
TheFatRat - Unity [OsuMania|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2019 at 12:41:16 p.m.

Artist: TheFatRat
Title: Unity
Tags: tumble, warfu, furry, oc, map
BPM: 105
Filesize: 26392kb
Play Time: 03:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Colors - 4Key (3.27 stars, 1456 notes)
  2. Fragile mode - 4Key (3.28 stars, 1493 notes)
  3. Grays - 4Key (1.98 stars, 658 notes)
  4. Warfu's Futsuu (2.14 stars, 413 notes)
  5. Warfu's Muzukashii (3.63 stars, 702 notes)
  6. Warfu's Oni (3.83 stars, 849 notes)
Download: TheFatRat - Unity
Download: TheFatRat - Unity (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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MAP Video by Tumble
Spotify song:
Link to the original video:

Map ready for Mods/Guest diff
Mania Mapset by Ichibi
Grays 4K > 100% (50% Music for Newbies)
Colors 4K > 100%!!!
Fragile mode > Only for my fans (?

Taiko Mapset by Warfu
Futsuu > 100%!!! Ready for mods!
Muzukashii > 100%!!! Ready for mods!
Oni > 100%!!! Ready for mods!
Mod por chat de Steam c:
Ichibi No Kitsune: Cuando tenga Inter si no se me olvida XP
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: xD
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: una cosilla
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: el BPM del map está bien, pero el offset no
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: en el ritmo si está bien el offset
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: pero no empieza en la parte en la que debería
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: 7063 es el offset correcto -w-
Ichibi No Kitsune: Hay que mobver notas o solo es nota inicial incorrecta?
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: No, todas las notas no se van a mover del ritmo
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: sólo el Offset empieza en donde no debería
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: pero las notas no se mueven en ms
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Osea, sólo cambia el Offset, nada más xD
Ichibi No Kitsune: Me refiero a que si es necesario mover las notas
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ah no
Ichibi No Kitsune: Deja reviso
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: sep
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: oh, de hecho en el AiMod dice que sólo la primera nota si hay que moverla
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Isn't snapped
Ichibi No Kitsune: Dime a donde, y postea esto y te llevas tu kudoso >wo xD
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: xD
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: okay
Ichibi No Kitsune: A ver, a donde muevo la primera, quedar con la segunda
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: No
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: osea, sólo re-ajustala al mismo espacio donde está
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: no tienes que cambiarla a otro lugar
Ichibi No Kitsune: Veo todas ligeramente elevadas
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ah ya se
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: para que te salgas de problemas super fácil
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ve a la pestaña Timing
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: vete al Timing Setup Panel
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Simplemente en la parte inferior izquierda hay una casilla que dice Snap objects to new timing
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ya te las ajusta al nuevo offset (aunque sólo es la primera nota la que se movió por 1ms yo creo skdjfskdjfksjdf)
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: pero por si cualquier problemilla, así ya te ajusta TODAS las notas al offset
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: la marcas y le das OK
Ichibi No Kitsune: Hay dos casillas que eidcen eso
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ah si
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: en realidad sólo se movió 1ms
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: no
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: una es Scale objects
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: la de abajo es Snap objects
Ichibi No Kitsune: A cierto
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: xD
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Y el offset es 7064
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: por eso la primera nota se movió tantito v:
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: eeeh
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: wait a min
Ichibi No Kitsune: Quedo raro
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Si, parece que la opción lo puso raro
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: no guardes cambios
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: sal y entra de nuevo al editor
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: maldito editor, nunca me ha pasado esto >:v
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ni cuando mappeé una vez Mania
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ah ya se por qué pasó eso
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: las notas se movieron tantito porque el offset estaba mal localizado
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: se movieron todas 1/6 hacia adelante
Ichibi No Kitsune: o3o
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Es que yo ya soy experto en el Timing :3
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: por eso me han pedido muchos checkeos personales
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: y ya tengo mi Queue
Ichibi No Kitsune: A mi me desespera el Timming XD, y como juego con hidden
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: xD
Ichibi No Kitsune: A eso que juego con lag
Ichibi No Kitsune: xD
Ichibi No Kitsune: Lo que si se me da al mappear es captar todos los canales de sonido e instrumentos
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: °3°
Ichibi No Kitsune: Asi estan echos mis mapas : 3, cada nota a un instrumento o canal, luego junto todas, las revuelvo un poco o les doy forma y wala x3
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ah ya
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ya se qué hacer
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Espero que no hayas guardado cambios
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: bla bla bla
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: sal del editor sin guardar cambios, vuelve a entrar y cambia el offset a 7064
Ichibi No Kitsune: Aun asi ya esta subida, puedo restaurar la version subida
Ichibi No Kitsune: Pero nop
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: okas
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Sólo cambia el offset
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: y ahora, en la parte superior donde están todas las opciones File, Edit, View, Compose, Design, Timing, Web, Help
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: vete a Timing
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: y sólo le das en la opción roja que dice
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Resnap All Notes
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: es la primera opción roja
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: le das que Si
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: y listo -w-
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: (ojalá hubiera descubierto esta opción antes, me habría ahorrado muuuuucho tiempo antes en mis checkeos)
Ichibi No Kitsune: Yat
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Listo xD
Ichibi No Kitsune: y a mi con Midnight
Ichibi No Kitsune: La cancion dura 7 mins
Ichibi No Kitsune: XD
Ichibi No Kitsune: Deja checo toda la cancion
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: experimenté un rato con el timing
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: el offset más cómodo de hecho sería 7066
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Concuerda con los Beats en la pestaña de Timing y con las notas dentro del juego
Ichibi No Kitsune: Estoy viendo que despaarecieron unas ntas
Ichibi No Kitsune: La correre en Auto
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ah si? ;w;
Ichibi No Kitsune: No es nada grave, solo necesito saber donde quedaron xD
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: No desaparecieron, más bien se movieron no?
Ichibi No Kitsune: Pudieron quedar encimidas
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ooooh si
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: no tienes que buscarlas
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: con el AiMod te dice cuales están encimadas
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: hasta arriba, File (Archivo) y la opción AiMod
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Open AiMod
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: esta cosa te dice qué notas están encimadas, qué notas no están snapeadas con el timing
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: practicamente te dice ocsas útiles :P
Ichibi No Kitsune: Pues en AUTO no sale nada xD
Ichibi No Kitsune: En Ai te salio algo?
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ...
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: estaba editando y osu! se crasheó
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: sldkfjasdñlfkajñdskfjasdñkfljadsklfjaldkfasldjaflskdjflaksdjalkdjflaksdjflaksd
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: en el AiMod no dice que ninguna nota esté encimada
Ichibi No Kitsune: Aqui entre nos, el Editor me va mas Lag que jugando
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Volví a cambiar el Offset, Resnap All Notes, y abrí AiMod, no hay errores
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: excepto que hay que volver a snapear los Kiai
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: sólo eso
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: xDDDD
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: A veces a mi también
Ichibi No Kitsune: Entnces pongo el otro que dijiste?
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: si
Ichibi No Kitsune: Repitemlo plz
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: abre el editor
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: Cambia el Offset a 7066
Ichibi No Kitsune: Ow... los ecelerones no deben corregirse? xD
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: no
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: esos no -w-
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: si se de cuales hablas
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: en el AiMod te dice qué puntos se corrigen
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: y cuales no :v
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: te estoy diciendo que el AiMod es como un dios
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: es bastante útil
Ichibi No Kitsune: x3
Ichibi No Kitsune: Okay
Ichibi No Kitsune: Yap, falta el Kiai
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: wait
Ichibi No Kitsune: Solo el inicio y final no?
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: ah sip
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: El AiMod te dice qué cosas tienen problemas -w-
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: si necesitan resnapearse
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: o si hay cosas encimadas
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: o hasta te dice si el combo es muy grande xD
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: puedo hacer lo mismo que se hace en osu!, /savelog (copiar todo el chat) y publicarlo como un mod
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: lel
Ichibi No Kitsune: Oh puedes ponerlo simplemente como Timming check/mod y poner la correcion de Offset, Kiai y el resnap
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: sep xD
Ichibi No Kitsune: Es menos enredado
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: copiado!
Ichibi No Kitsune: El kiaia solo avanza uns egundo?
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: El inicio del kiai es en
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: 03:11:065
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: o si no en la ventana de Timing Setup Panel
Ichibi No Kitsune: Aja
Ichibi No Kitsune: Eso puse
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: 1ms
Warfu~Culotte100%Nigga: oie si xD

