
fripSide - black bullet

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moonlightleaf wrote:


00:24:758 (4) - 试试 70|113 啊前后我都是偏向用的折线形flow 感觉都差不多 没差吧...


00:45:274 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1) - 这打着好累,特别是HDHRFL,删掉00:45:854 (5,7) ? 删了7

没啥,除了一些没blanket的外 关于blanket这个 我一直不知道怎么才能做到完美包裹。。。有点郁闷

还有就是 00:32:693 (4) - 放的挺歪,我个人比较喜欢直线(232,304) 或者00:53:790 (3,4,5)这类 各有所好吧 动了一点点...


00:00:951 加个note比较好

00:47:596 (3,4) - 适合滑条 这里突出一下vocal就不改了 kiai前面突然变难大概也是我个人风格...


00:26:306 - 00:30:951 clap去掉,有点违和, 单Sampleset Drum? 音效其实我不是很懂所以下的时候都是一段一段按同一规律下的 听起来大概还行吧... 先不改了 我在听取一下别人意见

01:01:338 (3) - 也换滑条? 啊先不改了

01:11:500 (8) - 扔左边吧

,怎么想起开这个歌,当初chole这歌好像闹了好大的样子(可能我误听 呃呃 我就是随机开的(基本一时兴起) 但愿不出事吧...
十分感谢摸图! :)
01:10:048 (3) - 要不要尾巴翘一点点包下4
感觉CS2还是有点大 看了下2.5可以考虑一下 blanket包的也蛮好

00:00:371 (1) - 要不要拆成短折返加单点 和后面的比一下有一点点违和 也不会很难吧
00:11:016 (3,4,5) - 藏滑条头感觉有点点不太安全阿

00:38:306 (2,3) - 太底下啦,不是太舒服 要不把3稍微往上移一点点
00:42:177 (4) - 要切到那个点击快慢的条了
01:20:887 (1,2) - 这里不是做的blanket不过好像更倾向于包一下好看一点。。有一点半包不包的感觉

00:09:274 (3,4,5,6) - 这样没问题,不过有点好奇这里为啥要做成这样
然后就是之前说的滑条尾 别的都挺好的
00:04:241 - 漏音
00:03:854 (2) - 单点
00:06:177 (4,5,6,7) - 建议正常stack,或者DS<0.8
这是跟鼓00:06:564 (1,2) - 这是跟vocal 00:07:145 (3,4,5) - 结果:00:08:112 - 被放掉了
00:42:951 (3,4,5,6,1) - 用stack view看看
00:47:596 (3) - nc
00:48:370 (1,2) - 交换nc
00:49:532 (1) - 去掉nc
01:13:532 (2) - 建议切开,或者切01:13:145 (1) -
01:13:919 (4,5) - 这些短滑条不和曲,此处不是高潮(高潮是之前我叫你切开的部分。我的下法
01:18:370 (2,3,4) - 建议无视vocal
00:17:764 - i加强难度的话这种地方可以这么下

00:12:758 - 这个小节过于简单,建议用你目前i的下点,然后i加难
00:18:758 - 漏
00:32:112 (3) - 所有类似这种的音都应该是滑条而不是单点,按照vocal断开小节会让人感觉难受。而刚刚入门的时候我们都喜欢按vocal断句,那样会造成奇怪的打击感

osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Black Bullet.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 1000
PreviewTime: 49532
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

DistanceSpacing: 1
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 2.2

Title:black bullet
TitleUnicode:black bullet


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 0,223,56
Combo2 : 255,72,72
Combo3 : 38,136,255
Combo4 : 255,138,21
Combo5 : 0,219,219
Combo6 : 238,238,0

Topic Starter

Mollon wrote:

01:10:048 (3) - 要不要尾巴翘一点点包下4 厚 直接包了
感觉CS2还是有点大 看了下2.5可以考虑一下 blanket包的也蛮好 不了 稍微拉开一下gap 现在看N可能离E比离H近

00:00:371 (1) - 要不要拆成短折返加单点 和后面的比一下有一点点违和 也不会很难吧 开头的话应该问题不大吧...(大概)
00:11:016 (3,4,5) - 藏滑条头感觉有点点不太安全阿 诶会么 虽然我感觉应该没问题吧 回头问问其他人

00:38:306 (2,3) - 太底下啦,不是太舒服 要不把3稍微往上移一点点 移了一下下
00:42:177 (4) - 要切到那个点击快慢的条了 fixed
01:20:887 (1,2) - 这里不是做的blanket不过好像更倾向于包一下好看一点。。有一点半包不包的感觉 啊确实 不过这里碍于DS 前面不挡血条的话后面物件可能放不下 呃先这样吧影响大概也不是很大吧...

00:09:274 (3,4,5,6) - 这样没问题,不过有点好奇这里为啥要做成这样 呃怎么说呢 最开始开头定的这图的方向应该是那种狂用4分拍 后来发现节奏玩不好就不那样了 这里就是为了突出那个想法想表现的夸张点 现在看来我个人感觉也还好(总而言之就是因为弱)
然后就是之前说的滑条尾 别的都挺好的 啊那个确实 不过也不太好改了 那一片这个想法基本定型了Orz
谢摸! :)
Topic Starter

Shad0w1and wrote:

00:04:241 - 漏音 故意漏的 这个diff丢了很多音 还是想强调一下比较强的音..
00:03:854 (2) - 单点 fixed
00:06:177 (4,5,6,7) - 建议正常stack,或者DS<0.8
这是跟鼓00:06:564 (1,2) - 这是跟vocal 00:07:145 (3,4,5) - 结果:00:08:112 - 被放掉了 其实是跟那个男声(呃好像是男声就是那个很雄浑的意思人声的东西 滑条后面那个1/4note是个意外 在考虑要不要改成结尾那段那样)
00:42:951 (3,4,5,6,1) - 用stack view看看 这个我不知道为啥会这样 我强行stack很多次怎么效果出来就不对呢
00:47:596 (3) - nc
00:48:370 (1,2) - 交换nc
00:49:532 (1) - 去掉nc 第一个加了 后面两个我觉得还行 尤其后面那个变速上NC可能我个人习惯...
01:13:532 (2) - 建议切开,或者切01:13:145 (1) - 不想分开搞难了
01:13:919 (4,5) - 这些短滑条不和曲,此处不是高潮(高潮是之前我叫你切开的部分。我的下法
为什么?因为三连击或反转滑条对flow做了切断,你感受一下此时音乐是否有一个断层? 其实还是听不太出来...Orz 这个意思我理解了 再反省反省..
01:18:370 (2,3,4) - 建议无视vocal 这里和开头一样还是跟了vocal...
00:17:764 - i加强难度的话这种地方可以这么下 啊试了一下感觉是挺好的 但是这图不想特别难 这样的平缓段就更不想难了...

00:12:758 - 这个小节过于简单,建议用你目前i的下点,然后i加难 还是刻意简单...
00:18:758 - 漏 改成了个滑条
00:32:112 (3) - 所有类似这种的音都应该是滑条而不是单点,按照vocal断开小节会让人感觉难受。而刚刚入门的时候我们都喜欢按vocal断句,那样会造成奇怪的打击感 嗯稍微有点懂了点...再考虑考虑

这是我认为i应该有的节奏,你看看就好,其实还有其他rank图也能参考(抄你最喜欢的mapper,别犹豫 好炫0.0 啊这个意思我懂了 只是这次是不想太难所以用的较简单的节奏 基本按Light Insane做的 怕高难度做糟... 有点弱 多谢了还帮忙摆了下;w;
谢摸!继续反省我 :)
抱歉啊,隔一天才摸,有些太累了 :?

