
Akiyama Uni - Kanpan Tasogare Shinbun

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016年3月3日 at 1:34:44

Artist: Akiyama Uni
Title: Kanpan Tasogare Shinbun
Source: 東方Project
Tags: Twilight Frontier Tasofro 黄昏フロンティア th13.5 zun Touhou とうほうプロジェクト Officially-Sanctioned Twilight Newspaper 東方心綺楼 ~ Hopeless Masquerade IamKwaN
BPM: 180
Filesize: 3411kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Extra (5.28 stars, 392 notes)
  2. Hard (3.23 stars, 185 notes)
  3. Insane (4.1 stars, 269 notes)
  4. KwaN's Easy (1.58 stars, 109 notes)
  5. Lunatic (4.85 stars, 282 notes)
  6. Normal (1.79 stars, 122 notes)
Download: Akiyama Uni - Kanpan Tasogare Shinbun
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
5/4 waltz

offset from Hollow Wings
KwaN's Easy by IamKwaN
Insane hitsound by DreaM117er(RIP)
Blooming Lily
Lily Bread
00:12:160 (3,1) - 这是作死
00:18:827 (4) - Easy里多次往返也是死
00:26:827 (6,1) - Easy里stack也是死
00:33:827 - 到 - 00:58:827 - 看得我快睡着了


00:19:993 - 这里显然没有钢琴音,而且无论如何低难度不推荐多次往返
00:28:160 - 漏了
00:33:827 - 到 - 00:58:827 - 看得我快睡着了
01:17:160 (3,4) - 往复箭头被遮挡 unrankable

L大写!! 其实一开始感觉不错,为何不试试全图都左右的梗呢;W;(顺表感觉左右的话,比较适合直线的连打,三连什么的就不要弧度了
00:01:827 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 感觉有些弧度,我觉得直接拉成直线的连打就好,虽然打着感受一样,但是读起来看到的是不一样
00:08:743 (1) - 这个不用nc
00:35:493 (7) - NC
00:07:160 (1) - 第二个锚点稍微调整下,包住note00:06:494 (7) - 顺便这滑条瞬间想到HW的 那个 踊る水飛沫

easy 00:19:827 (5) - 滑条往返的箭头被遮挡




00:05:508 这边其实也加个note,

00:12:175 (3,1) - 建议改滑条 参考00:07:175 (1) -

00:18:842 (4,5) - DS(

00:25:175 (8,9) - ^ DS不查了

我觉得9放这00:26:508 10删了

00:27:175 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 太鼓吗?太多单点,改改滑条什么的

01:12:175 (16,17) - 叠好


00:02:175 相对的 E都放了 Normal 不能错过

00:08:508 (2) - 考虑一下用滑条 参考00:11:842 (3) -

00:33:842 (1) - 又开始太鼓了(yo

01:03:008 (3) - 删

01:04:675 (2) - ^

01:06:508 (6) - 跟音的话追加个折返

01:23:842 (7,8,1,2) - 这尾巴叠的不好看

01:27:508 (2) - 应该在这01:27:675


00:09:842 (5) - 换换地方,不喜欢那,试试滑条中间

00:18:842 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 单点有点多,改1-2个滑条(3456

00:55:675 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^

00:21:008 (2,3) - DS 虽然打着没问题,但容易被挑

00:25:508 (5,6) - ^ 类似的不挑了

00:32:342 (1,1) - 太近

00:35:675 (3,4,5,6,7) - 这段挺遭的,而且7->1不喜欢那样叠


01:01:425 (3) - 要音也是01:01:342 而不是那

01:04:758 (3) - ^

01:21:425 (7) - ^

01:24:758 (2) - ^ 2连的自己开25%听,一下就知道有没有音了,并不是你加个circle然后上Clap就get

01:01:508 (4) - 变速要NC(虽然前面NC了但是都是单点,并不知道已改变滑条速度

01:09:508 (2,3) - ctrl+g

01:19:342 (4,1,2,3,4) - 难 而且41你也没blanket

01:26:342 (2) - 不建议短链





00:08:008 (1) - 删了吧

25% 00:11:925这里是没音的


00:34:175 这个音挺重要的,而且坑爹突然减速 并不适合这里

00:40:842 ^

00:47:508 ^ 而且00:48:842长白在滑条尾 似乎在外国人眼里很讨厌

00:39:008 (4,5,9,10) - 尝试其他地方

00:42:842 (5,6,7,8) - 可以把这2组换成滑条

00:53:508 (9) - 坑爹的

01:00:508 这里开始应该就要1.0x速度了

01:22:175 (3) - 01:22:425并没有音,

嘛,还有很大提升空间 :)
  1. hp-1,顺便NHI也-1,E+1
  2. 00:03:842 (3) - 和2的DS有点近?
  3. 00:22:175 (6) - 加个nc吧
  4. 00:25:175 (8) - 头部finish去掉?并不是大白线
  5. 00:26:175 (9) - 并没有放在音上,怎么玩qAq
  6. 00:27:175 (1) - 00:13:842 (1) - 低难度还是避免重叠。。
  7. 00:40:508 (5) - 00:53:842 (5) - 01:00:508 (10) - 01:03:842 (13) - 01:13:842 (17) - 加个nc吧,后边建议再整理下,低难度应该是需要滑条轨迹清晰减少重叠部分来着
  8. 01:13:842 (17) - 这个条太偷懒了吧 :o
  1. 00:18:842 (4,5) - 建议配合鼓点分割折返,比如这样
  2. 00:28:508 (3) - 这个条遮了个白线并且没押到节奏上 :o
  3. 00:38:842 (1) - 00:55:508 (1) - 去掉nc
  4. 00:45:508 (1,2) - 00:50:508 (1,3) - 交换nc
  5. 美丽
  1. 00:26:008 (6,7) - 有点迷惑性的间距,建议nc
  2. 00:56:508 (1) - 这里继续用1/2?
  3. 01:01:342 (3) - 试了下感觉还是放在红线上比较合适,后边类似
  4. 作为hard来说挺潇洒的
  1. 00:24:342 (2,3) - 2延长到红线试一下,节奏更丰满
  2. 00:27:675 (2,3) - 并没有跟着鼓点,略违和
  3. 01:27:175 (1) - 尾部音效去掉吧
  4. 这个难度神似舞水滴,jjfly,后边有点乱
  1. 00:34:008 (1,2) - 建议调次序
  2. 00:40:675 (1) - 00:47:342 (1) - 00:54:008 (1) - 类似上边,滑条延后白线红线加个圈,减速滑条刻意忽略白线手感并不好
  3. 01:05:008 (5,6,7) - 玩的时候看成四连 :o
  4. 美丽

  1. 我是在想你有很多聲音可以跟,怎麼會用時間軸間距這麼大的circle來做Easy呢。比方00:01:003 - 00:01:503 - 00:01:837 - 都有比較清晰的聲音可以跟,Easy難度就是靠這點來建構起來的,都擺circle反而是高難度的擺法,不要去使用會比較好。再來,要是你跟長白線的重音,那00:05:503 - 是不是也要擺上去呢??
  2. 還有,遮擋是Easy還有Normal最不該出現的通病,所以建議是最低難度不要0.4這麼低的SV去做圖,給你舉個例子:像00:12:170 (3,1) - 已經完全違規了;還有這裡01:03:170 (2,3,1) - 就算你完全都跟著DS,這樣也遮擋太多了,依然沒辦法通過。下次記得慎選SV大小還有節點去做低難度對你也比較好
  3. 01:13:837 - 這裡接續上面說的SV過低的問題,你這邊又來個0.5的降速,這樣不行呢。Easy是要給新人玩的圖,這樣只會玩死新人
  1. 關於遮擋問題我在Easy的摸說得很清楚了,Normal的部分我還是會提出來哪裡不可以遮擋
    00:05:503 - 跟Easy一樣,circle的缺漏
    00:08:837 (3,4) - 尾巴不要擋
    00:10:503 (1,4) - 雖然有點距離,但我個人依然建議不要遮擋
    00:13:503 - 為了配合節奏,這裡加個Circle?? 這裡也一樣00:26:837 -
    00:18:503 (3,6) - 建議不要遮擋
    00:29:670 (5,6,1) - 已經違規了,不能遮擋
    00:31:337 (2) - ^
    00:33:503 - 強烈建議這裡擺個Circle,節奏感很強
  2. 00:33:837 - 我不懂你為什麼這裡跟Easy一樣都把這裡音樂比較多的地方都只用Circle帶過,不管是聽起來還是玩起來都不是很好
    00:58:837 (1,1) - 轉盤後2條白線間距的規定,不改fail
    01:04:837 (2) - DS沒對好
    01:06:503 (6,1) - ^
  3. 01:13:837 - 真心不要在Normal裡玩降速,這真的不好。這個你要不要改都要告訴我原因,說不定可以讓我對你的印象改觀
    01:16:670 (2) - 違規遮擋,跟Easy一樣,SV過低的遮擋,後面的我就不提了
    01:28:337 (5,6) - ^,不要遮擋
  1. Hard下的節奏倒是挺好的 :?
    01:13:837 (1) - 要遮擋可以,不過要能夠很清楚的看得出滑條的走向,不過我個人還是建議你Ctrl+H會比較好
    01:26:337 (2) - 改單點circle,1/4滑條沒有什麼意義
  1. 我看著看著,沒問題
  1. 這個難度我有一個很大的疑問,你既然學HW作圖,那應該很清楚這首曲子不適合用低SV作的,你怎麼會用這麼低的SV作圖呢?? 給我個讓我滿意的答覆吧,不然我會說remap