  1. Cambio de Offset
  2. Correcciones de Kiai y re-snapeos (lo que el AiMod hace skjdfksd)
Hello from my modding queue!

00:10:117 (19) – You might want to move notes like this one forward one red tick.
00:10:212 (19,20) – Switch these?
00:14:784 (27,28) – Switch? To keep consistent with ^^ if you decide to change it
00:18:498 – Any changes in the previous section should also be applied here
00:33:355 (70,75) – Change to kat, it sounds better and the kat’s before them are similar in pitch.
00:41:927 (89,90) – Sounds roughly the same as 00:43:070 (91,92,93) – so maybe make them the same?
00:43:070 (91,92,93,94,95,96,97) – This is too long for a Futsuu. The max amount of 1/2 notes to be together is 3 for low BPMs. I suggest keeping the first three, and then deleting 00:43:927 (94,96) –
00:48:212 (104) – Change to kat, it sounds better
00:49:069 (106,107) – Switch
00:52:784 (115) – Change to kat, it sounds better
00:57:927 (127,128,129) – Make this dkd?
01:01:927 (137) – Change to kat?
01:04:212 - Kiai should start here and end at 01:22:498 – because this part’s a lot more distinct and intense in my opinion.
01:04:212 – Mapping the previous section, this section should be mapped focusing on the main melody than the drums in the background. Focusing on the drums could throw players off.
01:05:641 (145,146) – Switch?
01:07:927 (150) – Change to kat?
01:09:927 (154,155,156,159,160,161) – Making these all kats fits with the melody well, and makes the lower don’s more emphasized.
01:14:498 (164,165,166) – dkd
01:17:070 (170) – kat
01:19:356 (175) – Move this to 01:18:784 –
01:19:927 – Add a don here
01:20:499 (178,180) – Delete
01:40:212 (224) – This note isn’t really highlighting much. I think it’d be better if you just deleted it; or if you really want it, change it to don.
01:40:784 – Kiai from here to 01:59:070 -?
01:42:213 (228,234,240,246,252,258) – Delete all of these. You can’t really have them there, and deleting the second last one in each would be too similar to previous parts like this.
01:55:927 (264) – Delete
01:55:355 – Add a don
01:56:498 - ^^
01:57:069 (268,270) – Delete
01:59:070 – to 02:16:784 – should be a break. This song could use one, and you’re not really mapping anything important here.
02:51:926 (337,339) – Delete.
02:53:927 – This section should relatively be the same as 00:45:927 -, but you can add more triplets in there for extra intensity of a kiai.
03:12:212 – Should be the same as 01:04:212 –
OD should be 3.
I don’t understand why “Furry OC Map” is the tags. The song’s probably in one of those, I can guess, but it doesn’t seem well to put it in the tags.