  1. AR可以-1,似乎有點太快了
    00:05:983 (5) - Easy建議少用1/2節奏,用在Normal比較合適。通常我會這樣擺節奏00:05:596 (4,5) - ↓
    01:23:016 (4,5) - 這裡同理↑
    00:48:370 (3) - 這個不能在Easy出現呢,藍線不行。直接改成同長度不折返的滑條
    01:00:758 (3,4) - 感覺這裡好像不用拆開來,中間也沒有可以很明確切開來的聲音,合成2/1滑條吧
    01:13:145 (3,4) - ^
    01:17:016 (4) - 節奏太細了吧,不建議在Easy有這個呢

  • 00:32:693 (4) - 這裡跟vocal感覺好奇怪,circle可以去掉
    01:22:242 (3) - 建議把這個都換成circle,沒有影響的
  1. 排版可能要小心呢,有些太擠了。我的印象中好像有人的Normal因為排版被DQ的

  • 00:03:080 (7,1) - 這個距離跳太遠了,就歌曲剛開始來說會反應不過來,建議不要跳
    00:06:177 (4,1) - 好令人誤導的擺法,這樣擺很容易玩死人,有沒有想過這樣擺??
    00:24:758 (5,1) - 這個也是呢
    00:49:145 (1,2) - 也是一樣
    01:01:532 (3,4) - ^
    01:13:919 (3,4) - ^
    01:18:370 (2) - 我有點不太懂你遮擋這個滑條要做什麼,蠻坑人的 :?

  • 00:07:145 (3) - 我知道你跟什麼,但還是建議1/2跟vocal,也同時跟的到鼓。畢竟3/4的節奏接在一起並不是很好打。要改不改要看你
    00:18:758 - 這個鼓建議跟著
    00:24:951 (6) - 把這個移到一個比較順的地方,這樣莫名的拉遠顯得很怪也不好打
    00:31:145 - 一樣呢,建議不要空著,很容易誤導人按錯
    00:47:596 (1) - 這個不要遮擋在滑條後面,因為是比較快的節奏,整個露出來比較好
    00:49:145 (2) - ^
  1. 有些遮擋比較不怎麼理想外,其他都還好

加油呢 :)
Topic Starter

DreaM117er wrote:

抱歉啊,隔一天才摸,有些太累了 :? 辛苦啦!

  1. AR可以-1,似乎有點太快了
    00:05:983 (5) - Easy建議少用1/2節奏,用在Normal比較合適。通常我會這樣擺節奏00:05:596 (4,5) - ↓
    01:23:016 (4,5) - 這裡同理↑
    00:48:370 (3) - 這個不能在Easy出現呢,藍線不行。直接改成同長度不折返的滑條
    01:00:758 (3,4) - 感覺這裡好像不用拆開來,中間也沒有可以很明確切開來的聲音,合成2/1滑條吧
    01:13:145 (3,4) - ^
    01:17:016 (4) - 節奏太細了吧,不建議在Easy有這個呢
留下了几个我觉得还是需要的1/2 其他都改啦(改动一个后面DS全都乱掉 重新分布好辛苦QAQ)

  • 00:32:693 (4) - 這裡跟vocal感覺好奇怪,circle可以去掉 啊这里确实不该有 疏忽了QAQ
    01:22:242 (3) - 建議把這個都換成circle,沒有影響的 这个我觉得还好吧
  1. 排版可能要小心呢,有些太擠了。我的印象中好像有人的Normal因為排版被DQ的 诶诶这样@_@

  • 00:03:080 (7,1) - 這個距離跳太遠了,就歌曲剛開始來說會反應不過來,建議不要跳 fixed
    00:06:177 (4,1) - 好令人誤導的擺法,這樣擺很容易玩死人,有沒有想過這樣擺??
    00:24:758 (5,1) - 這個也是呢
    00:49:145 (1,2) - 也是一樣
    01:01:532 (3,4) - ^
    01:13:919 (3,4) - ^
    上面几个我是觉得比较好玩才这样的...好像挺坑 那我再考虑一下...
    01:18:370 (2) - 我有點不太懂你遮擋這個滑條要做什麼,蠻坑人的 :? 单纯地是想把flow甩过去没什么办法了...虽然我自认为这个遮蔽还挺好看的 :o

  • 00:07:145 (3) - 我知道你跟什麼,但還是建議1/2跟vocal,也同時跟的到鼓。畢竟3/4的節奏接在一起並不是很好打。要改不改要看你 嗯...这里在做之前我就是想这样的效果 姑且先这样?
    00:18:758 - 這個鼓建議跟著 不了 还是想空一下 后面离得比较远大概不会那么误导吧...
    00:24:951 (6) - 把這個移到一個比較順的地方,這樣莫名的拉遠顯得很怪也不好打 其实我是想逐渐从连打向上的效果 往下移动了一点点(虽然还是在前一个的上面)
    00:31:145 - 一樣呢,建議不要空著,很容易誤導人按錯
    00:47:596 (1) - 這個不要遮擋在滑條後面,因為是比較快的節奏,整個露出來比較好 其实最开始是露出来的后来因为各种原因。。。总之改了
    00:49:145 (2) - ^
  1. 有些遮擋比較不怎麼理想外,其他都還好

加油呢 :) :)
十分感谢! :)


00:06:177 (4,5,6,7,1) - 既然不求难,就少放放这样奇怪的形状,另外建议00:05:596 (2,3) - 都放一个地方但不是滑条尾

00:07:145 (3,4,5) - 00:10:241 (3,4,5) - 消音,否则听上去感觉有点J8,后面这种三个的滑条同理

00:13:145 - 白线上的音量轻的令人难过,不知道你是出于什么目的,但是白线上不放音效的话,音效的总量就非常少了

00:44:500 (3) - 00:46:048 (3) - NC,这种3/4+1/2的滑条组合就应该一组一个NC

00:46:822 (1,2) - balnket

01:24:370 (3) - 这地方放个drum就解决了?


00:00:371 (1) - 开头的音效令人意外的少,至少介个finish把?红线是第一个重音啊

00:22:822 (2) - reverse消音,至少不要这么响

00:38:306 (2) - 00:41:403 (2) - 末尾消音

01:01:532 (3) - 1.9ds来的太突然而且方向相反的flow不好接

01:24:370 - 这个点加 note,上finish的音效




Topic Starter

T-Mac wrote:

当然建议加一个4.7-5的难度 a...


00:06:177 (4,5,6,7,1) - 既然不求难,就少放放这样奇怪的形状,另外建议00:05:596 (2,3) - 都放一个地方但不是滑条尾 这个形状我主要是觉得合曲 后面那串形状变了下改了 滑条尾note不stack我是觉得突然加速的类似效果有点意思

00:07:145 (3,4,5) - 00:10:241 (3,4,5) - 消音,否则听上去感觉有点J8,后面这种三个的滑条同理 改低了音量没有完全消 因为我是加了个默认的soft进去所以我觉得听起来可能也不那么明显吧... 现在我觉得效果良好了!