加油 :)
Topic Starter

Lily Bread wrote:

00:12:160 (3,1) - 这是作死
00:18:827 (4) - Easy里多次往返也是死
00:26:827 (6,1) - Easy里stack也是死
00:33:827 - 到 - 00:58:827 - 看得我快睡着了


00:19:993 - 这里显然没有钢琴音,而且无论如何低难度不推荐多次往返
00:28:160 - 漏了
00:33:827 - 到 - 00:58:827 - 看得我快睡着了
01:17:160 (3,4) - 往复箭头被遮挡 unrankable

全部修改了 目前EN已remap

Momizi wrote:

L大写!! 其实一开始感觉不错,为何不试试全图都左右的梗呢;W;(顺表感觉左右的话,比较适合直线的连打,三连什么的就不要弧度了 ok
00:01:827 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 感觉有些弧度,我觉得直接拉成直线的连打就好,虽然打着感受一样,但是读起来看到的是不一样 ok
00:08:743 (1) - 这个不用nc
00:35:493 (7) - NC
00:07:160 (1) - 第二个锚点稍微调整下,包住note00:06:494 (7) - 顺便这滑条瞬间想到HW的 那个 踊る水飛沫 233

easy 00:19:827 (5) - 滑条往返的箭头被遮挡 ok


moonlightleaf wrote:


禁止使用黑白俩色color 没这规定吧?


00:05:508 这边其实也加个note,

00:12:175 (3,1) - 建议改滑条 参考00:07:175 (1) -

00:18:842 (4,5) - DS(

00:25:175 (8,9) - ^ DS不查了

我觉得9放这00:26:508 10删了

00:27:175 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 太鼓吗?太多单点,改改滑条什么的

01:12:175 (16,17) - 叠好


00:02:175 相对的 E都放了 Normal 不能错过

00:08:508 (2) - 考虑一下用滑条 参考00:11:842 (3) -

00:33:842 (1) - 又开始太鼓了(yo

01:03:008 (3) - 删

01:04:675 (2) - ^

01:06:508 (6) - 跟音的话追加个折返

01:23:842 (7,8,1,2) - 这尾巴叠的不好看

01:27:508 (2) - 应该在这01:27:675



00:09:842 (5) - 换换地方,不喜欢那,试试滑条中间

00:18:842 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 单点有点多,改1-2个滑条(3456

00:55:675 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^

00:21:008 (2,3) - DS 虽然打着没问题,但容易被挑 NC了 位置没变

00:25:508 (5,6) - ^ 类似的不挑了同上

00:32:342 (1,1) - 太近

00:35:675 (3,4,5,6,7) - 这段挺遭的,而且7->1不喜欢那样叠


01:01:425 (3) - 要音也是01:01:342 而不是那 同样的地方都修改了

01:04:758 (3) - ^

01:21:425 (7) - ^

01:24:758 (2) - ^ 2连的自己开25%听,一下就知道有没有音了,并不是你加个circle然后上Clap就get

01:01:508 (4) - 变速要NC(虽然前面NC了但是都是单点,并不知道已改变滑条速度 ok

01:09:508 (2,3) - ctrl+g ok

01:19:342 (4,1,2,3,4) - 难 而且41你也没blanket

01:26:342 (2) - 不建议短链





00:08:008 (1) - 删了吧

25% 00:11:925这里是没音的


00:34:175 这个音挺重要的,而且坑爹突然减速 并不适合这里

00:40:842 ^

00:47:508 ^ 而且00:48:842长白在滑条尾 似乎在外国人眼里很讨厌

00:39:008 (4,5,9,10) - 尝试其他地方

00:42:842 (5,6,7,8) - 可以把这2组换成滑条

00:53:508 (9) - 坑爹的

01:00:508 这里开始应该就要1.0x速度了

01:22:175 (3) - 01:22:425并没有音,

嘛,还有很大提升空间 :)
L我基本没有采用 因为有些地方修改后的乐趣没有了 不过我参考了一些地方后把前段重做了 感谢MOD

AIR wrote:

  1. hp-1,顺便NHI也-1,E+1
  2. 00:03:842 (3) - 和2的DS有点近?
  3. 00:22:175 (6) - 加个nc吧
  4. 00:25:175 (8) - 头部finish去掉?并不是大白线
  5. 00:26:175 (9) - 并没有放在音上,怎么玩qAq
  6. 00:27:175 (1) - 00:13:842 (1) - 低难度还是避免重叠。。
  7. 00:40:508 (5) - 00:53:842 (5) - 01:00:508 (10) - 01:03:842 (13) - 01:13:842 (17) - 加个nc吧,后边建议再整理下,低难度应该是需要滑条轨迹清晰减少重叠部分来着
  8. 01:13:842 (17) - 这个条太偷懒了吧 :o
  1. 00:18:842 (4,5) - 建议配合鼓点分割折返,比如这样
  2. 00:28:508 (3) - 这个条遮了个白线并且没押到节奏上 :o
  3. 00:38:842 (1) - 00:55:508 (1) - 去掉nc
  4. 00:45:508 (1,2) - 00:50:508 (1,3) - 交换nc
  5. 美丽

  1. 00:26:008 (6,7) - 有点迷惑性的间距,建议nc ok
  2. 00:56:508 (1) - 这里继续用1/2?
  3. 01:01:342 (3) - 试了下感觉还是放在红线上比较合适,后边类似 ok
  4. 作为hard来说挺潇洒的
  1. 00:24:342 (2,3) - 2延长到红线试一下,节奏更丰满 ok
  2. 00:27:675 (2,3) - 并没有跟着鼓点,略违和 ok
  3. 01:27:175 (1) - 尾部音效去掉吧 ok
  4. 这个难度神似舞水滴,jjfly,后边有点乱
  1. 00:34:008 (1,2) - 建议调次序 ok
  2. 00:40:675 (1) - 00:47:342 (1) - 00:54:008 (1) - 类似上边,滑条延后白线红线加个圈,减速滑条刻意忽略白线手感并不好
  3. 01:05:008 (5,6,7) - 玩的时候看成四连 :o 我之后刻意分开测试了下 没有现在好读
  4. 美丽

DreaM117er wrote:


  1. 我是在想你有很多聲音可以跟,怎麼會用時間軸間距這麼大的circle來做Easy呢。比方00:01:003 - 00:01:503 - 00:01:837 - 都有比較清晰的聲音可以跟,Easy難度就是靠這點來建構起來的,都擺circle反而是高難度的擺法,不要去使用會比較好。再來,要是你跟長白線的重音,那00:05:503 - 是不是也要擺上去呢??
  2. 還有,遮擋是Easy還有Normal最不該出現的通病,所以建議是最低難度不要0.4這麼低的SV去做圖,給你舉個例子:像00:12:170 (3,1) - 已經完全違規了;還有這裡01:03:170 (2,3,1) - 就算你完全都跟著DS,這樣也遮擋太多了,依然沒辦法通過。下次記得慎選SV大小還有節點去做低難度對你也比較好
  3. 01:13:837 - 這裡接續上面說的SV過低的問題,你這邊又來個0.5的降速,這樣不行呢。Easy是要給新人玩的圖,這樣只會玩死新人
  1. 關於遮擋問題我在Easy的摸說得很清楚了,Normal的部分我還是會提出來哪裡不可以遮擋
    00:05:503 - 跟Easy一樣,circle的缺漏
    00:08:837 (3,4) - 尾巴不要擋
    00:10:503 (1,4) - 雖然有點距離,但我個人依然建議不要遮擋
    00:13:503 - 為了配合節奏,這裡加個Circle?? 這裡也一樣00:26:837 -
    00:18:503 (3,6) - 建議不要遮擋
    00:29:670 (5,6,1) - 已經違規了,不能遮擋
    00:31:337 (2) - ^
    00:33:503 - 強烈建議這裡擺個Circle,節奏感很強
  2. 00:33:837 - 我不懂你為什麼這裡跟Easy一樣都把這裡音樂比較多的地方都只用Circle帶過,不管是聽起來還是玩起來都不是很好
    00:58:837 (1,1) - 轉盤後2條白線間距的規定,不改fail
    01:04:837 (2) - DS沒對好
    01:06:503 (6,1) - ^
  3. 01:13:837 - 真心不要在Normal裡玩降速,這真的不好。這個你要不要改都要告訴我原因,說不定可以讓我對你的印象改觀
    01:16:670 (2) - 違規遮擋,跟Easy一樣,SV過低的遮擋,後面的我就不提了
    01:28:337 (5,6) - ^,不要遮擋
  1. Hard下的節奏倒是挺好的 :?
    01:13:837 (1) - 要遮擋可以,不過要能夠很清楚的看得出滑條的走向,不過我個人還是建議你Ctrl+H會比較好
    01:26:337 (2) - 改單點circle,1/4滑條沒有什麼意義
  1. 我看著看著,沒問題
  1. 這個難度我有一個很大的疑問,你既然學HW作圖,那應該很清楚這首曲子不適合用低SV作的,你怎麼會用這麼低的SV作圖呢?? 給我個讓我滿意的答覆吧,不然我會說remap

加油 :)
117的摸感觉影响很大 于是我单独去和他讨论了一般233 这个摸已经回过了
Hello! From my M4M Queue~


First of all,what i would like to say about this difficulty is that the layout is all over the place.It looks very cramped

00:01:837 (1,2,3,4,5) - This stream place it higher abit,dont over lap it with 00:02:337 (6,7,8) -
00:15:420 (4,5) - Fix spacing,seems wider compared to the rest of the stream
00:21:337 (6,7,8,9) - Misleading spacing,00:21:503 (7,8) - is too close compared to the others
00:25:670 (6,7,8) - Do not overlap with 00:25:170 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:31:503 (7) - Do not overlap with 00:31:837 (1,2,3,4,5) - the reason why i say do not overlap is because i dont want the map to look messy lol
01:08:837 (7,8,9,10) - Do something about this,instead of making it a straight line,maybe have some mini jumps or patterns
01:09:837 (2,3,4,5) - The jumps are way too big,
01:13:837 - Start Kiai here
01:23:837 - End Kiai here

I see what rhythm you are trying achieve in this map by following the drums,but in order to make this a rankable difficulty,please fix your map layout,it is ALL OVER the place right now.