That's all I have :) good luck!

poots_mcgoots wrote:

Hello from my modding queue!

00:10:117 (19) – You might want to move notes like this one forward one red tick. Nice idea
00:10:212 (19,20) – Switch these? I actually liked how it sounded!!!
00:14:784 (27,28) – Switch? To keep consistent with ^^ if you decide to change it yep
00:18:498 – Any changes in the previous section should also be applied here yep
00:33:355 (70,75) – Change to kat, it sounds better and the kat’s before them are similar in pitch. I meant to do 2 dons, then 2 kats, then 2 dons to add variety.
00:41:927 (89,90) – Sounds roughly the same as 00:43:070 (91,92,93) – so maybe make them the same? I didn't like it but I actually paid attention to that and I changed it the section.
00:43:070 (91,92,93,94,95,96,97) – This is too long for a Futsuu. The max amount of 1/2 notes to be together is 3 for low BPMs. I suggest keeping the first three, and then deleting 00:43:927 (94,96) – Yeah that's a bit long now that I see, I dediced to keep the last 5 ones because I love them there and changed the pattern before that.
00:48:212 (104) – Change to kat, it sounds better
00:49:069 (106,107) – Switch
00:52:784 (115) – Change to kat, it sounds better
00:57:927 (127,128,129) – Make this dkd?
01:01:927 (137) – Change to kat? I see that all these suggestions make the whole part look like 01:22:498 - and I understand that you think that it needs to be the same, but I meant to map it as having easy patterns first and then having a bit harder patterns in the next parts or it would feel a bit boring to play the same part again and again.
01:04:212 - Kiai should start here and end at 01:22:498 – because this part’s a lot more distinct and intense in my opinion.
01:04:212 – Mapping the previous section, this section should be mapped focusing on the main melody than the drums in the background. Focusing on the drums could throw players off.
01:05:641 (145,146) – Switch?
01:07:927 (150) – Change to kat?
01:09:927 (154,155,156,159,160,161) – Making these all kats fits with the melody well, and makes the lower don’s more emphasized.
01:14:498 (164,165,166) – dkd
01:17:070 (170) – kat
01:19:356 (175) – Move this to 01:18:784 –
01:19:927 – Add a don here
01:20:499 (178,180) – Delete I incorporated almost all these ideas in the 01:40:784 - part, because as I said before, the first parts are meant to be more simple and easier than the following parts.
01:40:212 (224) – This note isn’t really highlighting much. I think it’d be better if you just deleted it; or if you really want it, change it to don. I don't wanna delete and let that part empty as well as making it don, just there as a kat keeps on following the drum as in 01:41:355 (219) - (and that one also follows the melody)
01:40:784 – Kiai from here to 01:59:070 -?
01:42:213 (228,234,240,246,252,258) – Delete all of these. You can’t really have them there, and deleting the second last one in each would be too similar to previous parts like this. It's better with patterns of 3 (y)
01:55:927 (264) – Delete
01:55:355 – Add a don
01:56:498 - ^^
01:57:069 (268,270) – Delete I decided to make it the same as I did with 00:43:070 -
01:59:070 – to 02:16:784 – should be a break. This song could use one, and you’re not really mapping anything important here. I'd like to keep it, it's kinda following the vocals also.
02:51:926 (337,339) – Delete.
02:53:927 – This section should relatively be the same as 00:45:927 -, but you can add more triplets in there for extra intensity of a kiai. Nice idea!
03:12:212 – Should be the same as 01:04:212 – I think yeah, there's nothing much to add to that part for 03:12:212
OD should be 3. Got it
I don’t understand why “Furry OC Map” is the tags. The song’s probably in one of those, I can guess, but it doesn’t seem well to put it in the tags. You're right, actually that could be add to the description but it doesn't have to do with the song after all.

That's all I have :) good luck!
Thank you very much for modding ^_^
Hey man NM from my queue ^^

- General -
No easy Kantan? Very small difficulty gap between the Muzu and Oni, less than 0.1 star. Muzu should be a hard difficulty, especially when it's not a gd (for the taiko set). I'll see if I can help you lower that Muzu later.
Consider adding more kiai sections. Possibly at 00:45:927 - , it's a long enough song for it to be appropriate.

