this out again I'll change it then.
01:52:176 -- 02:02:843 - For a 4 minute song, having a break would be nice. I think this would be the most optimal spot for a short break. - I moved it a little forward, IDK, that part from 02:02:843 to 02:05:343 sound a little weird, so it's from 01:57:510 to 02:05:510, BUT IT MIGHT COME BACK IF I ONLY HAVE THIS DIFF RANKED.
02:23:010 (1,2,3) - Reverse this, it is extremely awkward to play as it is now. - Fixed!
02:45:176 - I would put a filler circle here just to have something there instead of nothing. - Okie!
02:48:176 (8) - Huge jump, maybe reduce it. - Compared to 02:46:843 (9) it's true~
02:48:843 - I like this slider but I feel like you could do something more with the map by mapping something that goes with the guitar at this point. - Eeee, as I said, I'm not that experienced ;_; so welp, I'll leave it as it, unless you can help me with it?
03:17:343 - Filler circle here with finish would sound good. - I agree!
03:22:843 -- 03:28:176 - Another good spot for a break if you need to have one. - Added.
03:38:676 (10) - Move leftward to make it flow into the next combo better? - Fit better!
03:41:343 (9) - Move away from triple, stopping momentum here is awkward with the beat. - Okie!
03:55:176 -- 03:59:510 - Also a very good opportunity for a break. Yeah xP
04:15:343 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Rather than this, perhaps a stream? - I was thinking that but that's to make it a little bit interesting at the ending xP
04:29:676 (2) - Align with the melody - Ehhh... What? D: How so? Give it spacing? Reduce it? Remove? Aaa *Runs in circles*

Omg No Pls wrote:

As a general note, there are some very good opportunities for streams in this song. Additionally, this song has a great chance of making it ranked if time is put into it. I would recommend finding people to do guest difficulties for lower difficulties. Perhaps a collaboration would work as well.
I just finished Undertale and the OST is amazing. I hope to see more Undertale songs ranked.
Good luck!
Welp, to be honest I'm not quite sure of that, I mean, I've follow what I liked to map, I believe every mapper has their way to do things, and how do not, the map is meant for jumps mostly if you didn't noticed, there are a few parts that I liked to do a stream and I did, but well as I said above, I'm not that experienced to do something more harder ;v; I'd like a few GD to be honest, if someone is on the will to make them because I get easily bored when doing an easy or normal map, probs insane but nothing more.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the mod, I really appreciate it! <3
I read your feedback and for some of the things that you said, I tried to help a bit and give an example.

00:07:843 (1) - I would make it look like this: - To make it go with the violins. The circle placements would be up to you. You can change circles into sliders if you so choose so as long as it goes well with the violins in the background. It doesn't have to be too complicated.
00:09:843 - For the violins I would make it look something like this: - I don't like the length of the sliders because they're short so maybe you can go with something else here.
00:43:510 - I see what you want to do for this entire part. For the offbeats then I would then be more concerned about entering this part of the map as before you are playing with the melody. When you enter this part of the map it transitions abruptly to the offbeats. I would work on a transition from the melody to the offbeats. Example: From (Combo 1 starts at: 00:42:843) to and (Combo 1 starts at: 00:44:176) to - I think that this would make it transition better into that section of the map.
00:52:843 - Maybe circle here.
02:48:843 -- 02:50:843 - So instead of this: - I would go with something like this: - I like the way that sounds with the melody.
04:29:676 (2) - I'm dumb, ignore what I said here.. haha...

For the streams, I forgot to put that I'm glad that you didn't overstream the map as this is one song that can be overstreamed. I wouldn't mind doing a GD for you, maybe a normal or hard if you want.

I really like what you've changed in the map so far and it's made it even more fun to play!
Topic Starter
Azzy Dreemurr_old

Omg No Pls wrote:

I read your feedback and for some of the things that you said, I tried to help a bit and give an example.

00:07:843 (1) - I would make it look like this: - To make it go with the violins. The circle placements would be up to you. You can change circles into sliders if you so choose so as long as it goes well with the violins in the background. It doesn't have to be too complicated. - I see what you did there~ And now I get it, to be honest I did re-map that whole part (From 00:00:177 to 00:21:510 ) and add more circles and sliders, I removed the 0.65x inherited point so it's 1.00x ;3
00:09:843 - For the violins I would make it look something like this: - I don't like the length of the sliders because they're short so maybe you can go with something else here. - ^
00:43:510 - I see what you want to do for this entire part. For the offbeats then I would then be more concerned about entering this part of the map as before you are playing with the melody. When you enter this part of the map it transitions abruptly to the offbeats. I would work on a transition from the melody to the offbeats. Example: From (Combo 1 starts at: 00:42:843) to and (Combo 1 starts at: 00:44:176) to - I think that this would make it transition better into that section of the map. - Got it!
00:52:843 - Maybe circle here. - Added, so it feel more like the start of these offbeats~
02:48:843 -- 02:50:843 - So instead of this: - I would go with something like this: - I like the way that sounds with the melody. - SOUNDS SEXY SDJHSDFJHSDF.
04:29:676 (2) - I'm dumb, ignore what I said here.. haha... - Happen~ ;3

For the streams, I forgot to put that I'm glad that you didn't overstream the map as this is one song that can be overstreamed. I wouldn't mind doing a GD for you, maybe a normal or hard if you want. - I would be glad if you give me a support instead, IGNORE THIS I'M KIDDING XD AHEM, Hard would be fine! But if you feel more like for a Normal, I don't mind C:

I really like what you've changed in the map so far and it's made it even more fun to play!
I'm glad that you like it <3
I would be glad if you give me a support instead
I'm not sure what a support is but if it's kudosu then I can give you a kudosu. If it's supporter then if you get this ranked, I'll gift you supporter. As for a GD, I can do a hard/insane. Just let me know when you want it by if you're planning on going through and getting this ranked.