00:13:145 - 白线上的音量轻的令人难过,不知道你是出于什么目的,但是白线上不放音效的话,音效的总量就非常少了 ??我应该是全图的白线上都有音效 这一片全都加了drum上去啊 难道是不太明显呃0.0

00:44:500 (3) - 00:46:048 (3) - NC,这种3/4+1/2的滑条组合就应该一组一个NC 后面NC加了 前面不加了

00:46:822 (1,2) - balnket 噗 疏忽了xD

01:24:370 (3) - 这地方放个drum就解决了?嗯...好的 additions里加了Normal finish 应该没问题了


00:00:371 (1) - 开头的音效令人意外的少,至少介个finish把?红线是第一个重音啊 这一片红线都加了whistle

00:22:822 (2) - reverse消音,至少不要这么响 这个有点故意的 想盖住背景的鼓。。(别问我为啥不直接跟那个鼓 我也不知道Orz)

00:38:306 (2) - 00:41:403 (2) - 末尾消音 ok

01:01:532 (3) - 1.9ds来的太突然而且方向相反的flow不好接 我觉得没问题吧 至少看起来是这样 打的时候一般都会点住这个折返 然后切指吧 所以我就按视觉效果差不多的距离摆这了

01:24:370 - 这个点加 note,上finish的音效 好 不过音效用的drum + additions里Normal finish





谢摸!狗币每次都有求必摸,十分感谢! :) :) :)
i get to be the first english mod, how fun

00:15:854 (1,2,3) - Flow for here has a more downward motion as opposed to the motion you are going for, shouldn't be too big of an issue tho, just pointing it out
00:59:209 (1,2,3) - Right now, there isn't really much flow from 1,2, you can fix this by rotating 1 (make sure to keep blanket on 4) click for example
01:00:758 (3,1) - if you do above mod, you can rotate 3 to be pointing upwards instead for flow for 3,1
01:06:951 (3,4,5) - Flow kinda points more to 5 than 4
01:10:048 (3,4,1) - Flow points more toward 1 than 4

00:17:403 (3) - I would ctrl j this cuz it looks kinda awk tbh

00:35:983 (3,4) - I don't usually point out blankets but this one is pretty off

I didn't see any problems with insane, gl on ranking~
Topic Starter

Battle wrote:

i get to be the first english mod, how fun LOL

00:15:854 (1,2,3) - Flow for here has a more downward motion as opposed to the motion you are going for, shouldn't be too big of an issue tho, just pointing it out well I simply make it to be more straighter, which also fine for me imo
00:59:209 (1,2,3) - Right now, there isn't really much flow from 1,2, you can fix this by rotating 1 (make sure to keep blanket on 4) click for example did some other things here :)
01:00:758 (3,1) - if you do above mod, you can rotate 3 to be pointing upwards instead for flow for 3,1
01:06:951 (3,4,5) - Flow kinda points more to 5 than 4 yea you're right, did something here
01:10:048 (3,4,1) - Flow points more toward 1 than 4 right, but I'd like to keep the stack so no change here

00:17:403 (3) - I would ctrl j this cuz it looks kinda awk tbh rotated 180° for it

00:35:983 (3,4) - I don't usually point out blankets but this one is pretty off fixed, I'm really not good at blanket :(

I didn't see any problems with insane, gl on ranking~ thanks!
Thanks for your modding! :)

00:05:596 (2) - finish ? you could hear cymbal on the bgm
00:18:951 (1) - 00:31:338 (1) - ^
00:24:466 (2) - missing clap
00:54:177 (5) - i prefer if this were a same slider as 00:53:790 (4) - o.o
01:01:145 (2,3,4) - this spacing are confusing, the 1/4 rhythm got bigger spacing than the 1/2 one. try moving (3) closer to (2)
01:06:564 (5) - this looks cramped to me, try another slider ?
01:11:209 (7) - missing clap

this is much like a regular Insane than a light one imo >_>

same hitsound suggestion as insane, i'll point anything else
00:18:564 (6) - drum sampleset at tail
00:54:177 (5) - decrease the curve pls >< , 01:09:661 (5) - same
00:58:435 (4) - would be better if this was 1/1 slider, the reverse doesn't hit anything so prominent
01:16:629 (2) - delete finish, it's too much and dont fit
01:18:370 (2) - move this a bit upside ? the overlap is fine but it's kinda disturb readiblity due to the slider's body got covered

00:01:145 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - this make large gap with Easy diff, try make them simpler.. eg: delete 00:02:306 (4,6) -
00:07:919 (3,5) - this could be confusing for beginners, maybee
00:11:016 (3,5) - same, try ask some newbs for testplaying
00:31:338 (1) - finish hmm

note's density on kiai were quite much compared to the normal diff, i'd reduce them a little

There's pretty much 1/2 on Easy, i'd like replace some of them with 3/2 sliders in much case. just like 00:09:080 (4) - 00:12:177 (5) - 01:20:306 (4) - 01:23:403 (5) - etc

good luck
I like this song


• 00:00:371 (1,2,3,4,1) - This rhythm doesn't really work. The first slider is mapped to another sound than the rest. The other sliders feel kinda random, not really placed to a sound, but maybe it's just me, try to figure it out.
• 00:07:919 (3) - Maybe straighten it and rotate it a bit for a better transition with the 1/2 slider?
• 00:09:661 (1) - Just my opinion, this slider looks really "forced" due the little length but the strong curve. Wouldn't curve it that much to make it look smoother.
• 00:43:725 (1,2) - Weird transition.
• 01:10:048 (3,4,1) - That's really something you should avoid in an Easy. The sliderend of (3) goes to the sliderhead of (1) instead to (4), which will confuse newer players.
• 01:23:983 - Feels strange to have nothing here. o_o
• Other than that, you can perfectionate this diff with fixing some blankets that are slightly off.


Looks very cool. Just dislike a lot of your sliders due just very slight curve and some circles you placed a bit strange. But nothing you really need to change.


• 00:00:371 (1) - I'd curve this one more for a better transition with the circle and reverse-slider.
• 00:06:177 (4,1) - Would also use 1.3x DS here because 1/4 pattern.
• 00:15:467 (6) - You use a 1/2 slider into a 1/1 slider in every measure except here. Purpose? If yes, what's the reason? :v
• 00:24:758 (5,1) - They are even more spaced than the ones I mentioned above. Better check all similar pattern.
• 00:50:693 (4,5) - Fix this little crying blanket. :(

I like your Insane, nothing to complain about. Good luck with this map!
From queue~

00:17:016 (2,3) - blanket
00:18:951 (1) - theres a crash cymbal here, use a finish?
00:20:500 (3,4) - blanket
00:47:983 (2,3) - ^

00:07:532 (4,5) - i think you should continue this rhythm pattern until 00:09:080 (2)
00:12:177 - ^ (also applies to the same vocals in the ending sequence)
00:17:983 (2,3,4) - blanket
00:18:951 (1) - use a finish
00:31:338 (1) - ^
00:27:467 (3,4) - i think it would look better if this was a blanket

Short mod, but hope it helps a little bit :)
Good luck!
Hi from queue~

Forgot to mention that I'm still new at standard modding and mapping, but I'll try my best :D


00:00:371 - You could add a finisher at this point in all the difficulties for the cymbal sound and the start of the song.


This diff was well done :D

00:06:564 (1) - This slider is a bit too curved compared to the previous slider. Curve it a bit less for a better look?

00:20:500 (3) - Push the end of the slider a bit up for a better blanket.

00:25:145 (1) - Idk, but this slider's curve is very weird compared to the rest of the sliders in the song. Curve it a bit more? Maybe it's just me :/

01:17:016 (4) - Since you've had this whole song as curved sliders, maybe you should make this curved for consistency? Doesn't really matter tho.


00:01:145 (2) - The rhythm is different from the rest of the section which I found kind of weird. Keeping it the same as later would sound good imo. Some rhythm like this? Ignore slider placements.

00:09:080 (5) - I'm not sure about the rules surrounding this, but you're not supposed to have overlap in places where you can avoid it, I think. Same at 00:12:177 (5). Sorry if I'm wrong x.x

00:22:048 (1) - Curve this less so it'll look more like a reflection of 00:22:822 (3)? Or vice versa.

00:32:887 (4,5) - This rhythm is exactly the same as the Easy. Match this with one of the other rhythms you had in this section?

00:49:532 (2) - Add NC and remove NC on 00:48:370 (1)? I liked how the combo ended at 00:48:370 (1) for the Easy and Hard difficulties.


00:02:500 (6) - A straight slider would work better for this sliderbow.

00:05:596 (2) - Move this somewhere else? The stacking makes it misleading to me and it'll also keep it consistent because you don't have much stacking with 1/1 hits.

01:20:887 (1,2) - If you could make a blanket out of this it'll look nice.