- Futsuu -
00:53:355 (108) - d, it works better with the music going from low to high.
01:02:498 (130) - ^
01:45:355 - This switch from d on beat 1 to k on beat 1 doesn't seem right, since it switches to k on beat 1 here, and then back to d on beat 1 01:49:927 - here, so I mapped a few dons for you to try out...
01:45:355 (228) - d
01:46:498 (230) - ^
01:47:641 (233) - ^
01:48:784 (235) - ^
01:59:641 - The d's in this section don't seem to fit anywhere in the music, I think it would be ok for you to make them all kats.
02:16:212 (274) - d, the beat after it is the same drum in the music, so the drum in the map should match.
02:44:784 (310) - Making this a D and not 02:47:070 (314) - a D doesn't make too much sense rhythmically, so do that, and change 02:46:498 (312) - to a k to fix that pattern. (It makes sense there because the music is going down in pitch from the k to the d, and the D is hitting the bass note there so pitch doesn't matter)
02:49:355 (318) - This, however, is fine because you're leading into the 5 K's
02:53:927 (326) - D, the rest of the beat 1's in the kiai are d's
03:16:783 (384) - Again with this pattern, the song is going *Kick* *Snare* every 2 beats, so the map should correspond. More d's to map.
03:16:783 (384) - d
03:17:926 (386) - ^
03:19:069 (389) - ^
03:20:212 (391) - ^
03:23:069 (398) - k, because right there is a *Kick* in the music.
03:25:926 (404) - This is ok because you're following the melody, which has a high note there.

- Muzukashii -
01:31:641 - Why is this kiai but it's not in Futsuu?
01:59:641 - Here you can also get away with all k's, except for...
02:03:641 - here
02:08:212 - here (change 02:07:641 (467) - to k)
02:12:212 (472) - (change to k)
02:15:641 - this is where the k's end :)
That's all I see for this one :D

Hope I could help ^^
;) NM on my queue (You're going to see a lot of repetitive comments here, just because the issue is such a prominent skip in the rhythm that it has to be noted every time)

[Warfu's Oni]
  1. 00:04:689 (19,20) - Consider making note 20 a don because note 20 ends on a lower pitch than note 19
  2. 00:08:974 - Add a don here, you're missing one of the sounds
  3. 00:10:117 - ^
  4. 00:11:260 - ^
  5. 00:11:640 (52) - You should change this like a kat like you have prior to this
  6. 00:13:546 - Same as comment #2
  7. 00:14:689 - ^
  8. 00:15:832 - ^
  9. 00:16:117 (74,75) - Make this a kd just for variation, dk dk dk gets old if you keep repeating it
  10. 00:18:117 - Same as comment #2
  11. 00:19:260 - ^
  12. 00:20:403 - ^
  13. 00:20:784 (98) - Same as comment #5
    okay just anytime you see something like comment #2 (or #5) you should change it
  14. 00:28:947 - Kat could go here, there's a sound higher than on note 138 (or 137)
  15. 00:31:260 - Same concept ^
  16. 00:33:546 - Same concept, except using a don
  17. 00:35:832 - ^
  18. 00:37:832 - add don here, then at 00:38:117 use dk
  19. 00:45:260 - A pattern like this throughout the following parts would work quite nicely imo (cursor at 00:47:165)
    Looking at the rest of the map, the only problem (to me) is that you keep skipping that one really important sound, and again, imo, it NEEDS to be mapped. So, I hope you can use what I have given you to apply to the rest of the map if you like the change.

    Gl w/ rank~
Simbology: I will apply it, thank you so much!! | Won't apply it, it's not how I want to see it | I'll take it in consideration, thanks!

Nifty wrote:

Hey man NM from my queue ^^

- General -
No easy Kantan? Very small difficulty gap between the Muzu and Oni, less than 0.1 star. Muzu should be a hard difficulty, especially when it's not a gd (for the taiko set). I'll see if I can help you lower that Muzu later. I tried, I really tried, for me the difficulty gap seems good, but it doesn't for the game... I got it covered ;)
Consider adding more kiai sections. Possibly at 00:45:927 - , it's a long enough song for it to be appropriate. The song's just starting, kiai times should start around the middle or so...

- Futsuu -
00:53:355 (108) - d, it works better with the music going from low to high. I loved that idea
01:02:498 (130) - ^
01:45:355 - This switch from d on beat 1 to k on beat 1 doesn't seem right, since it switches to k on beat 1 here, and then back to d on beat 1 01:49:927 - here, so I mapped a few dons for you to try out...
01:45:355 (228) - d ye
01:46:498 (230) - ^ ye
01:47:641 (233) - ^ ye
01:48:784 (235) - ^ At first, I thought I didn't like the idea, but the melody is one octave lower than 01:04:212 - and it doesn't differ a lot than that part and I liked it! It fits a bit better.
01:59:641 - The d's in this section don't seem to fit anywhere in the music, I think it would be ok for you to make them all kats. It's not the first time I've been suggested to change this part, and I don't want to leave it empty so I'll take that :)
02:16:212 (274) - d, the beat after it is the same drum in the music, so the drum in the map should match. It gets a bit more simplified in this part, I liked it
02:44:784 (310) - Making this a D and not 02:47:070 (314) - a D doesn't make too much sense rhythmically, so do that, and change 02:46:498 (312) - to a k to fix that pattern. (It makes sense there because the music is going down in pitch from the k to the d, and the D is hitting the bass note there so pitch doesn't matter) Hey, that makes more sense! Thank you!
02:49:355 (318) - This, however, is fine because you're leading into the 5 K's ye
02:53:927 (326) - D, the rest of the beat 1's in the kiai are d's It seems alright comparing it to the other initial parts
03:16:783 (384) - Again with this pattern, the song is going *Kick* *Snare* every 2 beats, so the map should correspond. More d's to map.
03:16:783 (384) - d
03:17:926 (386) - ^
03:19:069 (389) - ^
03:20:212 (391) - ^ you didn't point that out in the first mid of the song, so I decided to combine both past times this part of the song came and only changed the kats on 03:16:784 - and 03:19:070 - lel
03:23:069 (398) - k, because right there is a *Kick* in the music. You didn't point this before and it seems irregular to me with the other parts of the song so, nope
03:25:926 (404) - This is ok because you're following the melody, which has a high note there. weeeeee