That's all from me!Good luck with your map!
Topic Starter

Wishmaker980 wrote:

Hello! From my M4M Queue~


First of all,what i would like to say about this difficulty is that the layout is all over the place.It looks very cramped

00:01:837 (1,2,3,4,5) - This stream place it higher abit,dont over lap it with 00:02:337 (6,7,8) -
00:15:420 (4,5) - Fix spacing,seems wider compared to the rest of the stream Fixed!
00:21:337 (6,7,8,9) - Misleading spacing,00:21:503 (7,8) - is too close compared to the others Fixed!
00:25:670 (6,7,8) - Do not overlap with 00:25:170 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:31:503 (7) - Do not overlap with 00:31:837 (1,2,3,4,5) - the reason why i say do not overlap is because i dont want the map to look messy lol
01:08:837 (7,8,9,10) - Do something about this,instead of making it a straight line,maybe have some mini jumps or patterns
01:09:837 (2,3,4,5) - The jumps are way too big,
01:13:837 - Start Kiai here I don't plan to put Kiai
01:23:837 - End Kiai here

I see what rhythm you are trying achieve in this map by following the drums,but in order to make this a rankable difficulty,please fix your map layout,it is ALL OVER the place right now.

That's all from me!Good luck with your map!
Thanks for the mod!


00:00:503 (1,2) - I think these sound better with just finish applied to the first part of the slider, and not the end, since you're emphasizing the bell with your hitsound
00:07:170 (1) - I feel like you could/should map piano here, even on an easy. This is kinda neat.
00:12:170 (10) - I feel that piano is a lot more prevalent here, but if you want to map base drums, all power to you.
00:25:170 (4) - There's no base hit on the return of this slider
00:27:837 (2) - Don't hear what you're mapping with the start of this slider
00:35:003 - If you're continuing to map base drums, there are hits here you should map
If you're mapping strings,
00:35:837 (8) - Should be a slider for strings hold
00:37:170 (9) - ^
00:40:503 (1) - Same comments with this section as above
00:45:503 (5) - I don't know what you're mapping with these two notes. You need to pick something to map and stick consistant with it since this is an easy difficulty. Pick either strings or base drum for this last 20ish seconds and just map that.
00:48:170 (2) - Same with this section, what are you mapping with this slider?
00:50:503 (3) - And then what are you mapping on singles? If that slider is base drum, there are hits before these singles you need to map
01:00:170 (5) - Kiai time would go well here until 01:28:837 -
01:00:170 (5,1) - double hit sounds on 5 and 1 here feel really excessive, I would make 5 whistle and 1 finish or clap
01:03:837 (1) - Whatever you do with ^ slider, this slider should match it hitsound-wise
01:07:170 (2) - ^
01:13:837 (1) - These are cool and all, but there's so much you could map while these long sliders are going on it, and it's not like there's one note that's held out that entire length. Would map this section.
01:20:503 (1) - ^
01:32:211 - You should map this end section

00:13:503 (6) - This note should be removed
00:15:170 (3) - This slider sounds better as two singles in my opinion
00:23:503 (6) - Same as 13:503
00:26:337 (4) - Not good to stack notes in normal, would separate these out
00:35:503 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - I don't hear what you're mapping with these
00:46:503 (5) - Same thing I said earlier about note stacking
00:52:170 (7) - You're kind of all over the place mapping again. I can't tell which instruments you're mapping in some sections, and then when I can tell, you'll jump to mapping different things all around the place. Try to stick with one instrument.
01:00:503 (1) - Don't know what you're mapping with this
01:02:837 (2) - note needs to be moved to 01:02:670 -
01:09:170 (3) - Don't know what you're mapping with this slider, drums?
01:10:003 (5) - Then this stream is back to strings. Would stick with strings here.
01:16:670 (2) - These sort of streams are really hard for normal difficulty because the player can't judge how fast the next note is coming by the end of the slider, and they have very little time to prep for it once the slider ends
01:20:003 (2) - ^^
01:23:337 (2) - ^^
01:28:503 (6) - turn your speed down to 50% and listen. needs fixed

Looking through your other difficulties, they have some of the same issues as these two diffs. work on fixing those first, then go back and apply those changes to you other diffs. These mapset needs some work, but you got this! :D Best of luck getting it ranked.
Topic Starter

Originality wrote:



00:00:503 (1,2) - I think these sound better with just finish applied to the first part of the slider, and not the end, since you're emphasizing the bell with your hitsound fixed
00:07:170 (1) - I feel like you could/should map piano here, even on an easy. This is kinda neat. fixed
00:12:170 (10) - I feel that piano is a lot more prevalent here, but if you want to map base drums, all power to you. Following drum
00:25:170 (4) - There's no base hit on the return of this slider Redo here
00:27:837 (2) - Don't hear what you're mapping with the start of this slider Redo here
00:35:003 - If you're continuing to map base drums, there are hits here you should map
If you're mapping strings,
00:35:837 (8) - Should be a slider for strings hold
00:37:170 (9) - ^
00:40:503 (1) - Same comments with this section as above
00:45:503 (5) - I don't know what you're mapping with these two notes. You need to pick something to map and stick consistant with it since this is an easy difficulty. Pick either strings or base drum for this last 20ish seconds and just map that.
00:48:170 (2) - Same with this section, what are you mapping with this slider?
00:50:503 (3) - And then what are you mapping on singles? If that slider is base drum, there are hits before these singles you need to map
01:00:170 (5) - Kiai time would go well here until 01:28:837 -
01:00:170 (5,1) - double hit sounds on 5 and 1 here feel really excessive, I would make 5 whistle and 1 finish or clap fixed
01:03:837 (1) - Whatever you do with ^ slider, this slider should match it hitsound-wise fixed
01:07:170 (2) - ^
01:13:837 (1) - These are cool and all, but there's so much you could map while these long sliders are going on it, and it's not like there's one note that's held out that entire length. Would map this section. I'm not going to do it like Normal, it needs to be different.
01:20:503 (1) - ^
01:32:211 - You should map this end section What?

According to your suggestion.I've done it in the middle.actually I don't want it too complicated

00:13:503 (6) - This note should be removed fixed
00:15:170 (3) - This slider sounds better as two singles in my opinion I think this is good.
00:23:503 (6) - Same as 13:503 ^
00:26:337 (4) - Not good to stack notes in normal, would separate these out ummm...I'll think about it here, including the back of the stac
00:35:503 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - I don't hear what you're mapping with these Here is to make a buffer area
00:46:503 (5) - Same thing I said earlier about note stacking
00:52:170 (7) - You're kind of all over the place mapping again. I can't tell which instruments you're mapping in some sections, and then when I can tell, you'll jump to mapping different things all around the place. Try to stick with one instrument. I don't understand this sentence...

01:00:503 (1) - Don't know what you're mapping with this redo
01:02:837 (2) - note needs to be moved to 01:02:670 - fixed
01:09:170 (3) - Don't know what you're mapping with this slider, drums? drums!
01:10:003 (5) - Then this stream is back to strings. Would stick with strings here. Maybe not?

01:16:670 (2) - These sort of streams are really hard for normal difficulty because the player can't judge how fast the next note is coming by the end of the slider, and they have very little time to prep for it once the slider ends There is a note that should not be a problem you mention.
01:20:003 (2) - ^^ ^
01:23:337 (2) - ^^ ^
01:28:503 (6) - turn your speed down to 50% and listen. needs fixed Fixed what?

Looking through your other difficulties, they have some of the same issues as these two diffs. work on fixing those first, then go back and apply those changes to you other diffs. These mapset needs some work, but you got this! :D Best of luck getting it ranked.

