Hello I am Aint, I have been playing osu for more than 5 months and I am very slow improving, I play osu everyday from 2-6 hours there is no day that I don t play osu! But I just can t pass 3.90+ stars maps I've working on that for 2 months and still can t pass that, all my friends got to the #10,000-20,000 And the thing they don t play osu that much and use a mouse and keyboard as me, I saw all the posts about tips, I even saw youtubers and how the follow the rhythm, I even showed a friend osu and on 5 weeks he already passed 4.5 star songs and had already 662pp and #90,000 rank. Should I quit osu? tell me what should I do, I put all my efforts on osu every day and I can t make it, a lot of people work really really hard for their dreams but still don t make it, maybe that s my case, I don t have any natural talent for osu....