- Muzukashii -
01:31:641 - Why is this kiai but it's not in Futsuu? I wanted to empathize this part as it was harder than the previous parts in the diff, and the only diff that increases the difficulty in that part, but meh, think that it's not necessary comparing it to the next parts and other diffs :V
01:59:641 - Here you can also get away with all k's, except for...
02:03:641 - here
02:08:212 - here (change 02:07:641 (467) - to k)
02:12:212 (472) - (change to k)
02:15:641 - this is where the k's end :)
That's all I see for this one :D All of the above done! Thanks!

Hope I could help ^^ Your mod was pretty good :DDDDDD thank you very much!!!
I hope I can get a mod that helps me to get the difficulty rate a bit lower I made it by moving some notes in the final part closer to others creating closer patterns, I didn't made them more complex for the player so I reached my goal :D
Simbology: I will apply it, thank you so much!! | Won't apply it, it's not how I want to see it | I'll take it in consideration, thanks! | Huh??

Taikocracy wrote:

;) NM on my queue (You're going to see a lot of repetitive comments here, just because the issue is such a prominent skip in the rhythm that it has to be noted every time)

[Warfu's Oni]
  1. 00:04:689 (19,20) - Consider making note 20 a don because note 20 ends on a lower pitch than note 19 What? No, that's not right, the note doesn't change in pitch!
  2. 00:08:974 - Add a don here, you're missing one of the sounds I wanted to miss that one so that the diff starts with a bit of an easier difficulty, to get harder. I'll see if I can follow this if I get more mods pointing this out, but I'll definitely not leave this out of consideration
  3. 00:10:117 - ^ ^^
  4. 00:11:260 - ^ ^^
  5. 00:11:640 (52) - You should change this like a kat like you have prior to this Comparing it to the whole part before this, it makes sense to make it a kat.
  6. 00:13:546 - Same as comment #2 -
  7. 00:14:689 - ^ ^^
  8. 00:15:832 - ^ ^^
  9. 00:16:117 (74,75) - Make this a kd just for variation, dk dk dk gets old if you keep repeating it Ehh sorry, I can't understand that one... you're pointing out 2 notes that are almost 2 seconds after that time (00:16:117). 74 and 75 are on 00:17:927 -
  10. 00:18:117 - Same as comment #2 -
  11. 00:19:260 - ^ ^^
  12. 00:20:403 - ^ ^^
  13. 00:20:784 (98) - Same as comment #5 ^^
    okay just anytime you see something like comment #2 (or #5) you should change it Got it.
  14. 00:28:947 - Kat could go here, there's a sound higher than on note 138 (or 137) Same thing I replied in Comment #2
  15. 00:31:260 - Same concept ^ ^^
  16. 00:33:546 - Same concept, except using a don ^^
  17. 00:35:832 - ^ ^^
  18. 00:37:832 - add don here, then at 00:38:117 use dk ^^
  19. 00:45:260 - A pattern like this throughout the following parts would work quite nicely imo (cursor at 00:47:165)
    Looking at the rest of the map, the only problem (to me) is that you keep skipping that one really important sound, and again, imo, it NEEDS to be mapped. So, I hope you can use what I have given you to apply to the rest of the map if you like the change.
    Hey you know, I really liked the pattern and I will use it like that for the last part of the song! Not in the other parts. Maybe I can take some inspiration from it to change the other parts in the beatmap! What I wanted to do is that I miss that sound only at the beginning and middle of the song, so that the mapping doesn't get too repetitive, as this part is played 4 times in the whole song.

    Gl w/ rank~
Thank you very much!!!!! :) :)
Some Bad RM to good song 'w'

  1. Why do you add 'furry' as a tag ;w; remove it.
  2. Add tag 'Warfu' as a GD Mapper, and You should add the song genre
  3. Change OD of Oni to 6~6.5. ' w' It seems more better.
  4. 00:45:927 ~ 01:04:212 - add kiai?