Thank you very much!
hi there , i see your map #modreqs (M4M)


  1. Trun off Widescreen Support
  2. Red lin is out of mapping line ,try to Offest set 503 and delete all Green line (all Diff) also Change sample sound S:C1
  3. BG 1000 x 563 -> 1366 X768


  1. Ar 3 is higher
  2. 00:55:837 (2) - No stack


  1. 00:46:503 (5,6,1) - no stack
  2. 00:58:837 (1) - start node after spinner , you need 3 white tick space 01:00:503 (1) - remove this slider
  3. 01:06:503 (6) - this slider is not recommand this diff


  1. 00:32:337 (1) - is not good. remove 00:33:837 (1) - this or spinner
  2. 00:33:170 - delete this green line


  1. wtf SV is tooooooooo higher !! Down it !
  2. maybe you should remapping :<
okay That's all
Topic Starter

_ Hatsune Miku wrote:

hi there , i see your map #modreqs (M4M)


  1. Trun off Widescreen Support
  2. Red lin is out of mapping line ,try to Offest set 503 and delete all Green line (all Diff) also Change sample sound S:C1 no
  3. BG 1000 x 563 -> 1366 X768


  1. Ar 3 is higher no
  2. 00:55:837 (2) - No stack


  1. 00:46:503 (5,6,1) - no stack no
  2. 00:58:837 (1) - start node after spinner , you need 3 white tick space 01:00:503 (1) - remove this slider no
  3. 01:06:503 (6) - this slider is not recommand this diff


  1. 00:32:337 (1) - is not good. remove 00:33:837 (1) - this or spinner no
  2. 00:33:170 - delete this green line


  1. wtf SV is tooooooooo higher !! Down it !
  2. maybe you should remapping :<

okay That's all
Thank you mod
00:18:837 (3) - The middle of this repeated slider doesn't have a sound in the song to base it off of so it sticks out. Considering turning it into a regular slider but extending the slider to where you currently have the repeated slider end.
00:25:170 (4) - You should also turn this into a regular slider too since the piano stops on the downbeat of the new measure. Because of this, the last part of the slider doesn't really have a strong sound to base it off of in the song
00:27:837 (2) - Consider moving this one white tick to the right since it would then have a strong sound to base it upon. Right now there's not really a strong sound to support this note
00:29:837 (4,5) - Consider mapping more notes between these two since it's quite a large period of time and there's lots of strong sounds going on
00:35:837 (8,9) - ^
00:55:837 (2,3) - ^
00:38:170 (10) - You shouldn't start the slider here since there's no strong sounds (but the spot where the slider ends at is okay)
00:43:170 (4) - ^
00:48:170 (2) - ^
00:53:170 (6) - ^
00:45:837 (6) - There is no sound to base this note off of
00:50:837 (4) - Slider might be better here since the violin has a sustained note
Holy crap, I just finished modding the easy diff when I saw that you updated your beatmap, so I updated my version of it and it seems you already corrected most of the mistakes for this difficulty by yourself

Thoughts: The slider velocity for the first part feels a bit too fast for 2 stars
00:18:837 (4,5) - there should be a note inbetween these two
00:36:170 (3) - There's not really a strong sound to base this note off of where it's at on the timeline
00:37:837 (5) - There's not a strong sound to support this slider (actually there's no distinct sound at all to support it)

Thoughts: The spacing becomes quite intense at the end of the map, not sure how Hard Difficulty players would handle it. Try getting some players at that range to test your map and see how they handle it.
00:40:670 (1) - Moving this slider to the nearest white tick to the right and placing a regular note on where it currently is sounds better, similar to what you did at 00:37:503 (1,2,3) - I mean
00:54:003 (1) - ^
00:56:503 (1) - You've been following the violin at 00:55:670 (2,3,4,5,6) - but the violin keeps going here also, so why the slider?
01:13:503 (4) - slider should end on the red tick, no reason to end it on the blue
01:20:837 (6,7) - Space these notes closer together
01:26:337 (2,3,4) - You never had any triplets in your song before this, so it's very out of place with everything

Thoughts: Hahaha, Hollow Wings style :) reminds me of Odoru Mizushibuki. I think you should try to get Hollow Wings herself to look at this map since she would give the best advice for her style and logic. It's definitely worth asking her to check it out and give you feedback. I'm not too good with this style so I won't try to give exact advice for some things, but more general impression of how I felt playing a certain part. You don't see many 3.93 star songs with AR9 though, quite rare.
00:07:170 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - Reading this part was challenging since spacing was not so consistent. But then again, that's the beauty of Hollow Wings style so it should be fine on some level. Idk, consult with hollow wings for sure to see what she thinks.
00:33:337 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - You definitely should map a lot more than just sliders for this part
00:40:503 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - ^
00:47:170 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - ^
00:53:837 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - ^ 20 seconds of sliders with no big variation among them (except for the occasional repeat sliders) doesn't capture the song well.
01:17:503 (2,3) - I know that you want to format the beats creatively (since it's hollow wings style), but even hollows wings herself retains a good amount of consistency with her creative beats. This goes into drum pattern theory however which is something I can't help you with (I don't know much about it myself). The only thing I do know is that the drum patterns (when I say drum patterns I'm talking about the beats) you make for this section don't feel as if they click very well and support the song, which is something that Odoru Mizushibuki's Death Dance did however. Because of this, again I strongly recommend you get Hollow Wings to help you sort out a consistent but effective drum pattern and also give general advice (she will be the best modder you could ask for this difficulty, I heard she's also pretty cute which is a plus).

I've been modding this map for hours now and it's 3am into the night so I'm sorry, but I'm too tired to look at the lunatic difficulty. Hope you don't mind :(
Topic Starter

Skie1134 wrote:

00:18:837 (3) - The middle of this repeated slider doesn't have a sound in the song to base it off of so it sticks out. Considering turning it into a regular slider but extending the slider to where you currently have the repeated slider end. This is esay hard, so I chose to ignore this place.
00:25:170 (4) - You should also turn this into a regular slider too since the piano stops on the downbeat of the new measure. Because of this, the last part of the slider doesn't really have a strong sound to base it off of in the song
00:27:837 (2) - Consider moving this one white tick to the right since it would then have a strong sound to base it upon. Right now there's not really a strong sound to support this note
00:29:837 (4,5) - Consider mapping more notes between these two since it's quite a large period of time and there's lots of strong sounds going on
00:35:837 (8,9) - ^
00:55:837 (2,3) - ^
00:38:170 (10) - You shouldn't start the slider here since there's no strong sounds (but the spot where the slider ends at is okay)
00:43:170 (4) - ^
00:48:170 (2) - ^
00:53:170 (6) - ^
00:45:837 (6) - There is no sound to base this note off of
00:50:837 (4) - Slider might be better here since the violin has a sustained note
Holy crap, I just finished modding the easy diff when I saw that you updated your beatmap, so I updated my version of it and it seems you already corrected most of the mistakes for this difficulty by yourself

Thoughts: The slider velocity for the first part feels a bit too fast for 2 stars
Maybe not? For sv 1.0
00:18:837 (4,5) - there should be a note inbetween these two why?
00:36:170 (3) - There's not really a strong sound to base this note off of where it's at on the timeline fixed
00:37:837 (5) - There's not a strong sound to support this slider (actually there's no distinct sound at all to support it)

Thoughts: The spacing becomes quite intense at the end of the map, not sure how Hard Difficulty players would handle it. Try getting some players at that range to test your map and see how they handle it.
00:40:670 (1) - Moving this slider to the nearest white tick to the right and placing a regular note on where it currently is sounds better, similar to what you did at 00:37:503 (1,2,3) - I mean
00:54:003 (1) - ^
00:56:503 (1) - You've been following the violin at 00:55:670 (2,3,4,5,6) - but the violin keeps going here also, so why the slider? I need zhuangbi

01:13:503 (4) - slider should end on the red tick, no reason to end it on the blue
01:20:837 (6,7) - Space these notes closer together fixed
01:26:337 (2,3,4) - You never had any triplets in your song before this, so it's very out of place with everything

Thoughts: Hahaha, Hollow Wings style :) reminds me of Odoru Mizushibuki. I think you should try to get Hollow Wings herself to look at this map since she would give the best advice for her style and logic. It's definitely worth asking her to check it out and give you feedback. I'm not too good with this style so I won't try to give exact advice for some things, but more general impression of how I felt playing a certain part. You don't see many 3.93 star songs with AR9 though, quite rare.
00:07:170 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - Reading this part was challenging since spacing was not so consistent. But then again, that's the beauty of Hollow Wings style so it should be fine on some level. Idk, consult with hollow wings for sure to see what she thinks.
00:33:337 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - You definitely should map a lot more than just sliders for this part
00:40:503 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - ^
00:47:170 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - ^
00:53:837 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - ^ 20 seconds of sliders with no big variation among them (except for the occasional repeat sliders) doesn't capture the song well.
01:17:503 (2,3) - I know that you want to format the beats creatively (since it's hollow wings style), but even hollows wings herself retains a good amount of consistency with her creative beats. This goes into drum pattern theory however which is something I can't help you with (I don't know much about it myself). The only thing I do know is that the drum patterns (when I say drum patterns I'm talking about the beats) you make for this section don't feel as if they click very well and support the song, which is something that Odoru Mizushibuki's Death Dance did however. Because of this, again I strongly recommend you get Hollow Wings to help you sort out a consistent but effective drum pattern and also give general advice (she will be the best modder you could ask for this difficulty, I heard she's also pretty cute which is a plus).

ummm.....Actually I talked to him alone.

I've been modding this map for hours now and it's 3am into the night so I'm sorry, but I'm too tired to look at the lunatic difficulty. Hope you don't mind ;) :(
Thank you mod very much!