00:06:177 (4,5,6,7,1) - I personally like it if these was a flowing 1/4 pattern rather than having it half stacked.

00:10:241 (3) - Bring the point of this slider slightly up because it doesn't look perfectly symmetrical to the next slider.

00:50:306 (2,3) - Some parts in the kiai like these two hits are quite easy for an Insane, and is easier than some parts that are non-kiai. Perhaps make a bigger jump between these hits? Although you do have a jump between slider 1 and circle 2, it's definitely possible to make this slightly harder imo.

00:50:306 (2,3) - ^

01:05:790 (2,3) - ^

01:08:887 (2,3) - ^

01:10:435 (2,3,4) - ^

That's all. Great song :D Sorry for the inexperienced mod x.x Hopefully this helped though.

Good luck on rank~
Topic Starter

Momochikun wrote:


00:05:596 (2) - finish ? you could hear cymbal on the bgm
00:18:951 (1) - 00:31:338 (1) - ^
00:24:466 (2) - missing clap
00:54:177 (5) - i prefer if this were a same slider as 00:53:790 (4) - o.o
01:01:145 (2,3,4) - this spacing are confusing, the 1/4 rhythm got bigger spacing than the 1/2 one. try moving (3) closer to (2)
01:06:564 (5) - this looks cramped to me, try another slider ?
01:11:209 (7) - missing clap

this is much like a regular Insane than a light one imo >_> LOL

same hitsound suggestion as insane, i'll point anything else
00:18:564 (6) - drum sampleset at tail
00:54:177 (5) - decrease the curve pls >< , 01:09:661 (5) - same
00:58:435 (4) - would be better if this was 1/1 slider, the reverse doesn't hit anything so prominent
01:16:629 (2) - delete finish, it's too much and dont fit
01:18:370 (2) - move this a bit upside ? the overlap is fine but it's kinda disturb readiblity due to the slider's body got covered

00:01:145 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - this make large gap with Easy diff, try make them simpler.. eg: delete 00:02:306 (4,6) - well I know that but... I'd like to keep them ;_;
00:07:919 (3,5) - this could be confusing for beginners, maybee
00:11:016 (3,5) - same, try ask some newbs for testplaying may did it later
00:31:338 (1) - finish hmm

note's density on kiai were quite much compared to the normal diff, i'd reduce them a little will consider more owo

There's pretty much 1/2 on Easy, i'd like replace some of them with 3/2 sliders in much case. just like 00:09:080 (4) - 00:12:177 (5) - 01:20:306 (4) - 01:23:403 (5) - etc I know that but I still want to keep them for they really fit imo

good luck :) :)
Things about hitsounds almost all fixed, others all fixed! thanks! :)

Stjpa wrote:

I like this song :) :)


• 00:00:371 (1,2,3,4,1) - This rhythm doesn't really work. The first slider is mapped to another sound than the rest. The other sliders feel kinda random, not really placed to a sound, but maybe it's just me, try to figure it out. yea I know what you mean, however I don't have good idea for now ;_;
• 00:07:919 (3) - Maybe straighten it and rotate it a bit for a better transition with the 1/2 slider?
• 00:09:661 (1) - Just my opinion, this slider looks really "forced" due the little length but the strong curve. Wouldn't curve it that much to make it look smoother. keep the curve, rotate some tho
• 00:43:725 (1,2) - Weird transition. curved more
• 01:10:048 (3,4,1) - That's really something you should avoid in an Easy. The sliderend of (3) goes to the sliderhead of (1) instead to (4), which will confuse newer players. someone else have raised this before, but I really don't know how to fix it properly ;_; maybe NC is helpful here if I don't fix that :(
• 01:23:983 - Feels strange to have nothing here. o_o maybe not a problem as an Easy diff :D
• Other than that, you can perfectionate this diff with fixing some blankets that are slightly off. I really don't know why I'm so weak in blanket, seriously :o


Looks very cool. Just dislike a lot of your sliders due just very slight curve and some circles you placed a bit strange. But nothing you really need to change.


• 00:00:371 (1) - I'd curve this one more for a better transition with the circle and reverse-slider.
• 00:06:177 (4,1) - Would also use 1.3x DS here because 1/4 pattern. I regard it as a note so no change here 0.0
• 00:15:467 (6) - You use a 1/2 slider into a 1/1 slider in every measure except here. Purpose? If yes, what's the reason? :v just because... there is a drum rather than others D: In fact I think you won't realise this when playing so no problem imo :D
• 00:24:758 (5,1) - They are even more spaced than the ones I mentioned above. Better check all similar pattern.
• 00:50:693 (4,5) - Fix this little crying blanket. :(

I like your Insane, nothing to complain about. Good luck with this map!
Others fixed! thanks for your modding and encouraging! :)

Yahuri wrote:

From queue~

00:17:016 (2,3) - blanket
00:18:951 (1) - theres a crash cymbal here, use a finish?
00:20:500 (3,4) - blanket
00:47:983 (2,3) - ^

00:07:532 (4,5) - i think you should continue this rhythm pattern until 00:09:080 (2) that makes no sense imo
00:12:177 - ^ (also applies to the same vocals in the ending sequence)
00:17:983 (2,3,4) - blanket don't want to do here :D
00:18:951 (1) - use a finish
00:31:338 (1) - ^
00:27:467 (3,4) - i think it would look better if this was a blanket I'd like to keep the same shape for sliders of this part

Short mod, but hope it helps a little bit :) It helps of course :)
Good luck!
Others fixed! Thanks for your modding! :)

newyams99 wrote:

Hi from queue~

Forgot to mention that I'm still new at standard modding and mapping, but I'll try my best :D


00:00:371 - You could add a finisher at this point in all the difficulties for the cymbal sound and the start of the song. I'd like to keep the music from something not so noisy so keep~


This diff was well done :D

00:06:564 (1) - This slider is a bit too curved compared to the previous slider. Curve it a bit less for a better look? no problem imo owo

00:20:500 (3) - Push the end of the slider a bit up for a better blanket.

00:25:145 (1) - Idk, but this slider's curve is very weird compared to the rest of the sliders in the song. Curve it a bit more? Maybe it's just me :/

01:17:016 (4) - Since you've had this whole song as curved sliders, maybe you should make this curved for consistency? Doesn't really matter tho. can't have a good idea about it's shape cutz it's position, so no change here


00:01:145 (2) - The rhythm is different from the rest of the section which I found kind of weird. Keeping it the same as later would sound good imo. Some rhythm like this? Ignore slider placements. well, will consider more ww

00:09:080 (5) - I'm not sure about the rules surrounding this, but you're not supposed to have overlap in places where you can avoid it, I think. Same at 00:12:177 (5). Sorry if I'm wrong x.x in fact I'm not sure as well LOL will ask some friends later, thanks for reminding!

00:22:048 (1) - Curve this less so it'll look more like a reflection of 00:22:822 (3)? Or vice versa.

00:32:887 (4,5) - This rhythm is exactly the same as the Easy. Match this with one of the other rhythms you had in this section? nothing serious imo :o

00:49:532 (2) - Add NC and remove NC on 00:48:370 (1)? I liked how the combo ended at 00:48:370 (1) for the Easy and Hard difficulties.


00:02:500 (6) - A straight slider would work better for this sliderbow.

00:05:596 (2) - Move this somewhere else? The stacking makes it misleading to me and it'll also keep it consistent because you don't have much stacking with 1/1 hits. keep here cutz it fits music imo :D

01:20:887 (1,2) - If you could make a blanket out of this it'll look nice. you're right but I can't make it for it will break the pattern of notes after, at least it's not bad for now right? ;)


00:06:177 (4,5,6,7,1) - I personally like it if these was a flowing 1/4 pattern rather than having it half stacked. want to try something different lol

00:10:241 (3) - Bring the point of this slider slightly up because it doesn't look perfectly symmetrical to the next slider. didi some other things

00:50:306 (2,3) - Some parts in the kiai like these two hits are quite easy for an Insane, and is easier than some parts that are non-kiai. Perhaps make a bigger jump between these hits? Although you do have a jump between slider 1 and circle 2, it's definitely possible to make this slightly harder imo.