  1. 00:08:974 , 00:10:117 , 00:11:260 , 00:11:546 - add d
  2. 00:12:117 - remove d
  3. ( and repeat those 2 modding until 00:26:498 )
  4. 00:28:974 | 00:31:260 - add k
  5. 00:33:546 | 00:35:832 - change to kd
  6. 00:38:117 - add d
  7. 00:40:403 - add k
  8. 00:41:641 - change to k (same pitch)
  9. 00:42:117 - add k
  10. 00:42:784 - change to k
  11. 00:43:260 - add a or k (but i think d is more better)

    Sorry for Short Mod. But Oni has to be more harder (minimum +0.4) or get remapped with the main melody.
Simbology: I will apply it, thank you so much!! | Won't apply it, it's not how I want to see it | I'll take it in consideration, thanks! | Huh??
Where did you come from? :0

Quizmaegi wrote:

Some Bad RM to good song 'w'

  1. Why do you add 'furry' as a tag ;w; remove it. I removed it last time but Ichibi added it again, we'll see what we do
  2. Add tag 'Warfu' as a GD Mapper, and You should add the song genre Makes sense, other beatmaps do that. (Dude only the people who rank the beatmaps have the hability to set the Genre.)
  3. Change OD of Oni to 6~6.5. ' w' It seems more better. Got it
  4. 00:45:927 ~ 01:04:212 - add kiai? The song's just starting, not yet!

  1. 00:08:974 | 00:10:117 | 00:11:260 | 00:11:546 - add d I've been suggested to do this in previous mod so I'll add this now. Except the one at 00:11:546 , it sounds the same as the previous melody.
  2. 00:12:117 - remove d lol idk why I added this, it sounds so bad
  3. ( and repeat those 2 modding until 00:26:498 )
  4. 00:28:974 | 00:31:260 - add k Sounds awesome
  5. 00:33:546 | 00:35:832 - change to kd Sounds great
  6. 00:38:117 - add d ye
  7. 00:40:403 - add k ye
  8. 00:41:641 - change to k (same pitch) Makes sense with my mapping in the other parts of the song, why didn't I notice this?...
  9. 00:42:117 - add k It sounds way better
  10. 00:42:784 - change to k makes sense comparing it to 00:41:070 (186) -
  11. 00:43:260 - add a or k (but i think d is more better) Yep, d was better.

    Sorry for Short Mod. But Oni has to be more harder (minimum +0.4) or get remapped with the main melody. Makes a lot of sense, the dude in the previous mod also suggested adding a lot of notes to do this so I'll base in this from now.
I also used some of your suggestions in the other parts of the song, some of them sound way better than I could have thought.
You gave me some ideas to make the diff better, thanks a ton!!!
Hello there, a rough mod~

As your wish, just mod Gray's 4K

[There we go]
I suggest using chord for every single piano chord in the intro like 00:09:355 - 00:10:498 - 00:11:641 -

00:17:069 (17069|1,17069|2) - Delete a note bcs the sound isn't strong

00:16:212 (16212|1,16498|2) - Ctrl+g for following the pitch

00:27:641 - Add a note for the gun sound, apply for whole map

00:27:641 (27641|3,27927|3,28212|3,28498|3) - I think using jack note isn't a good idea in lower diff, pleace replace them, apply for whole map

00:44:784 - The sound isn't anything special compare with the other sound, so keep using double

00:45:927 - Add a note or LN for this strong beat, apply for whole map

00:48:212 - If you are going to use double for this sound, you should apply it for whole map, because it looks very messy when you sometimes have single sometimes double

01:04:212 - Add a note or two for the cymbal

01:04:784 - Add a note for the beat, for the same beat I suggest continue using double

01:06:212 (66212|2,66212|1) - Don't use double when the sound is not strong

01:10:784 (70784|2,70784|1) - ^ I won't point out the same mistake again

01:24:784 (84784|3,85069|2,85355|1,85641|0) - Ctrl+g then move 01:25:927 (85927|3) - to col 2

01:40:784 (100784|2,100784|1,101069|2,101355|2,101641|2) - Like I said this is very hard for lower diff, pleace fix it, same as the other jacks

01:42:498 (102498|0) - Move to col 2

01:47:355 (107355|3) - ^

01:57:927 (117927|3,117927|2,117927|1,117927|0) - 4 LNs are too much, 2 or 3 would be better

Ok that's all, you need more self-mod for this diff. Unify the pattern, fix note amounts, some sounds you missed as well.

Good luck :)
Vamo a traducirlo... una semana después ;-;

dkingo wrote:

Holas, un mod riguroso~

Como deseaste, sólo modeo Grays 4K

[Aquí vamos]
Sugiero usar un acorde por cada uno de los acordes de piano en el intro así: 00:09:355 - 00:10:498 - 00:11:641 -

00:17:069 (17069|1,17069|2) - Borra la nota porque el sonido no es fuerte

00:16:212 (16212|1,16498|2) - Ctrl+g para seguir el tono de la nota

00:27:641 - Agrega una nota para el sonido de pistola, aplicalo a todo el map.

00:27:641 (27641|3,27927|3,28212|3,28498|3) - Yo creo que usar una nota "jack" no es una buena idea para una dificultad baja, reemplazala, aplicala a todo el map.

00:44:784 - Este sonido no es nada especial comparado con el otro sonido, así que sigue usando un Doble.

00:45:927 - Agrega una nota o LN (Warfu: esto no sé qué significa, será una abreviatura en inglés? Ah creo que significa Long Note - nota larga.) para este ritmo fuerte, aplicalo a todo el map.

00:48:212 - Si vas a usar un doble para este sonido, deberías aplicarlo en todo el map cada vez que suene igual, porque se ve bastante conflictivo cuando o tienes un simple o tienes un doble.

01:04:212 - Agrega aquí una nota o dos para el platillo (Cymbal - sonido de platillo).

01:04:784 - Agrega una nota para el ritmo, para el mismo ritmo yo sugiero continuar usando doble.