首先说lunatic,hw在helix里同样的小sv为什么打起来很容易读懂呢?因为她前后总共就只用了两种不同的滑条长度,1/4和3/4,而且很有规律,你看是不是这个道理。要是1/2 3/4 1/1乱窜就不得了了。
所以说到kiai time,你这个图的3/4和1/1实在太难分清了,更不用说节奏每小节都不一样没法打了一次以后就能记住第二次,所以这就是个问题。


Topic Starter

Flower wrote:






首先说lunatic,hw在helix里同样的小sv为什么打起来很容易读懂呢?因为她前后总共就只用了两种不同的滑条长度,1/4和3/4,而且很有规律,你看是不是这个道理。要是1/2 3/4 1/1乱窜就不得了了。
所以说到kiai time,你这个图的3/4和1/1实在太难分清了,更不用说节奏每小节都不一样没法打了一次以后就能记住第二次,所以这就是个问题。



其实我也觉得这两个鼓的声音太容易误读了 只是没人指出来之前就一直懒得去找新的音效 想了下决定重新下次音效 还有HW那张helix的EXEX我之前一直没打过 现在你说了我才发现原来这个模式以前他就用过 尿一地 L难度决定remap了 我后面重新排一次版 非常感谢flower爷爷的MOD
我想起了恶心狗的那句话:good for ctb
00:11:180 前面下这里空着这么多,会不会比较奇怪啊
00:13:513 (4) - 这种重音放滑条尾的也比较奇怪
00:38:513 (6) - 可以考虑换长的
01:10:513 (3) - 这里不知道会不会因为ds的原因不能做blanket,但是位置来说不太好看

00:00:513 (1,2,1,2) - 并不是DS吧 怎么这么近 隔好几拍一个note就DS也没啥问题。
00:07:180 (1) - 滑条头要不就和前面的2叠一起或者稍微错开一点 这样错一半有点怪的
00:08:847 (3) - 稍微弯一点,身体离2有点紧
00:42:180 (2) - 包好1
00:47:513 (2,3,4) - 调整下2的尾巴 离4太近
01:10:013 (6,7,8) - 这种二分拍的连续单点放在n里有点难,考虑用短滑条吧。后面也有,就不重复了
01:13:847 (1) - 低难度非常不推荐用变速 坑新手的 也是后面类似的不重复了


然后作为4星的难度我是觉得别的就忍了,01:26:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这种真的接受不了
别的话 打不动所以也摸不动=。=

Topic Starter

Mollon wrote:

00:11:180 前面下这里空着这么多,会不会比较奇怪啊 重音这重置节奏
00:13:513 (4) - 这种重音放滑条尾的也比较奇怪不会吧
00:38:513 (6) - 可以考虑换长的
01:10:513 (3) - 这里不知道会不会因为ds的原因不能做blanket,但是位置来说不太好看
easy感觉还有提升空间,节奏简单易玩就好,抓一些音会让玩起来的体验非常奇怪,宁愿稍微无聊一点(我是这么觉得 实际上按你的说法改这个难度 就会变成N标..

00:00:513 (1,2,1,2) - 并不是DS吧 怎么这么近 隔好几拍一个note就DS也没啥问题。
00:07:180 (1) - 滑条头要不就和前面的2叠一起或者稍微错开一点 这样错一半有点怪的 这里换了个位置 现在美观多了
00:08:847 (3) - 稍微弯一点,身体离2有点紧
00:42:180 (2) - 包好1 实际上并不打算完全包住它
00:47:513 (2,3,4) - 调整下2的尾巴 离4太近
01:10:013 (6,7,8) - 这种二分拍的连续单点放在n里有点难,考虑用短滑条吧。后面也有,就不重复了
01:13:847 (1) - 低难度非常不推荐用变速 坑新手的 也是后面类似的不重复了
可以试试看CS3.3,感觉这样可以解决一部分距离问题 CS我暂时都不考虑变动 而且这难度AIMOD已经没有问题了 不存在DS问题


然后作为4星的难度我是觉得别的就忍了,01:26:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这种真的接受不了 保留 这个地方如果还有人再点出来我就重做这里
别的话 打不动所以也摸不动=。=

在你发表这MOD前一个小时 我已经把L难度re完了 lol

Yumeno Himiko
Topic Starter

dazzulay wrote:

我想起了恶心狗的那句话:good for ctb

examination wrote:

我都没接触过CTB qwq

  • General

  1. Looks fine.

  • Lunatic

  1. 00:22:347 (1) - This NC isn''t needed imo.

  • Insane

  1. 00:28:013 (3) - Stack it more properly?
  2. 01:16:180 (2) - This should be 1/2, 1/4 is overmapped, because there's nothing really supporting the blue tick.
  3. 01:17:847 (3) - Same as above.
  4. 01:19:347 (2) - Same.
  5. 01:22:513 (4,5) - These two are also overmapped, and shouldn't be 1/4
  6. 01:24:847 (4) - This fits more with the music, so idk if u want to change this.
  7. This diff reminds me of HW lol.

  • Hard

  1. Cool sliders, 00:38:847 (3,1) -
  2. 00:50:180 (6) - This is confusing, at least for some noob players, it would highly recommend to remove one repeat, and put a circle that stacks on the slider, before the slider like:
  3. 00:54:013 (1,2,3) - This overlap doesn't look great, but i don't think u can do much about it.

  • Feedback

    Nice map, good luck o/
I like the music and the BG. Good choice! :)

00:33:180 (4,5) - You should get rid of the 5 and make the 4 into a slider, ending it on the red tick after the 5.
00:35:513 (2,3,4) - I think that you should get rid of the 3 and 4 and turn the 2 into a slider, ending on the white tick that the 4 started on.
00:37:513 (5,6) - You should get rid of the 6 and turn the 5 into a slider, ending on white tick that 6 ended on.
00:38:847 (7,8) - Same here. Make 7 longer and end it on the white tick that 8 landed on. Delete 8 too.
00:45:180 (4,5) - And... Maybe here...

00:26:847 (1) - The circle should be placed a bit further if it lands on the white tick. It will confuse people, just like it did to me.
00:54:013 (1) - Do something about this overlap.
01:16:347 (5) - I think you should get rid of this hit circle. If you want to keep it place it further from the slider.
01:22:680 (4) - Do something about this overlap.
01:23:180 (1,2,3,4) - Bit too spaced out for a hard difficulty. Maybe make the gaps smaller.
01:26:430 (3) - You should get rid of this circle. I've gotten a lot of 50 on this part :oops:

First off, the slider velocity is pretty high for an insane difficulty. Lower it a bit but you might have to do some re-mapping, only with the sliders.
00:08:847 (1) - Overlap again. There are more overlaps and they should be pretty easy to spot.
00:30:180 (8) - This should be placed further away from the 6 & 7.
00:31:013 (2) - Same with this. ^^
00:32:680 (8) - And this.
00:33:180 (1) - I think this should be a circle instead. Doesn't match the song when it's a slider.
00:33:013 (10) - If the slider after this circle is a circle, maybe you should get rid of this circle.
00:55:347 (2) - I think this should be moved to white tick and not have a repeat. If done so, space it further away from the repeat slider before it.
01:04:513 (3) - I think getting rid of this circle will match the song more.
01:04:513 (3) - Should be evenly spaced put between the circle and slider.
01:27:180 (1,2,3,4,5) - Re-map these circles/sliders. It's way too confusing to play like that.

That's all I've modded. Hopefully this was helpful :D
  1. 那三個Combo顏色裡面的兩個灰色太相似了,NC難以看清,為何要用灰色

  1. 00:18:013 (2) - 放遠一點啊,因為和前面隔了1/1拍的,也可以把00:17:180 (1) - 稍微改一改,像這樣放

    00:25:847 (7,8) - 換個位置吧,總疊在同樣的地方不好玩又難讀,比如這樣

    00:30:180 (8) - 放遠一點,畢竟和前面隔了1/1拍

    00:31:013 (2) - ^

    01:00:513 - 從這裡開始到後面的滑條又快又難讀,不怪得說適合ctb,但這不是重點,重點是同樣節奏的地方下的節奏不是同樣的,就是1/4和3/4放的亂七八糟。和上面花花說的類似,看得出你想抄HW的圖,但是很多細節位做得還不夠好,無論是排列上還是節奏上都不夠規律,整個圖看起來就很亂了。

  1. 00:05:513 (5,7) - 試試這樣放,更好看

    00:39:513 (7) - 建議NC

    00:46:513 (5,6,7,8,9) - 大鈍角好難打,我建議78換個位置

    01:00:513 - 從這裡開始可以參考HW的Helix看看慢速滑條怎麼放才神,但我不建議1st做成這樣,滑條太慢會出事。另外節奏還是要改善,1/4和3/4下的太亂了,同樣節奏的地方下同樣的節奏,排版是可以不同,但節奏一樣很重要

    01:09:847 (2,3,4,5) - 少放鈍角,不好打

    01:28:513 (7) - 滑條尾是大白線重音,建議換成圓圈,然後放遠一點
Topic Starter

Kencho wrote:

  1. 那三個Combo顏色裡面的兩個灰色太相似了,NC難以看清,為何要用灰色

  1. 00:18:013 (2) - 放遠一點啊,因為和前面隔了1/1拍的,也可以把00:17:180 (1) - 稍微改一改,像這樣放 我感觉这样挺好的

    00:25:847 (7,8) - 換個位置吧,總疊在同樣的地方不好玩又難讀,比如這樣

    00:30:180 (8) - 放遠一點,畢竟和前面隔了1/1拍

    00:31:013 (2) - ^ 这里我感觉这样就好

    01:00:513 - 從這裡開始到後面的滑條又快又難讀,不怪得說適合ctb,但這不是重點,重點是同樣節奏的地方下的節奏不是同樣的,就是1/4和3/4放的亂七八糟。和上面花花說的類似,看得出你想抄HW的圖,但是很多細節位做得還不夠好,無論是排列上還是節奏上都不夠規律,整個圖看起來就很亂了。