00:50:306 (2,3) - ^

01:05:790 (2,3) - ^

01:08:887 (2,3) - ^

01:10:435 (2,3,4) - ^ I know what you mean but I'd still like to keep them sry :o

That's all. Great song :D Sorry for the inexperienced mod x.x Hopefully this helped though. yea of course

Good luck on rank~
Others fixed, thanks for modding! :)
Thank you all!
Hi, from my modding queue~


  1. 00:23:596 (3,4,1) - The positioning of 00:24:758 (4) here looks weird imo, maybe it's just me.
  2. 00:32:887 (3,4) - The flow here could have been smoother than this imo. Same applies to 00:34:435 (1,2) . (In my opinion, the placement of hitcircle next to the slider could have been improved for a better flow)
  3. 00:40:629 (1,2) - Spacing is kinda big here.
  4. 00:24:758 (4) - I would do it like this for a better flow. >

  1. 00:00:951 - I wouldn't ignore here tho. This overlap here looks a bit messy btw 00:00:371 (1,2,3) .
  2. 00:50:693 (3,4) - I would reposition 00:51:274 (4) for a better flow and the spacing here is kinda big.

  1. 00:12:564 (7,8,1) - Not sure if a triplet would fit here. I think I understand that you're trying to emphasize on 00:12:758 (1) though.
  2. 00:47:596 (3,4,5,6) - I think it's pretty confusing somehow. If you're trying to follow the instrument like what you did in Insane then I think kickslider(s) might fit better.
  3. 01:10:822 (4) - The reverse here kinda distrupt the flow.

  1. Welp, I'm noob at modding Insane.
  2. 00:00:758 (2,3,4,5) - I think the jumps here could be nerfed a bit. Because the SV from here 00:01:725 (1) is a bit slower compared to those jumps. I'm not sure how to express this properly, hope you get what I mean, sry.
  3. 00:23:209 (4,1) - Feels a bit forced imo.
  4. 00:42:951 (3,4,5,6,1) - Maybe you can do a small stream that similar to what you did here 00:12:370 (3,4,5,6,1) ?
Hope my mod helps. Good luck~
Topic Starter

Electoz wrote:

Hi, from my modding queue~


  1. 00:23:596 (3,4,1) - The positioning of 00:24:758 (4) here looks weird imo, maybe it's just me.
  2. 00:32:887 (3,4) - The flow here could have been smoother than this imo. Same applies to 00:34:435 (1,2) . (In my opinion, the placement of hitcircle next to the slider could have been improved for a better flow)
  3. 00:40:629 (1,2) - Spacing is kinda big here. I don't understand that in fact...
  4. 00:24:758 (4) - I would do it like this for a better flow. > will consider it more, tho both are ok imo :D btw you attached a wrong timestamp LOL

  1. 00:00:951 - I wouldn't ignore here tho. This overlap here looks a bit messy btw 00:00:371 (1,2,3) . it's so hard without ignoring that point, as for the overlap yea it's a problem indeed... will think more
  2. 00:50:693 (3,4) - I would reposition 00:51:274 (4) for a better flow and the spacing here is kinda big.

  1. 00:12:564 (7,8,1) - Not sure if a triplet would fit here. I think I understand that you're trying to emphasize on 00:12:758 (1) though. yea fine for me :3
  2. 00:47:596 (3,4,5,6) - I think it's pretty confusing somehow. If you're trying to follow the instrument like what you did in Insane then I think kickslider(s) might fit better. I just want to emphasize the vocal here... besides to make things harder before kiai is just my style maybe owo
  3. 01:10:822 (4) - The reverse here kinda distrupt the flow. maybe but I don't have a good idea for it so keep for now :o

  1. Welp, I'm noob at modding Insane.
  2. 00:00:758 (2,3,4,5) - I think the jumps here could be nerfed a bit. Because the SV from here 00:01:725 (1) is a bit slower compared to those jumps. I'm not sure how to express this properly, hope you get what I mean, sry. surely I got it, tho I'd still like to keep it for I want to have 00:00:371 (1,5) - stacked and 00:00:758 (2,1,3) - stacked and 00:01:145 (3,4,5,1) - a (almost) fixed DS here so it's what it's like now... Maybe just my style so don't mind it :)
  3. 00:23:209 (4,1) - Feels a bit forced imo. fine for me :3
  4. 00:42:951 (3,4,5,6,1) - Maybe you can do a small stream that similar to what you did here 00:12:370 (3,4,5,6,1) ? however vocal here is not so violent like one there imo :x
Hope my mod helps. Good luck~
Others fixed! Thanks for your modding! :)

00:00:758 (2) - 我觉得这里还是用00:01:532 (5,1) - 这里的节奏会比较好一些(单点+1/1滑条)

00:04:822 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - 感觉有点不太美观, 试试这样??
00:03:854 (2,3) - 这里突然间距变小了感觉有点奇怪, 建议增大下间距.(试试把00:03:854 (2) - 放到00:03:080 (4) - , 把00:04:048 (3) - 放到00:02:306 (2) - ?)
00:11:790 (1) - 有点太远了, 往左移移?
00:22:435 (2) - blanket
00:57:661 (1,4) - ^
01:18:370 (2,3,4) - 分别ctrl+g试试?

01:01:919 - 01:02:112 - 这里音效用上normal感觉会好些
01:16:241 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^
00:37:338 - 感觉这个clap有一点多余

00:00:951 (2,3) - 顺手做个blanket吧;w;
00:24:758 (5) - ctrl+G?
00:40:629 (1) - 感觉向上弯flow会更顺一点
01:17:790 (1,2) - 这个遮挡感觉很微妙,试试把01:18:370 (2) - 竖直翻转一下(这样ds了之后就不会遮了)?

00:40:629 (1,2) - blanket

00:47:983 (2,3) - 这个blanket有点崩了。。

整体来说好评啊;w; 送颗星~~

Topic Starter

FreeSongs wrote:

不好意思拖了这么久qwq 不久啊;w;

00:00:758 (2) - 我觉得这里还是用00:01:532 (5,1) - 这里的节奏会比较好一些(单点+1/1滑条) 啊那个意思我懂了 虽然还是想现在这样;w;

00:04:822 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - 感觉有点不太美观, 试试这样?? 刷不粗来图片 等网络好的时候再看看owo
00:03:854 (2,3) - 这里突然间距变小了感觉有点奇怪, 建议增大下间距.(试试把00:03:854 (2) - 放到00:03:080 (4) - , 把00:04:048 (3) - 放到00:02:306 (2) - ?) 其实是刻意的 弄一个加速的效果?
00:11:790 (1) - 有点太远了, 往左移移?
00:22:435 (2) - blanket
00:57:661 (1,4) - ^ Orz着实不擅长 修了qwq
01:18:370 (2,3,4) - 分别ctrl+g试试?好好 后面那组也做了差不多的调整

01:01:919 - 01:02:112 - 这里音效用上normal感觉会好些 感觉有点吵 vocal过渡想稍微轻一点然后kiai一出突然就响了感觉效果不错 不改了
01:16:241 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^ 呃虽然是^但是感觉好像不太一样诶;w; 我觉得也还行
00:37:338 - 感觉这个clap有一点多余 大概我个人喜好?感觉不放clap有点奇怪了qwq

00:00:951 (2,3) - 顺手做个blanket吧;w;
00:24:758 (5) - ctrl+G? 不了
00:40:629 (1) - 感觉向上弯flow会更顺一点 厚 也罢把后面那个改了下
01:17:790 (1,2) - 这个遮挡感觉很微妙,试试把01:18:370 (2) - 竖直翻转一下(这样ds了之后就不会遮了)?
像这样: loading... loading failed,额回头来看看,这地方确实没少被吐槽

00:40:629 (1,2) - blanket

00:47:983 (2,3) - 这个blanket有点崩了。。Orz

整体来说好评啊;w; 送颗星~~ thanks~

谢摸图!FS小天使 :)
Hey, from my modding Q
Merry Christmas btw :)
And for the mod...