01:06:212 (66212|2,66212|1) - No uses doble cuando el sonido no es fuerte.

01:10:784 (70784|2,70784|1) - ^ (Lo mismo)

01:24:784 (84784|3,85069|2,85355|1,85641|0) - Ctrl+g y luego mueve 01:25:927 (85927|3) - a la columna 2

01:40:784 (100784|2,100784|1,101069|2,101355|2,101641|2) - Como dije antes, esto es muy difícil para una dificultad baja, por favor arreglala, lo mismo para los otros jacks.

01:42:498 (102498|0) - Muevelo a la columna 2

01:47:355 (107355|3) - ^ (Lo mismo)

01:57:927 (117927|3,117927|2,117927|1,117927|0) - 4 LNs (notas largas) es demasiado, 2 o 3 sería mucho mejor.

Ok eso es todo, deberías modear-tú-mismo esta diff. Unifica los patrones, arregla/cambia cantidades de notas, y aplicales notas a algunos sonidos que omitiste.

Good luck :)
Warfu: recuerda que si algunas sugerencias no te gustan, no tienes que aplicarlas. Bueno tal vez ya sepas eso :u
Lo siento por tardar c': (soi flojooo skdfjskdjfjsdf)
Topic Starter

dkingo wrote:

Hello there, a rough mod~

As your wish, just mod Gray's 4K

[There we go]
I suggest using chord for every single piano chord in the intro like 00:09:355 - 00:10:498 - 00:11:641 -

00:17:069 (17069|1,17069|2) - Delete a note bcs the sound isn't strong

00:16:212 (16212|1,16498|2) - Ctrl+g for following the pitch

00:27:641 - Add a note for the gun sound, apply for whole map

00:27:641 (27641|3,27927|3,28212|3,28498|3) - I think using jack note isn't a good idea in lower diff, pleace replace them, apply for whole map

00:44:784 - The sound isn't anything special compare with the other sound, so keep using double

00:45:927 - Add a note or LN for this strong beat, apply for whole map

00:48:212 - If you are going to use double for this sound, you should apply it for whole map, because it looks very messy when you sometimes have single sometimes double

01:04:212 - Add a note or two for the cymbal

01:04:784 - Add a note for the beat, for the same beat I suggest continue using double

01:06:212 (66212|2,66212|1) - Don't use double when the sound is not strong

01:10:784 (70784|2,70784|1) - ^ I won't point out the same mistake again

01:24:784 (84784|3,85069|2,85355|1,85641|0) - Ctrl+g then move 01:25:927 (85927|3) - to col 2

01:40:784 (100784|2,100784|1,101069|2,101355|2,101641|2) - Like I said this is very hard for lower diff, pleace fix it, same as the other jacks

01:42:498 (102498|0) - Move to col 2

01:47:355 (107355|3) - ^

01:57:927 (117927|3,117927|2,117927|1,117927|0) - 4 LNs are too much, 2 or 3 would be better

Ok that's all, you need more self-mod for this diff. Unify the pattern, fix note amounts, some sounds you missed as well.

Good luck :)
Thanks <3 >w<

Warfu wrote:

Vamo a traducirlo... una semana después ;-;

dkingo wrote:

Holas, un mod riguroso~

Como deseaste, sólo modeo Grays 4K

[Aquí vamos]
Sugiero usar un acorde por cada uno de los acordes de piano en el intro así: 00:09:355 - 00:10:498 - 00:11:641 -

00:17:069 (17069|1,17069|2) - Borra la nota porque el sonido no es fuerte

00:16:212 (16212|1,16498|2) - Ctrl+g para seguir el tono de la nota

00:27:641 - Agrega una nota para el sonido de pistola, aplicalo a todo el map.

00:27:641 (27641|3,27927|3,28212|3,28498|3) - Yo creo que usar una nota "jack" no es una buena idea para una dificultad baja, reemplazala, aplicala a todo el map.

00:44:784 - Este sonido no es nada especial comparado con el otro sonido, así que sigue usando un Doble.

00:45:927 - Agrega una nota o LN (Warfu: esto no sé qué significa, será una abreviatura en inglés? Ah creo que significa Long Note - nota larga.) para este ritmo fuerte, aplicalo a todo el map.

00:48:212 - Si vas a usar un doble para este sonido, deberías aplicarlo en todo el map cada vez que suene igual, porque se ve bastante conflictivo cuando o tienes un simple o tienes un doble.

01:04:212 - Agrega aquí una nota o dos para el platillo (Cymbal - sonido de platillo).

01:04:784 - Agrega una nota para el ritmo, para el mismo ritmo yo sugiero continuar usando doble.

01:06:212 (66212|2,66212|1) - No uses doble cuando el sonido no es fuerte.

01:10:784 (70784|2,70784|1) - ^ (Lo mismo)

01:24:784 (84784|3,85069|2,85355|1,85641|0) - Ctrl+g y luego mueve 01:25:927 (85927|3) - a la columna 2

01:40:784 (100784|2,100784|1,101069|2,101355|2,101641|2) - Como dije antes, esto es muy difícil para una dificultad baja, por favor arreglala, lo mismo para los otros jacks.