  1. 00:05:513 (5,7) - 試試這樣放,更好看

    00:39:513 (7) - 建議NC 这里NC后没那么好读了

    00:46:513 (5,6,7,8,9) - 大鈍角好難打,我建議78換個位置

    01:00:513 - 從這裡開始可以參考HW的Helix看看慢速滑條怎麼放才神,但我不建議1st做成這樣,滑條太慢會出事。另外節奏還是要改善,1/4和3/4下的太亂了,同樣節奏的地方下同樣的節奏,排版是可以不同,但節奏一樣很重要 考虑
    01:09:847 (2,3,4,5) - 少放鈍角,不好打 感觉还行吧

    01:28:513 (7) - 滑條尾是大白線重音,建議換成圓圈,然後放遠一點

i里看了一下后段是重新做了,不知道是不是为了拉高星数但是01:26:013 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个间距比起之前的部分一下子提升的太大了,感觉有点坑,感觉再考虑下吧。
顺便我觉得L好像是比I好打= = 虽说星不说明图的难易程度,但。。

以上 over
能力所限 随便说点

看了Flower的摸 表示女装大法好 所以以她说的为基础吧
第一感觉声音太大 依旧是100% 然后在高潮段降了音量 有点本末倒置0.0
finish和clap的问题 花花已经说过了 然后推荐加上自定义whistle(HW好多东方图啊 都可以拿来用

前30s只有finish 感觉有点单调得偷懒了(I难度里用了clap 由于100%太吵了 但是我感觉的话和whistle混用的话会有好的效果
然后接着是1/2铺满+白线whistle 没什么大问题吧 (这里轻重比较明显的 音量可以稍微控制的细致点
高潮只有听起来差不多的'咚'和'咚' 而且很多该有whistle的地方也是咚咚咚

音量最基本的建议是前面中 1/2段略小 高潮大

感觉为了统一style最好前面不要放2x的滑条吧 和后面差异是不是有点太大了
不过前面跟的是鼓声 这样摆也有道理的吧

推荐用CS4 CS3下3/4和1/2一起出现或者1/1和3/4一起出现的时候 很难区分 基本看上去一样

KIAI感觉还是有Flower说的问题 既然是这种不好读的style 还是推荐有规律的节奏和排列
像01:00:513 (1) - 和 01:03:847 (1,2) - 都是长音而且很近但是第二个却用了1/2

这里的大间距感觉不是在01:02:513 (2,3) - 而是在01:02:847 (3,1) -

01:04:180 (2,3) - 01:08:180 (5,6) - 同理

01:05:513 (1) - 没看错的话是KIAI唯一的一个折返

01:14:847 (1,2) - 突然出现两个3/4 后面还加上一个1/2 很难读 而且感觉节奏不连贯 推荐第二个改成1/2

01:27:180 (1,2,3) - 2的间距 很突兀 而且flow方向不对

01:03:180 (1,2) - 唯一的一处没有用跳 换成小间距也好

前半段和后半段的区别 01:09:847 (2,3,4,5) - 01:16:180 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 我比较喜欢的是间距的差别而不是flow的差别 (主要是这两种跳差别太大 后半段难度增加的太多

可能有些按我自己的想法来有点牵强 希望能帮到你~
Topic Starter

Chordzi wrote:

能力所限 随便说点

看了Flower的摸 表示女装大法好 所以以她说的为基础吧
第一感觉声音太大 依旧是100% 然后在高潮段降了音量 有点本末倒置0.0
finish和clap的问题 花花已经说过了 然后推荐加上自定义whistle(HW好多东方图啊 都可以拿来用

我也在找其他能够代替的音效 但目前这两个鼓音貌似是我觉得最满意的

前30s只有finish 感觉有点单调得偷懒了(I难度里用了clap 由于100%太吵了 但是我感觉的话和whistle混用的话会有好的效果
然后接着是1/2铺满+白线whistle 没什么大问题吧 (这里轻重比较明显的 音量可以稍微控制的细致点
高潮只有听起来差不多的'咚'和'咚' 而且很多该有whistle的地方也是咚咚咚

这个准备改 只是没实施而已;w;

音量最基本的建议是前面中 1/2段略小 高潮大 实际上就是因为鼓声太大 所以前面鼓的声音用得很少 后面鼓音一堆就显得很吵杂 所以才把后面降音的

感觉为了统一style最好前面不要放2x的滑条吧 和后面差异是不是有点太大了
不过前面跟的是鼓声 这样摆也有道理的吧 这个暂时不考虑,看后面人怎么说

推荐用CS4 CS3下3/4和1/2一起出现或者1/1和3/4一起出现的时候 很难区分 基本看上去一样 实际上这里打的话感觉区别还是比较大的 而且主要改成CS4后星数飞太高了 改CS4的话我需要补个难度 或者重新remap

KIAI感觉还是有Flower说的问题 既然是这种不好读的style 还是推荐有规律的节奏和排列 稍微修改了点
像01:00:513 (1) - 和 01:03:847 (1,2) - 都是长音而且很近但是第二个却用了1/2 固定

这里的大间距感觉不是在01:02:513 (2,3) - 而是在01:02:847 (3,1) - 固定

01:04:180 (2,3) - 01:08:180 (5,6) - 同理 固定

01:05:513 (1) - 没看错的话是KIAI唯一的一个折返 恩...有问题吗

01:14:847 (1,2) - 突然出现两个3/4 后面还加上一个1/2 很难读 而且感觉节奏不连贯 推荐第二个改成1/2 并没有很难度 因为间距的原因

01:27:180 (1,2,3) - 2的间距 很突兀 而且flow方向不对
稍微修改了下 不过2的间距是故意留下的 考虑修改

01:03:180 (1,2) - 唯一的一处没有用跳 换成小间距也好 ?我后面也有1/2滑条没用跳的啊

前半段和后半段的区别 01:09:847 (2,3,4,5) - 01:16:180 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 我比较喜欢的是间距的差别而不是flow的差别 (主要是这两种跳差别太大 后半段难度增加的太多
暂时不动 因为这段打着很爽

可能有些按我自己的想法来有点牵强 希望能帮到你~
Topic Starter

Mollon wrote:


i里看了一下后段是重新做了,不知道是不是为了拉高星数但是01:26:013 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个间距比起之前的部分一下子提升的太大了,感觉有点坑,感觉再考虑下吧。
顺便我觉得L好像是比I好打= = 虽说星不说明图的难易程度,但。。

以上 over
实际上L的确比I好大 EN我想先再试试 I那个地方是故意为了拉星的...
This post is generated by EK's osu modpost generator.
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Gray=Feel free to ignore

00:01:847 (1,2,3,4,5) - 稍微顺时针转一下 这样会比较顺手
00:03:513 (3,4,5,2,3,4) - 不摆成一条线是故意的? 看了后面感觉串都是手工摆的呢……或许用滑条转连打会更匀称点 嘛算了反正也不怎么影响外观
00:15:180 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^这个比前面的还飘逸
00:25:180 (1) - 这个跟前面放一起十分卡手啊,感觉这边的整体flow应该朝右下方才对
00:29:847 (1,2) - 这里间距也是有点小,比较容易读成1/4
01:27:180 (1,2,3) - 有点善良
01:03:513 (2) - 不上音效?
00:37:180 (6,1) - blanket

00:52:013 - 跟00:38:680 - 音效统一下
01:08:680 (2) - 这个遮挡十分不好读,flow也有点怪

00:32:347 (1) - 转盘尾往前拉半拍吧,现在这样对于hard还是难了点
00:40:680 (1) - 拉滑条要认真对好间距啊(强迫症脸
00:55:680 (2) - 这种的话宁可变间距也不要遮挡了吧(
01:03:180 (1) - 1/1滑条加单点比较好?3/2漏音啦
00:20:180 - finish?啥音效都不加跟滑条头比起来音量差太大
00:27:180 - 漏音效
01:10:513 - ^

00:40:513 (1,2) - blanket(强迫症脸
01:10:013 (6,7,8) - normal里放这个还是有点危险

01:27:180 (1) - finish
下次找你mod 现在还没图





00:09:680 (4) - 这个太近了 试试这个?
00:15:180 (4) - 虽然NC了 但觉得用滑条可能更好
00:21:847 (3) - x:120 y:260
00:31:013 (2,3,1) - ...
00:35:680 (3) - 只有这里是jump的 虽然能打 但是.. 试试这个?