Red : unrankable issue
Blue : highly suggested to fix
Black : normal suggestion
Green : random comment
Bold : slightly more important than others

  1. This is TV size right? I think you should add the opening video. I can't help with this kind of thing tho x-x you have to search it yourself

  1. 00:03:467 (1) - I highly suggest to start this at the red tick here 00:03:274 since the big sound is there instead of at the white tick. But let it end on red tick. If you don't want to make a quick 1/2 click on Easy, you can change the previous rhythm like this it should be easier to hit that way -w- Btw, if you apply, you also better add Finish at (1)'s head since there's a cymbal sound there.
  2. 00:45:274 (4,5) - Aren't these slider would look better if they blanket each other? Like You can make it neater.
  3. 00:49:532 Would be pretty nice to add a note to cover vocal here
  4. 00:51:467 (3,4) - Ehh, why don't blanket o-o Just suggestion, if you want to make this kind of triple sliders pattern 00:49:919 (1,2,3) - , you only need to shape the first slider, for the other, you can just copy paste the previous slider and then press ctrl+shift+R, then rotate it 120° either clockwise or counterclockwise (adjust as needed) and tadah :D
  5. 01:16:241 (3,4) - You better use 2/1 slider and then add note afterward or a long 3/1 slider. Anyway, use long slider instead of two short one to support the long note of vocal there.
  6. 01:24:370 better add a note here before starting the spinner then start the spinner at red tick (actually blue tick is better, but hey, this is Easy) so you can add Finish hitsound to the circle since you can't add hitsound at the spinner start.

  1. Judging from the diff gap to Easy and to Hard, I think this Normal should be harder. Maybe 2.2 stars or something. I'll mod to make this map harder.
  2. HP -> 4, OD -> 4
  3. 00:00:371 (1,3) - Ehh, this overlap is pretty bad x-x I think you better avoid it... Maybe like, uhh you can change (2)'s shape for a better flow if you want
  4. 00:06:564 (1) - Cut this to slider and circle like for harder pattern
  5. 00:09:661 (1) - you can apply here too ^
  6. 00:18:758 Ayy, add a note here, there's drum sound there. It's good to emphasize the cymbal sound more too and of course make the map harder :D
  7. 00:20:306 Add a note to support vocal
  8. 00:26:500 ^ or start a 1/2 slider here
  9. 00:27:080 (5) - I don't know why, but starting slider at 2nd tick feels awkward :/ maybe it just me, but I actually prefer to keep the slider at 1st or 3rd tick.
  10. 00:48:370 (5) - Maybe just use "normal" slider... This one look curly and might be surprising. Furthermore, it follows a pretty tricky flow and stacking so better don't misguide the player with curly slider
  11. 00:52:048 Add note
  12. Yeah, you can try to make it harder yourself ^^ A bit note, I think the flow here kinda broken, unlike the Easy with the smooth smooth flow, maybe you can make the flow better as well -w- Still good map.

  1. 00:01:145 (3) - Maybe try ctrl+g this. It should flow better from (2) and to (4). It would make a little jump but I think it should be alright on Hard. The sound at (4) is big enough to be emphasized with a jump tho.
  2. 00:04:048 (3) - Uhh this jump don't really make sense imo o-o the music don't really change... If you want to make jump, it be better if it between these two 00:03:080 (7,1) - or something.
  3. 00:04:822 (1,2) - Why with the stack? I think you better not stack somehow.
  4. 00:23:596 (3) - Just use 3/4 reverse slider on this, the vocal support it enough. And you can make a nice triple slider pattern (as I mention on Easy)
  5. 00:35:983 (3) - Maybe try to do it like this blanket is off btw
  6. 00:41:790 (3,4) - Blanket, off
  7. 00:43:338 (6) - Add one more reverse and make it a stream, sound appropriate enough. Triplet sounds weird here imo...

  1. 00:18:758 Missing note, clearly hear a sound there
  2. 00:39:854 (3) - Ctrl+g for better flow and fun jump
  3. Good map, I like it. I like your overlaps and weird flow :D

Good map, have a star ^^
Good luck~
Topic Starter

hanyuu_nanodesu wrote:

Hey, from my modding Q
Merry Christmas btw :)
And for the mod...

Good map, have a star ^^
Good luck~
Sry for I may reply to you some days later for some reasons :(
Anyway, Merry Christmas ! (seems I'm late LOL)
And thanks for your star! :)

00:47:596 (3) - 尾巴上可以加个normal clap

00:42:177 (4,5,6) - 这里在比较乱了,这个遮挡也用的不是很好看,可以试试这样

01:13:919 (3) - 这个减个折返然后234来个三角还好些

00:04:822 (1,2,3) - 这个地方我认为不是很好读,建议你可以吧2删掉然后1改成折返的,后面看情况放个跳这样

00:24:370 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这边用类似这样的节奏比较好

00:49:145 (2) - 感觉这里还是用soft好些

01:01:145 (2,3) - 这个也是不太好读,折返好些

01:15:467 (3) - 加个finish?

Topic Starter
To hanyuu_nanodesu

hanyuu_nanodesu wrote:

Hey, from my modding Q
Merry Christmas btw :)
And for the mod...
sorry for late reply :(

Red : unrankable issue
Blue : highly suggested to fix
Black : normal suggestion
Green : random comment
Bold : slightly more important than others

  1. This is TV size right? I think you should add the opening video. I can't help with this kind of thing tho x-x you have to search it yourself um, I see. (but I'm lazy so forgive me if there's still none then)

  1. 00:03:467 (1) - I highly suggest to start this at the red tick here 00:03:274 since the big sound is there instead of at the white tick. But let it end on red tick. If you don't want to make a quick 1/2 click on Easy, you can change the previous rhythm like this it should be easier to hit that way -w- Btw, if you apply, you also better add Finish at (1)'s head since there's a cymbal sound there.
  2. 00:45:274 (4,5) - Aren't these slider would look better if they blanket each other? Like You can make it neater.
  3. 00:49:532 Would be pretty nice to add a note to cover vocal here I'd like to keep it easier with a new start on kiai
  4. 00:51:467 (3,4) - Ehh, why don't blanket o-o Just suggestion, if you want to make this kind of triple sliders pattern 00:49:919 (1,2,3) - , you only need to shape the first slider, for the other, you can just copy paste the previous slider and then press ctrl+shift+R, then rotate it 120° either clockwise or counterclockwise (adjust as needed) and tadah :D it should be blanket here however I'm really not good at blanketing @_@ thanks for reminding, copy paste nice! fixed
  5. 01:16:241 (3,4) - You better use 2/1 slider and then add note afterward or a long 3/1 slider. Anyway, use long slider instead of two short one to support the long note of vocal there. yea you're right, fixed!
  6. 01:24:370 better add a note here before starting the spinner then start the spinner at red tick (actually blue tick is better, but hey, this is Easy) so you can add Finish hitsound to the circle since you can't add hitsound at the spinner start. I'd like to keep this for it's nice for an Easy player especially at the end of the diff imo :D