Omg No Pls wrote:

I'm not sure what a support is but if it's kudosu then I can give you a kudosu. If it's supporter then if you get this ranked, I'll gift you supporter.
Why did you say that? Now he will be filled with determination.
any hopes for insane difficulty?
Topic Starter
Azzy Dreemurr_old

Omg No Pls wrote:

I would be glad if you give me a support instead
I'm not sure what a support is but if it's kudosu then I can give you a kudosu. If it's supporter then if you get this ranked, I'll gift you supporter. As for a GD, I can do a hard/insane. Just let me know when you want it by if you're planning on going through and getting this ranked.

B-But anyway, yesh! I'd love if you to a GD, btw, I was reading the guidelines and each mapset need 2 diffs (There can be exceptions btw), and if there is one Hard/Insane/Expert diff the other diff can't be Hard/Insane/Expert, so it has to be a Normal Diff ;-; unless you can talk with someone to make a Normal diff and then you can do Hard/Insane.

ruicetra wrote:

any hopes for insane difficulty?
If Omg No Pls decide to do Normal, yes, if not, then no chances, I need an Easy/Normal diff ;-; unless you want to do the Normal Diff.

MilesPikachu wrote:

If Omg No Pls decide to do Normal, yes, if not, then no chances, I need an Easy/Normal diff ;-; unless you want to do the Normal Diff.
I've made a hard and expert difficulty because I was having fun mapping. The main problem is that you have to make another map, maybe 2, possibly an insane that is easier than your current map and one that is harder than my expert, if you want it to get ranked under your name. There MUST be a normal difficulty so if you have 3 maps (insane, expert, expert) and you have 3 guest diff (normal, hard, expert) then I think it should be fine. I don't know how the BATs will respond to having 3 GD from 1 person.
Topic Starter
Azzy Dreemurr_old

Omg No Pls wrote:

I've made a hard and expert difficulty because I was having fun mapping. The main problem is that you have to make another map, maybe 2, possibly an insane that is easier than your current map and one that is harder than my expert, if you want it to get ranked under your name. There MUST be a normal difficulty so if you have 3 maps (insane, expert, expert) and you have 3 guest diff (normal, hard, expert) then I think it should be fine. I don't know how the BATs will respond to having 3 GD from 1 person.
Welp, IDK about that o-o I believe not because... There is no limit for GD I believe?

If that the case then welp, I guess I have to do the Normal Diff ;-;

MilesPikachu wrote:

Omg No Pls wrote:

I've made a hard and expert difficulty because I was having fun mapping. The main problem is that you have to make another map, maybe 2, possibly an insane that is easier than your current map and one that is harder than my expert, if you want it to get ranked under your name. There MUST be a normal difficulty so if you have 3 maps (insane, expert, expert) and you have 3 guest diff (normal, hard, expert) then I think it should be fine. I don't know how the BATs will respond to having 3 GD from 1 person.
Welp, IDK about that o-o I believe not because... There is no limit for GD I believe?

If that the case then welp, I guess I have to do the Normal Diff ;-;
You can always make an insane and I'll make a normal diff.
Topic Starter
Azzy Dreemurr_old

Omg No Pls wrote:

You can always make an insane and I'll make a normal diff.
Bah, I just did an Easy one, after 7 hours getting distracted every 5 min with something MORE interesting ;-; just where stuff will be in, I still need give it shape ;-;

Btw, I'm posting in some queues if it possible to get a Normal GD, I hope someone does, I has Hopes and Dreams <:D
00:46:343 (1) - This should be moved to the previous white tick.
It sounds off.
(Maybe flip the slider ends, then add a reverse arrow?)

Please, also do this with every other note that has this odd pattern. i.e. 00:49:010 (1)
Topic Starter
Azzy Dreemurr_old

SuperMinun wrote:

00:46:343 (1) - This should be moved to the previous white tick.
It sounds off.
(Maybe flip the slider ends, then add a reverse arrow?)

Please, also do this with every other note that has this odd pattern. i.e. 00:49:010 (1)
If you notice it, these notes are offset because of the guitar :P it was intend to do from 00:42:843, instead moving them to the white tick I'd rather add a note on the white tick from that point to 01:02:176, but not gonna move them unless a BN or QAT say something against it.

MilesPikachu wrote:

Omg No Pls wrote:

You can always make an insane and I'll make a normal diff.
Bah, I just did an Easy one, after 7 hours getting distracted every 5 min with something MORE interesting ;-; just where stuff will be in, I still need give it shape ;-;

Btw, I'm posting in some queues if it possible to get a Normal GD, I hope someone does, I has Hopes and Dreams <:D
I'll send you the GD I've made via PM. They'll be puush links. They're almost done. The only thing I haven't done is hitsounds because I suck at it.
quick note; star faint needs a TON of new combos, you forgot to add ANY.
Topic Starter
Azzy Dreemurr_old

SuperMinun wrote:

quick note; star faint needs a TON of new combos, you forgot to add ANY.
Welp, I didn't read this at the moment, I'll let Omg No Pls know about it o:
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