00:24:347 (2,3) - 不是说不能打 个人来说不喜欢这种都折回去了 note在反方向的flow
00:25:847 (7) - 离(6)太近
00:27:180 (1,2) - 这个也是 为什么这么近
00:28:013 (3) - 这个3的位置放的不好

我不理解为什么要用这么快速度的滑条 音效太响了 是在模仿hw的风格吗 想学但是没学到位的感觉 还是多融入点自己的风格吧

不是说高难度就可以随便用间距了 起码你要让玩家知道这里是停顿 那里是jump
Hey, I'm from my queue :D

Why offset is negative? I don't get it... I would prefer making it positive


00:01:347 - I would make it a little bit further or stack it with previous slider to mark the little break between them
00:33:847 - Don't you think the SV is too small for this DS or the DS is too big for this SV (I'm more in the first case)
00:43:013 - move this (7) somewhere else to at least match the DS or just to look nicer
00:45:513 - That is ugly slider
01:12:680 (2,1) - this is really disturbing to play

Really fun map! :3 Good luck!
Topic Starter

CptSqBany wrote:

Hey, I'm from my queue :D

Why offset is negative? I don't get it... I would prefer making it positive Keep my first opinion


00:01:347 - I would make it a little bit further or stack it with previous slider to mark the little break between them In fact, there is no problem here.
00:33:847 - Don't you think the SV is too small for this DS or the DS is too big for this SV (I'm more in the first case) Actually taking into account the SD here I do not intend to modify it 00:34:013 (2,1) -
00:43:013 - move this (7) somewhere else to at least match the DS or just to look nicer Here I have changed a lot of times, and now the location is the most suitable for me to play
00:45:513 - That is ugly slider 00:43:847 (1) corresponding to the slide bar.
01:12:680 (2,1) - this is really disturbing to play I'll think about it.

Really fun map! :3 Good luck!
Topic Starter

Axey wrote:

下次找你mod 现在还没图





00:09:680 (4) - 这个太近了 试试这个? 改了
00:15:180 (4) - 虽然NC了 但觉得用滑条可能更好 感觉这样挺好的
00:21:847 (3) - x:120 y:260 改了
00:31:013 (2,3,1) - ... 改了NC顺序
00:35:680 (3) - 只有这里是jump的 虽然能打 但是.. 试试这个? puu看不到 不过我改成了和后面一样的



00:24:347 (2,3) - 不是说不能打 个人来说不喜欢这种都折回去了 note在反方向的flow 还行吧 我打这种不卡手
00:25:847 (7) - 离(6)太近 这里暂时不打算修改 保留kencho的建议
00:27:180 (1,2) - 这个也是 为什么这么近 同上
00:28:013 (3) - 这个3的位置放的不好 我感觉挺好的

我不理解为什么要用这么快速度的滑条 音效太响了 是在模仿hw的风格吗 想学但是没学到位的感觉 还是多融入点自己的风格吧

不是说高难度就可以随便用间距了 起码你要让玩家知道这里是停顿 那里是jump
Topic Starter

EmingK wrote:

This post is generated by EK's osu modpost generator.
Red=unrankable issue
Purple=Emphasis suggestion
Gray=Feel free to ignore
clap跟finish噪音好大啊。。。每次有finish的时候暂停柑橘耳朵受到了伤害 暂时没找到能代替的音效 我在改这个

00:01:847 (1,2,3,4,5) - 稍微顺时针转一下 这样会比较顺手
00:03:513 (3,4,5,2,3,4) - 不摆成一条线是故意的? 看了后面感觉串都是手工摆的呢……或许用滑条转连打会更匀称点 嘛算了反正也不怎么影响外观 修改了点小细节 实际上的确全程手摆的
00:15:180 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^这个比前面的还飘逸 故意留了一点角度的连打 考虑后又改了点东西
00:25:180 (1) - 这个跟前面放一起十分卡手啊,感觉这边的整体flow应该朝右下方才对
00:29:847 (1,2) - 这里间距也是有点小,比较容易读成1/4 应该不会
01:27:180 (1,2,3) - 有点善良 故意留的地方 前面有人说过了...如果还有人指出这里我会改的
01:03:513 (2) - 不上音效? 漏了;w;
00:37:180 (6,1) - blanket

00:52:013 - 跟00:38:680 - 音效统一下 实际上这里是故意留的
01:08:680 (2) - 这个遮挡十分不好读,flow也有点怪 暂时不考虑修改 因为这个地方已经改了很多次了 如果有人还点到这里我会改的

00:32:347 (1) - 转盘尾往前拉半拍吧,现在这样对于hard还是难了点
00:40:680 (1) - 拉滑条要认真对好间距啊(强迫症脸 这个地方就是针对强迫症扭的
00:55:680 (2) - 这种的话宁可变间距也不要遮挡了吧( 也许不?
01:03:180 (1) - 1/1滑条加单点比较好?3/2漏音啦 所以在这个地方改变了滑条速度和放了NC 为的就是覆盖 这里有理由不改
00:20:180 - finish?啥音效都不加跟滑条头比起来音量差太大
00:27:180 - 漏音效 改了
01:10:513 - ^ 改了

00:40:513 (1,2) - blanket(强迫症脸 不要;w;
01:10:013 (6,7,8) - normal里放这个还是有点危险
减速似乎也有点意义不明(拿这个来压星似乎不是啥好方法 考虑修改 (其实之前打算改了 就是懒

01:27:180 (1) - finish 改了
Topic Starter

Topic Starter

LunaSaika wrote:


谢了 不过暂时不需要 1st现在想全难度单人飞
Hi, m4m from your queue!

  1. There are two combo colours that are so similar to each other; one's a grey and one is a whiter grey. These can be hard to tell apart, so I recommend changing them so that they can be distinguished easier.
  1. 00:00:513 (1,2) - This distance snap is inconsistent, the rest of the map uses 1.00 and these notes use 0.70. It's important to keep distance snap consistent on easier diffs because newcomers are still learning the correlation between spacing and when to hit the objects.
  2. 00:19:847 (5,1) - Again, the spacing is inconsistent. To fix this you can either move (1) further away or you could fix this by mapping to the rhythm before it, because that way you're being more consistent with the music as well.
Not much to say about this really. I didn't like the ending, because rather than mapping to the instruments like you did in the beginning, you decided to add long, overlapping sliders to map to the violin instead. These overlaps can be confusing for beginners, and they could have more fun playing to other instruments.

  1. 00:18:847 (4,5,6) - This rhythm would support the music better if (4,5) were 1/2 away from each other on the timeline, that way you're not missing a powerful piano sound and the powerful beat at 00:19:847 will be clickable if you put a circle there. Here's a picture of the rhythm I have in mind:
  2. 00:40:513 (1,2) - This set of sliders look unpleasing because the lines aren't perfectly parallel throughout? You should tighten it up a bit so it looks more like this. This is better because it looks much tidier imo.
  3. 01:13:847 (1,5,1,1) - Like I said in Easy, you shouldn't map to these violins, they're not fun and the sliders they create overlap with each other which looks unpleasing. There's a myriad of other instruments you could map to instead.
  1. 00:19:847 (7,1) - Spacing error, me and a lot of players would probably think that (1) is 1/2 away judging from previous notes. This plays poorly because the player has no way of telling when to hit it, so I suggest moving it further so it complies with distance snap.
  2. 00:21:013 (2,3) - ^ Again, this is bad as well.
  3. 00:24:347 (2,3) - ^
  4. 00:26:013 (6,1,2) - ^ especially this. Despite the NC, players will trip up on this because of similar 1/2 triplets that can be abundantly found before it. They'll just assume this is going to have the same spacing in the timeline as well. Either reduce the spacing from (6,1) so they stack, that way the player knows that they're probably a beat apart so they'll wait, or just distance them to the distance snap. The same also applies for 00:31:013 (2,1,2) -
  5. 00:33:180 - I found that the sound here needs a bit more emphasis, but it is covered by a spinner. For this reason, I strongly recommend ending the spinner here so there is a sound.
  6. 00:38:847 (3,1) - Make the curves towards the bottom of the sliders parallel, it will look a lot nicer that way.
  7. 00:40:680 (1,2,3,4) - I'm really not fond of this overlap. Despite it being hard difficulty, overlaps may still cause reading problems. It also looks quite bad, so I recommend you change it for that reason.
  8. 00:52:180 (3) - I'm not sure what to say about this slider. The thing attatched to it looks more like a lump than a loop. Whilst doing slider loops, make sure there is a visible, tear shaped hole, otherwise it may look lopsided and wonky.
  9. 00:57:847 (3,1) - Again, watch your spacing.
  1. 00:25:847 (7,8) - I'm not sure about the spacing here, it could easily confuse players. You should move the notes closer together to make things clearer.
  2. 00:33:847 (3) - From this point on wards, these are the only sliders you seem to use for a while. While they flow well and are fun to play, the rhythm can get a bit monotonous so you should add a bit of variety here.
  3. 00:54:180 (6,1) - Unrankable, all repeat arrows on sliders must be visible. They can't be stacked, otherwise players can miss the repeat arrow and miss.
  4. 01:24:347 (2,4) - Again, this is unrankable as well, for the same reasons as 00:54:180 (6,1) -
I love how Insane and Lunatic are completely different in terms of slider velocity. It's a very unique concept.
  1. 01:13:513 (4,5) - You should increase the spacing here, considering how the notes at (5) have quite a lot of energy to them
  2. 01:25:513 (3,4,5) - This pattern feels out of place, so you should make the angles here sharper. As a result, players will have for fun playing that pattern as well.
Overall I liked insane and extra. They are fun to play and very unique in their own right, I just feel that they could be a bit more polished, however. For the lower difficulties, you should watch your distance snap and make sure the player is easily able to predict when to hit the notes. The hitsounding was done very well on all difficulties.

I shot a star, good luck!
Topic Starter

-Faded- wrote:

Hi, m4m from your queue!