  1. Judging from the diff gap to Easy and to Hard, I think this Normal should be harder. Maybe 2.2 stars or something. I'll mod to make this map harder. yea the star is like this but I don't think it's so easy for there are many slider-circle-slider with 1/2, which some players say it isn't that easy so gap is no problem imo :D
  2. HP -> 4, OD -> 4 HP to 4, OD keeps 8-)
  3. 00:00:371 (1,3) - Ehh, this overlap is pretty bad x-x I think you better avoid it... Maybe like, uhh you can change (2)'s shape for a better flow if you want
  4. 00:06:564 (1) - Cut this to slider and circle like for harder pattern I'd like to keep the rhythm
  5. 00:09:661 (1) - you can apply here too ^ ^
  6. 00:18:758 Ayy, add a note here, there's drum sound there. It's good to emphasize the cymbal sound more too and of course make the map harder :D change to a short slider, double circles too hard imo
  7. 00:20:306 Add a note to support vocal nope here :P
  8. 00:26:500 ^ or start a 1/2 slider here
  9. 00:27:080 (5) - I don't know why, but starting slider at 2nd tick feels awkward :/ maybe it just me, but I actually prefer to keep the slider at 1st or 3rd tick. ok, swap the slider and circle
  10. 00:48:370 (5) - Maybe just use "normal" slider... This one look curly and might be surprising. Furthermore, it follows a pretty tricky flow and stacking so better don't misguide the player with curly slider sure
  11. 00:52:048 Add note so hard like that :o
  12. Yeah, you can try to make it harder yourself ^^ A bit note, I think the flow here kinda broken, unlike the Easy with the smooth smooth flow, maybe you can make the flow better as well -w- Still good map. :lol:

  1. 00:01:145 (3) - Maybe try ctrl+g this. It should flow better from (2) and to (4). It would make a little jump but I think it should be alright on Hard. The sound at (4) is big enough to be emphasized with a jump tho. fine for me for now :(
  2. 00:04:048 (3) - Uhh this jump don't really make sense imo o-o the music don't really change... If you want to make jump, it be better if it between these two 00:03:080 (7,1) - or something. well, reduce the distance for them
  3. 00:04:822 (1,2) - Why with the stack? I think you better not stack somehow. maybe it's just me... who thinks it fits the music :?
  4. 00:23:596 (3) - Just use 3/4 reverse slider on this, the vocal support it enough. And you can make a nice triple slider pattern (as I mention on Easy) just change the pattern, while keep the rhythm
  5. 00:35:983 (3) - Maybe try to do it like this blanket is off btw
  6. 00:41:790 (3,4) - Blanket, off fixed
  7. 00:43:338 (6) - Add one more reverse and make it a stream, sound appropriate enough. Triplet sounds weird here imo... maybe not a big problem so I'd like to keep it

  1. 00:18:758 Missing note, clearly hear a sound there sure
  2. 00:39:854 (3) - Ctrl+g for better flow and fun jump I'd like to keep
  3. Good map, I like it. I like your overlaps and weird flow :D thanks :D

Good map, have a star ^^
Good luck~
since I can't load puu for now ( poor network sorry :o ), I'd check them later :)
thanks for modding and your star! :)

To Mei

Mei wrote:


00:47:596 (3) - 尾巴上可以加个normal clap

00:42:177 (4,5,6) - 这里在比较乱了,这个遮挡也用的不是很好看,可以试试这样 图片打不开暂时,姑且重新摆了下这几个

01:13:919 (3) - 这个减个折返然后234来个三角还好些 确实三角感觉好看很多,但是差那一个折返莫名感觉节奏有点怪Orz先不改了

00:04:822 (1,2,3) - 这个地方我认为不是很好读,建议你可以吧2删掉然后1改成折返的,后面看情况放个跳这样 这里确实想这样试试..

00:24:370 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这边用类似这样的节奏比较好

00:49:145 (2) - 感觉这里还是用soft好些 感觉有点欠打击感那样...

01:01:145 (2,3) - 这个也是不太好读,折返好些

01:15:467 (3) - 加个finish? 感感觉不太需要。。

感觉你太在意blanket和遮挡了,自然的flow用的比较少,所以图都比较拥挤的感觉(特别是低难度 不得不承认,确实如此QwQ 看看以后能不能注意一下。。。
谢谢mei姐姐 :)
hey there! c:
It's late one month, but finally here's the mod from my queue. >-<
I'm just making some really minor suggestions, cause the set looks pretty solid overall. :3

  1. 00:48:370 (3) - feels a little weird that the beat in the middle isn't emphasized. maybe shorten the slider and add a reverse to it? >
    the 1/4 wouldn't be clickable, so this shouldn't be a problem for beginner players
  2. 00:49:532 - consider adding a circle here? because beat + vocals.. might be just me, tho xD
  3. 01:01:919 - basically the same here, it's a little unexpected that there's this small break, because the beat goes on and the vocals go on and just the objects stop for 1 beat.
  4. 01:24:370 (1) - break between orev object and spinner feels so empty, too.. there are pretty strong sounds, so maybe this could work? >
  1. 00:00:371 (1,2) - the blank beat plays kinda weird, imo, because it's an on-going rhythm. Not sure what to suggest here, cause I'm sure you had your reasons to mapit this way. .o. I'd go with this:
  2. 00:26:693 (4,5) - instead of slider + cirlce try a reverse slider. That matches the vocals slightly better and also, 00:27:854 (6) - has more impact that way, because it's the only circle
  3. 00:58:048 (6,7) - 1/2 slider + 1/1 slider would fit better here, I think, because of the held vocal that starts at 00:58:435 - and ends on (7).
    Also, there is this pretty strong vocal on the next red tick, but mapping everything is kinda too much, huh.. :c
    Maybe this is a nice workaround? >
  4. 01:10:435 (6,7,1) - basically the same here as ^
  5. 01:24:370 (1) - kinda the same suggestion as in Easy. The beat's pretty strong so circle + spinner on the red tick afterwards? Has more impact than just the spinner
  1. 00:01:145 (3) - I'd prefer if the red tick was clickable, cause it's slightly louder than the other beats. Maybe use cirlce + 1/2 slider instead?
  2. 00:21:661 (6,7) - 1/2 slider would fit better here, imo, cause the sound on (7) is pretty weak compared to (6) and 00:22:048 (1) -
  3. 00:23:596 (3) - the beat on the sliderend is much louder so consider making it clickable. suggestion:
  4. 00:27:467 (7) - similar here. Replace the reverse with a circle?
    --- there are several more of this I probably didn't notice, so if you want to change them please check the diff for similar rhythms!
  5. 00:42:951 (5,6) - this sounds off. There's a beat on the blue tick in-between, so this might work better:
  1. somehow OD feels too low. In testplay I played this S and I have super bad accuracy, so it feels too low to me if I can manage to play this.. consider increasing OD to 8
  2. 00:06:177 (4,5,6,7,1) - stack seems awkward, imo. :c might be just me, but it just feels wrong while playing to move for the first three circles, then hold the cursor at one point and the move again. I kinda expected the rhythm to be one smoth movement. (= Unstack please?)
  3. 00:48:370 (1) - this rhythm has more potential, imo~~ if you mapped this with three circles instead you could create some really nice anti-jumps. >
Like I said, pretty solid mapset. Have fun getting it ranked!! :3
(Hope I was of help somehow. ;-; ..)
Topic Starter

Squirrel wrote:

hey there! c:
It's late one month, but finally here's the mod from my queue. >-<
I'm just making some really minor suggestions, cause the set looks pretty solid overall. :3 thansks :3