01:42:498 (102498|0) - Muevelo a la columna 2

01:47:355 (107355|3) - ^ (Lo mismo)

01:57:927 (117927|3,117927|2,117927|1,117927|0) - 4 LNs (notas largas) es demasiado, 2 o 3 sería mucho mejor.

Ok eso es todo, deberías modear-tú-mismo esta diff. Unifica los patrones, arregla/cambia cantidades de notas, y aplicales notas a algunos sonidos que omitiste.

Good luck :)
Warfu: recuerda que si algunas sugerencias no te gustan, no tienes que aplicarlas. Bueno tal vez ya sepas eso :u
Lo siento por tardar c': (soi flojooo skdfjskdjfjsdf)
Yo soy mas flojo, apenas lo vengo a hacer, mas que nada se me olvidaba entrar a mi bandeja de Osu! x3
NM from my queue
You need to change your diff names
128kbps audio is low
BG resolution is low
Hitsound your map

add more kiai
00:15:927 (15927|2,15927|1,16117|2) - This is not a comfortable pattern to play
00:18:784 (18784|1,18784|2) - More percussion is added but your patterns stay the same?
00:27:260 (27260|3) - Why is this an LN but 00:27:546 (27546|3) - this isnt?
Your SV needs fixing across the board. The first LN is significantly longer than the rest which throws off the player hardcore
00:45:260 (45260|2,45355|1,45546|1,45641|2) - map 4k, not 2k
00:56:498 (56498|1,56689|1,56974|1,57260|1) - unnecessary anchor, use the first column
01:12:308 (72308|3) - Ghost note, not the only one
01:22:974 (82974|1,82974|3,83069|2,83069|0) - Why are these doubles when the exact same sound before was singles?

stopping here
Traducirlo again :P

Litharrale wrote:

NM de mi queue
Necesitas cambiar el nombre de tus diffs
128kbps del audio es bajo
Resolución del BG es baja (Como de que baja, 1024 y 1366 son buenas >:v)
Hitsoundea tu map

Agrega más partes kiai
00:15:927 (15927|2,15927|1,16117|2) - Este patrón no es muy cómodo al jugarlo
00:18:784 (18784|1,18784|2) - ¿Más percusión agregada pero tus patrones siguen iguales?
00:27:260 (27260|3) - ¿Por qué esta es una LN y 00:27:546 (27546|3) - no lo es?
Tus SV necesitan ser arreglados a través del tablero (board, o pantalla, beatmap pues). La primer LN es significativamente más larga que el resto por lo que se le viene algo cabrona (hardcore xd) al jugador.
00:45:260 (45260|2,45355|1,45546|1,45641|2) - Mapea 4k, no 2k.
00:56:498 (56498|1,56689|1,56974|1,57260|1) - Ancla (anchor, o punto) innecesaria, usa la primera columna.
01:12:308 (72308|3) - Nota fantasma, no la primera.
01:22:974 (82974|1,82974|3,83069|2,83069|0) - Por qué estos son dobles cuando en la vez pasada cuando esta parte sonó, eran individuales?

Aquí me detengo.
☆Warfu's Oni
 ・00:06:974 (29,30) - dk--->kk
 ・00:08:689 (35,36) - dk--->kd
 ・00:09:832 (41,42) - ^
 ・00:10:974 (47,48) - ^
 ・00:13:260 (57,58) - ^
 ・00:14:403 (63,64) - ^
 ・00:46:403 (209,210) - ^
 ・00:47:546 (215,216) - ^
 ・02:42:498 (616) - K(big)--->k(normal)
 ・02:49:355 (645) - ^
 ・03:11:832 (761,762,763,764,765) - the last note(big D) is unnecessary but if u want put D then delete 03:12:022 (763,764) -
thats it u can improve more GL(^^♪
Simbology: I will apply it, thank you so much!! | Won't apply it, it's not how I want to see it | I'll take it in consideration but won't apply it now. |

kvgyubh wrote:

☆Warfu's Oni
 ・00:06:974 (29,30) - dk--->kk Oh, I applied it on Muzu but not here, and it matches sounds. Dangit, thanks!!!
 ・00:08:689 (35,36) - dk--->kd I gave it some thought, not only I saw that it gives more variety and makes it look less repetitive in the beatmap, but I thought before that kd matched and I see now that it matches better here than in the later parts because of being a lower sound! Thank you.
 ・00:09:832 (41,42) - ^
 ・00:10:974 (47,48) - ^
 ・00:13:260 (57,58) - ^
 ・00:14:403 (63,64) - ^
 ・00:46:403 (209,210) - ^ I already thought on this in previous mods, and I just don't like that it hits the k's in the note sound.
 ・00:47:546 (215,216) - ^
 ・02:42:498 (616) - K(big)--->k(normal) I see what you did here, this K and the next K you point can be k's because they go after another
 ・02:49:355 (645) - ^ 1/6, interestingly at the same moment of the music... it doesn't seem consistent to me, it would had been better if you explained what you had in mind. I won't apply it now, but I'll consider it if another modder points this out.
 ・03:11:832 (761,762,763,764,765) - the last note(big D) is unnecessary but if u want put D then delete 03:12:022 (763,764) - In times like 01:04:212 - I use a D, I'd like to keep it consistent here so, I'll think about it if another modder points it out. I wished you explained it as well.
thats it u can improve more GL(^^♪
I already modded it so, thank you very much ^_^
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