  1. There are two combo colours that are so similar to each other; one's a grey and one is a whiter grey. These can be hard to tell apart, so I recommend changing them so that they can be distinguished easier.
I deepened black

  1. 00:00:513 (1,2) - This distance snap is inconsistent, the rest of the map uses 1.00 and these notes use 0.70. It's important to keep distance snap consistent on easier diffs because newcomers are still learning the correlation between spacing and when to hit the objects.
  2. 00:19:847 (5,1) - Again, the spacing is inconsistent. To fix this you can either move (1) further away or you could fix this by mapping to the rhythm before it, because that way you're being more consistent with the music as well.
Not much to say about this really. I didn't like the ending, because rather than mapping to the instruments like you did in the beginning, you decided to add long, overlapping sliders to map to the violin instead. These overlaps can be confusing for beginners, and they could have more fun playing to other instruments.
I might have to give up the difficulty,I need a GD

  1. 00:18:847 (4,5,6) - This rhythm would support the music better if (4,5) were 1/2 away from each other on the timeline, that way you're not missing a powerful piano sound and the powerful beat at 00:19:847 will be clickable if you put a circle there. Here's a picture of the rhythm I have in mind:
  2. 00:40:513 (1,2) - This set of sliders look unpleasing because the lines aren't perfectly parallel throughout? You should tighten it up a bit so it looks more like this. This is better because it looks much tidier imo. fixed
  3. 01:13:847 (1,5,1,1) - Like I said in Easy, you shouldn't map to these violins, they're not fun and the sliders they create overlap with each other which looks unpleasing. There's a myriad of other instruments you could map to instead.
Temporarily not intended to modify
  1. 00:19:847 (7,1) - Spacing error, me and a lot of players would probably think that (1) is 1/2 away judging from previous notes. This plays poorly because the player has no way of telling when to hit it, so I suggest moving it further so it complies with distance snap. fixed
  2. 00:21:013 (2,3) - ^ Again, this is bad as well. fixed
  3. 00:24:347 (2,3) - ^ fixed
  4. 00:26:013 (6,1,2) - ^ especially this. Despite the NC, players will trip up on this because of similar 1/2 triplets that can be abundantly found before it. They'll just assume this is going to have the same spacing in the timeline as well. Either reduce the spacing from (6,1) so they stack, that way the player knows that they're probably a beat apart so they'll wait, or just distance them to the distance snap. The same also applies for 00:31:013 (2,1,2) - fixed
  5. 00:33:180 - I found that the sound here needs a bit more emphasis, but it is covered by a spinner. For this reason, I strongly recommend ending the spinner here so there is a sound. fixed
  6. 00:38:847 (3,1) - Make the curves towards the bottom of the sliders parallel, it will look a lot nicer that way. no
  7. 00:40:680 (1,2,3,4) - I'm really not fond of this overlap. Despite it being hard difficulty, overlaps may still cause reading problems. It also looks quite bad, so I recommend you change it for that
  8. 00:52:180 (3) - I'm not sure what to say about this slider. The thing attatched to it looks more like a lump than a loop. Whilst doing slider loops, make sure there is a visible, tear shaped hole, otherwise it may look lopsided and wonky. no
  9. 00:57:847 (3,1) - Again, watch your spacing.
  1. 00:25:847 (7,8) - I'm not sure about the spacing here, it could easily confuse players. You should move the notes closer together to make things clearer. I feel like there's no problem here.
  2. 00:33:847 (3) - From this point on wards, these are the only sliders you seem to use for a while. While they flow well and are fun to play, the rhythm can get a bit monotonous so you should add a bit of variety here. fixed
  3. 00:54:180 (6,1) - Unrankable, all repeat arrows on sliders must be visible. They can't be stacked, otherwise players can miss the repeat arrow and miss.
  4. 01:24:347 (2,4) - Again, this is unrankable as well, for the same reasons as 00:54:180 (6,1) -
I love how Insane and Lunatic are completely different in terms of slider velocity. It's a very unique concept.
  1. 01:13:513 (4,5) - You should increase the spacing here, considering how the notes at (5) have quite a lot of energy to them fixed
  2. 01:25:513 (3,4,5) - This pattern feels out of place, so you should make the angles here sharper. As a result, players will have for fun playing that pattern as well.fixed
Overall I liked insane and extra. They are fun to play and very unique in their own right, I just feel that they could be a bit more polished, however. For the lower difficulties, you should watch your distance snap and make sure the player is easily able to predict when to hit the notes. The hitsounding was done very well on all difficulties.

I shot a star, good luck!
thanks very much
Topic Starter

-Tochi wrote:

  • General

  1. Looks fine.

  • Lunatic

  1. 00:22:347 (1) - This NC isn''t needed imo.

  • Insane

  1. 00:28:013 (3) - Stack it more properly?
  2. 01:16:180 (2) - This should be 1/2, 1/4 is overmapped, because there's nothing really supporting the blue tick.
  3. 01:17:847 (3) - Same as above.
  4. 01:19:347 (2) - Same.
  5. 01:22:513 (4,5) - These two are also overmapped, and shouldn't be 1/4
  6. 01:24:847 (4) - This fits more with the music, so idk if u want to change this.
  7. This diff reminds me of HW lol.

  • Hard

  1. Cool sliders, 00:38:847 (3,1) -
  2. 00:50:180 (6) - This is confusing, at least for some noob players, it would highly recommend to remove one repeat, and put a circle that stacks on the slider, before the slider like:
  3. 00:54:013 (1,2,3) - This overlap doesn't look great, but i don't think u can do much about it.

  • Feedback

    Nice map, good luck o/
Topic Starter

Tedda wrote:

I like the music and the BG. Good choice! :)

00:33:180 (4,5) - You should get rid of the 5 and make the 4 into a slider, ending it on the red tick after the 5.
00:35:513 (2,3,4) - I think that you should get rid of the 3 and 4 and turn the 2 into a slider, ending on the white tick that the 4 started on.
00:37:513 (5,6) - You should get rid of the 6 and turn the 5 into a slider, ending on white tick that 6 ended on.
00:38:847 (7,8) - Same here. Make 7 longer and end it on the white tick that 8 landed on. Delete 8 too.
00:45:180 (4,5) - And... Maybe here...

00:26:847 (1) - The circle should be placed a bit further if it lands on the white tick. It will confuse people, just like it did to me.
00:54:013 (1) - Do something about this overlap.
01:16:347 (5) - I think you should get rid of this hit circle. If you want to keep it place it further from the slider.
01:22:680 (4) - Do something about this overlap.
01:23:180 (1,2,3,4) - Bit too spaced out for a hard difficulty. Maybe make the gaps smaller.
01:26:430 (3) - You should get rid of this circle. I've gotten a lot of 50 on this part :oops:

First off, the slider velocity is pretty high for an insane difficulty. Lower it a bit but you might have to do some re-mapping, only with the sliders.
00:08:847 (1) - Overlap again. There are more overlaps and they should be pretty easy to spot.
00:30:180 (8) - This should be placed further away from the 6 & 7.
00:31:013 (2) - Same with this. ^^
00:32:680 (8) - And this.
00:33:180 (1) - I think this should be a circle instead. Doesn't match the song when it's a slider.
00:33:013 (10) - If the slider after this circle is a circle, maybe you should get rid of this circle.
00:55:347 (2) - I think this should be moved to white tick and not have a repeat. If done so, space it further away from the repeat slider before it.
01:04:513 (3) - I think getting rid of this circle will match the song more.
01:04:513 (3) - Should be evenly spaced put between the circle and slider.
01:27:180 (1,2,3,4,5) - Re-map these circles/sliders. It's way too confusing to play like that.

That's all I've modded. Hopefully this was helpful :D

Nunnally Lamperouge
00:18:847 (4,5,6,7) - 有点蠢,不好看
00:25:847 (7) - NC
00:27:513 (2) - 这里放个NOTE
00:28:013 (3) - 和4的头放在一起
00:33:347 (2) - 和00:33:180 (1) - 挪开点,比如这样
01:02:013 (4) - 别放在这
01:04:347 (2) - 太远了
01:06:430 (3,4) - 别叠,挪开点
01:12:013 (4) - 别放那
01:13:180 (2,3,4) - 这排列····挪开点,或者换一个
01:18:180 (5) - 挪开点
01:28:180 (3,4,5) - 有点难

00:34:013 (2) - 过慢,之后很多滑条也是,还是建议别把速度这么慢
00:43:847 (1,4) - 丑
00:46:513 (5,6,7,8,9) - 别变DS跳,接下去个滑条立马就慢了··你不觉得难过吗···
00:55:680 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - 这两撮分开点
00:59:847 (7,1,1) - 拉远拉的过头了
00:59:847 (7,1,1,1,2,3) - 太慢,之后这种长度距离的滑条都是
01:13:013 (1) - 和01:13:180 (2) - 对调
01:13:513 (4,1,2,3) - 别挤在一起
01:16:180 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 瞎鸡巴跳,后面基本都是跳的问题了

00:14:680 (2,3) - 改改
00:16:347 (2,3) - 同上
00:35:847 (4,5,6,7,8) - 拉远点
00:55:680 (2,3,4,5,6) - 2别遮住,另外这段建议重新换梗
01:23:180 (1,2,3,4) - 毫不留情
01:26:680 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 太直白了
I wanted to replace the screen in the description :D

Replay if you want:

Have fun! :D
Topic Starter

CptSqBany wrote:

I wanted to replace the screen in the description :D

Replay if you want:

Have fun! :D
wow ok
But if I update Lunatic, maybe I'll cancel it.
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