
Cesc : Carenze in inglese!

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Alzatomi dal letto, ho acceso il pc e per caso blah blah blah blah blah. Poi ho visto la lettera stile "portfolio" (-cit- Armin) di cesc e mi sono espresso così : O_O"

cesc wrote:

What Have I Done :?: :roll:

What Have I Done

Today I woke up at 11 o'clock and before have(Having) brekfast(breakfast), I went at(to) the toilet. Then I ate a sandwich with Nutella and I drank a cup of Tea...I said goodmorning to mi(my) little lister, who is ill . I brushed my teeth, I washed my face and I start(-ed) to use the(è preferibile non mettere l'articolo determinativo in certe situazioni - my) PC. The network is(was) not good and i had problems to go online, so i played at BeatHazard, that doesn't need online. I had Lunch at 2 pm.
I ate Hamburger with potatoes chips, hmmm, they were delicious! I ate an Ice-cream too! Here in Rome is very very hot!
So, at about 3 o'clock, I went back to PC and I opened osu! I told with my friend Armin as usual, and I finish my parts of this map at 6 pm.
OmG, I'm really Slow!
Cesc, Thursday 19th August. 11.00 ~ 18.30

English Lesson by Kecco!

Armin wrote:

Grazie per la lettera stile portfolio
ci sono alcuni errori

WUT?!?!? Fossi stato la mia professoressa di inglese questo era un bel 4½, lol.

Si, cesc, so che mi odierai, ma tutto ciò è stato fatto per uno scopo ben preciso: Migliorare la tua condizione in inglese!!! AHAHAHAHHAAHA LOOOOOOOL SONO MALVAGIO.

Per avere più informazioni sul motivo per il quale ho deciso di fare tutto questo, clicchi qui.
inb4 wasteland

ritorna da dove sei venuto.

Kecco wrote:

random necrothread
Card N'FoRcE

cesc wrote:

What Have I Done :?: :roll:

What Have I Done (non ha molto senso qui, ma capisco la "citazione")

Today I woke up at 11 o'clock and before have(Having) brekfast(breakfast), I went at(to) the toilet. Then I ate a sandwich with Nutella and I drank a cup of Tea...I said goodmorning to mi(my) little lister, who is ill . I brushed my teeth, I washed my face and I start(-ed) to use the(è preferibile non mettere l'articolo determinativo in certe situazioni - my) PC. The network is(was) not good and i had problems to go online, so i played at (non serve) BeatHazard, that doesn't need online. I had Lunch at 2 pm.
I ate Hamburger with potatoes chips, hmmm, they were delicious! I ate an Ice-cream too! Here in Rome (andrebbe alla fine) (it) is very very hot!
So, at about 3 o'clock, I went back to PC and I opened osu! I told (detto cosa? chatted) with my friend Armin as usual, and I finish(-ed) my parts of this map at 6 pm.
OmG, I'm really Slow!
Cesc, Thursday 19th August. 11.00 ~ 18.30
Ok cesc fa pena, ma pure tu Kecco vedo che alcune cose non le noti :roll:

Passando a cose più importanti.

Tu non sei Lucio, VAI VIA.

EDIT: @Armin
E' ancora sbagliata.
Card N'FoRcE
Se ci mettiamo a fare i pignoli sui pignoli non la finiamo più xD

HarryOrunitia wrote:

E' ancora sbagliata.
chi sei tu?

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Se ci mettiamo a fare i pignoli sui pignoli non la finiamo più xD
Qui non si tratta di essere pignoli


si tratta di correggere obbrobri di grammatica, che ti sono sfuggiti


said goodmorning to mi(my) little lister, who is ill

:| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :|
Topic Starter

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

cesc wrote:

What Have I Done :?: :roll:

What Have I Done (non ha molto senso qui, ma capisco la "citazione")

Today I woke up at 11 o'clock and before have(Having) brekfast(breakfast), I went at(to) the toilet. Then I ate a sandwich with Nutella and I drank a cup of Tea...I said goodmorning to mi(my) little lister, who is ill (WUT? La virgola e dopo il pronome relativo? Fail!) . I brushed my teeth, I washed my face and I start(-ed) to use the(è preferibile non mettere l'articolo determinativo in certe situazioni - my) PC. The network is(was) not good and i had problems to go online, so i played at (non serve) BeatHazard, that doesn't need online. I had Lunch at 2 pm.
I ate Hamburger with potatoes chips, hmmm, they were delicious! I ate an Ice-cream too! Here in Rome (andrebbe alla fine) (it) is very very hot!
So, at about 3 o'clock, I went back to PC and I opened osu! I told (detto cosa? chatted) with my friend Armin as usual, and I finish(-ed) my parts of this map at 6 pm.
OmG, I'm really Slow!
Cesc, Thursday 19th August. 11.00 ~ 18.30
Ok cesc fa pena, ma pure tu Kecco vedo che alcune cose non le noti :roll:

Passando a cose più importanti.

Tu non sei Lucio, VAI VIA.

EDIT: @Armin
Fabio, I corrected just some error of cesc's version since I had to study VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH. That implies I had low time to watch and correct all errors, SO WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? TOMORROW I HAVE ITALIAN'S INTERROGATION, I DIDN't HAVE TIME TO BLAH BLAH BLAH AND BLAH BLAH BLAH AND MORE BLAH BLAH BLAH, ok basta.

Armin ti amo.

Armin wrote:


ritorna da dove sei venuto.
Ok, torno al paese dei balocchi.

Edit: @Card_N'FoRcE (Mikado Time)

Edit: @Armin
Da che pulpito viene la predica, Kecco xD
what the fuck!?

Well, I know that i'm not a cima in english, but i've done it de frett! Please, capisciammè!

Topic Starter

cesc wrote:

what the fuck!?

Well, I know that i'm not a cima in english, but i've done it de frett! Please, capisciammè!
... mi state spaventando, tu sei il primo lucio
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