  1. 00:48:370 (3) - feels a little weird that the beat in the middle isn't emphasized. maybe shorten the slider and add a reverse to it? > yea it was like that in the past, but someone suggested it's better not to have beat at blue tick, which I think yes, so keep :P
    the 1/4 wouldn't be clickable, so this shouldn't be a problem for beginner players
  2. 00:49:532 - consider adding a circle here? because beat + vocals.. might be just me, tho xD well whatever imo, though I'd like to keep it easy before the beginning of kiai part
  3. 01:01:919 - basically the same here, it's a little unexpected that there's this small break, because the beat goes on and the vocals go on and just the objects stop for 1 beat. ^ the same reason ;)
  4. 01:24:370 (1) - break between orev object and spinner feels so empty, too.. there are pretty strong sounds, so maybe this could work? > I know that though I'd like to keep this because you can see that I set patterns from easy to hard at the last in 4 diffs owo Also keep in other diffs
  1. 00:00:371 (1,2) - the blank beat plays kinda weird, imo, because it's an on-going rhythm. Not sure what to suggest here, cause I'm sure you had your reasons to mapit this way. .o. I'd go with this: that will be so hard cutz I set many circles after that. but I it's weird indeed,,, um, just did something other 8-)
  2. 00:26:693 (4,5) - instead of slider + cirlce try a reverse slider. That matches the vocals slightly better and also, 00:27:854 (6) - has more impact that way, because it's the only circle
  3. 00:58:048 (6,7) - 1/2 slider + 1/1 slider would fit better here, I think, because of the held vocal that starts at 00:58:435 - and ends on (7). yea you are right! As for the next red tick, I'd like to ignore it @_@
    Also, there is this pretty strong vocal on the next red tick, but mapping everything is kinda too much, huh.. :c
    Maybe this is a nice workaround? >
  4. 01:10:435 (6,7,1) - basically the same here as ^
  5. 01:24:370 (1) - kinda the same suggestion as in Easy. The beat's pretty strong so circle + spinner on the red tick afterwards? Has more impact than just the spinner
  1. 00:01:145 (3) - I'd prefer if the red tick was clickable, cause it's slightly louder than the other beats. Maybe use cirlce + 1/2 slider instead? both are ok imo, no change QAQ
  2. 00:21:661 (6,7) - 1/2 slider would fit better here, imo, cause the sound on (7) is pretty weak compared to (6) and 00:22:048 (1) - sure
  3. 00:23:596 (3) - the beat on the sliderend is much louder so consider making it clickable. suggestion: I'd like to keep it for it's kinda weird to set a 1/2 slider after two 3/4 reverses, maybe just me
  4. 00:27:467 (7) - similar here. Replace the reverse with a circle?
    --- there are several more of this I probably didn't notice, so if you want to change them please check the diff for similar rhythms!
  5. 00:42:951 (5,6) - this sounds off. There's a beat on the blue tick in-between, so this might work better: ok
  1. somehow OD feels too low. In testplay I played this S and I have super bad accuracy, so it feels too low to me if I can manage to play this.. consider increasing OD to 8 OD7 fits it imo cutz it's only a 4 stars diff
  2. 00:06:177 (4,5,6,7,1) - stack seems awkward, imo. :c might be just me, but it just feels wrong while playing to move for the first three circles, then hold the cursor at one point and the move again. I kinda expected the rhythm to be one smoth movement. (= Unstack please?) tbh, I can't deal well with here :( will think more
  3. 00:48:370 (1) - this rhythm has more potential, imo~~ if you mapped this with three circles instead you could create some really nice anti-jumps. > still I'd like to keep a slider after the stream which can give a small rest before kiai imo, but your idea is really good!
Like I said, pretty solid mapset. Have fun getting it ranked!! :3
(Hope I was of help somehow. ;-; ..) :)
Thanks for your modding! :)
as requested

  1. 00:06:177 (4,5,6,7) - I think the stream here plays a bit weird , I think it better to make it like this 00:09:274 (3,4,5,6) - so it plays better
  2. 00:16:435 (2,3) - I think spacing here should be more than 00:15:854 (1,2) - since (3) beat sound more emphasized so maybe try move (2) to around x168 y112 ?
  3. 00:17:983 (2,3) - similiar to above
  4. 00:23:209 (4,1) - flow kinda weird somehow imo I think you can try move (1) to around x300 y272 ?
  5. 00:23:983 (3) - try curve this up a bit ? so it will make flow here 00:23:983 (3,1) - nice imo
  6. 00:30:564 (3,4,5) - mmm why no 1/4 notes like previous rhythm ?
  7. 00:42:951 (3,4,5,6,1) - the auto stack here is kinda mess in-game , maybe it would be better to do manual stack here
  8. 00:52:629 (7,1) - why suddenly lower spacing on downbeat here ? I think spacing here should be bigger to emphasis (1) better
  9. 01:10:629 (3,4) - the beat kinda get stronger here so increase spacing a bit here would be good idea imo
  10. 01:17:790 (1) - try this rhythm ? I think it sound better
  1. 00:09:080 (6) - rhythm kinda weird imo , I think it would be better if this beat is clickable since it sound quite emphasized so try this rhythm ? I think it would sound and play better
  2. 00:13:338 - sound pretty empty here the vocal there sound pretty strong so it would be good to place note here
  3. 00:14:887 - ,00:16:435 - ,00:17:983 - ,00:19:532 - ,00:21:080 - ^ same
  1. 00:51:274 (4,5,6) - mmm the 1/2 beat for (4) there sound kinda a it too much here , I think this rhythm would sound better imo
  2. 01:03:661 (4,5,6) - same ^
  3. 01:17:790 (1) - try this rhythm ? sound better imo
  4. 01:24:370 - I think it would sound better if you put a note here then start spinner here 01:24:467 - instead
  1. 01:24:370 - same as normal
good luck :)
Topic Starter

CelsiusLK wrote:

as requested

  1. 00:06:177 (4,5,6,7) - I think the stream here plays a bit weird , I think it better to make it like this 00:09:274 (3,4,5,6) - so it plays better change the position of two circles before which makes flow better imo, though keep the thought for this stream still ;_;
  2. 00:16:435 (2,3) - I think spacing here should be more than 00:15:854 (1,2) - since (3) beat sound more emphasized so maybe try move (2) to around x168 y112 ?
  3. 00:17:983 (2,3) - similiar to above fixed them for a bit
  4. 00:23:209 (4,1) - flow kinda weird somehow imo I think you can try move (1) to around x300 y272 ? moved a bit
  5. 00:23:983 (3) - try curve this up a bit ? so it will make flow here 00:23:983 (3,1) - nice imo ok
  6. 00:30:564 (3,4,5) - mmm why no 1/4 notes like previous rhythm ? ehh I don't know why but I'd like to keep it though QAQ
  7. 00:42:951 (3,4,5,6,1) - the auto stack here is kinda mess in-game , maybe it would be better to do manual stack here
  8. 00:52:629 (7,1) - why suddenly lower spacing on downbeat here ? I think spacing here should be bigger to emphasis (1) better umm in fact I did this on purpose (they were even stacked at first) cutz I want to make a feeling like'gather in then spread out', just my understanding of music @_@
  9. 01:10:629 (3,4) - the beat kinda get stronger here so increase spacing a bit here would be good idea imo nice!
  10. 01:17:790 (1) - try this rhythm ? I think it sound better well will consider this more later :D
  1. 00:09:080 (6) - rhythm kinda weird imo , I think it would be better if this beat is clickable since it sound quite emphasized so try this rhythm ? I think it would sound and play better
  2. 00:13:338 - sound pretty empty here the vocal there sound pretty strong so it would be good to place note here
  3. 00:14:887 - ,00:16:435 - ,00:17:983 - ,00:19:532 - ,00:21:080 - ^ same
I know that but... maybe I'd like to try something easy this time, sorry for no change ;_;

  1. 00:51:274 (4,5,6) - mmm the 1/2 beat for (4) there sound kinda a it too much here , I think this rhythm would sound better imo
  2. 01:03:661 (4,5,6) - same ^
  3. 01:17:790 (1) - try this rhythm ? sound better imo
  4. 01:24:370 - I think it would sound better if you put a note here then start spinner here 01:24:467 - instead sure
  1. 01:24:370 - same as normal nope for Easy cutz I'd like to keep it easier than Normal at the last
good luck :)
About rhythm I'd like to think more cutz I really not good at rhythm :(
Thanks for your modding! :)
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